Rhino SubD Architecture Livestream #1

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šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/povaratti šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Gediminas used a subd toggle in this video, can someone explain to me how this works, I looked it up and see you use f4 but how does all of that work? Do you set the subd having edges then it automatically has the ability to switch? It is there a command Iā€™m missing there.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SeaManufacturer1538 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
even though i kind of like hip hop um as as a backdrop music but we will do some funk instead we have that that i'm just setting things up hello hello welcome we are going to do a little bit of architecture oh i should probably change the title of the stream then arduino sucks we do architecture instead now we do a building instead there we go that's that's a good title but that is a good title let me just set this thing up here and set this thing up here take a look at it yeah everything seems to be a okay for some reason we have two rhinos running i'm going to use this and we are going to make a building hello abdo hello uh do we let me just kind of lay out the the start of the project and then i'll i'll do a short break because i want to pee and also to de-stress because of the failure with arduino so millimeters do we work in millimeters that's the first question yeah that's that's uh hello there my my favorite patreon supporter um we are uh i think people tend to work while listening to streams it's just you know background noise for them so i'm trying to not to show things that are too complex in the stream for instance two hours of feeling to do an arduino project that's fun anyway uh we want to work in millimeters i believe um we want a landscape do we start with a landscape the question is will our building be located in some sort of a fancy landscape or will it be flat i don't want to do a little bit of a hill probably [Music] or no or yes or no i don't know let let's figure it out later for now i'm just going to block it out real fast so let's say the width of it is around seven meters i think seven meters is fine for for a building and the length of it is going to be 12 meters is not enough 20 meters something like that that seems like a fine proportion and then 3.5 meters for the for the height that's we did a box yay actually the box could be um this could be 24 meters and this could be 9. yeah something like that will we have two floors we will i think so let's grab and copy this box up and just make make it into a second floor for now we're just doing 90 degree angles we don't really don't really care about it being kind of boring so we're we kind of have this this cross right now the title changed after lunch yeah yeah i gave up i gave up on the arduino one make the rhino viewport white definitely not my eyes will start bleeding my screen is way too bright for for me to use a white background um i don't know this is this seems like a very generic um like a very generic way of a very generic building form maybe we can do something a little bit more like that but then this needs to be much longer so here what i'm doing is i am just kind of getting the the topology going and just trying to see what not not apology going sorry the mess going and they're just trying to see what what we can come up with kind of form we can come up with maybe i want a courtyard maybe i want a courtyard building something like something like this work like a would be a pretty interesting one to do because we could work with different levels here but also it becomes super big at the same time which which i don't really like that's that's a that's a tricky thing to to work with okay for now go away second floor let's see how we can work with the first floor what if we have something like this going on this is like the inner courtyard and then we frame it in by doing something like this them and it kind of rests here and then i take this box right here and i kind of place it like so but this facade would look like this that seems fine then we would have a pretty large cantilever with only this area holding it up which is you know questionable you see the least but i think the inner space would look kind of nice let's add a little bit of a height to it so these two faces move up by 500 something closer to this and this little guy right here i think it needs to move out so okay what's what's the the floor area that we are dealing with right now um so this is 266 square meters oh that's that's a really that that's that's it that's a big boy that's a big boy right there what if we scale it down i don't want it to be that big what if we just take all of this and we scale it down by um point seven five how high is it then three meters and 2.6 meters no no we then we scale it up but only in that direction but by 1. 1.3 we test it again yeah okay so that's four meters that means it's this is going to be like no you're not five meters what do you mean three point five that that's fine okay so this proportion is not as elegant as it was but i think we will manage to make it elegant later um so let's rebuild this as a sub d geometry sub d tools uh we start with a box i guess i'm just gonna say that this box right here is gonna be our initial you know our our beginning we have something like that or actually let's let's do it this way with the side here we're just gonna start from there like that and now i want a plane here plane three-point plane [Music] and the count needs to be two by two i guess i guess let's do one by one bam bam bam there by the way there's no correct way of how to start working with this right now i'm just kind of winging it and then seeing what whatever works but this goes uh this gets closer these two get deleted this and this gets bridged uh okay first set of edges to bridge oh right right not enough divisions here insert edge you just kind of hang out here okay now this should bridge properly yeah there we go bridge okay we have this shape going on here that's fine we'll make it nice later or actually when we're bridging i kind of want to give it at least two segments just so that i have this edge loop here that i can work with um so now you need to move in here a bit and that's good that's our first floor our second floor um i will just straight up just extrude this um in that direction then extrude this and uh i i don't know x direction doesn't really matter for me right now we have something like this going on i'll just place it here okay we have this and then from here so this is where it becomes tricky this this brick right here that the topology will become tricky here um i think we will manage though we just need i will want a terrace there but this will need to be extruded and kind of joined in with the rest and that's a that's a tricky boy that's a tricky boy okay let's add a little bit more resolution here so i i want an edge loop that goes along the perimeter here and i'm just going to kind of start selecting these edges for instance insert edge just inserting them here then select this one insert edge right here this one here i'm creating one additional edge loop like that oh come on bam bam like that okay tab um and you can see here like this point right here like these two points right here they they are being separated right that means that um these points are not kind of welded together right there are two duplicate points at this particular spot and it's actually in most of the spots here so i need to fix that i think align vertices should work at least it used to work no vertices were adjusted great so they don't or maybe we just use like 10 uh wait a line vertices with 10 okay so we just needed a larger um tolerance and now we have a pretty decent edge loop here that we can use to our advantage how is that you ask well we get rid of this and actually that as well we get rid of all of that and we select this edge loop right here and we extrude sub d in z direction upwards until it meets here so we get something like this i'm basically building this brick right now but only topologically is there a shortcut to sub the display toggle yes it's the cat the tab button the tab button is your friend okay so this and also come on oh dude come on dude this and this will get uh sub with the lofted uh corners join creases ah whatever somebody loved it perfect well except here here it's not perfect it's far from perfect here but we will do align vertices again know where this is where adjusted that's great that means we will not do that instead we will stitch the vertices together here and here and now it should be fine yeah yeah now we're cooking okay so this guy right here needs to extend and it's kind of extended and get at almost 90 degrees i think but that's that's nice that's nice uh we kind of went then wait how does this work ah it needs to protrude here that's gonna be a tricky thing to do okay first let's fix this part you two need to go here because we only care about this being a balcony so maybe not that much