The Banana Farmer Just Became a HERO?!

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hey guys i just want to let you know that today's video is sponsored by cookie run guys in today's video we're going to merge sada and the banana farmer need i say more guys cookie run is an amazing endless runner unlike any other and it's so much fun i've been playing it over on my second channel pretty much every week for a while now and i absolutely love it it's free to play so please make sure to download it in the description down below there is countless cookies for you to collect and play with and every single cookie has unique abilities play styles and pets to collect as well you can join guilds play with your friends play through different story modes and new awesome events are being added the game is being updated so frequently that you will never run out of content with this game my favorite cookie is the croissant cookie because she's a time traveling croissant cookie who is awesome not to mention the awesome new banana cookie that was just released go check her out you can customize level up upgrade your cookies and there's so much for you to be able to do i've been playing this game for about three months and i've only just now begin to scratch the surface of all the content this game has to offer so what are you waiting for download cookie run in the description down below so we have sada that is now a banana farmer and what exactly is gonna be different well not only is it all the abilities of sada look at this he's just swinging his pitchfork back and forth annihilating all of these balloons he is the strongest banana farmer to ever live and as you can see they don't naturally gain levels from experience and so what you need to do is you need banana farms so by collecting bananas that will help level them up and as you can see they put bananas on the track kind of like you know not attack shooter but a spike factory or like caltrops or anything like that and it is a little bit annoying because it makes me want to like hover my mouse over and pick it up but it won't let me and so the more bananas that we collect the stronger the tower is going to become as you can see they put down more bananas on the track that also helps pop balloons and so now that we have a banana farm we're actually starting to gain bananas way faster let's go ahead now we have valuable bananas wait did a balloon just go backwards am i crazy it seemed like a balloon just went backwards i think i'm crazy guys i think there's no way a balloon just started going randomly backwards maybe maybe i'm just i'm going bananas guys that's literally i'm just going bananas so so far we're absolutely just destroying it so we can use all the abilities that saga has and it's a banana farmer we need to get more we need to get stronger though i love the fact that this banana farmer just puts down like the bananas down on the track like that like that is awesome yeah i definitely want to get more bananas though because the more bananas we have the faster that we level up because we're still only level three by round 14 and that's not great right we definitely want to be able to put more i want more bananas like placed over here as well but like we're still in a really good spot yeah so all the balloons that hit the bananas it looks like they get popped pretty quickly but they don't last that long the bananas and look they they also go bad eventually i hope this is in range of the banana farm is it i think so yeah because you also see that we have a different we don't have the same range that a normal banana farmer has oh that's really cool you can see the banana that he's collected as well as the pop count that's really nice wait it cost wait wait wait that's negative money to level up did you guys see that so every way every banana we collect actually makes it cheaper to level up wait what so does that mean we actually get money if it gets down to that i'm very curious about this now i'm very curious about how that works so it's down to 1700 let's see if we can make it so it actually pays us money to level level the level them up because that would be amazing what a way to go all right we're at a thousand dollars let's see so the more money we make it definitely decreases the amount it takes so we're down to 700 600 let's see can we get into the negatives again because if we can get into the negatives that would be amazing let's see we're collecting oh no we can't oh but it does push them back okay let's um here we need oh i need mib i need oh no this is bad this is really really bad i'm just gonna put down a bomb shooter just so we can deal with these balloons real fast and target strong there we go so it does actually push the balloons back along the track there we go oh and we can use that ability that ability is really strong there we go and then we can take that out and now we can sell that so that goes really well for us how's this looking it's still oh wait wait okay so are we gonna get money for this let's find out and i can't click on it it won't let me click on the ability so it doesn't give us money unfortunately oh no i accidentally bought the other upgrade oh no i didn't mean to do that oh no i did not mean to do that in the slightest uh oh uh oh spaghetti oh i i wasted money on that one that's not good i need mib guys i need four thousand dollars it's it's kind of sad that it doesn't pop that oh wait we can just use this ability now and then that'll deal with all of them so that's really really nice that we have that but we definitely need more money to level up the character because the character is not a high enough level right now that's our monkey farmer okay we have mib so we can hit every single type of balloon now which is really nice but we need to focus we need more bananas we've collected 15 000 bananas so far i'm so sad that i wasted all of that money on that that upgrade that was a really not smart of me to do that should still collect yeah so we can we can upgrade this and we can turn this into a banana plantation as well we're already on round 34. i am not confident that we'll be able to beat round 40. i will have to see we need once we start getting more bananas it's going to be a lot better because the banana farmers are going to be putting bananas like all over the place because it's based on the amount of bananas that you collect so we need more bananas we need all of the bananas all of the bananas not some of the bananas all of the bananas if i can get to 20 000 and get banana research facility that would be really nice there we go we already have 10 000 pops no no balloons are allowed to get by none i say none none shall pass okay round 40 oh wow that was like really easy i was that went