My Most STRESSFUL Landing...EVER

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welcome back guys we're here at centenni brad just landed out here for the first time we're gonna unload all that cargo if you haven't seen the video previously brad's first landing out here we're gonna unload here give out some balls head over to i buy pick up sick lady uh beautiful weather out here as always though as always [Music] all right we're gonna pick up a little bit of coffee out of here just because well we can we've got the available space going to i buy and we're just picking up maybe 150 200 kgs and so i'm gonna run the numbers show you how i do that so i know how much i can get out of here all right we landed with 620 pounds of fuel so i know that i'm going to have 300 kg penalty out of eye buy and i'm just going to guess for 200 kgs for our passenger and any baggage or anything like that it's a 30 minute flight over there so 30 minutes times 5.3 plus a circuit so 190 kgs so we are going to be getting landing there with around 430 to 450 kgs or pounds of fuel let's run it a little bit high 450 pounds if we take 200 out of there with our penalty we can still get 450 kgs out of here of coffee so let them know that and start loading up [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right we're gonna go ahead and add up some coffee 450 kgs about that um to bring it back just because we already do have some the fuel ramps things like that that are actually cutting into our weight a little bit so i actually might be a little bit low that lower than that we're going to weigh them up because they're not previously weighed and start loading them up brad and i are going to walk down here just to take a look at where he touched down it gives it's really nice if it's especially the first time you come out to places to see exactly where you touch down where you thought you did and then you can kind of see the lay of the land and see if there's you know bumps or divots things like that that you were not aware of in your landing so that's what we're gonna go do right now you guys all these like tall grass looking like things out here this is all sugar cane when they're tied up to a big post just so that it can grow longer and doesn't just kind of fall over we got the school right up here um there's a school here and then there's a school up there as well that has more grade school stuff but that's where the balls are going from here and then also up there and as you can see just looking around the valley we've got um one airstrip there one airstrip right across on day marowak is around the corner then off of the way we flew over on the way in here was another one another one around the corner another one around the corner so a very packed full valley of airstrips i don't really think you're gonna be able to see it very much but from the windsock down to about this area it's just an ever so slight downhill and then that's right where it starts picking up and going up the hill up here and i personally like to land just around the windsock and between that one and this cone right here because it's just a slight downhill you can get a really nice smooth smooth landing but we're gonna go check to see where brad's wheels touch down because he touched down a little bit before that he actually wanted to but this is his first time coming in here so that's not really big of a deal we're going to be coming back here later on in the morning if the winds do not pick up but they already picking up just since we've landed here just a little bit all right looks like here's the the touchdown point right here but this is just right on the crest you can kind of see maybe how the hill kind of goes up a little bit and then the windsock that's when it starts going back down so we touched down right here and we just kind of just kind of bounce just a little bit and then settle back down i remember the first few times i would land i'd always try to land right here and i do the exact same thing and it took walking down here that's why we're doing it today is walking down here to take a look at it to really see what exactly is going on because i remember like maybe like the first like five times i landed here by myself back when i was flying with maf and the ga8 i'd land and i just bounced and i was like man why am i bouncing i don't understand came down here and realized there's actually a little bit of a hill and if you don't land past it that happens every single time all right we're just getting out of here now winds are definitely picking up i can feel it on my face we'll have a headwind for takeoff but that means coming back in here for a number two round today might not happen so we're heading over to i buy i'm switching seats i don't feel comfortable landing on 11 slope with my right hand it's just it's just too awkward for me i haven't had enough experience applying the kodiaq into more sloped air strips so let's go ahead and get out of here and hopefully get in here for a second time today all right let's get started because the winds are already picking up and i buy [Music] hopefully it works right low idle g is coming up over 30. itt's coming up at a nice rate and peaks out at 663. my low fuel flat flail go ahead and run it all the way up to zero just to make sure that it goes all the way up not really sure why we had a flat fail it's been a long time since we've had one all right flaps are all the way up let's go down to toss system test okay now let's get on the top just so we aren't just draining all of our fuel as quickly as possible mosby 6622 november tango echo taxi number thing is go ahead [Music] i'm pushing forward on this [Music] because this round that we're on right now is like