2 VENGEFUL Sun Gods in Bloons TD 6?! | OVERPOWERED Tower in Bloons TD 6!

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name's Ryan or 2d and today I'm joined by Biffle wiffle he's gonna be helping me out and we're gonna be seeing waiting it to vengeful son got temples or at least to true son got temples it's gonna be awesome I also have a Dora it's gonna be great he's never seen the ventral sunken temple so I'm gonna be teaching him showing him how to make it and I'm actually really excited you want to see more stuff with Biffle wiffle or just more games in general online with other players hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications and make sure to go to description down below and check austin out AKA Biffle befool cuz he's awesome he also does blooms minecraft fortnight he doesn't Sunday he plays a whole bunch of stuff just like that so if you want to be a part of that go check him out and without further ado let's hop into the days video all right Austin you ready to do this my guy I'm ready my guy my bro Mike okay so basically to fill you in because I'm pretty sure you already know but we're trying to get know true son got temples right and one of them vengeful you know what that is right obviously so somewhat yeah I know what some would you have no idea how to make the eventual something a temple do you know no idea don't worry that's fine I'm gonna teach you how to do it thank you says hi we're gonna need a ton of money so I got some or you keep oh but okay that's that's okay if you wanted money no it's okay thank you I'll hold on to it so I'm actually gonna put down adora I'm gonna put her down right here oh it's adorable whoa she's sick right so we're gonna put her down cuz she's all part of the plan right so we're gonna go ahead but I'm actually gonna need a lot of money for this so I'm gonna I have a bunch of cash drops I'm just gonna fly them in cuz we're gonna go look at all those babies look at how we would do it here and my helping out you know why why I got 60 bucks take it thank you because we're need all of this because we're gonna try to get a bunch of Sun God temples and it's gonna be so much money I know I know it's gonna be really expensive but that's the whole plan look I'm sitting at fifty thousand dollars right now okay yeah that's fine I got a hundred is that helpful would you ask a couple oh no just $100 you just had a hundred dollars oh yeah not a hundred thousand a hundred oh my goodness that's not okay yeah that's fine pick up your bird and I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm trying to get as my farmer down I'm sorry funny as possible it's this this look this is me right now that's me right now you've given me a thumbs down what do you put that here I'm giving you now I'm gonna give you all the excess money there's there's ten thousand dollars okay now uh-huh I want you to start focusing on defense okay so just okay I basically need it needs you to keep us alive until it's time to start crafting this the most powerful tower in the game like okay so what do you think it's just start with it whatever you feel whatever you feel like just so you know like this is all you right so you're gonna need to be able to defend against like the camos the leads you know moans I'm not ready for any of this kind of pressure you know I'm fine dude I got you you're fine okay if you need money I don't know what I'm panicking I don't know what I want what's soapy uh everything's okay oh stop laying come back here okay oh you're like all right check some tax zone you know what I'm super down to that tax zone is gonna be test tax tone all right we'll see you Judy that's a good one I think you should try to go for the no attack zones gonna be fine taxes gonna be fine you go tax on the bottom path I think that is yeah is gonna be bottom path and he's gonna be doing great Fedora's oh my gosh sorry go we're good he's fine no he's good he's doing his own thing holy cow look how fast it shoots that's so fast boy look at him and we're starting to be what are we gonna need eventually I'm gonna need a monkey village next time so you can see cameras that's any I learned you know what I have a boy I'm Dwayne a big boy boy big boy got it mumbling okay I have a plane that the size would wait that's that's it well eventually you're gonna need him because we're gonna have to get to a pretty high round and I'm trying to focus on getting as many banana farms down as you're trusting me to keep us alive that's a terrible if we lose it's all your fault yeah I am already so nervous I don't like this now putting a monkey village down right somewhere I don't know next one I believe in you okay so no I just learned something oh no I see the thing I salsas on that bad one dude you're fine don't worry about doing great I'm a great dude are you but I thought man the King I yep kind of panicky thank you I'll panicking a little bit I'm not gonna live long ago none no never trusted this much responsibility okay so usually I'm the farmer usually okay that you can tekapo oh geez how do I get to campus uh do you have a normal dart monkey lunch here here yeah I'm gonna help you I'm gonna help you out I help me out all right sorry I'm that's fine I'm gonna put this guy down here and I'm gonna get this guy on simpler and so the guy's gonna basically hit cameras for you so this girl thank you I need that you know what you know what