Gordon Ramsay Served Risotto Made With APPLE JUICE | Hotel Hell

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The four seasons inn

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JSSmith0225 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

Dang, no one gets paid and they all show up for work every day?!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fiorebianca 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2022 🗫︎ replies
I've just found out that the Four Seasons Inn is about as far away from a luxury hotel as you can get I need to find out what's really going on here how are you about five months I came here to do like massage therapy and stuff but then we didn't have like I really call for it so it's slow so I just started housekeeping you ever stay here I do are you doing yeah I live here how does that work salary wise I mean I don't get one would you mean I get one I've never gone a paycheck you're joking yeah so you're gonna get to ask about it uh-huh I'm not wicked excited about not getting a paycheck but I don't have a full-on conversation with sandy about it because I am scared that he's going to yell at me and I just don't want to take it gone so how can you treat this place professionally if you're not getting paid you can't really I guess for you know calm no yeah let see how yeah no one gets paid what embarrassment take it I can't believe sandy doesn't pace housekeeper no wonder one room was such a mess I hope the food here is better than the rooms it's lonely in here where the hell is everybody hello hello my name is Gwen Gwen nice to see where do you pop out off to the kitchen I'm gonna get you started with the glass of water here that's where she kind of runs the house here you haven't met her yet yeah she seems busier than the owner entrees I'll have the mushroom ravioli it sounds delicious let's go for the salmon as well after that cut with apples finished with maple glaze and a Apple risotto you would like that over soda okay great all right man I'm so nervous I'm drying out to get I puked last night before service and after service and I'll probably do the same tonight our risotto with the sin and sin seared not cooked through he's got a baby I think we're gonna knock our socks off with the food all right well we have some bread for you what do you think yeah disgusting it's just so heavenly I'm doing hey curry bread you'll eat anything Gordon did not approve of the curry bread a large sandy being a business owner with no culinary experience or training in any way I'll say last night it's doughy I don't feel that he should be back in the kitchen working done stay with me girl sunny carry Brett I'm hoping these things good with issues are at least visible sand it flavor flavorful I'm sure there's going to be a lot of flavor here mushroom ravioli the dog does throw up on my plate I hope not Wow how is it are the passes undercooked just saw her thank you sorry no it's not your fault what's the main problems with this place um management I mean the management is sandy right yeah I've worked for him and haven't received checks stuff of worked hard you're not being paid yeah Wow jeez that's tough sandy can be extremely hard to work with and for bizarre and weird good god of can this get any worse he said it's undercooked okay all food in house right now that is coming off of this menu none of it is local none of it is fresh Sandy's menu is garbage oh good good afternoon customer right Richard Oh Richard I'm sorry first time we met I'm Richard you know a customer would you do I work with Sandy on ideas from marketing when was the last big idea you put into the full seasons last big idea we had was purchasing lift tickets at a discounted rate right I would have followed you five months ago coming into the summer what's the next big plan and I can present plenty of plenty of ideas but he has to accept them I'm frustrated I feel that the ideas I bring to him are helpful they would work but sandy he's just not listening and here's your salmon excellent thank you what I enjoy thank you thank you good god I hope it's at least half way good Apple risotto wow what a pile of [ __ ] that sums it up on that play there he's as good as chef as either an innkeeper [ __ ] useless I can't believe I've not seen sandy once through my whole meal what sort of ink even aussies guests and hides in the kitchen well if you won't come to me just give me that no for now hi guys hi I'm Steve Dixon Steve good to see you but yeah well good to see you too but I'm trying to get a grasp on what I've just eaten I know you're the owner yes but you're the head chef as well buzz we're working together now into him so you're both had chefs I'm not I'm not exactly sure where I fit in it's not my menu I'm not doing any ordering filled with Cindy right now a little thrown under the bus I feel a little betrayed right now the risotto was sweet with what's in there apple juice apple concentrate sure Apple concentrate in a risotto yes sir come on it's about my menu chef so this is all you're doing then oh my god I just have five minutes on it on my own with the owner would you mind yes sure no how do you expect stop magical words coming out of a [ __ ] can twenty-three fourteen years I wait they give them [ __ ] apple juice concentrate I just feel absolutely destroyed my food is so much better than what I just [ __ ] gave Gordon if you know how am I gonna go home and face my kids when they're all proud of me and I'm like you look at dog food you know that's not why I became a chef who in this room actually gets paid [Music] that's why there's no standards because nobody's getting paid so there's no responsibilities if you pay peanuts you get monkeys have you paid nothing you get bahcall zero it's our business it's a [ __ ] joke talk to me sandy obviously wasn't well we started off with all the good intentions and we've had every bump in the road but when we started out we started out wonderfully stop it it's an embarrassment stop the lies there's no lies but you were not booming when you first opened her it out nobody believes it sandy where's your market if there's nothing to market so what have you done oh god sakes man please
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 33,915,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay how to cook, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay cooking tips, Gordon Ramsay tips, Gordon Ramsay recipes, Gordon Ramsay tutorial, Hotel Hell, Gordon Ramsay Hotel Hell, Hotel Hell full episodes, Hotel Hell hd Hotel Hell watch online, Hotel Hell best moments, Hotel Hell funny, Hotel Hell funniest moments, Hotel Hell Official
Id: 3tyYsfl4DlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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