Jamaican Food!! πŸ‡―πŸ‡² KING OF CURRY GOAT + Oxtail and Ackee in Montego Bay, Jamaica!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens in Montego Bay Jamaica and on Sunday most restaurants a lot of restaurants are closed and so that Jamaican tradition is to either go to somebody's house or to go to the beach or the river to have a picnic to have a huge meal with friends and family and so today we're meeting up with Matt he's the Jamaican food boss from Jamaica Food Tours he's an amazing guy and he has arranged this unbelievable spread of food that we're gonna cook especially goat curry Jamaican goat curry and oxtail and there's gonna be a lot of other dishes we're gonna cook on the river we're gonna eat I'm gonna share all the cooking all the food with you in this video we are just about to drive on over to the river but we're starting this morning at the Seine bolts place walking around it's a museum it's a restaurant and his statue right here which is actually made from bolts we're on our way to go meet Matt and this is gonna be an amazing day Sunday of Jamaican food [Music] good morning morning huggers very good very good [Music] that was another gorgeous drive from Montego Bay it's so lush it's so green it's so beautiful and we've arrived to the river we're actually gonna take a bamboo raft jamaican bamboo raft down the river down the stream to the place in the jungle along the river where we're gonna start cooking yeah so it's a plum we use it in skews we use it in sauces as well gin plum we students good oh yeah that is fantastic I like a sour mango almost very acidic sour delicious so incredibly beautiful the water is so clear and we're starting off right from it's an old Spanish bridge an iconic bridge this is where we're going to begin the rafting bamboo rafting and captain from 1828 the bridge it's back O'Laughlin bridge in jamaica or how never rebuild never refurbished Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] amazingly peaceful the water is deeper here just pools of just gorgeous clear water and just surrounded by lush forests this is the way to arrive for Sunday lunch amazingly graceful on the bamboo raft through the rapids the very gentle calming Rapids [Music] Thank You gay thank you so nice so nice man I mean wants to catch all but you need to we can't go back in there well yeah we should still forgot ok tubes and stuff how are you man nice to meet you hello chef good afternoon nice to meet you arrive to the shore this is where Matt has a place that he sets up where he cooks where the chefs cook and so all the ingredients are laid out we are preparing for a massive Jamaican Sunday feast what are the main dishes on the menu Matt we have Cora Gore which we're going to do today we have oxtail we have ackee and saltfish we have grown produce mannish water which is the international name yes of the goat which we're gonna do yeah they said I put hairs on your check on your chest in Jamaica I've been wanting to eat so we have mannish water we got some shrimp as well with other purpose room straight from the river awesome and then we'll do some bananas some yams and some dashi and sweet potato Washington Oh Jason wash and seasoned the oxtail okay chef Jon is just getting started on the oxtail first there chopping that up into pieces with the skin on and he's gonna get ready to season that marinate it is awesome so that's a combination of all the spices ginger yes ginger Kotik pimento green garlic Oh men immediately He pours that marinade on a combination of like crushed mashed yeah you can smell the ginger the garlic while he's adding in chili powder yes and one of the key ingredients is also pimento which is allspice too allspice berries which has a flavor that kind of has like a cinnamon nutmeg II kind of taste to it essential for Jamaican food I'm just going to taste that this purest form mm-hmm yeah I guess clove nutmeg and yeah cinnamon exactly the all three combined into one berry one unique berry pimento and that is like the basis that's like the the foundation of jerk it's the foundation of so many and it even has like a kind of like a a heat to it a heat to it on your tongue yeah kind of like cinnamon if you chew on cinnamon bark [Applause] [Music] beautiful another dish I could not wait to try in Jamaica is mannish water which is for the power right but a combination of good intestines goat sraight stomachs a variety a variety of stomachs Chef John is now just chopping that up slicing that up for the soup the water punished water what a name to see you still go lid on that's gonna simmer away that's gonna kind of like stew in its own juices and you can tell the fat is just gonna be released and just like boil down into the meat oxtail is one of the greatest most tender meats possible and then chef is also boiling up some pork over the fire as well and then just kind of drained that out next dish that we're making is covered goat Jamaican curry goat and Matt was