just for that I'm gonna make an alchemist is that a raft yes so right this is this is where we're gonna I'm gonna start explaining how to make a super monkey and what makes them or how to make the diaper yeah or the dark vengeful Sun God right that just sounds overpowered don't trust me it is no fuss about it is a variant anything sounds one terrifying - its carrying three other words for terrifying scary your son got temple is gonna be on the raft not on the wrap I've seen by mine cuz we're gonna have to son got temples eventually right yeah we're gonna want two of them so I think what you should put one of them kind of in the top-left corner like that where my adora is like right where a door is I think it's very Oh like right next to the door yeah right next to a door right literally like holding hands with the door like holding hands of the Dora is basically what we're gonna do okay so we're gonna I'm have to do that with the super monkey right right next oh yeah wrote at the super link here right next do you want to right now yeah why not we're gonna stop we have to do it yeah I love it up sorry I panicked no it is fine he's fine no need to panic uh-huh everyone calm down he's too thick he can't Toby oh I got it uh here I got it here well okay perfect so this is where it becomes a little bit complicated you can go ahead we're gonna level them up too I'm gonna give you some money okay okay give me money give me a lot else all right okay oh so I want you to put three upgrades into the top level of Superboy are one two three he's located Oh perfect so what it's fine we won but we're gonna keep playing we're gonna go into I'll replay just keep really let's do it yeah that's free play but her friends been here before just the way I like it now this is what's gonna happen and it's gonna be kind of confusing but we're gonna do our best to explain it to ya I'm lost already okay so there's four different types of powers right there's primary military magic and support you can tell what type of tower it is by the background so blue is primary military's green etc etc yeah yeah yeah etcetera kara so we're gonna start the journey to make sure that this super monkey becomes a vengeful son got temple okay the first thing that you're gonna need to do is you need fifty thousand dollars of upgrades from the primary military and magic next to this guy next to him next in his radius in his radius because he's gonna absorb these towers right now we need to start getting the fifty thousand of each three tiers right so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna upgrade The Alchemist so the alchemy so there's your alchemist up there yeah that's a big boy I'm gonna also do primary so he needs to I'm gonna get rid of a car I don't like Oh Dora I know but I have to do it so I'm gonna put down this guy as well plate and I'm gonna turn them into a Flying Fortress okay alrighty so now do you have a normal you have any primary oh can you get the tax zone and put boy I mean I have a text of zona I can I can get the tax zone No so exam radius is it oh he's and radius of it yeah so I'll create that to the tax own all right there we go okay and then right next to the sun-god temple I want you to put on another thing and upgrade them all the way to the inferno ring oh they're okay okay yeah but the tackle yeah yes the top-hat I'm gonna send you the money we need to do it okay there he's gone alright perfect so now what I want no it's so crazy we're gonna we're gonna turn this guy into the Sun Temple now so okay turn him into the Sun temple it's $85,000 really got 45 okay there you go Oh turn okay yeah no that's what about it okay Sun Chapel come on temple sacrifice do it do it do it do it do it all day brunch hours will be - alright okay alright boom okay so there we go alright so I'm gonna go to an awesome and just okay just to be careful I'm gonna put another typical village glue put a village right here and this village on a village okay good we're good okay radius maybe you do need to put down a village just so we can see every foot for the top top guy yeah no just for ya for the top left super monkey just so you can this guy can look right here yeah he should be in radius I think so okay yeah I just that's uh just put right yeah three in the middle path and you should be there we go for some reason I can't click on any oh that was have you tried clicking what is happening right now okay I think we're good I don't know okay we're good that was really good let me put one on the pontoon he put a super looking on the pontoon automatically do that yeah I don't know why you doing there so that you don't belong on the pontoon you don't go ahead a bug here no okay that's fine that's fine I'm gonna go ahead back and I'm gonna start getting someone - oh honey are you see more money okay so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the same thing over again but with with all the dollars okay so okay so now we're gonna do it I'm gonna start putting everything down again and now what I'm gonna need you to do okay they're gonna be kind of kind of weird but I need you to make a the the two other super monkeys so the legend of the knight and the anti balloon gunner legend of the knight into what the the other types of the super zones so let me put on my Nexus under I don't know and the outside radius of the sun-god like in the top right side of the map are like way