by a lot easier than i thought and boom we need to collect more bananas guys we're not getting enough levels we're stuck at level seven and what's really nice is since we're collecting all these bananas anyways we're gonna be able to turn them i mean if the tower doesn't upgrade fast enough we'll still be able to just level it up right because we'll have all the money that we need like we can buy it now right which for only like two thousand dollars which is really nice but we don't need it right now oh no look at that oh no balloons are getting by we lost some of our magic lives that's okay now we have our first banana research facility so bananas are we're gonna start getting a lot more bananas a lot faster i really need level 10. level 10 is what's gonna change our lives oh wait i can actually get jungle drums because that's gonna allow us to attack a lot faster and we can use this ability as much as possible that helps us just pop everything yeah we're at 18 000 pops so we can upgrade this only 800 so now we attack way fast look at that we attack way faster now that's way better we need to get banana research facility i really need level 10 because level 10 basically means that we have the the next ability and that next ability is going to be so crucial for us because it goes along the whole map and just wipes out the whole map and that's really nice all right there we go another banana research facility let's go now look at this now we've collected almost 46 000 bananas that's amazing wait is that going up no wait it's going down it is going down i was about to say like that would be absolutely crazy if the the price of it started going up getting an alchemist is always really really nice because that increases the damage and attack speed and makes everything just a lot easier for us here we can use that ability because that just like shreds we don't need to use the next ability just yet yeah let's get an alchemist and we can put an alchemist right here and then buff it will it work yeah he puts the buff on it we need yeah he becomes a waste he does put it on but we are oh look at that it stuns the balloons so that's what it does it's the bananas stun the balloons oh that's so good that it stuns the balloons that is really strong i wonder if that's gonna work for stronger balloons like zomgs and stuff now we can get permanent brew and permanent brew just makes our job way easier so i think this might be a little bit more difficult to start off with because it doesn't level up as quickly right it levels up much more much slower see look i mean like the levels very very slowly goes up once it does level up it is much stronger look at that it's like a permanently stunned moab so yeah we can level this up and we can start buying more upgrades and start upgrading a lot more look at that now we're already up to level 12 and we're gonna be doing a lot better and now this is the leaping sword attack and that's way stronger so let's see does it stun a bfb it does it doesn't stun it for as long but it does stun it and the fact that you like you can almost hold it in place it's almost like a pat fusty ability right where he just kind of like holds the balloons in place and now look at this monkey farmer this monkey farmer is bananas he's popping everything absolutely wacky there we go we can level them up again level them again we're already at level 14. let's go we're doing great now let's go yeah now like at first i was a little bit worried but now look at that like ceramic rush like get out of here right like there's no worries i have zero concerns now we're doing great sword charge greatly increased damage and i think this is the sword charge right i think so that's the which one short yeah so leaping sword okay so the next ability is increased damage to sword charge and having a more damage to surcharge will be really really really nice he's already collected 200 000 bananas that's a lot of bananas level up okay so we're at level 16 so we only need to level up four more times so we need about each of these sell for 20 000 ish each so if each of them sell here there we go we're at level 17 we're almost max level only two more levels we got this we're gonna get it before round 80 easy peasy and that leaves us with 60 000 and now we're max level look at how fast that's that's crazy fast hey we leveled up to level 121. whoa why is it oh that's because it's in normal speed i never really like watched it in normal speed that's actually so cool i like how they they're merged together like soda and the banana farmer have like merch together and soda like runs along the track guys soda is so strong and especially this banana the banana farmer version is way too powerful like that is way too strong we'll just get rid of the alchemist so there's no alchemist buff and look at how powerful this is the banana farmer's too strong all right let's get banana central now and that's like way more bananas oh oh oh neil goodbye now it's just gone oh my gosh i'm so ready for around 79. yes around 79. let's go ready whoosh whoosh whoosh that's so satisfying guys it's so fun being able to do that i absolutely love it round 79 is my favorite round guys just saying it is the most satisfying balloons around ever because you just get to like sit there just annihilate all of the regen balloons there we go easy peasy and round 80 let's go let's do this and here we can just use this ability one two three and then we can do this goodbye nice knowing you let's go guys i hope you enjoyed today's video if you did please hit the like button subscribe and turn on notifications i'll be doing a hopefully tomorrow which is monday i'll be doing a live stream for 1 million subscribers i'm away on a trip right now guys so by the time you're watching this i'm either at 1 million subscribers already or very very very close so uh monday we're gonna be doing a live stream to celebrate and just have a good time and just hang out with you guys and just have a just have a wonderful time so make sure to tune in this time or monday for the live stream
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 122,267
Rating: 4.9387116 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Monkey Farmer, BTD 6 Monkey Farmer, Bloons TD 6 Monkey Farmer, 555 Monkey Farmer, Monkey Farmer upgrade, Bloons TD, Bloons, Tewtiy, Bloons TD challenge, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Monkey Farmer hack, Bloons td 6 Mod, modded bloons td 6, btd, Banana Hack, Farmer Hack, banana farm hack, Tewtiy Monkey Farmer, hack tower, Bloons TD 6 Update, BTD 6 update, BTD 6 mod, hero, banana farmer hero, sauda, sauda monkey farmer
Id: 863HRZi7--4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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