My Health Is Slowly Declining...And I Have No Answers For 4 Years (My Post Covid Vaccine Story)

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hello everybody so this video has been going through my mind for the past 4 years whether I should make it or basically not put it out because I've been trying so hard basically to sort everything out that's been going through my life right now uh with this whole situation um and I've just been really focused on that but I had to make this video because um I feel like it'll help other people that are hopefully going through the same problem that I'm going through with all this and I really hope it just is kind of informational for everybody and maybe someone out there as well too can maybe even you know God willing know exactly what's going on with me or has maybe gone through something similar so I'm going to get started and kind of just talk about how everything started uh with my covid long with my covid LGH hauling uh Journey um and more in the case of the fiser vaccine as well um that I believe is probably the root cause of everything that exacerbated it probably more including my co infection um but let me go back to where it all began so um first off my name is Andreas guys and I am currently 29 years old um and back in September of 2021 I believe that's when I got my two doses of the fiser vaccine and I'll never forget that night because I went to I believe a local Walmart to get my vaccine um and nothing really out of the ordinary happened after I got both of them the trip home was fine but when I sat down to or like not sat down but like when I went to go lay down and get ready for bed um that's when all of a sudden the immense pain in my lower left uh elbow area right about here um happened and it felt like someone was stabbing me with Like a 12in Knife that's the only way I can describe that excruciating pain um um that I was going through and at that moment I was almost freaked out where I was like I need to go to the ER because this seems abnormal um this seems you know I've never felt a pain like this ever in my life and I was telling my mom I was like I I got to go to the ER like I'm I'm going to go and my mom was getting like panicked a little bit obviously too cuz she saw I definitely didn't look right and [Music] um at that point I told myself all right maybe I have to calm down I have to calm down you know like maybe it's I'm making it worse too like you know stressing out and everything else now with it but um a couple of minutes later it calmed down um and the pain stopped um but then I remember waking up the next day um lying on my stomach um after I did fall to sleep that night um the pain did stop uh where I was able to sleep and um very regretfully I did not go to the ER which I do regret now I feel like um but I woke up the next day with basically a pain and a throbbing sensation in my lower left abdomen right above the rib cage uh by the stomach and at that point I was like H I was like that's weird maybe I don't know maybe I'm just have like I don't know some stomach problem or stomach ache right it'll go it'll surely pass like within like an hour or a little bit of time right um I went out for our walk I remember uh actually to go take a walk to see if I could just you know maybe you know it's some all from last night in my head you know some stress right and then it kept persisting and persisting um I remember that day when I came home after walking for a bit and I was like this is very weird I was like my stomach was throbbing I remember I it felt like a burning sensation if that makes any sense um and like an irritation feeling too where like I it felt like where the exact spot was it felt very irritated um if that made any sense to you guys and that's when I went to the ER so I went to the ER um and the first thing the doctors you know I described to them everything like I just did um I didn't have any other symptoms at the time but you know obviously the oh you know it's probably something stomach related they gave me um they did a CT of my abdomen um with contrast I believe it was an iodine based contrast if I'm not mistaken that's usually what they give you for CTS I'm not I'm pretty sure it wasn't gatal linium based cuz that's more of the MRI side from my knowledge with all this um and they obviously thought it was something stomach related yeah they had no clue that was in 2021 by the way too so like covid knowledge and just protocols were all over the place still and they still are now and like and it's just I can't even blame them cuz I only had those symptoms at the time and I remember after I took the CT they found nothing wrong obviously out of the ordinary with the CT everything was perfect um blood test was fine obviously um what else was done I'm trying to remember I was given I think like a a concoction they give you like to like kind of numb stomach pain or something in the hospital it's like a I think it uses uh lidocaine something else like a couple other stuff I forget what it is um but I remember at the hospital after I had the CT with the contrast and I went to go urinate um my kidney on the left side when I was urinating felt literally like it was about to burst that's what it felt like um the pain was so immense when I was urinating it felt like my whole left side was on fire especially my kidney and the amount of pain that I was going through while I was urinating on my kidney side it felt like I was almost going to like kind of collapse if that makes any sense to you guys um but after I finished urinating I came out of the uh bathroom