Cancer types post mRNA vaccines

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today we're going to review a paper published not long ago that documented an unusual case of cancer immediately after vaccination covid-19 vaccination and reason why I wanted to focus on this particular topic is because of uh the author's review of old literature documenting cancer development after vaccination after mRNA vaccination and specifically also what might be the reasons as to why this is actually even being observed so I thought this was super interesting and it also supports the theory that we I in conjunction with other scientists proposed recently and published how mRNA vaccines via their genetic makeup could potentially be contributing to cancer development all right my name is Dr michar rashik of marog genomics and let's get going with this so first of all there's like I always like in science papers there's introduction and introduction provides a really interesting little tidbits of information and in this paper the author or authors I can remember how many were involved introduced this doctor I think the name was something like UT Krueger or something like that anyway the reason why I'm bringing it up is because that doctor apparently introduced the concept of turboc cancers so she might have coined that term but the reason why I mentioned this is because this is actually the first first example of twole cancers being used in a scientific literature that I'm aware of and however when I checked the reference for for that the authors use for this doctor when coining this term it actually wasn't a published paper at all it was a video interview so it's somewhat unprofessional to use a video interview as a reference in scientific literature and by the way in the pandemic I'm seeing this trend more frequently BEC and it might be because of the fact that there was such a heavy-handed censorship of uh what kind of information was allowed to be published in scientific literature that as a consequence it might have actually resulted in this new trend where scientists are using nonscientific references not a professional way to do it but nevertheless I watched the video and the video uh was uh very good so worth checking out uh anyway um the doctor also mentioned that she suspected that the reason why we are seeing this proliferation of Turbo cancers might be because of the spike prot getting inside the nucleus that's an old story right now the paper that actually proposed that has been retracted since I made a video on on that topic it is still the biggest uh most watched video I ever made and it really is the video that helped me launch this channel really but nevertheless and there's other supporting evidence of the that suggest that indeed Spike protein could be getting inside nucleus but it's very weak evidence but nevertheless you can check it out videos of the of that evidence because I'm I made content on that then uh then we move on to the actual well actually the authors also mentioned listen the reason why we don't know anything really is because when the clinical trials were were done they were the actual these gene therapy products the Mr so-called Mr vaccines they were never actually investigated for the capacity of an of uh introducing say mutations in a genetic content or ability to produce cancers and furthermore the clinical trials were ended prematurely because everyone involved in those clinical trials nearly everyone was allowed to vaccinate merely few months after the clinical trials started and therefore we cannot actually we cannot measure the long-term consequences of vac inations which is how you would potentially be able to start determining whether indeed such a procedure was was dangerous for ccer development or not okay so that's that's a problem and then the authors go on to present the case themselves which is what spurred um them producing this article and they presented a case of a a young young woman 30-year-old woman who was very healthy and and um had a athletic lifestyle and who started to have um bad symptoms immediately after second her second shot mRNA shot and the first one was she was fine after the second one literally next day she started to have uh certain symptoms the weird one was like this um neck and jaw lock she was started sweating she started to have like fever um um she um I think she like Tremors and nausea just not feeling good and that it prog rested in uh into even worst case scenario she started to have um insomnia and Hyper sensitivity to light and sound so really unusual cases and eventually she was actually diagnosed with um I think they called it um precursor Bell um Loma so basically um cells cells that are precursor beels and basically those cells were were being um they were they were dividing un controllably so um because of that she was treated with chemotherapy and everything worked out just fine for her so that's great but it also then authors decided to see well how common is this and they checked published literature on this topic and basically what they discovered is that there is so far up to that point and this is recent publication so up to that point of them submitting the paper let's and that usually can take several months between uh submission for publication and when the paper is actually finally allowed to be seen so then within probably the first two to three years um of uh Mass vaccination 28 cases they found 28 published reports of um of cancers after immediately after Mass vaccination and basically out of those 28 26 of them were in uh in either blood or or uh lymph tissues so they refer to them as um he hemato lymphoma cancers so basically affecting either your your lymph lymph nodes lymph liquid and or blood and two of them were solid tumors of these 20 26 affecting blood and and lymph tissues um I think something like nine of them were specifically affecting B cells 11 were affecting uh t- cells additional I think it was six that were affecting myoid line so basically um cell lined that is a precursor to formation of blood and um and uh two more were like I mentioned in solid solid again out of all of those 28 four were in in the actual injection site including one of those solid tumor ones so that's that's also pretty interesting uh one more thing to mention is that most of the these are either leas or leukemias that are being observed and uh basically the difference here is that oh it started to snow great um basically the difference is is the origin right so uh leukemia will originate in a bone marrow versus lymphoma will originate in in lymph nodes but same cell lines could be targeted either way so and the reason why that was of interest to me is because we recently published a paper review where I'm the lead author suggesting that ig4 antibodies could be contributing to cancer as well in their own right and based on historical studies of people with diseases that have elevated ig4 levels we mentioned that that uh leukemias could be like the signature cancers that that need to be uh looked for so we're talking