AADA10 COURSE (Part 2) - Rhinoceros 3D introduction for Architects

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[Music] hi there and welcome to part two of our uh d10 course tutorial series where we're still looking into basic stuff and in rhino but now at least i will start actually modeling the the pavilion so maybe that's going to be a little bit more interesting for those of you who are already familiar with rhino it's not going to be anything too fancy i will try to cover as many different methods of modeling and tools of modeling as possible but i will not go into deep detail uh into you know these kind of a very niche tools and and so on i will not be covering those uh said that i i have planned later on down the line probably still during this year i will be creating an additional tutorial series with advanced 3d modeling techniques where we are going to look into much more complex tools than what you would expect to see in in these tutorials but that's going to be probably in november for now let's uh let's begin working on this on this little pavilion well i see a little but actually it's it's pretty large i believe let me use distance uh command to check what i did last 32 meters by eight meters okay so it's not little by no stretch of imagination it's it's quite quite large actually um let us see how can we make it nicer you know well i still want to keep it as this kind of boxy shape right so i will the plan is to have it let me just copy the slab upwards by uh three meters um i still want to have it like boxed in like that um without any fancy changes in the in the form or the outline of of the pavilion itself the footprint yeah the the correct term is footprint of the pulling itself why did it become so dark hello there we go um so i want to keep it square or rectangular but what happens inside of it we can mess around with that so let's do it um i will take this floor slab that i've created because this is or stuff on which i will build the pavilion and first of all i will just take a point a single point and i will put it where i want like on the edge so make sure that um object snap is turned on and also that um i believe nearest snap should be fine so near a snap is turned on so that you can snap to an edge of the box and wherever i want to have entrance or exit of the pavilion i'll just put a point so that i don't forget right so i guess there can be the entrance and also kind of here maybe oh this is right on the middle yeah sure i'll add one point there right so it's going to be like this walkthrough [Music] walkthrough pavilion i think that's that's going to be quite nice okay let me now select the box select the two points holding down the shift key i accidentally selected the landscape as well so to unselect it to remove it from selection i'll just hold down the control key and click on it um so now i do have my floor slab and my point selected let me just um isolate them so what isolate is let me first type it in isolate enter so what isolate is it basically hides everything except for the the geometry that you have selected while you were running the isolate tool right so it's basically hide everything except what i have selected type of web tool all right so i have this floor slab to work with and let me show make sure that i am working in the helper layer so that's great that basically help the helper layer is where i i will keep all of my geometry that is just there to help right that's why i call it helper layer um so let's see what we can do uh maybe we can start working with curves on top of the surface of this floor slab so that means to work on top of the surface of the floor slab i will need to make sure that um all of the points when i'm creating a polyline or curves all of the points that i'm snapping to are points um around the edges of the surface right they can't be at the bottom of the surface and so on because then my curves will be three-dimensional i want them flat right so i can only snap to the perimeter of the top surface of the slab so let's see how we can do that um i will take my control point curve here like that i'll start from bottom left and maybe um so the first control point is the bottom left then the second control point might be the middle edge here middle of the edge let me zoom in so that you can see better right this point here uh so you can see it's it's basically creating a starting to draw a curve along this but uh since i'm not snapping to the third point is snapping to the ground it's it's becoming three-dimensional again i don't want it to happen right so i need to snap uh what do we do do we do perpendicular yeah let's do perpendicular so i do perpendicular snap here and i finish up on this opposite corner here once i'm done i just hit enter so enter button will finish it up and i have a nice little curve here doing its thing all right so i have that and that curve in particular is going to be like the axis of my of my pavilion let me actually give you an idea of what i'm trying to do so i have a let me draw it in 2d so i have a pavilion blue is not great for this there we go i have a pavilion right well maybe it's not that fat they're not that thin it's a little bit fatter right and i have uh my my lines keep all over the place and i i have an entrance right to the pavilion which is marked out by this point right here and i have an exit from this pavilion which is marked out by a point right here right so this is basically me showing you that right so now all of you are following me and then what i'm doing is i'm creating a central axis that is not just this right well actually this would be the simplest central axis here but i'm not doing that instead i am doing a twisted one like that right only that i'm doing it in uh on the floor slab but not in two dimensions okay so i have that and then my plan is to actually draw so so basically take take this entrance point and make it wider right so to to incorporate the actual thickness is it thickness with the actual width of the it became freaking there we go right again um actual width of the path that goes into the to the pavilion because right now it's just it's marked out by a point i need it to be wider right so i'll just take that point i'll move it to the side by um let's give it like two meters something like that and then i'll maybe do something like f8 to to snap it to vertical direction um [Music] let's see two meters up then snap to perpendicular here and then maybe uh five meters up again no 5 is a bit too [Music] so here i'm working with proportion right i know that this is this curve is going to work but i'm working with what will look nice so i can see that 5 is not sorry is it 5 3 no that 5 is not going to look nice or maybe it will we will we will need to see but the thoughts are what if i take this curve then and take this control point and move it up by 3 like so so that it becomes a much more of a wave and then let me do tween curves remember from the previous tutorial twin curves and just see how one curve will bleed to the other that's actually not bad um of course there's a lot of curves right now here uh but i think that is okay it can get super dense there but that's fine okay sure so i'll do something like that only with my three-dimensional shape so where do we start with well we start with these points right if i show so if you type in show it will show the landscape as well right cool so since it's showing the landscape i can see that this point right here can be moved to the [Music] basically away from this curve so along this edge see how i snap to the edge to the red edge here it's important to do that oh my god i need automatic iso values here nope yep um so again i'm snapping to the edge of the floor slab all right and i am typing in a number right by how much do i want to move along that edge so i'll type in two enter and now it doesn't matter where i snap it's going to move by two right so let me just snap to that edge here again so now that point was moved along the edge by two i'll do the same thing here only to the opposite side because i want to make a little bit larger of a gap here between this this form here and the point so move that point from here to here by two again okay so we have that done and actually i'll hide the landscape so whether we hide the landscape right to hide the landscape you can either turn off its layer layer preview or you can just select the landscape and type in hide if you know that you will keep hiding stuff and you will forget about it and then you will think why is my computer so laggy then it's better to do it with the layers right but if you're very clean in the way you work then it's it's fine to just use hide and then if you want to show it again you type in show and hit enter and then it will show the landscape so it's hide show isolate three tools all right uh so in terms of this uh this this uh what i'm gonna call it procedure let's call it procedure uh let me just create a control point curve again and this time i will snap to let's start with this point so i will snap to this point so i'm starting to draw from it i'll make sure that helper layer is the active one and i'll turn off also just for now um so i'll snap to perpendicular uh perpendicular point or direction on the opposite edge on this top surface right like that but i will not be snapping directly to it but rather uh by doing so i just describe the direction and now i will type in a number right so i'll type in um and how long do i want or how big of a gap do i want between the first control point and the second control point of my curve so i'll type in five five meters again snap to perpendicular and it starts drawing it in five meters right so now i need from this point i need a 90 degree angle snap to this point right here which is again a perpendicular snap so that's that works out right perpendicular is 90 degrees right so that works out i just click to snap and then i will probably move by two meters right here and snap again so the last point is along this edge moved by two meters if you want to like let's say you do it right and then you look at it and you go like could be better right uh you can select the curve and it either will show you the control points of the curve by default or if it doesn't you can type in point points on or hit f10 on your keyboard and then you will be able to for instance take these two points m enter short for move so you select the points you type in m enter and then you move them let's say from this point along the edge by two meters right so just slides along the edge and thus you create a bigger gap and so it becomes a little bit nicer i wonder maybe this point should be like that and then two here and then this guy can be two more meters here i think that's going to do the trick looks quite intense but i think it's going to look nice so let's see what kind of um what kind of qualities we would get if i were to use tween between two curves so tween twin curves enter and let me hide the floor slab just for a second so i get something like this i think that's fine i think that this is something we can work with and i'll explain why am i looking at tween in