Best EASTER EGGS in Bloons TD 6! | SECRETS From BTD 6 That YOU Should Hear About.

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what is up my fellow gamers guys if you play video games make sure to hit that like button if you know what I'm saying hey everyone my name's Ryan or 2d and today we're gonna be pulling ourselves some balloons tower defense cigs we're going live and it's gonna be awesome guys because today we're gonna be going on an adventure going to be hunting down the Easter eggs and secrets of balloons tower defense sakes now below in our defense settings has a lot of cool little tiny things right for example I don't know if you guys knew this but I'm pretty sure you all did but basically you click on some of these towers and you know secret things can happen here you have the ninja you got the cannons that pop up you got the boomerang monkey that will pop up here you click on this tower you'll have a normal monkey you click on the windmill the plane will come down if you click on the bottom right hand corner the submarine will show up and there's a lot of little secrets but that stuff's boring right we don't want to deal with that those are just cosmetic secrets right you click here and something happens you don't get any actual tangible reward from it is there anything in balloons our defense sticks that allows you to do something like that yes there is and in today's livestream we're gonna be going after these things thank you so much for the $5 super chat from hot pizza rolls 3 how's it going how's it going thank you so much and today we're going for the secret balloons challenges ok everyone that's the whole plan the way this works for the secret balloon challenges is if um how are you I'm recovering from broken arm oh no classic that's that's ok see that's not good at all is you can get a secret achievement that'll make the balloons either super big or super small and we're gonna be going for those achievements and those secrets this game guys and so that's the whole plan so the first one is we have to win 10 games with Pat fusty if you win 10 games with Pat fusty you're gonna be good to go so we're gonna go ahead and get Pat bus to you we have to win 10 games with Pat fusty I think we've already won 2 games with Pat fusty right we've done two videos on them so that's basically 8 games we have to win but no worries um because there's another challenge we need as well which is to pop 1 million balloons with balloon master Alchemist by round 100 and I believe that we are gonna be to do that that's the plan at least so let's go ahead and do this we're gonna need to get to round 100 with um the balloon master Alchemist I think you can play on easy I'm pretty sure at least that's what the that's the plan guys so we're gonna go to tree stump and we're gonna just play on easy and we're gonna try to get to round 100 we're also going to win with Pat fusty and on top of that we're gonna need the blue master Alchemist right so that's the plan that's what we're gonna do first things first is do we have any let's see oh my gosh she's almost that balloon master Alchemist right here this is gonna be our balloon master Alchemist right off the bat he's gonna be expensive but it's gonna be perfect right so we're gonna put him right there and his whole thing is just to pop balloons right we just want to enable this guy so we need blue master alchemists which cost $34,000 which is kind of expensive but that's fine and we also want to put Pat fusty down right here that's the plan okay there we go Pat fusty and blue master Alchemist let's get um perish let's see stronger larger I feel like perishing potions will probably be more you'll probably pop more with stronger acid right yeah that and that so we're gonna want that and we're gonna want blue master Alchemist and we need to get him to pop almost a million balloons okay this is not this is also not pre-recorded I don't know what you're talking about this is a live stream where we are live I mean it is currently 1024 a.m. on one to 20/20 so yeah nice skin Thank You Baca versus gaming I appreciate that I don't know why but my live stream is like completely messed up I'm gonna refresh that real fast okay we can we can start this off we're gonna be fine we basically um want this guy okay actually I think we want to move Pat postie I don't think we want him to be this close we want Pat fusty to be here I I lied I'm one Pat for us to be there I know I just lost some money but I want this guy to pop as many balloons as possible right we want this guy to just get as much money as we can and we just want them to be turned into gold solid gold alrighty there you go so we got this and we're starting to make some money we're gonna want a lot of money we don't need a ton of money actually but we definitely want an okay amount right so we're gonna want wait Oh Otto for some reason auto start wasn't on I was very concerned there for a second all right we're gonna want some cash crops because we just want to guarantee that we're not gonna have any problems and this guy is gonna be able to pop the required balloon on those you know what I just realized if we get a um if he has to pop a million balloons what we could do which would work really really well is what if we just got a um like a regen farm right if we got a region farm that'll actually work really well so that's how we do the first the first challenge and the second challenge like I said is pat busty you have to win ten games with them that's gonna be super easy I'm not worried about that so um oh it's a billion damage Oh a billion damage mm yo Thank You Sarge the Telos super chic super shat why did I say super cheap I could not even pronounce myself Haden thanks for the tennis which I used to spend time and say Pete and I just got my first choice for college anchored witches and st. Pete and dining suggestions or things to do for fun Hayden um one thing that I really like to do in st. Petersburg I mean top golf was always fun but that's more of an Tampa um one of the restaurants the see the things they told the restaurant I would tell you to go to is called Kings but it closed down they had the best sandwiches ever that was that was so good getting sandwiches there I mean there isn't any like super unique fun restaurants in st. Pete not that I could it was Kings and now that Kings has gone in a very very sad okay guys note if we get 5,000 likes today I'll do I know JP I miss Kings like that's the first thing in my mind was like kings like Kings is awesome okay so we want we're getting money so we need to get this guy to do a billion damage how do we get this guy to do a billion damage guys I need some I need some advice okay I need some advice we need we need I need help i need help from you guys because you guys always know the best strategies for getting to a million damage okay there we go let's see let's see what kind of stuff you guys came up with that's why I also wanted to stream this so you guys can help me get it um ultra boost ultra boost um overclock overclock yeah regrow farm I think regrow farms the way to go right I already got the one for all all for one secret achievement I already got one of those okay yeah so what we're gonna want to do this is also a secret achievement guys so we definitely want to get a regrow farm that would be really really good overclock it attack speed tower oh you're right you're right you're right so we want this guy to just be as powerful as possible right that's like we just want this guy to be as powerful as possible let's see how far I can get you a believe that do things for the two No thank you for all the super checks you guys are amazing okay Pat first he's popping too many balloons I guess they're popping like just the right amount so this guy's gonna get some crazy attack speed I still don't like this guy here I'm gonna sell Pat fusty again we're gonna put Pat post we're gonna put him like right in this little corner I know I keep selling him and putting him back down but he keeps his does he keep his level no he doesn't well that's kind of annoying that's fine so we need to increase this guy's attack speed like this guy's attack speed is definitely not what we want right now he is popping a lot but it's just not enough right now we're gonna get a I feel I felt down the slaves and broke your farm that's not good at all get the night get the night gummy Wyatt gummi out of God's thanks for attending Oh super chat but why would why am I getting the night what's what's so important about getting that that tower huh here I want let's put this guy we're gonna put this guy here and then we're gonna do Arctic winds and that'll slow all of the towers there we go and snowstorm which gives us an even bigger range there we go okay there we go thank you I won't read the message well there you go use your time to do achievement now this is great alright we're making some money we're doing some stuff we're doing okay for now we need this guide to get a lot of pops okay use another alchemists but we need we need to get this guy to bloom master Alchemist okay that's what we need we need balloon I'll get another Alchemist to buff it I see what you're saying I'm picking up what you guys are putting down I just need to make sure we have money because we're gonna need a lot of money to be able to do this right here can I put we're gonna put this village here bigger radius radar scanner okay there we go this guy is starting to pop balloons he's popped a thousand balloons okay we're party he's popping more balloons okay there we go banana research facility we need to start getting more money money is going to be a huge priority for us okay so we need to keep working on that trying to get the secret achievement guys that's what's gonna make this also very very useful okay yeah I need to get the alchemist to boost it I agree try to get called called arms there's a lot of things that I need to get guys money is the number one priority right now right that's he needs to pop camos no he's fine I know we can't pop camos right now but we're gonna we're gonna deal with it we're just trying to get this guy to pop how many balloons this guy's pop 500 this blue international alchemist is really weak right now like he is really really weak right now I know that's the plan guys I want him to be able to pop the blue master Alchemist okay that's what I want to happen okay we're gonna get there soon but we need to get more money okay