about specifically yeah these type of cell lines being affected so so there is clearly some uh background information this is probably the best review I've seen summarizing all this which is why I wanted to bring this to your attention but how the authors um finalized this was basically giving us suggestions as to what might be causing all of these why are we seeing cancers um after vaccination and by the way some of these show up in very quick like within few days after after vaccination so very rapid onset most of them are are Den noo and that means basically they there was never a history of any kind there was no prior ccer it just shows up out of nowhere type of thing and uh so you can see that there's definitely this suggest that there could be some sort of a causitive effect so now let's talk about the potential causes that the authors proposed because this was a very very fascinating as well so number one they're talking about the potential of uh vaccines inducing these molecules called pd1 on or pdl1 on the surface of uh immune cells we the stand pd1 stand for program death one I talked about this extensively now in multiple videos but basically when you have these molecules on the surface of your of your immune cells it signals these molecules basically to no longer work as effectively so they're going to be shut off this is part of what is referred to this induction of this of the this concept of called t- cell exhaustion so check out some of the past videos where I've talked about this already as well and I went deeply into this topic and my Turbo cancer videos as well all right so that was um the first one the second one was the p possibility of the spike protein of interacting with tumor suppressor proteins so proteins in our body in our cells that normally are supposed to make sure that cancers do not develop hence the the tumor suppressor so p53 protein is one of them braa one is another one or braa 2 so these are important proteins in our body that work in such way to make sure that cancers do not develop and apparently Spike protein there there is now some supporting evidence that Spike protein could be interacting with these proteins and perhaps limiting their proper function okay so there is that element as well number three is um that Mr vaccinations interferes with proper signaling of this important molecule called interference so interferance signaling is suppressed again I went into great deep detail um about this topc in one of my videos where I reviewed how the genetic makeup of vaccines could be leading to cancer so please check that out as well so then next one that they mentioned that I've never discussed yet was this really interesting concept that binding of the spike protein to the A2 receptor can actually trigger cells that have this interaction into certain type of cells into producing this compound con called transformation growth factor and this molecule this transformation growth factor as it name suggests it can induce cells to transform into something else so these cells that actually say are triggered by this molecule can regress in their state so from whatever they are already as a mature developed cell they can regress almost like backwards in their development and to a type of state of cell that would have been seen earlier in the embryonic development and such cells are now have the capacity for example [Music] to grow into to develop into something else and to metastasize so this could help for example create that dangerous negative environment towards cancer and development all right number five is DNA contamination remember there's now some emerging say rumors that that the MRNA vaccines both Mr both Mna and fiser were contaminated with with bacterol plasmic DNA and and while there's still no deep scientific investigation of this that I'm aware of in terms of published literature this suggests that perhaps such DNA contamination could be contributing to to cancer development if such fragments were to insert into our the Genome of our cells in an incorrect place for example and in a place where the genetic code is supposed to code for those tumor suppressor proteins well if you disrupt that code and you destroy production of such proteins again you could be you could be inducing cancer development all right so number six was the IGG for antibodies of course that's my baby and recently I I um did a video of my own review on how igg4 antibodies could be inducing uh cancer development so please check that out and finally number seven is frame shifting I also did a video on frame shifting this is the idea where because of the genetic content of these vaccines how the MRNA is supposed to be translated meaning decoded by the Machinery inside the cell to produce a protein of ventes in this case of course the protein of ventes being the spike protein that can be slipped up and you don't produce Spike protein you produce something completely else some gibberish protein and that could actually cause problems in terms of how information is then being um interpreted so I thought this was a really cool way to to give you a great summary of uh of basically what might be happening with with with Cancers uh post mRNA vaccination uh and if they and it's also one of the first papers that actually talked about like that like we have a lot of anecdotal evidence suggesting that cancers especially turbo cancers are being seen all over the world and that's not really properly documented scientifically so it was nice to actually see some scientific paper at least acknowledging that this at least these rumors do exist and that these oncologists all over the world are are discussing this but really we don't have a very solid yet scientific evidence so this is at least potentially a start of this Trend where we're finally going to be documenting this information in an appropriate manner all right I'm going to wrap it up right here and uh I'm just going to mention that uh please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already please hit that like button please leave a comment what you think and and uh what kind of content you're interested in and also please check out our patreon account as well where we produce additional content that does not make it to the YouTube video and uh wow this might be the last snowfall I'm going to film this year but who knows bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Merogenomics
Views: 379,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrna vaccine cancer, cancers after vaccines, what are most common cancers after mRNA shots, mRNA vaccine lymphoma, mRNA vaccine leukemia, cancers after mRNA shots, most common cancers after mRNA shots, why are cancers rising, why are cancers increasing, am i at risk of cancer after vaccine, what causes cancer after vaccine, igg4 and cancers, which cancers are most likely after vaccine, most reported cancers post mRNA immunization, pfizer and cancer, covid vaccine and cancer
Id: 4MPH0QD74Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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