Street Food OYSTER BAR!! Seafood Mountain in Surat Thani, Thailand!

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everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Surat Thani in the south of Thailand this is a city with a lot of character and a lot of delicious food and in this video we are gonna go actually today all day long we are gonna go on an ultimate street food tour of Surat Thani we're gonna eat everything from southern Thai curries for breakfast which is one of my favorite things to eat in the world to some legendary noodle restaurants and some legendary restaurants in Surat honey and even street boy stirs so in this video we are gonna go on an ultimate tour of Surat Thani and I'm gonna share all of the food with you today in this video to begin this food tour of Surat honey we're driving outside of town because there's a place that's famous especially in the morning for breakfast for cow attack gang which is rice and curry that's gonna be the first place that we're gonna go we're gonna begin with rice and curry and then we'll be coming back to the center of Surat Thani to eat a lot more food street food there's nothing I like better in life than rice and curry for breakfast okay we made it we arrived that was a 20-minute drive from the center of Surat Thani and we're still in the city but kind of on the outskirts this place is called comp gang not here's the sign not Khun pong and it's 9:00 a.m. and you got to get here before 9:00 a.m. or they start to sell out of the the best dishes [Music] honeyBun hey guys okay Nina until we got here just before 9:00 a.m. and good thing we got here too because already some of the dishes are low as some of the dishes are about to sell out but the one thing that you have to eat here is called pet which is like a not necessary okay not necessarily dry but like a spicy fried but we got the beef moving dangling paella but a year ago talking better day [Music] like with all rice in Korea in Thailand there's two ways to order one is called Cracow which is where you get rice and then you just choose a couple dishes to put right directly on top of the rice then you got a one single plate meal but if you want more amounts bigger quantities a bigger meal you ordered GUP cow which is rice and then you order side dishes little bowls of all the dishes so we're going Bing this is the type of breakfast that makes me the most excited in the world and we got three different dishes one is actually four different dishes because Mike I got some we got some fried pork from the fried pork pork belly where she then chops up but then this one here is getting module which is a catfish curry and that looks awesome the coconut milk in there but the main dish that I wanted to drive here is the punt pick which is like that chilli curry paste not too saucy but still wet okay that's just let's just eat it but that's what the beef but there's lots of spices in there it's known for being spicy and then also some getting some with believe it's a freshwater fish actually like a river fish and then also we never used southern Thai food especially called game like this rice and curry you have a whole plate of protection bowls with some dumping some chili dip shrimp paste over there which looks like it has mango in it okay let's start with that catfish curry all this looks amazing the thickness of that curry paste the herbs in there it could be by unit maybe three Bay's alright and you had a bit more of the curry sauce making sure to break off the little piece of the the Foy's without getting too many bones okay [Music] all that flavor is amazing the rich coconut milk the chilies in there what really sets it apart what makes a difference what like elevates the flavor is the by you not true basil we use that the urban there that just like it just is such an herbaceous such a green such a like almost licorice a kind of flavor good wrapped up with that coconut milk with the soft tender just like melt-in-your-mouth catfish I need to have some of the pipette knit up and you can just see the kaffir lime leaves and the herbs in there as well [Music] Wow the the black pepper flavor and the citrus enos of the capital n range which are all sliced up in there like upstanding and the tenderness of that booth that curry paste the spice the black pepper in there and then contrasted by the Cather lemons possible on that note I will go for some cashew leaves in a number the green mango the sour green mingle the mummy of the shrimp age and then the Catholic tree leaves which are so like chalky so shower so oh yeah that's sour and jockey the flavour just keeps on coming I'll try something like hi Luke hey would ya it literally translates to son in laws eggs and it usually has kind of a tamarind sauce in it with shallots like a sweet Cameron saucer it's just kind of like a a glorified hard-boiled soft-boiled egg the yolk is really amazing because it's not overcooked so it's not dry or starchy now to sweet pea tastes kind of like that camera and fruitiness of it contrasted by the crispy shallots [Music] okay the game's on yeah she said to be careful of the bones on this fish oh yeah the sourness of that not too spicy but you really taste the turmeric and the sourness doesn't taste like a lime juice sourness it's more of a I'm mango Lee I think it might be that green mango in there that gives it the sourness brightwork oh yeah that is pretty good he was telling me that the right Park is really good the 3 layer texture of fat meat fat and then like all wrapped up in like a crunchy not too overly thick batter [Music] you some of these long beans kind of s chopsticks pick up some of that number okay okay I'm sure fooling around back to the catheter scurry [Music] you cover all of the bones flivver overwhelmingly delicious just exciting thrilling for the tastebuds mmm oh that's tasty and do not miss their cut pet here too with beef it's remarkable the black pepper flavor contrasted with deck after lime citrus Enis if you're bringing us more dishes which is chicken boiled with turmeric