and you user will need to it's kind of perpendicular snapping is turned on but for some reason it doesn't want to use perpendicular snapping what if i force it it still doesn't want okay sure we will just do that instead and we will snap to an intersection right here so that everything is kind of in the same plane in this in this area actually maybe i wanted it this way and i only want this and this to protrude this is kind of a nice nice balcony area right here that that we can work with by the way it's not going to be this blobby if you're thinking that oh my god this looks like snot it's it's not going to be it's not going to look like snot well most of it is not going to look like snot come on it will um so we have that that maybe these two can get extruded extrude 70 direction x just any amount and then here yeah i think we can get get away with an extrusion here like that and just move it in the correct position okay so one last thing to do well not not lasting but for for mass one one thing to do is uh merging uh this with this right we need we wanted the belly to actually flop and merge with with the shape here ah that's gonna be a doozy that's gonna be a tricky thing let's move this back in a bit like that just so that it's not in the way oh actually i have a i have an idea but we will need to work on it once we solve this um and how do we solve this well i definitely need i definitely need to extrude these along the y direction like that and basically select all of this side and just move it back to where it was actually can we just move from here to here so now i have this edge loop right here that i can work with which is great actually i'll make one more just for shits and giggles we have this edge loop right here and that means that i can kind of work and kind of work with this edge right here can't i screw it sub d let's do x direction until here [Music] this is getting tricky we have that do i want a cantilever here i do so i need one more edge loop here insert edge bam insert edge bam insert edge attach so when working with sub-d edge loops is the main um how do i say this like thinking about where you need edge loops and where you will place edge loops is the main thing to learn once you've learned that then you'll be fine you can do anything in subdivision but edge loops are tricky to to to deal with we have this which means that now i can indeed um i can take this edge and place it here i can take this edge and place it here we delete this right right right right we're we're getting there we delete this um we will kind of work on it on that part later but for now i'm just gonna extrude sub d until we reach doesn't matter here i'm gonna fix it now like that and now inside if i change this to ghosted view there is this little surface that is right now please let me just select that that surface this this surface right here is the surface that i don't need so i'm going to delete it and now technically if i align vertices and also if i change this to shaded view and force stitch the vertices together that [Music] that that and also that and we change this to shaded now these are merged we okay i want even though these are merged i want this to kind of stick out in a nice way let's think the question is do we do a shape like like an a shape or do we kind of change the direction of the flow for this i definitely want this to be heavier though so i'm probably going to yeah let's do it this way i'm gonna do they take this edge extrude 70 extrude it further out like so it's not a pretty boy right now but we will make it pretty and then there's a little bit of stitching that i need to do real quick pitch oh no not not to average stitch to here wait i i messed up here i need to fix it so this whole thing didn't get extruded far enough i need to bam do this and now we stitch okay we have it going we have that and now we have this opening here that i can continue extruding like that now all we need to do is loft not not locked a sub d lock corners join well topologically speaking it's not great um but it's it's gonna it's gonna work out i promise you'll see you will see for now this this boy right here is a little bit a little bit heavy a little bit on the heavy side a little bit too too pertrudy something like this is much better and i think we can lift this thing up so now i'm going to work on the proportions of things i have the topology i'm a huge help that's that's great to hear so now we're we have the topology going now it's time for proportions and then making sure that everything kind of kind of works together i don't care about this anymore as well um time to measure a bunch of distances four meters that's good enough 3.5 meters that is that could be higher i'm going to make it higher um now it's 4 meters it should be good enough um actually i will want some parts of it to be even higher but we will we'll fix that once we get there we'll cross that bridge once we get there this inner courtyard i kind of like i think it's nice but what what i'm thinking is would it be possible to take all of this move it up like that make it like higher i think it's gonna be possible so there's gonna be like um like a platform here okay so let's think which parts do we actually need to move up then um well i definitely want this loop to be moved up right which means that in turn this will move together with the loop kinda wait let's let's switch this to regular but i don't want to move this platform so it's just this ah it's tricky it's a tricky thing okay let's let's just move it by is it three well three meters is too steep come on three meters is too steep so i think we will move it by a half of a floor height which is 1.5 meters i think that's gonna that's gonna do the trick we do something like this i guess 1500 bam nothing like that yeah that's that's a nicer a little bit of a nicer noodle than what it was before um this thing right here i kind of want it to be a little bit more like these two things maybe this needs to be a little bit more bulky yeah let's let's make it a bit more bulky so you user actually we already have a direction that we can use user will snap to that direction like so bam a little bit more of a bulky boy right here um how wide is this [Music] that's good enough that's definitely good enough we will figure out how how it works later [Music] not sure about this connection though now i don't like it i don't like this topology here go away there we go and then now let's clean this up move vertical from here to here now this is nice and now you just move to the side a bit like so and you here we care uh we don't care okay let's stitch this let's close this this opening here just like that and just nope not like that just like that join everything up that was a delete button this is going to be a building eventually eventually for now it's not even close i know but it is going to be a building and we do something like this i think this this is kind of a a nice nice approach [Music] yeah let's do do it that way like that user going as well we have these two going on and let's keep um keep the the language so these two are opening like that maybe this one can then do it other way around a little bit out actually a little bit higher and also a little bit out a little bit more out we have something like this going on okay that's that's good that's good we can work with this uh same language for or here maybe something like that yeah that's a nice bend you have that i'm not sure if i want a double ceiling here how would that look like um how would this look like ah ew disgusting no don't want that please explain to us dendro and intra lattice dendro is a voxel-based grasshopper plug-in that takes in points and uses marching cube's algorithm to wrap those points around with a mesh a curve basically has a line of points going uh along it right you can think of a curve as just infinite amount of points going along it meaning that dendro also works with curves you can extrapolate it further by saying that surface is basically just an infinite amount of curves you know kind of a raid which makes dendro work with surfaces as well um intra lattice is basically just a a plug-in that creates lattices right which creates curves so you can take a bunch of curves and then use dendro to create geometry from them but what i would suggest doing instead with rhino7 instead of using intra lattice and and dundrum is using multi-pipe because even let's say if you have um just do it this way even if you have some sort of a framework going on um i have no idea what i'm doing here but just say that that that just a second i'm just creating a lattice structure for you one two three one and whatever let's not do it that way let's do it this way just flat one two three and let's just say all of this come on copy [Music] one two three right so you have something like this and then you tell duplicates and little duplicates and get rid of the duplicates then you let's say we group this and we do some page edit stuff [Music] well we can kind of make it nicer well well something like that right so you have oh i missed messed up one one curve right