just a second but this just actually i can do it now it shows me the the way one form bleeds into the other form right so this is just my approach of working with curvature yours might be different okay so we have that let me undo a bunch of times and let me repeat the same procedure with the other point right so i purposely made two points just because uh it will force me to repeat myself then every every step that i do right so control point curve again and this time i'll do it faster of course uh control point curve uh i start from this point i snap to perpendicular but instead of clicking i type in five so that it's only five meters long click then i snap to perpendicular right here and i end up along this edge by two meters again here right so i type in two meters and move them along this edge and then i fix it by taking this point and moving it back by let's say three meters maybe more let's go for five meters like that that's that's good enough uh so now i don't need the points anymore so i just select them and delete them and i have my three curves right so all i did in this whole time is just create three curves but that is that is a okay with me okay so we have um these three curves are going to be um how do you explain it these three curves are going to be like the bases of of the building right um now let me do walls so actually i will have three walls here in in this building wall a will be we'll see right or rather wall a b c right so this is the main one uh the main wall uh let me just quickly ex do i sorry i'm blabbing but i'm i'm thinking and doing at the same time and also explaining um just a second i need to think about it okay so this wall is going to be volumetric right it's going to have thickness and why are the trees here go we trees so i just hide the layer uh so the wall will need to have thickness if i do it now let me just show you real quickly and i will not even explain what i'm doing um right i give it thickness so now it's it's uh let me go for um arctic view i give it thickness so now it's it's a thick wall and it kind of snaps quite nicely it's it's a very awkward area here but that's fine but this wall kind of works works in this matter in this case but it doesn't work here right that's because it's it's being thickened to to one side right um if i do it on the other side right uh [Music] like that right so it's clean here the connection is clean here but then it messes up here right so there's no correct answer in this case what i'm going to do see that what i'm going to do is i will take that i will take that curve that i have and i will preemptively um um let me think i will i will need to preemptively move that curve the control points of that curve along according to the thickness of of the future wall that is going to be so notice how the wall was overlapping so first of all i need to decide what what is going to be the thickness of that wall and i'm thinking since this is like a core wall i will have it as 30 centimeters right it doesn't have any insulation but it's still going to be a thick boy right so 30 centimeters so what i'm going to do is i'll take this point here and this point here these two points move i will move them along this edge right because this is like a 90 degree angle edge right so might as well use it i'll move them along this edge by 0.3 meters like that so you can see the gap here so there's a gap there but there is no gap here that's because now hopefully it's going to make sense to you we extrude the curve up by 3 meters no let's do more let's do [Music] how much do we do let's do 5 meters no 5 is a lot but this is a long long pavilion yeah let's do 5 meters so i extrude the curve by five meters up like that so thus i have a a surface and then sorry and then i take the surface and i use i can either use extrude extrude surface tool that would work or i can use offset surface tool that would also work so whichever [Music] whichever you're more comfortable with i can show you an explanation of what's the difference between the two let me just make a very funky surface something like that and let me me make a copy of it so i have two surfaces right on one of them i will use extrude srf extrude surface and make sure that solid is set to yes and delete input is at yes right so i extrude it up and it creates this kind of a geometry and why is it so if it's so jagged if it's so messed up then you can actually type in options and you can go to mesh and here you can just choose smooth and slower and then it's going to kind of smooth it out a little bit if it's still you know not that nice then you can use custom settings and detailed controls and here you can kind of go to town on it um maximum angle actually the maximum angle that i want is five okay that was uh nope nope nope now you'll be looking how i mess up my whole damn oh no my rhino oh no please uh maximum aspect ratio minimum action actually all of that is fine maximum distance edge to surface uh 0.001 uh that is 10 centimeters one centimeter one millimeter okay all right now all right now let me just go to options smooth and slower let's just leave it be you know just choose smoother slower if you want a nicer result okay let's uh continue with the tutorial so this is extrude surface right offset surface offset srf enter first of all we'll ask you to choose the direction well actually extrude surface also asks you would you like to extrude up or down but here basically you just change the direction by clicking on the surface and you can see the arrows will flip over and then here the distance you just type in what kind of distance you want so let me just type in like five i don't i have no idea what's the size of this but i think five meters will be big enough right and i hit enter okay so what's the difference right with extrude surface it was thickened according to [Music] one single direction so all of the points of the surface were moved along one direction right offset surface will that direction in which the control points are copied you know to create a second surface at thickness uh that direction uh relies on the tangents not engines perpendicular vectors from that surface right so if i do [Music] something like this something like that so now i'm creating a section through this so notice how on the offset surface it's going to always keep the same thickness [Music] while here the thickness changes according to the the angle of the surface right so that's that's the main difference right for double curved surfaces uh offset surface is usually a better idea um but yeah so in in this case it's actually going to be quite the same result be it we use we are using offset surface or extrude surface uh just because it's going to be harder to use extrude surface with this one let me show you how to uh how to do that right so i'll select this surface i'll type extrude srf extrude surface and see it it tries to extrude it up or down right which has makes no sense right in rhino uh in this case right so how do we fix that well we fix that by choosing direction for extrusion here i click on direction and then i will specify that well the direction needs to be from here to here right so we're basically extruding along that vector so now it makes sense um and i just type in 0.3 right that's the thickness of my wall hit enter and we are done we have a wall all right so now we have our uh our wall a single wall done and i will want to do it with the other two um how do we achieve this sorry i'm now just thinking thinking out loud um so one thing that i really want to do here is three dimensionality right i want this to be um [Music] this wall and this wall these two to be three dimensional and actually go away floor slab height i i don't need the floor slab anymore i will work with only with these it's a good idea to always hide stuff so that you don't um you don't you're not overwhelmed by the amount of geometry that you need to deal with at once so you only work with stuff that you actually need to see okay so this um let me make actually let me take these two and copy them up so holding down alt key i will press on the arrow gumball arrow let me copy them up by three meters uh is it three no it's i think we used like five meters or for the large wall so let me do five meters actually like that okay so we have that going on um and then let me take the top curve here and actually let me use only these two control points and move them down by minus 2.5 meters minus 2.5 now i'll do the same thing with this control this curve here these two control points again if you don't see the control points it's f10 or the command points on so take those two points move them down by minus 2.5 this one is a little bit too intense so let me create a new layer call it walls let's learn how to write walls walls there we go and change object layer just so that you know it's it's not so much in there's no not so much blue in your face okay so we have this and this and let me make them volumetric so i will take these two curves and i will lock them so you select both of them and you type in loft and you just hit ok so that's done and then actually i don't need the curves anymore so let i will need the curves but that's going to be later so i will just be deleting them right now lit and i will select these two curves here as well right there like that loft okay [Applause] um right whoops accidentally pressed the wrong button um so now we have two surfaces we need to make the volumetric and in this case it's going to be quite easy right we just need to select the first one and we offset surface this time i'll use offset surface i will not use extrude surface offset surface and i will offset it by this one can be weaker so 0.2 0.2 meters it's still pretty thick but 0.2 should be fine so it gets offsetted don't worry about the amount of iso curves that it gets rhino really likes to increase the resolution when it's doing the offset and here as well offset surface inwards just like that okay we have two volumetric curves here that's nice and now um actually i don't like the [Music] this height this is a little bit too high because if a person is like two meters high for a pavilion this is way too much right so i will undo ctrl z ctrl z two times and i will just select these two surfaces here this one this one these two surfaces and i will type any points on for them points on you we can't really work with that can we that this is too many uh too many control points okay sure undo uh and do more until we're back to the four curves right the curve that was moved and the control points that were moved and i'll just take the top control points here and i'll move them down by let's say just one meter right one meter down here and these two control points also minus one downwards that's it and then i can just repeat the same procedure loft delete loft delete offset surface on both of these inwards and worse that's perfect 0.2 that's perfect okay that's done right so all i did was just make sure that it's not that high right it was way too high all right so now um let me show uh actually let me show you one more tool uh that's you know that's all about showing and hiding geometry and