that it's so yellow because of turmeric but there's lots of lemongrass in there and I think there is stuff and then likes no one comes at all it's not spicy but that's just like chicken soup with an edge of flavor because it's sour and you taste the lemongrass you taste the turmeric now just like glorified chicken soup would coagulated blood blood chunk just goes down so easily blood Gilly [Music] and now that I look closer I think is getting someone I think some of the sourness is coming I think that little piece I believe that hot tamarind in English that's providing some of that sourness in that bra is so nice that run through netbooks they said every time you're welcome come back here but give us a call so that we save some dishes for you they're so cool they're so nice all I'll that wall just get your flavor taste buds just going to the max so the next place that we're going is directly inside of Surat Thani in town and it's gonna be another breakfast actually a very very famous place but totally complete like polar opposites of flavor of food [Music] a totally different breakfast style this place is called flattened kite now which is fried egg restaurant it is a classic Chinese western breakfast restaurant and known for their fried eggs known for their sausages known for their ham you can get hot dogs you can get like fried toast we got here like at the end of breakfast so like I think the very father infinite frying but they got from fried clothes we got some sausages and she's gonna make us some fried eggs and sausage and you get that that we got through with the fried pork plate [Music] what a classic breakfast spot the antiques like different products that they have the different like painting of this place about as completely opposite of a breakfast as possible is what we just ate from rice and curry this is more Thai Chinese western breakfast and along with the fried egg plate another thing that you have to order when you come here is kind of Plum namu which is like toast and then you that comes along with some sausage that they're kind of like hand rolling I [Music] guess I'll just start with the coast and you can see the layer it's toast but then there's a layer of mince meat spread like spread on top and then deep-fried until it's fried all together now just pretty tasty good place that's meat jam and then like deep fried on to it it's like deep fried together and then that's served along with some of these sausages which they hand roll and they kind of wrap in some kind of like a wrapper and deep-fry them as well [Music] well the more you keep on chewing the more pork is and they kind of has this unique kind of almost like gummy texture to it move on to the fried eggs and I'll try that with a piece of the fried pork there are cumin seasonings so we have sauce break which is like it's actually a chili sauce but it tastes a little more like that chef it's not spicy at all and sauce Maggi which is similar to soy sauce I'm a sauce Maggi kind of guy who try that with a piece of a sausage which is kind of like a hot dog with the sauce Maggie that's awesome I'm not a huge fan of the hot dogs and the fried pork is pretty tasty too along with those eggs to balance the fried eggs in the bright bar of cork and this restaurant is kind of quiet now because we're here at the very end they're about to close but if you come here at the peak of breakfast like 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. this place is packed [Music] and then for the moment I also got some Thai coffee I love the atmosphere here the retro aspect the paint job the location in downtown to that honey western-style food culture and breakfast culture [Music] from here we are moving on we're going to have like that's actually just down the road but it's another legendary restaurant that's known especially for their unique noodle dish that's only available there into that honey [Music] restaurant is called dope King and big chips opened already it's packed on the inside this is one of the most legendary restaurants in all of Surat Thani and it's right across the street from the hokey and Chinese temple shrine they serve some unique dishes some rare or dishes that you won't find elsewhere and the aunty the grandma who makes the dishes I think she's a legend and I can't wait to try the food [Music] [Music] so it's one of those restaurants where like there's he multiple stations because it's so popular you can get mango sticky rice at the front but the main event are the noodles and one has different toppings I've been to buspar outs there's some eggs there's through this and which I Col I think which is a radish like pickled radish and then adds in some soup it's truly a noodle scientist the way she works the way she just relies on those noodle combination and just like making bowls of noodles flying on the ingredients sloshing out ingredients just like like swapping sauces around she is a she's truly a gem a legend of noodle creation Wow and again the reflecting the Thai Chinese culture of so that money there's the entire inside is full but luckily we got some seats on the one outside right now it's perfect better for light and a little more air than the inside as well and so our noodle should be ready soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so that didn't take too long luckily because we got here early right as they open well that looks good - van goghz - girls will save this for after we taste the noodles but in order to make things a little more smooth how you order is you have to find a table if then you sit down and you get one of those check sheets and then you have to like designate they have your table here in the written in the corner here and you write your table you write what you want you check off what you want then you hand it to them and then you just sit and wait and eventually we will come and you just wait until it comes first dish is the parfum Thai Lao and Poong is the Morning Glory which is down here there's also bean sprouts I'm pretty sure this is pig skin there's some