there uh but that's fine uh i'll just delete it and we will pretend that it's not there um so you have something like this right let's say a a lattice structure like so you can just select all of the curves right and you wait there's one control what's the control go away and you can just use multiply on them with pipe radius i don't know like a hundred millimeters maybe happens off strike divisions one right bam done now we have a lattice structure going on and i messed up here but but besides that and the works works nicely right so do that instead of using dendro dendro is for lattice structures is obsolete back to the building [Music] i think we need to well first of all i kind of want to add a little bit of a character here but maybe that's that's gonna come in later are we doing too much maybe we are doing too much with it maybe it's becoming overly complicated also it has a lot of these kind of straight segments here that i don't really like like this cantilever is nice this is not nice so what i'm gonna do is i will just do this and re-stitch it [Music] from here to here you get lofted from here you hear you get lofted and then we have two triangles which is not great but that's fine angle here and the triangle here then we join everything up we investigate oh crap right right right right right there is there's a extra subdivision there that i forgot to to take care of um so we do the loft and we do one division join in according to corners there we go that's that's better forgot about that that decision there corners join two divisions okay and now we do triangle here and bam bam triangle here bam bam bam and just a quad right here and a quad right here join everything up tab okay do i want it that way i mean it looks kind of shitty doesn't it like this area right here let me get rid of this and let's rethink this what if what if instead we do wd loft here i need a division though and these two guys need to be stitched together okay so what if we have that and then we take these and we do sub-dylo forgot about the division foreigners join bam that's gonna become a cantilever right i think we can work with it cantilever is nice uh because now this is gonna be an easy like um it's gonna be pretty easy to to lock as well uh not just lost 70 love corners closed not closed joined though with no divisions there we go okay so we have a cantilever here i think a cantilever is pretty cool but i think it's a little bit too intense in terms of of how much stuff this is protruding i think something like this is a bit better and also like this is starting to become a little bit of a of a weird place let's clean this up a bit so you go to this vertices right here and you move closer through here yeah i think this bend is now now kind of neat but ah this is not a prey topology anymore let me do this and kinda do this [Music] yeah this is better okay okay so now now we need to take care of this inner courtyard area i want it to be pretty japanese right i want it to be kind of inset inwards and i'm just thinking how to do it properly maybe we do use inset and just call it a day honestly perhaps we do use inset let's go for it um actually just this area right here in set mode as a group um and then we use like 200 ml for for the inset enter holy it looks bad why this is not 200 millimeters what do you mean okay we try again inset mode group 200 sure i'll fix it by myself yes like that yeah okay so we have this going on which means what does it mean what does it mean it means that i can take these surfaces now and i can extrude sub d i can extrude them inwards and i'm just going to have like a meter extrusion that oops that's wrong side minus uh two meters there we go so i'm extruding it inwards like that and we we get this kind of a break point right here and i'm going to repeat the same process for this only here we kind of want the direction that is probably y direction right um one meter like that and now we need to fix this area right here which which became a mess but that should be pretty pretty easy to fix so we can just grab a bunch of helper lines and use them let's come on herb herbs don't intersect yes they do don't lie to me or maybe we don't care maybe we do a triangle here instead of a quad yeah let's do a triangle sub d tools just bam triangle here in the top and the triangle here at the bottom and then we close it off select everything join everything tab yeah that seems like a like a decent porch so we're gonna use that okay we are gonna use that but i probably want yeah i probably want all of this topology kind of be much higher than than it is right now so i'm going to do this to it bam yeah that's cool that's good that's good hey bro thanks for the rhino input really like it i'm glad really glad current setup is the xps 15 not the pc yes it is the xps 15 which has a lot of issues i mean it's it's lightweight that's about it that's about as much as many good words as i can say about it the screen is nice but the color profiling is complete garbage so um in gray gradients i see like these color bands that are not not that great either way i want this to be a terrace right so i'm going to inset as a group let's use something thicker let's use like 400 ml and just extrude sub d uh according to x direction inwards by let's do like a three meter terrace something like that yeah i think that's gonna gonna be fine um and actually [Music] let's do the same thing here inset 400 that would be extrude or extrude something um but this one will only be like um 200 not 200 but let's say uh mere 500 millimeters whoa that's uh that was 15 meters meter 500 mil there we go something like this well that works that works [Music] okay the question is when do we start when do we start actually making this into a building because right now we're just kind of messing around with it as if it's a clay shape and i'm thinking if i'm over complicating in over complicating it maybe not yet i mean this this part is nice this part i'm not sure i think it it might be too complex let's get rid of it yeah i don't i didn't like it so i just deleted [Music] bam oops so and so that this gets lofted this gets lofted and this gets lofted and everything gets joined yeah i like this better so much hard work on come on it's it it's literally 15 minutes of work i've deleted much much bigger bigger things i think the record for me was two weeks of work i just didn't like it so it had to go bye-bye but now this corner becomes very important and the question is what do we do what do we do with the corner maybe maybe we reflect the inner sub d like the inner courtyard maybe it gets reflected here i think it we can we can pull it off because technically all we need to do let's think about this if i have this edge loop here ah crap it's it's going to be there we'll need to kind of subdivide it there but for now if we have this edge loop here insert edge and i insert an edge edge loop here that means i can use this as my archman i can use this as my floor plate area wait chat says something i'm pretty beginner and i am trying to model something for my studio work but i have problems with some corners i need to connect any chance you could look over it and help me fix it absolutely not i have zero time i i i kind of find five hours per per week to do these live streams notice how the the videos in the youtube channels are are not as frequent anymore that's because get diminished is a very very busy busy guy these days sorry i'm just lost and thought i'm just thinking what what was i doing before wait um right right right i wanted that yeah okay so i think that is enough to just have this edge right here and then we kind of need to build up an edge loop here um insert edge bam insert edge bam oh nope just messed it up messed it up i'm back here so now we are going to go along the whole damn perimeter and insert an edge loop and once we've done that we will vertices distance to adjust 10 millimeters sure have everything still seems to be working fine and now we have oh yeah that that's fine as well and now we have one additional edge loop that we can work with do i need an intern ah not yet not yet i'm still still scraping together that time it's uh it's not really the amount of work like it is the amount of work but most of it is emails like you would be surprised how much time i spent writing emails on a daily basis at least i'm typing fast now uh these days okay so we have this and basically what i want to do is i want to say that this opens up like so and maybe hmm maybe yeah let's do it this way so this open will open up like so and then these two will go up until here and will become thinner and these two will also go up here and i'm not sure if they need to become thinner maybe maybe let's let's uh let us use the same language right the same proportions so move vertical this point needs to be exactly in the same height as this point let's do edges move vertical group to be right here okay so we have this kind of um almost an eye shape that we're going to work with and my thoughts are if i select this guy right here and i do inset as as for a group uh we don't need 400 