SubD livestream Part 6: Learning to 3D model with Rhino 7 SubD Tools

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] all right hello hello hello hello how's everyone doing today as per usual i'm fighting my webcam and trying to make it work but it doesn't want to come on come on webcam you can do it and you you can there we go oh it's a laggy boy that's fine it's not me it's the 3d model that you came here to see so that's okay if my camera is a bit more laggy hey pablo welcome let's see how's the lag is it bad is it good is it fine seems to be okay it doesn't seem to lag that much okay which means we can start getting into this model and start modeling cool where do we begin where do we begin i need to check check this out with emap to just see so last time we did the wheel in the back and we did some some additional work on the top and the front here which i think looks kind of awesome i think that looks nice i don't really want to get into here i do too much here i think that looks already fine as it is maybe later maybe later we'll add some stuff there so perhaps we do perhaps we do two more wheels right maybe that's though the way to go about it yeah let's add more wheels you can never have too many wheels so how do we do that i already have modeled this one out so might as well use it right can i just extract control polygon can i just get that control polygon from here but that's a mesh but i can probably convert it to sub d right i think i can so we just do it very casually um extract that wheel out of out of the freaking rest of the mesh um so there is this command there is this loop here that i can delete there we go and there is also a loop here that i can delete and then if i split this joint mesh and delete the rest of the car i'm left with the wheel and i believe if i then turn it into t splines uh we're not dealing with these planes right we are dealing with sub d uh so if i write 2 sub d i delete and put no that's fine okay let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see what kind of sub-d will we get from it tab yeah that's perfect that that's exactly what i want okay so we got ourselves a wheel that we can use and actually i'll be using the mesh for for just a tiny bit just a tiny bit [Music] and i will be figuring out how to incorporate it we just kind of do this do we just do something like this maybe or it can go inwards like that that could also be kind of cool maybe that maybe that okay so for that we will extract control polygon get that sub d going um and and just figure out figure out the topology of this thing right so one thing that i kind of want to do let me move this out for a bit and actually duplicate border and move this back in and how do we move it back in i believe there is like um really quick gumball blah blah snappy dragging snappy dragging i think i can kind of snap it here that's perfect and now i'll just immediately turn off some snappy dragging okay so that is where the wheel will have to go um and we need to make this that this quad into an octagon for it which is going to be quite easy to do once we insert um but before we do that kinda need to make a few adjustments for it let's do something like that and this one moves here that is good actually maybe the whole loop could move or do we just deal with this area here well for sure these two points need to move there as well kind of there oh my god that one's a little bit too far out yeah looks fine looks fine okay so that's the polygon that we're going to kind of kind of sacrifice but i don't want the wheel just to be kind of hanging on the side that's kind of boring i want the wheel to be a little bit more closely incorporated with them the overall form but the problem with that is this corner right here which is not that nice so i'm thinking of just moving all of it a little bit backwards so maybe maybe maybe we don't need to okay maybe we don't need to move these edges around maybe i just kind of take the curve and take the wheel and just move it here that works right and now the wheel is placed there it will not intersect with the bottom area here at least it shouldn't no it won't that's perfect and we have a little bit more of play at our hands but what we can do so so what do we do i know let us let us take all of these polygons here including those yes yes and that uh maybe not the bottom ones no the bottom ones also need to be taken in yeah the bottom ones also need to be taken in i don't know how this is gonna go it might be a big mistake that i'm doing it this way but of course the inner ones we also select and we will extrude them in which will create an issue here in the bottom which we will do our best to solve like that corner is going to be problematic other than that everything else should be fine so let's try it extrude sub d inwards uh direction along the y direction inwards until let's say we snap to that vertices right there okay so all of the top part is fine that is okay the bottom though is not fine the bottom is making a mess and we need to fix that mess so how do we fix that mess well we start deleting things that's first thing we delete a bunch of things come on fine delete delete more delete there we go and then we first solve this which is going to be quite easy to resolve because it's just uh just going to be a triangle and a quad then so a triangle goes in here like so it's easy and then a quad goes in here like so perfect okay that's done um now this area it's just a bridge right bridge between you and you okay it won't let me bridge so i'll just use sub d loft instead how's everyone doing this this fine evening all good i just really want to want to finish up the the model today but that probably will not happen well but we will try to push it as far as possible so i might not might not interact with the chat that much once there's more people in the chat um maybe that's fine maybe that is fine okay we need to figure this out [Music] so there needs to be a lot okay first let's loft or something loft oh my god sub d loft there we go ma'am okay so that's that and then then this is the tricky bit can we just do something like this and then add add a triangle there probably we can should we though we'll see okay um join everything up yep so this is how it looks like right now and when i hit tab it's going to it's going to be quite ugly but i think we can save it i think we can save it i believe i believe we can save it by selecting these edges here all the way through all of these edges and using a bevel hitting them with a bevel so once we hit the edges with the bevel and let's see it's a it's a pretty small one pretty minuscule one um let's try uh five millimeters yeah there we go um this whole thing messes up that's fine we will fix it so user needs to be fixed now okay how do we fix it one two three four one two three four maybe like that but then then it's a problem there problem problem problem oh thanks thanks for the for the kind words [Music] um so now i'm just in it in a in some trouble here that i made myself of course as per usual we have a situation we do we do have a situation at our hands there's a lot of polygons here and only one polygon here and we