Studio Cleanup Turns Into Niko's Nightmare

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Genuinely missed these, glad to see them return

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/BladeProofGhost 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I thought I had accidentally been neglecting them this whole time, I completely forgot they do a holiday hiatus.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Nicreb 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Def flipped when I saw Jordy from

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Richard_Bastion 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I see Clint's been keeping up with Marie Kondo lately!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/otterfist 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

What does Clint have on the back side of his head? Are they headphones of some sort?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ctskifreak 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is my love language.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/realfoodman 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
this is like Christmas in January for us if you see anything you like you can have it who told you you could take all the stuff welcome back to corridor cruise its 2019 we got big plans here in the studio my biggest plan that I've been thinking about over all Christmas break is building a perfect camera system to do that and you get all our equipment in order so we need to go through the camera room which hasn't been organized in like two years clear it out get rid of all the stuff we don't need it all stuff we do need and get it accessible get it place in the right spot and make it so anybody can walk in and whatever they're looking for yeah we're gonna icing by category oh we got bags we have rigging stuff camera stuff we have lighting stuff we have batteries what stuff I need putting a pile this if you don't need throw it away don't fly through look at these hands man some dirty analyst Wow you leave I had to change the font because you left to give us some drones man now look at it now now it's all off I'm gonna redo that man bye deal no man that's my deal here do your font on this I had a great Christmas we did the the grand tour of Minnesota and central Wisconsin first time bringing the kid out to the snow he loves it he's a natural stayed in the house that had internet but no TV that means I couldn't play Red Dead 2 so now I'm playing it now dude house cleaning bills man so house cleaning goes so good yeah I was in there by myself those peaceful thing ever yesterday there was like four people in there it will have a got stressed out dude I don't know if I get stressed easily but like there's like four cooks in the kitchen I'm saying it's kind of organized so what's all this this is like we need to get rid of this this is the stuff we don't eat anymore so we get to keep it we get to say does any of it work yeah really let me get this what is this play is the stuff that we intend to get rid of this is like Christmas in January for us if you see anything you like you can have it that's what this pottery the control for this thing Nick you need pretty beefy steel tripod where you found something maybe a router it's like what Jake fell off oh all these extra ports that you can plug all the cool stuff in like a foot Hugh oh this takes that one battery home RAID storage got a couple dimmers here that's pretty sweet actually I'm gonna think this is my exercise it's a new year 2019 and with that comes some great sponsors like today's episode sponsor Skillshare and I gotta say it's very serendipitous timing because I don't know if you guys know this but back at the homestead I got a new kid he's about to turn five months old my wife was like hey Jake we need to take baby photos before the kid gets too old and well she's asking again and I need lights so everybody's been cleaning the studio and all that and I heard from Clint that Sam heard from Niko that Niko's givin away stuff on this table sweep this is a 120 D yeah this is perfect because in the Skillshare video that I was watching which if you guys don't know Skillshare is an online learning community with over 25,000 classes that teach you about a bunch of things including filmmaking and I saw one in there where this guy's teaching you how to use lighting to create layers with a 120 D I'm going to take these home I'm gonna create some light layers that I learned on Skillshare I'm going to isolate my foreground subjects with ground highlights and I'm gonna make some beautiful baby photos after already making some beautiful babies now a premium membership to Skillshare gives you unlimited access to all the classes whether you're looking to just do something creative or you're looking to improve your career Skillshare is a great place to learn in 2019 let's set this up if you guys are interested in signing up for Skillshare it's less than ten bucks a month and the first 500 people to sign up using the link in the description below will get two months free but only for those 500 people you know my feeling is about Skillshare we could all be a little bit brighter if we brought it into our lives click yeah you know how many days have you been in here this is day 3 in the equipment den looks really nice it's not done though like look at this pile I've got to get that out of here one more day I think I think I can get it done today it's your last day my last day because next week I got videos to do how's the cleaning going boys good so good dude clean it up it's important to take breaks that's true reckon [Music] Nick where's all that stuff I think everyone took what they wanted I just have some lights I might sell these I might give them to somebody who needs them more than we do I heard they're free who told you you could take all the stuff okay okay these I'm trying to get them out of the studio you already know how to fly drones we have four more drones if you want to fly a drone wait who told you to take all the gear off to Clinton did you tell everybody they could take gear off the table that was all free well yeah cause I thought you were putting all that stuff is stuff we're gonna be donating or throwing away so it was like might as well as well just having people who grabs it yeah we got through it yet but like if you're gonna give away it's like things I want in that file and I want what if I want them dear to this we have five-door Gimbels in there why can I just take that one you guys have five cameras in there five Gibble's in there to use yeah just want to practice you know then take one of the Gimbels film that we will use that way you're practicing with the gimbal that we will use we're trying to get rid of this stuff so I can't have this only it's for training possible I didn't say you could have this camera I feel bad for you you can have this dude that's a pity routers are gonna stop Friday please stressing me out the moment when you are done with that room I will go through this table and I will separate things into what people can take and what people can't take I got collect all this in here take it back wait what who told you that it was on the get rid of table because it didn't have to go through it and figure out create here is my bring out your dead gear Bell this is not in the giveaway pile but this is on the is on the table because they're just trying to take it out of the camera room wait Jake if you need a light we have lots of great lights Garrett I can do what Corinne said take it all look everyone I promise that once I go through the table all you guys to send out like madmen especially you rent final stretch just making sure everything is all good and organized for the official walkthrough the Board of Directors Board of Directors meeting yes I'm solo CD buy everything then at a good like 50% right now like my OCD meters always add an ad I just realized that man because no matter how clean to get there's always something so we the spec dumbest somewhere just sneaking on by dude that's just this just alluding dude your lens it's complete Bruce Lee Niko Sam J I'd love to show you the fruit of my Labor's I'm not easily impressed this is the done room what happened stop okay as a walk through the park stuff's missing true most of it was trashed let me walk you guys through we go this is the battery station where you will find your battery's charged or not charged you'll find this bin it says charge me that means any battery that needs a charge goes inside of this bin they have we have a GoPro charging Bay the B locks the gold mounts to get all of our walkies stinger fingers to all the tape and then this whole middle section right here our lights this is the whole sound area of your sound kit really to my ears whole camera station cinema arms your red parts your rigging your filters and rings this is the networking storage station harddrive accessories your readers and your network cards all drives that we have used and put into storage and this table is absolutely under no circumstances is anything to be on the table period you're gonna put something there and it's gonna fall over and hit the keyboard and it's gonna hit delete on something and leave something on this table get a quick stir number up like like your middle finger like this we got a little bit of space doesn't mean we have to fill the space so I'm philosophy that good organization means that somebody who's never been in this room before knows where to get something and also knows where something goes without having to ask anybody so Gabe hasn't been in this room since clean cleaned it by believing every I would like to you to put these two things away where do you think they go [Applause] gave incredible success can you please get me a harddrive reader done such a great job organizing this room I'm so proud of you great with everything organized knowing where all our gear is knowing exactly what we have I am ready to build the perfect camera oh oh this is super cool actually I put this you know I've taken this you know a lot about one wheels can you help me
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 965,424
Rating: 4.9610448 out of 5
Keywords: corridor crew, corridor, nerf, 360 camera, one wheel, tiny, tidying, clean, organizing, Kando
Id: jgjPsbfCKFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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