INFINITE Range on Pat Fusty?! | GOD Boosted Pat Fusty is INSANE!

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what's going on everyone my name's Ryan r2d and today we're gonna be doing the god boosted hero strategy now we've been using this thing called the god boost which is where we use a Sun gun temple as a support tower to boost an individual tower to its maximum potential and we've been doing this with a lot of towers but I thought how awesome would it be if we used a hero and boosted a hero to its maximum potential and that's exactly what we're gonna do in today's video if you guys want to see more make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications and if you guys want to watch me play live or if you want to play balloons with me go in the description down below and head over my twitch where I stream daily that's right I scream every single day for a couple of hours and I play balloons blues TV battles minecraft and a whole bunch of other just fun awesome games that you guys can join in and play with and I highly recommend you guys go and check it out now most of you guys know this by now but this is not a strategy you can normally pull off because we have to use a lot of cash drops right in the beginning so first things first we take this off and we're gonna put Pat fuss team well we're gonna put them about right here this is gonna be this is this is our guy so that's that's all we've got for him right now that's all we get but now what we're gonna do is we're just gonna drop in all of these cash drops right because the whole point of all these cash drops is gonna help us it's basically gonna like catapult us into getting all the money that we need because we're gonna need a lot of money okay we need a lot of money we need all of the money's okay in fact that's I dare be that bold and say we need all of the money okay so we're gonna need to get that let's get ourselves we're gonna need let's just get a couple of monkey farmers I always I always run out let's just get I'm gonna run out even after that so we want to put this monkey farmer down and we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna get our next banana banana factory research facility think of a buffer alright now we can hit double speed and now we're gonna go ahead and just keep making as much money as possible Pat bust he's pretty strong on his own he's not gonna need much help from anybody I don't know what's gonna happen when you get super boosted I wanted to do a Dora but I feel like for me to do a Dora we need to actually for her right like the idea is we have to make her a vengeful son god let's get a brewmaster let's get one brewmaster and then we can put it stronger stimulant and now he's gonna be even stronger which is perfect we're gonna want to get a village eventually too basically we want him to be just be able to pop all the balloons while we just make money right that's that's the plan and that's what we're focusing on doing right now there we go before because we're gonna need to get a lot of money for this right we have to get a venture son God well we don't be an eventual son you got temple but we are gonna have to get a Sun God temple support tower which is not cheap it's not cheap at all it's actually quite expensive trying to get all of it alright here we go I really don't like that we have to wait that long if he gets a little bit more range he might be able to hear now Kenny oh he's so close if he gets a little bit more rain she's gonna be good to go with a little bit more rain she's gonna be able to pop people up there alright guys do you think he's gonna be able to pop balloons that are up here I think he can I think he's gonna be able to pop balloons that are up on that level once once he's ready and prepare okay there we go and now alright all of these are leveled up Oh valuable okay that's so good now once every time we get $16,000 if we want to upgrade and get that and we're focusing on just money right now because we need a lot of money you guys know how this strategy goes this isn't a walk in the park this is actually pretty difficult and oh no look one balloon got by it white why did it pop - oh because he ran out he ran out of the permanent move which is giving them all that extra pop and power okay let's get jumbled drums which makes them attack even faster he's not attacking that fast right now which is there we go we can make him have the rallying roar so he gets one extra pop look at him go that's so satisfying watching those balloons go if only he was a little bit closer so sad actually this might sound crazy but if we sell him can we put in there we go I know that's a little bit crazy but I wanted him to be a little bit closer because now if he's closer he's actually gonna be on a pop whoa ease up there well he's swinging but he's just not hitting him that's kind of weird but that's better I guess but now now that he's like as close as possible what he's missing it when does he get more range because as soon as it gets more range much much better for us let's go ahead and let's also get ourselves a totem let's throw this totem down by him so he attacks it even faster because the idea is how powerful can we make this one tower right how fast can we make this man attack and right now pretty fast this guy's attacking SuperDuper fast and he doesn't even have all the buffs on him so he's gonna be a force to be reckoned with once it's fully oh look increased attack speed