away from way way way way up here as long as he's not in the radius of the Sun that temple you're okay let me make sure yeah he could be up here yeah it's right here okay the legend of the night yeah middle path and the bottom path you want two of these guys here I'm gonna give any $76,000 give me much okay yep okay there he's done okay now The Legend of the night put them right next to the other guy yeah okay wait I put my behind him whatever yeah perfect that's it all the way at the bottom all the way at the bottom legend the knight much for the move okay go okay all right he's Batman okay this is perfect we're doing what huh so now what we're gonna have to do yes now what we have to do is we need to get 50,000 and upgrade for everything right so we've got the alchemist the alchemist is different so we have done magic done so we need military we need primary and I'm gonna do military is blue and then it's military yeah so primaries blue right yeah primary is blue you shoot 50,000 in that yes 50,000 and that so you like upgrade them with like I got a glue guy I can upgrade um do the glue guy to do the tack shooter or do anything any other shooter okay it doesn't matter where or as long as in the radius of the Sun got temple he has to be in the radius okay radius boom and then just any path that doesn't matter as long as it's upgradable yes do you have any military Oh military um probably I have no idea okay here let's see I want we're gonna need do you have I'm gonna actually I'm gonna put this guy down because I want to get super mines on this guy so we have yeah we have normal we have we have support done we have magic done and we have do one more on the tax zone if you don't mind Oh tax own on the tax on uh where do all me put it next to the guy yeah put it you can put it right next to the other village because it's a great Oh village yeah do the tax of the tax oh it is it okay yeah boom and then tack zone and then just the bottom path right yep yeah so there we go CAC Soviet okay this is um by the way just easy I haven't looked at balloons in like an hour yeah right you don't need to yeah we're both like we're focusing on this one hundo P right now yeah yeah we're focused right all right so now I'm giving you all the money I have we need to get to four hundred and fifty thousand dollars four hundred twenty-five thousand that's a ton of money I know we need to get the 400 ton of money I know we have to just start trying to save up right we're on set okay I'm gonna go we're about 70 we're doing good yeah we're doing I we're doing it for ourselves it's okay I'm not doing it and I'm actually gonna get thank you I'm putting Bank on ink down and I'm actually gonna connect a robot to it I give no bakes up top if you want um no I really don't we're doing okay on money I just need that okay fine i jus i did that my opaque you know if you wanna your own think you can alright what a bacon okay I'm sure here you look at you look at all your plantations I just want to feel part of the situation when school lets do it's fine I still love you so you're at 180 thousand we need you're making a lot oh wait I know what I need to start doing I need just to start I'm just gonna start putting thrive down because thrive makes us so we doesn't make more money really yeah that's nasty so it's 25 percent more money so it's gonna help a ton to be yeah I'm excited we're gonna need a lot komai $425,000 yeah for the true Sun guy yeah travels before the awesome power of the tree oh my okay so now that we've done everything right okay we have we have legend of the night down we have the anti blue gunner we have all the support towers if it goes according to plan and it it goes the way we want it to it's actually going to transform into the eventual Sun god I'm so excited to see what it would look like you should okay wait wait you have enough you can do it I can do it I've been doing every go do it you ready I'm ready so just true some gun right yeah just do it do what all right sacrifice do it let's see ands and then swift sick dude vengeful son God temple okay you can also update the super range on it now so you get just tons of range on it yeah no he's got he's got yeah he's he's fine he's got this noises look how powerful this has made this guy this guy is sick look at all the little followers right avatars right okay so cool yeah I know it's super duper awesome so now the plan is I'm gonna actually go ahead and make my super temple alright you want to make your own suit yeah I don't know I'm pretty sure we can't have two vengeful son got temple so I can only make my own true son guy temple huh it'll be fine it is fine listen all right listen this guy looks sick riah dies it's cool look at hands got a little diamond thing on his head Ruby okay picked up balloons that are coming through you can't even see them you literally can't even see the balloon I'll be honest I haven't even seen a Moab or anything at all right this is going to be crazy okay but what I'm about to tell you is 100% true since we've had the event since you made the super Sun that temple is event not one balloon has actually gotten into the radius of the tower you have not seen this tower yet wait the big what you haven't seen it shoot yet click on the click on the radius no balloon is coming to the Earth's radius though all of the poverties all of the popping is coming from the plains and the Sun avatar