Livestream: Grasshopper fun - destroying my laptop

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RangerLongTorpedo 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so do so hello hello hi there me there we go oh that's a that's a big camera right there we'll need to fix that but for now hello hello how's everyone doing some people are already here in the chat that's nice welcome welcome to the little stream i'm going to just set up real quick and then we'll get started um camera go away this camera turn on [Music] ugh this camera is very small why are you a small camera no okay let's do it this way then uh there we go so this is me hi [Music] keep keep it keep it there we go is this big enough i think this is big enough yeah should be fine and i'll just increase the size to here there we go should be okay well we have some work to do we have some work to do and we're gonna do it today so the plan is by the way is the music not too loud i can make it quieter if it's too loud actually i should make it quieter for myself royalty-free funk uh even quieter and that's there we go yeah that's fine okay just be quieter there we go so the plan the plan the plan is that we want to grow a big structure and somehow do that without crashing the stream that's the plan that's the idea right can we achieve that idea i don't know how can we achieve that idea i don't know but we're gonna try we're gonna do our best so first of all here's the definition i assume all of you have already seen it takes a bunch of these elements and puts them here on this structure so there are there are a few issues with the definition first issue is we have way too many voxels that are where is it that are completely empty so these are all of the voxels that we are using for this definition um and most of them are empty and they do not require us to have a element inside of them i need to get rid of those so that's our like a problem number one slight problem to solve problem number two is i can't render out the structure once it grows because my ram just gets destroyed speaking of which where are we with ram i'm at 9.5 gigabytes so we have like five gigabytes of ram to deal with that's not a lot that's not a lot we'll we'll see we'll see if we can if we can actually manage that's gonna be a bigger issue how the hell do we manage the ram other issues i wanna okay so i wanna have these elements that we have right here i want them to have more detail and i want them to have more than one material attached attached to them so that's going to be something to do with this with this part of the definition no idea let's start with simple stuff right all of those boxes all of those boxes that are empty let's get rid of that what if what if we just get the middle point of these boxes right [Music] box what if we evaluate these boxes thus we get the middle points of them by the by the way by default evaluate box gives you 0.5 0.5 0.5 for the or the middle um so we already have the midpoints and i'll just grab them here point just just so that you can see better i did that so we have two point clouds and i can say that this point cloud and the point cloud that we have here let me just drag it out like that right here i want to cross reference [Music] the distances between this point for instance this point needs to find the closest point on the inner point cloud and then this point finds the closest point and blah blah blah blah you know all of that good stuff and then if the distance is way too big then that box to which this point for instance belongs to needs to be just removed okay let's do it this way closest point points or point find the closest find closest points in a point collection find closest point in the point i'll just find the closest point so we search from we search from these points right like that and the point collection the cloud of points which we search in is the inner ones the actual point cloud right i wonder if this is gonna crash come on don't crash it's crashing but never mind it actually works and by works i mean it minimized my my script but after 12 and a half seconds we do get ourselves an output with a crap ton of distances 36 000 distances okay so then i need to ask is the distance okay i need i need to draw this out i'm a visual learner so if we have a voxel right [Music] and there's a like a a point anywhere on the corner of the of the of the voxel and we also have a point right in the center of the voxel right here so what's the distance between these two 8.6 8.66 centimeters i guess pythagorean theorem would have helped but this is just faster so 8.66 centimeters okay so anything that is larger than that will need to be called off right so i ask here is this larger than [Music] 8.66 8.67 actually let's just give it like one millimeter extra or 0.1 millimeter extra okay so we have that then we have a bunch of and like true and false statements and we can use those to call to call the boxes right so these boxes are called with these statements and thus we are left with no wait oh that's inverse okay so i just right click on the pattern input oh hi mark hi there i just invert the statement and voila we're just left with the boxes that have a point that will have an element inside of them so now what we did was we removed from 36 000 boxes we are left with 8 000 so that's a good chunk that was removed okay that's good so that's a little bit of a little bit of an optimization right there [Music] let me fit it in bam just barely doesn't fit goddammit come on bam that's good and now everywhere where we had the boxery i just put in the curl pattern right here and right here trigger button goes here so now we can actually test this out if this is going to work or not i will want to see this the current voxel basically let me reset it as well reset it why don't you reset hello why is this box right here oh yeah that's because it's the first box god damn it hello everyone hello um so yeah i think we can just kind of run it yolo look at it go i even have a i even have a vector display somewhere here where is it there there we go bam so now this is gonna take a while uh for for this to do its magic as it's doing its magic we are not going to let it run for the whole whole procedure i just wanna wanna check a few levels so i'm gonna stop it once it reaches let's say let's go for a first thousand right first thousand voxels just to check it out ah damn i miss streaming hello hello hello everyone everyone's gathering in nice and actually we probably don't even want to see the point cloud at this stage right i will group it and i will hide it i don't care about actually seeing the point cloud we know that it's you know it it works it's fine uh already so might as well just keep it keep it hidden and and there we go a thousand okay so we have that and with a thousand uh we have the transformations here the name here and we have our blocks here if i press the magical button voila we have a structure at our hands right and this is like uh these are meshes right let's see with arctic view how is the balsa wood model coming along uh i'm waiting for it to be delivered for waiting for balsa to be delivered to sweden so that's uh that's put on pause a little bit uh it's gonna come in eventually i will continue on from there but for now it's yeah it's in between let's see it like that okay so that's our structure uh i do want to add more detailing too but for now this is how it looks i i think it looks fine and considering the amount of uh let me just actually show you um where was it display preview mesh edges turn that on this is how many mesh faces we have pretty decent nah i'm not cutting that by hand i'm not that's that's not not gonna happen um okay so that was actually really easy to to fix now on to the harder part the harder part is going to be us trying to render this out let's see what i want to do is i want to see if this can be rendered out with uh how do you call it with a render farm so i'm going to do a little bit of a of a test here i guess i'm just checking okay so we're not using cuda cores we're going gonna be using cpu actually i'm going to reset the whole damn yeah everything gets reverted um i'm gonna turn off the sun i think we have a ground plane turned on as well i'm gonna turn that off as well there we go and now what's the environment by the way yeah that's fine that's a that's okay you have that and then material overwrite i will be overriding materials and for the render output i'll just choose something like 720 pixels just a little bit bigger okay so now instead of rendering it through my machine because i am streaming and doing this that's gonna crash if i try to do that i will be sending in it into the chaos cloud is that gonna work yeah it seems like it works um just a second cmc cmc one i think i can show this to you okay so this is how my uh render cloud user interface looks like blah blah blah all of that is good i just hit submit and now it's gonna do its magic so 100 megabytes should be pretty fast how is that 