Stroke and death after Moderna

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well War welcome to this talk Thursday the 16th of may now this is the paper I want to look at today uh this is fatal postco mRNA vaccine Associated cerebral esia cerebral of course is to do with the the brain uh eskia is lack of blood supply and fatal uh means uh I think you probably know what fatal means this could not be a more serious uh report so let's look at it and be careful and we'll give you the information from the report and you can think say what decide what what you think it means now um we'll look off we'll start off with a few pictures first of all so this is from uh the uh this journal here the uh the neuro hospitalist so to do with Neurology and things like that now this is the article here uh fatal postco mRNA vaccine Associated sober lemia now this was the brain scan now I apologize for the resolution it's all we've got from the uh from the PDF but that was the relatively normal-ish I think there is some changes in it but you can't really see it this resolution brain scan there but then this patient this was it eight days later and you can see that this whole part of the brain doesn't look right uh at all so that was just within an day period there's another one there this top scan was on admission and this one was after an 8-day period in a very pathological looking scan for example you can see a bit of ventricle there but not on the not on the other side um now this was one of the blood vessels I think in what you call the lepto meninges uh so the lepto meninges are the um the uh well the meninges are in three layers the duror arachnoid Mater and pior surrounding the brain and the spinal cord and the lepto njes is the two inner ones the arachnoid meter and the pier meter and this this is the blood vessel here now again the resolution is not brilliant but what we're seeing is lots of white cells lymphocytes I think these were around about the blood vessel so quite abnormal situation and and here this is a blood vessel here and here we see organizing blockage so that's the wall of the blood vessel and then all this bit in the middle is is the uh is the organized occlusion of the blood vessel that shouldn't um shouldn't be there so really quite really quite significant pathology that we're looking at there now let's get down to the details and uh where there we are um so key words here covid-19 madna vaccine this is the madna vaccine we're talking about here uh cerebral edema edema is fluid and swelling uh neurology study of the N disease of the nervous system and Stroke Of course part of the brain being uh cut off from its blood supply now this is the full reference here uh that the authors like us to put in so we'll put it there Department of Neurology Harvard Medical School uh Boston so uh part of the Harvard uh Medical School group good that they're reporting on this now background Venus thrombosis have been linked to several covid vaccines as we know so that's not really new uh but here we describe a case of postna covid-19 vaccine arterial infar so arterial infar so the arteries take blood to a particular part of the body so that will be an artery there and that's the part of the body they taking the blood to if there's a blockage here like a blood clot there then the infar is this area cut off from this blood supply that would be the infarct and of course if that's the brain that's going to be a stroke with vaccine Associated cortical diffus cortical edema in other words there was edema that was in many different parts it's diffuse cortical edema throughout the brain swelling throughout the brain that was complicated by refractory intracranial hypertension so uh intra cranial means within the bones of the skull intracranial and hypertension means the blood pressure the pressure there is too high so there's there's high pressure inside the cranial Cav so the cerebos spinal fluid inside the cranial cavity that's supposed to have a particular pressure if that's too high that is a cranial hypertension high blood High um fluid pressure inside the brain and refractory means it didn't respond to any treatment and they tried everything all the Medical Treatments they tried uh and they didn't work so they couldn't get the um high blood pressure or the high pressure rather in the brain down um case summary 24 hour after receiving her first dose of the madna vaccine 30-year-old woman developed severe headache 3 weeks later she ad submitted with Subacute headache and confusion so headache maybe not quite as severe but she became confused um Imaging initially showed scattered cortical thrombosis that was the first one we saw so brain Supply lots of little blood clots in the vessels supplying the brain with an elevated opening pressure on Lumber puncture so when they did a lumber so what happens here is the um the um where we got the cerebros spinal fluid goes round about the brain and it goes down the spinal cord as well so when you do a lumber puncture if the cerebos spinal fluid's at high pressure there's a high pressure down in the spine as well from the cerebros spinal fluid it's called cerebros spinal because it goes around the cerebrum and around the uh part of the spinal cord as well um and uh an external ventricular drain was placed so the ventricles there these are the fluid field gaps in the brain they put a drain in there but again that didn't work as well as they'd wanted to but she continued to have elevated intracranial pressure so the pressure stayed High ultimately she required a hemic craniotomy so otomy means opening into Hemi means half and the Cranium is the bones of the skull so it sounds like what they did here was they actually to try and get the pressure down they actually took away some of the side of the bone over the skull to try and get the pressure down pretty drastic pretty drastic stuff but sadly to uh no avail unfortunately pathology was consistent with thrombosis and Associated inflammatory response the conclusion um through correlation uh her medical team surmised the MRNA vaccine may have contributed to this presentation so is this just coincidence but a medical team surmised the being very cautious here that the MRNA vaccine may have contributed to this presentation uh from what I've said let me know what you think so it may have contributed towards it my might have just been an appalling coincidence the side effects of covid-19 uh infection and vaccination are still in completely understood that's true uh though complications are rare clinicians should be aware of presentations like this one they say um rare of course is a somewhat relative term now a bit more information for those that want it uh this patient had uh prior symptomatic covid-19 infection 3 months earlier so if she'd had infection 3 months earlier you and me might think she had high levels of natural immunity and vaccine would no longer be indicated especially that she was a young woman but the vaccine was given anyway and this is a big part of the problem here these These are group protocols everyone's given the same treatment in this case the vaccine um regardless of looking at the IND idual now I I I I I think that there should be a ban on all vaccines until we know uh with much more certainty their effects and uh adverse reactions but even if you don't go that far then surely would be should be giving these vaccines on individualized bespoke basis not for everyone because this person had just had the