I Had Unlimited Money to Make The Perfect Camera

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real key of the perfect camera it's the steel page from GoPros playbook let's shoot a little short scene I'm gonna go from sab to set up the same camera in the same configuration with no downtime here we go back in 2009 I moved out to Los Angeles with Sam and we go to film sets a mood laugh at their tech because his old clunky heavy inefficient it needed a whole team of people just to do a simple shot cuz we were a bunch of computer nerds and we had applied a computer nerd Street to our camera technology with these sleek little digital things that could do things that the big boys didn't think we could do but you know what I've been resting on my laurels the past couple years the cinema world well they caught up to us they got real nerdy also we lost our edge now they're doing things that we can't do with little tattoos that we don't have it's time to fix that I'm going to reapply minor distri I'm going to reimburse from the womb of camera tech I'm going to build the perfect camera now there's so many options here I'm like I'm all jazzed up about trying to figure out how I'm gonna make this work vnh has agreed to work with us on making this perfect camera build they want to see what it looks like they want to see what does a perfect camera me now we've heard them a couple years here they're gonna be hooking us up the various pieces of gear that we need here's the problem I don't know where to start I'm gonna gather up all the guys we're gonna sit down we're gonna figure out just what do you need in a camera package all these little details that you never think about what makes a perfect camera 13 plus stops of dynamic range so that rules out a lot of cameras right there fine okay if the perfect camera allows me to make mistakes a good Wireless follows right control it with the internal lens motors the technology exists let's use it I think PL lenses are a byproduct of dinosaur cameras no rolling shorter built-in ND filters to shoot raw I want to make as many mistakes on set as possible it needs to be smart across Reds are 3d black magic rods also smart high bitrate and these two have a monitor right yes right good look at a camera Bluetooth audio for monitoring yeah wireless video village less than 10 pounds less than 20 no cuz Kimball's can't hold 20 pounds sounds into camera wirelessly so I want the carrier to be able to instantly pop up on things pop into another thing something that can be put down easily and you've also set on good thermal management low light waveforms audio levels 12 rolling the next thing to do is to talk about what tools can actually achieve this and can we actually build this Berga camera the real key is the perfect camera is steel page from GoPros playbook GoPro basically just makes a small cube of the camera and you can put that cube into any rig you need do you want it on your forehead do you want it on a tripod do you want it in a gimbal do you want it on a drone that falls out of the sky all of these solutions and more can be yours when you use the GoPro system and I was inspired by that to get this shoulder not here this is called a dovetail mount it's like a wedge and you slide a plate on top of it charm is called a bridge plate a piece of metal that's kind of cut like this some screws in the top slides on more than half the price of the shoulder aid for a stupid little plate hood companies had all the features you'd want in a camera you never have to buy another camera big camera man and the idea is that at the bridge plate on top of that I have an adapter for the quick-release plate that goes on our tripod fluid ed putting just porting the camera on this it's going to cost me eight hundred and fifty dollars I got all this different gear and I'm gonna try it all and then once I figure out exactly what we need I'll hold on to that and we'll be all set and we never had a baseplate for it now I do ooh here it is ideally we just have the camera built permanently and we don't have to continue building it all the time assign handles will be attached to another quick release plate getting that if you guys want there's a link in the description below to all the gear we use to go check it out our old brain with the new Gemini sensitive they used to be on the helium which was aka the Gemini is 5 K and you might be like what that's a downgrade psych it's a lateral move it has much better low-light sensitivity and dynamic range oh that's nice they changed the fright they changed the plate there we go cut dual is o on this that means it can shoot natively at 800 ISO and 3200 ISO noiseless the a7 is using a post noise reduction on the footage whereas this is just tuned I just love I love the craftsmanship at red but I also like how when they replace the sensor they go around on the outside of the camera too and they put Gemini 5k there and 5k 5k it's 35 there just watch out that haven't haven't screwed those on yet but what's fun about these red cameras is the former kind of a relationship with them it's it's the same camera but now it's just a little different right and each time we've each each red we've had we've upgraded [Music] I'm sure on your screen you can see that this is brighter than that right this is 32 for me what are you 6400 like that and and and and we're getting a really clean image here looks really good do not I get you 240 frames per second and like regular light problem trying to control the focus on your camera with a hand on the lens not only destabilizes your camera very often you don't have an extra hand to put on the lens if you're shooting on a gimbal no good you want to have both hands to stabilize the camera solution Wireless focus pulling not using your phone not using Wi-Fi but using good old-fashioned radio control no I don't regret making fun of those antennas this unit let's be full focus without having to touch the camera or the lemon I don't need a rail I don't need a motor I don't need a whole bunch of cables literally just camera body the lens and this little thing that goes around the side of the camera body as it goes part of the camera to begin with I needed a way to control the camera so in the past and be our touchscreen and if I took a touchscreen off replaced with a small HD monitor which was wonderful I then use the side-handle controller which has a little d-pad and enter button and it was actually pretty great because a touchscreen is cool but you really don't finger smudges all of your screen at the end of the day is it working that's just using the the servo motors in the lens loop no cables no race no motors we're waiting years to like this problem if you're operating camera and your friend is blowing focus well now you don't want them just breathing in your ear looking at the monitor like the hot Carmichael 713 right now at the camera you ought them off on their own with their own monitor it needs to be Wireless you give them the wireless focus give them wireless video this is the small HD bolt 500 this is the Rx and this is the TX that since our transmitter and receiver this is a wireless monitor system lets you mount a monitor to your camera and it transmits wirelessly to a second monitor Thank You small HD problem if I want to listen to my camera audio that look like Carmichael