now we can get to a billion damage right like that'll be possible there is a billion balloons is it not a pill there's no way it's a billion right um let's see master let's look it up I just want to double check this to make sure I get it right because it'd be kind of annoying a fight wasn't able to get it right let's see how do I get I'm trying to see what's like the best way oh wait we can get another banana research facility that's what we really want to do we want to focus on making sure we get banana research facilities because that's like how it's good it's 2.5 million see I feel like it's I'm like yeah it's not it can't be a billion like the billion billions too crazy okay there we go for banana research facility Jerome likes tonight thank you so much for coming odds with another to ten dollars superjet you're crazy I'd love to put the night down but it's not part of the today's episode maybe we'll do another episode on it okay but not not today not today how are we doing the alchemist has only popped 3,000 oh this is not good guys I told you five thousand likes and we'll do the duck song but we're not at five thousand likes we came to the duck song I think that's pretty simple alright alchemist he's at four thousand we got to keep going okay we got to keep going we got a we got to upgrade this guy do I want to get another I think we need more money and all honestly I don't think we have enough money yet here let's put let's put this guy here and we can start I just we need we're gonna have to get more and more of these things okay because we're at around 37 and he's just not popping that many balloons right now so but we are starting to have some trouble so we need things to we need to turn this guy to a blue master Alchemist cuz he's not there yet thanks for the stupor Chet you're awesome alright we can start saving up now oh these oh he turned that one the gold lolz keep going keep doing your thing now jungle drums yeah we can get jungle times that super cheap and that'll help this guy every little tiny thing we can do to help this guy is gonna be worth it the first thing is that one blue master Alchemist like blue master Alchemist is how he's going to be popping all of his balloons that's that's the South dude let's play balloons BT battles today yo-yo Sunday my guy what is up there's no way yo sudden eh what's up dude thanks for top it in yo I'm super down let's play some flute so I don't know um I'll send you a message but I got some pretty cool I got some super cool stuff to show you soon it's not ready yet but I we're about to be ready but thanks to you for the $10 super jet you're beautiful ugly but okay we're gonna turn this guy into blue master Alchemist yay we won back in a free play though back in a free play cuz we need to get to round 100 with this guy so this guy he's at 7,000 pops we need to get to him a million pops a million or it's like 2.5 million it's something absolutely an utterly ridiculous and I'm not ready for it so we got to keep going we don't need to play spike no need to no need to put down spike factories okay let's do this um I'd like to get absolute zero I don't need that let's do a larger radius larger radius seems really nice and refreeze that only cost $170 okay so we got the blue master Alchemist I want let's see we can turn that into you call to arms that's gonna be nice but I really think we want it do we want to get the other Alchemist I think we want another alchemist there I know what the other alchemist and we need permanent brew and then we also want faster throwing so we're gonna put permanent brew on this guy we need the steady just pop everything right we need Towe seriously boost's this guy as much as possible in every every single way okay that's what we got is what we gotta do what we gotta do my guys like there's no other options here so that's the situation that we're in we mean to 21,000 well that's 21,000 [Music] engineer it's time for the engineering guys how's he how are you doing we're at 10,000 okay we're getting we're getting up there we're getting up there okay let's get overclocked and we're probably gonna want to get we don't need anything else we don't need anything else you'll think for the $3.00 super chat as well from es dude you're awesome or the 333 pounds three euro anything a three pound thank you hey well we can boost this guy so we just attacks faster there we go here we're getting them to pop even more balloons okay he's doing it I believe in him okay he's making us money we have the village we got that and then we have the engineer so this guy's gonna start making us a lot of money there we go look at that it's slow it's real slow but it's working thank you for the 50 dollars to protect duck song I told you guys 5,000 likes for duck song if you guys want it you guys are gonna have to work for you guys are gonna have to earn it okay I'm not just gonna give it out that's just how it goes okay guys that's just that's just how it goes all right all righty maybe was like duck song there we go turn it what why did why didn't he turn that into it oh there we go okay thank you all right 60,000 balloons pop we need to pop way more balloons by the time we get there to get this achievement guys way way way more balloons all right what are we at we need 102 thousand dollars okay we're so close we're so very very very close to getting this as soon as we get this we're gonna be good okay and come on boom okay we got overclock we can start overclocking this guy so we attacks even faster okay we have to seriously buff this guy what is your favorite Tower um I don't know I I kind of want to say it's either it's one of the support towers it's either brewmaster or the overclock tower because the overclock tower you can just do so much with right all right there we go we got to keep boosting this guy every possible way we can because the faster this guy attacks the better oh we can let's here let's up three tall arms because we need to we need to use call of arms as quickly as possible right as often as we can we want to use that ability there we go because we just want to oh wait oh wait no he's in the radius okay that could have been really awkward one thing that I just realized I want to do you guys are gonna laugh at me for this what we're doing it anyways can I put yes we can put a pool up here and then and then and then we're gonna put in it there we go boom energizer the reason we want energizer is so we can use abilities more often right so there we go now we can just start using that that's it submerged so we're good alright guys we're good we Gucci all right can we what's the fat one cost like $34,000 okay keep boosting him what are we are now 36,000 pop that's not enough did you have a good New Year and Christmas Weston make sure the $25 ship without you guys are crazy I had a phenomenal new year I had a great year and I'm really excited for this year okay so ya know it was a great it was a great news and Christmas it was a lot of fun it was a little bit crazy because I this is the first time I spent Christmas away from my family I actually went up to Chicago with my girlfriend to visit her family for Christmas which is really strange you always think your family's really weird and then you go visit other people's families and then you're like wow my family's normal oh okay we got to keep boost boosting this guy I can't see how many times this guy's been boost but he's so fast he's so fast he's popping so many balloons we're doing good we're doing real good right now we gotta keep keep this up we're at 50,000 this isn't even close to where we need to be though can you play co-op with fans later maybe we'll see how long these challenges take if we finish them up and we serve a little bit of time I'd love to hop in and play with some of you guys because it's always fun playing it wasn't if it wasn't laggy when I play with you guys I would honestly probably do every single video with you guys no joke if it wasn't laggy I would probably do almost every single video with you guys I can't say every video because I'm sure there's some where I'd have to do it solo but um LinkedIn oh wait no I can't like to engineer I wonder what would happen if you linked it well after after I boost the alchemist because I don't want them to just Park it random towers that would not make any sense right there we go bred 70,000 also I don't think it would work if you I don't think you can connect it yeah look co-op can be a little bit like you which is a little unfortunate it'll sometimes but it's still a lot of fun either way right alrighty so right we have so much money I don't even know what to do with it I just want to keep boosting this guy in every way possible right there we go he's at what we can do is it get the super bunky temple but I mean I really don't want to do that cuz it pop so much almost had a hundred thousand okay who's popping balloons is the sky popping balloons he's popped twenty six thousand I mean I like it it's low its lows all the balloons though I I really do like that we gonna just keep doing that and keep there we go look how fast he Bob's balloons now do I want this to be here is it worth it for this guy to be here I think I want a glue gun or instead I think I think having a glue gun er would be a little bit better we're gonna sell this guy and we're gonna get a glue gun so we're gonna do this and then let's do glue let's do stick your glue let's do this so cuz I don't want them to pop anything right so sticky who's stronger glue glue hose and then glue strike and then Kalu's storm there we go and now since he slows everything we're good yo not Justin link to the two hours over chat but the sticker you're awesome there we go so now because he doesn't pop anything right yeah he doesn't pop anything okay just now we just want to booze let's get a um let's get let's get some robots let's get some robots because I want my robots to be connected so put a robot there and let's link that robots at this guy right there and now that that's linked it's gonna constantly just use that ability to make him attack faster how many we're at a hundred thousand okay he's popping balloons we're doing it okay where we're starting to pop balloons I'm actually super duper excited yes okay let's do we're at 130 thousand okay hundred and thirty thousand okay let's oh did I whoops I accidentally boosted the glue cutter which I guess is probably a good thing but it it is what it is all righty