Struggling Owner Laughs at Being Over $1 Million in Debt | Hotel Hell

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I hope I'll get a sense of what's really going on here from John's wife Tina Gordon this is my lovely wife Howie I'm stressed out well hotel were you running before this I was running a dental office I worked in a dental office I wasn't running anything except my home so why would you go from sort of team to hotel because he bought a hotel so you bought the hotel it was my negotiation she negotiated you both bought it yes willingly or unwittingly unwillingly I was very happy and content with the life that we had so when John told me that we were buying the Roosevelt I burst into tears how much did you buy for seven hundred thousand seven how much you spent on we are 1 million one hundred thousand I see you haven't paid back the debt yet the bank owner huh sold our house they had here cash in a 401k everything we had Oh what was that where's your house now when you live in banana land this is my help I have had terrible experiences here business experience financial hardship everything's just falling apart here for me you seem serious you seem joking it's almost like you're playing assets it is kind of an entertainment though to a certain degree at one point 1 million dollars that's an expensive entertainment well again I didn't realize it was this bad has a relationship we were in a rough place we went through marriage counseling I was at four or five years ago because of this business oh yeah and still working together seven days a week yes 24/7 we met I'm ready for something to change I'm ready for anything at this point I just feel like I'm gonna suffocate oh yeah my bag your packs and all there I'll catch you later thank you Tina looks ready to bail out and all John can do is laugh he thing's been over a million dollars in debt is entertainment I think this marriage is in as much trouble as the end clearly in denial but more importantly a man that won't man up and take responsibility I've been told that tonight the Roosevelt in is holding a murder mystery dinner is an event they host once a month I have a feeling it's gonna be hard to forget if you'll head on into there I'll get you all checked in when you go you're fabulous we usually always have a lot of fun with this we're going to continue and have fun with this are you dressing that the ceiling I play the part of Sherlock Holmes oh man you're playing an Englishman I am playing Englishman I even have the pipe to go with it I've studied this accent long and hard in fact mine is better than no edition actually don't know where Gordon got his accent she obviously doesn't practice it very much - far more authentic than his is absolutely well while John prances around as Sherlock Holmes I wonder what Tina does during these events what oh this is crazy murder mystery night son it's gone from an injured little house in Prairie will be my job this evening to cook your dinner so while John gets to play Sherlock Holmes his wife is stuck in the kitchen wake up John this is not the 1800s anymore John definitely like dressing up more for the murder mysteries because he's not in the hot kitchen he's out there hamming it up with the guests playing Sherlock Holmes okay slightly weird I wonder if this event even makes any money is this profitable it is profitable yeah it's a lot of work I mean we made $200 tonight $200 for always worth and a little stain oh no what's the locals you know when they come from an investor they usually don't do it overnight clearly it's nice about feeding Jon's ego not filling his bank account oh well that could explain it I say the game is afoot you know their goal with the murder mysteries has always been to get people in but I'm not filling the rooms what's the point of all of you thank goodness that's over it's time to find out from John what on earth he thinks he's doing sit down you must be shattered I'm tired I bet you are stick a fork in me Matt was it mad yeah you're in the kitchen busting your ourselves working hard to sell all those people and John you out prancing around like a sort of access is a pedestrian thing isn't in it's not a theater but you seem to enjoy it you have to force yourself to like doing it I mean it's on stage for three hours the problem that the roosevelt elementary class the over the owner i'm sure this place is sinking because john refuses to take anything seriously you love being an entertainer don't you dare tell me that that is hardly this whole [ __ ] thing was put together for your fantasy well that's kind of what this night is it is entertainment we put on a show you're pretending to be Sherlock Holmes and upstairs were empty during the sheet financially we're in ruins and if you put the same amount of effort into filling this place just one room book tonight would have made more profit than the whole murder mystery and all that work that went into it this is insane and you prance around like some [ __ ] idiot while your wife is slaving away in the kitchen Cheerilee care in the world apart for yourself when you get a psychology degree oh why don't you come and tell me what's wrong with me here we go you obviously think you are psychologist denial again no I'm not in denial I just don't know what you want it's only your own [ __ ] stupidity - why we're in the [ __ ] this bar well that is probably true so then man up and act responsible okay I'm done with that Oh then with that in oh yeah no I just talked to my hand you know man oh what a [ __ ] idea ten years old you need to grow up and stop running away from the truth [ __ ] joke
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 8,461,520
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Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay how to cook, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay cooking tips, Gordon Ramsay tips, Gordon Ramsay recipes, Gordon Ramsay tutorial, Hotel Hell, Gordon Ramsay Hotel Hell, Hotel Hell full episodes, Hotel Hell hd Hotel Hell watch online, Hotel Hell best moments, Hotel Hell funny, Hotel Hell funniest moments, Hotel Hell Official
Id: d0nF4NLqCwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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