Teacher Kicks Mom Out Of School

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hello friends it's me and today is finally diamond monday once again i mean sometimes i want to do other things on mondays so it's kind of a mystery day now mystery mondays today's video is about a teacher who kicks a mom out of school why would you do that let's watch oh this one's based on a true story [Applause] emmy what are you doing out here all by yourself oh hi mrs thompson i'm just waiting for my ride sweetie are you sure they're coming yeah she's just running a little late this was me in elementary school i'd be waiting with my brother on the sidewalk sometimes we'd like walk halfway home before my parents came and picked us up like when we say they're coming they come in okay well i'm just going to wait with you she has her ipad what more does she need and this works out well because i need a parent to sign your permission slip for tomorrow's field trip oh there's my ride hi i'm so sorry i'm late then she's got a little crazy so crazy just hit a trash can girl can barely drive just a little oopsie you know school got out over 20 minutes ago poor emmy's been sitting here waiting all by herself she ain't by herself she got a perfectly good ipad in her hand playing roblox she fine that's not safe yeah i know and i'm so sorry i just i got off work late and traffic was kind of hectic but i got here as soon as i could not a very good way to start off the first day of school if this happens again i'll have to write it up what do you mean you'll write it up what are you gonna do fail the child maybe give her an hoa violation make her take the bus she's late to pick her up what are you gonna do nothing i completely understand i promise it won't happen again are you okay i've been playing my game any year coming soon yeah she's fine ready to go 20 minutes ain't that long i need a parent to sign this it's a permission slip for tomorrow's aquarium visit oh okay yeah i can sign it just look at my pen oh you're not going to sign it a parent needs to yeah i know i'm a me's legal guardian okay that's not possible what are you 18 there's no way you're her legal guardian actually i'm 21 and i've been looking after emmy for a while now okay i don't understand it's sort of a long story but if you need any proof i could definitely get you some documents what is this a child looking after a child show me her id i mean i would have just thought it's her big sister no i think i need to speak to the school what what was your name again quinn i know it's a weird situation to say the least it definitely concerns me how young you are especially given the fact that you couldn't pick up emmy on time i don't think you're fit to be her guardian i may be young my age doesn't define my abilities and i think i do a pretty good job considering everything what do you say yeah quinn's the best i mean you could afford to buy her ipad that ain't bad as long as you can afford an ipad and some robux you are a fit parent we'll be watching you quinn all right let's go we got a karen here i'm her legal guardian that's it end of discussion it shouldn't have even went past that the story's done the video's done it's over the bus will be here in about 15 minutes miss faye does everyone have their lunch i think so where's your lunch emmy uh emmy quinn didn't give you anything to eat no but she's gonna drop it off soon i think can you believe this she didn't even bring poor emmy lunch maybe she forgot oh that's no excuse every parent here has made sure their child has something to eat so irresponsible i mean on a field trip they usually give you food not every parent has time to pack their child a lunch my mom made me a lunch every single day what a flex so give her a bag of fritos and an apple or something i'm sure it wasn't on purpose you confirmed with the school that quinn is your local guardian right yes but i swear that girl that girl is not capable of being a legal guardian i'm going to go speak to the principal once we're done with the field trip have you seen some of the other parents though please tell me you got chicken nuggets of course fries and barbecue sauce too your favorite thanks quinn you're the best i guess dude she got the best lunch of them all she really brought her chicken nuggies that's what you bought her to eat what it is so unhealthy she doesn't eat like this every day okay do you even feed her every day do you even feed her every day i mean do you see her wasting away deteriorating into little molecules because she hasn't fed her of course i do what kind of question is that okay quinn what do you cook for her i don't think that's any of your business great way to dodge a question i can't even believe you would suggest that i would starve any you know what you don't fool me i was 21 once you probably didn't make her lunch because you were out partying all night actually i have a full-time job and i'm a full-time student so no i wasn't partying well when i was 21 i was getting wasted every night going to parties waking up on other people's couch there is no way i could possibly take care of a child so that means you can't take care of a child either tell you what i will take care of emmy today i will buy her lunch so she doesn't have to eat that garbage why wouldn't she want to eat chicken nuggies what about the other kids what are they eating you go and check everybody's lunch and make sure it's gluten-free kosher and organic can i see that uh sure thanks can you get them ready please sure all right kids gather in no don't why would you do that she asked for that i am going to go buy her some real food like a responsible parent would do what real food what do you want a kid to eat a salad have a good day quinn but you can't do that i said good day quinn oh man i would have been so pissed i would have pulled them right off the trash yeah i'm eating them myself then like she came all the way here to deliver her lunch just for the teacher to throw it out i'ma throw you in the trash let's see what she eat at home some apple juice right here you go oh do you need help with that yeah and some pringles or is that a candle i'll go get that hi hi i'm looking forward to coming in cbs yep it's me i'm julie i'm a caseworker with cps today she really did call cps because you packed her nuggets for lunch oh it was the barbecue sauce child protective services i'm are you sure you have the right house you're miss quinn myers right yeah i'm just confused why you're here