hey bro can you make a discord I would like two kids if you'd like it set up five solid super jet yeah I always want to have discourse but then I just never used to do scores and I feel really bad since I'm not on like I'm not on discord all the time so like a lot of times I'm just kind of abandoned and he's just good I make and it's probably just better that I don't have one tell everyone but all I would do that but then he'd call me a foot so I'm not gonna do that how about that we're at a hundred and seventy thousand we I do I'm feeling a little bit spooked right now guys is this guy pop okay look so The Alchemist is about five thousand like we really haven't popped that many balloons right like we really haven't there we go look at that look out oh we're at like anything that walks into his radius just gets instantly just annihilate and look at that what we're starting we're gonna start getting bigger balloons soon and once we get that we're gonna be in a better situation there we go we have enough money that I'm gonna put down the permanent spikes because I rather let's just get a defense set up in case something bad happens so we don't losers because that'd be really embarrassing right that would be really embarrassing there we go and we're gonna just have it you close yeah that's fine I like that and you'll put everything right there just in case okay keep boosting him at all costs never stop boosting him there we go can we recharge that there you go so now this guy's yeah 200,000 pops how the water was supposed to get a million pops in 20 rounds is it gonna get please tell me it's gonna get that crazy okay oh my gosh look how fast he attacks now look how fast the attacks we gotta keep booze to them they did it over having a good day miss you I miss you too thank you so much to the super chat oh hey Steve thanks for coming out dude I love you too I was like why do you why does this person say I miss you Steve how you doing bud I love you too dude you're awesome how gonna is it is it David is it do we get like a million balloons the next one Iran's dude look at his pops dude this guy this guy's nutty what are you doing in today's streams weird the Easter eggs and balloons td6 there's some super awesome secret stuff that we're working on getting so there's a special a special way we got to go about doing it so we're gonna the first one is just by boosting this balloon master Alchemist just as crazy as possible right there we go keep we got to keep them boosted cuz he I don't know 36 there we go 37 oh my gosh he pops like every Moab that shows up he literally just pops him he doesn't care this is awesome okay no won't be first boost the alchemist it would do auto what why is this guy not doing it oh yeah there we go come on start turning start start doing 400,000 we need to get to a million a million okay come on 26,000 oh yeah we're doing good we're doing it okay the superjet Ducks are I know everyone wants to see the duck song everyone just like that duck song where is it sorry guys you can't see it okay al can buffed the others what are you talking about alright wait what oh the other blue master Alchemist wait there's no that doesn't work like that does it let's find out if this guy gets transforming lutonic does it work like that it does not work like that I I didn't think it would work that way okay what is yet 600,000 what 600,000 we just got to get to a million pops if we can get them to get a million pops are gonna be good okay I'm pretty it has to be a million there's no way there's not even like yeah there's not that many balloons in the game all able to do is get them to a million pops okay it's not gonna be easy but it is possible we're at 700,000 oh my gosh okay come on can we slow them down there we go 800,000 we're getting so close we're getting so close hey keep going Oh cake oh there we go Anaya oh what's that 900,000 before I run hundred upward this is close we're cutting this so so very coast right now ok 1 million we did it we got 1 million pops I think that's the achievement I really hope so because we're already at 9 around 95 so this isn't good a lot of people I told you guys I know what I'll lower it down I'll lower it down if we get to 3,000 lights ok 3,000 likes I'm gonna do it ok there we go oh my gosh look at all these balloons alright oh he's that you still have 100 101 1.1 million so far routing round at 96 do we want something that's gonna destroy these mobs a little bit faster no we want to where we're fine well there is nothing there is nothing to worry about what I do want to do is let's get another one of these guys here let's I don't need this we're gonna sell it so we're gonna get another one of these guys and we're gonna do super mines and we're gonna do faster production unit at reproduction cuz I want all of those guys to be right there just in case something bad happens I want to be a div other defense okay that's what I wanted to be offended out okay yeah I know I know I'm the bad balloon once we get to round we're gonna just see what happens okay we're gonna just see what happens with this bathroom okay so that guy's only popped three thousand let's get stopped thirty thousand there's no way we can do this okay is there any do we have any hope of defeating this guy no all right I'm Kyle we're calling in the big guns we're gonna we're gonna just call them the big gun guns I'm just gonna get a fine Flying Fortress and lots more darts oh my goodness okay come on boost it as soon as week when as soon as we pop it there we go okay let's see did it work did we get the achievement I think we get it did we get it I don't know if we got it maybe we didn't get it maybe maybe we messed up no why did we not get it wait yes yes we did get it we got it we got the achievement we got it no we got it we got the secret look there we go um no we did get it we we look we got it we got it we got it look at this look at this boom collect small balloons we got it guys we got the achievement we got the achievement now it's no week so we have super tiny balloons now yes okay so now we have that achievement we can have super small balloons okay so now that we have this we're gonna start working towards getting the other ones guys so now that we got that now we have to work on getting the other achievement so we got the achievement guys so now what we're gonna do is start working on getting the other ones okay so in order to do that we just got to keep winning with Pat fusty okay that's all we have to do is win round 40 with Pat fusty okay and we have to keep doing that until we get that achievement okay that's the only that's the only thing we got to do okay so literally we only have to get to round 40 so if we only have to get to run 40 we can kind of do whatever we want right and kind of just do whatever we want we can just kind of mess around and just like we just put down whatever I did not want to do that all right whatever that's fine there we go all right we're fine no need to worry everyone okay we'll do that all righty guys I thought we have the small balloons we had those achievements but I'm gonna be greedy guys because I want to do special videos for each of those awesome upgrades hey thanks for the $5 super - hey Rangers welcome set your streaming so I hopped in you make my day every day happy new year and also what is your resolution so I know it's probably a really important but I want to say it anyways I don't believe in New Year's resolutions now hear me out hear me up I believe that you shouldn't have to wait for a specific day or a specific year to be able to decide to either make yourself a better person or do stuff like that right I think it's a good idea goals and stuff but I think you should always be doing your best to make yourself a better person I like that people do try to like change it but like think about how many people go to the gym at like I'm gonna start going to the gym and then they go to the gym for like a month and then quit right I think it's a good idea to always be trying to better yourself so I guess for I guess you could say my new year's resolution is instead of waiting on a new year's resolution it's to always do my best to make myself the best person that I can be right I think you should always be striving trying to make yourself a better person or at least make the world a little bit better for somebody else right so I agree mark Morgan I agree - yeah what's up I mean I think you'll come out so ok think clap for duty being responsible lolz I mean that's just kind of what I believe right and I think some people do need motivation to be able to start something in event if that's the case that's awesome you know I hope some people are able to do that I just don't look at it that way so it's hard to it's hard to do things differently right I want you know what I want ninja kiwi can you add a times for speed wouldn't that be amazing guys we have to win so many games of Pat fusty that's one of the reasons I wanted to do this as a live stream because if it was a video I'd have to edit out all this content so I just wanted to do as a stream and we could do this together so you guys could suffer with me as we go through every all these rounds I think we just play until we win right I'm pretty sure okay duck song dark song okay wait did somebody somebody said to Dee have you ever considered wait wait what did you say oh no I missed it no did somebody do live streams I think so I mean I I he's done live streams before I don't know if he does them can like all the time I think he sticks to mostly videos I could be wrong though I know I used the wrong cluster I know I messed up that was my B guys I didn't mean to do that I I wanted to do heavy bombs and then get the cluster there we go okay now we're good look at this we can pop like almost every balloon right now which is so so good like it destroys everything except black balloons which is really really unfortunate because and and camos we came to campus okay we need a village where is village bada-bing bada-boom I mean we really don't need to defend like we don't need money all right we can just come and do fun random stuff we need a radar scanner radar scanner radar scanner come on yeah yeah okay so we can hit everything except black balloons but Pat busty should be able to deal with that Oh yikes yikes oh we want him to target strong I want him to just whack on the strongest blues that there are at the time okay duck song now people with