Inside the World's Most Extreme Onewheel Race

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You did great! definitely deserved to be there

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Insyte- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was so cool to see your perspective on it. About a year ago I picked up my OneWheel after seeing you ride it around, and I've had a few friends bring it up that you have one too. You've done a lot for the OneWheel community and I'm glad you managed to get that spot in the race! Good job dude!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NarWhatGaming πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

are you salty about losing to peter in the satisfying video?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jetster_B πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gotta be honest, I would have absolutely no interest in onewheels whatsoever if it wasn't for you, Wren. You're like the onewheel ambassador, lol. Greatly enjoyed experiencing the event through your POV.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dad_Quest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You inspired to me get a OneWheel myself! You definitely deserved to be there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Didicoal02 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video, your the reason I bought my one-wheel. (Its amazing) Just a few questions though. What safety gear were you wearing? I would like to get some fore myself. Any tips for one-wheel trail riding? Do you think your own one-wheel with the treaded tire would have helped you?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/idontknowwhatimdooin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You definitely deserved to be there!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Imperial_LMB πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My little boy watched this with me. He thinks you're way cooler now. πŸ˜„. Kudos to you. You did really well

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LastOfTheMohawkians πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was so rad! Congrats πŸŽ‰

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alita_999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
this video is brought to you by squarespace it is no secret that i have been a fan of one wheeling for years i've got about 8 000 miles under my belt at this point but here's the thing i've never actually had an opportunity to see how i stack up against some of the best writers in the world until now you see every year future motion holds an event called race for the rail and it's a race to see who is the fastest one-wheel racer on the planet and this year i get to go so tomorrow morning nick and i are jumping on an airplane we're heading out to utah to go to some undisclosed mountain location where the race for the rail will occur [Music] it is thursday 8 a.m we're at lax the race is on sunday sunday afternoon so i've got a few days to do last minute practicing i have been training my butt off for the last two straight weeks i've been one-wheeling at least 10 to 15 miles every single day the most advanced trails that i know of just doing them at like speed runs right we're an oodah [Music] what's that this is a brand new unopened onewheel xr this is the board that every single racer will be using we are not keeping these things only the 12 riders were allowed in this meeting so nick was not allowed in there i had to put my phone in a bag and hand it to them so i didn't have a phone that whole time it was middle school pe class all over again for me these challenges will be team challenges basically they chose two team captains and each of those team captains did a draft i want that person the next person goes i want this person back and forth until all the racers have been chosen i knew the moment this whole thing started i was gonna get picked last so i accepted it i was like all right pick me last but even that was brought for me because i was picked second to last and i can't fault them for that because you know why none of them have ever ridden with me before i'm an actual true wild card in this race because no one actually knows my skill set i think i have the skills to win this race however so does every single other person in that room i'm going up against some of the fastest racers in the world dom williams is the reigning race for the rail champion at just 16 years old he's already one of the fastest racers the world has ever seen dave stewart is the 2018 world champion almost as fast as he is humble tahoe dave is a force to be reckoned with on a one wheel body harrison is a one wheel trick master and speed demon however he has yet to win a championship and is now hungry for the win angel cooper was the 2019 women's race champion and with women and men racing together this year she's ready to defend her title jeff and raquel mccosker are the closest thing to royalty the onewheel sport has not only are they both incredibly talented technical writers and racers but they founded the float life as a way to broaden the community and provide accessories that make the onewheel even better zoe thomas is scary fast don't let her young age fool you she knows how to send it winning the grom division in 2019. ory rush takes to the skies higher than any other writer when he's not mastering flight fins he's leaving the other racers in his dust in addition to the eight racers invited by future motion four more racers were selected through a wild card competition based on public voting amanda thompson hails from boston and is well known for shredding trails and sharing the stoke jamie checher is actually one of my oldest one-wheeling friends as the husky division champ don't be deceived by his size few people are faster than him brandon shermeyer is another