crunchy bits this is the send me which are the noodles there's eggs in here there's fried shrimp there's pork there's so many things going on and then this is the one where she scoops on a big scoop of that red kind of chilli and you can see all that red soup below there so it's kind of actually a dry it's not really a noodle soup it's more of like a dry noodle look at the color of that sauce you got to mix the whole thing okay mix it all up get all those juices all those sauces all the red chili flowing and now let's try the cucumber with the noodles with the pigskin let's try the noodles first [Music] [Music] well like it's a little bit sweet it's a little bit sour it's not nearly as spicy as it looks but the chili is more providing like a net red chili aroma taste as opposed to the heat but it's kind of like a sweet chili sauce what stands out to me is it's really refreshing like it's cool it almost has like a briny pickle kind of taste to it I'm like a slightly vinegary and then just like the crunch of the Morning Glory and the cucumber it's like a very cooling ball [Music] well that tells them it's a big crunchy fried shrimp with the gel on so that magnifies the flavor I can go with the little extra to look like so actually it's quite sour already but maybe one scoop of vinegar yeah for the whole data back to a chili that's delicious okay let's try the other Bowl girls a bit more like a classic bowl of noodles witness and again the send me which is the angel-hair vermicelli there's a variety of different pork I think this might be fish and then pork ribs and look at that broth very aromatic you can see some shallots in there and some green onions really fragrant with the fried shallots and the fried garlic in there immediately what you taste is that fried garlic but this bowl of noodles is made for cutting poom which are that the different additions different toppings for noodles chili flakes go with this chili vinegar this time you got to really mix it up there's bean sprouts on the bottom there too and there's some crunchy little things - I'm not sure what that is I saw her adding it let's try that know what that is but oh it's like it tastes like chicken almost like fried chicken skin could it be bad chicken we're fried pork might be fried foreskin but yeah that is that's just a little explosion of flavor and crunchiness in your mouth [Music] and there's bowl of noodles it's good but it's more kind of like a clean classic just full of pork noodles I think the more the one that stands out more to me as being unique in the one I like better is the pop boom one with that red chili sauce this one is more unique to me this is the one I would go far it's almost like a mix like a salad because of its cooling properties because of the way it's like it is surf cool actually room temperature and the pigskin yeah just kind of like snap [Music] [Music] before we finish the noodles I may as well try the honey on the morn with sticky rice in mango because it will start to turn brown probably and maybe get a little bit of equal ratios of both look at all of that coconut milk on top call the coconut cream the mung beans on there it's so thick Wow oh that is amazing net mango literally you do not need to chew that mango you like push your lips together push your gums together and just like dissolves it just like reduces into mango juice in your mouth oh that's one of the better place I've ever had [Music] there's no way think it's more classic than a shop like this the Heritage the history the food the amazing legends of Andes the mango sticky rice yeah okay go for the noodles but stay for the mango sticky rice like don't miss them there goes it really is good look at yang she got four four boxes and take away that's how you know it's good when when the wife quarters take away but anyway it does not get more classic more legendary than that they're so cool that's just a living piece of sue that tiny history and yeah it's just a place you have to visit when you're into it oh honey Oh in Thailand Surat Thani is known for seafood and specifically oysters probably within thailand Surat Thani is the most famous for oysters in all of Thailand and so there was no way we were gonna have a salat honey Street food tour without eating oysters and there happens to be an amazing stall they serve it and it's like literally right along the street on the side of the road it's like kind of a colony panic warehouse with like sprawling with seafood there's all sorts of seafood but the main thing to eat here is Easter's [Music] [Applause] this is just straight up a street shellfish it's literally like market to table mostly muscles blood potholes but main event here are the oysters shuck them right here they prepare them pie style with seafood sauce and the the seasoning ingredients and so you just ordered by the piece you can order other things do they also have a whole rack of fish grilling as well but I came here for the oysters [Music] no no my blog that's awesome that is one way to shuck an oyster just bang it with an axe and let just pops open those are big those are meaty those are fresh oysters [Music] [Music] this is the definition of market to table experience and you just you order right here they cook it they shuck it and you come sit down right here and you eat it we ordered up a platter of seven of their plumpest juiciest fattest oysters those are just like thick the meat in there they're literally hand-sized oysters and I think they're just over a dollar per Oster forty baht per per Easter of this size that chunky juicy membrane eeeh miss of the hum and then the thai style to eat it I'll just show you well this guy this guy looks perfect look at the thick plumpness the thick plumpness of that Oster first a little bit of pig pile which is the roasted chili sauce a little bit of that goes on chili jam next up for the home do these are crispy shallots crispy fried chilies yeah that goes on and then finally you load it up with seafood sauce and load it up with Thai secret sauce this is green chilies and