that is Venus creating it that's not ok that's broken you that is not OK once you see him start shooting it's gonna be this huge purple beam I can't wait to see this oh oh wait no those are those little ones I guess sorry ok I saw a movie no you'll know when it shoots you'll know so cool yeah that is so cool it's gonna be great oh my goodness look at this banana farm defeat one the banana central has made four hundred and thirty thousand balloons for us oh yeah ok no no that's fine no that's cool no you know what you know what that makes me want to do makes me wanna do one of these bad boys what's free honestly he was honest it free who's just doing this thing okay you already have a hundred thousand but I'm you know I want the cops Ellen alright here we go Oh boom alright now I have a suit in God's temple it's not like a super powerful one but now I have a self but he's pretty epic looking oh no y ou know we can take him oh sweet Oh top speed um village alright we need this okay and then radar scanner : defense come on Knight okay well that was close wow that was terrifying that was honestly really really terrified you should have done you should put down a village so there's a door oh right uh-huh so now orbble right there he gets to level 20 aha she actually upgrades into a vengeful adora so let's see I'm gonna start I want to see what that looks like cuz that would look sick okay ready let's see I'm trying to level oh wait I told her got that she can just sacrifice towers mmm Oh can't see there we go she's level 18 now okay here you need more money I got money oh yeah send me some money okay money enough oh go for it now we're gonna turn into the true Ventress adora let's see I'm so ready let's see if it'll do it come on no one come on baby don't do it because it's your ventra son got temple no oh no oh well it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine I just I'll be paired with my son got tumble that's over here too I know it's fine look how many balloon pops your eventual son got supplies holy cow let me see let me see oh it's awesome oh okay so know we can I know we can actually start doing what's gonna be what can we do I'm gonna get an engineer down and I'm gonna start ultra boosting it yeah don't you care ultra boost him and then and now let's - that's not okay oh no we're lagging that's right that's fine yeah that's fine listen they're not ready for the true vengeful okay I'm also gonna get permanent so God and so we're gonna put oh you shot for a second there for this guy stop for a second yeah I saw him for a second get split oh there he goes four oh there he goes okay uh-oh he's crazy right he actually oh oh I only want to use this in this only forever right that's this is like the best hour ever done fact that you can do this is this is one of the best secrets I've ever seen right it's great so cool I want you to I can't wait to see your reaction until we go up against like the wild one look at a fire it's just one fire and malo user we're about to hit around 100 oh he's just constantly just destroyed okay to make it even crazier I'm gonna put down this energizing totem yeah right here which makes your towel it's choose 25 percent faster now 20 yeah we're gonna eat all de jure boosted ultra boots and vegetables Sun God temple oh my gosh uh-huh yes he's so no no balloons ever since so no they can't say the Blues are coming in and they're leave it's around 99 it's you know it's broken and I haven't seen a bloom it's so ope let's see what happens around 100 you ready okay here comes I'm ready about to happen it's gonna happen run run everyone we just won Judy yeah I don't think that was fair no that wasn't fair either I'm quitting out these balloons don't say that you yeah Emily no there's your bias you guys we don't don't bites around a hundred just depends on the railroad track we just instantly won it's gone it's over it went round 99 around 100 101 hey wait that's that he'll faster I got the view the vengeful true Sun guide to good truck I'm glad I'm glad that I've shown you I've given you this power if you're free throw me the we did wisely oh I will not I'm gonna use this perfect let me hear all right everyone that's the video I hope you guys enjoyed unfortunately weren't able to get the dark odorous but we did get the two sun-god temples or the true Sun God temples which was awesome I hope you guys enjoyed if you did make sure to hit that like button subscribe for notification and please go description down below check out Austin he's awesome he's a beautiful individual and go subscribe to him tell him I sent you guys cuz I'm sure he'll heart in those and you'll be awesome we appreciate you guys and see you guys tomorrow for some awesome stuff bye [Music]
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 634,307
Rating: 4.8868852 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons td 6, Avatar of the Vengeful Monkey, Bloons TD 6 Avatar of the Vengeful Monkey, dark vengeful sun god btd6, dark vengeful monkey temple, btd 6, btd, bloons td, bloons tower defense 6, Bloons td 5, bloons, btd6, bloons td 6, tewtiy, btd6 best strategy, strategy, tower defense, isab, btd6 glitch, btd6 round 200, btd6 round 500, btd6 5th tier towers, btd6 round 100, Mobile games, iPhone games, sungod, btd battles
Id: BGlGUMzgfjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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