Streamers Have Ruined A Generation

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everyone knows that public nuisance streamers that go around harassing strangers causing a commotion and just making everyone's lives around them more miserable suck like that's not a hot take everyone knows that they're just this miasma of cringe that caus everyone a massive headache but as I and many others have pointed out for years now they do Inspire an entire generation of young viewers to be losers like them because they do find an audience they do find success they make money from it so it becomes a career path and something that young kids want to do to try and emulate that behavior and be like them it's [ __ ] tragic and now we're starting to see the results of all of [Music] this what the fu put your hand in my food again I'm throwing all of your pH hey you're not touching our pH don't put your don't put your hand in my food again do not do that you don't do that this young whipper snapper can't be older than 11 years old and he's already becoming a Scourge he's trying to do what all of the other public nuisance streamers do by just being a societal hemorrhoid he still has his baby teeth he hasn't even gotten his adult teeth yet and he's already doing this [ __ ] he just graduated from suckling milk out of his mother's bosom and now he's trying to suckle milk out of Jack D's titties here he's just trying to get that clout through being a piece of [ __ ] now you're probably thinking to yourself Charles are you really going to be insulting an 11-year-old here and the answer is a resounding absolutely this needs to be squashed you got to put the kabash on this immediately to learn that this is not acceptable at all so absolutely I will be insulting this kid and the entire Goof Troop that travels with him for these streams now he has thankfully been banned for this which is one of the very few times I've ever seen kick ban someone I imagine it's not a perab ban but it 100% should be I guess we'll have to wait and see if it is yeah though this [ __ ] absolutely super sucks so I'm doing a public service here by insulting them hopefully it discourages more people like this and hopefully this kid grows and learns that it's awful like it's not like it's not even good content people are watching because you are a clown and they're sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for you to get your ass beat that is your entire audience you are a [ __ ] spatoon that they are spitting in why would you want that to be your whole brand his whole stream is basically either arguing or fighting people and this is him just taking food from a stranger's table that lady then goes up to confront him and I'll show you that clip in a moment but in the same stream he also gets in an actual fist fight with some other kids his whole stream is just creating problems and instigating hoping that someone will fight back and he just yells and screams about it or in this case throws some wet noodle punches at them so him and his Goof Troop fight this other group and they know that they're not going to get their ass beat because they're too young so the group that's taking these punches doesn't actually fire back they push him away at one point but they don't actually swing on him because they know they would be the ones to get in trouble cuz this is a toddler so they're using their age as a shield because they know there's going to be no real repercussion don't put your don't put your hand in my food again F do not do that you don't do that to people who do you think you are who do you think you are stop filming me you're nobody you're it's a live stream you can't stop it who the [ __ ] are you who the [ __ ] are you give me the phone now you're not touching my [ __ ] phone touch my phone on the actually do something you be me up the [ __ ] up I will I you kids making threats to this woman then he also has his friend like behind her just in case it seems like he was contemplating sucker punching her like that's what it seemed like the es in his brain were about to Fire and tell him to do there this is his whole stream with him and his friends just wandering around making problems with complete strangers for no reason and I'm also using the term friends very Loosey Goosey here because I have a hunch that they're not actually his friends they probably can't stand to be around this annoying [ __ ] stain they're just here because he has some viewers and they're trying to elevate themselves that's typically how these stories go I think it's also worth mentioning that he has clearly been heavily inspired by Jack dhy Jack dhy is a another public nuisance streamer who does this exact same style of content where he just travels around makes problems causes a Ruckus and he has a bodyguard with him so that when anyone tries to confront Jack The Bodyguard steps in and either attacks that person or scares them away and sizes them up gets them out of there to protect Jack dhy from the consequences of his actions while Jack Peaks Around The Bodyguard still lobbing insults at him like a real tough guy also Jack dhy is is probably about the same size as this 11-year-old so the reason I say that he's clearly inspired by him is because this kid also travels around with a bodyguard that's who that dweeb with the tick tock broccoli hair was that's positioned behind the woman here that's supposed to be this kid's muscle or backup perhaps maybe sidekick I I believe it's supposed to be his bodyguard though like Jack dhy has but the clear difference between Jack dh's bodyguard and this kid's is Jax is a full-grown adult man who is like a professional bodyguard this kid's is another child who's still afraid of the dentist and probably still wearing Pampers in the head of the anime club but he is still trying very hard to be like Jack dhy and the question needs to be asked where are their parents where in the [ __ ] world are these kids parental figures do you do you all right hold up do you don't do that again hold up hold up yeah shut the [ __ ] up go I couldn't imagine anything more painful as a parent than seeing your son like this or any of the kids in this group here it'd be less shameful if they were just addicted to heroin now I know a lot of people default to blaming the parents here cuz that's a really easy thing to point the finger at especially with so many parents just sitting their kids in front of an iPad and letting them Doom scroll the internet and letting the internet raise their kids but in a case like this I don't necessarily know if that's 100% how this happened I think even if you're someone who's very active in their kids' lives they can just stumble across something like a kick streamer like Jack dhy and see him flexing his wealth and be you know Blown Away by that getting stars in their eyes and be like I want to be like that and no matter what the parent does they can't really snap them out of it that's just something the kids's going to have to learn through failure and learning that they're going to end up alone and a loser by trying to be like Jack dhy but I think there is a clear problem here that the parents aren't here like they're just letting their 11-year-old wander around IRL streaming under no circumstances should a child of this age be [ __ ] IRL streaming on Kick Kick is a platform that actually has child Predators on it there was a whole expose video about a big streamer who was legitimately a [ __ ] predator and their kids are now streaming IRL on that platform right now and even on any platform I don't think any kids should be doing any kind of streams like this so I really am curious why the parents aren't more present in their life to allow them to the stream for hours like this that's just downright irresponsible 100% but I don't necessarily blame them for the kid trying to be a jack dhy clone a bootleg Jack dhy that's something that even if the parents were monitoring their internet usage he may have just stumbled across through Tik Tock or or Twitter or something and then just got hooked on it and that's a hard thing to stop as a parent I I do understand that part but they definitely need to know that this is not acceptable behavior or normal behavior for kids to be doing [ __ ] streaming being an [ __ ] come on we the the parents definitely got to step up here and do something I would say unfortunately I don't think this is going to be the last time we see a kid start to do streams like this I really do think that streamers like Jack dhy who I keep name dropping but it's just so clear his influence on this kid's life really do create further degenerates they just continue this of degeneracy by making more people like this and it sucks that [ __ ] is terrible so hopefully I'm wrong and we won't see more cases like this but man it's still awful even with just one case that one kid was inspired enough to start trying to do the same thing it's sad to see and yeah I just wanted to talk about that a little bit that's about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,707,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OpIZPgAm0-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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