here we can just deal with 200 instead now even less i'll get to a chat in just a second now i don't want to lose my train of thought so just bear with me let's use like 50 for an inset there we go that works and now we take these and we extrude that b we extrude these um that's x direction can i just yeah let's do it this way can i just extrude it in x direction and then kind of select all of it like that just move it around ah it messes it up huh why are you being more tricky than you should extrude somebody oh wait these two can get deleted immediately now we use this and we grab these and kind of reposition them right now i don't really care about their their position that much i'm just going to do a small reposition here we'll need to fix that area there for sure so we have something like this going on and if i hit tab this is how it's going to look like okay that's we can work with that so this guy is also going to be extruded in for a bit just a tiny bit let's do 500 mil like that now we delete these two and we have basically this and everything like that the remaining thing that we need to do is we just need to clean this up right just clean it up um right before i do let's let's see what chad says andrew uh hungary sunday morning from chicago wait are things things are opening up in chicago right like you guys are getting a lot of vaccinations like more than 40 percent of of usa is vaccinated right [Music] my tutorials are amazing thank you so much for all the effort you put into them you're terrific and such an inspiration i'm not sure if they are amazing i mean i get a lot of complaints that my tutorials are way too long you know they're they're way longer than they should be but honestly i mean i'm a i am a university teacher right and i am used to having these kind of really long lectures so before covets we would have these kind of tutorials with the students um and like the lectures there would take six seven hours right so we would just kind of sit down and just like here just like in in this live stream i i would kind of stream wait this is all messed up why are you messed up i would just kind of sit down and and and explain everything to the students um in those six hours right so now doing one hour tutorial for me it seems like a short tutorial but when i read you know that the comments there's always at least one guy who's gonna say this could have been an eight-minute video yeah yeah it could have because any lecture can be an eight-minute lecture if you wanted to right i think that's not the point though sorry i'm rambling a bit just remembered that that my my my lectures are very long tutorials sorry that my tutorials are very very very long uh 70 love you go so now technically if we join everything up uh things are not aligning why are you not aligning uh well we can align vertices and see what's not lining one vertice adjusted others are not why is there are you a curve oh wait this is not sub d loft okay okay ah come on why are you like this are you an open yeah you are an open space join uh join yeah boy we have this going rebrand them as a webinar um i should probably just call everything that they do at webinar um also people tend to eat up webinars quite quite a bit for some reason they didn't really like webinars and tutorials need to be five minutes long i'm rambling again goddammit i need to learn to have to stop rambling um user needs to be in the same plane let me just do it this way let's just do that and that user needs to be in the same vertical plane as the foundation yep [Music] i think it's coming together bit by bit most people are vaccinated people are pretty optimistic about the summer good for you good for you me and my wife we are we really want to go back to japan because we fell in love with the country and also we want to visit china and you know other eastern countries and there is just no no no chance like we were hoping that we can do this do it this summer yeah there's uh there's there's absolutely no uh no chance so we will need to kind of rethink it for the next year which sucks really sex japan isn't almost not vaccinated i think they have like one percent of the population vaccinated at this point which is not great that is not a great statistic do we do a railing that's the question do we do a railing do i wanna do a railing kinda jew right i think a railing would look nice because i mean this terrace if we don't do a railing it's it's you know not not really useful but do we do a railing now or do we do it later because there's still a bunch of stuff oh right right i wanted to fix this there's still a bunch of stuff left to left to fix you sir need to move back in a bit yeah that's better it's better and a little bit more a little bit calmer as well what kind of hiccup is this well that's a bulge right there that is a bulge do we like the bulge though a hiccup here and a negative there [Music] honestly i think i like the bulge i think we will keep it yay oh actually let's uh let me change this to fluorescent tube so that looks weird i said fluorescent two i wanna remember when 40 minutes ago i said i want to go pee i'm gonna go what's wrong with arduino arduino did a booboo or this it probably was me who did a booboo the lcd screen is or oled the oled display is is bricked it doesn't work i will fix it off stream um and then i'll do an another stream some some later at a later time with it i still have that that kind of concept going uh let's do a turntable well come on turn people ah forgot to there we go so let's do a turntable and i'm gonna go and have a little bit of a break five minutes or so but before that what does the chat say i started making live tutorials of grasshopper and other software to the students my university takes me two hours and a half yep what can i say yep that's even if i were to i know that i make a lot of ums and ums and booms and you know filler words even if i were to cut away all of the filler words and it was just pure information um i did the map for one of the videos and it would be still um most of the tutorials would be above one hour still so so there's i mean with grasshopper and with rhino and so on there there's really not there's no fast way of how to do it unless i just trade up unless i just straight up kind of connect all of the nodes without really explaining what those nodes do and just say do this right repeat after me but at that point might as well just kind of give a download link for the script itself and with a little note saying figure it out yourselves right so it doesn't really make sense to do short short tutorial videos building interior with subdi would be interesting yep it would wouldn't it i'm i'm trying to push it away i'm trying to like i know that i will want to do a subdi interior actually i uh let me show you one thing i have one workshop going running right now i'll just save this so that i don't mess it up desktop um uh the the sub d house say let me run one more instance of rhino i'll show you one thing for as for the interior is so i i have a workshop running in in in lithuania right now um in vilnius arts academy and i'm basically showing them how to kind of model with subdi geometry that is perfectly integrated with a micro micro environment or micro interior right the extremely small interior which has a single piece of furniture that that that kind of works in it in multiple ways so this is the the geometry and this is this is the the geometry within the interior let me change this to shaded view so that you can see better and change this to e-map so that you can see barrier better so this is basically a bathtub and a sink and a little bit of a screen there and a shelf right and the kitchen area right here with a desk and a chair and a bed with a little bit more of a shelving going on right and it's it's basically a single piece of of furniture so this is kind of getting close to what you would see in um ships right in in yachts uh interior of a yacht is usually one kind of integrated thing and i i think with sub d modeling and and kind of thinking about manufacturing techniques that are close to ship building or ship interior building you can create these kind of super integrated furniture pieces all right break god dammit okay five minutes uh five minutes and i will be back oh and these are the parts and i will be back chill out with some music uh maybe i'll change this to something like this [Music] bam five minutes i mute myself [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so missed me hope you did let's continue let me turn on my face as you can see and let's turn off next okay back to 3d modeling that remember so this is what we have so far this guy right here wait let's do that yeah so i was talking about the railing here uh we will add that and also we will add a little bit of more drama to this side here let me let the inset or just in sets right not subbie um 400 mil that splits up the so the direction is not x uh is it y no it's not going to be y as well right it's not going to be y e okay for now let's do it this way with wireframe oh go to ghosted instead like that face and bam select