mentioning to me that you cannot have a party you cannot have a get-together you cannot have a group of people together in Jamaica without curry good without the curry goat right the curry goat link-up [Music] [Music] that curried goat unbelievable marinade mixture all of the ingredients what stands out to me is that it's not only dry spices like a curry powder and some of the dry seasoning but it's also fresh ingredients the ginger the time the pimento the garlic the ginger the Jamaican ginger so all of those combined chunky like fresh ingredients dry ingredients and that actually is best to marinade overnight so all the flavor seeps in so chef has one prepared for overnight about to go in smells so good already the goat goes into a raging hot fire pan a little bit of oil to soothe all that in and then the disappointment just burning my mouth is salivating already it is not a get-together it's not a party in Jamaica without curried goat link link link up car go they go I cannot Kanpur cannot get theatre okay working uh key or okay you don't do it fresh way to act it's up I saw it the pork okay oh man you lifted up the lid on the oxtail and already the fat has began to seep out meltdown render down its caramelizing in its own juices and fat with all that spice stir that up add some water and then he also mixed that goat curry everything's coming together it's a slow process now everything has to cook down everything has to mingle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] real next dish goes into some - water which is the combination of tripe and intestines of the goat but he boiled some water just with pimento berries and garlic and that has to simmer for a long time right it's a long process yes this one is nicaya [Music] that's spices coming out the meat juices it smells so unbelievably good and it's just like filling filling the air it's becoming part of the humidity in the air [Music] as a cop Hokkien and catfish ackee and saltfish ackee and saltfish your car car versus okie and [Music] how are you a minute by Trevor Trevor nice to meet you mark nice to meet you hello nice to meet you man so we just met up with Trevor and Patrick bringing fresh coconuts and also he's gonna you're gonna be preparing the Aki for us right awesome [Music] the hockey it's such an interesting and unique fruit and something about hockey is that you have to do it has to open open right you cannot open it on yourself or it's poison so you have to it has to naturally ripen it has to naturally open the flesh of the inside they look like kind of little little membranes almost and then the black part is that the seed the black part is the seat so then it's a very tedious process because you have to peel out that seed if you don't need to see that all either but it is a very special Jamaican food I cannot wait to try it [Music] and say just chopping up these are all the ingredients that I believe are gonna pair with ackee and the saltfish there's scotch bonnet there's time there's garlic there's scallions green pepper onions and tomatoes kondeh pork yes yes the milkiness coming out of the intestine and a thank you nothing like fresh coconut water as we're waiting for all of the stews all of the curries to brew down to simmer down and these coconut is just full full there's like a liter of coconut water in there that's so good it's perfectly sour perfectly sweet not overly sweet just the nutrients the richness of the nutrients in there oh man it's perfect it's pure okay so the a key goes into hot water it's gonna boil for about seven minutes before it's combined with salt fish with those other ingredients and also the corned beef another version of a key as well it's also gonna the corned pork which is going to be a second version of a cubed boiling it's ready the salt fish is ready John poured some oil into the pan over the fire subscribe [Music] you made they smell so good and because everything is already cooked it doesn't take too long that cook once you once you fry it up but with the fresh ingredients with the salt fish that Aki that's what a beautiful dish so he's also gonna make a key same recipe same dish but just with corned pork instead of salt fish just a little bit like a splash of coconut milk goes into the curried goat to finish it off but he also added in some of the carrots oh yeah [Music] oh yeah and so the vegetables the carrots the yam the green banana goes into the Monash water you can again see the milky color of that from the intestines from the Triton and again the floating allspice berries just marinating just releasing their aroma and fragrance into the water [Music] is it looking smart a minor spinners there the dumpling so he mixed up some flour and some water into a dough and spinning it in his hands to make like little spiral shaped little dumplings which are go directly into the pot of oxtail that's gonna just boil down to like a complete dish [Music] all of the food is almost ready