STRONGEST Tower EVER! | God BOOSTED Vengeful Sun God!?

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it got it it got the upgrade dude click on the tower its global look at the range on it oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen get ready for today's video because it is going to be epic because I'm teamed up with saver which by the way his links in description down below if you want to see more of his content and we're going to be making a god boosted vengeful sun-god tower everyone this is the strongest tower in balloons tower defense 6 you cannot get a stronger tower than this and it's gonna be absolutely crazy and if you guys are excited and you want to see more of these types of god booster towers hit that like button subscribe and comment down below what you want to see next here on the channel first you're gonna have to ok this is going to be complicated this is gonna be the most complicated thing ever I feel like we're trying to make an Easter Egg here that it's so complicated so basically what we have to do is we're going to make we have to make a vengeful Sun God temple and then on top of that we're going to have to make a Sun God temple right but suddenly on temples absorb all the towers around them so we have to put the Sun God temple just out of range though that you're the support sudden got temple just enough out of range so it doesn't absorb the ventral Sun God temple and then we have to boost it with a village and a brewmaster to give it that little extra range so it's in the zone for it to get the buff Ryan yeah basically we just got to start this at normal speed and we're gonna need a lot of these we're gonna need a lot of these I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna get a super monkey um and because this is so this is gonna be our son got temple and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna put him right here I'm just gonna put them down and then that's our thing where do you want me to put this support son God you we don't we're not dealing with that yet right now money okay money is you you take the left side and you go okay you're just follow my lead I'll let me let me put these down right mine down all I'm hearing is just apply drops it's quite sad yeah it's really nice okay so I'm gonna put all these down and now I want you to do the exact same thing I'm doing except on the exact other side just mimic your side make it symmetrical and whatnot pretty much so you put a banana so you put a thing there and then you put the monkeys up here this just like this and then you kind of surround that one farmer with all of these and then that's that's the only thing that we have to focus on okay oh that's it we need we need no joke two million dollars we we need about we need about two million give or take I wonder if I use the rive I wonder if that increases the money for you - it says you're getting 33 for things weird for a couple of them but some of them um 9 that's weird well some of them might not have silly you there's so many things that we need we need we need to ultra boost we're gonna probably basically make as much money as possible and then we're just gonna pause and then then we're gonna just start are we going to put our engineer monkeys at the very bottom middle so they won't even pop anything themselves yes we're relying only on this god boost yeah no other towers are allowed to pop anything if they do it's not the end of the world but that's why this is the only map where this is possible literally the only map to see why you wanted to play fire yes this is literally the Sun this is the god boosted map you can only use this map ok so I well at the moment we're just trying to get cash right yeah there's nothing we have literally no other priorities except just all of the money I'm gonna go ahead and just just for safety reasons I'm gonna put this guy down I was gonna say I'm gonna put another one down okay a little bit because we're gonna do monkey business make it so he pops more we get more money per pop whoo I like it and I'll make it so easy yeah I did but it's fun actually I didn't I actually didn't so it's fine yeah so these are magic monkeys I don't think there's any specific Tower that boosts magic monkeys I have I made sure I have all the special upgrades for magic monkeys or at least when it comes down to super monkeys so he can't get any stronger with that I'm trying to think because here's all the buffs that we need to give them we need to give them a boost from the village we need to get Alchemist and alchemists we need to get an engineer we need to get normal engineers we need to both get wait why normal engineers because normal engineers also leave a buff on them there's ultra boost and but there's also overclock and we want it we want it we want to put both of those on okay no but we can time it right so we're gonna need robots right because since you have ultra boost engineer so you'll put your door engineer on them and then as soon as yours runs off I'll put mine on them and we'll use the robots so they're synchronized and we're doing that with villages as well and we're gonna sink it so it's always buff and always going hrough bro yo shout-out to you it's gonna work it's gonna be worth a plan man laid it out oh man this is going