infection just had the infection therefore would probably have high levels of natural immunity at 24 hours after the first dose of the MRNA covid vac vacine madna developed severe uh atypical throbbing bifrontal headache so an unusual throbbing head uh pain over the front of her head by frontal but but left and right side headaches are very typical she hadn't had headaches in the past so this was new uh if it was not the vaccine it was a very unfortunate coincidence 24 hours 24 hours after first dose of the MRNA covid-19 vaccine madna 24 hours after might be nothing to do with it of course but that was the temporal correlation 3 weeks after vaccination developed blood vision and confusion again B frontal headache with photophobia so fear of the light the light was irritating her Lumber punction punction has revealed lots of lymphocytes lymphocytosis so lots of lymphocytes as we saw on the um on the pathology slide on uh on that one I think they were lymph asites there around about the uh around about the blood vessel to the meninges um and of course we would assume that that sample was obained obtained uh afterwards broad spectrum antibio antimicrobial cover was started so just in case it was infection gave her lots of broad spectrum antibiotics didn't help uh her mental state actually worsened later that evening actually got worse left hemiparesis so weakness down the left side of the body indicating of course the right side of the brain was uh affected one of the weird things is it's the uh so the left side of the body is paralyzed it's the right side of the brain that's affected which appears to be the situation in This Woman's uh case elevated D dier showing that she had blood plots that's a standard test um CSF soos spinal fluid culture and PCR testing returned negative so it looks like there wasn't an active infection this is an immunological reaction by the looks of it there wasn't an active infection intracranial pressure remained refractory to maximum medical management in other words they just couldn't get it down refractory the treatments were not working they tried deep sedation they tried paralysis they tried hypothermia none of it worked uh prompting a right decompressive Hemi craniotomy as we said pretty drastic thing I'm pretty sure that will mean removal of part of the the bones on the side of the skull the patient expired from refractory cereal edema they could not treat the accumulation of fluid around the brain in and around the brain brain autopsy showed infiltrates of lymphocytes cd8 and CD4 so these are the T helper cells uh they're the CD4 and these are other lymphocytes here the cd8s I think those are the cytotoxic cells I think um anyway the lymphocytes that shouldn't be there in association with intravascular thrombi so in the blood vessels blood clots inside the vessels fungi and bacterial strains are negative so they eliminated that form of infection diffuse endothelial damage and vessel wall inflammation so diffuse means all over the place endothelial that's the lining of the blood vessels damage and vessel wall inflammation so damage to the uh inside of the blood vessels and vessel wall inflammation so the lining and the walls of the vessels both with uh inflammatory changes suggesting an un underlying prothrombotic State and t- cell inflammatory response prothotic State more likely to get the blood clots te- cell tea cells inducing the inflammatory response by the looks of that the arterial infar in this case is likely to be related to a prothotic state likelihood of making blood clots due to the large volume of infarction it was a huge area of the brain affected as we saw the patient was not started on anticoagulation after extensive discussion of the risks versus potential benefits so in Strokes of course in the early stages you often give anticoagulants to increase the blood flow through the brain but if if a stroke is established so if this part of the brain is blocked off from its blood supply then that part of the brain will start to die but of course the blood vessels will start to as well because there there's no blood supply going through the brain so that means if you give anticoagulants the blood could start flowing through damaged blood vessels and it would just leak out into the brain causing potentially catastrophic cerebral hemorrhage which is why the decided against presumably why they decided against anti-coagulation in summary administration of covid-19 vaccine was considered a possible cause possible cause of the extensive multi local arterial thrombosis with Associated inflammatory response and elevated intracranial pressure given the temporal Association within 24 hours the uh mechanism for uh initial elevation in in cranial pressure is not known but may be related to terrible Auto regulatory changes in the setting of cortical microvascular thrombosis in in other words um what what they're saying is here they don't know quite why the uh the pressure inside the brain was high the initial elevation in inter cranial pressure but may be related to cerebral Auto regulatory changes so normally there's an auto regulation the brain regulates its own blood supply and if the uh if the blood vessels were damaged if there's changes uh in the settings of the cortical small blood vessels due to uh thrombosis then the brain couldn't regulate its own blood supply I think is all that means so uh it looked like a bit of a downward spiral now um just close with a few words from Dr Peter McCulla from his substack which I put the link to there uh suspected uh un unexpected serial adverse reactions such as this would have put a pause on the entire study and an investigation into why this happened and a call for risk mitigation measures to prevent the same comp a from happening to more subjects had it been in a clinical trial so are we prepared to put up with more adverse reactions now that these things are kind of been more widely released than we were in the clinical trials seems a bit strange the reason I find this so concerning is that the madna happens to be Mna mRNA vaccines there's plans to produce them on on a Hu huge scale uh Oxford Hardwell Science Park new Factory being built I don't know what stage it's at but I believe it's under construction now going to make 250 million doses a year same in Australia new plant 100 million doses a year or more Canada another plant to make another 100 million doses a year Maryland of course in the states different countries the whole the British government has signed a deal with madna to produce as we say 250 million doses of these vaccines a year we're committed to buying them as far as I understand it and yet um these adverse re actions and of course you don't get a more serious adverse re action than this one um than that one um I think this program should be paused until we know much much more than we know now but unfortunately um corporate and governmental governmental entities seem to be forging ahead um if there are trials for these new mRNA vaccines that are coming out I won't be volunteering big scale little data as far as I can see and much of the data we do have is not what we'd like it to be check out the paper for yourself all the links are there full PDF freely available on that study thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 862,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: OLD3JIWqr6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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