need to somehow manage this well there's no other way around it right we just kind of do it sub d loft and just hope that no one looks at the bottom of the car yep like that yep yep and then there's going to be two ugly ones one like so and one like so or wait one two three four that can be a quad so maybe that's that's the way to go go about this like that i mean not the cleanest one but i think it will do the trick let's join them up uh let's hit it with the tab and see what happens so now this is cleaner for sure like this this edge right here is cleaner and it goes on to this this kind of super sharp corner here so i'll just hit it with a bevel to reduce the too much too much too much less less less to reduce the sharpness there we go so it's a little bit more controlled and i think now we can just hit these two with or no i i will not keep using bevel i think that's fine okay so we have that so now our wheel will will be held a little bit closer to the in inside of the of the car um let's actually look at where's our wheel there we go there it is um so all of this can be or rather this will need to be moved with snappy dragging bam to here and this uh for now just gonna will i'll wing it so let's do a line no let's just turn off snappy dragging that is not how you turn it off let's move there we go place it there a little bit closer not not too close though so i kind of want to have it have it even closer so i'm thinking of getting that edge and moving it in like just like so and then moving the whole damn thing in yeah that seems good that seems that seems like a plan i think that's that's gonna work okay so we have that and i kind of want to already create a connection there so i'll i'll do that um connection connection connection so this this polygon is going to be i'm gonna use inset on this polygon with say five mil just a really small inset that didn't work so we try again from that point five click there we go and then i will i need to create a bevel there so i will use extrude and i will extrude it in by let's say five more mil something like that and here now i have the possibility to do bevel on this edge on this edge this edge and this edge okay [Music] one bevel there we go that's our bevel and let's just make sure that we don't give it too much of oh my god that the snapping the snapping is horrible um yeah i think that's good enough let's see let's see that's good enough that's our bevel so now i will just get rid of this um surface here and i will take this polygon and i will explode it and then i will just do some lofting or sub d lofting for that matter sub deloft [Music] there we go these two corners creases join and you guessed it it's gonna be a pretty pretty boring procedure oh man i'm not sure if i'll make it today there's still a lot of maybe i need some techno music i don't know there's still a lot of stuff that i want to do and so little time let's see when did we start we started holy crap it's been almost half an hour i need to step up my game here okay so we have that done that is now fixed now i'll sell crv select curves delete them um and i'll just move this polygon by this mesh sorry this mesh to snap in place i'm not sure if i'm snapping it correctly let's let's double check yep that's the vertice here we go so it's barely is there a gap there oh my god did i mess it up have i lost the gap there well it's not going to be a problem if i did but god damn uh section not section uh sec [Music] and not the help file stop um section oh my god not section plane clipping plane keep forgetting the name of it clipping plane move it up there is a gap there okay who saved saved saved saved saved there is a gap okay that's good that's good that means we have a gap there and we kind of can continue working on this so what i'm going to do is i will duplicate border again like that and i will get this i need this area here how do we get this area and how much of an area do i need maybe i need more maybe i need this this this this and that and this and you know all of it um yeah probably so i will extract control polygon of this i will hide the subdi for a bit then i will do this extract mesh faces okay that's done um where is it oh what uh no no no i just want this to move okay so it does move that's good but this is not disconnected that was my bad okay let's let's try it other way around then this this this this this come on just give me that not that this okay delete so you're left with this split disjoint mesh we delete that we have this plate here that's that's going to be working for us um it's a whole mess though what's up the shading oh the shading is that's fine that the shading is okay uh it's because it's welded and i just need to move this here okay yes now we show and we have where's my wheel oh sh please no did i delete the wheel come on come on man yep i deleted the wheel uh so stupid hide hide the wheel don't just delete the wheel being stupid um okay so we kind of do this again but this time we know what we're doing so it's going to be much faster [Music] that that just give me that give me the polygon there we go delete split the joint mesh you get moved from this point to this point perfect and you get deleted and then we show perfect okay okay that's that's what we want to see that's what we want to see that's good so we have that and now now we need to somehow merge this with this and make it look nice yeah that's gonna be that's gonna be a challenge thankfully we have this kind of a hiccup here that we can kind of use so i'm i'm planning on using it first of all i'll make this into uh subd so i'll just convert it into subd bam select the mesh delete the mesh tab that's how it looks that's that's perfect um right right right right one thing that i haven't checked is yeah that's correct never mind we're good gucci we are gucci okay so this we can kinda i think we can kinda use this right delete as an entry hole for for this and we can use that one use that as an entry hole for this i think we'll figure it out um okay so i need to take these polygons here and move them in a bit until the edge of the wheel same thing for these guys these edges nothing like that and now we bridge and just hope for the best or do we bridge later wait wait a minute maybe we need this to be a double yeah we need this to be a double so i'll just make a copy of it i will figure out a way on how to oh my god please just just let me let me there we go i need you to be clean without a hole without any pokey holes and why is there like a weird polygon going on ah we just deleted and then it's fine okay let's do it in the top view that's gonna be easier bam delete didn't select everything bam delete look at it in perspective looks beautiful then we bridge between here and here never bridges never lucky okay sub d loft don't know why it doesn't bridge we don't really care uh we just join it up and it's fine okay so we have like a we do have two sides now of this which is nice um and we we can kind of use those two sides um but i for i still need this and this to be a little bit higher up something like that yes yes please okay lofting time um or bridging time i guess let's just hope that bridge will