to be the strongest tower and anyone's ever seen literally anyone's ever seen I'm upgrading to banana central so you're getting that eighty-five thousand that we need for banana yeah as soon as I get and okay I just got banana central I'll start siphoning money over to you so you can get banana I only need 30 days yeah look I'm making so much more money now because of it there you go and then I'll symmetry bro symmetry oh that's so spicy hit the like button if you guys enjoy symmetry so for the ventral Sanghi temple we're going to I need $85,000 for the Sun temple ie I need I need four hundred and twenty five thousand for the true Sun God okay then I need fifty thousand in in the three offensive towers so I knew that we needed two million poetry we need about two million ten it's been a while since I made the eventual Sun God but it's I'm pretty confident that we're gonna pull it off if I mess up the ventral son got temple I'm gonna be so devastated I'm gonna be so sad we'll have to restart yeah literally we have to restart my opinion I'm like bro dude whatever make sure we get it yeah it's not gonna be easy so I'm at 250,000 right now I'm gonna go ahead and start putting down the things that we want to put down first can you first hang on are you trying to get a god boost in power immediately from everything or do you want to like get him to be a vengeful son God first and then let's make him a vengeful son gut first and then we work about to the cash to go back up again yes okay so we're not gonna try and do it all right no so first things first is I'm gonna I'm gonna turn this guy into a Flying Fortress I know he's gonna pop balloons guys deal with this we want juju thanks for watching let's see I think we can get this guy into the Sun temples can you give me all your money please so we're also gonna turn them into a brewmaster cuz a Bri they actually absorb the brewmaster and we'll I messed up I bought the wrong thing I bought the wrong thing very amazing it was literally watching and I was like what are you and dog okay brewmaster so there's so there's military there's magic now we need primary so we can go ahead and what do you use for a primary I I got I got a free dart monkey I think I'm gonna use this guy hi I'm and I have 27 freed our monkey I actually don't think that's enough that's not gonna be enough facility what it's not enough I think we know I have enough money what we are gonna well we need balloon crush too so we get this guy and we're gonna upgrade it to balloon crush okay who's man working is oh that's do I want I don't think you need support towers for the first thing so okay we can go ahead and we turn this into the summer yes so no now so this will turn so that absorbs that and turns it into the Sun temple so we do to that okay so now we need we just need more money so now we can start this but we need a little bit more money five hundred thousand so we're close but not not yet okay so the first things I want to do now is I want to make sure we have turned this upgrade puts this home line défendre 34,000 517 yeah that's enough and to make sure we get the true Sun God temple we need to put down or at least I need to put down I need to put them out of range I need to put down a legend of the night yeah which is two hundred thousand and I also need to put down an anti balloon gunner and now what we have to do is we're gonna have to put once we have the money which we do i'ma we had double speed and we were a double speed holy cow okay wait that was double speed with the balloons aren't even coming out brother things already yeah this thing's already this crazy let me just acknowledge that we've already gotten this like this good of a temple and all of that and we're round 45 around 60 ya know where we're filling it right now this is crazy nor the fact that we use supply drops out yeah no let's ignore that we blatantly cheated and brought everything I see I I say this every time guys this is not a viable option this is not a challenge this is not this is how can we get the craziest thing possible and we just put it in a normal game because sandbox just makes it so quick and boring how much money to send me all your money I think we can do this I got almost three K that is enough okay so wait we can we can go up to the true stone got em but before we do this let me let me clear let me make sure everything's good so we got to do a check so primary 50000 check we got and we got the toy box we're using the the bomb shooters to box military good we have the Flying Fortress this is a hundred thousand okay and see blue the Flying Fortresses it's above it's above your thing okay and now for magic we have a brewmaster for support we have your city and my city okay and then we have both of these okay so if I should be able to upgrade this the true Sun God and it should turn into a ventral side gun temple yeah because the other the other super monkeys are down yeah they're supposed to be out of the radius but it actually has to be out of the radius oh so this map is literally exactly how we do so now we summon the true Sun God okay fingers crossed here we go come on let's go come on please do it do it okay ventral Sun god temple complete and now we can get epic range on it too so it has a max range look at the rain