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foreign [Music] [Music] thank you um okay yes you did Diamond eight Delta Charlie you lost your front nose gear Tire on rotation and that's definitely how it appears out the window the entire wheel seven tier uniform thank you very much is there any shot vehicles on frequency entire front wheel assembly is on the runway Roger that um should I remain in the pattern Simon hey just tell you tell me what you need affirmative it is Charlie by yourself I am solo hey I'm a flight instructor July if you need any help I would love a bit of assistance take Delta Charlie all right now I did fairly odd go ahead and get yourself set up for a normal pattern keep yourself messing controlled and make sure you just look through your checklist here and let me know when you're establishing the downwind so we're gonna do this November 3 episode Juliet I want you to follow her she's also departure and I'm going to start her left turn now all right we're looking for some pictures and then left turn again into the downwind you're gonna line up for Niner left on the North side there okay I'll just stick all the way back set it down tonight this is my third solo ever thank you guys of course Simon eighth out to Charlie looks like you're Northbound now you can turn west and you're still at three thousand feet let me know when you want to turn inbounds for the field I have no aircraft to the north you can maneuver out to the north as needed Roger that is ultra Charlie I'll continue uh Silverstone for now and take a western towards the pattern in a bit here what would you like to do it all right it's completely up to you I altitude on her indicates 3 700 feet do you still have her insight I got an adsb with a negative contact Julia remember see I could do it just let me know and you can maneuver also to the north oh Roger we're looking for the traffic animal maneuver isn't sorry circuit thanks Juliet when I land should I treat this as a normal uh Southfield Landing [Music] might happen trade into the wind hold your air on where they're supposed to be a little like a little bit of left trailer on nice and slow and a little bit of break you'll be just fine Roger that thank you Diamond eight Delta Charlie I have the gentleman that's chatting with you he's coming out to stay in his plane and talk you down nobody has not seen this before so they're going to talk to you are you able to pick it up when he talks to you yes affirmative thank you guys hey it's all to Charlie Diamond AIDS up Charlie Roger are you comfortable coming in and trying it we also have the rescue vehicles standing by waiting for you to land yes um I'm gonna turn Westbound and uh come in for a normal normal traffic pattern Landing November 8th Delta Charlie let's do this you can start your left turn and your descendant your discretion and line up for at least a Four Mile final Runway Niner left Roger that I'll end up Four Mile final four niner last day Delta Charlie [Music] my daughter's name is Taylor and I taught her to fly we're gonna be just fine you know thank you very much Hey Taylor how do the rudder pedals and the brakes work on that diamond my brakes are on uh you know my foot pedals top of the top of the uh um perfect okay so we're just gonna uh why don't we do a lot when you come in for final let's just do a low pass I want you to get a good look at the wind sock because when you touch down I want that left aileron down into the wind about halfway copy that I'll come in and do a low pass um and then join back in the left epic pattern four or Niner left this isn't real big deal it's just going to make a little bit of noise that that wheel came off completely so it's gonna it's gonna grind and expect that but when you touch down I just want that stick all the way back you're going to hold that stick back like you don't want that nose to touch just like you're exactly like you said it earlier that saw field Landing so when the nose comes down then we're going to go up to the brakes and if it starts to go right we're going to touch a little bit of left brake we're just going to use the anti-braking to get it to keep it straight your number one you're only nine or left cleared to land when zero seven zero at six uh November 8th of Charlie Runway nine are left cleared options cleared up to nine or left 478 Charlie okay how are you doing I'm doing okay doing okay just uh I want this to be over we're it's gonna be fine and then uh we'll get you we'll get to start talking about this real quick uh once you know that the airplane is on the ground and it's not gonna fly again it's not going to bounce I want you to start looking at the mixture control now the red knob yes okay once the airplane is completely off the ground and you know it's not going anywhere and we're kind of holding that nose off holding that nose off I want you to pull that mixture out the the problem I don't know how far down the the nose gear is going to allow you to drop so we'll pull that mixture out just cut the power off understood pull the mixture out cut the power off um when I know I'm not going to get back off the ground again yeah we'll talk you through it and I'll remind you mixture and then uh once you start slowing to a stop we'll make sure the mixture is off mags are off before you get out okay make sure it Max when you're done but we'll talk about that uh when you get down understood I'm on final now I'm gonna do a little pass overnight or left and then a jump tank and left traffic all right Hot Shot we're waiting on you time for lunch oh one sounds good right now somebody's gonna buy you a nice lunch right you need to call your instructor and uh ask him where he was yeah I know he sees that he's in here today it's all right you got to keep going and you're gonna do good in this career one zero six zero at seven and for Diamond eight they'll try just to confirm you are cleared for the option Runway nine or left we have the two emergency vehicles on the south side of the runway they will if you decide to put it down this time they will follow you on to the runway and three Echo Juliet overfly Niner right as you get closer Roger that cleared options all right kiddo we got kids spice we're just gonna do a nice get down nice and low maybe 20 30 feet off the Runway I just want you to notice the Woodstock it's out of your left a left crosswind of about eight knots and uh when we touch down it's going to be important since we don't have really good nosable steering that left aileron needs to be about half the Yoke to the left okay Roger that left Aim around about half yield to the left I know they teach you to fly the Bassey on a normal approach but on the day like today it's okay to fly a little bit lower a shallower approach accountable for you not chasing it at the end it's beautiful that's you're nice and stable let's let's just do that again the second time around all right hold it about there level off ease it in the power in got a girl how's that feel to you feel good I feel comfortable you sound good I'm gonna go around okay November three Uncle Julie what would you like to do I continue helping her Justin before if you guys need anything here Juliet your choice if you want to make a right turn out of here we are treating the airport as close so it's definitely we're catering to Taylor she has the north Runway and if you want to make a left turn to follow her that's fine but plan on nine right I guess foreign [Music] by the way you're doing a fantastic job yourself all right make that cost one turd kiddo okay turning left seven eight double Charlie Runway nine are left clear to land win zero seven zero at six and you're actually cleared for the option whatever you need yeah that's a good reminder from Tower Taylor if you don't like this we're going around no big deal we got all kinds of time what's the fuel look like I have funny if you have about 18 gallons on board here worry about you [Music] worry about the airplane [Music] close it off hold it off I like it right there it's a good attitude hold it hold it gentle now she's down there you go kiddo nice there's stick back gently sit back gently now go for the mixture got a kid nice job here she comes the nose is going to come down you're okay you're okay you're okay talk to me kid I'm all good got it girl I'm proud of you that was awesome Taylor awesome bags off Master Off fuel off you with me R1 R2 it's an officially Alert 3 airport is closed advisory open Northeast Northeast approved and once you are remain outside uh 4.2 we'll let you know when it's reopened we'll remain outside 4.26 billion [Music] I want to compliment to all you guys you guys did a great job thank you three golf Delta we appreciate it guys absolutely it is what we're here for
Channel: VASAviation -
Views: 947,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: USW53vdL_0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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