100 megabytes though my file size is like my file size is like nine megabytes okay so it explodes the blocks fair enough okay so it's done view job oh yeah now i need to actually log in just a second don't wanna show my password and it's actually rendering okay let's wait let's wait hey man greetings from ecuador we've been learning a lot thanks to you keep it up no problem [Music] so awesome well hope it's going to be hope it's going to stay awesome come on render okay so it is rendering and it's not uh it's it's actually yeah it's actually rendering pretty pretty fine so we can use a render farm [Music] to create to cr to render out these images that is good good good news okay then since this is working goddamn we're going through these steps like one after the other i wanna change up some things so my idea is we have um okay listen up listen up oh no no no no cancel cancel no no stop oh no oh no no no i think i ran the render yeah stop no stop go damn it there we go so okay so the idea is everything here is our blocks everything that we have here are blocks so if i open up my block manager i can see my element 1 element 10 blah blah blah all of these blocks are here hurrah so i can just say okay element one give me all of these and i can just select element one and choose to select it and it says 200 block references have been selected voila which lets me to believe that if i if i change these things if i change these elements yeah if i change these blocks and give them the same name all of the elements in the structure should react to them at least that's the that's the idea okay let me explain what what i mean by that um element one right this this guy right here let's create a new layer um guide don't care about guide i'll just have that locked um i'll create a new layer and i'll call it custom blocks so i have subdi stuff layer and i have custom blocks layer i'll just take this guy and i'll change object or rather copy object to the custom blocks layer and hide the sub d stuff i don't want to do anything with it so i now i have it here and for now i'm gonna do something real simple right i'm just going to i guess we can just create a sub-d box creates up the box bam bam bam something like that um actually delete that delete that there we go so now it's more of a sphere up forgot to delete one one last loop so now it's a sphere and i will zoom it down or scale it down rather and just place it here should be enough for us to actually oops should be enough for us to actually see you know that there are two elements that are separate in here so now i want to attach two different materials to those two elements but but we are going to be doing this in rhino so i need these to be meshes right so i'm going to do a cheeky thing where i'll select both of these and i will use extract um what is it called extract control polygon something about control polygon con troll polygon extract control polygon yeah that's the one bam and i'll just lock it for a second delete the sub d versions unlock it and now i have the two control polygons right here and just for a second i'm going to look at the mesh wires for these so we have the control polygons they need to be in the custom blocks layer though hello from london hello london sweden says hi um where was i oh yeah so now these are these two are meshes which means i can have a separate small little script that just takes a mesh or multiple meshes doesn't matter picks in these two guys here and applies catmull clark catmull clark subdivision of level two we don't wanna go overboard with level three level two should be enough and then uh a mesh is baked out right and i think that's that's it that's that's all that we need let's actually bake this out and see what happens [Music] okay now i don't need the the initial blocks anymore i get the subdivided versions of them don't look nice but we are not going to be looking at them up close so i think that's fine [Music] and now i just want to apply two different materials to them so let's create those two different materials material generic yeah that's good uh red [Music] material generic blue this is gonna be blue apply and this is gonna be red apply so red actually needs to be red bam and blue needs to be blue from moscow damn i every time um i really like seeing you know there's london here there's china here there there's uh russia here uh we we had ecuador we have ecuador here as well the whole damn world it's nice it's really really nice okay so we have two different materials applied to two different geometries and now technically and india is here as as well and now i will do one thing here because the reference geometry that we have here is being defined here as a block so i'm not going to do that anymore [Music] i am going to straight up i'm going to straight up just use the text join command here like that delete the defined block so we're not defining the block blocks in grasshopper we're retaining that [Music] we're retaining that that functionality for rhino just so that we have more uh what's the word what's the word that i'm looking for more control let's say more control over it and hong kong is here as well i have a colleague from uh who worked in hong kong for a few years maybe five years or so he keeps saying how he wants to come back to hong kong he really loves that loves that country okay so right now we are going to define all of the the blocks in rhino and i'm just going to start with element 1 and replace it carefully so for now everything here is still the same as it was but now if i select these two right and i type in block enter it's going to ask me for the base of the block and i don't really remember if i use the base here if my base of the block needs to be this point right here or if it needs to be 0 0 0 well there's one way to find out i'm going to use this as my base bam and it's going to ask me for the name this is very important the name is very very very very very important this needs to be the same name as what we are giving it in grasshopper and it's el1 with caps lock element1 i hit ok x exactly what i expected there's a definition here that's already existing would i like to replace it yes okay have been blocks have been updated and oh okay okay um this i think we [Music] yeah i think that's just the origin problem so ctrl z to undo block again and instead of using uh this point right here i'm going to use the zero zero zero point so i'm just going to type in zero and hit enter and then el1 again hit okay yes i do want to replace it holy crap [Music] works works works works wise wire both of these red though but it does work it updates automatically so now it means that i can just select this i can explode it right i can then take this ball here and make two more copies of that ball select everything again block base point zero hit enter el1 hit ok replace and now all of my elements here have been replaced ah sun no but but you yeah here works okay question question does it render though will it render so i'm gonna send it to the render farm again come on come on come on cmc [Music] create new project cmc just a second cmc test2 like that we are submitting our our render job hopefully it's gonna work remember to control this yeah yeah i need to while it's rendering out i'm gonna save this actually that's that's a good point by the way my uh my file size is seven megabytes [Music] okay and this gets saved as well i'm i have optimized the the crap out of this okay let's see let's see how the let's see how the render looks like oh it's cute it's not rendering why are you not rendering what are you waiting for these are my other renders i can kind of show you i guess i can yeah while we're waiting for this one i can show you the others so remember the 7d house i have this one actually i have the photoshopped versions of them maybe i should show you those [Music] on desktop sub d sub d sub d house final renders that's the roof and the inner courtyard that's the view from the one of the corners of the building and the entrance that's the oh wait my camera is in the way no no this needs to be pretty without my my ugly face there we go that's the inner courtyard see the beautiful tiling here in the top yeah yeah uvw mapping is great i know how to do it i like this window this window is bent so it acts like a huge magnify magnifying glass so it will eventually burn someone on the inside of the building and that's the interior space so that's the subdi project that i'm still working on it by the way it's not like i've i gave up on it [Music] yeah the bed is fine it's fine oh cmc is done please tell me that ah crap okay we have a little bit of a of an issue there boys [Laughter] we have a little bit of an issue uh i need coffee for this who has a who has an idea who has any suggestions why are my balls not red that that came out real don't that came out bad um but you you got what what what i mean right why is this not colored it's colored here we have the the materials here come on we can do it we'll figure it