it's called show selected if you're selected we're sure selected it will flip over to a hidden geometry to everything that is hidden in your scene and it will let you click on the stuff that you want to unhide right so i select the floor slab and then i hit enter and suddenly the floor slab appears in in my you know overall view okay so we have that um and we have all of that pmp okay so let me take these two surfaces and put them in the walls layer like that like that and let's see what we can do so what i want to do is i want to get some curves and use the tween curves tool uh on them actually how tall is this distance from here to here 2.5 meters so we can kind of do 2 meters 2 meter high ceiling right so we have 50 centimeters to work with in terms of the ceiling yeah that's fine i think we we will manage okay so back to remember tween between two curves i want curves to tween between to do that i will use twin curves tool and actually i will not be using any curves because i don't have any curves left here i will instead be choosing this edge so a surface edge can also be considered the curve and this edge here and i'll be deciding on uh the the wait that that's a weird area right there maybe i don't want that sorry between between this and this edge like these two edges and number of curves how many i want between should be less i think 15 will do the trick 15 indeed does the trick and it should be your a okay we will need to fix that area but that's fine we will be fixing it in just a little bit 15 is maybe a bit too much still 10. yeah 10 is going to be okay so 10 curves between those two enter i end up with 10 curves here and 10 curves between this bad boy and this bad boy and i end up with well see how it messes up it messes up because it considers this to be the starting point of this curve and this to be the starting point of this curve right so it's kind of inside out right to fix that i just click on one of the start points and then it just aligns itself properly again and then i hit enter so we end up with a bunch of curves okay let me select all of them and use isolate on them isolate and now i probably what we will do is just use offset on them do we use offset yeah let's use offset so let me do it with one of them and then i will do do it with the rest much much faster so i select one of the curves and i'll choose to offset that curve and definitely not by 50 but rather by let's go for [Music] 7.5 centimeters oh that's meters so zero point 0.075 that that would be 7.5 centimeters but rather than offsetting it like this i want to offset it to both sides so that it's a 15 centimeter actually 15 centimeters is too much so 0.05 so 5 centimeters to one side if it's to both sides it will become ten centimeters right so i will choose both sides option right here click now it's going to be offset to both sides by five centimeters each and i'll choose to cap cap to be do we do none or do we do flat what do we do round no we do none sorry so cap we leave as none yeah that should be fine right so i i just checked all other options they are fine so we just offset to both sides by five centimeters okay click that's it that's done right and then i will just take those two curves i will loft between them like that that's it right we have one one ribbon done and i'll kind of repeat or rather let's finish up this ribbon and then i will i will continue working with all other ones so once i have this flat ribbon i will use offset surface or no let's use extrude extrude surface downwards so direction i i just typed in d enter that's short for direction or you can click on direction i'll just specify that the direction needs to be come on ortho okay also it's not working let me just jump to front view and here type in or not type in but choose to use ortho so direction is definitely downwards like perfect downwards like that and just type in um 0.5 i guess no 0.4 so that the ceiling height is at least 2.1 meters at the minimum if i choose to show selected and just to for just a tiny bit show you know my my pavilion i can see how the ribbon kind of kind of connects and i already see some parts which i will need to fix and then and solve but that's fine we will we will do that uh without any problems i think um all right so now let's uh let's probably do it for all other curves right so i will just offset everything first uh offset come on both sides like that both sides like that i can just do b enter the enter i don't know why it doesn't remember boobs i don't know why it doesn't remember both sides for offset but it doesn't so that's weird and for some reason it's oh my god offset both sides please yes there we go [Music] so you can see that there's no in some cases there's just no shortcuts right there there are no shortcuts that you can take uh you just sit down and you just do it right um and honestly um there are no jobs that take longer than i don't know an hour to do there might you know this kind of repetitive tasks you would be real really surprised how much of a repetitive task you can do in an hour even though it's it's boring okay we have that done let me get rid of the black ones uh the the center lines i don't need them anymore so i'm just removing it removing them not it like that like that like that that that that that and now i'll just use loft on these two on these two oops don't that accidentally move them [Music] like that that that i'm losing my mind here a bit not my mind my vision blue color was not the best color to to choose but now when i have a bunch of surfaces here and let's say i want to select all of them at once i can type in cell srf that's short for select surface meaning it will select all the surfaces in the scene it doesn't select this one because it's a poly surface not a surface right so it selects all of the surfaces and i can use extrude surface extrude srf on all of them at the same time right and then i just type in 0.4 and yeah we're done so now let me get rid of the curves so crv select curve hit the lid and that's it we we have it uh somewhat cleaned up so this area right here will definitely need to be solved will need to be cleaned up but for now let's just check what kind of aesthetic are we getting and if it's you know if it's cool with us do we like it so i'll just show everything i'll turn on tree geometry as well and just take a look at the at the pavilion so it is quite symmetrical which i kind of like i i think that's that's a nice nice little thing and that it does uh let me jump to arctic view and turn off where was it tangent there just no tangent seams no come on service iso curves yes okay i mean it's not great it's not the the best pavilion out there but it is you know a good a good nice start i think so we can work with this okay so now let's uh jump back to the shaded film and let's see what else we can we can do so first i want to do this kind of block out right turn on the lighting first i want to do this kind of block out which is basically just going to be me um adding geometry like creating surfaces and whatnot so the next thing about the block out is going to be again me hiding the landscape we are not there yet i'm still not working with the landscape me working with this desk terrace here and this terrace here right uh what what do we do with these terraces um so let's see let's see what we can do with them i will probably yeah let's do one thing duplicate edge like that so duplicate edge to get that surface uh sorry duplicate edge will take an edge of a surface and will extract it for you as a curve right so you type in duplicate edge you click on the surface of a on an edge of a surface and it will give you back a curve right so it's going to create a curve instead of an edge which is quite useful because now i have this as a curve which means i can use offset on it and i can say um 3 meters do we do 3 meters three meters seems to be a lot or do we do it in a clean way let's do it in a clean way okay so we we did duplicate edge here i will do duplicate edge again dupe edge on this edge here on this edge here this edge here this edge here and this edge here and i'll explain why i'm doing it in just a second but just these edges so now i'll i will select all of my curves that i have here and i'll type in isolate right to come back to this isolated view and i will just um select everything again and i'll type in trim trim and i'll get rid of this part and this part right so trim just basically uses one curve to cut the other same thing as in uh autocad so we have that uh those curves and i will use uh how is it called boundary no planner planner srf planar surface on these two curves and it's complaining a bit let me just press yes yeah okay it worked out so if yes it is happy i hit the lead to get rid of the curves so now i have two surfaces instead of them so planar surface will create a surface or series of surfaces for you as long as the curves are flat and i knew for a fact that those curves are flat um so i have those two surfaces here and let me extrude surface extrude them up and just give them like a not not that large of a thickness let's say 15 centimeters so 0.15 meters that's a bit no uh 0.25 like 25 centimeters i think is a bit better right uh let me show to to kind of unhide or un isolate everything and then i while i still have these two surfaces selected i will take them move them up until they meet this point right here it should be correct on the other side as well yes it is okay so i have i have this kind of uh i don't even even know how to call it like a roof thingy i know at this point this is starting to look real bad but this is me showing you all different tools on one form so don't expect that the form is going to look good by the end that is not [Music] um that is not something that i'm aiming towards i mean towards showing you as many different tools as possible all right so we have that done yikes um at least you know uh okay so at least i will do something like box here i'll choose three point box and i'll just add a a point at the corner so my box will start from the corner it will move along this edge or not move but be created along this edge and i'll say one meter one meter long and then i so that's my second point and my third point of a box is along this edge and i'll just specify 0.3 meters and i'll just for the height i will snap to the bottom of this bottom of this rooftop or roof slab and then i will take this shape this column shape and i'll move it in by 0.5 by half a meter here and also i will move it in by 0.5 i have a meter like so right so now it's at least the this roof is being held by something right and then i will take this column and i will use mirror and i'll mirror this column to the other side here so the way mirror works is let's say you have let's go for top view let's say you have a circle right and you on the circle you use mirror right and you start from this point right and you just mirror it like so yeah sure you know this line works as a mirror the circle gets copied on the to the other side or rather instead of a circle let's use uh ellipse so that um you have the sense of direction again there are this ellipse other side easy what