the ducks on guys okay guys I wanna I have I have I don't I haven't listened to it yet because I'm really spooked but apparently the guy had sent over the the the duck song and I and I don't want to listen to it because I'm such a bad singer and it's gonna be it's gonna be awful like I I don't want to listen to it but I have it in my email apparently I sang the duck song and it's in my email and I'm really spooked cos I don't want to listen to it okay I don't want to listen to it I tell you what is if we could get and we get and we get 2500 likes I'll show you the official ducks something that we're working on at least for a few seconds of it okay all right there you go no that's that's okay you guys can't ask for more than that right you really can't there we go monkey intelligence bureau we can pop any type of balloon oh wow okay let's see um you don't have to listen but we do everyone's like we want to hear the dark song sorry buddies well we'll see we'll see if you can get to 2,500 likes i i'm not i'm not opposed like I said I'm not opposed to just showing you guys I think it'd be pretty awesome if we did do that but you know it is what it is all right there we go we're at $3,500 ute we've almost beaten run 40 like look at those we're actually so close to beating around 40 and if that's the case we need something that's just gonna pop oh wait this guy that goes $8,000 that's like so expensive what the actual garbage oh wait wait no all we have to do is just do this now I just get pirates and now we can just like absorb that that's so simple um I'd like to stream on my Facebook like I said I've been gone for like the past 10 days guys like I just I just got back I just got back Oh somebody said in chat only 2.1 thousand people watching what are you even talking about that means there is over two thousand people watching right now that is insane like that's crazy I don't know I like that's SuperDuper crazy thank you everyone for coming out like you guys are amazing I'm gonna I'm gonna shut that down right now 2.1 thousand people is not a low number of viewers that is a crazy high amount of viewers there we go okay victory we beat it so we can go home I need to know how many more we have to beat with Pat fusty alright so we got this one we need I just want to go through all of them that we haven't beaten on the easiest setting and we're just gonna go through like all of you guys being here means the world to me it I don't I cannot stress that enough that you guys being here means the whole world to me okay let's do this alright more I think the bomb towers worked out really really well for us so extra range frag bombs boom bada bing bada bada I messed up I really messed up here I did not want to do that I'm selling this guy I feel really silly now we're gonna put you there and then we're gonna put you there and then we're gonna put a village right in the middle of them okay I have to go click the other rewards my bad guys I'll do that okay okay extra range extra range frag bombs I need to get frag bombs give me the money for our phone thank you that was very nice we're leveling this is we're leveling up on like specific specifically weird areas okay there we go okay and come on yikes I feel like playing them small balloons is always the best way put on small balloons I I want you guys I really do want to put on small balloons I'm gonna be awesome okay there we go keep going alrighty cluster bombs close up secondary bums there's sharp fragments every shot yeah that seems like good and then every second shot the cluster bomb send out more cluster bombs for even more destruction that's like so many bombs that's a lot of bonds right where's the somebody's aware the tacos right now tell me where are the tacos sorry friend I cannot tell you where the tacos are ok I'm there I know I'm very disappointed in myself for not being able to tell you about the tacos there you go we're like I'm leveling them up just one at a time as we go like this is great I just got my dog back guys I'm very happy I had to put my I had to give my dog away for 13 days when I went away for the holidays 13 days I missed my dog a lot but now she's back and she's a little upset with me but that's you know what that's reasonable I understand that I'd be upset with me too I mean I was upset with me but she's just like right outside the door she's just shown there so I do want to play with something I oh I mean I always enjoy playing a son because Sunday's awesome okay um there we go heavy bombs okay there we go boys guys Sunday just messaged me on discord I'm super excited I think I think we might do some videos together soon okay so let's do I need to get recursive cluster I think that's the best the dream is this even on double speed it is isn't it so sad guys it is just so sad at least it wasn't 14 days I know I know guys okay what everyone's like put in the night put in the night put in the Batman I missed the Batman I think you guys are weird I love you guys okay I'm scared of clowns Tom Simpson I loved your comment those are great okay yeah guys by the way if you guys are not subscribed to my channel what are y'all doing make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications we're like on the way to hit 700,000 subscribers like the put in perspective like a few days ago we just hit 26 hundred thousand we're at six hundred and like 22 thousand subscribers now we're gaming right now almost 40,000 subscribers a month and that's all thanks to you guys thank you so much for everyone that has subscribed guys okay let's ask a question I want to I want to share some people out okay who here has subscribed to my channel in the past 10 days okay just just put out just just say like me or like I have and right now right now cuz I'm curious guys let me know let me know in the comment section down below when when you have subscribed okay as me that's dude look at all that we got Donuts wolf plays Michael gamer March pika Joseph Dan plays Ivan Marcus Thomas Daniel Bradley hello stream thank you for the five dollars to protect Isis and Harry Carter gladdy random uploading Westen yo thank you so much for all of the new faces and people coming out today you guys are awesome I really appreciate it guys but out of curiosity I know we have all these new subscribers who is the old subscriber who has been subscribed to the channel for over six months now have you been subscribed for over six months and I've consecutively watched videos let's let's get some knees and chat let's get some knees and chat get a shout out some people who've been around for a while okay that Matt thank you so much um you know what's up Gabrielle Jack Dean y'all thank you guys for being old subscribers and just staying in for a while I really appreciate it you guys are amazing and beautiful people you all want love you all there we go oh I realize Pat fusty here let's put him on strong yo Pat bust he's doing a lot of work he really is he's doing he's doing great work there we go okay we're already around 32 rows okay me for a year over a year wow you guys are crazy thank you so much for all the love and support you guys always show it really means the world to me guys you guys are awesome I will have forty six thousand dollars not forty sixty forty eight hundred dollars forty see I'd love to have 46,000 dollars right now that would be really really nice let's get I mean we can get I don't even know what I want what do I want for the pump let's pop the big balloon in style guys let's get let's get a mortar we're gonna get a mortar and then we're gonna get bigger blast and then we're gonna do faster reload rapid reload and then we're gonna we're gonna do that and then we're just gonna like target wherever the balloon is that's the plan guys that's the dream okay that's the dream how much is the big one cost it costs oh we aren't wait oh that's the big one the biggest one is even more expensive because twenty-three thousand I don't think there's any way we're gonna be able to get oh my gosh look at like stunning the balloons it's actually holding all the balloons back right now that's such a good upgrade what even it pops all balloons alright the next one cost twenty three thousand I mean there's literally no way we can upgrade to that right yeah we can't get twenty three thousand in time that's very sad please type F and chat people and they're just like you know what if you want to just like the video that's more like there's nothing wrong like if you don't but that's the thing that's much great about YouTube if you don't like something or a content creator or something and you dislike their content that's let's complete ly up to you you're not a bad person for disliking somebody's content right that doesn't you just don't like their content right and there's I mean I think there's definitely a difference between yay we did it for disliking somebody just just to try to hurt them I think that's really mean but there's nothing wrong with just disliking some like not liking somebody's content everyone has their own opinions that's just that's just how it goes right I don't think there's anything wrong with that let's do this one easy standard let's go okay yeah what up everybody come or you can just go to me and chat yo guys you know what's up it's about to be lit let's put Pat busty and water okay never mind we're gonna put Pat busty right here because he slaps balloons okay all right well we probably want honestly I want my my balloons to be here and we can put you there and then I feel like let's put here let's put the village down first how much does the village cost a thousand dollars we're not putting a village down I think putting if we put this guy here I think the village I think the village can fit all right we're gonna we're gonna find out guys we're gonna find out if the village works here because we have to win a total of ten games with Pat busty to unlock the achievement right so where that's kind of what we're working towards right now is trying to get that achievement right okay rag bombs frag bomb strike bombs are so good look how powerful Frank bombs are there too good they're too powerful guys we need what they don't actually I love it I need to use these these towers more often they're like they're so underutilized like they just slap they really do that's why cuz I think my eye my eyes are open to how good these were when I had to do the chimps game mode and I did that that was awesome okay there