Most Embarrassing Streamer Ever

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it's been a little while since we just looked at a good old-fashioned embarrassing live streamer and boy do I have a special specimen to share with you all today the clip I'm about to show you is brand new it only happened like two days ago but it feels vintage it's an IRL public nuisance stream that really does feel straight out of 2018 back when that was a popular genre it's long dead now it's fizzled out but back in like the 2018 era a very popular category of streaming was IRL and it was infested with these degenerate worms that would just create as much Ruckus in public as they could try and instigate confrontation and just be an absolute [ __ ] headache to everyone around them and the bigger the blow up they could cause the better the content it's not popular anymore because the schtick wore off and now it's just kind of pathetic and lame but just like this guy's hairstyle he's stuck in the past this is a 40 year old man who has a hairstyle of a 14 year old emo boy and he is a kickstreamer he's not a twitch streamer but he has risen to notoriety because he has been accused twice now of having sex live on stream at KIK with prostitutes I haven't seen it myself so I can't fully opine on that but God damn really going hard on that IRL content [Music] [ __ ] what we do [Music] unironically blasting dubstep in a train right now and then he says he has the gall the hutzpah to say this is what we do brother you are stuck 15 years in the past holy [ __ ] this is like a video I would have seen on MySpace from a pathetic guy back then let alone 2023 Jesus Christ I still can't get over that goofy line this is [ __ ] what we do what sit there awkwardly in silence while you blast shitty music throughout the train like usually when you say something like that like this is what we do it's right before you do something cool like [ __ ] uh base jumping bungee jumping going out to play in the championship basketball game like anything besides just sitting down and Blasting dubstep about blah blah blah this guy kind of cements my belief that sometimes people are just born to be a lifelong loser and there's really nothing you can do to help them or change that trajectory they are just destined to be a [ __ ] loser it'd actually be pretty sad if this guy wasn't such an [ __ ] but you can see the people around him are clearly bothered by the loud dubstep that he is blaring here in this train for no reason other than to be a douchebag he clearly believes he is the main character here and everyone else is just props for his IRL content just genuine filth [Music] you said all right a little sick don't don't touch don't touch my [ __ ] don't touch me don't touch my [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] I think it's pretty clear that he's most likely drunk here as I understand it he also does coke on stream occasionally so maybe a little mix of both some alcohol some coke in a system and right now they're Waging War inside of his body but yeah anyway edgy Edna Mode here gets up in a hurry after someone touches his device saying don't touch my [ __ ] and then call him a [ __ ] [ __ ] as he Waddles away stumbles away the people around him are already very tired of his presence here rightfully so I imagine even when he's not streaming he's still probably a very hard person to be around in general uh someone trying to get his attention most likely to ask him to turn it down but he ignored him even though he could clearly hear him I imagine so when that failed someone else just tried to turn it off themselves [ __ ] you this [ __ ] is touching my [ __ ] I can't get out of here I can't go down I just want to go out [ __ ] you think you are what do you want me to turn down my volume okay yeah that's all you have to say the way this goofball is behaving and the way he's speaking remind me of like an old 80s B-movie bad guy like really poorly acted yet he's being real here which is wild now he said if you wanted me to turn down the volume all you had to do was ask even though that was attempted and he just ignored him I've seen a couple people make the argument that the guy shouldn't have reached for his phone to turn it off he should have like tapped this guy on the shoulder first and I guess that's fair to say but it's not like I have any sympathy for the guy just touching the other dude's phone he ignored the other guy he's clearly doing this just to be a nuisance douchebag [ __ ] touch his phone turn it off like fine I'm not gonna get mad about that and this guy doesn't have a right to get mad about it either since this is the whole point of his content he wanted to make a scene out of this because that's what it's all about for him so he's getting exactly what he wanted he doesn't really have a leg to stand on here with getting mad aggressive it's exactly what he was looking for [Music] you speak English to me uh oh big guys going insano style now he's whipping out the speak English card while he's in Japan so he is now saying that they need to speak English to him despite him being there in Japan okay bro okay bro okay you see that you see what happened right here [ __ ] [ __ ] chill chill in English we say [ __ ] [ __ ] no yes in Japanese we say disappear excellent de-escalation tactics here from this guy truly a master of his craft a real silver tongue devil I'll tell you what so a whole conflict that this guy started for the sake of his shitty stream has escalated to a point that now makes him uncomfortable he seems very scared now that he's about to enter into a physical confrontation so now he's just saying chill chill as he's retreating off the train instantly like immediately ASAP get the [ __ ] out of there why are you racist you're racist you are racist you're a racist no no no you're racist right that he said he was racist he said it you see he said he was great that didn't know racist oh [ __ ] stand back this guy's using his alt he's alting he brought out the racist card somehow in this situation on the other guy hitting him with that [ __ ] crazy reverse good Lord out of nowhere from the top turnbuckle he tries to cry racism [ __ ] wild maneuver here uh interesting tactics I don't even know really where to begin on on breaking that one down I don't even think it's necessary I think that one speaks for itself honestly let the chess speak for itself in this case here because God damn what an embarrassing sign-off to this whole situation it goes on a little bit further where he like shakes this guy's hand who's being like a little less aggressive than the other guy he's like oh thanks for being nice that guy is not nice even though he had every right to not be nice to this guy like I think that's a totally reasonable response to a Vermin like this who's just blasting music and refusing to turn it down when someone's trying to get their attention and then has this huge blow up when you just take matters into your own hands and like Turn It Down for him I mean [ __ ] you the whole point was the confrontation right so why are you gonna act all offended and upset all because a guy actually you know played along with what you've started and anyway that's really the whole situation this is just one of those classic embarrassing IRL streamer moments that I thought was worth joking around about and at least you know talking about a little bit it really does feel straight out of 2018 but believe it or not this is a brand new clip from this week so that's interesting that's really about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,825,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zAnsCdeP60c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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