ice i'm pretty sure like once we start adding our power it's just going to just start pulling us i'm just going to just look at my itt to see if it's about where i want it on take off i'll check our controls our toes off which is and instruments are done flaps are set indicated and verified at 20 now we'll get our trip set up all right we'll be airspeed alive by the first walking path across otherwise we'll just stop on the runway we'll expect a crosswind right after takeoff from the right depending on how it feels we'll probably plan to go off to the left to go through the mirrorwalking gap as my plan all stations sundini kodiak november tango echo departing sendini for i buy we'll be on cloud one zero thousand all right ignition let the lights for five thousand twenty five degrees for team 30. ignition condition flaps 20 fuel and harnesses 1330 and our weight is 6300 so it's 59.69 59.69 ignition condition flaps 20 fuel and harnesses rotate 59 1330 see how long we can hold our brakes there you go all right there's 13 30 720 airspeed's alive be heavy on the front 36 feel a little bit of right there's our 62 back below 740 and we've got nine knot headwinds so coming back in here our second rounder and it might be a waste of time to be honest switch for 85 knots initially a four not so in here so it dies down quite a bit just on this so three knots now so if we were to come back in here like that would have been like one knot three knots and then short final nine knot tailwind so something to think about as we are thinking about it we're gonna do a second one we have a limit i think i don't know off the top of my head to be honest i got eight knots of tailwind we'll come up in here to the mirawaka valley area and just start circling there to get through the valley or through the gap and clean up landing bypass and igniter is turned off 720 on the itt we'll pitch for our 99 knots so we can get through the mirror walking gap as quickly as possible and on to i buy that's right over here that's right that's that we're going to come over here to this big kind of bull valley where um marijuanka is kind of in there and we'll just probably if it works out i got to get up to 8600. just going to try to make it so i can go right up over top of that and by the time i get over there be at 8 600 feet let's see if it works wait a minute be 6622 november tango echo tracking three zero seven on climb not above one zero thousand estimating i nope it looks like even this gap has gotten a lot skinnier i think even more so maybe not i guess it was fairly tight coming if we would have gone that way though we did go that way so d300 sorry p300 is what's listed on the for flight yeah like that's like if you're scraping the trees so 84 to 86 is about where i'm like okay that's comfortable so if i'm getting up to there and i'm like not quite there yet and i'm touching the clouds and i know this isn't going to work but it looks like it should work i'm just positioning myself on this side in case i didn't want to peel out to the left if for some reason something wasn't looking right or maybe another airplane was coming through or something like that as is we can see plenty on the other side so you're just going to keep your speed up and i'm just getting my speed up i know that it's clear that we could see across so i don't see any reason unless it was like there was some other element that was making go yeah i don't know just keeping my power in for the time being because we're planning on going up to 10 000 right after this [Music] uh let's see if the 10 000 actually works yeah it looks like it's gonna be at the top of the clouds it does look like that doesn't it might open up right after top of this because i'm not seeing a ton of shadows on the valleys up there yeah which means that it does look like there's a lower level out front as well um all right looks like 10 000 is just gonna barely squeak us over top of these clouds it looks like further on out it looks like 10 000 probably should work so as the morning goes on that's why i have 12 000 for the second one these are just going to continue to rise up and usually before noon you can get back at 12 000 but then as the day goes on now they're up to 14 000. and then if you go if you go on top of them you have a smoother ride back as opposed if you go on the underneath of them then it's just bumping you all around and it's just kind of annoying dude was i buy you said three thousand um 7 300 for the pattern altitude 26 000. that's the highest airport we go into isn't it it is yeah it's definitely the one that you feel feel dense density altitude on the most the control input and just the performance right like it you just don't get your spear free especially being an 11 slope you just don't feel like the acceleration quite like you normally do everywhere else 406622 november tango echo request [Music] secondary five three eight six five nine or eight six five three eight now no we're playing that go uh no there's mountains now you can see into this valley but then it probably goes up into the clouds right here yeah there's like a fake ridge all right there that we wouldn't be able to get okay rsv6598 november tango echo check call i was just asked to switch to this frequency at this time reading a string three will remain here estimating i buy one zero on climb amended one 2 000 by 1-0 all right looks like 12 000 just gonna work just fine getting over this that's not michael right in front uh yes just like that all right well let me just quickly look at i buy we've got nine minutes out our pattern altitude here at i buy is 60 340 feet i'm gonna put my minimums on for my turning final at 68.40 [Music] that way betty will say minimums when it's