we go you know Ryan Games why are you so sad my guy don't be sad be glad okay let's do there we go we also want to get heavy bombs heavy bumps heavy bombs heavy bombs come on Karen but barabara there we go there's actually such a good like this is such a powerful spot they hit so many like they let's just so many balloons come through here it's a Gucci cannon yeah yo it's my Gucci cannon guys yo what up word up boys alright cluster bombs and bigger balls more popping power let's do this what are you doing today mr. scope well um today's like the first day that I'm really like back in action doing some work so I'm probably just working most of today cuz I'm I'm working on descent getting out some fire content for you guys I mean some fire content guys where I'm really working on trying to get some super awesome videos for you guys because in the past I mean I don't know if you guys noticed put the love and support you've shown me guys is the most I've ever gotten on YouTube can I did a duck song 2500 likes Tison they should $10 super chat though I really appreciate it so guys you know how's it going love each other guys thanks for all the donations you guys are crazy I'm telling a story here though um I well I first blew up on YouTube a wild and like when I was working with your own and my best month ever was like 2017 where we got like six point six million views guys last month was the best month we've had ever ever had on the channel in like two months I mean we got we've gained we got almost 7 million views guys and that was crazy I mean that was genuinely one of the craziest things that our have and it was almost it was just amazing and thank you so much for the love and support like I trust me guys I noticed like I notice all the all the comments all the likes all the shares everything you guys do I have noticed it and thank you so much guys like I I cannot fully express how amazing and awesome it is to have you guys here I mean we went from like 10 or like 10 to 20,000 views a video now we're getting almost a hundred to two hundred thousand views a video which is crazy and I'm like I don't thank you guys I really just thank you guys okay been here for five years potato God thanks for the $2 super Chet that is absolutely phenomenal you've been here for so long thank you for all the love and support okay where can we put can we put a village down here here poopy all right we can put a village down right there though and that's fine bigger radius and then we want to get radar scooter boys small balloons alright guys we're gonna put on small balloons then okay do monsters industries that was a long time ago that was a long long long long time ago something something something something that's the like the American Pie song so behind bye miss American Pie drove my scooter it's an old song you guys might not know it's a classic song my dad always used to sing it okay amazing singing thank you I'm quite talented in the singing Department I'm not I'm an awful singer I don't know why you guys are so obsessed with me singing so um I know we're boys you need to play the duck game I play the duck game and sing the duck song non stop is at it guys you know Pat buzzy he's he slaps guys he's doing he's doing a lot of work for me it's all these annoying black flumes these guys like every tower has to have a weakness right because if they don't have a weakness they bo-peep I think if the village wasn't in the game we'd have a lot of troubles the villages like because the village allows a balloon to pop every type of balloon and that's that's probably what makes village wanted like the hinge Grand Champions right one of the hidden grand champions welcome I need to know how close we are to being able to get this achievement like this is crazy I know I'm gonna do a half cash mode because um drove my chevy to leather there we go Tyson because I'm sure you guys know but a lot of the times I use double cash mode just because it makes it I know I get this I get this all the time right because a lot of people are always complaining that I use cash drops and things like that and one of the things I try to explain to people is the reason I do a lot of those things is it allows me to get content and allows me to do cool things right because like the things with like ultra boost boosted strategies they're awful in a normal game sense but it's fun to see how crazy a tower can be wince boosted so that's why a lot of times I use like double cache mode or I use drops and gets towers and stuff like that and so it's interesting seeing me see me actually try to play the game the way it's meant to be played because it's completely different from me and what I'm used to doing right so it's always just a little bit different seeing how it goes right okay um can you make an overclocked two to five I mean oh a to five bomb tower what what are you talking about okay what is your favorite ice cream okay people are gonna call me crazy my favourite ice cream by far is coffee ice cream I can eat that stuff for days it is my favorite dessert probably it's coffee ice cream like it is awesome oh my gosh that annihilates my laps okay how many have we beaten with Pat fusty now how many how many games here do we have here well let's feel like that and we can go like that does it say if we're close to getting the achievement let's see I'm looking I don't see it I think it's a hidden achievement so I don't think you're gonna see it let's see yeah it doesn't it doesn't show the secret of treatment so we just got to keep playing what is your favorite hero probably Benjamin is my probably my favorite hero um no promises see logs I'm really I really want to see ya cuz that's wait wait wait wait wait where is oh so that one shows you that interesting okay what should we play on spillways kind of fun but i don't want to play in spillway i wanna play in any difficult Maps I want to just play on the easiest Maps possible let's do Alpine run let's just do that and then we're just gonna play an easy like you guys know what's up let's do a different strategy we've been using bump towers with time to use a new tower right here we'll put Pat fusty down I went skiing a few days ago guys that was awesome I love skiing I'm not that I'm not that good at skiing but I really enjoy skiing my whole thing was skiing is I just go straight down the mountain as fast as I can I told you my favorite ice cream is um coffee I love it alright what tower should I use guys what tower should we go all in in and hope we just don't lose I kind of want to try the Drude I think I want to do the Drude I feel like that'd be kind of fun Pat let's see let's see I know well we got Pat oh let's see ninja ninja ninja everyone's going on ninja i all right ninja ninja it is my guys all right ninja obviously we're gonna do grandmaster ninja right so we've definitely want seeking shuriken seeking shuriken so ninja sharp jerricans double boom and these things okay there we go and now we've got ourself a ninja wow wow wow we need blue ninjutsu which cost a lot of money okay sniper now we go and we're going all in on the ninjas boyee and then I can definitely get his pests around forty right if we if we put all of our money into it we need $2,300 that's so expensive t-series are beautified that was a long time ago I mean I mean I'll always say PewDiePie right but okay what's your favorite unit um my favorite tower I think it has to be a village because village you either village or engineer I know I flip-flopped between the two of them but they're just so good okay let's see what about super monkey um I like super 1/k but I feel like every but like super but you can do a lot with super monkey but like I feel like super monkeys to mainstream right like I feel like everybody loves the super monkey right actually I can tell you what why on my favorite Tower is right does it can can you say okay so yeah we can look after this we can look and see what tower I have the most experience on so whatever tower I have the most experience on is what's gonna be my favorite tower right so let's see let's go all the way down to alright this so 89,000 know so 53 no 168 that's the highest 225 that's nice two hundred three hundred thousand so we have three at five hundred thousand on these guys only forty eight thousand five two hundred thousand five hundred thousands of 2.5 million aches be on banana farms oh my goodness okay all right all right both banana farms are my favorite Towers I've that's what I oh my gosh 2.5 million eggs be holy cow that's so much okay yeah that's that is crazy that is crazy oh my gosh grand master ninja cost twenty nine thousand dollars that's way too expensive I don't have that kind of money I don't have that money okay um that's just too much guys what's your favorite map any I'm my my favorite maps is the maps that is like is the brightest and most click radius I like bright green vibrant maps right that's just the maps that I enjoy playing on do you miss neighbor I do Benny I do I miss late living with him it was a lot of fun being able to live with this neighbor just because like we had a really good time those you don't know my roommate I lived with his youtuber favor of my saver I lived with him for a year and then he moved back to California and then I moved in with my girlfriend in Georgia so we kind of split apart we still talk I'm actually hopefully gonna go see him and hang out with him soon because it's been a while but no I do miss hanging out with one of my buds I do thanks Tyson for the donation I'm not gonna say cuz I don't know if it's one of those weird tongue twisters that make you say something inappropriate so I'm just gonna avoid it altogether I don't think it is but I'm pretty sure that's a Rick and Morty thing which but it's awesome I do like wrecking money okay let's do I know let's do I know we don't do this often but let's get let's get an engineer and let's do the the trap one right so let's do let's get balloon trap and let's do let's do that oh my god actually he is he actually is kind of strong yah wait he stuns balloons - no we're gonna have to do it we're doing it we're doing an achievement with this right so double gun that's I kind of want to do a double gun a double gun challenge with this guy and see how fast we can make this look he's what okay this guy might be kind of Awesome I feel like he doesn't have any Pierce though so he's not it's not gonna be that great but he attacks really fast but he