work this this this hello this enter with this this and this yeah okay that works nicely and now this this this with this this this oh my god uh first set of edges to bridge uh u u and u enter with you and you enter okay that works so we have now this kind of connection that that's what i wanted we'll make it nice in just a second bear with me um we just need the topology to be running correctly and now it's going to bridge here this this and this come on with this this and this okay and finally these three with this this and that nice okay so we have that now on to the top let's just see if it's uh if there's like a faster way no that that's not gonna work right we do need need to select all of this or bridge first set of edges this row please i don't know why why is that being selected no no no no go away no no no i'm clicking on this there we go uh that's the first set and the second set is of course the one that's the back clean clean clean nice okay almost there almost there boys and girls almost there last bridge situation yep with damn i actually like this music it's a nice breath of fresh air after a few streams of beats lo-fi lo-fi lo-fi low file all the time okay that's how it looks like i think that looks okay it's fine we'll make it nicer but for now it looks okay and then the wheel right so that's a mesh so we will convert it into sub d and before we do that we will just check i'm not sure if the seam is correct there so i need a clipping plane just to kinda investigate no the sim is correct okay the seam is correct so we convert this into two sub d bam delete the mesh now we have the sub d here and we kind of join these two bad boys up smooth oh man there we go we have our topology going now it's time to mess around with it i'm thinking of i'm thinking of having some parts of it pretty high up we can't really do it because of this line but i think if we kind of save this line we can rebuild the tangency not the tangency but the directionality here [Music] change object layer so this line is important to stay on and also come on and also this line these two lines are very important to stay on on top of um let's start with the bottom so this whole part here or rather let's start with this right i i want this to be thinner probably yeah i want this to be thinner it's a little bit too thick so let's thin it up work something like that we'll do the trick at the tab yeah that's nicer okay and then i want it to be wider than the bottom so it needs to go down and let's look at it from the side view it needs to go down all the way to here okay hit tab to check that's how it looks like that's a bit better that's a bit better and now what about for the top or actually maybe maybe this edge could be doing something like that something like this so you have a horizontal and then the belly yeah i think that's that's that's neat and now for this huh for now let's equalize it so let's um let's grab these polygons these are flat for sure but i want to move them vertically so that they are flat with oh they are flat with yeah of course this this whole ribbon is actually flat um let's move it up and see what how it looks like something like that hit tab that's how it looks [Music] maybe maybe should become wider here then should thicken up quite a bit here though and then even more so here but then it becomes a little bit too flat er too fat so maybe that's a bit too much yeah that looks fine i think that looks okay and now we do a magical move vertical from here to here something like this so we get this kind of a shape here going [Music] which is cool let's move this down a bit as well so we have this shape and we actually didn't even need those those guidelines that's perfect and now just make it all nice so that thing right there that thing right there probably this also well that that will will need to re-readjust so let's do it one by one level that's evil um let's do 20 mil for this hit tab so it sharpens it up quite quite a bit so maybe this is a bit too high up for that particular design what about now yeah that's better now it could even go higher yeah something like that that that that seems okay then we sharpen this bad boy up bevel um i would say this one is gonna be like 50 right it's kind of a soft bevel here then we don't need anything here but we do need a bevel there bevel out yeah something like that actually will do the trick so we have a softer softer bevel there okay top edge partially done let's do the bottom now so i want this to be super sharp oh my god i hate this how the hell did i manage to do it this way i don't care uh does it even look fine yeah it does okay in terms of smoothing out so yeah i won't mess mess around with it too much um we do the bevel and we do like a 20 ml bevel for this or this one we don't even do bevels i think uh maybe we do let's do some bevels and both of these are going to have like uh also a 20 ml bevel like that just to kind of make it a little bit more crisp and then as per usual for the bottom here um another 20 ml yeah yeah good good crisp connections here um and now you will you let me do a 20 mil bevel on you yes you will uh this is a questionable quad but it's moves out quite nicely so yeah if it works it works and then this is going to be yeah that's uh that's the biggest question mark ever let's just see let's just see bevel 20 mil so that is fine that is a pentagon but that's okay and it's kind of i mean it's not the best but it does the trick i think i'll keep it i like the sharpness of it i'll keep it okay cool we have that done i'm happy um so that is the side panel and now let us [Music] let us investigate what we can do with it further so the first thing that i really want to do is take this edge here and then kind of hit it with a bevel as well like take most of the edges and hit them with with a bevel first uh so i i select all of these except i don't select you oh my god no no no no we try again that's the wrong one so how do i unselect control no it's hard okay it is hard it's very hard [Music] jesus christ come on there we go that ctrl shift click yes okay so it's that and i'm thinking of letting this bevel eat up like letting these two bubbles eat up the sharpening them that i'm going to be doing now [Music] this it needs to go somewhere so might as well put it in in in this squad right here and also in this squad right here right uh we do some bevel shenanigans and here i'm just gonna give it like a five mil bevel just a very small one which makes like it it creates a triangle in a quad which is fine for us but the key thing is that it sharpens out the edge and that is exactly what we want to happen and i'll repeat this there we go bevel uh i did five right i think i did five nice okay so now it's all sharp and nice in the top and it's still blobby in the bottom so i'm gonna i'm gonna work on it in the bottom ah really hope that it's not gonna select too much it's not selecting too much that is good [Music] like that nope didn't want to click on you nope they didn't want to click on you there we go uh-huh there we go bevel five mil oh it breaks there or does it no it doesn't it actually actually works huh okay so that is definitely a