la friend of mine he's all heart and even more skill he's determined to prove that he's the fastest writer alive and then there's me we got chosen onto teams so the next two days there are gonna be three events that we all do as teams culminating in a fourth event which will be sunday which would be the live streamed full-on race for the rails but i'm feeling something maybe it's nerves maybe it's the fact that this is suddenly real and i'm actually here [Music] okay that is [Music] this is the only time i ever feel comfortable doing this yeah that was safe to do probably are you serious right now are you doing red come on not everyone was happy about the fact that we have to use a completely stock board i kind of agree with future motion here i don't think anything is more fair in a race than everyone using the exact same brand new tire let's tally up what i need to do tonight i need to install these parts i need to actually start breaking in the tire as much as i can in the next hour or so and then i just need to get as much sleep as possible and a healthy breakfast in the morning okay all right you got your board nick you got your board you got your board i gotta go get my toast this is actually it it's actually here the first event is an hour away honestly this first race is going to be very telling so we don't actually know what this first event is going to be to have our boards at 50 we're going to the top of a mountain just spin the camera around for a moment look at what i'm looking at right now the way i earned my spot here was through public voting and because of my nature as an online personality i i wield this form of influence and i was basically able to utilize that to get people to vote for me to get me into the wild card race which is exactly what future motion had in mind someone would always have some sort of social media advantage with the number of followers they have but what that means is that i haven't actually physically earned my spot here and if i get last place i will have proven that i didn't deserve to be here so i have to make sure i don't get last place we got freshies fresh easier yeah you gotta get it worn down the good stuff a stock vega tire that comes on a brand new one wheel has very sharp corners so it feels like you're literally riding like a kitchen rolling pin it has a lot of turn resistance it's kind of hard to turn and if you hit a rock underneath that corner it'll kind of throw you so what we're all doing here is we're basically just spinning out the tire on the ground to grind down those corners just kind of like shave off the corners a little bit so we have a more rounded profile these guys know how to do every trick in the book i'm trying to do this trick [Music] what i want to do is like just kind of go a little bit and then i fall off like that right what bodhi was saying you lean your lower half forward but your shoulders backwards so it's like oh it's hard to commit yeah no you almost got it yeah try to do three seconds three seconds ready one two three nice i was gonna say if you weighed like a little more than me we could both ride a board on each foot pad we should still try it i've ridden doubles on one wheel for a long time but i've always wanted to ride doubles with one person on each foot pad 10 feet just like titanic style i think today's the day and runs the guy oh snap come on baby all right get on and then we got one no i think this is actually kind of working [Music] oh my god we're doing it for real this one's for you mom right let's go fast no oh god this body wants to go faster okay okay yeah oh my gosh so you've never done that before nah dude oh wow new unlocked hell yeah i feel honored that was amazing dude i'm pumped on that yeah that's how you start the day dude hey you guys really just race like that i think you're like a team at this point dude downhill race like that we're in here from the future spoiler alert i'm alive and if you want to know if i win the race or not well you'll have to wait a minute here because right now i want to talk about squarespace if you're looking to build a website or online store squarespace is the all-in-one platform to make it happen even have the marketing tools and analytic resources to help optimize your business for the visitors you already have and the ones you want to find with simultaneous posting and multiple contributors it's easier than ever to post content stress free you can post to multiple different socials all at the same time or have different people all contributing to your brand you can embed podcasts on your site through audioblocks or even just set up an email campaign if you wish too and best of all you own all of the content that you put on squarespace so go to to get your free trial and if you're ready to buy a domain name go to quarter crew to get 10 off your first domain oh boy now you know why i have all these holes in my shirt all right back to the race this is the official start for the events for race for the rail 2020. yeah we're gonna be taking the gondola up to the top of the mountain it's not running right now but they're going to turn it on for us it's going to be a little intense i've never done any sort of sport at a professional level so this is very new to me and i'm excited it's very cool i like all the racers they're all cool people the competitive spirit is strong at this point it's not about getting last place it's about not letting my team down team skyline for the win okay race is about to start team skyline my team we're going first and the whole idea here is that everyone on this team has to cross the finish line for our timer to end this is first descent you're at 9500 feet you have about 4 000 feet to go the first complete team to the bottom wins we stress that teamwork is going to be important we have to build each other up we have to help each other get