attacks really really really fast so it might be worth it Engineers are awesome like I just like using engineers they're just fun I want to push on that button guys kind of this guy kind of slaps and that's just guy kind of slaps not gonna lie holy cow he's really good this guy is really good I've never used this before right ksi Logan Paul um I'm gonna say well sOooo four kids I Logan Paul I don't watch either their content um but as far as people go I've met both of them in person before and I have to say that ksi was the nicest person I've ever met he was genuinely a really nice person I met him at a youtuber party um I forgot where but he was just really nice I wasn't that big of a youtuber and I came up and I started talking with him and at the end of the night I'm a by his head now and I was like yo bye and he turned around he shook my hand he's like yeah it was really nice talking to you dude have a have a good time and I was like wow like that was really really nice and then I met Logan Paul and he wasn't as nice so yeah I like ASMR what that's that's just my own personal opinion so um let's see buf energy without command I know I want to do that well I would I have 20,000 dollars actually but decent amount of money right this is working really really well okay wait what do moving things in the middle destroy balloons I highly doubt these these pop any brooms I think they're just cosmetic just to be annoying so play roblox I don't want to play roblox yeah dance is really really nice okay well we have so much money what should we buy guys we have $25,000 I want to buy let's buy one of these no I don't want an alchemist let's buy Giroud let's get a Drude and we're gonna do okay I didn't want to do that I actually where's so $24,000 oh no there's a Moab pop it yeah we did it okay we got to be getting close right we got to be getting close to getting this achievement how close are we um I don't know okay we're gonna we're gonna turn on the we're turning on small balloons because everyone really wants to see small balloons so to turn on small balloons you go to settings and you go to extras and then small balloons alright so small boons are on now so let's see what happens so we're gonna play and let's play on which one have we not rich for circles that's kind of boring this way hedge hedge looks fun alright easy dude let's do it [Music] alright we got small balloons now I'm so ready okay do we want bomb - I'm gonna put Pat busty right here all right boom let's see how tiny are these balloons they're so tiny look at them look at the tiny balloons oh my goodness you can't you can't really see it boy you know we're just gonna leave them there oh they're so adorable all right we got tiny balloons balloons alright let's do what's your tax return textured is kind of fun yeah oh my gosh those balloons are so adorable and I love them I love them alrighty no do I don't want to tax shooter what do I want what would be fun what would be legit let's do a wizard we like never do wizards let's do a let's put a wizard down put a wizard down right here okay look at the tiny little Bloods oh do we want we want arcane spikes so we're gonna do we're gonna do fireball voila fire arcane blast there we go and he's just gonna put down fire and stuff and then we're gonna yeah wizard og boyis arcane mastery okay perfect and we're gonna be doing our things there are big boots baka vs gaming that's actually what we're working on right now is getting the big balloons to get big balloons you have to win 10 games with Pat fusty so that's like that's how we do that get shimmer shimmer is way too expensive it's like $2,000 it's not that it's not that great I want to get arcane spike does huge damage to most balloons stammers yeah I want to I want to get arcane spiking because that's the that's the dream so dreaming okay does it change the size of the mobs I'm pretty sure it does change the size of the bulbs and I'm really excited to see the size of the moans and it's gonna be like super ultra make it ultra make a tiny and I'm actually so so so excited and then we're gonna then I want to do some super fun videos with that that's the plane house um how did you get the double weight um double money thing and settings to get double money things you have to give a ninja kiwi money you have to you actually have to buy it I don't know how much it was I think was like five or ten dollars but it was worth it it's worth it for me because I played balloons all the time but there's no way to unlock it unfortunately all right let's get our case I got so much money what is this what is this also another I know this isn't really an Easter Egg but if you click on the tower you can you can make it like rotate around so it's a but the shadow doesn't move with it that's that's a bug oh boy okay you are cool you are a cool 2 SDX gamer how many games have you played so far I don't know is there a way for it for a way to tell I mean how many videos of balloons tower defense 6 do I have up on the channel I mean there right like hundreds probably like actually hundreds not to mention blue tower defense five or battles I probably have like 500 games like okay let me tell you how many hours I have on the balloons games okay so balloons alright so I for balloons tower defense 5 I've thirty-five hours of balloons tower-defense five for bloons tower defense six I played a hundred and sixty seven hours balloons adventuretime I've played for two hours and blues TD battles I've played eight hundred and ninety-three hours of balloons TV battles that's a lot of battles to be awful at that game oh my gosh no we can't hit plasma why am I so bad at this game why am I so bad okay well we can't hit plasma so we're gonna get a boop-boop boop-boop uh let's get a ninja all right engine discipline boom easy peasy lemon squeezy I want to see the tiny thing even buffer will I'll try some of them out we gotta be getting close to getting the upgrades though because we have to win ten games at Pat feisty and we've already okay let's count let's count so I did the video on top uh see once that's one win then I did Pat fusty and water that's two then we got the blue master Alchemist three four we have to be unlike six so we only need like three more right three or four more I'm not entirely sure we're definitely we're getting closer we're getting a lot closer okay you need to hit camo we can hit camo this guy this just Kim let's Kenya camo let's go can I count on but we have ninjas ninjas hit camo so ninja deals with anything have you got the new airports they're worth it I actually don't like in the ER headphones I only ever wear these types of headphones just because I don't like any other type like I don't like in the ear headphones they're just really uncomfortable for me I'd always rather have headphones they're just I mean to be fair I've grown up with having headphones on so I guess that makes a little bit more sense so we're popping all the balloons wizard can it I don't think Wizards cadet camos naturally right can they I don't know you can't hit camel legs still but we're not gonna have camel light so we I don't have to worry about camel life because we're only needing to get to around 40 so we have literally nothing to worry about okay nothing we actually have nothing to worry about so it's it's more than fine right now we're just gonna keep going and do what I think and chilling and having a great time guys great time alright world is that right forty I want big boobs I want big mood so badly like we're so clothes how do you get the extra 25 lives that is a monkey knowledge thing you need to have monkey knowledge I think it's the magic side of monkey knowledge if you if you get there I think that's what it is do engineer bottom path okay engineer [Music] bottom path there we go he's just gonna put down his own little things the engineer kind of slap it's not gonna lie like engineer kinda slaps what is what in your opinion Oh a what in your opinion what's the most important monkey knowledge um let me look all right let's go home we still haven't gotten it yet but that's fine but I wait I didn't see what the oh my gosh the mob was so tiny I just saw back on the livestream that's crazy okay monk most important monkey knowledge um I mean probably I have no I like more cash increasing starting cash is really nice what's this boon coat wrap can hold 30 more I don't know what RBE I don't know what that means what are these reload time reduced by 3% all ability cooldowns for all monkeys reduced that's so work super good let's let's get it let's get that I only get that upgrade that's why I'd never really thought about that update it's really good all right we got 90 monkey money sweet okay let's play let's do um what ones do we not have I guess we can do four circles I guess it doesn't really matter now we just got it we just got to keep winning right I think we need because we have to win eight games with him eight not a total it doesn't say how many we need so that's even more like annoying here we'll put this guy here you guys know we just have to do attack sugar right like we have to do a texture let's do the super maelstrom it costs 12,000 that's really cheap I want that let's do more tax even more tax and then we do yeah so boom boom blade shooter there we go the blade shooter is really really really powerful like really powerful if it has like the right boost look how tiny the balloons are oh my gosh they're so cute they're cute do tackle if I'm in the bottom two I'm top a white okay oh do you not have a balloon cd6 I'm pretty sure I do have balloons td6 because I'm playing it right now so yeah do you play modded balloon cd6 so I do not play in balloons modded balloons tv6 because ninja kiwi doesn't want us to mod balloon cd6 because it's their newest game and they do they just ask that we don't mod it or do anything with it so I don't wanna I I really like ninja kiwi I'm good friends with a lot of people at ninja kiwi and so I don't want to I don't want to step on anybody's toes right if if they were okay with it trust me I would love to mod B dd6 like I'd have a lot of fun with it but they asked it and I think it's best that we respect their wishes I mean they made this amazing game for us the least we can do is ask and we do what they ask of us right alright there we go we got soup with you and then we get is use this ability which kind of pops everything what is super monster I'm even more powerful see that