complex complex area but that's fine uh seems to be working quite well like holding up so i'm going to kind of continue abusing abusing that corner there okay so this is selecting a lot i don't want you to select all of this at this point maybe it would be just easier for me to keep selecting a chain well no not really [Music] that there we go last bubble last bubble five tab okay so we have everything sharpened up and we have this this this thing rolling everything seems to be okay uh so let's continue so now paneling uh for panels i'm thinking of just having um well actually we need to think about the panels um one two three four that's gonna look shitty or maybe it won't now it is gonna look shitty [Music] what if we just drew the the row through the middle in terms of panel lines oh can i hit this with a bellow i'm just hitting everything with bevel well definitely not you you had your fair share of hurt with everything else so where would the bubble stop maybe here probably here right we do that and then we have the whole situation going on here but i really don't want to mess around there so we'll kind of stick to this hit it with a bevel with a 5 mil bevel didn't break didn't break didn't break didn't break well broke a little broke a little nothing that we can't fix delete that uh create um 70 tools where are you bam triangle there bam what there join smoove there we go uh what else didn't break didn't break didn't break came to a point perfect okay now it's it's much sharper well you can kind of see it here well wait yeah you can see it here so it's it's like more blobby here and it's much sharper here it's good that is good so we have that can i actually take this and move it out even more or will that look stupid yes that will look very very stupid maybe i need to do a reverse of it and move it in like that and even this edge can be moved in probably like that oh but then it breaks well actually that's fine uh because we can take this and move it in quite quite easily without any issues and the last point is here which we also can just casually move in like that come on like that just a little bit of cleaning up nothing nothing too fancy i just wanted that area to be a bit more a bit more crisp a bit more clean as it seemed to have a lot of strain going on in there uh for instance one two three four that's fine but wait one two three four that is not fine oh my god okay so if this is moved in one two three no it's still a very shitty quad we'll need to remember this area and come back to it to solve it i won't be able to sleep at night if we don't but yeah we have our our little wheel here so now once i actually use the bevel i am able to kind of go around here and i will stop there and hit it with uh sub d inset which has a mode set to group and in set base we will start from let's see this point and we will insert it inwards by five mil something like that which gives us this neat little loop here which we can use to extrude sub d inwards by let's say 10 a centimeter and then we end up having this this nice little panel but that's not all we can actually sharpen it up with more bubbling so i'm just basically marking out all of the corners that i will want to sharpen up these guys here in particular oh that's the wrong one that's the one that that that and that okay these four corners we hit them with a bevel the five mil one perfect hit tab now the corners are sharper as you can see and now to sharpen up the rest i actually won't bevel i'll just do sub d inset for it um i'll just say yeah enter from this point inwards five mil again hello click there we go so it gets sharper i think that looks dope let's look at it with emap on yeah that looks fine yeah um this edge right here i will probably not just this edge but these two edges here i am thinking of moving them back a bit like that i think that's going to give it a little bit more three dimensionality same thing for the bottom ones bam something like this tab yeah i think that looks nice uh what's up there what's going on here some some quads are are having a party i see is it this yeah it's that okay so we need to solve this which is probably going to be quite easy to solve right that's just a triangle and a quad join this up hit tab now everything is is clean here nice okay um time to reflect on the x-axis we keep this style automatic there we go small little wheels for the car that are once you look at it from from up front they you don't see them well unless you look at it here yeah i think that's fine because this car is flying right so it doesn't care about wheels the size of the wheels i mean it's mostly for landing okay we have done that we have done that let's work a little bit on the the hole for it though this this is a little bit of boring hole i'm thinking of having something like this for it mm-hmm something like that and we oh my god can i just kind of move it here and that's perfect take those two edges move them in a bit more that we have this kind of a hook going on and maybe even hit this with a bevel bam something like this move this out even further [Music] okay so we have that that's cool and all but have you heard of more bubbles more more power oh yikes the selection and rhino though okay that is gonna be fine and we will kind of take that and check it out bevel five okay i have successfully now sharpened up the edge here it makes a nook there but that is fine why does oh it makes a look there because i didn't didn't bevel this this edge here which i should have should have done um is there a way of how to fix this yes there is i just need to [Music] i just need to think if we have a bevel there what happens when i add a bevel here not much it just kind of and oh no it it breaks it it breaks it quite quite drastically okay so we can't do that can i can i stitch here probably i can right okay let's try stitch stitch to that vertice there perfect and this stitch that already seen okay then this this right here it's like a puzzle like uh working with sub-d is like working with a puzzle so we do that oh it breaks breaks like crazy so we don't do that we probably double here right then so we take this now [Music] there we go and we do we just okay okay okay okay okay so now that works that that works that is crisp that is fine that is something that we are happy about and something that we will not complain about because if it works it works and these two edges here need some love and love they will get okay i think that's cool i think that is cool and we have some some progress in here we have the wheels the front probably need to do something with the front right um but what do we do with the front do we just kind of sharpen it or do we actually for now let's sharpen it yup yup yup that's good and now this edge right here i waited so long to sharpen out this edge but now we are finally here and we can do it um the question is though do we we don't sharpen right until here because we want it to be eaten up we just do it like that oops yeah yeah yeah and then it gets eaten up and there is a a blimp here and then it starts rounding out um maybe that blimp could could begin a little bit earlier something like that oh no that's