down three two one go [Applause] oh there's already carnage they're they're wasting time these guys are wasting time okay this track is extremely gnarly there are so many loose rocks so i'm currently in the front i'm basically scouting the trail finding good lines and informing everyone behind me which line stick inside stick to the right but we're all trying to go as fast as we can riders in view team skyline sticking together it looks like all six riders are there here they come crossing the finish line together this is what it is all about what is that done top of that was some of the gnarliest stuff i have ever done dude i did a freaking front flip up there it was just nothing but giant like knobbly rocks our biggest mistake up at the top was trying to bomb it too fast right off right out of the gate because once we actually started being a little bit more careful we were able to not fall yeah dude that was so gnarly i was like i was really glad that we could uh have the first event be something where we weren't going full throttle like eating crap all over the place find our find our groove and get in a good state of mind for the rest of the event i think i at least earned myself a little bit of trail cred because these guys know how gnarly that trail was and they know that i did it too wow final time for team skyline was 23 minutes two seconds so team delaria just has to beat that to beat us yep looks like dom is there in the front he's coming around the corner i knew like he's about to he's about to cross the finish line here now on to the team enduro where riders will charge uphill before entering technical single track looping around to see there's team at the exposed finish we'll see who can take the lead out on this one and who is the fastest single track rider the second race here you can't go full speed there's going to be all these big knobbly rocks in the path so it's going to be a bit more of a measured ride i'm excited for this i feel way better about this race than i did earlier because there are fewer unknowns i'm prepared for this now brendan came riding in hot just set the best time with eight minutes and 46 seconds getting those nerves going hey i'm getting those it's almost as bad as the ted talk that was that was worse that was worse alrighty all righty here comes rent and three two one go this race started off great actually i was doing really well i was making good time even too i hadn't fallen off my board yet but then the unthinkable happened and my legs started cramping up turns out at this altitude my body needs a lot more oxygen than it was getting you go down huh i went down and my board went down the hill no you had to chase it yep most of it was fast i think i was probably trying to go a little too fast two parts i hit a rock oh bonk off of it and land on the front side of the next rock and just stop my board dead ghost bumps good knobbly bit's bad yeah good race man man they weren't kidding when they called that the endurance race that was the gnarliest trail it is so gnarly i knew about two-thirds of the way through the race that i wasn't doing well in fact i actually did better than i thought i was really hoping for a sub nine minute instead i just barely got a sub 10 minute it is what it is i'm still happy with my time i didn't get last place i still have two more opportunities to redo myself i have tomorrow whatever event that'll end up being we'll find out like basically as we're starting and then there's the big race on sunday the actual official race all right but for now it's time for dinner we don't have any events in the morning and time to relax for the rest of the day day one definitely shook my confidence about whether or not i deserve to be here but regardless going into day two i'm focused and i'm ready to go okay it is day two and i honestly kind of feel like i was hit by a truck i am so sore my thighs are burnt i'm bruised all over from the multiple falls i took and it's been just really crazy i'm still just coming to terms with not being as fast as the fastest few riders maybe they're going to have us drop off a cliff or something i mean if we don't know anything could happen i hear it's ellie feeling good to go this is it deep skyline take the back let's go to the gondola we got our 13 talent show this course is fast it's techy it's quick it's a relay we'll see what we got team delirium up 2-0 on skyline all right we just scouted the course i think this is going to be easier than yesterday by far this is a relay race one person goes at a time and the next person can't start until the person behind them finishes team delirium the other team is going first on this round dave sewer just laid down 206 on the opening lap for skyline that's a very compelling time that puts them in the position they need to win this event and they need it they're down 02. [Applause] this is a fun trail i tell you what i felt on top of it this round i like this part right here sped through that it's all good coming around this corner felt great too and just like that i finally earned my spot here at race for the rail i got fourth place out of 12 with only dom body and dave beating my time of two minutes and 10 seconds not gonna lie i feel really vindicated after that race i mean i was feeling like i didn't deserve to be here at all let alone placing a really good time so at this point i don't even care how the final race goes i i feel so proud about how i did today are you kidding me this has been a crazy three days here team delirium coming away and sweeping all three team challenge events of the team portion race for the rail 2020 starts right now grab your popcorn get the big screen started and let's get this party going well ted today we got the best riders they're at the top of the mountain right now and uh one of them is gonna leave here as the champion the energy is high