goes $12,000 I think I just want to save up for that I think this can pop everything right I'm pretty sure I can at least um what is the fastest way to get XP I don't know I don't have an answer for you how about I do a video for it so you guys can we can talk about you the fastest way to get XP and balloons tt6 so the most powerful monkey and balloon cd6 well you have to define what's powerful like unlike undisputably you can't even argue the most powerful is a vengeful sun god temple right but are you asking what's the most powerful temple for its price because like the vengeful son got temple is the strongest on you just can't deny that right it's supposed to be yeah but it also costs like a million to get so the if you're so that's not really a question so i'm gonna ask what is the best for your the best for your money and if i had to say that i probably say probably the bomb tower the strongest is is either a helicopter the apache or the recursive cluster bomb tower and i think thats that's it I that's what I would go with honestly I could be wrong but that's so this ability is really good it's really really really good here's the engineer again the Willing tower um yeah let's go let's do the boost we need 12000 we need some more money we do not have enough money right now that's fine anything that comes by is just gonna get absolutely annihilated do co-op I can't do co-op just yet guys I want to but we really gotta focus on making sure that we get these um get these super secret abilities right that's the whole plan that's what we're working on today everybody so we can get so I can work on getting some awesome video through you guys this upcoming weekend what's today stay Thursday I have no idea what today is I really have no clue and that was weird like it stopped and then it like started back up again I want the $12,000 I that's what I'm saving up forward to get the super Maelstrom did I think that's gonna be so much fun so I can't get camos what garbage game is this garbage game okay garbage game that's fine here we go whenever we can were just gonna use this ability we're at $85,000 ah we're getting close and then this is a great place to use this ability those the Maelstrom because like there's gonna it takes up what while for all the blintze to get by and it just pops all of them I love how tiny the balloons are it's so cute they're so cute oh look at all these red balloons and then we can just do this and it's just like it just pops all of them what achievements are you doing we're not looking we're not going for achievements we're going for Easter eggs and secrets there are sand I mean they just so so happened to be a secret achievement at the same time but we're trying to unlock the super tiny and the super big balloons geez okay okay Nelson wait what is it mail mail Maelstrom yeah super Maelstrom it's not mail storm it's Maelstrom did I say mail storm it's Nostromo yeah it's Maelstrom mail strong I'm gonna say it's Maelstrom I'm gonna say that I'm right and you're wrong to make myself feel better what kind of PC to use I have a custom-built PC my brother actually built it for me because he's awesome and amazing he helped make it for me it has um I don't know what my specs are anymore that's a lot of camos oh yes we're gonna do that cuz I don't want to have to deal with camo balloons that's boring I don't wanna have to do with anything I just don't want to deal with it I'm not I'm not gonna deal with it yeah that pops so many balloons that's such a good ability and that lasts for so long okay there we go we can pop everything now yay Luz we just use this ability and it just pops every and it lasts forever does that this this tower I think is kind of underrated just look you can just spam this ability and it pops everything with infinite like popping potential it's really strong like it's really really strong look at that it does it just shreds everything camos go away look at that look how strong that is i I think I under utilized this tower Oh what like especially in the early game look at this look oh look at this 5000 it's just super good later in the game and maybe not so much right now definitely one of the better towers I want to see how much damage it does to like a Moab I think you could do a lot of damage to a Moab right okay mm I don't know what I want to get for into my next like upgrade or ability let's get it let's get a brewmaster so we can buff this town for even warm there we go even more even more craziness let's go all right boom I want to see a tiny Moab let me look let me see tiny Moab I want to see a tiny Moab a tiny yes we got another victory okay let's go home all right we have to we have to be close there there can only be like a few more because we've done so many already all right well it looks like carbs is one of the last ones I think we have to be close how are you feeling about 2020 well we're only two days into 2020 but I have to say I feel pretty good about it so far okay well you guys all right let's put Pat fusty we're gonna put fat plus fat right here and then we're gonna put this we're gonna put this guy right in the middle again because I want to that is my answer that's my final answer we're gonna put this guy here and then we're just gonna spam it that was just fun do big big balloons have a bigger hitbox know that it doesn't change the hitbox it doesn't change anything about anything so you have to worry about that I don't need any other I just all I need this blade Maelstrom that's the only thing that I need it costs $2,000 it's definitely worth it I have to use rallying cry boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Pat bust he's awesome okay we got to keep working on it what made you choose the name - di slam my face into my keyboard that's how I got my name true story guys true story do you guys want me to play cats um be round under the lien with only tier 3 towers that actually is a pretty fun challenge idea I like that idea I might I might do that okay um Pat I know we're so close Pat bust he's doing it for us guys okay we have to intend game them I think this this is either the 8th or the 9th game I have I'm not entirely sure I don't know because I don't remember how many games I played with him beforehand right we got to be getting close though we have to be getting close good any um we have to be like really really close but I'm just not entirely sure okay let's do oh we're almost at $2,000 nice as soon as we get that money we're gonna be able to UM come on just hit some balloons just punch some balloons there we go now that we have this ability boom we can just do that and we just constantly pop all the balloons now perfect beautiful just the way that we like it guys okay there's no there's no other ways that we'd rather have it okay does that frozen I don't know if it's frozen or not no it's not frozen does my game just beard see now we're just gonna save up another $12,000 what say what how do you unlock big balloons so a lock big balloons you have to win ten games with pat frosty once you do that then you'll get big balloons so it's like a pretty easy achievement to kiss but I think a lot of people miss it just because like yeah Pat is Pat slaps Pat slaps he's he's actually a very powerful Kira especially like once he like levels up and if he has like towers and with him he can just he just wails on towers I mean you just boom boom boom I mean Pat's the only male a tower in the game he's the only tower that like just they should add a melee Tower I'm like a tower that's literally just like a brawler monkey right I got like a boxer like I think that would be so cool he could be kind of like Pat but you could do a lot of stuff with it right so for example um let's see I feel like do we want that or maybe even like a sword monkey monkey that has like a sword that likes wings and like pops a whole bunch of balloons I feel like that would be so cool to have something like that I ninja can we can you do that please please I'm gonna reach out to him beg beg them to do that okay um big balloons are very scary yeah big balloons are very scary I can do you know what I'm not I'm not even laughing at you because that seems that's just such a true statement what's your least favorite Tower that's a good question my least favorite tower let's look let's look um probably I I know I hate to say it but if it has to be probably the wizard probably when maybe the Drude I think the drudes my least favorite tower I just never used the Drude and I don't really see any actual use for it like it's just I just not that great of a tower in my opinion so I I'd say the Drude okay are you tired of streaming no I loved streaming I can be a little tiring sometimes because I have to talk so much and all the time and I think that the biggest problem for me streaming is out is I have to sit on this really uncomfortable chair so I have my green screen behind me right and so here I can hear this is really annoying I'm gonna where's it ninja I want to put a ninja down and just so I don't lose there we go and that guy can pop anything so so I normally have what I sit in when I record videos is this stool okay and I have it because you guys can't see my back so I kind of float and it's more comfortable but it's so uncomfortable to sit on but I do it for the content guys I do it so I you don't have to see so I can like float it makes the green screen look better so that's why but man it's it can be it could be bad on the back so what's your favorite powerup ooh click the oh yeah the pot in the little oh wait you have to you have to turn off double speed there you go cuz they have double speeds on it just like nothing interesting happens there we go we're at around 26 we're getting there we're getting there yes um you can sit on the comfy chair you guys are too kind now it's fine I don't mind and it would take it would be annoying to have to let you move it over right that's so valuable that's this is so good that it does this I feel like using this on um I feel like using it on chimps mode might be a good idea what is your favorite ninja kiwi game probably this probably blue CD 6 or or I mean my fondest memories are the I have a video of it on my channel is like it is balloons but it's a different type of balloons it's like a game where you're a monkey and you have to like do I click on the linking you drag and then he throws the dart they're like bounces off of a bunch of rubber surfaces it's a 2-d game so