Beautiful 138 year old Once Grand Abandoned Burkhardt Mansion in Ohio

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all right here we are today checking out the beautiful ae burkhart mansion in cincinnati ohio it's built in the late 1800s it's got some interesting history it's definitely in its last days now but really cool place let's check it out i think [Music] oh wow turn on my flashlight careful okay walking in the front door okay i'm gonna go to the left first wow look at the wood paneling on the walls incredible well the boards around the bottom are marble is that tile or something each one of those is like hand placed tile yeah man this house is fancy yeah the marble slabs at the base man you know this house was grandiose and it stayed wow fireplace mantle obviously been stolen here we are in cincinnati ohio wow look at the design along the top that's beautiful wow that's like crown molding dental molding you name it absolutely beautiful this house was i think it said built either the late 1800s or very early 1900s i can't remember exactly what was it do you remember the history ruby or look how huge the doorway was originally 1894. 1894. thank you oh fireplace is actually left and from what i read this house is i mean out front of it the it's has a sign like coming soon it's gonna be a bunch of uh apartments or housing developments so this house is truly in its last days oh is that what you mean the original wallpaper the roses and stuff yeah how tall you think the ceilings are like 12 foot it's a mansion what a what a massive place all right this room kind of dead ends let's go back through this way because i walked in over there to the right let's go here let's go across here this is weird that must have been like a porch or something that got enclosed in beyond those windows yeah you see the stone pillars right there yeah so they probably just did that to get extra room oh another cool fireplace too this is some pure victorian era architecture right here very cool not sure what it was last used as either urban explorations uh someone's tagging their channel oh this must have been like a nursing home it was last used as yeah the old beds is that porch i was showing you i've seen a staircase out of you although this house is massive yeah this house is like thousands and thousands of square feet yeah beautiful beautiful wainscoting yeah i hope i can get some cool like outside thumbnail pictures oh you're in cincinnati ohio today definitely a little out of where i usually go yeah the exit signs definitely make me think it was used for some kind of 99 oh yeah it has a date 26.99 [Music] weird i'll use a staircase i would expect the staircase to be so much more grand use all right before i go upstairs let me just finish this floor i'll finish all this up huh let's see where this goes i'm gonna walk down here pretty transom what the heck look at the little sink under the that's so cool i guess i'm gonna just keep protection must be worn when handling chemicals oh another staircase through here i think i'll try the main one first before i do anything like that wow i think i've finally reached the back of the house this house has to have like 20 some rooms i mean this is a mansion not sure i've ever filmed a house as big as this house it's absolutely incredible it's like some cincinnati's lost history a residential neighborhood and housing behind it yeah this is a dead end all right let's see where i can go graffiti from 2020 wow look at the window and that window is so cool let me show you me walking what oh the little flower along the look at the wayne's coating it's just beautiful you said 1894 the house was built yeah 1890 i know it was like uh wow exactly and people still live across the street yeah that's cincinnati for you i guess up here three three or four easily on the second floor now so much music mr bathroom over there man you can just imagine this house when it was first built my let me show this a little bit closer it's pretty man i guess i'll stay going right over here what is this a second story porch oh wow got a metal staircase to the top floor if you i'm not taking that on almost take the one inside oh and it got stairs down there too wow all right keep on going keep on keeping home this wow be the last room of this floor excuse me it is a little bit of a different design than the other one they're not all just cookie cutter oh yeah there should be one more room over here and one more whole floor above man no never mind there's a couple rooms that's where the servant or the secondary staircase leads up [Music] you all right yeah a full third story too as well you're the weird remodeling you see the two by fours right here yeah oh wow look at that look how pretty it gets even at the very top floor wow the band is it's like the people who are stealing the woodwork and stuff from this house got lazy to the top oh goodness gracious you're on the third floor now wow it's a full third story too man this house probably only has a few more years left realistically if i'd have gotten here any later on i probably couldn't film certain rooms and stuff like that in this house it's a funny looking fireplace it's been spray painted i guess didn't ya have a full working fireplace even on the top floor of your house it's insane that's nice that is dental molding good eye i like the old radiator that's cool it's old-fashioned he said there's another floor that's and maybe in the middle heart yeah in the midsection wow that's a cool cloth for tub all right let me show you these last few rooms if i can find that staircase to the other floor above this we will maybe it was just like a drop down staircase right there you know like a like a attic stair unless we see another working staircase i mean yeah it is amazing this is giant what a weird i love this room honestly on the very top floor of your house yeah that's so cool there must be a turret right there or something i love the windows yeah i'm gonna have to walk around this whole house and get cool thumbnails yeah yeah absolutely it was top floor you can see the mantel came down oh the bench even that's pretty wow that is beautiful bench oh the fleur-de-lis it's beautiful you see cincinnati in the background wow [Music] oh this would have been my room if i had a choice so i think this is the fireplace cover i like the mantel hmm smells skunk look at the stones though that's so beautiful this house is so cool is that someone's car driving their car was literally scraping on the road wow where's that lead you'd have a little porch up top you look out there real quick oh that's awesome i'd be chilling out here all day that's cool i'm not i would never take that staircase now that's a big magnolia tree over there big old magnolia tree both houses around this one people still live and it's so bizarre oh this was an old mirror right here what's that just from the outline i can tell would have been very pretty yeah pink room up in there third floor here's the top or final room of the third floor we'll see if i can find a staircase in here yeah look how thick it is they're through it's like there's a sub floor then another subfloor i wonder if there's a way around oh that is pretty what is that like a sled or something i have no idea what that is oh yeah there's no way around this might be the it for the house all that i can check out of it is had to oh yeah that's how you get up to the attic i'm good though i'm gonna i'm gonna do a hard pass on that maybe y'all can find another person i'll do that on video but not me i got ruby holding it in place all right now i'll show you the headache i said i wouldn't i'm gonna maybe there's no way up there there literally is no other way oh thank you i'm good oh you
Channel: Urban Exploring With Kappy
Views: 148,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Td7a-SxUEx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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