garlic and probably some sugar is that even a one biter [Music] you can it's a massive oyster one butter walk and then you have to choose it there's it we've got Union Wow now that is an overwhelming oyster experience but like the beautiful slimy meanness of the oyster the texture of it these oysters are not too salty and then there's with those toppings you've got the crispy to help prevent shallots the roasted chili jam which is sweet no seafood sauce all over that just wrapped up just combined into an ultimate oyster mouthful experience and we also got one kilo of point meringue cool which are muscles which they steam or actually I think they boil it with some herbs with a lemongrass pop these guys open I do love muscles quick dip in the seafood sauce oh yeah those are delicious the freshness the sweetness of them that texture do i do love mussels and this really is a shellfish snacking paradise the muscles are awesome and actually these I have to admit these oysters are almost too big to be one biters like just yeah just slightly too big so I think it is they are more enjoyable if you take it in a - butter - butter oysters no that's a more enjoyable experience I would recommend it to butter the oysters are probably not the best quality not the best tasting single oyster that you'll ever have but they are pretty affordable and just the environment is awesome the atmosphere sitting outside just the seafood party a shellfish party actually but really stood out to me are the mussels I think the mussels were the best-tasting for me I was really good yeah that's just the shellfish paradise okay we're on our way back into the center of Surat Thani and we're gonna go to one more place for a dessert this evening [Music] and so to end this street food tour to wrap this entire school a tiny street food tore up where there's a street food market that sets up in the evening along the river it's actually a beautiful setting there's a lot of delicious food but we're heading straight to what is another legendary food stall but it's actually a dessert stall and she is oh it's not even a stall it's like it's like a truck that just opens up with Fulton's down with the different like the edges just fold down full of desserts full of sweets hi sweets this is by far the most popular and packed out place at the Empire market so far and yeah she's known for her sweets in the best sweets that you can have into that honey and this is going to be the final stop we're gonna try a few of her desserts it would not be an exaggeration to say this is a truckload of deserts literally it is a truckload the entire bed of the truck of the van is just loaded there must be like two dozen different types of desserts that you can choose from all of the classic Thai desserts there's sticky rice there's bananas there's coconut milk just sloshing around and that's just like a sea of colourful desserts everybody that's standing around is getting takeaway um so you have to get a few number for takeaway but then they do have some seating over here Oh a lot of sitting over here and then you don't need to take that keep that number you can just order off the menu you sit down [Music] choose your different combinations they put them into the bowl they add in some syrup some sweet syrup and they add in ice and then they add in coconut fresh coconut milk okay so this one is rum it which is a mix of everything here you can see I don't know what these little pink things in what a you know what it is I'm not totally sure there's corner here there's slices of coconut there's luck Chong which are the green pandan noodles and there's it's just a mix of everything let's get that little pink pink little thing oh there's even some fruits and some all sorts of stuff yeah it's like sweet coconut milk we get combinations of ingredients that you get there was a kind of a jelly jelly in that by fall I think it was a piece of Cairo as well like the starchy taro it's just cold it's refreshing it's coconutty and not too sweet especially like the strands of coconut in there [Music] oh my god this one is the same the same soup but with up team krob which are water chestnuts and as well as conmen which is jackfruit Eliquis combination the crunch of the hospital they're called tuck Ribbentrop you're not really sure what's on the outside but the inside is a water chestnut then in kind of has like a jelly around the outside like ultra sweet almost like ultimate banana taste of the jackfruit really ripe jackfruit contrasted with the coconut milk where that salty sweet contrasts [Music] using atmosphere here and great Thai desserts it's been an amazing day and probably looking back yeah definitely my favorite thing was the beginning breakfast this morning rice and very how that game that was that was the winner that was the highlight I can eat rice and curry every day of my life so that's gonna wrap up the door I'm gonna have all the information in the description box below everywhere we ate you can check them out and I want to say a huge thank you to my friend Pete Ann he's from Surat Thani and he recommended some of the restaurants in this video to me so thank you Helen lock up get Han and your parents as well and thanks again for watching remember to subscribe click thumbs up and also turn on that little bell icon so that you immediately get notified of the next video that I publish goodnight from Surat Thani and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 3,845,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: สุราษฎร์ธานี, Surat Thani, oysters, oyster bar, street food, Thai street food, Thailand street food, street food oysters, shellfish, shellfish bar, shellfish street food, Mark Wiens, street food tour, street food videos, food videos, things to do in Surat Thani, Thailand tourism, food, food travel, ข้าวแกง, Thai curry, หอย, ร้านยกเข่ง, mango sticky rice, Thai noodles, Thai seafood, seafood, huge oysters, seafood video
Id: JrKmqGa83FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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