PASSENGER LANDS PLANE After Pilot Incapacitation [ATC audio]

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i've got a serious situation here about pilot institute i have no idea how to fly the airplane you know with freelance what was the situation with the pilot [Music] i've got a serious situation here about pilot uh [Music] lima delta roger what's your position i have no idea in front of me [Applause] 333 lima delta do you know how to operate the transponder can you squash 7700 [Music] 333 limit delta fable input 7700 into your transponder november uh three lima delta can you uh say again what the situation is the number three limit does that came a little broken uh what what was the situation with the pilot number three lemon delta roger uh try to hold the wings level and see if you can start uh descending for me push forward on the uh controls and uh just end at a very slow rate yeah i'm sitting right now at 552 dependent passing 86.40 number three three lima delta roger and uh continue the defense and uh try to level off at a 5 000 feet since well we're heading do i need to be active because i have no control all my electronics remember three luma delta maintain wings level and uh just try to follow the coast either north or southbound we're trying to locate you uh [Music] [Applause] number three lima delta fable uh hit the ident button on the transponder which one is this the three limit delta on the transponder if there's a button that says i've been hit the ident button for me [Music] [Music] number three lima delta if able uh i have a frequency for you to put into your radio it's one three two point one five one thirty two fifteen that's palm beach approach they may have a better idea of where you're at did you copy the frequency 132.15 no number three lemon delta no problem just uh continue to stay wings level maintain 5 000 and follow the coast and we're going to try to find you here on the radar you guys located me i can't even get my screen to turn on it has all the uh information on it you guys have any ideas on that [Applause] number three lima delta uh palm beach is uh he's uh struck me that you're about 20 miles east of boca raton just continue northbound over the beach and we'll try to uh get you some more further instructions continue to maintain 5000 northbound over the beach so i've gotta close with my headlights uh i've been struck by two eight do i need to get lower remember freeland delta you're at 72 80 for y'all too yeah i just couldn't get it uh the free lima delta roger just continue the slow decent until you get to 5 000 feet and just continue south or continue northbound over the beach and we'll get you further instructions get you to toward an airport so they're going down over the beach remember three lima delta do you have a cell phone with you uh yes we did we're freelance delta if you have a cell phone number give me your phone number and we're going to try to get you to get you in contact with somebody that can help you before you leave adelphi still with me event three three three lima delta fort pierce [Music] tower off the village it looks like a little bit to the uh south west three three three lima delta having trouble hearing you uh i heard you uh said something about south west can you say again your cell phone number [Music] [Applause] roger standby i got some emergency situation going on number three three three lima delta if you can hear me i have a phone number for you you uh receive that give me give that phone number a call on your cell phone if able uh what uh [Music] caravan 333 lima delta did you uh hear the transmission remember 333 lima delta 4 pierce tower can you hear me number three lima delta did you hear the phone number i gave you sir if you uh heard the phone number if you could give that a call they're going to get you in touch with somebody that can help you uh maneuver that plane number three let me delta roger continue following the coast can you confirm that you got that phone number remember three lima delta rogers if you can on your cell phone give that phone number a call they're going to get you in touch with somebody that can help you maneuver that plane while you're making that call just remain under this frequency and uh we're gonna continue to try to get you some more help is the pilot unconscious number three lima delta can you tell me how many personnel are on the uh on the plane with you um [Music] number three lima delta palm beach approach is gonna talk to you they're gonna direct you to the palm beach airport you should hear them on this frequency momentarily [Applause] [Music] [Applause] three three three lambo delta four fierce tires number three three three lambda delta folks here's chinese jump frequency remember three three three lambda delta four pierce tower young frequency three three three lima delta fourth series tower howdy here remember three three three layman delta fort pierce tower howdy here i appreciate eight uh everybody's patience here just hang with me it's gonna be a couple minutes 21 holding short ten left i'll be standing bye for landing top 21 roger aircraft about seven miles northwest now looks like they're getting flight controls before they come in very good thank you palm beach tower chopper five chopper five palm beach power number five dead adhd departure to operate south of the airfield chopper5 unable hold your position on the ramp it's going to be a few minutes that tower number five if you have a moment what's the possibility uh chopper 5 emergency inbound hold your position [Applause] top 21 uh landing aircraft on about a mile and a half final caravan i didn't say thank you which went 21 you may want to go northbound on the side a little bit more a beam takes away uh more over towards the uh canal if you can uh just give them a little bit of room that's that north is everybody holding now yes everybody's holding off 21 proceed down runway one zero left 21.10 american 1845 you can make the left turn there hold short of one zero left it's going to be a couple minutes uh you just witnessed a couple passengers land that plane not a problem uh go ahead and continue we'll hold short one zero left american 1845 man they did a great job did you say the passengers landed the airplane that's correct oh my gosh yeah great job no flying experience we got a controller that worked them down that flight instructor [Music] you
Channel: AirTrafficVisualised
Views: 3,891,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Jy8jpfyiek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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