does right now with cables all over the place solution I just got a cheap little Bluetooth adapter that I filmed the camera and now I can hear what I'm hearing with these headphones it's great Bluetooth oh boy why isn't that being built into cameras now my other friend who's getting audio can also be wearing Bluetooth headphones and he can hear exactly what his kidding problem you used to have to use XLR cables to run audio to camera solution we're using the Sennheiser g4 system wirelessly sending an audio from our boom to our camera or records into the camera you need really good lenses you do need really good lenses we use the Sigma lenses the Sigma Art Series lenses they're like Canon L Series lenses but even better that's right Canon L Series lenses are nice Sigma Art Series lenses are nicer GoPro basically just makes a small cube of the camera you can put that cube into any rig you need and I built this system [Music] I've made the perfect camera this is the core of the camera right it's not really organ ama quit so ever but I can go into handheld mode right here now I'm handheld the the best handheld rig I've ever made immediately boom we are alive and we are in the shoulder monitor notice I'm going from rig to rig without changing a single thing on the camera get my slide and shots there it is wow I'm on as a tripod adding a third leg kept her from falling over right gimble's gimble's are the future they make things super stable so I found this gimbal this is the leanest helix notice way it's designed they've made it really compact where all your three axes are built in here right in the center so you can take it you can set it down alright so now you've seen me take this camera and move it from rig to rig to rig to rig let me take the battery off outside of that I don't have to change a single thing on the camera here pop it into here the gimbal itself powers camera which saves me weight or just awesome there it is I got a gimbal it works great I know I hear what you're saying but Nico if you change lenses you got every balance you're right I only have to rebalance Poor's and backwards because I kept the lens in line with the roll axis a lot of to do is super on heavy or too back heavy slide it forwards and backwards and that's it so many being able to wirelessly pull focus somebody being able to wirelessly monitor somebody somebody being able to wirelessly pump audio into it well somebody can wirelessly hear the audio is just it's exactly what you need on a gimbal and I don't have to worry about suddenly having a strip my camera part or having a B camera or a C camera on any of these other rigs I'll have to do at the end of the day I'll go back to another rig pop this off camera eh that's helped make this all possible if you guys want to see any of these pieces I'm using want to buy any of them for yourselves check out the link in the description below it goes to site B th built us a web page for this set up let's shoot a little short scene I'm gonna go for set to set up the same camera in the same configuration with no downtime here we go [Music] hand it over not a million years million and one we got from B&H this isn't it cool you want to check up the rest of the pieces of our perfect camera rate you can click the link in the description below because we also got that stuff from B&H battery in here so should be okay signal I'm a perfect camera all right here's the shot I thought I could fluke my way out of this one not today we need to be pulling a iris rec yeah so yeah exactly so let's get that set and we'll do a shot need some marks Nikko you remember our third story about this from the revenant yep yep you're really high expectations and three two one action are you gonna help him show his skills for smoothest no I'm gonna help him show that his Gimbels the smooth him great right you guys don't even want to know what's in this case you guys don't even want to know I'm willing to risk it all to show this to the world the video dude Sam Sam's Sam's ultimate price Sam pays the ultimate price to prove how smooth Niko's Gamble really is there really is amazing that really is crazy speedin cut shoulder hey here's the moment of truth just nature gimbal shot how quickly they move to our next rig and be all set up okay and last but not least I'll deal with cable management all the time you realized he had another older small HD monitor the 502 and I can just leave that on the shoulder mount permanently so I can look at it the whole time I'm filming and I can leave the other monitor on the top and Nick and still get this Wireless quick yeah like I'm ready before the crew is you hurry up boy we got filmin to do you know stop rendering if you need like that like a backpack that I consider that would be perfect changed give me the case no I said give me the case you can't get more serious fine okay this case looks nice from the outside huh but it's what's on the inside that matters yeah and personal action hand over the case bubsy no my cold dead body won't give you another chance hand over yeah okay I need a camera cart yeah when you just bring all the way that's true I do unplug the smarter pop this off pop it in I'm going to pull focus let's stop but I'm also I'm gonna pull focus for this one so Nick go ahead take a coffee break this is the other briefcase back to Clinton kind of difference would be nervous and calm the perfect camera lets me concentrate on what really matters keeping Clinton stammering goofing off too much Hey the crew and the cast is good I need this kind of a camera rig saw in action you set it down you open it up wow wow wow wow wow wow sounds great yeah we go there we go good job guys I feel great honestly the rigs worked awesome the gimbal worked great popping the camera from handheld the shoulder mount to slider was all awesome a shoulder mount was super convenient honestly doing dialogue slider looked really nice being able to not worry about focus and just letting Nick handle that was super cool yeah I'm really honestly super happy if any of you guys out there are budding filmmakers or seasoned filmmakers honestly it doesn't really matter what range you're at if you'd like to check out our kit head on over to the link in the description below benh has made a webpage just for us show us all the things here so you can get yourself the monitors we're using the sound system we're using the assistant camera interfaces the gimbal anything you want to look at it's all there and it's great I'm really really happy with this this is going to make it so it can make really cool stuff on corridor without huge budgets without huge crews and honestly I feel like I'm back on the front of that technological line finally applying technology to let me do what they do have a expensive film sets without the budget without the crew and that's that's good here's to a couple more years awesome corridor videos before I need to make the perfect camera version - you never told anyone to subscribe hey subscribe to
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,601,198
Rating: 4.9430108 out of 5
Keywords: red, red cinema, gopro, shoulder rig, gimbal, handheld, smallhd, sigma, sigma art, wireless, teradek, tripod, corridor, corridor crew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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