if i start mirroring it at an angle right the ellipse is also going to be kind of there's always going to be an axis for mirroring right so when i if i want to take this column and i want to mirror it here to the opposite side of this box that means i all i need to do is just snap to this corner point here and this corner point here and it's going to mirror see a mirror so this box gets mirrored from here to here and it doesn't work yay i'm stupid oh god and i did this whole spiel about how you how you can mirror it and then so on and how it works and now it doesn't work and i feel stupid okay let's do it the old-school way at least now you know what not to do so i take this box copy i type in copy and i will be copying it from its back side corner from here to the corner here right that's easy and i will select selected by the way if you're having trouble zooming in or zooming out from geometry uh just make sure to um or rather the tool that you can use is called z s z s zoom selected it will zoom into the stuff that you have selected in the scene right very useful z s um okay so i have it here and i also i'll use 0.5 uh hello 0.5 and then 0.5 to the side just like that perfect all right we have it done um then we have the entrance here we will fix the entrance in just a bit actually maybe i want to fix it now so um if you look at the landscape geometry and the trees right we have the entrance here and also we have the entrance here but there's no possible way to move through the building right because there's a wall in between i want to fix that i want to get rid of the the not get rid of the wall but i need to make a hole in the wall how do you make a hole in the wall well you can either use boolean difference i already showed you boolean difference uh with the landscape or you can use uh like you can you can rebuild this uh this surface this this poly surface okay so let me show you the second version rather let me show you both of them i'll do the i'll isolate it and i'll do the boolean difference thing fast right so i just create a box that will definitely intersect with my shape right or not necessarily a box any kind of solid geometry and i will use boolean difference and take the surface and take the surface or polysurface and boolean difference out and that's it you know we haven't we have a cut out nothing too fancy very straightforward just follow the instructions on the command line and you'll get there another way of how to do this would be if i take the surface and i use explode on it or take this poly surface and use explode on it and unselect now you can see that this polysurface has been exploded into multiple surfaces right and i will get rid of all of the ones that are in the middle like that so i'm left with only the i'm only left with the top surface and the bottom surface right and i will take the bottom surface and i'll hit f10 or points on and i'll just kind of look at how many control points does it have and i can see that it has [Music] one two three four five six seven eight eight eight control points right for this to work i need more and i need more control points in one direction in the direction where it has four control points so let me rebuild this bottom surface rebuild rebuild this bottom surface and you can see that by default it has four by two i will keep the two points but here i will increase it to i wanna say eight but maybe six we'll see let's do eight and then here where it says degree i will just um for you degree i will change this to three for v degree i will probably also three just to keep it consistent i already talked about degrees a lot during the previous tutorial so i'll i will not be explaining it anymore hit okay virtually nothing changes but now if i do points on i can see that i have more control points to work with which means i can take the ones that are in the middle and i can move them up but by let's say three meters like that and i will end up with this kind of form all right and now i all i need to do is just create um recreate the surface here like the the ribbon between these two the top surface and the bottom service how do i do that well i can select both of these and i can type in dupe short for duplicate dupe border duplicate border i hit enter and what it gives me is let me just move it to the side for just a bit it gives me two curves two closed curves which are basically uh like these are indeed closed curves uh which are basically outlines of the um outer edge of the surface right so dupe edge would just dupe edge would just give me a single curve from from that particular edge while duke border gives me the whole perimeter right so let me move the borders back to where they were and now we can just loft loft between them like that make sure that um the directions are correct and so on hit okay that's it now you don't need the curve so you delete the curves you select everything and you type in join to join it up into one single three surfaces or poly surfaces joined into one closed polysurface right so this is a single closed wall perfect show to show everything here and now your visitors are able to walk through this [Music] yay um i probably need to do the same thing here but i am a little bit lazy so i will do um what do we do [Music] let's just do a door um okay let me do this because uh it's not me being lazy it's just me showing you um different techniques let's call it that so i will create a box a three point box so i choose three point again from let's say here until here extends through here and the height is uh so here it's 2.2 no i only need 2.1 upwards hello why are you not upwards well that's fine if it's not creating it upwards then we can create it downwards and then just take that box and move it like force it to move up by 2.1 right so it's going to be in the correct position either way and then we just do we select the the the whole we do boolean difference uh select the box delete the box and then we have our wall and just to make it nicer i will use fillet edge um let's see if a radius of one if radius of one is a little bit big so instead of radius of one let's do radius of zero point uh five on this one on this edge and this edge like that should be good yeah you know just just a small thing oh what if we do it on here as well why not cute okay so we have that uh i will kind of repeat it uh here so just bear with me for a second it's going to be fast actually um let's do 1.2 like that and then 2.1 why does it keep going down i don't know 2.1 uh difference with the box delete the box uh fill that edge where hello yeah there we go we'll attach this guy this one this one this one there we go nice little thing i just i need to do this i mean i i really hate how the corners look like so let me do fill that edge with radius of one for this corner here for this corner here um and also this corner here ah yes just a tiny bit better okay so we have that that that all of this seems to be a okay we have some seating areas we have some trees uh let's look at it in the arctic view and just investigate how it looks like actually not that bad like there are still things that i want to fix for sure and then detail out for instance here this is just obnoxious like horrible um and also the pathway there there's you know this is not solved this is real bad like the way landscape meets the the floor plate this is horrible uh but other than that i think this is okay so let me do the landscape real real quick um so for that we need some sort of a strategy and my strategy is going to be what's my strategy just getting the floor slab and actually not just getting the floor slab but also these two walls and for now hiding everything else so using isolate on them and so i need a line some any line that that would be 90 degrees to to this edge here so i'll just start from here and just draw it perpendicular to this edge so now i have a flat line that is you know in the correct direction and it doesn't matter where where i put it it's you know the direction is correct so i have this line here and this is my twisted little line and i will move it from this point to this point right to the edge here so this is how the pathway will need to touch all right right this is how path we will need to touch and then it's going to do the same thing on the other side copy from here to here like that let me show selected let me just look at the landscape real fast it looks looks bad um so here it completely eats the line that means that we will need some sort of a retaining wall so something volumetric while here it's a little bit better but then it becomes just kind of tapers off so how do we fix that well first of all let me take this line here copy and copy it to the side by let's say that's 11 meters that's way too much let's say four meters right i don't want to go wider than four meters so something like that and then let me hide the landscape geometry uh which means that to just keep it uh balanced i will copy this one to the side by four meters as well so i have that going on and let me um do i loft between these yeah i think i need to lock between these so let me actually scale 1d scale scale them in one direction and just extend them and also the scale 1d from this point to this point and i'm not specifying the second point i'm just extending it right so stretching those lines out okay show selected where's my landscape it's not here so that means the layer is hidden okay so i have that now let me loft locked these two lines here and i'm not deleting them notice how i'm not i'm not deleting the lines i i have them there but now i also have the surface and i loved these two lines here as well i'll select these two locks and extrude surface upwards by whatever amount doesn't matter and i'll use on this on my landscape i'll use boolean do i need to use boolean yeah i kind of do don't i yeah so boolean difference so i cut out from this landscape with these two boxes and then i get rid of the boxes so now you can see what what i'm aiming to do right uh that this is the pathway that that that where that we're creating and this is also going to be the pathway but it's going down so it's going to be a little bit different right uh which is also quite quite cool i think um right so now let's start working with this side and then we will continue uh working on this because this one is uh going to be a little bit easier to do i think um to do this one i think all we need to do so we have a pathway here that means we just need to move this curve from this point to where you know it starts cutting and also this one move from this point to this and i will use project remember we already used project i will use it again project select curves to project so these two will be projected enter these two will be projected on this polar surface enter and notice how they get projected in a weird way so they get projected on the bottom of the polar surface as well as the top yeah that's going to happen because you know these two curves are taken and they're kind of being pushed downwards until they hit the geometry and if they hit it twice then it's going to create two sets of lines that's fine i have this select so then