out ah i'm i'm the first to figure it out i'll leave this on and we i will wait until someone figures figures it out mahmoud is the first one congratulations mahmoud you win nothing but i am using material overrides like a dumb little man that i am so we're gonna turn this off and we will spend more money here by the way this like rendering in the with chaos cosmos it's not free it's not free but uh let me just call it cmc3 but we are rendering out gray images and it's like this render right here cost me 82 cents you know i mean no wait sorry not 82 cents 8 cents 8.2 cents i think we'll manage with the price oh yeah this this is what i want to see perfect beautiful well not beautiful but it works we'll make it pretty we will make it pretty eventually for now yeah it works okay so we have those two this is a very annoying song actually i don't want to listen to funk anymore let's listen to some beats there we go so that works actually works let's god damn it son wait i need to i need to be a hermit sun goes away yeah that's better um where was i oh yeah we are we are pushing forward with our optimizations so from here on out all blocks are described through the through rhino okay what about it what about it let's grow the whole structure huh i wanna i wanna see the whole damn structure so cell block instance actually including that one don't don't care about that one and just delete everything and we want to or maybe i should keep it for the last part of the stream yeah let's keep it for the last part to keep the you know viewership going for now let's detail the heck out of our our elements so a little bit of 3d modeling is due sub this stuff let's turn off the points let's turn off the guides we don't need guides let's turn off the points here no helpers need it just keep that isolate this bad boy let's go go to town with this this is already pretty nice but i think we can i think we can make it even nicer with uh additional kind of stuff i want what do i want i want this to to kind of glow and to be more transparent transparent in a in a way that you can see through it right so in terms of transparency i i think we can yeah we can do some cool stuff with it so if i take these for instance and set as a group by 0.2 like that and bridge between them and then tab now it's a little bit more transparent than what it was before right so we keep repeating it uh bam bam bam bam inset 0.2 bridge i'm i'm curious any one of you actually use uh grasshopper uh for for your well sorry not grasshopper sub d for your work or is it just me oops not bridging and setting first [Music] okay so that's done enter to continue mode group uh no yes actually yes okay so we have a little bit of a whole thingy here and then so this is tricky because this is kind of solid and i really want the outside to be similar to the inside so i'm just thinking how to make this more more open [Music] or do we maybe we don't want to make it more open maybe we just want to add more stuff to it yeah that might be that that might be the case um i'm thinking okay let's think about materiality maybe that's the way to go what if we have a material that is actually actually emissive right that that will glow and we will have like points here that will glow i do but not in rhino that might change though rhino will eventually become good at this kind of stuff right now it's not there yet but it will become good eventually i trust it i'm just thinking yeah maybe we want to do this this yeah let's just go for it so all of these do we include the last one no we don't we don't all of these and all of these and all of these yes yes get an inset mode group yes please no not group goddammit mode single yes please 0.1 maybe even less now 0.1 seems to be okay so we have that and now we need to extrude them inwards but we can't do that but what happens if we just scale no we can't scale them as well oh this is stupid okay i need to do them side by side that's fine minus one oops forgot that we're not in millimeters minus zero point zero five so this is what we get i think that's fine especially if i if i select the edge ring like so enter and bevel it hit it with a bevel with two segments and 0.1 no wait 0.1 was way too big holy crap that broke that broke like crazy yep level 0.0525 yeah something like that so now it looks like that i can't really see anything so i'm gonna use e-map and that's kinda sharp but could be better could be better so let's not do that um let's try again this is like the small stuff right where you just kind of try it out try out different methods and see whatever works why are you not beveling hello all right no you're crazy okay again bevel okay now it works 0.05 tab okay that seems that seems reasonable right and then i am going to take this how do we do this though i need to inset it no but i do need to inset it and set yeah 0.05 let's say or even less 0.025 something like that okay and now now now now now this will need to be duplicated um can i extract surface copy yes and just extract this one yeah okay that's good and now i just can take this and extrude it upwards by 0.1 right like that that's perfect oh yeah and uh it needs to be filled though eh or maybe it doesn't can i just move it back so it would look like that and that part would glow yeah i think that's going to work i think that's going to work so now all we need to do all we need to do is do that for for the rest of them okay so first let's do the let's do this treatment to all of these right so the first thing is pushing them in i already can't do that with the orientation of the what you call the gumball so i'll need to play around with the c plane quite a bit to make it work and orient the gumball to the c plane hello line to c plane there we go zero point one oh that's a lot that's a lot not zero point one minus 0.05 yeah that's better okay try rendering in rhino i know don't wanna what are we modeling we are modeling a spaceship i'm kidding it's not a spaceship i don't know what it is actually but it's uh one of the elements for uh or for for a structure that i can't show you right now but trust me it's gonna be cool i'll sh i'll show it in like uh i don't know 10 minutes or so i just want to finish up one of the elements detailing one of the elements uh clipping play not clipping plane i see plane oh we need to check if the clipping plane is gonna crash our file as well see plane goes in here these bad boys get selected now they can get extruded like that perfect seaplane three point i should just save the seaplanes instead of doing this but i'm not that sharp there we go at least that now now that's done now that's done uh and i'll just reset the seaplane to world top okay so we have some some holes in here now it's time to sharpen up the holes i just found your channel have you ever played with sub d um i have i have oh in grasshopper the answer is the same i i have played with sub d in uh in grasshopper um it's not ideal let's see it like that i mean you can achieve pretty interesting results but but but but but we had catmull clark subdivision from beaver bird implemented in rhino5 right so way back and the functionality is literally the same right so it's not i wish and i keep pushing like i keep spamming the forums mcniel forums about implementing additional functionality in rhino eight in terms of sub demodelling i just hope that they will listen because when you look at blender for instance and what blender is doing uh just a second level 0.025 i believe amp yeah when you look at blender and what uh how blender treats sub d right where you can actually project knife cuts and you can merge vertices really easily and so on well here you can stitch vertices i guess but uh blender has so much more functionality than what we have and grasshopper just cuts that even further so i don't like it i don't like it hopefully eventually it's going to become better but that day is not today don't miss the selection i'm not i would never miss a selection i haven't missed a selection in my life don't don't don't don't even try looking for recordings where i miss the selection inset single mode in set i believe it's 0.025 again yes it is and now we just select all of these and we do we do the extraction extract surface hide it okay so that actually worked how do you learn grasshopper you start with really simple stuff and build up your knowledge from there that's the answer that i always give because that's the answer that i believe in okay now we need to actually extrude these 0.05 actually works okay um what if we change gumball to a line to object ah that's not gonna work we need to mess around with the c planes again c plane sure you will be the nope nope nope nope come on three-point seaplane come on extrude 0.05 there we go why does this why does it keep [Music] why is this empty hello why are you empty i will need to fix that i don't want to fix that but i will need to ah fine okay you guys need to be extruded in the negative that oh there's gonna be a little bit of fixing that we'll need