that's bad that's bad okay so that that blimp there i don't like it i don't like it one bit hmm any ideas in the chat how we could solve that like this this area right here that's that's a very very intense area [Music] perhaps it can be we can tension it maybe that's the way to go about it okay let's let's try it that way so from here until right here we select this whole thing and we bevel it uh five mil like that yeah that's clean oh and here it saves it it solves it okay never mind i fixed it i fixed it it's getting freaking hot in here with all of this modeling going on damn okay so that is that is crisp that is clean this is something also that's fine with me the way it looks and the panels are okay actually i'm getting getting tired of modeling let's do some some rendering instead um if it's gonna start lagging just let me know and i'll stop because i'm not sure how how well my computer will handle uh the rendering and streaming at the same time but we will see so this car model huh [Music] let's set up our scene first so i'll need a second layer lights that's gonna be fine and let's start with something that's this completely black background no sunlight and just a rectangular light tool that's kind of doing its thing here maybe maybe it's a narrow boy i don't know something like that something like this like that array polar around zero um let's do five of them there we go that should do the trick um and for now i'll just keep all of them the same so 100 intensity invisible shape disc not rectangular um what else nothing else that and then for the car itself let me just create some sort of a quick car paint now let's just do generic material apply that should be that should get us going right and i wonder if it's possible to okay let's first try it the regular way just so that we can see what we're dealing with and then i'm gonna try it the uh the weird way with the new v-ray vision okay that's our our view i just saved just right now just now i've saved okay that's that's our geometry seems to be okay how's the lag guys how's the lag is my microphone cutting off or anything like that or is it fine if the lag starts just let me know um let's change up the material so color i'm gonna make it darker not that dark though reflection full-on fresnel turn it off um or maybe friend i'll turn it back on but change the ior to a high number what's metals ior metal ior [Music] uh [Music] all right there's no material such as metal there's like iron steel and so s steel 2.5 you're kidding me right 2.5 yeah i guess so i guess steel is 2.5 huh the more you know okay so we have this thing going on um some some some reflections some reflection things let us say the glossiness is actually 0.8 so it's a little bit more bumpy and let's just and investigate what we get actually at this point we can kind of make the make the material black right just for the sake of it um well tell you what it definitely catches the blings it definitely catches all of the bling blings um those those seams there which is nice it's it's it's a nice little thing i think this is something we can deal with we can work with i mean i will need to add much more paneling here on the side for this to to work better but said that this is gonna work okay so we need oh yeah right and i also want to check out the new v-ray vision let's see how that works it should be pretty close it's a very simple material with very um hello hello it's a very simple material with a very simple light setup that is not your revision don't lie to people oh it's optimizing why are you so big oh my god oh my god that is that is four frames per second 28 frames okay first of all stop being so big you're way too big this is better um so that okay user have way too much glare so no automatic adjustments for you [Music] actually looks fine right with v-revision looks fine so now we can kind of investigate the the weird stuff that we've done so far such as that corner there but it seems to be okay yeah okay so that corner is fine i like that corner um the front different different the front is also fine the wheel right now i'm not looking at the quality of the render of course i'm just looking at the curvature and the curvature of the if there are any breaks in the curvature for instance like uh just to show you so here see how right here in this area the curvature breaks i'm checking if uh if it breaks in places where i don't want it to break so since it breaks here but that's fine that's uh well it does doesn't even break it makes a kink and that is fine also makes a kink there that is also fine um and the bottom is whatever okay that's cool that's cool so we have our our little little car model let's slap some materials on top of it so what i want to do what i want to do is create a material straight from without any textures right without any uvw tiling without anything like that so i wanna i wanna i'll definitely be creating a blend material like blend type material i'll call this my master car or rather it should be other way around car car material master so that's my master material right and my base material is going to be let's not say this generic one but i'm just gonna create a new one and call it r dash base right and i'll just make it red for now and slap it here as my base material in car master right and now i can add a bunch of textures on top of it with these layers so it works like photoshop right you have a layer you have a mask you get the idea so i'm going to create a new layer our new material generic and i'm going to call it car do we do dirt first let's do dirt car dirt right the dirt material and what i want to do with this is i will want to add is there like a dirt yeah there is a dirt option here but maybe we'll need to use a curvature option we'll see so i will want to add a dirt texture to it um but before i do that i'll create one more material and call it helper as i always like to have some sort of a or tester some sort of material with which i can test so i'll apply to selection right now so my car it has the helper applied i'll start a render actually i'll start the regular interactive render like that that's my helper material and i messed up because my helper material let me delete it delete it let me delete it and create a new one my helper material i want it to be a massive and why you will see in just a second but i do want it to be emissive i'll call it helper right so now i'm going to turn off the lights in the scene so everything is pitch black i'll attach the helper material to my car so now the car is glowing right and i will only see the silhouette of the car that's perfect because now what i can do is in color i can add or is it an intensity maybe in intensity i will add a dirt map like that and i'll change change the colors around and it doesn't do anything crap what if we give it here in the color okay so it does work there but then the intensity doesn't work okay fine let's just work with the color instead of intensity and let's see what we can do so the first question is why is the car not glowing do i just need to change the intensity let's try a hundred because our our lamps uh our light sources were set to a hundred so