i'll press s explode or type in explode and i will just unselect the top ones the ones that i want to keep and i will delete the other ones the two other ones right so i have that done and now i can actually get rid of the straight ones here because i have the squiggly line lines done here okay so we have these uh these guys what do we do with them well we can use a split so we can take this geometry and split it with these curves right so let me try that split so i select the geometry and i split it with this curve and this curve let's see if it's going to let me enter split field objects may not intersect or intersections may not split objects right so it's not enough to just have these uh these two curves here i need to have more well actually it is enough um and to make it work i need to get rid of the sides just for just for a second um and how do we do that oh i know um let's take this geometry or rather don't select anything let's type in extract srf extract surface so it's uh it basically lets you select the surface and get a copy of it from a polysurface which is really useful so extract surface select surfaces to extract i just select uh this one but uh before i do that i will need to make sure that copy is set to yes so that it's kind of making a copy as i'm extracting it that enter and now it's copied right so if i kind of move it up or down you can see that the original is still here but now i have like a surface separate surface thing here going on which is great that's exactly what i want uh so let me take that surface and move it to helper like that and let me take the landscape geometry and hide it so that it's everything is kind of clean in terms of layers so now if i select my surface and i type in split and i select my cutting objects which is this curve in this curve curve and hit enter it actually splits the circles the more you know okay so we have that going on we have this split surface and what do i want to do with it well actually i um i just want to make it a little bit thicker that's all uh nothing more so i will just uh and i don't even need the ones on the sides i just need this guy right here so i'll just use offset surface of the surface and give it like 0.1 like 10 centimeters of thickness i think that's maybe that's too much uh let's do 0.077 centimeters of thickness just a thin little plate uh if we look at it how it looks like on the surface if i go to arctic view then you'll understand why i added right it shows the pathway right and then it flattens out here once it meets the the ground um there are some weird stuff that i'm not sure about that's happening here and here that i also want to fix on these corners uh so let's let's quickly do that i will just take a polyline tool and i'll just draw a polyline from here to here and then i will draw it to maybe here like that so i have this kind of l shape polyline right i will offset it by um 0.05 uh that's five centimeters no we need 0.1 at least so 10 centimeters i will loft between the two why did it well it's not happy here for some reason maybe that's because of the rounded corner so when when we will use offset let me choose corner to be sharp and now loft yeah there we go that's that's much better that's much cleaner and then i will just use extrude surface for some reason it became two surfaces i think that's because of the sharp corner that's fine extrude both of them up by um yeah just until they reach kind of the top here and then just add a little bit more so how do you know the actual height how much you're extruding while you're snapping to a point well look at this number here wait do you see my mouse yeah you do my mouse look at this number here when i snap i can see that it's 0.364 meters of extrusion meaning that if i just write 0.4 it's going to be like uh 36 uh 3.6 centimeters higher than the ground level so it's going to do this thing right and then just to make it nicer i will flat edge next is 0.3 and i'll just fill it that corner here and let that corner here just you know to make it a little bit nicer perhaps same thing needs to happen here right so i just uh now i'll do it real fast again as per usual like that like that and it kind of finishes off here like that offset like that loft delete extrude surface select this bad boy and this bad boy up by um do we use the same maybe we should use the same height like that so i'm just snapping to the top of this fillet edge 0.3 is great perfect okay we're done so this becomes a little bit obnoxious like the intersection between these two so it's either this wall that needs to be trimmed away or this wall that needs to be trimmed away and you can choose whichever you want in this case i will probably trim away this wall uh with this retaining one i just makes a little bit more sense in the later texture making and so on so let's do boolean difference uh we subtract from this wall enter with this wall enter oh hello what's up uh let me take these two guys and isolate them and look at them separately are you what are you what close solid polysurface okay and what are you open polysurface why are you open well hello wire oh your bottom is open um so if you have a open poly surface like that for some reason uh then you just select it and you type in cap because the bottom is flat so it's going to cap nicely and then you can do your uh boolean difference from here enter with this enter perfect so now you can see that it's kind of hide that uh it hugs the retaining wall quite nicely right why did i do it uh redo okay let me show so this is how it it works and i assume if i isolate this and look at the bottom of it yeah so this is empty as well so i need to cap cap the bottom of it as well okay let's show so these are just uh these guys are just floating in space uh with magnets or something like that which is weird but i think i will leave it b for now because i don't want this to become like a six hour tutorial um i will let them be for now i think that's fine uh there are intersections that are happening here uh with with this one and actually all of these are um there are quite a few intersections uh going on here and actually um now when i think about this this whole gap here is awkward right let's fix it so i will take a box tool three point box and i will just create a base for that box starting let's say from that point going until this point going until this point right so that's my base and just filling in until it reaches here so we have that at least the bottom part is cleaned up the top part is by far not cleaned up right so we need to we need to clean it up how do we do that we need to decide on the height of these two points so i'll take the that's the first step and not just that it's also this edge right here needs to have like a framework to hold those panel lines panel lines those those ribbons here so this is going to start becoming a a tricky task and i think it's it's nice to solve at least one tricky task in these tutorials just to show you that you indeed need to clean up the detailing and then architectural models and it is an important thing because if you show something like this let me hide this to your construction worker they'll just laugh and leave and you know they will not do do it for you right so you need to solve this okay uh we don't need landscape for this we don't need trees for this oh and i forgot to solve the other side of the pathway but we will come back to that in just a second um we do need to solve this okay so first things first this this this this this and this right we don't need it so that it's not in the way i will i think i will duplicate edge the inner edge here for this this surface like that right so i have this is a this is a curve now that i have and i will extend wait i can't extend it so i need to use that edge as some sort of a trimming mechanism as a way of how to trim the geometry so what i'm actually yeah i know i'll just move it down and i will extrude uh extrude the curve so extrude crv up by a lot it doesn't matter but by a lot right so extrude it up like that which means i can already use it to trim away this portion but i don't care about that portion i care about cleaning up this part okay so we have that and it is going to be cleaned up there for now let me get rid of the box that's it it's just in the way and fortunately this curvature here it ends at a 90 degrees angle which means we can use this direction uh from here from here to here right we can use that direction to actually take the surface this edge duplicate it duplicate edge here and extrude curve use extrude curve on it so now you can see when i use extrude curve it's you know that the direction is obnoxious it's definitely not what i need but if i use direction tool if i click on direction here then i can specify that actually the direction is to be from here to here like you use this direction right so now i can extrude it any way i want okay so we have that done that's perfect and now we can use this surface as well as this um we can join them up join and we can actually uh let's go for offset srf offset surface distance um i don't know five meters the inside became real bad so not five meters let's do a meter yeah mirror is fine so i just thickened it so that i can use boolean difference right if i have it uh completely flat you know without thickness boolean difference will not work but if i have it with thickness boolean difference will work right um so now let's clean it up i select all of the ribbons i don't know if all of them are selected i assume all of them are selected i use boolean difference and i trim away with so i hit enter and then i select what i'm am i cutting with so this is my cutting geometry right here i hit enter that's it then i don't need my cutting geometry anymore i just did just hit the lid that's it all of these are now cleaned up and aligned with my with my wall here so this area right here becomes a little bit awkward but that's fine we will fix it by doing duplicate edge again not on you on your duplicate edge um it will need to kind of smoothly connect there though because because of the framing but that's fine um offsetting the curve in words by actually 0.1 this is reasonable so i have like a offset of that edge i loft between the two like that and i just simply extrude curve sorry extrude surface not curve extrude srf because this is a surface right extrude surface and i extrude it up by i don't know 0.3 it's hard to see what's going on so let me change this to arctic view [Music] that seems uh that seems okay that seems clean enough [Music] like that and then all we need to do is now you know finish cleaning this this area right here so let's do that um let me go to shaded back to shaded view and let me take [Music] oh man oh boy let me take extract srf extract surface again use copy on the surface right here and choose a direction that is from this point to this point right so i i will extrude surface but i will choose direction to be from here to here like that and i'll kind of finish extruding until it reaches the middle let's see something like this is that reasonable that is okay i will need to clean clean this portion up of course i don't