time to turn final and that way don't go too low ends can be strong by 10 am it's gonna be 10 10 by the time we get there we got a text earlier when we're out sandini saying that wins we're picking up um i'm going to be landing out there in 10 minutes so i'm going to be burning another maybe 100 pounds so we'll be landing with 6 000 pounds so 67 and i'm gonna add [Music] i'm gonna add three knots to that so let's do 70 knots just verifying 67 we'll add three knots with this nine percent on touchdown oh we need to start going down this is the valley that i thought was open so yeah let's start heading down it should be directly over top of mount my oh there it is right there we're going right beside it let's go down to 7 300 feet looks like about 700 feet looks like it's going to do it check our selectors our toss is still off our vref we've set up at 70 our lights our inlet if we need to go around it's mid final power up 20 degrees of flaps pitch for 11 degrees a left hand turn out resetting your itd to the top of the green oh winds are picking up down here as we go down 14 knots from crosswind which means it's going to come right over top of eye by and it's probably going to hit mount ilimari and then turn right back around into a tailwind landing right obs what's the runway heading again you have it up two one here i've got to pull it up on good notes um two three [Applause] obs runway two three zero puts a nice line there i'm coming in a a way that i don't think i've ever come in before into i buy before so we're probably not gonna see it until we're just almost over it i'm gonna fly off the end of it and that way i can just kind of curl around nicely and take a good look at it on my way in like with the clowns in different positions every time even coming in the same direction it can look different yeah zero decimal seven november tango echo one zero miles to the east nine thousand three hundred circuited by one zero i think i should actually be on one two zero decimal one here all stations i buy one two zero decimal one cardiac november tango echo one zero miles to the east southeast nine thousand one hundred circuit i buy one zero so we've got a few opportunities to do a couple go arounds here and do our best that we can um it's 15 minutes so let's just say it's 100 pounds getting out of here back um actually it's a little bit less than that so let's say it's 90 pounds to get back to garoka perfect vfr day we can get out of here with 410. oh really not a lot i only gave ourselves basically enough to get over here and do like an extra circuit maybe two at most and then we'll head on back to kuroka so yeah rsv6598 november tango echo in the circuit i buy report after landing all stations i buy one two zero decimal one november tango echo is joining the circuit i buy no that's it over there i'm looking at the wrong valley this is the ridge going on up there it is over there so i was looking at this i was like i'm getting awfully close to my final so let's start heading that way it's crazy what cloud's gonna do our prop forward harnesses [Applause] all right 13 knots still it's gonna be pretty uh rough on final i'm thinking let's go take a look at the windsock and see what it's showing now i can see the wind stock from here and it looks like it's a pretty strong crosswind which isn't as bad you're a five non tailwind limit yeah if i'm not tailwind i don't think we'll have a tailwind uh we'll have a crosswind it looks like 7300 at an altitude let's start slowing down to our 90 knots oh it's coming directly over the mountain we're going to expect downdrafts on final continuous downdrafts because it's just straight ahead so we also have a crosswind on touchdown looks like let's see all right yeah crosswind just a direct cross one right now looks like three to four or five knots maybe one touchdown it's a direct crosswind so we'll give it a go a couple times so a little bit wet i saw some glistening water in the parking bay bobbin harness is done flaps to go landing plants will get on the ground 80 degrees of flaps turning base 7000 the knots right now this is the hill where we normally turn 1 to 80. four flaps now it's not one to slow down 68 40 turning final a little bit high turning final all right looks to be assigned many mods minimums the 71 knots add a little more that's headwind i'm just gonna go around all right pitch up for 11 degrees which one i dtt you had six knots headwind four knots across when or something like that and after you said go around and change to four to two okay try to get my speed on down is what i'm struggling with there okay there's our 500 feet we'll remain here flap checklist is complete right click on the descent we're continuing 500. oh just muddy out a little bit all right so he's saying don't go in there with those cones it's my guess where's me six five nine or eight november tango echo on the ground i buy cancel sar there we go that was the most work i've seen yet yeah for sure okay ditch my breath as always thanks guys for joining brad and i on this little kind of round route to sendinian out here like i said if you haven't seen the first one brad landing out there in sydney you go check out the video right before this and we're heading on to kuroka let's get it shut down [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 474,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, bush pilot, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, learn to fly, papua new guinea, cockpit landing, airplane landing, airplane, flight, plane, microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, simworks kodiak
Id: N22ATjjoyhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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