already turn to God okay yes oh oh oh yeah Ike's no yikes yikes key got it likes okay okay so you need to put your super monkey and I mean yeah right here I'll put it right where you need to put it next okay I'm watching where Oh actually we're gonna have to change where you put it and I don't know because the vengeful son got temple is gonna boost the range of it oh you're right okay okay I think we could sell things if we need to we'll just have to save the money at first okay put the ring put its range put it don't stare I don't want to mess it up put it right next to my my super monkey to the to my super monkey worst well I basically write or my super monkeys but make sure when you're hovering yeah bravery was make sure it I'm the very outskirts of the edge of visibility booth oh wait no no put it put it even lower put it like put it like put a like down here put it like way down there now put them right where that one is placed all literally perfect yeah okay okay this cuz here's the thing this guy cannot be in the range of the other guy but we're gonna just out of range he's just out of range okay Oh ranged you said the range would bill stim know it I'm talking about this super you're super monkeys range because this super monkeys gonna absorb everything around him and we can't have them absorb the vengeful son guy look this super monkey all the way down at the bottom then because it's range needs to be within when it's fully upgraded that range needs to cover it so oh so a beat so we're playing a little game here where we need to ask just go we upgrade then it's perfectly over then yes alright okay so then what am i upgrading the supermarket ah well I'm trying to really think of if I want to right there yeah that's generally fine um because we're just gonna do a truce on God again but with mostly support right only support only support so get it upgrade it to the Sun avatar so yeah upgraded to the Sun avatar now what we need to do is we need to put before we get it to the Sun basically this is all we have to do um we're gonna put this guy down and then we can just I did not mean to do that that's actually not what I meant to do how much does that cost fifty one thousand that's still fine okay okay so now what you can do is you can upgrade him to the Sun Temple you sure yes okay son temple here we go do it okay cool and now what we need to do is we need to get you the true Sun God so I'm gonna give you more money I have enough I'm gonna put this guy down and I'm gonna turn him into the ultra boost so there's our ultra boost okay okay and now you should be able to turn him into the true Sun God okay good just double-check it you sure yes you can upgrade it into the true Sun God it's not gonna absorb anything yeah go ahead do it okay okay and he doesn't have he has no planes he's not that's fine that's good this is good okay so now all we have to do is don't upgrade the super range at all yes so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a brewmaster right here and so and now I'm gonna upgrade this brewmaster right in the middle of the two towers I'm gonna upgrade him to permanent brew and so now now look at his range now now he's right there bro okay but now but now he's not on it now if we're gonna put him now if you put a village there is its no not that's fine okay so now range on now get super range on it it got it it got the upgrade dude click on the tower its global look at the range on it what do you mean click on the finish dude it's literally global it's literally global okay okay now you know what we got to do is now we need to ultra boost it and completely buff it every way all right wait so do you have the money for ultra boost yeah you do okay so we have to time it actual so I'll put my tech bot down so it shouldn't take down okay okay so now when you can ultra so ultra boost him now tell me when the the effect of it wears off your alt reduce we might look the blue the blue wheel like when it when it goes when it wears off oh you mean want to reload yeah okay linked it up okay so now he's gonna ya know he's just gonna always be ultra lucid okay so now that we have that let me get jungle drums homeland defense I'm gonna put an energizing totem on it all right okay so he does he has the eventual of the boost this guy is a support Tyler look how many look how much money your son got temples already made that's how much money it's made because it can't pop anything so that's how much money is made it gives you $20,000 around dude because is attack speed so fast this dude is attack speed is just throwing them down dude dude there's so many of them dude and all of them are sun-god boosted dude nothing can ever spawn anymore like literally every inch is like with the regular Sun okay so now what we need to do is I need you to put down a homeland oh wait no now I know what we need to do I need to put down a submarine okay so now this submarine is going to have energizer so 20% less cooldowns okay so now just going ham right now I need you to put down a village and get homeland defense and then we need to synchronize that with bots so that the effect is like always going link the tech bot to your thing whatever and I'll start counting down so links 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 quick 2.3 