like how how this works but i think if i move this by minus [Music] but then this part is shitty that's a tricky one that is a tricky one to do but i think we can i think we can use solid points on and just slightly lie don't kill anyone but i will lie a little bit and just move these four control points down so that it doesn't reach the top here and i know it's going to make these kind of things stick out a bit uh but that's fine we will not look at it too close and it's going to be okay boolean difference we cut out from from this one with the wall enter and then we could just get rid of this unnecessary bit here so now it it kind of connects perfectly and now we want this and this to connect uh to be kind of joined into one system so i will use boolean union so these two are the same all right now for the wall yeah i think it's just going to be [Music] i think it's just going to be pretty straightforward right um we just create a wall of that a box with three points uh from here to here to here we extend the box doesn't matter by how much and then we take we take these two um and we will need to trim yes so i will use um isolate and basically the box will need to be trimmed with this one but since uh or used boolean difference with this one but since this one is a little bit too small um it would just kind of carve out a small portion of the box so i need to actually go to wireframe view and just take that surface so extract srf extract the bottom surface from here and i don't care about the rest of the ribbon anymore so i'll hide it i only have the surface and then i will scale 1d from here to here to scale it out like so just to make sure that it kind of intersects with the box on all sides and use [Applause] not boolean difference but use trim trim i cut with this enter i cut away this hello i cut away this okay doesn't let me trim what the heck let me move from here like i'll just move it a little bit and scale it a little bit more maybe now it's going to let me trim okay so now it works just make sure that it's kind of intersecting with all sides of the box or else it's not going not going to work so now i delete all everything that i don't need except for the bottom of the box and use cap on it to fill it fill it up show this is how it looks now i think this is clean enough i can actually connect these two by using boolean union into one big happy family and actually now i can connect these three boolean union into one big happy family and now i need to do the same thing with the other side so here i will do it much faster that than [Music] how long it took me before duplicate edge on this edge right here uh extrude surface nope not surface extrude curve up extrude curve this curve gets extruded but the direction is actually around this edge here so it gets extruded like that gets joined up joint offset surface uh gets offset outwards by one meter uh gets moved down boolean difference nope uh boolean difference actually is used on the ribbons but to select the reference easily i hide the floor slab and then i select all of the ribbons then i use boolean difference with the surface enter i then i don't need the poly surface anymore because i already trimmed everything off then i do duplicate edge i duplicate this inner edge again i will use offset on it 0.1 uh mirrors so 10 centimeters that is going to be like a million that's holding those ribbons at least on one one side on the other side they're just being held by magnets don't worry about that um then we use loft to to lock between the two curves then we use extrude surface and i will extrude it by 0.3 if i remember correctly upwards uh then i will use duplicate no not duplicate edge but rather extract surface on the surface right here i will extrude the surface but i will not be extruding it in this direction rather i will describe the direction for it so d enter let's see a direction between these two points like that and then after i'm done i see that that it's a little bit too steep because it kind of goes beyond the top of this little wall here so i'll use solid pt on because this is not a surface and not a curve but rather a polysurface only solid pt on will work and i will move it down so that it intersects properly and then i can use boolean difference to cut away uh from the surface the polysurface with this polar surface delete the top right so now i have these two movements which i can use boolean union to merge and then i have um the only thing that's left is this uh this box thing here in the bottom so i will just create a box uh three point box from here to here to here and up i'll just make sure that it's kind of high up uh then i will take the box and the ribbon a single ribbon amulia and i will isolate them and actually from the ribbon if i remember correctly i'll go to wireframe i will extract surface because i only care about the bottom surface that's how far the box should reach just the bottom surface so i just extract the extracted and i hide the ribbon and now i will use scale 1d to scale up the bottom surface in a way that i want so that it definitely intersects with the box and then i will use it to trim away the top of the box and then i will delete it and select the box and cap it to create a top surface on it i show to show everything and just kind of use boolean union on my walls boolean union there we go then i will use i will select all of the mullions and all of the ribbons i'll use boolean boolean union on all of them boolean union failed sometimes it does that sometimes it fails and it will give you like a text dot where it failed so let's investigate uh what would happen if i just take these two and use boolean union will it fail again no it doesn't that's uh that's why i said sometimes so i'll just do it two by two or rather let me try four years so four made it and here they made it and now if i do it bit by bit all of them are now bullied together except that this guy and now it's a part of the family as well okay so now we have all of the mullions here as as one big happy family i'll do the same thing with these ones so i'll just select like a first few okay that's good um boolean union these guys that's good and these guys okay uh wait and this one as well please uh select pulse surface to union there we go okay so this is one uh piece of geometry this is one piece of geometry uh that's one piece that's one piece all of the walls are one piece of geometry um i want to keep these separate because those are too small ah seems good okay so now we can move on uh let's move on to creating the pathways and uh i think we will call it a day ever once once we're done with the pathways um so here the the way these pathways work i think it's fine i might want to introduce some sort of railing because this is uh pretty damn steep so let me just do a duplicate edge and duplicate edge here extrude curve and extrude up the oh and then they will look so bad though do we not maybe let's not do railings let's do uh steps instead of railings because railings will look super bad um so how do we do steps well actually i think uh we can just kind of contour it right you can just contour so let me show you one tool let me isolate the pathway first isolate so we are just looking at the pathway and before i will kind of continue working with it let me just do something like this and [Music] hello oh my bad like that and let us do so this is one of the more advanced tools that i'm not showing you during these tutorials but it's it's it's a later you'll be able to kind of use it at at your own [Music] at your own pace so to say and then you'll be able to do whatever you want but anyway uh we have some sort of a form right and we want to have at the curve at the fixed step we want to have lines through it uh a tool that does that or not lines cuts cuts through it a tool that does that is called contour contour contour uh asks us for bass playing so i'll just say we start from the bottom asks us for direction of of the contour so for that i will go to the right view for instance and let's say you know perfectly up and asks us for uh distance between counters so in this case it's 20 centimeters sure uh 20 is fine mix a bunch of slices through our shape if i move it to the side i can see all of these are curves that i can use planar surface on for instance and i i can you know kind of create floor slabs and then and so on for this shape so it's it's a nice little tool in this case we will be using contour support for two things first one is going to be uh creating steps here that are not going to be like that fixed uh 17.5 centimeters high 30 what's the width of the step of the step like the average width 30 30 centimeters wide i keep forgetting that 17.5 by 30. 15. okay okay either way these will be much more custom steps but they will still be steps so how do we do that we will use extract surface and we will just extract just the top surface from our pathway and i will isolate it actually we will just be working with this extracted surface and i will use contour contour on it every uh 15 centimeters right because that's the height of the step that we're after so every 15 centimeters it asks us to give it a base point so not so fast basically we just need to give it a base point and i'll just jump to the right view and i'll just give it a base point it doesn't matter where i'll just give it here for instance somewhere below the the shape right and then once once i click then it will ask me direction perpendicular to contour plane so perpendicular to meaning i need to show completely up like perfect up make sure that ortho is on and just give it a up vector and click again and then distance between contours this is where we do indeed right 0.15 so 0.15 15 centimeters makes a bunch of contours for us uh some of them are completely useless others are quite useful right so that's nice um let me delete the surface and let's convert these contours into steps uh so what we can do honestly if if i were doing it i would be kind of straightening them out and so on but we don't care so let's create the first step here and actually let me select all of these curves create a new layer and call it step curves change the right click on it change object layer and make that layer like orange or something no oranges i can't see orange with the screen let's use green okay so we have that and now let me show so now we see uh we can see what what the hell is going on and when where they are located and we can also see where the first step needs to be created right so it needs to if i look at it from here it needs to go here horizontally here and makes a step like so right okay let's do that um i i need to do duplicate edge just real fast just to get that curve you know that that last curve there but i will take this curve and holding down the uh no not the old key but rather type i will type in copy i will not be using alt plus gumball instead i will be using a command called copy uh copy enter and i'll choose to copy it vertically from here to here that's it honestly that's it because now i can take this curve and take this curve and i can loft between them like that and then i can take this curve uh and this