to do not a big problem it's just inconvenient and kind of boring oops uh come on just give me the correct snap there we go command cap i don't wanna i can actually show you the cap command select this cap uh [Music] it does that i hate that i hate that like look how many how much crap it creates nah or i i can see triangles no but then it's just going to make a ngon i don't like that as well because now look what's what's happening here right so there's no winning with this cap we will make this clean i promise um where was i yeah this this thing right here gets extruded 0.05 i'll catch up to the chat in just a second [Music] need to not misalign my seaplane very important to keep your seaplanes correct okay that's done what's the better way to fix it well i'll show you um i missed i missed people who said stuff in the chat well let let me roll back um hey gaddiminis how are you doing hi leonardo hello welcome welcome to a little stream um what else is there what's better for subdi modeling maya rhino maya without a doubt without any like it's not even close uh world top there we go it's not even a competition right it's maya show tab this is what we have emap yeah we can work with this but now let's clean it up because i want this to be pretty clean for my patreon um do you still recommend your grasshopper for beginner course is that a way to get a fundamental understanding in the best way uh i do recommend that course for sure but if you just follow the course blindly without actually trying to do stuff yourself well actually maybe you can do stuff by yourself after the course but yeah yeah i do recommend that course it's still uh still fine my students use it and they like it i believe in making aims to model model and then lose your mind trying to figure out how to get there but learn a lot on the yeah yeah that's that's how you learn by losing your mind just a second i'm going to hide all of these because i need to fix this this is just an abundant abomination abomination so i'm just going to select all of these let's start with the top make holes [Music] select edges bridge the edges like that like that and like that congratulations you have a quad you have a clean clean ass topology yeah i always like students approach me asking about what kind of competitions uh sorry already gave away the answer god damn it gonna win us you can't you can't stream uh anyway students ask me how can they improve their portfolios um and how can they improve their grasshopper skills while improving their portfolio so the answer to that i always give is find a competition that has the smallest possible object that you need to design or simplest you know if you're uh if you're a designer like a industrial designer a pen you know something like a pen if you are um god damn it maybe this is gonna be faster i just selection filter edges come on bridge okay uh if you're an architect then find like a pavilion or a family house like a single or a apartment right and go to town designing it that's the best way because you won't get lost in in functionality of things too much that's easy so then uh you can get lost in your you know in the technicalities of you know actually using grasshopper to make cool stuff so this is clean now well there is still triangles here but that's fine i would i would connect these two points like so instead of having triangles here but i think that's fine don't don't need to do that why use rhino instead of maya maya is expensive more expensive than rhino and maya is complete garbage when it comes down to drawing creation so maya is not good for architects at all in my opinion because you basically use maya to make up a really cool shape i'll just delete all of this give me what the hell are we listening to i can't even hear myself think so you use maya to create fancy shapes and then you spend like a month trying to rebuild that same model in archicad revit or even rhino so i just want to skip the middle man even though even though i get more limitations right i'm working with more limitations at the beginning because from here you can generate good enough construction drawings with maya you can't [Music] that's why maya is used in the hollywood industry more than in architecture hollywood industry i mean in hollywood in movie industry bridge this is such a boring part i promise i'll i'll try to be as as fast as possible but god damn this is not this is not a pleasant not a pleasant experience at least i have stuff to talk about huh at least that and at least i why why can't i select this edge hello edge what's up with that edge i can select this and like okay sure yeah zaho uses maya but have you seen at least one of their like they use maya for initial proposal stage right but afterwards they immediately move into rhino and revit oh the light is bad [Music] so maya is used only for the initial stages of the design yeah yeah the concept and that's because honestly like the the over overlaying logic of it is because uh most of architects that work for zaha are from bartlett you know i have studied in uk either aaa or bartlett and they they teach maya in in those schools right so they cater to the students basically to the new newcomers maybe it's it's kind of a chicken and neck situation because teachers who teach in bartlett and in aa architecture association are involved most of them are involved with architects so maybe they are kind of teaching tools that they already use in the office so it becomes this kind of a yeah chicken and neck situation where where you don't really know which came first i can remember back in the day the first drawings that zaga has put out after the vitre station those were done in autocad i know that for sure but i don't know the 3d modeling software that was used maybe it was maya okay we are so close so this is done nice little nice little structure right there [Music] okay and this is done and now one left [Music] we're gonna go geiger gigger geiger i guess it's geiger uh aesthetic with this you know kinda phallic kinda organic structure that is still pretty damn [Music] not logical but structured right bridge [Music] this is something that uh always when i record youtube videos and this is something that i um skip ahead and not show not show to you guys the boring stuff kids are freaking out yeah good luck with the kids uh what else is there to oh i have quite a few i think interesting videos planned for the for the near future hope you will enjoy them we we have begun a new semester in the university so i will be posting uh tutorials from the actual courses and that i'm preparing for the university so those will be a little bit more um what's the word dry i guess you know a little bit more information heavy um but besides them there's also going to be quite a few uh quite a few tutorials that are just fun just fine to do and to follow along not just grasshopper and not just rhino but other programs as well still waiting for the chip shortage to end so that i can actually wait can i i wonder if i can just select select the faces here and copy them to the other side that would be neat come on give me give me there we go here we go copy yeah okay we can do that and now i can just kinda kind of place it move from here to here join everything up app yeah except this one this one messed up okay fair enough we delete it and we do it manually and by manually i mean we keep missing the edge the edges okay that's done e-map time or zebra we can do zebra as well uh thin [Music] uh show edges don't show edges yeah that looks clean doesn't it i mean with adjust mesh maximum edge length 0.01 preview refine don't refine preview maximum distance edge to surface 0.001 preview okay i don't know why it's doing those those hiccups there maybe there are hiccups there no there's there's no way 0.001 preview didn't change anything initial grid quads 100 preview didn't change anything maximum angle zero point or let's say one degree preview okay i give it i give up it doesn't doesn't change anything um but it seems to be fine seems to be kind of continuous we're gonna we're gonna say it's it's fine and it's continuous oh there's a lot of things in the chat what's your thoughts on generative design i'm structural engineer and we are exploring technology for early phase to generate solutions might not have found about that generative design is always just as good as the person putting up the information i had a professor doctoring in that opinion hated him sorry i'm biased um generative design i mean what is it there to say about generative design it's just another field of study and i think it's uh the statement about the information and how you plug in the information being the strongest driving force is the is absolutely correct because you can you can have the best optimization script ever if you have no idea how a structure works actually works and you make wrong assumptions when plugging in the values or creating variables then it's the the whole system is just going to be right okay [Music] let's