people are stoked and i can't wait to watch this race go down i think ren deserves to be here i think he's proved that yesterday yeah and this is his chance to show that he's serious rider and i think i expect to come out and do that so i'm going to be going head-to-head with dom with angel and with brendan everyone is expecting dom to win here so honestly i'm just racing for second place brandon is a fantastic rider i ride with him all the time down in l.a it almost feels like fate i'm glad we're going first as long as dom goes down we can both go up dude i'd be happy with that yeah nice little twist again go celebrate until you cross those arches yeah yeah yeah do a triple nuts [Music] yeah one at a time dude this course has some familiar stuff some new stuff and all of its sketch i was definitely nervous going into the final race for the rail it's the big televised event everyone's tuning in all my friends are watching yeah we have a full broadcast here we have 12 camera switch feed with wireless it's it's gonna be a good time first round we have dom williams angel cooper brandon schermeier and ren wykman and they're off oh my gosh dom is in the lead position let's see we got dom it looks like we got brendan schermeier and then it looks like we got ren and angel in the back it's top three kind of separating top two it looks like it's dom and brandon shermeyer here we see angel cooper in the rear let's see if ren could put himself back in position i was right behind them but the problem is that their dust was making it really hard to see the ground and i tried my best to keep up but then sure enough i got stuck in a bit of a chunky spot and i knew the moment i jumped off it was over there was no way i was gonna be able to recover from that oh my god brandon sure my coming around aka floaty mcfly look at this pack yes oh my gosh dom off his board brandon shermeyer is in the lead let's see if dom can catch him wren wikeman is in third blasted by us he's still ripping wow holy smokes brendan schermeier if he can hold dom off he may finish this race first are you kidding me ladies and gentlemen i'm here with heat one winner brendan schermeier dude boy this whole race day today was filled with upsets everyone was expecting dom to win but brendan came through and overtook him twice to win his heats round two is filled with people we didn't quite expect everyone expected dom to be there everyone expected body to be there but jamie to win his heat and be there as well that was cool jeff was able to get a huge lead right out of the gate but jeff did go down really hard flying into frame with crazy style but it did cost him the race and he ended up not making it past that heat this would be an insane upset right here brendan shermeyer from los angeles california looking over his shoulder and he is going to the next round don williams is out of the race head and nobody saw this coming total domination baby let's go and it looks like dave stewart is punching his ticket to the finals with brandon schermeier all these upsets led to the final round we have my friend brendan against my new friend dave tahoe dave and brandon schwermeyer it's all smiles at the top out of this start it's neck and neck you've got to say todd hayes a little bit ahead of brendan schermeyer brand sherman are hot on his trail you don't want to fall right behind because of that dust body harrison ran to that already tahoe dave blasting down there and brendan schermeier right on his tail we are in the finals folks one of the two of these riders is gonna be crowned champion walk home today with five thousand dollars in the bank they gotta stay on their boards here ted we've seen people fall in this stretch before what a tight race we have so far dave cut him off dave come off that's a veteran move brendan is going for a pass brandon is passing back he's passing out oh my god oh my god floaty that lead oh my god i don't think dave can come back from that now that's a huge lead he's into this gravel straight brandon is into the gravel straights onto the single track he is in control gets onto the grass if he doesn't mess up if he doesn't crash are they coming here let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh all right guys let's get this let's go y'all flooded [Music] [Applause] [Music] of los angeles california is taking home the 2020 race the rail championship oh my goodness floaty just won brendan just won race for the rail [Applause] even though our team didn't win i am so beyond happy for brennan here this is so cool no one expected brendan to win he was a wild card he wasn't even selected to come and here he is with the grand champion nunchucks oh my god oh my god what an incredible race what an amazing event huge congrats to brandon floaty mcfly on instagram give him a follow he deserves it he's the world champ after all huge thank you to future motion for throwing on this amazing event i feel so special to have been part of it and if you want to see more about this race and even greater detail future motion has an hour-long documentary about this race on their youtube channel link in the description check it out if you're interested to all the other writers i'm glad to call you guys friends now see you next year because you know what i have been training non-stop since the end of this race before next year i will see you then until then though subscribe to quarter crew hit that like button and maybe you'll see us turning our friends heads into ice cubes my head yeah your head no
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 827,522
Rating: 4.946784 out of 5
Keywords: vfx artists react, explains, onewheel, race for the rails, 2020, future motion, tricks, extreme sports, sports, new, bodhi harrison, floatlife
Id: 7JJMv2nBNtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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