went back into my uh like room where the nurse was and I told him was like Hey I was like when I was in the bathroom urinating like I felt like my kidney I said was in extreme extreme pain and at the time the nurse like just was like oh that's I told him is that normal he said yeah he's like with the contrast you know it can happen I guess or something like that and he kind of just said that and just walked away and like I was like okay I mean maybe it was Me Maybe passing the contrast is pretty normal or something like that in my head um didn't really think about it after that cuz nothing else persisted uh with my kidneys thank God like um where it kept persisting the pain or anything like that um went home uh and felt fine at that time for a bit but then I would say about a couple days later is when everything else uh kind of surfaced the digestive problems happened oh I forgot to mention actually back the night when the first night when I was having the throbbing pain I had extreme diarrhea actually at that time where um it was almost nonstop I remember that night um along with the throbbing pain in my stomach as well um but that leads now me going fast forward again after the hospital now I was having abnormal uh bowel movements at the time I was having um that's when all of the muscle twitching the fasiculations started to appear over my body especially in the joints um the thing is everything slowly slowly progressed where uh it was mostly the stomach pain the left side of my body um the from the arm to the left side of my chest all the way down to the left side of my abdomen all the way down to the left side of my leg um especially on the inner side of the thigh um where the joint is on the side of the knee uh is probably one of the worst spots on my body I would say um with this my feet are now are definitely worse uh than any part of my body I get the most uh twitching articulations in my body uh in my feet especially the bottom of my feet the calves um the joints especially um my joints uh the only thing I can describe it as is it feels like my joints are swollen but they don't appear swollen my tendons feel like um they're extremely brittle if that makes any sense when I flex my legs or walk now or uh move around like I normally used to just doesn't feel the same uh like it did anymore and my overall Mobility has definitely suffered I would say now where some days I it feels like I'm almost limping on my left side um and can barely move around it feels like um and I try to avoid it as much as I can now uh that's because just of how everything feels and this is where I'll get into um how I've been going to countless doctors since this all happened uh pretty much every doctor you could think of Under the Sun that I've been working with uh through this process um I've gone to countless G gastroenterologists um in the beginning they obviously went down the rabbit hole you know maybe it's something you know gastro related obviously I got an endoscopy I got a colonoscopy um nothing abnormal was found except two key markers that I feel like are very crucial that other doctors have overlooked when I had my endoscopy they found this was very early on so I got the endoscopy just a couple of weeks after the hospital um visit I believe or maybe a month later and a half um where they did find signs of gastritis so I'm not a doctor but from my deduction gastritis is a form of inflammation uh of the stomach lining and that might not seem like something you know related right but with the problems I was having I was like oh maybe that's the source of everything the reason why I'm having all these abnormal issues maybe it's just the gastritis irritating my system and then causing these other issues um I took antibiotics uh I believe uh no sorry no no that's for something else actually I'm getting confused I'm jumping ahead um they prescrib me sorry F Modine obviously which is prescribed for gastritis um and that's meant to inhibit the acid production in the stomach and kind of lessen it so so the stomach lining heals and gets better over time um when I was taking that the stomach problems did improve slightly I would say um and in the beginning through this whole process during that time I was unable to eat certain foods it felt like when I was digesting I was having extremely extremely low motility and digestion if that makes any sense um I feel like it also reflected in my bowel movement as well too like I know this is a lot of guys to talk about but I feel like it all really uh the amount of everything like now in sequential order really I feel like will maybe help I don't know maybe even now like with this video maybe doctors can even like listen to this instead of me actually telling them because I'm kind of documenting everything uh sequential but the primary thing was my whole system felt felt like it was dysfunctional if that makes any sense my digestive system my nervous system my muscular system as well was affected um and the point I am now I would say is every single doctor I've went to has literally told me to my face at this point because I've done every test Under the Sun I've done MRI of the brain cervical spine um nothing has been found I've done countless rheumatological blood tests with my rheumatologist um you know for signs of inflammation uh anywhere in the body nothing has been found um and the thing is when I when I've recommended other tests to the doctors saying like hey you know we haven't explored this uh you know a b or c still even though we've done you know these other tests I would like to do these other test it's just