continue show selected these guys right here i'm starting to wonder what would happen if these were sharp could could it be cool if these were sharp that's the question i think it could but you never know now let's let's not make them sharp i want it to be blobby i want it to be blobby but i what i don't want is to redo all of that again so what we are going to do is we will be deleting that yeah so those faces will be deleted but we will be only working on one half of this i'll mirror it i'll definitely mirror it i don't know why i didn't mirror it before but this time i will mirror it so like that like that and then we do can i do no i can't do that but maybe i can and select those two bridge okay i can do that but then it does this sorry that i'm talking with myself i'm just trying to find a best way of how to approach this okay so this is much better so basically if i remove that and the bottom one and bridge we get a brick okay [Music] slowly one detail after the other by the end of this we will have a pretty interesting structure at least i hope so let's do it one by one more questions yeah i these days when i hear when i get a student who asks me if i want to be a supervisor of him doing a master's thesis on generative design i go like nah nah because it's it feels like it's the same [Music] regurgitation of the same information over and over again you know the same boeing separation wall the same bike frame being generated same building structure being generated these days i'm much more interested in finding out how you can bring back the the human touch to the um to to something that is generated so for instance here right we are generating um a pretty large structure and it is going to look mechanic by the end of it there's there's no there's no way that it's not gonna look mechanic right but that's fine uh we are going to what's the word that i'm looking for we are going to by slowly adding detail and these kind of a small custom made amendments adjustments we're going to bring back that that human touch to the structure itself a much better example is wire cutting like remember when i did those tutorials about wire cutting with foam those are gonna come back but in instead of using foam oh sorry instead of using a wire and robot to cut foam we're going to use a robot arm and a knife uh which is going to be really really dangerous uh but who cares it's fun right this one is weird but i'll just ignore it so we are going to be doing that and with that knife we will be trying to um [Music] and create some sort of a texture that is generated or not generated but that can only be achieved by using that particular tool right so it's tool based surface texture like imagine a carpenter with a chisel right the form of the chisel will dictate what kind of a surface quality the artwork of the carpenter or well stuff that the carpenter does will have right so i am going to spend i don't know like uh three months doing that and by the end of it we should have a few pretty damn interesting walls there is one tutorial on my channel already about me kind of talking about it but it's going to be much more in-depth and it's going to have like i think i'll do like three more tutorials on that topic and maybe even a live stream of the robot working we'll see no no promises promises my english okay show selected yes you and now oh this is nice yeah this is nice i will want to sharpen these up i guess or maybe not no i don't i will keep them as they are i think they look cool so i'll keep them and select that mirror let's find the midpoint i guess this is a good a midpoint that's as good as any and mirror to the other side we're done we are done okay i'm bored are you bored i'm bored let's make this pretty we should make this pretty and then continue so to make it pretty i am going to take this change this to custom writer copy object to the custom blocks layer like that as you see yeah it keeps it there yeah okay everything is here [Music] different topic what do you eat in a day uh everything like there's nothing that i don't eat i eat honestly i try to eat less meat just because of the environment um if if i have the choice of ordering something that doesn't have meat and is as tasty then i will order that thing but besides that i eat literally anything okay so we have this mesh to reference come on meshes to reference yes uh oh you're not a mesh yeah yeah maybe we can just do it this way um sub d yeah control polygon yeah like that yeah that should be fine set multiple sub d's bam it didn't like it why data conversion failed from 7d to curve oh it wants me oh i'm stupid uh sub d control polygon okay final i'll go through here sub d sub subdi control polygon god damn it these small things bother me honestly okay and we have our meshes here um so i'm just gonna bake those bad boys out as my uh custom blocks yes okay and then i'll sell sub d i think that's these yeah delete that this turns red that's fine and now we have our meshes and we select the measure these meshes that will glow and i joined them up into one mesh and now we can apply two different materials to them one of them is going to be red and i'm going to change the red to something nicer and the other one is gonna be uh blue no not blue emissive that's gonna be emissive okay we have that oh yeah and i should change the red to [Music] cool glossy glossy not classy glossy wool glossy okay so we have that then oh yeah of course we're using theory what do you i'm not a peasant i'm using theory back to properties not properties i wanna i wanna wanna wanna this to be kinda dark [Music] h.r geiger are you familiar with this oh come on with this artist and his works if you're not you should be because he did this interior [Music] this interior is is nice um and it's not loading why is this not loading h.r geiger interior so he's doing like the bony stuff huh look with the babies and and crap like that it's pretty sick he he was the guy who did the alien movie and also worked on some other movies as well his drawings are insane very phallic as well like like this kind of pseudo erotica almost isn't there also a skull chapel i would assume like sounds something like something that a geiger would do okay so we have that um i want to do something similar not similar but uh like the materiality of it i want it to be kind of similar so let's do that let's go towards the orange just just slightly it's kind of a bony um emissive will not be like i miss it will look like crap with this i know don't worry about it we will we will dial it in eventually reflection yes but glossiness needs to be turned down to something like 0.7 for now let's keep it like that cool glossy and emissive are the ones that we're using virgin used assets yes please um i'm just gonna by the way if if you don't have if you don't have v-ray that's not the problem i have a tutorial where i show you how to do you know um pretty like good enough uh previews where's my sun hello just a second sun on there we go like pretty decent previews in justin rhino with with your regular rhino viewport that's in my animation tutorial now sun goes away again good yes and what we are going to do is actually shade it so we have this updated god damn it sorry i'm that i'm all over the place i'm just trying to figure out best course of action um okay i have an idea let's generate some lights let's generate some lights while i'll be answering the questions it's gonna be an exterior shot we're just gonna use sun and sky um oh but for that i kind of need a structure i guess right yeah i need a structure so we will be doing bam i'll just do this real quick oh only one block has been placed l block instance delete block manager they did delete all of the blocks oh i still have the blocks what do you mean okay fine there's a little bit a little bit of a hiccup i need to do one thing real fast and then we will start rendering out why does my system [Music] get very slow sure why does my system get very slow when using grasshopper even it has 16 gigabytes of ram and a dedicated gpu and then you ask that again okay why [Music] one answer to that could be that you are simply using um wait just a second uh one answer to that could be that you're simply using uh how is that called just a second internalized data that that you're internalizing data in your grasshopper nodes uh second answer if you're not then the second answer is it really depends on what you're doing um 16 gigabytes of ram is not a lot uh like 32 gigabytes i would say is convenient 16 is not not a big number i'm using 16 and i can i always reach the limit right let's do that set multiple sub d's like that bake out the meshes like that and then delete the subdies cell sub d okay so we did that and now i'm going to reference in all of these sub d's or all of these meshes as my blocks block 0 l1 [Music] yes lock zero l2 yeah that's gonna take a little bit of time this is the first time i'm joining one of your streams love your work glad to have you here i don't stream that often so i guess