like we are moments before eating but you just pulled out the pepper shrimp these are freshwater shrimp that you cooked up with a button and when I'm saying pepper I mean scotch bonnet pepper so we boiled that up and we're gonna just quickly eat them as an appetizer before all of the main dishes oh yeah and you want to preserve that tumuli head juices you could smell the garlic in the scotch bonnet in there oh yeah oh the freshness of it but plus the garlic and like the scotch bonnet peppers they have so much flavor so much like kind of sourness that just seeps into the the shrimp oh yeah yeah it's awesome okay I'm gonna read it the head into that that juice the scotch bonnet and juice on the bottom there the best part about the bachelor shrimp is just licking up the head because all the juice because that scotch and bonnet juice is just like juicing out of it oh wow that's got fire you can not mess with the flavor of that scotch body immediately yes so bright oh [Music] my gosh yeah it's so good more that juice I just want to drink the shrimp juice with the scotch bonnet all that is a tasty way to get this Jamaican food party started this afternoon [Music] [Applause] and all the food is ready and the Jamaican term we are eating pot to plate just everything is served from the pots to the plate directly to your plate we're dishing it out now everything is ready yes Patrick ready to eat [Music] Thank You chef they get the name because they look like a hat I got the full plate of food and we are about to sit down but I'm waiting for all of us to get the plates of food but I have to have to try my first buy it has to be the ackee and saltfish that texture you could see like the little little texture a piece of the salt fish in there the buttery texture of that a cube it is so creamy that's incredible I didn't know what to expect it's kind of a neutral taste but it's an amazing like buttery texture delicious and then the salt fish just gives it that powers the whole thing with a salty saltiness almost like egg yolks but like creamy crema fide egg yolks natural from the active fruit [Music] thank you perfect yeah but and exactly I can't even get over that [Laughter] okay upon my first bite of eating a key I immediately know why it's the national dish of Jamaica I love it it's just it's too good it's a Jamaican harmony Jamaican stuff is Jamaica all in one it's truly Jamaica so makin one bite okay I gotta try the curry go it next yeah it's just oh look this is a plastic spoon no there's a reason you don't need a knife for this meal everything is tender enough to be to be broken down with a plastic spoon okay [Laughter] Mohsen your month it's so tender and then again like I was mentioning because it's a Johar me I said another symphony oj makin symphony of both dry spice and fresh place so the ginger the scallions the time the time everything puts up with all spice yeah the scotch bonnet pepper and then you have the curry powder on top of that it binds everything together it's a binding fusion of flavor that's fresh goat - that's fresh yeah you can taste the freshness of it sorry go wicked I also I also immediately know why you never have a get-together you never have a party in Jamaica without curry goat that flavor one that you will remember the party by forever curry goat link oh the curry goat link up again links you to links you it builds relationships okay in the next big main dish is the oxtail which is a totally different spice combination totally different sauce and Matt was also telling me that if you get the local Jamaican ox til it has the skin on it so you can see that the thickness of that skin the gel enos of it and again it's probably in fact I'm just gonna pick it up though just jiggling that's just jiggling some jiggling oh the trifecta of different textures because the skin is almost crunchy look shop it's the same time the gumminess of the fat just tenderness of them me the meat is so tender and succulent it just melts away everything's just melting in one felt together oh all three layers just melt together and then the spices are much different from the curry it's much more mild more like a stew yeah yeah it's a more robust more Sudan yeah cooks over like that allspice you taste the allspice in it more like cinnamon clove eat a cinnamon II under the burnt molasses that we had in its as well right that's right like molasses which doesn't really make it sweet but more like gives it that kind of slight caramel like glaze almost exactly the wobbliness of that the melting quality of that interest like it dissolves on your tongue again the other dish is the a key with the corn pork this is the same dish same recipe just with corn pork instead of the salt fish Wow okay the only thing that's different is the saltfish compared to the the corned pork looks like a totally different place because of the salty mooch mmm but it's still pair so well with a hockey hands of the salty it's exactly so I