curve and lock between them like that so guess what you need to do now uh well what i need to do what you need to sit through as i'm going to be doing it i'll need to create all of these steps well of course not here because here uh those curves don't matter uh this the steepness is not that high but somewhere from here i need to start creating steps right um let's do that let us do that so i will select object select all of the step curves and actually i'll select these two surfaces that i've already created and i'll isolate them and now i will be creating the steps so one trick that you can do is selecting all of the curves and copying them holding down the alt key and copying them up by 0.15 because you know that every step is 0.15 meters high 15 centimeters because that's the contour gap between the contours right so uh to make a flat uh come on to make each step flat you can just do you know 0.5 uh 0.15 sorry um movement right before because it's it's a it's a locked value it's a it's a locked value so first i like to do all of the flat ones like that it's basically just every other one oh no keep messing it up oh no come on there we go so that works and i just do it in pairs right like that like that like that like that okay and this is the last one and then i do it vertically right but to do it vertically actually all i need to do is just select all of the all of the ones that are in the bottom so this guy hello this guy this guy can i please uh let me lock let me go to step curves tool make sure that it's the active one and lock the helper tool so that i don't accidentally select my surfaces anymore this will just help me select the correct curves so i just select the ones that are in the bottom like that that that that that and those are fixed so and then i just extrude extrude surface crack not extrude surface on top i need to select them again extrude curve not extruded surface let me select them again real fast just like that and then we do extrude crv extrude curve and we extrude them up uh by 0.5 0.15 keep saying 0.5 so now we have our steps right i can unlock my helper i can actually get rid of my curve so cell cell crv delete select curves delete i can take all of these steps and join join them up into one form went to one chip uh show to show everything and now i see that while this is fine you know it it the way steps look there they're kind of okay um the edge of them looks real bad so what i'm thinking about is perhaps we could use this border and kinda you know hide the that that ugly edge here yeah i think that's going to be better all right so i will hmm unfortunately we have this filleted which which is um whoops didn't need to do it that fast but i think what we can do is we can how does that look like and that even leaves a gap huh [Music] a lot of things to think about what if okay what if we do a duplicate edge and we grab this this curve here you know a curve of the of the pathway and this curve here so we have these two guys and then we kind of extrude them extrude crv extrude them up by 0.3 something like this i think that's going to to do the trick so we have that and then we take these and we use offset surface offset offset srf to offset this one inwards and this one inwards not by not by one meter not by one meter by 10 centimeters so it's 0.1 like that so that the the size of it is the same and we don't need it to be that long so i will take a box and just kinda [Music] can we just trim it off yeah i think we can just trim it off right yeah let's just do this bam draw a curve in the plan sorry in the top view like that and with the curve you just trim and trim off this and this perfect so we have this kind of opening turned away and then i will cap here i will cap here you can see that the [Music] the staircase is still still kind of messed up so let's see if actually we can use boolean boolean difference on the staircase with these two tools here we actually can't boolean difference failed that's super nice to see always uh okay so it fails there for some reason on this edge right here yes uh that's that's something that we shouldn't zoom into that much so the staircase is messing up now actually i know a trick uh let me show you so if i do duplicate edge and i just grab this edge and this edge here these two edges right and then i take the stair keys and i use isolate i can go to the top view and here just i need to make sure that that seems okay and that seems okay so i have like two edges that are definitely cutting through the staircase so then i can just use them to trim this part at this point that's it and then i just delete them you'll show and now this should be kind of let's call it clean enough not clean but clean enough for this to work and then i will just use flat edge 0.3 yes always here year and then year o okay it doesn't like 0.3 so let's do 0.2 yeah that's good so we end up with this kind of uh i know it's green so it looks weird but if we do blue that's kind of okay you know it's good enough uh so we have the staircase done here for this one maybe all we need to do is just take one of the lines let's take both of them and isolate them actually so we have both of these lines and what if i just offset one of them to the side by yeah 10 centimeters and actually create a box three point box from here to here and here i just use like a meter and the height of it is zero 0.05 like 5 centimeters why does it keep going downwards i don't understand go up 0.05 there we go and then i will copy and maybe so i have a brick and then i will take that brick and kind of do something like this with it and then take the two bricks copy and do something like this with them and then i will start scaling not scaling but scale 1d so let's see this one is that long this one is that maybe this one is a little bit smaller so i don't have a plan here i'm just kind of doing random breaks at this point right and i'll start copying them from here to here to here maybe to here so there's there's a little bit of a gap that's left that's fine um let me actually [Music] take these two copy them from here to here that's good so as you can see no plan just messing around with with boxes okay so now since i have like this portion kind of sorted out let me use um [Music] copy and let me just actually why are the bricks so small that's 10 centimeters um let me do scale 1d and along this direction let me do uh 0.25 and along this direction let me do so this was one meter let me increase it twice so that that will become two meters okay this is much more reasonable uh copy [Music] from here to oh actually can we mirror this mirror because i used mirror once and uh you saw what happened so now let me do it again all right this time it actually works grab some of these move them from here to let's say let me go for wireframe view [Music] here so that seems okay let me copy here something like that this is okay maybe we can make a copy of this rotate it 180 degrees why does it look the same it's absolutely the same okay let me just grab that copy [Music] i don't know maybe maybe here maybe here let's do here so that's fine that's uh working out then i need this line my bad this line of bricks i know it's not that interesting to to to look at but i just you know it's just something that needs to be done um so i'm just doing it detail work basically okay that's that's i think that's good enough because people can kind of walk around here and let's look at how it actually looks like that's fine looks okay don't need the curves anymore show uh so this is what we have and these are like the floaty boys so for the floaty boys maybe we don't have them here um this one gets that's gone um that so in terms of floaty boys let's do one last thing so some surfaces again right retaining surfaces i mean so from here to here and then to perhaps here and then it will need to kind of continue so i'm just kind of drawing one single curve and moving it from the point there to point here okay so we have that going on uh this is going to be like it's the start of my retaining wall let me join it up and the other retaining wall is going to be located along this edge which just kind of probably will extend forever right no not forever i mean uh it will extend until the uh until it reaches right at this surface here right here and it will need to go inwards okay so this one goes inwards this one goes sorry this one goes outwards this one goes inwards and this one will need to be also going down okay let's do isolate so i have my landscape i have my two curves so this one is kind of easy right we just extrude surface or i keep saying that extrude crv extrude curve we extrude it up and we just check uh so this would be 0.842 so let's do a 0.9 like that and then we kind of offset surface to the side by 0.1 so 10 centimeter retaining wall it's quite thin but i think it would hold the meter if i if i'm not mistaken a meter of ground is a heavy heavy thing now let's leave it as 0.1 so we have that and then i will use just boolean difference from the landscape with the surface that's it we have our retaining wall system in place and then here this one is going to be a little bit more tricky because first of all we need this curve to extend until it reaches the edge of the landscape right so uh let's do like five meters no let's do 10 years yeah that's that's good enough so we just kind of keep the direction and we just extend it like so and then we do do do we do wait are you going down why is this curve going down oh no ctrl c oh because here it's going down okay so maybe that's fine um maybe that is fine but i'm not sure are you going down here no you're not are you lifting up here though yes you are so stuff is stuff is weird um how do we fix that well we need to flatten this this curve out right we needed to it's its points to be in the same height so just the one that's going down i will move enter vertical so v enter from this point to same height as s as this point right so i just kind of move it up to the correct position and now i can move it away or rather extend this line by moving its control point and i can use i think i used 10 right oh come on uh 10 please there we go so then move from this point to this point by 10 click there we go okay so we have that uh curve here let's come back to shaded here and let's see what what needs to be done i assume the curve let's just in case let's just move that curve down by some amount here so that it's in the ground we will be cutting it away with the ground either way so it doesn't matter so i'm moving it down and then i am going to offset offset it inwards by 0.1 um like that loft these two curves into one [Music] poly surface and offset surface upwards by oh i don't even know maybe we don't use offset surface then uh because with offset surface you can't snap to stuff with extrude surface you can so i'll use extrude surface and i will just make sure that wireframe that all of my you know segments are selected extrude surface enter and i will snap to the top here maybe or maybe no maybe that's that's the wrong way to look at it so let's say this is 0.6 let's do 0.8 so 20 centimeters extra okay so we have that i think that looks