i'm just here for a brief home visit is it all right if i come in no sorry did did someone call you or something or i just i don't understand i have strangers bringing their observations in my house so i just need to do a routine inspection who complained unfortunately we're not allowed to disclose that information but what do you mean who complained that karen who threw out your lunch that cried about you being 20 minutes late hmm i wonder who it was pretty sure i know who it was yeah you can come on in who's just helping her with her homework thank you [Music] they wear shoes in the house gross i'll take her away just for that child protective services seriously excuse me you cannot just barge in here like that you can't just call cps on me because you don't like when i feed my kids it's not my fault that you're an unfit mother and you can't take care of emmy i am just looking out for her then you shouldn't be trying to take her away from someone that loves her i am the only person who can take care of her look a lot of children go through the system and they turn out just fine so she's just like okay let's take your child and throw her in foster care she'll be all right why would you want to do that when you have somebody who's taking care of her and that loves her like are you stupid emmy needs a responsible adult in her life well what if she ends up with an unresponsible adult not a child who can't even pick her up on time that happened one time that's it and i already told you what happened yeah always an excuse just like you couldn't bring her a proper lunch she eats fast food once a week because that's what she likes and i'm saying you know what if you're such a great mother then you have nothing to worry about personally i'd rather take cps's word for it [Music] you're unbelievable yeah and i hope they do take her she really wanted to walk back in there and just do you have any idea what emmy's been through or how i even became her legal guardian no i don't emmy and i grew up together living with our dad villain origin story my mom passed away when i was little and his mom abandoned her even though we both didn't have our moms her tad showed us more love than we could ever ask for so they're like sisters he worked so hard to make sure we both had everything we needed oh hell nah i ain't never seen anything in a darn man video that upset me as much as this you see the way she just like ran on the white couch with her shoes on bro i am so triggered by this no shoes in house he never told us he was sick by the time emmy and i found out it was too late it turned out our dad had late stage cancer he never told us because he didn't want us to worry oh that's the way it's hurt that's so sad like i don't want you to worry so you know what i'm not gonna tell you at all i'm terrified of somebody doing that to me after i passed away i mean i had no other family to go to i was old enough to take care of myself [Music] but since emmy was under 18 she was taken away into the system losing her was just as hard as losing my father after that i did everything i could to get emmy back sound out i could become her legal guardian and i fought for months to make that happen despite my age seeing how responsible i was give emmy back she deserves her the judge decided to say yes nice so you see i'm all she has well a new foster parent can be all she has and you can go party and eat your barbecued chicken nuggies whoa i i know we're still adjusting to the situation but there is no one that she should be with besides me [Music] please just don't take her away from me i mean if not for me than for emmys i don't know how people are like actually this calm in real life i'd be so mad if what you're saying is true then i'm really sorry that you've been through that i really am but just because you want to take care of emmy doesn't mean you're able to oh cps's findings what's cps gonna do hmm are you feeding her apple juice this has 32 grams of sugar only four percent juice you gotta go i deem you unfit hello mrs thompson hi how'd it go i'm still conducting my investigation but after my investigation i feel like you're making it seem like you're working when you're not really yeah i'm very impressed especially considering her age yeah exactly if anything changes i'll let you know otherwise i think her case will be closed pretty soon okay thank you so they're not gonna put her into foster care yes please you do such a good job i swear i can't do it at all was the teacher adopted or something did she grow up in foster care coming once again why is she so angry about their situation ugh now you want to come want to see what i'm cooking what are you doing here i'm making pasta you don't mind me coming over like this i got your address from the school i came over because i wanted to tell you how sorry i am okay good because if you weren't here for an apology i would ask you to leave wow wasn't expecting that well cps concluded their investigation and everything that you said is true emmy really is lucky to have you i just wanted to hear it from cpu so much i really appreciate you coming all the way out here you really didn't have to do that oh and also i wanted to drop off this chicken nuggets french fries and barbecue sauce ma'am did you dig that out of the trash she was saving it in her bag for weeks enough for the both of you thank you and i was cooking dinner but i think emmy's gonna eat this i'll take this bro you just dogged on her for half the episode about the chicken nuggets and the barbecue sauce and now you've given it to them i would not trust and also we're having a field trip next week oh yeah i cannot be silent what i was going to ask you is would you like to join us it would be a lot more fun having you there especially because you're so great with the kids now you want to be friends yeah i'd love to thank you great so i'll see you soon you guys have a good night i feel like things never end like this this is a fake ending i'd just be like looking at her like okay what did you put in the chicken nuggets you poisoned my barbecue sauce why you want me on the field trip take care of the kids so you don't have to i am just a very suspicious and untrusting person just as i was raised to be but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,240,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, funny, dhar mann, student
Id: 4qRyfnNpHQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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