it's oh you can see how these are appearing now um so i i don't stream that often four that's four so so you're lucky you're kind of lucky that uh you you caught me i will be streaming a little bit more eventually l6 [Music] but not yet it's the first week of the semester wait [Music] i think i messed up uh l7 is this one yeah that's fine [Music] um block l8 yes just just in case explode lock 0 l7 okay now now now i'm convinced that it's it hasn't used that element l9 uh yes [Music] l10 [Music] this is so 11 but at least you only need to do it once for all of them and afterwards you only need to do it every time you are you want to change one of the elements but you only change it for that particular element so it's not that big of a deal element 13 and last one element 14. okay how does this look so now we have i can't see anything mesh wires turn that crap off where's my element one is not described hello okay let's delete those and bake them out again a pop-up bake yeah what are your thoughts on lumion compared to ah crap i forgot to add materials to the other ones stupid uh well that's fine we will just check it out with this and we will re-add the materials afterwards so now i just need some sort of a angle something like this maybe and actually let's create a plane real quick hello plane there we go well it's not a plane it's a box that's because i just i just grabbed the box what's up with that gumball right there uh aligned to seaplane that was super weird okay minus 0.1 okay are you okay that's fine so that this angle right here uh light generator exterior and let's do like yeah let's do like three by three generate we'll just choose from nine variants um what are your thoughts on lumion compared to very right uh both are fine it the tool doesn't matter what matters is what you do with the tool so whichever you find to be more convenient for you v-ray is more professional grade lumion is more amateur great but it doesn't mean that lumion is bad or anything like that it's just you know how fast do you want to push out your elements the elements your renders your renders i have eight gigabytes uh and grass operands perfect maybe you should clean your definition yeah it's usually the definition that's that's at fault but uh sebastian i would really suggest that you upgrade your ram uh i i couldn't i couldn't work with eight gigabytes of ram right now i'm using like 10 i think in just a second now never mind i'm using nine now i i am using 10. oh it's ramping up what the hell i'm using 12 and a half anyway should stop looking at it um usually watch your videos and this is the first time i got noticed i i didn't notice everyone in the chat it's just sometimes i'm too kinda too focused on doing you know doing stuff that i'm doing on the screen and i i then miss someone in the chat and then i feel bad about it what are your thoughts on already read that and answer that your videos and tutorials are the best thank you for sharing your works from taiwan my pleasure my pleasure what's the best way to learn grasshopper and the problems you faced while you were learning it the problems that i faced while i was learning graphs offer was that youtube was not a thing and there were no tutorials on youtube because youtube was not a thing um yeah i am old [Music] no i mean sorry i i mean i'm one of you fellow students yeah [Music] young and full of energy full of life anyway so right now you have a crap ton of resources to learn grasshopper and you just choose whichever path you want which one do we like though from this i think this will look cool i think this will look cool save oh wait not save can i just choose it hello uh disable lights on application i don't know how this works oh it already generated the lie dome and i just click on it and then it works okay cool uh let us send it let's ship it um 1080 920 by 1080 camera needs to be i think that's fine environment material override is turned off global illumination that's fine that's good enough just give me a second i i don't want to miss anything here caustics now we're not using caustics but ambient occlusion though i kind of want to use ambient occlusion and if it's like let's do occlusion amount of one and radius of one no wait one is one centimeter that's a lot 0.1 0.25 [Music] yeah yeah let's do something like that ship it ship it to the to the render farm [Music] uh you don't see it now you see it project cmc name block rework no that's going to be cmc 4 i don't remember full hd resolution blah blah blah exr i don't need the xrl whatever we just submitted let's see how how much this will cost cost us let's view the job i definitely need to upgrade my ram but it works for now yeah i mean yeah yeah i guess as long as it works huh as long as it works it works okay i can show you while this is doing its thing i can show you what you can achieve with um with just the the default rhino render engine i think that's pretty good i mean quality quality wise i think that's pretty damn impressive and there's our little detailed panel here oh look at it go so what do you guys think about these kind of structures interesting anyone want to do uh a master's thesis on it and then uh use me as a as a uh what you may call it not the reference but like the credits give credits to the youtube channel it would be so cool that a youtube channel actually ends up in the credits of a master thesis i would like to thank my mom my dad and also mr gedivines for for creating a script and giving it out okay um are we done with rendering it's so weird making jokes and then just sitting here alone in the room and no one's actually laughing then you start questioning yourself okay this is what we get [Music] this is what we get [Music] do we like it i kind of like it i kind of like it i think this is gonna be [Music] pretty interesting by the way how much did the render cost so this render right here cost us 10 cents almost guys i'm telling you render farms are the future you don't buy a strong machine anymore because the graphics cards are way overpriced instead you just trade up have a shitty laptop and then send ship it like ship your renders to to the render farm and call it a day okay let's see i am going to uh let's go for shaded view and i'm going to do one little thing here that's uh you're gonna hate me for that well you're not you'll love me i know um but i am going to mess up a few things here and there just just so that it's it's nicer um so this is my lights this needs a separate dedicated layer lights that's not how you write lights lights um change that can go into guide and actually no i don't want it to be in the guide just hidden okay that's solved um and now i forgot to apply the material right so what we do is we select these blocks we explode them so now they're back to being normal meshes and we are going to apply the material the same bony material to all of these uh cool glossy apply perfect and then do the same thing again not block manager just a block 0 l2 time for questions and answers if you have any questions ask now because as i'm doing this mindless thing it's it's gonna be easy for me to oh zero it's gonna be easy for me to just blab about nonsense yep yep [Music] from uganda oh that's i usually don't get viewers from uganda hello welcome welcome to the stream uh that's seven or eight one two three four five i don't remember one two three four five six seven eight yes l eight l nine [Music] how long did it take you to get this good first of all first of all compare good is a very subjective term good compared to whom like if if i compare myself to a architecture school student yes i'm good yeah yeah there's like i'm better than uh at both 3d modeling and grasshopper than an average architectural school student but compared to why is this gone now hello uh okay i'll finish up with this one did i delete it [Music] but compared to a professional like working in the industry i'm below average i would say um block zero l14 yes okay now i need to check what the heck did i do uh what the hell did i do wrong uh 14 this gets deleted um we are looking for one two three four five six seven 8 9 element 9 element 9 is here and it's actually that and then 10 that 11 10 and 11 okay i messed up i messed up i messed up okay that's not a big deal it's barely a show selected no there's nothing nothing there so i i i made a little bit of a boo-boo just a second i'm fixing the boo-boo and once i fix the boo-boo then i'll continue talking about how bad i am actually custom blocks yep um and then delete that not that ctrl z that delete this perfect so now you are here and you will receive a cool glossy material and from here on out from henceforth you will be known as a block with origin of zero and you will be named element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 element 9 oh and now this disappears ok got it got it got it okay so i need to and you sir need to not do that instead you need to be exploded out of being on a block and you need to be exploded and i think you are fine