yes we're so close we're so very very close all right banana research facility we almost have max banana research facilities which is just so nice hello you go go go go go hit all those balloons nothing's getting by this guy literally nothing right now I can't wait to see the ultimate Pat fusty he's gonna be and he's gonna be unjust unstoppable right a god booster that's why I wanted I feel like this guy's won it gonna be one of the funniest hours to all tribute all right we're gonna save up our money now because the next thing is banana central because that's gonna increase how much money everything makes can you get cameras you can't now and he wasn't able to for a second there that could have been not great all right let's get ourselves some more banana farms really all I have to do is put all I have to do is put one banana farm down and then I know where the rest of them are supposed to go what have I done there that is not very okay that's fine that is not even at all that is not an even square and I'm very sorry about that friends that is not that's very ugly looking that's fine it'll all go away soon enough now what we can start working on is we need our super-monkey our super money he's gonna go about right here I think right here is gonna be a good boost from him okay and now this is a magic tower so we're not gonna want to do that so we want to go ahead and we can get Sun avatar and then Sun temple but before we get the Sun temple we need to make sure he has $50,000 of upgrades next to him so I'm gonna get a village and I want to just put $50,000 of upgrades in this village and I want to get homeland defense just right off the bat just so he gets that upgrade and I want to make sure that he doesn't absorb the magic because that's the whole point of it it's not to have the magic so we can sell this and then we're gonna upgrade to get the Sun temple so bada bing bada boom all right temple sacrifice okay so now we have the Sun temple and now now we can wait a little bit before we update this because I need we need this village oh no attack faster recharge go bad frosty I believe in you okay now we're gonna put this guy down and then let's go ahead and we can get this guy all right is he in the range yet he is not mmm he does look at his range he has the arrange oh look at him go he's so powerful now okay now you guys know what's up we need ourselves an ultra boost and now we also gonna want to get ourselves a robot so we'll put our robot next to them and then start the ultra boost my friend and now we're just gonna save up money that's all we need to do is save up money because we're gonna want to sell this brew master and then we'll absorb this and he'll oh whoops in order to sell yeah we want to sell the brew master and the village that's nice to it so that his range goes down and then he's not gonna be able to attack any balloons or it's not gonna absorb that busty because that's the last thing oh my gosh look how strong he is and it's oh wait wait what okay let's do that and what does this know I'm like I wanna I want it linked to him what was I doing we're almost at the god boost okay we're working on it we're getting very close all right there's our submarine we're gonna turn them in to energize it the reason we turn I mean oh I just realized this are our first real battle at this thing roar oh my gosh he's never gonna hit it he just pushes it back so fast I forgot oh my gosh there we go and we won but we're going into free play guys cuz you know what's up we got to go to at least round name at least alright we might go to around 100 though cuz that makes it awesome look at him assault look how fast the attacks that's amazing that's so cool okay we're gonna want to eventually this guy once we can up upgrade under the true Sun God we will upgrade him to the true Sun God because that's what's important so for now let's sell this guy because actually we can wait we'll wait to sell this guy because this guy we don't need this village either we'll have to sell this village for only at three hundred thousand dollars we need four hundred and twenty five thousand dollars on the diamond look at him go he's like one shotting ceramics almost he attacks so fast he's at six times we gotta keep boosting him we gotta see the true power of the pack buster okay so let's sell the alchemist and let's sell the village and he's not in range anywhere super awesome okay so now we can get the true Sun God so true Sun God yeah yeah so we're gonna do that yeah now we have the true Sun God support temple oh that's not what I wanted to do yikes oh my goodness okay go fat go faster go faster go faster recharge attack faster I need to take the double speed off I need to stop panicking I'm definitely panicking right now let's get stronger stimulant okay now we need to get ourselves another village that hits both of them and we need to get ourselves homeland defense okay there we go all right weird much better now I was a little bit worried but no more no more am I worried and look at that so he's in range now he has the truce he has both the Sun gun and the he has both effects on him now that's so awesome okay so sentry gun oh I didn't I don't want sentry guns that's the last thing I want on my engineer is the century guns okay there we go look how fast he attacks now I can't wait for him to go up against his own gene unfortunately his range doesn't go all the way up but we have 208 really oh yeah I know so we want to