this face and kind of try to just position it properly i'm not really concerned where is it i'm not really concerned about it not aligning perfectly i'll make this work later for now this seems okay um i kind of want like it's nice but i kind of want to to have a lip going out but what if we maybe this is a bad idea but what if we extrude this out that that looks bad huh yeah that's gonna look bad maybe we will add it as a nurbs geometry layer some sort of a terracing there a little bit of a balcony comes back to railing i think i think i think as long as we create a sub d a a loop here that should work right yeah so i'm going to just select this let's try it insert edge now wait i need yeah for for now let's let's do it this way insert edge here uh grab this insert edge here that's fine we will figure that part out later this whole part insert edge here this is a mess we will fix it um and then here like that so now these two get stitched this point so we have a triangle there how does that look that looks fine um or do we do it later now we don't do it later we do it now um so here and here pitch and now this area right here i think what we will do is we will just stitch these two to this corner okay that's that's fine that works fine so now we can grab this new loop not blue but line of edges that we have and we can extrude sub d and we can extrude it upwards uh 1100 meters millimeters not near and this can can go in like so why are you [Music] what the hell are there like two vertices here there shouldn't be uh there definitely shouldn't be but there are um not a lot actually we can use align vertices to fix that bam okay so that's good and now we just [Music] get this going mm-hmm it's looking good and this can just come on just give me the edge there we go and move it back so okay okay okay we have a little bit of a railing going on what about for this area do you want railing for this area i assume we do right i think we do or maybe we can go even until here insert edge i need to do it separately even here we need to do that separately huh that's fine you can work with this ah that corner is gonna be a tricky tricky thing so we need to figure out this this part right here okay that's a triangle that's easy and that's like a pentagon but i don't want the pentagon what if we do a quad and a triangle like so i mean it's not great but it should do the trick join it up uh line vertices still working fine okay that's good and now all right right right right this point in this point pitch the blamo this point and this point stitch kablamo now this this this and this gets extruded upwards uh i used 1100 i believe like that gets moved in like so and this gets moved in like so yeah that's fine that's fine we have some sort of an entry entry sequence here that we actually want to work with a little bit more i'm thinking maybe we do for this and this we do inset enter to continue mode group yeah whatever care right now we have something like this and this will sink down this will also sink down a bit and actually i'm not going to extrude this time i'm just going to move them in or do i extrude maybe i extrude see how they look like when they are just moved in oh it's intersecting huh so maybe they move out what if we do this that could be cool um something like that two bumps going out so this kind of makes me want to [Music] take the bottom edge and move it up well not that much basically just a little bit above and you basically step out from here right into into the terrace and from here into into the terrace sure let's let's do it this way i get a minus how do you feel about robotics in architecture in the future i'm an architecture student and considering studying robotics as well but i'd like you to try somehow connect these topics robotics and architecture um that's going to be a thing it is a thing already there there's a few buildings that that kind of use robotics um like transformable buildings i think greg lynn's studio in anchovant did did a course on architecture plus robotics where you would have like a building shell open up during the day and close down during the night so it depends on how you wha how do you think about robotics in in a building is it just some sort of um pattern making stuff or if it's actually functional if it's actually functional i think there there is definitely a place for it if it's just pattern making stuff then there's probably not you know it's it probably won't work [Music] that's at least my thoughts about it um right so we have this going on do we start working on the interior i think we do like there's still a lot of work to be done here for sure but i think actually i'm going to get rid of [Music] this whole this whole part [Music] and also i'm going to get rid of oops this whole part and this and also this there we go we have a shell wait didn't i delete this delete it again now we have a shell and since we have a shell i believe we can just off set wd uh solid no and do we offset it outwards or inwards that's the question i think we offset it inwards right by let's do [Music] i mean usually you want like half a meter right but let's say this is uh some sort of a fancy material you know glass fiber or something like that carbon fiber let's do thinner let's do 200 ml and now we have two shells that in some places are going to yep in some places they are going to intersect right so we will need to solve those issues for sure um how do we how do we do that i think we like here for instance we just move it up right straight up move it up bam like that that's going to be solved also this area right here will need to be moved up to let the thickness in i'll then move it down so that it fits better but for now this is going to be our our approach uh that is going to be fine maybe we'll see [Music] maybe i can dig these and move them in a bit more um so this is the tricky bit how do we solve this well the sides are going to be easy to solve i just scale them down well maybe not that much like that this will need to go along this edge by at least 200 but let's do let's be safe let's do 300 mil like that and this move goes in by 300 so i [Music] if i was smarter i would have planned this out better but unfortunately unfortunately i'm not so we are kinda now fixing things um i was thinking about automation it is live by the way i was thinking about automation in the design process as well i think that might be something soon i mean uh automation design process as well like it it's been around since the um industrial revolution right it's just robotics that came in um quite quite recently okay now now this should work um offset 70 and actually maybe we can do solid yes solid delete and put yes check it out the question is do we get rid of the creases i kind of like the creases have you heard about machine learning for architecture using again to train the form of a building um i that there is i have a student a master student who is working on gun and i'm his supervisor i'm just going to [Music] show it go away creative cloud [Music] so alois is is working on on gan and he is he's doing some some really interesting stuff with it and you can tell that he's my student you know from all of this stuff that you see in the um in the tutorial videos that i've uploaded but basically [Music] these are the plan variations that he's going through and are being generated through machine learning and these are like diagrams that that are being generated through machine learning which is kind of cool um i i think that's that's really nice um but he hasn't he oh yeah he used he used the was it called live stories he used instagram stories to to kind of show his his exploration so it's it's not not showcased here but yeah i i know i think or two about machine learning at this at this point that works that works [Music] it works how's the interior space that that looks kind of nice that looks kind of neat we'll of course need to add some some some floor slabs in but uh that that seems to be to be working quite quite nicely with some hidden stashes there um yo i forgot goddammit i forgot an entrance why why did you guys not tell me about the about the entrance i really love your videos every video helped me so much so i'm glad i'm really glad to hear that um we need an entrance guys we need an entrance maybe even two i think our entrance is going to be here inset as a group only 50 maybe [Music] x root sub d direction x probably right no direction y like that and here i'm just going to use only this area or the entrance this is not going to be a part of it actually what we can do with this well later later we'll we'll figure out this part later and now we offset sub d inwards 200 that's a that's a breaky boy oh yeah of course it breaks because this is way too small we undo undo undo and we do do it again tab d or inset group not 50 400 well actually i think we can let's do 400 at yeah yeah move it this one gets moved down a bit this gets extruded or rather all of this gets extruded [Music] and works by just a tiny bit to actu accentuate the the entrance and actually maybe we can do i want maybe i want the entrance to