you're not looking down at the side folder kinda game and your monkey stays and if like pop balloons it's really fun so make them Maelstrom only challenge I mean I feel like that's what we're doing right now right the Maelstrom only challenge and it just boom okay yeah alright yeah we're almost at $12,000 we're very close at least we got this ninja who is makes everything way way better I need $12,000 give me money come on yeah see like we just use this ability and it pops everything everything okay come on and it since it pops a bunch of balloons it gives us a lot of money - there you go now we just look at this so look at all these balloons and then BOOM and it just denial eights them disabilities way more powerful than I thought that only cost $12,000 I want to point out the fact disability cost only $12,000 and it basically just annihilates every balloon on the screen like almost every balloon on the screen how crazy is that for a long period of time - like it can take out Moab's and it takes out almost every type of balloon because it has infinite like pop right so anything can you just not make your chair a green screen and that would look why is my phone buzzing what I don't I don't care my my phone is real I just got I just got a new phone and it's because I had I had an iPhone and I swapped from an iPhone and I got myself an Android because androids are objectively just better phones and so but it is very very tedious swapping over from an iPhone to a new phone because I have no idea how anything works I'm like I feel like a grandpa like how do I text on my phone how do I wear my app where's my camera like I literally can't do anything and it's very very tedious look at the edibility just almost straight up beat the Moab by yourself all right yeah no it's I like Androids no do I still not have the achievement no okay one more guys literally one more and we'll have it it has to be right how close are we does it say that we're close let me let me open up my achievements does it does it say that we're close there's probably like the yeah there's there's probably two hidden achievements so there are hidden achievements so we're close is there anything that we can end of the road adorn a simple moon landing let's just do moon landing uneasy that would be fun okay we're close we are get a green chair I can't get a green chair guys because if I could look so if I but it [Music] but it creates a weird shadow so can you click on the asteroids no okay well you guys know what can I put Pat fusty right here now okay we're gonna put Pat close to you right here you guys know what's up right this is all about that Morgan this is all about mortars this game literally you just put mortars right there and now we're good to go we need nothing else so a bigger blast do we want increased accuracy where we probably rapid reload right yeah so we want boom Buster smash through two layers of balloons at once mm okay wait no just I just want the upgrade okay there we go and then we want faster reload and then rapid reload and we're gonna but just be we're gonna be the golden the golden voice cuz it just has to go around in circles right so it just annihilate some I know like how tiny the balloons are balloons okay your favorite memory from 2019 my favorite memory from 2019 let me think um I don't know it'd probably be meeting Mel who's my girlfriend at probably that's probably the best thing that happened in 2019 for me I but that's what I'd have to say that's probably the best thing that happened to me do sniper Reno sniper is awful on this map I think cyber is the worst possible tower for this map just to give you proof the sniper can't hit anything like the sniper literally is useless this map maybe if you put them yeah no sniper is the worst tower in this game right now map right now you can't do anything you want helicopters mortars anything that's in the air that's what you want like that's all all that's important now mortars more is where it's at this time guys okay there we go I want to get the big one devastating explosions pops through five layers of balloon Wow very cool happy new year do you two guys okay dead 2d use comfy chair at 2.5 thousand likes no I'm good I appreciate the kind words guys but I'm fine okay MIT is your favorite hero I don't know probably Benjamin okay sorry monkey I know we need a sorta monkey how do you get tiny boobs to get tiny balloons you have to get a balloon master Alchemist to have 1 million pops before round 100 that's how you do it ok duck song Bam Bam Bam but up a bomb okay you want me to play Terraria I want to play Terraria too but it's been a while I don't know right now balloons is just doing too good like da Lord what's your favorite map I don't know okay use the good chair everyone use comfy chair please oh my gosh you guys aren't fine you guys only used to come I can't ah alright fine I'm gonna swap I'm swapping over my comfy chair for now it's so calm fine all right we got to go up - there you go guys I'm in my comfy chair now you all happy I can't even like sit back as I sit back I'm just gonna like fall asleep I'm falling asleep in my chair okay there you go guys hey a comfy chair this done this is such a comfy chair where's my green screen it's like right there no be cool all right wait I can get the the big the big the big one there we go the biggest one look at that this is such a powerful upgrade it's so good okay everyone's so happy that I have my my comfy chair now Kappa okay sniper for the memes wait no camo balloons getting by I don't want the camera oh we need Bernie stuff we need we need the we need the other mortar and we put him here and then we do burning stuff and signal flare and then we probably want I think we probably want balloon buster right wait what's this bigger blast so a bigger blast radius and boom buster okay there we go now we can hit all types of balloons I think this is where we're gonna get for it right okay let's look um let's see I'm Purim bloom cd6 that's good I'm glad that you're pro I wish I was prone I'm not very good at this game shattering shells I don't mean shattering shells that's way too expensive I want the biggest one but I cost 23,000 I don't think I'm gonna be able to afford to get to 23,000 I don't think plate abs okay you don't have Pat fussy but you do have big balloons I would like you for to explain that doesn't make any sense which level are you I think really level 80 right now okay hey Logan 11 I do remember you thanks for coming out you're awesome I appreciate all of you there we go all right we're doing work we're doing work look how fast this why is this guy attack faster Oh cuz that guy is rapid reload that's why okay wow he does that does help a lot actually that's really really really nice Pat fusty we're doing good on him we knew this guy's at 86,000 or 8,000 9,000 almost okay play for tonight on this channel I will never play for tonight on this channel get out I'm gonna ban you what's your name you can't hide my chat where are you you're getting banned I'm just kidding no no for tonight I just don't like for tonight I I'm gonna be honest with you guys there's been a couple of times in my career where I I filmed something and put something up on my channel because I wanted to get views and not because I enjoyed the game right III will admit I've done that I think every youtuber has done that at some point right because I wanted to get views and I didn't enjoy it and that was one of the things was for tonight I tried for tonight and when I didn't enjoy it I tried to push it because everyone else was blowing up and I'll be honest I was envious of all these YouTube channels blowing up off for tonight right so I was like you know what I'm gonna give it a try and then I realized II didn't get any views and that's when I realized I needed to stick with what I love and I need to stick to playing games that I enjoy playing and it's like I don't like if I'm not happy doing something like why would I why would I want to record videos on it like that's that's such a silly thing so if you ain't like but like the thing is like like Jerome and Sonny play like they genuinely enjoy playing like 49 stuff like that right and I think that's awesome if you can oh if you can play a game and enjoy that is awesome I that's so cool for me I didn't like it so alrighty we got it we got people who's we did it we did it we got people yes those the last one a little bit of a big Maroons we got it yes we got to achievement big balloons okay okay here let's put on let's put on put it on put on let's let's see let's let's go look at it real fast extras big balloons wait you can put small balloon too and big balloons on it'll just make normal balloons okay big balloons okay let's do play let's do I guess it doesn't really matter does it all right easy sandbox all right guys let's look at big balloons [Music] all right let's see you guys okay how big is a red balloon oh my god what even okay okay okay what about what about like ammo of how big is I'm oh I'm Jesus okay guys let's look at let's look at a bad balloon no oh God there's omg's a unit an absolute you know okay guys let's do the bad balloon let's do a bad balloon okay let's do a bad balloon Oh God that's insane all right we're gonna have to be we're gonna definitely do a video on this rasuu per soon guys this is so crazy holy cow alright yeah we don't we're definitely gonna do a video on this soon guys I probably this will be tomorrow's video will do video I'll do a video on this I just wanted to see it and that's some of the achievements and how you get them guys I hope you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and tune in tomorrow because we're gonna be doing a video on big balloons because those are awesome and we're gonna do a full video on it going in-depth and trying out you're trying to beat it on big balloons so it's gonna be crazy thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you guys tomorrow for the big balloons challenge bye
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 725,365
Rating: 4.9003639 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, tewtiy, iphone, mobile, live, livestream, steam, action, funny, upgrade, bloons, op, vs, secret, hidden, bloons td 6, hack, glitch, cheat, hero, crazy
Id: _LEHv6pVkHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 44sec (5204 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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