maybe that's the the case no it's not zoom in some somewhere here oh my god it's not working why is it not working um radius is one millimeter okay so maybe that's the problem uh let's try radius of 250 um that's not it i have a feeling that it just broke okay let's stop or i have a feeling that i haven't no i did apply the material so what's up with that what is up with that um try again try again okay so now it's working uh vray hello knock knock why are you not not working properly um so unoccluded color there we go that's what i want to see that and radius actually like five centimeters something like this okay okay okay we're we're back in business boys we're back in business uh so let's change the intensity to like one to see bear and that's our dirt map right glowing exactly what we want to see that's our glowing dirt map and now we can arrange it in a way that it's uh it's nice um so radius i'll increase it to 150 something like this fall off i will need to remember these things so i need to increase the contrast of it right i need to increase the contrast which means the distribution for distribution i'll ramp this up so that the intensity is much closer to um to where the dirt accumulates or fall off what does fallout do controls the speed of the transition between occluded and unoccluded area so follow if of is zero it looks like that and if falloff is four it looks like that and then if i ramp up the radius it's going to be pretty intense in those places but will fall off everywhere else yeah i dig it i dig it i think that's fine i think that is fine okay let's let's take a look from the back yeah that that's fine okay uh so we have a little bit of the dirt accumulation going on and now i am going to mess around with it even further by changing the occluded color to have a texture which is going to be do we just do noise or cellular or smoke we could do smoke let's do smoke did it break or [Music] hello what's up with that is the size too big yeah i think it broke let's let's try rendering again [Music] yeah there we go it's alive uh let's zoom in let's say this this area right here uh so size let's increase the size uh let's decrease the exponent decrease it even further is phase like the intensity of the smoke no it's not how do we change the intensity [Music] there's probably no no way of changing the intensity right or maybe there is maybe there is i have an idea i have an idea what if we wrap the smoke and in a spline curve or a busier curve this year curve and we go to no that's not it right [Music] cut paste this instance is it smoke now yeah it's smoke so we wrapped it and been bezier but no we we need to wrap it in the spline earth there we go and we mess around with the value we have it like that and it breaks again okay so vray 5 is a little bit jittery to say the least what the hell are you doing ok so we have something like this going on that's that's kind of good could be better let's mess around with it even further nothing like that yeah yeah something like this only maybe it can be inverted is it possible to invert it like that probably it is right uh-huh so we have something like this going on and can i make it sharper yes and now we go in here and we decrease the size of it dramatically zoom out zoom out zoom out not sure if that works or not so we need to kind of check again uh no idea if it's working i'm just gonna kind of make it super small oh even with it being super small it's still not not that great okay there is one one more thing that we can do so we can wrap around this whole thing in well let's make it decent than size one let's make it decent and we wrap this whole thing around with with with with try planner mapping there we go with tri-planner mapping like that and we see that the size of it is what's the size let's see every it repeats every 50 centimeters every half a meter it repeats stop the render start the render okay so it does that that's good and now we can kind of get in there and have a little bit more control over over the size that's good that's good that's good that's good and let's go up one notch um and basically i want more a bit more black color so that that needs to go other way around right like that and that and then it needs to be a little bit softer until it reaches the top so we have something like this i think that's that will look fine maybe it never reaches black color though maybe there's always some dirt there yeah yeah that's that's better that's better so there's always a little bit of dirt it's just that sometimes it becomes much more intense yeah cool okay so that's our our map right so what do we do with this basically now that lives inside of our color uh in our helper material so what i can do is i where i have car master material and i have my base material and then i can apply a coat of car dirt and let's see my car dirt is blue right because my base is red so my car dirt is blue so my car master is going to be pink right because 50 overlay of of blue over red becomes pink but if i use uh some sort of a texture here for instance they're like checker yeah if i use a checker texture here for for blending then i can see that it will kind of do red blue red blue red you know like a checker box so this is being used as a mask if i clear this i go to helper and i copy copy this texture which is white and black meaning that white is going to be dirt and black is going to be noted and i go to car master i can paste as copy here and you can't really see it in this particular instance but let's see if we look at it as if it's fabric you can see that there is a bluish tint on in every corner right off of the fabric so we are initially creating dirt there right so now i can i can i can apply the car master material material to this turn on the lights and take a closer look at what's going on right so see those those uh blue spots that's where the dirt is gonna go right okay so now some some final adjustments for the dirt material and for the for the master material so let's say or rather for for the base material so the the base i kind of want it to be metallic so i'm gonna say color is is black reflection is full and actually reflection i wanted to to have this kind of a bluish tint to it something like that oh that's a very intense bluish tent can we kill it a bit doesn't get killed huh can we go towards greenish more what the heck but why do you still oh that's dirt that's of course that's dirt uh that's my bad so bluish greenish tint reflection glossness point uh point let's go for 0.8 ior 2.5 as we learned so it's it's kind of a metallic thing i'll add a bump map and all of that later for now it's just to to get the get this going and then for the dirt for now let's just use a dark dark brown color oh it took me a while to find the dark brown color something like so yeah that's that's that's about it that's about it um and then let's see if we can make it a little bit more dirty than that right so the thing that i just need to do is basically go into car master check out this blend material and increase the radius to to make it more dirty so let's do a double right let's find a place where where it's going to be quite dirty it's these