boom that was exactly halfway when he said that dude and that's exactly so do we have non-stop boots on it now it's always gonna be constantly boosted dude through this ghost is actually nutty bro so as soon as mine wears off yours picks back up instantly literally and perfectly okay so we can speed the game up like four times and just see how far against dude this is crazy look how many guys he's putting down what's he is that ten times ultra boost it now there's a charge your totem bro I'm turning off Auto sir I'm turning off auto start round 80 is next round okay alright when I fast ends yeah I want to see I want to see how quickly we be around we're gonna when I say now I want you to hit play cuz I'm gonna boost it alright okay I'm ready alright go why not that's it 1000 I do the 1000 part run dude you literally just got annihilated round 81 let's go dude this is the strongest out look at these look at the likely homing missiles as you can get and dude imagine there's still real estate space to put down other towers still dude I've never seen a global range on a tower I mean it's not yeah it would be global views in the middle I want to see I want to put this to a real test I want to see like a thousand bad balloons come at us I'm saying this now I do not think it's possible to lose any more I think I think the game will crash before we lose you think that the game right now without adding anything else with a game will crash single really the game will hunt there there's no way any balloon has any chance of getting through nothing cuz I don't know man cuz I feel like the game wouldn't crap I actually just recently a shameless plug did a video testing to see what it would take to crash the game yeah I don't think the game would crash I think it just go one frame a second and just endlessly go okay yeah I still think it would come if it came down to it it would crash before it lost I think okay if that if you mean legitimately as in like there's a better chance of a crashing than losing I think you're accurate I think you're right that's I'm gonna say this now if this is this video okay if this video gets 10,000 likes 10,000 likes Elon and I will do a livestream where we see how far this can go all right I'm down I'm down listen yeah we'll wake up early on a weekend like I'm like you know nine o'clock his time and then we'll just play blues all day and just see how far it goes I mean we're 93 and I still haven't seen a single balloon literally but guaranteed we we'd get to at least we get to at least the rounds when the DDT's there's at least like 30 D notice this thing this thing would this thing eats them for breakfast if you had to add one tower right now what would it be guys what what why Tower you don't we make would would make it easier to win oh that's a rough one dude maybe I'd say either the spike factory tech kind of maybe or like that heli pilot okay I tell you right now the first thing that the only tower I think that we need right now is the mortar Mookie you get the bottom path and mortar monkey it takes away all camo and it removes all it removes all stuff fortified properties so it takes fortified off and on top of that balloon incineration literally just melts balloon so it put it's like it puts a buff on it and the balloon just melt because I was thinking heli pilot cause it could just be on pursuit and it could just follow any stragglers but then again like we're just trying to stop them before they even come out dude look at these missiles how satisfying is that when they just go back and forth like that it's like it's like a group of fish just swimming in the ocean that's why this Maps is so good it's so nice it works perfectly for the strategy dude it's like this is this strategy and the map were made for each other that was wrong 101 it's over we literally I'm that's it that was around 100 I can't do this anymore I'm Lea I'm backing out I'm back it out this was way too okay okay Wow all right you know what 10,000 likes well everyone that was absolutely crazy if you want to see Elan and I do this on a live stream see how long it lasts ten thousand likes and we'll get it done everyone thanks for watching tell me in the comment section down below what should be the next god boost a tower bye everyone whoa wait a second wait make sure to go description down below and check Elan out he's starting his new balloons Channel he uploads daily on there in it's amazing content I'd highly recommend you guys go and check it out thanks for watching guys and I'll see you later whoa [Music]
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 959,812
Rating: 4.8997183 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Vengeful Sun God, BTD 6 Vengeful sun god, Bloons TD 6 Vengeful sun god, Ultra boosted vengeful sun god, BTD 6 support towers, Bloons TD 6 support towers, Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 tewtiy, Btd 6 challenge, Bloons TD 6 challenge, Mobile, Gaming, Mobile gaming, Btd, Bloons td, god boosted, god boosted tack shooter, god boosted vengeful sun god, super monkey tier 5, tier 5, tier 5 upgrade, Avatar of the Vengeful Monkey, God boosted sun god, ultra boosted sun god
Id: rHyAZp0MA9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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