so now we try again block manager no not block manager uh just block zero element nine yes uh zero element ten yes and this one zero element 11 yes and user r element 12. i assume can we check in the properties yes element 12 perfect okay so now now now now now now we should when i press the button okay everything has that bone structure okay ctrl z we are not doing that instead what we're gonna be doing is it's fine though it's a second what does this look like how do you look like yeah you're fine you're fine and this is flattened yeah so we are at 1000 elements [Music] actually our whole structure requires us to do eight thousand so i'm just going to continue growing the structure like that and while it's doing that i am going to do a little bit just a short short e break so i want to go to the toilet hello from korea first time watching your channel and very very inspired thanks actually me and my wife nico hi hi hello hello back to korea um me and my my wife have started watching this uh korean drama that we really got into and it's on netflix and it's called crash landing onto you and it's the cutest thing ever it's a it's a typical mellow drama but god damn it's it's such a nice one um yeah just just wanted to put it out there if you're into the korean melodrama scene then definitely check it out so while this is doing its magic i have learned a lot from your channel thank you you're welcome happy to hear that so while this is doing its magic i am going to do a ep break ppe break not ten minutes only five i'll i'll be back in like five minutes it should be done by then and then we will look at the final structure excited excited to see what are your pc specs uh yeah i'll show it after the break because i want to go to the toilet um so enjoy the music let me make it a little bit louder [Music] not that loud though enjoy the music and five minutes be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] do so [Music] where is my camera oh there we go eventually i'm okay but it's alive it's alive ah it's still going huh it's not even though i've updated it so much it's still not the fastest but said that it's it's a lot of elements to grow right welcome back right pc specs um in the video description dell xps 15 from 2019 2019 model or 2020 model i don't remember um 16 gigabytes of ram gtx 1650 graphics card [Music] and i7 regular processor nothing nothing fancy there waiting for the prices to drop so that i can afford buying a decent computer so that i can do unreal engine tutorials and workflow my hopes and dreams are that someday we will be able to actually move inside of this structure inside of unreal engine and kind of move around it like in a video game that would be super cool i would kinda i already have created a a game where you can do speed running so you kind of do the check marks and you run through the structure collecting the check marks so i would release a small video game with my architecture with my buildings and and kind of you you could for free download it and play and record the highest scores and maybe you know if you're a subscriber or patreon supporter then we would have like a or maybe not even that anyone who plays that game and gets the top score will get some sort of a small prize from me you know a 3d printed you did great figurine or something like that but before that oh yeah pp break need to turn that off but before that i need i need i need i need a good really good computer do you do that um because right now there's absolutely no way like the recording software just crashes every time i try to do something [Music] you know even even simple in unreal engine 5. press landing onto you also one of my favorites too you should check out item class you'll love it wait writing it down i'll send it to my wife and see if if she if she wants to uh notepad italia won i tie one class there we go i'll just have it have it there remember [Music] like we got really into those uh those kind of uh japanese korean dramas uh also some anime as well i i was into anime for for quite a while then i fell uh fell off for for a second like for a hot like five years or so and i'm i'm coming back because they're they're coming out with pretty cool anime these days um so i might kind of start start watching some again it's just that after yeah i'm still watching one piece though i guess that's the only one where which i didn't stop watching what's your favorite anime oh my god where do i begin neon genesis evangelion i guess is my all-time favorite but there are so many like that one is my favorite because of the nostalgia that one was the anime that got me into watching anime but i ghost in the shell the original movie was amazing akira was also is in in the top five for sure mushishi um the chinese is my wife's favorite and for me it's definitely in the top five top three maybe is also really high up there what else is there paprika was really good like anything from studio ghibli is just you know just amazing but that's a given right studio ghibli just does great stuff um i have the all this is doing it's it's thing let me try and hello i have a last time i went to japan i we bought this natsume [Music] figurine which is uh i guess that that kind of just proves that i i like natsume as well um and uh we we liked uh moda sushi so much that i 3d modeled vevoxyan in blender and i gave gave it to my wife as a present so that she can color color him and have have him here and she's taking her time coloring like really slowly because it's fun yeah so it's a lot studio 4c did really like a lot of really good short films but uh i don't know what kind of a full anime they did uh like large-scale animated so i can't comment on that anything from mapper what did mapper do is the second map mapper studio uh wikipedia kids on the slope loved it edgymenowippo loved it uh yuri on ice actually liked it was it was pretty pretty fun dora raw yeah that's that's uh that this is excellent i bought a art book of the roro have it i have it somewhere um still waiting on jiu-jitsu kaizen once i have time i will watch that and yeah the chainsaw oh yeah attack on titan yeah of course i watched attack on titan chainsaw man i'm waiting for it that should be pretty cool uh specials overs films yeah the yasuke came out right it's on netflix yeah it's on netflix i might watch that as well oh yeah so mapa did quite a few really good ones please make unreal engine 5 tutorials the graphics looks amazing uh we just talked about that i will once i have a machine that can actually handle real engine 5 right now there's no way it just doesn't doesn't work we are almost there almost there we will see the final structure finally are you excited this is actually the first time that i'm gonna see the final structure as well i wonder how it's gonna look like i hope it's gonna look cool okay it's done it's done we will disable the unnecessary crap from grasshopper oh yeah and one thing that you can do by the way or maybe you can't no that's compound transformations never mind never mind i will need to learn how to save the transformations into a separate file an excel spreadsheet and then just plug in the excel spreadsheet and place blocks that way but that's later we will optimize this part so that you can have a separate file okay without any further ado boom oh no i should have saved oh never mind it works but i will save it now though save it now just real quick saving investigation time damn that's a lot of stuff damn i like these structures so much in all its glory oh graphics card freaking out let's change this to my favorite display oh the graphics card oh it doesn't like it goddamn oh once we add more detailing to this i think this is gonna be so sick i think this is gonna look real cool once you know there's a crap ton of detailing here but even now we have we have achieved this structure by the way i don't know if you can see no you can't see guess how heavy i i just saved the file so now i know the file size guess the file size i'll give you one minute one minute to guess the file size um and then i will say what's the actual file size and the one who's closest will not get anything yeah this looks good we have a 200 megabytes okay come on don't be don't be afraid keep guessing 343 one gigabyte 900 megabytes 300 megabytes keep guessing two gigabytes 500 megabytes it's like you guys are you don't you don't believe in me it's like you you underestimate how good i am oh wait let me let's do a portrait you're under [Music] estimating the power that i have in optimizing these things okay drum roll please don't know if you will be able to see once i minimize this and bring it in here oh my god no no no no no no bad idea bad idea maybe i should just tell you but you won't believe me if i tell you so i'll show you i'll show it to you in here um i just need to find it wherever it is stuff works 18 15 uh that's in spring there we go the date is right now and that is the file size theodoro is closest with 36. it's actually 11 megabytes [Music] are you not