these edges here right my laptop is just my laptop is not having a great time right now [Music] it's just freaking out but it doesn't seem to work right it does seem to work we will create a nicer uh dirt map um in the later we will create some metal chips and then what not it's gonna be a nice nice cool texture for now i'm really interested in seeing how does it work as very vision and then once once we've done that i will i will play a video game and you will like it and then we'll continue modeling after the video game is finished so very vision doesn't understand unfortunately yeah unfortunately very very vision doesn't understand uh blending uh blend materials that's a pity that's that is a pity everything else seems to be working quite well just sucks that it doesn't doesn't read the blend materials so we will not be able to use very vision for our endeavors or actually i want to check one more thing let's start it again i want to check if the the emissive material if that is going to work with very vision because it's also kind of a kind of a heavy material in itself come on baby you can do it you can do it i believe in you come on you revision yeah you're you're not gonna do it are you nah nope ain't gonna work what if we what if we disable the color will that help yeah that helps so it doesn't the v-ray vision doesn't understand texture um doesn't understand texture and in emissive maps a pity a pity sometimes someday some people it will for now we have uh some sort of a material going um let me let let's let's have a small break right let's have a small break so i'm going to now i i today i won't play a game i don't wanna um i'm just gonna go and uh grab some coffee and then we will continue and we will kind of finish up with the panels um and then the only thing that's going to be left is going to be a few wires here and there and i think we will be done with the model it's moving along quite nicely uh these lights though are obnoxious and they should go away there we go some selected e-map [Music] let's just go for brushed silver no that's not nice there's the true sphere no the notre sphere how's it called arches arches the arches one let's just use it um turntable turn table there we go there's there's the the little car there um wait for me wait for me don't go away don't go away please it's only going to take three minutes and i'm gonna be back and then we can carry on our journey with modeling this freaking car so tired of it okay three minutes and i'm gonna be back cheers [Music] [Music] we're back we are back not everyone left that's impressive it's i think i still have like 30 minutes in me so i'll try to rush rush through uh rush through the process okay let's turn this off that off looks fine so do we do yeah let's do panels let's do panels and then i will i will keep the the final adjustments for the last stream where we're gonna kinda work around our issues so more more paneling huh i'm thinking of so we need to be careful about this well especially these panels here they are quite intense so let's just think how can we how can we make them not that intense possible too whoa that selects a whole ribbon no just want to move this n i just wanna want to move in this whole part because it's being a little bit boring right now and it's one of those parts that i did earliest so it's it's not doesn't look as nice as the other ones so let's see what we can we what we can do to kind of fix it probably just sitting with a bevel right that's that has been our our aim from the start or our strategy if you will or how to hide our mistakes and how to hide our crimes against the mesh gods or sub-d gods in this case so we have that let's just move it in by some amount i don't know how much just a tiny bit just like there just be there okay be there or be square okay and now this edge here this loop here um really screams for a bevel and a pretty sharp one at that 2 mil yeah that's better it's looking better already and then i kind of want this edge here to also have a bevel 2ml yeah that's better that is better hard to believe that it's 70 once the panels are added well yeah i've been messing around with with panels for for a few streams now it still has a long way to go though before i can call it ok ish but it is getting there it is getting there where is my gumball hello gumball there we go it just needs to move down thank you thank you well i also kind of like like the model i think it could do better but for what it is i think it's it's fine uh i think kinda kinda works kinda works so i want to have some right now it's only horizontal divisions i want to add some vertical divisions for the panels so let's think about this probably probably somewhere here we want to add a vertical division right is it here probably uh but without that edge though i will keep that edge as it is do we deal with that edge yeah that's fine bevel and the horizontal divisions are going to be really thin so let's just do two mil divisions here just like that select them without actually selecting this and let's try oh my god uh let's try to extrude them in i guess to see if that's gonna work i already can tell that's gonna be a problem those parts are gonna be problematic but i think we will manage i think we will manage to solve them so let's extrude sub d inwards by only like five mil inwards and words come on cooperate with me please extrude sub-d and words so that's going to be negative five [Music] uh-huh and as expected it messes up here because that's a double double edge but i think if we grab a clipping plane yep rotate the clipping plane move it in you can kind of get in here and and and solve that that issue that that we have just made for instance this issue right here um is it just moving yeah just moving it up like that it's gonna fix it then this surface right here move it down fix it there so it looks like that it doesn't look great but hey yeah seems seems to work seems to be a panel line so i call that fine i call it okay so this up i'm not using any measurements for this uh this is too small um for me to use measurements um i'm just kind of messing around with it until i i feel like it's gonna gonna work yeah that's okay set an angle so that's a little bit awkward to do it this way or maybe um okay maybe we ctrl z maybe this does need to move along the edge here just for us to keep our sanity in check and not to have no what are you no going not to have any big issues later that's good [Music] user need to also move up and you need to move down that's good and that's fine the way that looks is fine um we tab it we will what will we do what will we do what will we do we will e-map it we will check it with an e-map um that's a little bit too soft isn't it oh wait let's let's move this out it's not maybe it's not maybe it's fine so we have that that that that i don't like this curvature so we will sharpen it a bit we will eat up that that softness a bit with you guessed it more bevels um that's gonna be a problem but that problem is going to be for future me as me today is almost done that is all selected and we bevel and we bevel for two middle and this whole thing just breaks let's see how well it breaks