be kinda like this um how do we do this wait wait i'm thinking let's draw a box when in doubt draw a box a big one going until here so we have a box as our guide guiding edge and i'm going to move this back for that we need wireframe actually i'll move this back until it meets the box at a perpendicular angle perpendicular angle there we go and also there's we're getting to to uh state where we have too many uh too many curves to deal with that's always a dangerous dangerous game to play okay we have that now bam good this is now vertical this right here is vertical and i can get rid of that perfect and i can offset sub d inwards 200 do we whip out the clipping plane to check what's what's going on there's our floor or lag there off of a floor we will need to add it what's up nothing much just chilling platform io versus code is a way better workload oh visuals good yeah uh way better workflow for arduino makes it way less of a pain to work with i think it as long as you're doing a really simple simple task um i i i think that's that's fine you know either way is fine uh is this some kind of a pollutant or what um is it no it's it's a family house i think i i haven't decided yet i think it's going to be a family house and we have well at least the first floor is going to be easy the second floor we have a floor here which is basically our terrace and then we have a bunch of openings that we will need to somehow close off and the way we close them off i think is going to be with nurbs johnny yeah i think we will use nerves for this as we do want a separator so let's let's think about this for for a bit more can i [Music] if i put a point here um can i snap to the clipping plane hello clipping plane please am i snapping too i probably am right i put a point here and i create a box here that is uh we're dealing with 200 millimeter stuff so i'll continue using 200 well actually it looks ridiculous so let me scale 1d let's scale it up to at least 300 ml like that and the question is now [Music] is it possible to to add this floor slab that's that's that's the question right let me make a copy of this because i know that i'm gonna screw it up um two nerves i'll convert this to nurbs geometry just like that and i will do well i'll save first because i know for a fact that this is gonna it might crash it might crash boolean difference boolean difference we subtract from the box with this shape okay it didn't crash so the outside portion we don't care about the terrace we don't care about what we care about is this floor slab right here and then it there's this hiccup like a large hiccup that we will need to deal with but i think we will i think we will solve it and then here we have like a pretty decent floor going on which is great that that's what we want do we have anything else that is here no so we do have a pretty nice opening here but i'm just thinking maybe we maybe we create one more box and we kind of rotate it at an angle like so and we just casually boolean difference just casually remove everything else and we just keep this area for now because we have this area right so we we will be able to add a bedroom here or something like that yeah so we'll have a bedroom here while this part right here will will have the staircase right it will have the goddamn clipping plane it will have a vertical connection here right here so we'll be able to work with with it as a we will be able to use this as a vertical connection i think that's a way i think that's a way of how to do it yeah let's let's let's work on it this way okay okey-dokey so we have a strategy for the floor slab i'm not going to incorporate the floor slab just yet but i just wanted to see if we will have a strategy for it or not and now what i want to do and actually this is going to be like the last thing that i'm going to do for the stream it's i really wanna eat uh we're going to create a landscape for it for it to sit in so an immediate landscape is going to be just a surface right so i'm just going to create a plane bam then [Music] plane and then for this plane we are going to push and pull on it right to to create some sort of uh irregularities i think [Music] or maybe we kind of keep it simple and just keep it as as a plane now let's let's create regular irregularities so i'm going to make it bigger maybe even bigger like that uh that's actually too big nothing like that should work rebuild this um let's do for now let's do six and six points oh actually with degree of three and three uh f10 and first thing that you always want to do is you want to take the surrounding control points and move them up a little bit not a lot just like um two meters not more than that this will make sure that when you are looking at it from from a human's eye level uh your horizon line is going to be higher so we do that and now we're going to be pushing some of these points up even even further by two more millimeters or actually maybe all of this can be lifted up the inner circle can be lifted up by by two like that now we just kind of mess around with it a bit a bit more this point this point and this point there we go that that should be good enough okay that view yep now it's all kind of just a tiny bit wavy i think that's that's that's good that's good so we have that done uh now now we will convert this to nurbs i delete input objects no i don't want to delete the input objects i just want to hide them and using this nurbs geometry i will probably try to do boolean difference with the nerves geometry and see if it works wait what boolean difference this with this okay that doesn't work so i do need to actually find extrude 70 or extrude surface stick straighted down to a solid piece and then we boolean difference with this shape and we basically get rid of oh the opening this this is screwing me over okay got it so the landscape needs to go a little bit down just a tiny bit down just like that yeah perfect okay and actually then that means we lock the landscape and we figure out the connection between the building and the ground right that's that's a very important important thing to do um so how do we how do we want the building to connect to the ground that's a tricky that's a tricky question i kind of like it being plopped down like this in a kind of a stupid way at the same time i kind of hate it that is doing that so the first thing that i'm gonna try to do is i will try to crease the bottom portion and this is gonna take forever or not actually i'm almost done crease so now it's doing that so it's going down in a much straighter line uh which makes it so it's up here that's that's fine that's fine which makes it so that the ground actually let's let's not use booleans and that now we can turn this to nurbs hide it and then we can calculate an intersection intersect there we go so we get uh curves on the landscape which you can't see you can see you can see them here for some reason but you couldn't see them there which is weird but either way now since we have these curves i'll join them up or not oh never mind they are joined i can trim i can trim away the landscape here right so we basically have this kind of brutal connection but now what i want is something something different i i want a little bit of a gap between the like i want the landscape and the building to make a little bit of a gap so i'm actually i'm going to go to the top here i'm going to hide the building here i'm going to take the curve project the curve or project pc plane delete and put objects no okay so now we have a flat curve here which means i can offset it um by 200 mil more let's do 300 mil by 300 millimeters just like that just like that and we extrude not extrude we project it back to the surface that and now i can take the surface and split it with this newly projected curve so now i have this inner ring and the outer ring and the inner ring will just be um do we just move it down like that well that's that's a lot has been moved by a lot something like this and maybe i just can select this select this and loft that you okay now we have something like this going on one last thing that i want to do offset surface come on offset not surface uh a meter or let's do it even more 1.5 meters something like that project split the surface with the new projected curve and now we have like a boundary type of a thing which here is not great i don't like it here um so can we work with this we can right this thing right here i will just isolate it and we will see how we can kind of work this out i think all we need to do is just kind of trim away the bit that we don't like and then use blend curve like that like that yeah that's gonna look nice join project here split with this okay we're done tell crv delete curves and we have basically this this kind of a landscape thing that enables us to please place the building as it is right now um there is a gap there why is there a gap there there is a gap there because i messed up right here so this area will need to go down a bit a bit more or it can't go down it needs to get extruded a bit further extrudes up the set direction doesn't matter how far honestly