entertained i managed to compress this whole damn thing into 11 megabytes are you not entertained let's do 4k how every element here is not a separate copy of an element but rather just a reference to a original copy right so it basically all we have is 14 meshes and we are we are referencing those 14 meshes right um so so we're not we're not copying those meshes we can we can make this much bigger right now the limitation is my graphics card which you know which will not be able to display more rather than my ram or my hard disk space for storing these okay 4k resolution medium let's ship it let's ship it ship it to the render farm cmc 5 submit uploading done [Laughter] immediately upload it without any any issues let's see if we can at this point we should start looking if we can crash the render farm you know how how much is it going to take to crash the render farm oh people at chaos group are going to start freaking out real soon it's going to be fun so now okay this is what we have where did my light go where did hello light no no stop stop it stop rendering stop stop stop ah and just just as i became full of myself and started thinking that maybe i'm not that stupid i forgot that when you hide lights in rhino they get they will get turned off in the render so actually i need to go to switches here and wherever it says uh hidden lights i need to turn those on as well and now it should be fine so we ship it again or wait uh no no stop stop stop we don't ship it not yet not yet cancel cancel can cancel the job uh we do not ship it rather i need to reposition it uh we're here so the positioning of it is crap right so i need to find a nice camera angle and for that i will be doing a c frame that's turned on like that and then i will do this uh maybe this that's good enough and now we we are gonna find something like that maybe actually i wanna i want this bad boy to be big can i change this to something that is not gonna lag like crazy and this is better like that okay that's i think that's good okay we have that and now let me just do a named view let's name selections that's the wrong one named view save it what are you no cancel save a new one perspective sure or actually i should probably call it something else uh rename rename rename to please let me rename you uh good view good view that's perfect okay so we have that uh if i mess it up we can always come back to it and now the custom blocks right here will go away and then we will create an infinite plane or for now let's not create an infinite plane i'll i'll just create a box or a plane lane that's that's a little bit bigger well yeah that's good enough that and as you can see the play needs to go down a bit it's arctic view no wireframe go down go down go down go up go up go up yeah good enough and then we choose the perspective view again perfect yeah i just i just hide the the meshes now we ship it flip it to production okay name cmc6 this is going to be the last one five additional megabytes new job come on come on show me show me the money show me the money i forgot to add the material to the ground but that's fine we are just testing it out but this is going to be once this is done i will call it a day uh i will and end the stream so we're just gonna we're just waiting for the render to finish and so i can save this and i can save this yes [Music] oh the background the background is so bad such a bad background no no i should have spent more time on the background no oh no that's fine we will make it pretty later in the next uh next stream we'll make this uh like we will get that that nice aesthetic going for now we're just gonna do some uh photoshop shenanigans to uh to see what what works and what doesn't come on render out while it's doing that i'll open up photoshop okay uh create create new let's create a new one just real quick oh this is not what i want but that's fine uh and it's done it's done it costs me uh 21 22 cents to render this out i mean if this is not a good marketing for let's extract it here if this is not good marketing for the chaos cloud and i don't know what is drag that bad boy into photoshop uh as alpha channel sure okay um or can i actually sorry one more one more thing that i wanna wanna kinda test out drag it in here as transparency now that doesn't make a difference and now we will start so this is an exr that means it's 32-bit right so which means i can change this to 8-bit merge and i can apply hdr toning to it and with hdr toning for instance i can go for exposure and gamma and then change the exposure right oh that needs to be and also change the gamma something like that okay so let's go for plus 0.8 and gamma 1 because i can always bring down the gamma that's fine hit okay and let's just photoshop a little bit of it so this is not going to be accurate but i think it's going to do the trick uh in in us just finding what what works uh shift f5 foreground color delete that yeah okay that yeah that's that's gonna work now this uh magic wand tool to the rescue thankfully there is not too many areas that i need to mark out i would use like for instance or maybe we can do yeah let's do ctrl d let's do select color range and just do this with fuzziness set to be a little bit lower something like that maybe delete it's a little bit jagged though okay let me undo control d uh again select color range this selection preview rescale quick mask yeah okay um if we increase yeah this should be fine delete there we go so now everything that was white got deleted this gets deleted this gets deleted all right this gets deleted i'm just kind of really quickly getting rid of the background um and now i'm just gonna clean up the you know the crap here in the bottom just a tiny bit just a tiny bit of cleaning up i would be like for for the final render i would be using for uh not 4k but 8k resolution so that i can really get into this nooks and crannies and really start clean cleaning it up but for this like for for for a test like this i think that's fine it's fine the way it looks okay so this is the structure control l the levels seem to be fine i will just adjust them ever so slightly like that that is perfect uh maybe we can do uh transform flip horizontal no not horizontal flip vertical move it down down down somewhere there enter push it underneath i change the opacity of it so that it looks like it's standing on on water or something like that um and yeah i think that's fine right i think that looks looks okay now we can actually that one pixel [Music] area there is not that nice so let me merge everything down and image um filter do we blur it ah maybe nah let's not blur it image image size let's change the image size to 1080 or 1440 just a little bit of resampling and that is going to be our thumbnail our thumbnail for for this stream what do you guys think did you like it are you excited for what's to come this these structures are gonna be the plan is that all of these structures are going to be detailed further especially element type five like these element type 2 all of these element type 3 or that's element type 4 element type 4 these what else do i see repeating a lot maybe no sorry that's four that's that's three right so one two three four first four will be remodeled or maybe detailed out we will have multiple uh we will have multiple layers multiple colors multiple materials and hopefully by the end of it this is going to become a tower so here we have 8 000 elements my plan is to push for at least 25 000 maybe 50 000 by the end of you know the overall like project that is custom marching cubes and thus create you know a sprawling city out of these elements and maybe even do an animation then because if you wait let's do calculations calculator okay so now i paid 20 cents for one frame if i do um if i apply all of the kind of materials and so on and increase the quality let's say the price triples right so it's 60 cents per frame right so if we do 30 frames per second so that's 30 multiplied by 0.6 that's 18 or one second so if we do a short animation of let's say half a minute or a minute that's multiplied by sixty that's a okay we're not doing an animation we're not doing no it's gonna be a bunch of still images it's gonna be yeah it's gonna be a bunch of still images we're not no no no i'm not paying a thousand bucks that's that's literally like uh five six seven eight almost eight months of my youtube revenue let's not do that okay enough enough of this i will go and eat some nice food hope you enjoyed this little live stream that i did hope to do more of those pretty soon but before that i say farewell sayonara goodbye bye
Channel: Gediminas Kirdeikis
Views: 3,827
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rhino 7, sub d, subd, architeture, architecture, Rhinoceros, Rhino, RH, Grasshopper, organic, fluid, form, model, 3D, 3D modeling, building
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 2sec (9902 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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