been like complete gaslighting and like just getting shunned by the medical system as well too through this whole process has been so so difficult I would say and the thing is coming from me where I've been like healthy my whole life and then the complete 180 of everything has changed my whole life now where it's like daily life has been a a struggle every day now for me and it's like the unknown is probably the worst part through this whole process that it's basically like I have a disease or syndrome that is undetermined for the past four years um at this point and the only thing that's that I've been led to literally by my doctor's uh own mouths has been the vaccine or Co itself because now after the initial point of the early visits of doctors in 2021 I would say to like late 2021 um they had no clue what was going on and at that point I was bringing up during even that time too that you know can it be you know from my vaccine because of the adverse reaction that I felt from it um that I I I believed was the trigger cause and then everything also was leaning towards immune system relation because of the symptoms I was having um you know the muscle fasiculations the nerve problems um early on and then the culmination of all the tests that I did that were coming up you know uh with you know perfect results no vitamin deficiencies no B vitamin deficiencies um nothing abnormal with the MRIs and the thing is now my I would say two doctors or three doctors have pointed their fingers towards the covid fizer vaccine because they've been seeing other people like me as well um with similar symptoms unexplained um and the thing is my neurologists and other neurologists that I've seen have been saying that there's been countless countless people with neurological side effects from either covid contamination itself or the vaccines in general and I remember the the the first night I that came to this realization was after I went to the hospital um with extreme pain in my left leg uh that I was saying that like you know do I have uh something going on with my leg I need to get it checked out right away because the the pain was so immense I couldn't deal with it anymore on the left side of my leg that day I went into the ER they prescribed an ultrasound for the left side of my leg um and the nurse that was handling my ultrasound I literally had told her that all my problems I said felt like they were leading towards you know Co or vaccine and I [ __ ] you not guys the nurse literally looked at me she like looked over her shoulders kind of like this and she came in closer to me while she was performing the ultrasound and she said literally from her mouth she was like I'm not supposed to really um like talk about this she said she's like cuz no one wants to listen to me and I think she was referring to literally probably doctors I would say or colleagues in the hospital and she literally told me she was she this is verbatim she was like the covid vaccine or Co itself has been causing so many problems she said in people my age and everything in between every age she said that she's been seeing come through the ER and then she just left it at that and she didn't talk anymore and at that moment in time that's when I knew I was like I was dealing with something much deeper than what I expected um because it's been 4 years now and I've had no diagnosis I've had no breakthrough I've had I've almost hit a brick wall I would say now um but I'm going to get to it guys I have some hope left because I've found a doctor that uh specializes in I would say people like me at this point um and is dealing with the Forefront of probably the aftermath I would say of covid postco the era we're living in now and then post vaccine as well I would say and I just want to tell you guys out there that you're not crazy because I was told to many times that I you know I had anxiety I've it's it's something related to anxiety it's something related to stress sure 100% I age agree those can exacerbate any anything that like any problem that you have 100% can make it worse but I've lived my whole life I would say with no anxiety no stress before I've gone through worse stress in my life and I've never had symptoms like this persist longer for four years um with no key uh I would say um marker uh proving what it was or if it was actually stress obviously it's hard to prove right I mean in terms of that but I've had tests that have so I've had tests that have shown very slight I believe crucial things like I said which was one my endoscopy that showed gastritis which is a form of inflammation my MRI was my two MRIs that I've done of my brain and cervical spine have come back with not much to say really um from multiple doctors that have looked at it saying it looks like a perfectly normal MRI except for I believe a couple of very very small lesions um that were deemed like you know sure we have to monitor them right over time and uh I remember I got my MRI I think in 2022 my first MRI and then I got another one in 2023 I forget when exactly um I have to look it up but I know I got them space based out about a year apart roughly and there was not much change within the year so usually that's what they look for they look for a change right you know within that point of time um but like I said I was dealing with almost food intolerances in my digestive system I would eat certain foods and it seemed like it would make my system way way worse where I had massive burping in the beginning uh and gas bloating um the sensation felt like I could literally feel the gas traveling through my intestines