Paris fantastic with actors blowing me away it's not mine scotch bonnet the heat now here in the Ross dr. Bennett come in with the heat no comment with that heat the fruitiness of it what I love about Scott finance it's it's so fruity like it literally it is a fruit it's sweet and sour okay so take a bite I'm getting some of them look I finished all my Aki it's too good and then after that you've changed it with another bite of the Scotch okay when you get to other seeds you can feel the fumes like going up your nose and yours your throat oh yeah that's buzzy your went down so fast but we are fortunate there is that yeah there is a lot more lot more to explore [Music] all chef awesome awesome food okay yes please [Music] getting a refill on my next plate of food but I had almost forgot about the mannish water got so excited with the curried goat with the oxtail with Aki like this oh yeah you can smell the goat the freshness of that the intestines allspice berries just floating around oh wow okay I mean I love anything goat that is superb the milkiness of it the Saltine that fruitiness of it too because they're scotch bonnet in there and there's also the green banana in there oh unions back for more third plate yes [Music] my next plate of food got the curried goat got some more salt fish Aki salt fish [Music] there's like I know a piece of garlic in that by two because it's just erupted in my mouth that creamy sensation oh wow oh yes I want a little bit of everything in my first bite of the mannish water including memento hmm it's actually a very clean taste a very clean Goudy taste and everything is so tender hooked down to its soft melts in your mouth even the tribe has a little bit of chewiness but not like in comparison to other pieces of tripe it's tender allspice the pimento because it's kind of subtle but it's there and you taste that like like cloves cinnamon nutmeg enos a bit I have an idea for my next bite of curry goat top it we're gonna get that curry goat and the creaminess of the ackee looks so good in my beverage of choice the water in the munnis water [Applause] like how you like it it's a little bit cold now because the Sun has gone down behind the mountains but there's just nothing more satisfying sounding after a Jamaican feast like that when we're on the river and it's so clear I have to mean can you hold my shirt that's like the limestone I think oh yeah that's cool actually it's not that cold if I go look daddy's in the middle of the room was fantastic but one final treat for this just unbelievably delicious Sunday Jamaican feast friends Andrew Andrew the jerk champion and also a hunter you're these birds are awesome so some of the wild birds there's three different types of birds that he jerks seasoned onto the grill the white crown pigeon the white belly and the white wing pedo all men immediately it smells good [Music] I love the like lemony flavor of it it's lemon with honey and honey okay so right off the grill this one is the wild dove and just that pink color on the inside the juiciness of it still but you can see how lean it is at the same time you guys can try it thank you no problem yeah guys you can crunch right through the bones oh yeah boy leanness oh like the leanness of the mute but then like a fattiness of the skin oh that jerk seasoning I'm gonna eat the whole this is the entire drumstick and thigh combination in a one bite one bite of crunchy bird enos oh man oh it's so good and yeah man that is awesomely good Thank You Man well done ball plate the white crown next bird this is the white crown pigeon oh yeah has a different texture it's more like almost livery yeah delivery tasting best dessert after that meal yeah [Music] [Music] what a way to end this just unbelievably delicious Sunday in Jamaica with friends hanging out big thank you to Matt I'll have his link and his tours in the description box below you can check him out when you are in Montego Bay or anywhere in Jamaica let him know he will hook you up and so that's it for this incredible Sunday in Jamaica huge thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click Subscribe and also click a little bell icon so that you immediately get notified of the next video that I published there's gonna be a lot more incredibly delicious Jamaican food and culture videos but be sure to watch this entire series this entire playlist of videos in Jamaica and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 5,798,359
Rating: 4.8731761 out of 5
Keywords: Jamaica, Jamaican food, Jamaican cuisine, Montego Bay, curry goat, oxtail stew, ackee, ackee and saltfish, Rasta food, Rastafari, Jamaica food, Mark Wiens, Caribbean, Caribbean food, Caribbean cuisine, best food jamaica, curry goat jamaica, scotch bonnet, street food, food culture
Id: aXQ0N_ofG-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 7sec (2047 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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