Hotel Hell's Top 5 Most Delusional Owners

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] here we go hey I have a walk-in to clean I've been here I want to go get that cleaning because it's number one right now is it soon this is joke just a joke they're partying and I'm upset and we're just upsetting everything that's going on and I want it this is I'm just upset thank you for two minutes I'm gonna go walking just walk off like that clean the walkers you know why why do I feel like a [ __ ] jerk because I'm upset I was [ __ ] unacceptable and Arizona accepts if a [ __ ] walk in with a [ __ ] black mole why don't you do something about it is that normal what I witnessed tonight this Philip always here dispel it always expedite the [ __ ] hot plate no no we need somebody to expedite we're understaffed and if we get busy then we can't give good service and those people will not come back a person can't shortcut like dad this place the business been strangled yeah it's been strangled by the owner why are we pretending I'm doing a good job of pretending then this is what I do every time that you come in here this is what you do I do not run food down to your bar for the last couple nights let's talk about the elephant in the room shall we when Philips drinking he behaves one or two different ways either he's jovial and likes to giggle and have a good time or if finances are in arrears and we hear about how much everything costs you and you were gonna close the doors it's stressful it's not easy to come to work with someone but threatening us all the time that the doors are gonna be closed please don't look at me like that Philip because you do do this to us that's [ __ ] you need the truth you have told us over and over and over again that you're just gonna show me I may have said that twice twice come in here regularly and say I'm gonna close the doors if we keep lying about [ __ ] and we keep covering up [ __ ] and whatever then he ain't gonna [ __ ] help us and here we go like this like we've been going for seven [ __ ] years he's he's been known to walk behind the bar and fix himself drinks after the staff cuts more food yes essentially that I don't know about that I don't know about I've gone by the board made my own drinks yes so you blacked out your that and he berated that you've got no [ __ ] idea that you're that far gone he goes behind the bar take the drink away from him he can not go to see you in there in the first place why is he even in that bar in the first place why is it why that to me it's hypocritical you put out memo saying that we can't drink in the bar it's hypocritical Philip and we care about this place and we care about you [Music] I've been told that tonight the Roosevelt in is holding a murder mystery dinner is an event they host once a month I have a feeling it's gonna be hard to forget if you're head on into there I'll get you all checked in when you go you're fabulous we usually always have a lot of fun with this we're going to continue and have fun with this are you dressing them this evening I play the part of Sherlock Holmes that you're playing an Englishman I am playing an Englishman and I even heard the pipe to go with it I've studied this I sent long and hard in fact wine is better than a magician [Music] slightly weird I wonder if this event even makes any money is this profitable it is profitable yeah it's a lot of work I mean we made $200 tonight $200 for always were stained Oh No what's the locals you know when they come from under mister they usually don't do it overnight oh well that could explain it I say sit down nice fish asses I'm tired I bet you are stick a fork in me Matt was it mad yeah you're in the kitchen busting your ourselves working hard to sell all those people and John you about prancing around like a sort of actor that the thespian thing isn't in it's not a theater but you seem to enjoy it you have to force yourself to like doing it when it's on stage for three hours [Music] the problem that the roosevelt elementary class the over the owner I'm sure this place is sinking because John refuses to take anything seriously you love being an entertainer don't you dare tell me that that is hardly this whole [ __ ] thing was put together for your fantasy well that's kind of what this night is it is entertainment we put on a show you're pretending to be Sherlock Holmes and upstairs we're empty during the sheet financially we're in ruins and if you put the same amount of effort into filling this place just one room booked tonight would have made more profit than the whole murder mystery and all that work that went into it this is insane and you prance around like some [ __ ] idiot while your wife is slaving away in the kitchen chillie care in the world apart for yourself when you get a psychology degree oh well I don't you come and tell me what's wrong with me here we go you obviously think you are psychologist denial again no I'm not in denial I just don't know what you want it's only your own [ __ ] stupidity to why we're in the [ __ ] this far well that is probably true so then man up and act responsible now you don't need me here to tell you the soup is that disgusting that even before anybody tasting it it smells burnt this is where we make our own food unbelievable have you given up young lady do you hate food what's going on they used to love my job and then now I hate it I can see what's not working for you any honors I'm not gonna tolerate disrespect you know we're not getting paid we're not paying ourselves honest owners complain about not being paper you [ __ ] owe your place they don't have ownership of this historic building hey daddy's not paying for everything can I tell you something Gordon jen has called herself the best cook in town she's just all that picking on her you have turned every [ __ ] member of staff against you I used to be really chirpy and happy and I I can't even smile anymore it's not about you I don't even motivate myself to do my pride again just listen to both of you you're only as good as a tomb underneath you whether you were here three months a [ __ ] year or three hours a day it doesn't matter yeah you had to what I had to wait five weeks before I got a paycheck five weeks guys you come in and you work your ass off the least these two guys can do is pay your [ __ ] salary on time I don't have a secretary Gordon I'm sorry I'm trying to communicate with brides I'm trying to send out things I have to have peaceful time in order to do my work are you always this pathetic I am NOT pathetic well when are you gonna stand up and start showing some respect for your team and start growing a pair to sort of understand the mess you're in I understand the mess we're in crime fighting for the team you dug the [ __ ] hole yes I'm put a minute so there [ __ ] they don't have to work here oh my me you know the bottom line how dare you know they don't have to work here how dare you how [ __ ] dare you they don't have to work here oh my god I get disrespectful disgusting man they don't have to work here I don't think you realize how [ __ ] lucky you are there's not all about you Robert Roberts world rubbers bubble Roberts dream you're not the lord of the manor and you're not the Great Gatsby you all you're Robert it's only me in here excuse me excuse me go on then you pompous [ __ ] excuse me don't talk to me much what what's wrong with it I want to know what don't speak to me like I'm telling you you head out your ass and start getting a little [ __ ] real you still haven't got it that this place is sinking start paying a little bit more attention to the guys on the ground understand how hard it is out there forget your [ __ ] antique road show and start from the bottom running this business you're right there's no structure it's fragmented the team needs a leader they need a structure I need a mentor I need some support and all they get is nitpicked what kind of motivation is that all right Hertz's have been here you're just blaming people well I'm blaming you for not taking charge get [ __ ] real
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 12,406,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay how to cook, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay cooking tips, Gordon Ramsay tips, Gordon Ramsay recipes, Gordon Ramsay tutorial, Hotel Hell, Gordon Ramsay Hotel Hell, Hotel Hell full episodes, Hotel Hell hd Hotel Hell watch online, Hotel Hell best moments, Hotel Hell funny, Hotel Hell funniest moments, Hotel Hell Official
Id: 9f78VaOVeks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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