if it made any sense and what this is leading to eventually um I'll let you guys obviously let me just talk a little more I'll let you guys obviously see after um I speak about it but basically at that point in time I had explored uh what was it so many different things with my gastroenterologist at the time um that's when I had my colonoscopy after cuzz I was like I had I had no clue I was hitting a brick wall I was like maybe it's something with my colon right uh cuz that's what was recommended to me by the doctors obviously I didn't know any better I just did the test at that point um and nothing was found except for a one apparently insignificant lesion as well again too in my colon um that was apparently they were saying it's maybe it's the the prep that I took uh or something like that as well um and after that that's when I had a doctor and get this I was at that office for the gastroenterologist I had went through like four I think I believe four gastroenterologists because three of them left the office which is insane like within the amount of time like within like 2 or 3 weeks that I was visiting and seeing the first gastroenterologist I found out he's gone from the office I come back again the other doctor there that I saw once and was looking to see again completely gone like within a 2 we span and then finally this third doctor now that's still been there for about a year and a half that I've been working with um he recommended he was the first doctor that recommended for me to do a small intestinal BAC IA overgrowth test or sibo which is what it's called and when I did that lo and behold it came back positive that I had small intestinal bacteria overgrowth so once again guys I know this is very long-winded video I hope I can make this kind of cut down and clear the points but um after that confirmation that I had with the small intestinal bacteria overgrowth the doctor prescribed antibiotics to basically kill off the bacteria in my system and then repopulate my gut biome with healthy bacteria to get it back to a normal Point basically because if you don't know what small intestin bacteria does is it's basically your whole gut biome is replaced by an overgrowth of bacteria that are basically bad bacteria that are affecting your whole intestinal tract and what it does is when you eat certain Foods uh it basically transforms those Foods into gases or like you like very sugary stuff uh you'll obviously notice that your whole system will have massive amount of gas um bloating um you can even have malabsorption because the bacteria is like eating all of the nutrients basically from the food in your system um and it's definitely not a good time 100% um because it just completely causes your system you know like almost like a shock to your digestive system and once I uh supposedly whatever took the Regiment of anti antibiotics I did feel better at the time um and I was taking that in tandom with probiotics um and after that whole ordeal um I started I was able to start eating food that I used to eat very slowly um and then fast forward to now I would say I've gotten much much better than what I was in the beginning with this but I don't feel 100% still I would say I'm at like 60% of what I used to eat uh I can tolerate now like normal foods that you would eat whether it's like you know like your Chipotle your you know uh once an occasional fast foods like Taco Bell which I try to stay away from as much now but fortunately you know it's it's it is what it is these days is you know you can't always eat extremely healthy you know it's just the way it is and like the amount of stress I would say that goes with not being able to eat the foods that you used to and it's just been a whole shell shock for me I would say because the 180 change uh was really uh I would say shocking and life-changing for me that I went from perfectly healthy to completely completely changed within a blink of an eye and thankfully now I'm at a I would say a little bit better with that but now the thing that I'm mostly struggling with I would say now has been the neurological uh problems throughout my body uh whether it's the neuropathy the nerve pain the extreme fatigue that I experience uh throughout the day especially at night and in the mornings um the extreme pain in my joints um the muscle twitching the fasiculations that don't seem to stop uh at all and it seems like I have periods of like everything seem seeming like it's calmed down to a point um and then I'll have like a a really bad flare up like I've been having for the past week I would say um where the symptoms are Amplified um and like I've said I've had not a single doctor um really figure out or pinpoint I've about only vague uh really finger pointing to the vaccine and then I've had one doctor really Advocate advocate for me and really say that it's um I've had doctors really Point their fingers really uh I would say at the vaccine um I've had my rheumatologist literally verbatim told me do not get any other booster shots cuz I could possibly die or have even worse adverse effects with the way my immune system was or reacted to it he said and this is a doctor that works in NYU langone it's not just a random doctor that like you know is a random rumatologist he's a certified rumatologist and I mean that doesn't mean anything right with the [ __ ] medical system but I mean for a doctor when did any doctor right ever for any vaccines ever explicitly tell you not to get a vaccine I feel like cuz my whole life I've been getting um you know like flu vaccines my whole life never had a single problem