something like that okay let's look at it with arctic view so now we have why is there a gap here oh it's just a visual glitch that's fine that's just my camera not camera my graphics card not liking it but we do have this working sweet sweet sweet sweet okay [Music] this is working this is gonna be a tricky thing too to put a glass in but we will figure it out i believe let's just do emap on it yeah that looks fine looks fine to me so in the next stream i know what should we do in the next stream any suggestions any ideas how long have i been live oh my god four hours do we do an interior for this i kind of want to continue working on this facade um [Music] a facade is just going to be some sort of a tiling i think actually let's uh let's real quickly check out how it's uh how it would look like just slap on a generic material to this whole thing by the way if it starts lagging let me know um because now i'm gonna start kind of doing rendering by the way this is dark i'm gonna start doing some rendering um just a little bit so if real-time rendering lags just just let me know um that's fine uh environment i will want to use a sky for it for light i will want to use rhino documents and because i'm lazy or do we use an hdri image now let's use a rhino document sound for now or um ah screw it let's let's use an hdri image i'm lazy um i'll just get one real fast yeah um i'm thinking about you know doorways and then windows and whatnot maybe maybe we'll we'll do those or maybe we'll start from the interior separations and then we'll continue on from there we'll see i'm still not sure uh let's do sunset probably because i have it downloaded right so i'll just import it um let's is it here now hello wait yeah environment skype perfect uh or rather sunset hdri perfect um but you interactive render oh my god what the hell is going here why is this so blue why is this so blue that makes no sense oh that's because i didn't oh my god i'm stupid we need to actually add a dome light right for it for for that hdri to to work for us let's kind of slap the dome light in here somewhere here doesn't matter and this dome light will have the sunset texture attached to it here based as copy all right so now it should work then explain how to add sun background from hdris once again try to do it but it's not working i just did it so you get your hdri image in here right into rhino and then you you need to create a dome light and basically in the dome light settings where it says color texture hdr you choose the the hdri image that that you have that's about it right then all we need to do is just change the exposure value well probably not to 20. uh 16 now 14. let's do 13. oh not 1 13. that's good enough look at it this way yeah that that opening i'll need to work on that opening for sure i mean it's not it's not a pretty opening so sky background in theory the story in lights yes when you have a dome light set up uh then it will overwrite the background so when you have dome light setup the environment background is going to be overwritten in today's technology which one is better laptop or desktop consider to buy one um don't buy one just yet uh this year uh the prices are i mean the prices are obnoxious because of the chip shortage basically the bitcoin is rising up in the in the price quite drastically and everyone is buying graphics cards and whatnot to to mine bitcoin right especially china which makes the chip shortage uh quite quite drastic right and they they expect that your shortage to be until the remainder of this year right so throughout this whole year which makes it so that graphics cards are extremely expensive to buy right now they're like three times more expensive than what they should be um so what do the the the bitcoin miners do they bought they buy laptops as well right then they mine bitcoin with laptops that is why laptops are also increasing in price so it's it's kind of a show this year i i would strongly suggest buying one uh like later if you already have one that is kind of useful usable uh wait wait wait for it but which one to buy a laptop or a pc personally i couldn't work with a pc because i have to travel quite a bit from place to place right and since i'm traveling i'm traveling um just getting a pc wouldn't wouldn't make sense to me so i'm i just have a lightweight laptop right uh if you're planning on kind of staying in one spot then of course pc makes more sense it's cheaper and also it has more power more firepower easy as that [Music] for rendering purposes like you to render out images like well not like these but um like the renders that i do um i usually send them to a render farm i tend to render render them out in a render farm rather than on my laptop just because i don't want to spend time waiting um so yeah that's that's at least the gist of it right the building design could use more creases oh yeah oh yeah yeah that's for sure that that's for sure uh but we are currently just um this stream was all about just the massing and just getting the kind of the topology going right so so making sure that all of the geometry kind of fits nicely but add increases like the first part where i would add it would be probably here just to kind of lock it in place a bit better come on why are you doing this to me right so so getting some some sharp uh tarp edges in there i did this area right here i would i would love to have it creased as well and this will probably not work why hello chris okay so it is creasing that that was weird freeze right i kind of want to do this for the rest of the building actually there's one one thing that i really want to do i i want to solve this this this is stupid this looks real stupid um how do we solve it maybe we just do delete let's just see how that that works bridge no that's a bit better okay let's do it this way then and what if no i'm starting to add detailing like we will we will work with the detailing a bit a bit later but yeah i completely agree adding creases will will definitely help out this this project actually maybe now we can remove creases from here [Music] but basically i want to have as little of kind of layers of complexity as possible um at this stage just so that it doesn't screw me over just so that i don't need to deal with too many many things at the same time i would definitely add creases here as well anyway that's later yeah corbisia is the like one of my favorite ones for sure in architecture what you take on work-life balance balance what no just the answer to your question is no no such thing you like work in life balance i don't know i think it's nice to kind of be passionate about about the operations that you make right about the the stuff that you make i think it's it's just nice um to kind of be passionate about it and kind of push yourself to make some some cool things but if you push too hard then your your creativity suffers right and and then you kind of get get into this loop which is not not great so it's really hard to to make it so that the there is a balance between you know life and work when dealing with architecture that's for sure but at the same time it's something that every one of us architects need to figure out how to do if we don't then we're just going to kind of keep we'll stop growing right we will start building or keep building up same thing over and over and over again i don't know it might be something different uh i i might be wrong about this but right now it feels like like that that's that's the the way it goes um as you only get these moments of inspiration right when you're when you're tight on schedule right when you're when you're kind of behind and you need to speed things up and kind of push through a project then you don't really your creativity starts suffering right because then it's all about speed right so you definitely want breathers where you would think about you know different topologies different ways of how you can work with with with the geometry and with these kind of shapes and spaces and whatnot so work and life balance having other hobbies rather than just architecture i think helps quite a bit right and by hobbies i don't mean netflix right but by just kind of getting into um airplane modeling not 3d modeling but actually making you know small model airplanes or music you know those kind of things really it helps you grow as an architect which is weird but they do i'm just looking at the how how does rhino understand the topology of these shapes and it's actually not not that bad let's let's zoom in when do you plan next stream oh man that's a that's a tricky question i don't know i would love to stream during weekdays i would really love to but it's just i get so tired uh after the day's work and that i i wouldn't be able to talk this way to you guys i i would just kind of sit there and be like yeah so we're gonna we're gonna kind of offset this i don't care maybe let's create a staircase i don't care right so i think for for the streams to have high quality it's it's week weekends probably next saturday or sunday uh we're gonna kind of continue on from here i might even do a stream that is like two