that's actually let me delete that and and rebuild this uh so that needs to be a quad of course and that needs to be a triangle i hate 10 guns i absolutely hate handguns so every time when i see one i just try to make you know a decent quad triangle situation with them for instance here that can easily be made into a quad and a triangle okay hit tab to investigate that is looking much sharper e-map to investigate further yeah that's much better that is much better okay okay okay okay okay okay we have that i think that looks fine we need one two three we need three more divisions and we have 17 minutes left of the stream so let's get to work um so we do have this whole line here which we can actually use it's a little bit wider but i think that's that's gonna that's gonna work um so let me try and select this whole polygon stream uh polygon row i keep saying polygons these are not polygons these are sub d faces but yeah you get the idea you get the the idea of it why don't you give me the ribbon oh okay it just gave me a ribbon so the thing that i learned the most when working with sub d is that you need to complain a lot like a lot and then when you complain a lot it's going to start working yeah that's that's the way to go about it um where will it get eaten up i think right up to yeah right up to this polygon here it's gonna get eaten up so we will not be selecting any one of these no not the point there we go also we don't need that that poly there don't need that edge okay so this this edge will you get eaten up maybe no maybe here perfect [Music] extrod sub d minus five bam flipping plane move it in bam find our scene of the crime zoom selected to it but we will not start from that one we will start from the bottom up so that we don't lose any uh this i can just move down actually that's weird that it did that why did it do that wait a minute that's not how it's supposed to do oh okay so that that one is fine that one is fine this one though does need a makeover and we are happy to give it one this one makeover up until here this one makeover up until here i wonder if there's like a better way of doing this it seems to be not that logical at least it feels like it's not not that logical to do it this way but maybe maybe it is the only way maybe it is i don't know i don't know anymore what breaks something breaks no nothing breaks okay seemed like something will break but nothing is breaking so we are happy from there actually there that's good oh my god these there's so many of them why why did i make so many i know i skipped one i know i skipped one there we go i'm back to it this panel line is going to be sick we have that and final ones final ones before we could move more could move more so that and what the hell are you zoom selected uh let's take a look at it just kind of does its thing right does it does it need to move up no it doesn't so it's just a mess here oh that's because of oh [Music] okay okay okay okay so there's some cleaning that needs to be done there is some cleaning but that's fine um let's get in there and apparently lose uh it was the part that we wanted to clean ah crap is it this i can't i don't oh my god is it that i don't trim i don't see it anymore it's not that yeah it is it is this um let's zoom into this edge and take a closer look take a gander so these two points can be definitely stitched together up to here then we have these two points that have no business being separated so they will get stitched together as well then we very carefully because zooming is oh my god it's such a patience patience a lot of patience there we go those two points gumball off those two points stitch bam like that just like that and they become a panel line here perfect that's what i want um and that's the last one is it i think that's the last one with this where's my gumball for this one i'll just kind of drag it down oh never mind it wasn't the last one this is the last one or is it though oh that's fine that that can stay okay so that's our panel it's a little bit wonky especially here why is it wonky here oh because of that huh um can we kind of do this we make it less wonky yeah i think that's fine no one will look there that's okay um so we have our panel line number two and for it we will do exactly the same thing as we did before we will hit it with a strong strong bevel bam bam bam bam thank you ma'am okay we have it going there uh bevel two mil two mil some sharp corners appearing that's fine that is fine with us we can we can deal with sharp corners what we can't deal with is really much what we can't deal with is this kind of a geometry to which apparently we can't zoom in because the freaking rhino camera is being a dick ah that looks like an issue is it an issue no it's not an issue so if it's not an issue then it's not an issue we ignore it we ignore it that looks fine i know there's a like a and gone there but that's okay there's an end gun here as well it's not too too twisted so that's fine okay e-map f panel number two and now i am not so sure about having a panel here going through the window maybe i don't want it to go through the window but then i would need to undo many things hmm now i definitely don't want it to go through the window okay so i'll need to think about this before the next stream for sure because right now i don't like that i don't like that one bit that looks ugly everything else is okay like like having division there is fine maybe or maybe not maybe we need to run it here i'll think i'll think about the strategy for the panels uh in the next stream so next stream is going to be the final one in terms of modeling and then we'll start rendering and 3d printing this this this car model and then i'll maybe even do one more stream where i actually hand painted we'll see it would be an awkward one i usually kind of like to just look at the screen and from time to time take a look at the chat today there's not a lot of viewers as well i need to remember that don't stream on saturday evenings everyone's chilling with netflix um yeah that looked much better than this crap that i did so we are not going to have this in in the in the model for sure this though is fine this this this one is fine maybe i'll need to think about it okay enough i'm i'm dead i'm i'm beat um let us let us call it a day um thank you for watching i will probably like honestly i'll probably stream tomorrow because i want to push this through as fast as possible so we'll see we'll see if we get more people in tomorrow uh at least we did the wheels though today i'm pretty happy with that how that came out he mapped that that crap you're saying hi but unfortunately i'm saying bye it's the end of the stream but you can uh re-watch it um what what's aliases i don't know what that means anyway i'm off for today um thanks for watching again and i will see you tomorrow hopefully okay bye you
Channel: Gediminas Kirdeikis
Views: 2,287
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: Rhino 7, sub d, subd
Id: ZsFUcY5t0AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 38sec (7958 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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