never had a single day of issues never had a single sickness ever happen from vaccine or any weird feelings but I saw the DraStic change after I had the fiser vaccine and then now fast forward again to now it's I'm stuck with just the unknown and the medical system has just been so difficult working with um and I've been shunned so many times when I've brought up that all my problems feel like they are covid related or vaccine related I've had doctors literally walk out on the room on me uh basically after I remember I was at an eye doctor getting my eyes checked because my vision feels like it's not up to where it used to be um that makes any sense I've had basically consistent eye floaters um since day one um with this and visual disturbances I would say uh something that I can describe as visual noise in my vision kind of like TV static um and I've had I've been to couple of eye doctors and the first eye doctor I went to I remember when I when he checked my eyes he was like yeah everything's good nothing out out of the ordinary your optic nerve is fine everything else looks fine uh within your you know your eye with the you know it's itself and everything um no euvitis or anything like that no inflammation of the optic nerve right which I was worried about concerned about um apparently um and then when I remember at the end I was like have you seen anybody with I think I told them covid related issues with the eyes complaining about blurry vision um eye floaters anything like this his literal words out of his mouth were nope I haven't seen anything like that and then just gets up walks out the room doesn't even say goodbye have a good day doesn't even say anything just gets up walks out the room like even the assistant that was there was like looked like she was like even like oh okay and then I just got up and walked out as well too like what am I going to do at that point like like he just doesn't even want to stay there like and listen to what I have to say at all um and at that point I knew I was like I have no help from the medical system it feels like and I was just on my own and it feels like that's still now because um I've had probably two doctors that I've really uh kind of been concerned I would say and actually have listened to me and ironic Al that doctor has been a podiatrist out of all the doctors all of all the doctors that you would think that are more serious like right sure I mean don't get me wrong podiatrists and like are amazing what they do and like it's the thing is like a neurologist a rheumatologist that are much more serious conditions it seems like they're just more like they're in the unknown as well with all this is like I can't even blame the medical system at times because they have no clue of what exactly is going on now with the phenomenon that I'm experiencing and the the problem that I'm going through and other people are like me that I've going through because the whole process you know I've been just seeing personal stories of other people that have been going through literal similar word to like word for word uh scenarios that I've gone through with everything all the symptoms that I've had um the amount of doctor visits they've gone through to B basically rule out so many different diseases and problems that they thought they had like I did um with all of this and the thing is the waiting game is probably the worst and then the unknown with all this and the stress that I've gone through and the mental and physical anguish has just been nothing like I've experienced ever in my life and it's just been too stressful and for everybody out there that's been going through through everything you're not crazy you're not psychotic it's definitely real because I've had doctors tell me to my face that all the problems I'm going through are real they've seen the festic um in person I've had the doctors see them in person I've had the doctors uh they've had the culmination of my medical history uh now with all my tests and they're as perplexed as I am at this point and now again fast forward again now to my current situation as I put this video out it's um what month are we in I'm like sometimes I get confused even month we in um that we're in May so when I put this video out it's May uh 2nd and I still have no prognosis or diagnosis of my situation I've been dealing with the immense amount of joint pain and body pain body aches the nerve pain the neuropathy the muscle twitching the fasiculations the vision problems still um and everything has kind of been consistent I would say through this whole Pro uh ordeal for the past four years I haven't had anything really really uh scary happen like you know God forbid you know through this whole problem um where I've had seizures I've had anything like passing out anything very very life-threatening I haven't had um through this thank God I would say but now I'm at a point where I've almost hit my breaking point I want to say because it's like now it's like I've been going through this unknown disease or whatever it is if if it's been overlook and I have something who knows like something just regular right that's been overlooked and missed by all of these doctors and like they've completely not have done their right tests um and I haven't you know pinpointed exactly what it is um exactly like you know what my scenario is and it's happened too many times other people and personal people that I know as well with the medical system and now I have an appointment uh with a doctor that specializes in he's in the co long hauling clinic in NYU and he specializes in infectious