streams one on saturday and one on sunday depending on how much uh how much time i'll have during the weekend uh what are my other hobbies i'm making um like what are my other hobbies 3d sculpting in blender and just creating donkeys and and whatnot uh that's a hobby i think actually just messing around with that then arduino and working with flower pots that's that's a hobby um sorry wait one side that's a hobby what else if you look there that's a 3d printer that long long time ago has been uh tarantula right now it's uh something completely different that's a hobby also when when i have time i play squash with my wife which we really like and also um wait let me turn this off also um i am learning wait camera please work i'm learning uh japanese while my wife is learning chinese which is super fun and also you know they're very very challenging konnichiwa nastoyimas um and so on um so so i have a lot of these kind of small small hobbies here and there like the biggest one for me is traveling by by far um like that that's uh traveling and hiking all over the place right uh just just getting getting in a car driving to the mountains and uh kind of hiking um either it'd be the mountains or or or the seaside doesn't matter but let's just say kovit hasn't been kind to us in that regard anyway um i think what do we think about this like this is very low resolution i know but i think the form like the tiling is kind of nice i think we can kind of stick to the tiling i'm not sure if we're gonna make it out of concrete but who cares parametric pewdiepie yeah i guess uh parametricism has a little bit less of a crowd than minecraft right these days considering how many subscribers i have and how many pewdiepie has um i'm sorry i don't know how it exactly works but is there any way to set notifications watch few of your videos but that's the first time i see any stream yeah so if you subscribe you there's that kind of bell icon um right next to the subscribe button i think or i don't remember where it is but you it's a bell icon once you click on it you can choose to receive all notifications and it's basically going to kind of beep you once once i go live again um going back here i don't want a model anymore um today i think i think we're done with modeling i'll call it today i'll save this i will though just take off my freaking arduino and plug it in right now and see if you're just magically going to start working probably won't though oh so that's a dead arduino board right there it is rhino rhino seven said that you can do this in rhino 6 as well only instead of sub d you would need to use a mesh and use catmo clark subdivision in grasshopper but it's exactly like the the performance of it is exactly exactly the same uh what's going on there why are there things intersecting here i don't like it um i wanna i wanna investigate so it goes in here huh and we make it go back yes we can okay great that means i just need to select these two and kind of move them back in place like that now it should work i think now it's gonna now it's gonna be cleaner app yeah that's better what about here this is not good you move back pledge bear okay okay so that works and i think we just kind of add a crease here yeah i think the the sharpness of this kind of works nicely with the smoothness of the rest of the building that's it though yeah i think it does and we will do the same thing here oh my god this is also messed up let's go in okay that's good and now user will need to go in as well that's the stuff that you get from the offset right so you always need to kind of get in there and clean it up just a little bit that style is kind of cool yeah yeah i mean it depends what you do with it right you can achieve really beautiful results with just uh you know a bunch of boxes that are being bullied together um there's there's no why is there oh that's a inset uh this guy needs to move in right oh my god this looks bad oh never mind it kind of solves itself when it except here here it doesn't i'll need to fix that layer right now i don't wanna and also this this whole thing uh this whole thing is a little bit of a mess but that is going to be a problem for future gediminus not this one you always want to by the way when when working with you know architecture like this you always want to pair uh you want to pair uh something that is sharp with something that is with something that is solid uh sorry something that is curved right so you always want to work with with creases against a small curvilinear shapes to get the desired desired i result that's good but this is uh going to be a pretty dark one i kind of want a window in there let's do a window that that inset delete that that bridge and it's as simple as that do we want it that way or maybe it can maybe it can extend nah i think that that would be a little bit too much if it also extends it's just stupid oh my god such a stupid building what's the concept of the model am i just experimenting the concept of the model is we are making a building the that's the concept that's basically it um everything else is just we are kind of winging it and seeing what what what works and what it doesn't i think what's we once we add like a wait i wanna i wanna add a tree there vegetation do i have a tree downloaded i should have a tree downloaded right scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll that's a nice one that's a big one let's grab a small one there we go lens length 30 millimeters like that render out ah yes yes forgot about the light where's my brain buffer oh come on why is the frame buffer minimizing i i wanna oh my god that's music just bear with me for a second damn like that okay so yo light can you of turn there that is doing that maybe here i kind of want um a sunlight right a sunlight that is doing its own thing like that the south is there so from there like that okay that's that's good enough light and then we slap on a little bit or a little bit of that sweet sweet environment fog there we go what does this look like now okay that doesn't help wait why are you being hidden is there like a way of how i can make this always on top what come on with every update bevel instead of crease maybe i don't know like for for an architectural scale if i wasn't lazy i would probably use bevel that's true but i'm kinda lazy let's do distance of let's do a height so this is in millimeters oh right this is in millimeters right so we need a height of let's do 10 meters for height and this is now completely black but if distance is 10 000 now this is starting to look like what what i want but 10 000 is a little bit too much right too too intense so let's do um 50 000 five times more so we get a few god rays in here that is starting to look kinda nice maybe something like this why did it stop by the way why does it keep being hidden now it's not being hidden that was a weird weird bug okay actually i want to look at it from here maybe from here something like that and then we change the sun a bit now i'm just messing around as you can see i stopped modeling right uh for for today i will not model anymore uh just because just because i'm tired um nor that's kind of cool just hitting a little bit of the tree maybe from maybe a little bit less i mean a little bit more something like that and a nice and now what if instead of this regular material what if we say that it's generic and it has reflections turned on that's kind of reflecting stuff nah we do this instead and for emission we will choose some sort of fall color um like this orange glow i kind of like it so i'll use a fall color that's slightly brownish right and emission multiplier i'll just switch this to like two so it's it's dusty [Music] yeah i think that works and now we can mess around with the [Music] the exposure control for instance just ramp up the exposure a bit ramp up the contrast maybe increase the explosion exposure even further [Music] oh i think that's it i think that's it it's enough for today for today it's enough this should have been a flowerpot stream but instead it became uh let's make a blobby house stream which is also kind of fun i guess to do next time we will continue on detailing this this house we go away for now we'll continue on with the detailing of this house bad boy right here true sphere turn the bubble bam that is it that is it for today hope you all enjoyed the the stream the detailing process will be super fun but also it will kind of be a little bit slower than the actual massive process right because when you go into detailing you need to really take your time to make sure that everything kind of fits perfectly um i will come back next weekend with more cool stuff okay i'll see you then and subscribe bye
Channel: Gediminas Kirdeikis
Views: 14,081
Rating: 4.9469028 out of 5
Keywords: Rhino 7, sub d, subd, architeture, architecture, Rhinoceros, Rhino, RH, Grasshopper, organic, fluid, form, model, 3D, 3D modeling, building
Id: dff5sVBiLe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 20sec (9740 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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