ultra boost him and then we want to link that and now we can go back okay we have this everything's looking good we have this guy all right is there anything else that we need to boost them I don't think so this is pretty much fully juiced it now so now we can start leveling them up so increase the top increase attack range we got the squeeze attack pops more layers increased attack speed stuns blue in for a longer and it can sudden low I have class for the very briefly plus increase sandwiches ceramics very cool slap attack an effect more balloons increased attack range oh my gosh look at his attack range he can almost pop balloons that are up there this guy's so look at him go it's insane he's not even fully maxed out yet holy cow he's crazy okay increased attack speed increase popping power attacks pops more layers I'm look how fast he attacks balloons don't get a chance anymore keep almost one shot ceramic ones I need to increase it oh but oh if I do that I really don't like how it like pushes balloons back that's really annoying that it pushes it back it takes forever to pop Moab's that's the one bad thing about him but other than that it's hilarious okay see attack pops more layers and big spheres can grab several balloons at once but we don't need that all right he is insane let's go look he's almost can pop things up there only a little more range is there anything that will increase his range I don't think so he swings at him but he can't pop him that's really unfortunate look how close he is this guy oh this guy's not permanent brew oh that makes a lot of sense now he's permanent bird okay this guy's permanent brood well I guess we can get another village just for the just for the giggles alright let's get a village bigger radius oh no way didn't with that that was the last thing that I wanted I didn't mean to get that I want this and bigger radius I don't think call to arms will help but he's so powerful come fast the attacks you can't even see his arms move you actually cannot see his arms move he attacks so fast now it's just like a glitch look he's trying to attack him but he can't look he's in range oh that's so unfortunate and nothing else is gonna give me any problems ok that's easy I'm just gonna do that and that way I can deal with all the balloons because there's no way they can get like past me all right here we go here's the first bfb let's see what happens can I use that will he be Oda hit it though it's in range look he's trying to hit it but it doesn't do any damage is that like a good Oh oh my gosh he did hit it and then he annihilated it okay all right we're just gonna absorb them we're just gonna grab them all up that takes so much time look how easy the it responds so quickly anyways it doesn't even matter here we go look at this oh my gosh he attacks so quickly all right here we go recharge it go attack near that's so amazing I love this hero go go go go all right just keep boosting him I really want to see rounds cuz he get they hit that like sweet spot here there we go oh no some guy by ah okay here we go rallying roar go bad busty he attacks he just punches looking this is how many pops he up he has 70,000 pops I wonder if I should have Pat fusty on our robot let's put a robot on Pat busty because you can use we should get a couple of robots actually and that will make our lives way either worse or better I haven't decided yet so let's get this robot and we're gonna get this robot we're gonna link it to him and then that way he's gonna use it and every chance he gets he's just gonna grab them all that's is that a good thing I don't know because we just woke a so we can't do that because we'll lose because of it so we actually have to sell that he's not allowed to link because because then he doesn't attack anything and then all the balloons get mine and then it becomes really awkward so we can't have him connect like that so that's not good we don't want to do that all right come on but it is nice to have every once in a while oh my gosh I just wish we could make his range a little bit better can we move a hero using a support helicopter let's see let's see if we can because that would be really cool because I have to move them and then move them back real fast here let's let's do this all right let's do this let's do some real fast I don't want this to go anywhere let's put down here we're gonna put down another one and we're gonna get support Chinook and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna turn off Prado start we'll just try this let's just see if this works bear with me for a second all right grab all the balloons there we go it was pop all the balloons don't let him even buy okay now we can grab them there we go and then once nothing has a chance to get by then you're fine and okay so now let's see if we can Oh does the round have to be started for you to move oh that's so tedious okay I have an idea let's slow down time okay so we're gonna do this and we're gonna move away what if I grab I'm gray just grab the balloons and stole them okay let's use another time okay and now we want to put him as far up here as we can right there that's where we can put it all right what's this is this special preparation here we can sell that Tower and boom max of it okay so so I don't know if he actually ended up moving at all but we tried I tried for boiler record I tried is this oh this case pops some balloons that's unfortunate I mean nothing I can really do