diseases um and I feel like at this point if he doesn't know what I'm going through or what it is I have really no more hope I would say left at that point because that's like the last resort doctor I feel like that I'm seeing that would have some answers I would assume because he works in a netw workk with other doctors that you could think of every single type whether it's rheumatologists neurologists digestive doctors um General Practitioners it's a whole network of doctors basically and he is the head of the infectious diseases in NYU I believe or one of the the doctors that like in the Forefront of it and I'm assuming he's probably seen the abnormal I would say during the whole Co process he's probably seen everything from severe to the lighter case to the in between I would assume right that's what I'm hoping so I still have some hope left and my appointment's about a month and a half away obviously with like the way the medical system has been man it's just like you're stuck suffering for like you know you have so many problems and like when you go to see like a specialist or a doctor I understand there's countless hundreds of thousands of people waiting to see the same doctor and I understand but it's like you're stuck just with the waiting game and then like the worst part like I said for me has been the unknown with the waiting game combined of me waiting to get seen me waiting to get some answers and the whole process has just been I don't know how I've been dealing with it honestly guys but I I don't wish this upon anybody um and I hope this video has helped a little bit for people that have been going through the same scenario I hope as me because I know there's other people out there from what I've seen and what I've read uh personal stories very descriptive personal stories of people going through this um even people celebrities as well uh and people uh that are you know uh even YouTube uh um content creators have gone through this if you guys look up the physics girl on YouTube you could look at her story that she went through with just Co contamination in her life after it it's I 100% believe Co is the culprit of my problems or the vaccine itself or a combination of the two if all of my tests you know now have come back you know without any markers or anything s you know really signifying that it's something right like that is normally tested for that I've been tested for at this point my only assumption and my only um real I would say me determining like everything of what's causing everything is that's the only thing that I could think of logically right at this point and the thing is I've had doctors also tell me as well too countless doctors saying that it is it 100% could definitely be that because they've seen it firsthand um and at this point it's just a waiting game and I really hope now how long I've waited the permanent damage that my body has either taken or have is just like it's so scary to think of at the same time um that I know my life will never be the same again after this and it's just it's just too uh I would say too much to really think about and I'm trying hard not to uh you know in the passing days um easier said than done obviously um but it's just it's been something so insurmountably unexplainable I would say that the doctors I've had doctors literally look at me like they they're completely scratching their heads clueless and then I get sent to other doctors and passed around like a piece of meat or passed around like an Olympic baton in a relay race to like you know well I don't know what's going on with you exactly I've looked over your medical history I see the symptoms that you're going through I see everything uh it's very real 100% possibility it could be the covid vaccine I've seen other people with similar scenarios like you I've been told um and it's like well here's another doctor go give them a call and see if they can help you I have no clue what to do man uh you know and then the thing is like when I recommend such simple tests um whether it's like a vision test um MRIs with uh angiography to map the blood vessels have been like shut down it's like I need to fight the doctors to get these tests done that's what it feels like it feels like I need to just literally put my foot down and fight the doctors to get these tests done because I've had a doctor recently recommend me a Mr I with contrast which is the gatal linium contrast and at this point in time I was very hesitant to put another uh toxic metal into my body which is gatal lium uh you know Radiologists uh most Radiologists say that it's perfectly fine going through your bloodstream or your body and then it gets naturally detoxed out through your kidneys right and you're perfectly fine nothing to worry about but then if you look at like other documentation of gatal linium contrast and MRIs you start to see the long-term effects from MRI contrasts and CT contrasts whether you're healthy or not like it doesn't matter I believe no heavy metal belongs in the body honestly from my logical and just from scientifical like standpoint that I would rather not get a heavy metal injected into my bloodstream and go through my tissues like at what cost right I was thinking I was like I met my last wits end it's like at what cost I sure I have the the images that are amazing right of my brain and my spine and whatever body parts they take right after with the contrast in my system it's like sure I have the amazing images but it's like what if they find nothing as well too right but I don't know obviously cuz I haven't done it so I wouldn't know