fine i mean it's it's it's quite wonky here but i think that's that's okay [Music] um right so now let's let's clean it up so i select the pole surface boolean difference with the landscape so i have it carved out no i don't why is it breaking here i don't know um either way let's first get rid of the tail here so i'll just create a box for with three points right so the box that is going to follow an edge here and it will kind of extend it pretty high and then boolean difference boolean difference from this with the box still kind of makes a mistake there okay let's see what open poly surface okay so it's open why oh i know i know for some reason when we use extrude surface it it forgets the bottom so let me undo a bunch of times and here where is where i choose to extrude srf extrude surface and i select wireframe i select my surfaces enter i'll make sure that delete input is set to no false right so delete input no and then i believe i use 0.8 if i don't miss mistake if i'm not mistaken um let's try again box three point box from here to here to here to here and then let's do boolean difference from the this surface here enter with this polysurface here okay this time it works why are you being so obnoxious either way so now these are the three separate entities that's fine we can just use uh boolean union to join them up together and then we can use uh boolean difference to trim away from this retaining wall with this landscape so that it rests on the landscape quite nicely right and then if i show everything i can see a bunch of stuff here that i don't really need um maybe we them away from those with three-point box like that uh so we trim away from here here here and here from these extrusions uh boolean difference with this box okay that's you know a little bit cleaner and for some reason some of them are sunken in the landscape ah what's up with that okay let's clean it up as well i think i'm rushing to you too too much uh let me isolate and um i see that some of these bricks are lower than the others right and i don't want that so i will just go to actually the right view because here it's going to be very easy for me to select all of the ones that are too low and kind of move them up by 0.05 that's it you know i i fixed it okay ah that was easy uh sure that looks okay this looks fine i mean they're not the best but they they look okay let's go for arctic you just to see so we have those [Music] i don't like how these look so let me go to shaded view and isolate this again and this time i will use a chamfer edge and i will use 0.01 or before i use jump ridge it's a heavy uh tool i will use [Music] i will just save the file and now i will use chamfer edge uh next chapter this distance should be like one centimeter so 0.01 and i will select all of the edges that i want to chamfer so i'll just kind of drag around all of the edges hit enter and enter again and now we now we wait let me grab some smoothie there we go so chamfered looks like nothing changed if i zoom in then you will notice that all of the bricks have chamfering now which means that if we go to arctic view you know they look good which is nice that's what you want you want your bricks to look good okay so still looks good we have the pathway um chamferage on [Music] actually no no let's let's not start chamfering like every single thing that that will just be bad um so that's fine that looks okay then we have that that looks okay i kind of would like to have like a gap here i don't have like a fence here and so on but i think that's okay what the hell is going on there oh those are curves yeah those are curves uh cell crv i don't need curves anymore delete those and then we have a pathway here okay let me think what kind of tool didn't i use actually i do have i do have a possibility to go to the course website if i find if i can find it yeah there we go of course website and we do have a pdf of all of the tools that i want to show you um where is it hello just a second yeah there we go right no command list so we have we [Music] have that so point points i did line following curve interpolate curve circle ellipse arc i did rectangle polygon surface points planner yes we did uh planar surface we did network surface i don't want to show you because students tend to break their geometry with this loft is a better version of network service for beginners edge surface patch we showed box sphere cylinder pipe sweep one sweep two revolve oh sweep one sweep two revolve extrude um so revolve is very difficult okay i can show you revolve as a separate entity sweep one and sweep two as well uh because it's it's hard for for this particular pavilion to incorporate something that will have that uh officer service trim split rebuild extend explode for let chamfer flat corners between curse points on solid pawns on project with edge average yeah okay um so we have everything like i have shown everything i wanted to show except two tools uh first one is revolve so let's say you want to make ava's right let's say you want to make a lot of us like this right how do you do that well i use revolve tool but in the top view i will just um where is that was i'll just kind of look at it it goes down tapers like that okay so in the top view i will just draw the in the completely wrong scale i will draw the um how do you call it the corner no no not the corner the section the section of the vas actually half of this section because it's symmetrical of the vase um so like that maybe it's here then it kind of goes like that and tapers down here then does that and yeah that's good enough um actually it's much more fat in the bottom like that hey battery critical low um let's do this then and hide that and unlock that and move that here there we go so [Music] that section though um we have that and that and actually yes yes actually this this is fine uh just to show you it as an example right and then i will create like a bottom of it um join it up and i will say revolve select curves to revolve this curve enter start of revolve axis we start from the center of the bottom we revolve around you know this axis here start angle 0 and angle 360 that's it in the perspective view we have created a revolved pause if you want it to be you know not completely thin you can uh mess around with um first of all feel it or rather know first of all offset so give it some thickness 0.5 i don't know i then use fillet corners 0.5 i still don't know for some reason it doesn't close up there let's close it off there join uh close curve to close it off in the bottom and then use fillet corners with 0.0 uh 0.2 to fill up them here and here um and then use the same kind of revolve start of revolve axis is uh let's see here revolves around the vertical axis starts from zero ends with 360. we look at it um beautiful right beautiful walls the tool that i'm now using is called the emap um if you want to yeah sure it's it's it's it's a useful tool when you need to check for continuity you know if if stuff is actually kind of continuously shaded for instance here right if it's actually bleeding uh bleeding well from one corner to the other and it seems like it does but for for other things uh it just kind of messes with your head too much so i don't use it that often there's also a tool that's called that's called zebra uh which will also let you investigate the curvature of your shape which again you need to know what you're doing to actually be able to use it that's why i'm not showing it properly in this in this course so now let's end this tutorial with one last tool um which is going to be sweep uh sweep between two rails uh so it's called sw eep two sweep two uh and the way it works it needs you to draw it to have two rails right so let me draw a single curve that's doing its thing so that's one curve let me draw another one just above it let's say this one well for now let's let's leave it leave them as they are right just just two curves right and then let me draw uh what you would probably see a lot in the industry which is an ib so let me do f10 not f10 f8 uh f8 um polar line i-beam right so let's say um let's not be correct to scale so i'll just say um three or four three is a lot uh one one here uh 0.1 here [Music] 0.45 [Music] let's say 1.5 nope let's say one 0.45 0.1 1 0.1 0.45 1 0.45 nope mistake 0.45 and one okay so we have our i-beam right um and it's a little bit too big compared to the the rails but i think that's fine let me rotate it up straight like that and actually i will take it and i will move it from its bottom midpoint to the end point here i'll take the top curve and i will move it from its end point to the top midpoint here so that everything kinda at the start of things zoom selected at the start of things things align quite well there's one more thing that i need to align and it's the the rotation of the i-beam you can see that the curves are going on at an angle i want that angle to be 90 degrees according to this section so the eye here is the section of the geometry that's going to be produced so i need that as close to 90 degrees as possible so this is actually pretty pretty close okay let me do uh now this is all that we need for sweep between two rails to work so let me do sweep two and just read what it asks right so it asks for first rail super whichever one of these is the first one select second rail super second select cross section curves there you go enter window enter drag same point to adjust enter when done i don't know what it means so i just press enter right i hit ok and i have my geometry which is a very fancy i-beam being created right so now uh this is where it it starts becoming quite interesting is it's where you can control the flow of this shape with your two curves meaning i can do if we do something like that all right sweep two between uh here here hello oh sweep two first rail second rail section curve enter enter enter wow cool huh i think that's cool uh so you can do a lot of crazy stuff with it also don't think that um you need to have it have the gap between the curves always the same i'm trying to select it there you go like that all right much bigger gap here sweep two from here to here with the cross section enter enter becomes that scales up according to how big the gap is again quite hard to actually incorporate it into this kind of pavilion but a pretty strong tool when you're modeling out more advanced stuff all right let me do arctic let me do turntable turn table why are you rotating weird just rotating weird okay that's that's good um like that okay so now it's time for you to go and do your projects or your pavilions go ahead and have fun and we will see you in the third tutorial probably tomorrow or day after tomorrow um and the third one is going to be about all about creating our architectural drawings from your design so go ahead bye [Music] you
Channel: Gediminas Kirdeikis
Views: 24,035
Rating: 4.9736843 out of 5
Keywords: rhino, rhinoceros, rhino 3d, beginner, architect, tutorial, course, webinar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 31sec (8971 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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