about it but okay there we go grab bloons and off we go wait why can these why does this guy oh my goodness that's so crazy so look this guy can pop balloons because Pat busty grabs them and brings them closer I did not know that so look when he grabs them okay well I guess I can't grab them anymore cuz then that this guy's gonna shoot him because technically the balloons are in range I'm just gonna I'm just gonna deal with it anyways okay look he he takes out fortified strands with one punch let's boost it used it that's so funny that he that it attacks those balloons I mean it looks like he's only popped eight thousand I mean eight thousand is a lot of balloons but it could be worse so every time he brings them closer so I really don't stand a chance there but I mean it is what it is there we go I just want to take out those Moab's wait what where's the B F BB the b.a.p still there what what just happened I have no idea it literally pulled it BFP out of the air there's no ABS wait what where did the bf this game is starting to glitch Pat bus to you is never supposed to have this much range oh wait I have to turn on auto start again I don't need game hints dude we're literally breaking the game right now he only picked up all of them I guess there's not a limit to how many he can pick up I have no idea okay let's see can he grab multiple oh my god he picked up all of them wait does he just grab everything that's in his radius I think he grabs everything that's in his radius and normally that wouldn't be such a big deal but is that is that true big screws can grab several big balloons at once it just says several but I just grabbed more than several so I don't know I don't know maybe all the boost makes it so we can pick up more I don't know it doesn't make sense I actually have no idea all right we're at around 74 we're doing pretty good so far I keep punching the balloons boost them all right can we get up boost there okay there we go we're doing pretty good so far I don't want to have to I didn't want to grab the B of B first because all the ceramics would have gotten by and that's that's not look the same thing happened again it's a glitch it says he grabs it but he doesn't the game's like really bugging out this game does not like Pat busting having this much range he was never supposed to be this powerful look at him swing and just miss everything okay just keep going here let's see how many of these things I can grab let's grab all these okay soon as they're all in range and boom I mean it wasn't all of them okay let's try it again I mean oh no some balloons got by but it's okay alright let's boost them and I grab the balloons okay I have no idea what's even happening right now as soon as we get a chance we're gonna now he grabbed all of them he grabbed all of them that was insane that's so many okay can we oh no I probably should have done that oh we lost some lives but it's okay some most of them were destroyed so we're doing okay I like how we gained five lives I think those five lives might have saved me there we go take out all the ceramic balloons how many you see pops 200,000 he's doing crazy work now guys who did what hero should i ultra boost next tell me in the comment section down below alright keep boosting him keep doing our thing oh no here comes here it comes rallying roar there we go I love when a bunch of balloons drop and he just goes to town there we go like these ceramics don't stand a chance I don't think any number of like ceramic can get by he just a pet he attacks too quickly he attacks way too quickly to ever care there you go this this is the part that becomes tedious there we go I don't like other village-like attacks things that's kind of annoying all right round 80s up next get ready we're suitors round eighties up okay that's gonna be recharged and that's that pretty much max I'm saving all my power-ups here we go you get all these rainbows look at this pops like they're going through the roof okay keep going keep going we're doing it believe okay I'm grabbing all the balloons right now okay there we go and grab them all again okay grabbing all the balloons is so satisfying okay there we go we got to push some of these bad boy back we don't want all of them and grab them both thank you okay there we're able to deal with them all right here comes the zOMG get ready alright so as soon as it gets to like right there I'm gonna just ultra boost like crazy everything anything goes and go okay I used everything go hit it as soon as he hits it it's gonna be crazy he just annihilate sit wait and I just absorb him oh he can't hit them there honestly I was a little disappointed at how powerful he is he wasn't as powerful as I wanted him to be but he is still pretty awesome what do you guys think let me know in the comments section down below what hero or tower should I do next with the god boosted series thanks for watching I love you guys I'll see you guys later bye everyone whoa
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 284,039
Rating: 4.8986053 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons TD 6 Pat Fusty, BTD 6 Pat Fusty, BTD 6 hero, Bloons TD 6 hero, god, god boosted pat fusty, god boosted hero, ultra boosted hero, tewtiy, gaming, mobile gaming, iphone, iphone gaming, tewtiy bloons td 6, tower, defense, google play store, app store
Id: wFCw8458kWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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