but it's like say like they do find the cause of my problem right like the tradeoff of like me getting exposed to the galenium or like so in my case which is I'm concerned because I did some research if the body is in a state of inflammation as well if the blood vessels are already inflamed the galum can definitely seep out from the smaller blood vessels into tissues and into the brain and deposit which is called galum deposition um and there's a couple of other things as well there's so many cases of gatal linium like you can you can look it up for yourselves guys like so many Radiologists also being against gatal lium even as well saying that they have no clue the exact effects of gatal linium so it's like at this point I just don't trust anything whether it's you know I I already put something in my body that I shouldn't have it's like for me again to trust the medical system for me to put something in my body now again is just like I have a bad gut feeling again I was just like no after what happened in the hospital as well too the first time with the contrast I was like no there's Alternatives I know there's Alternatives I told the doctor and the thing is he's like he's like nope I still recommend My First Choice procedure and that was it I left it at that and I just didn't even respond back after I was just like after multiple times telling him I wanted to get it without contrast cuz there's multiple other procedures literally that can map blood vessels without the use of contrast and it's like these doctors push the contrast for MRI patients and it's like I know I get that the contrast gives you the best image quality and the best outcomes cuz it really does map amazing images right but at what cost like and now with my trust for the medical system of me pumping a heavy metal into my bloodstream I was like [ __ ] that [ __ ] that man like at this point I was just like I'd rather right now be tolerable with the problems I have and wa till I go see the other doctor I would say I said uh within a month and a half wait time uh and see what they recommend and I'm going to see my rheumatologist uh in about a month as well before I go see the other doctor I have to gather all of my medical history again once again uh to bring to the main doctor that I'm seeing which is the Infectious Disease doctor at NYU um and yeah that's pretty much I would say my whole uh ordeal I would say with postco or postvaccine uh struggle that I've been dealing with guys and I've kind of kept it hidden um and that's probably why I haven't posted much on my YouTube as well uh from the past couple of videos uh that I've that I've done pretty well with and I was very blessed to have um the amount of you know support that I had on my YouTube channel um and I just haven't been able to content create which I wanted to do on my YouTube channel because this has been hindering my everyday life now um and my work ethic as well and I just overall well-being has been deteriorating I would say throughout this whole ordeal and I hope this video really sheds light for people that have dealing with this and have been really shunned by the medical system um and the thing is to get down to the point of what I have is my ultimate goal um at this point because I really want to know what's going on with me and how I can treat it but the thing is it's like getting a doctor to do that for you is like it's like finding a needle in the Hast stack really because of just the stories I've seen of other people going through the same thing it's almost word for word the same thing the doctors have no clue what it is the doctors have done tests things come back normal um and then there's the other other cases where people have severe God forbid life-threatening issues uh postvaccine postco the brain fog the horrible other neurological problems where there were having extreme brain problems blood clots in the brain this that etc etc like and I'm just blessed that I've been able four years to stay almost like in a I would say like I said I describe it as my battery percent right now is at like 65 to 70% of capacity if that makes any sense and then I always think to myself there's people worse like I said with worse problems that I've had um and at the end of the day now it's like I'm just waiting really to get an outcome and a solution to the problem I've been dealing with and I hope we all do and I hope everyone out there really just uh understands that you're not crazy you're not stupid you're not psychotic 100% this is real there's too many cases of it now and the doctors that I've been seeing like I said have been non-stop talking about it now openly uh to me as well and I've had doctors tell me that it's 100% possible with the stuff they've been seeing as well with similar cases um but yeah guys I hope this video I know it's is really long um I'll try to break it up into Parts but I probably will make some update videos down the road after I go see these doctors hopefully with some answers and uh you guys really take care of yourselves um and hopefully like I said I find some answers and it'll all be uphill again once again and I get my life back on track because it's just been it's been a journey that's what I would say with everything but thank you guys signing off temporarily uh like I said I'll be back uh hopefully with some update videos on my health and you guys take care of yourselves peace
Channel: Dredizzle
Views: 143,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3vwKcF-O-v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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