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it's time we're doing media share again you guys can submit whatever you want me to watch on the stream but while you guys are doing media share stuff we're gonna be doing some geoguessr I think it's enabled I think it's good I think it is working now well it seems to be working what a start immediate copyright none then the wolf is this copyrightable I don't even know eat your share I'm gonna be doing some geo ok I will be doing geoguessr I'm just gonna launch myself into a world I'm gonna do my best suit I've never played geoguessr before so we're just gonna try it alright let's just start let's just try just just start geoguessr I'm gonna do it get as best I can so if you don't know how geoguessr works it drops you into a random place on earth and you have to figure out where you are same oh [Music] it gets worse but it's over right yeah there goes the whoopee boys look at um the Whooper trooper at the junior high school it's USA I don't know it I don't know is this like a USA style building I don't think so oh don't we all though we all right I want to be as passionate about something as that man is passionate about refrigerators you can't hear me to share its are you sure you can't hear it are you sure that was kind of loud this video how do you do a deed that a deed oh my is this like eight levels deep now no it's six levels deep wears the same shirt look not this time six levels that's it that's like five levels it's only six five levels deep now my god it's six now old aunt one look it'll go away for it the voice the crack at the end so good oh this is a new one I was expected to take these headphones off it's a nice one don't trust it no I trust it this one sounds good alright thank you how does it sound five thousand views [Applause] they have to have at least like it's like sixty five thousand how many people have watched this no no don't I don't like it how did you get that copy strike it [Music] I definitely thought this was gonna be the original song but it was not Oh anime nevermind why it's big time Big Time Rush coming up so off in these days [Music] it's just fly me to the moon you guys just harass me to fly me to the moon all the daytime I love its writers me too buddy me - why is it walking like that Dubai I don't know oh it's a kitten how did I miss it obviously it's not a coast of something [Music] should I just guess here I'm wait that building what's your favorite animal how did I know Dubai just I just looked at like this that I was like Dubai [Music] how is four kilometers away for tonight chapter two is this just a fortnight trailer are you just is this is that all this is squishy cute tail oh it's so cute what the heck it's adorable bullfrog call okay I can do it too lightsaber mm-hmm no hunting [Music] let's fly me to the moon again that's not Europe okay I'm gonna learn so much about Europe today and just everywhere yeah [Music] it's just so it's just such a good feeling song and seeing them walk oh hey I know we can you Skype tonight but that's all right good night girl I see you tomorrow my lattice most high pitch Yoshi scream oh my god [Music] someone had to send their room and practice that god that's so good they just get to sit at home with an otter on their lap the world is not fair put chat in the top left we're all right does that [ __ ] boy Tanner keep stealing your crayons at snack time [ __ ] melt them the one what boy there's no real easy way to say this but look you're a simp I'm gonna have to report you back to Kiska is that actually at the movie Bradford next right that means we're right here 39 kilometers that's not too bad that's not too bad for never playing geoguessr I feel like that was pretty good that was pretty solid let's do it again is this gyro beat I think this one's this is a Euro beat right Eurobeat love that gyro be baby dumb koala they're so dumb they look cute koalas are the things where they like they look cute if they're still in a picture but if you see one in real life they do just hate them you just they dude they're just the worst they're like some of the dumbest animals alive they've tiny little pea brains there's mountains so it's gotta be somewhere around here then thank you it's all my birthday thank you it's not my birthday [Music] thank you streamers that's me I'm the streamer a fairly sure this person is actually watch the stream before though this is just insane in the rain I can't tell I'm fairly sure this person has been in the stream and they're so good he adds yeah a goat incredible it would be like here then right yeah look at me I can't even make that face I can't do it that was me what I was doing any % I died inside oh crap Georgetown look we found it I would just scrolling around we're at Cemetery Road bomb okay I wasn't ready I was trying to find Georgetown okay this is gonna be yeah there's gonna be good guess one kilometer away let's go you guys are actually being so nice if not Scotland forever is just nice Scotland songs like again Thank You Luke there's so little Scotland forever today and just beautiful songs like this from Scotland you're showing me the truly beautiful like Scottish did you forget I mean I expected more Scotland forever but there really isn't that much why I just why did I have to say anything why did I speak why did I say a single word there's no way this is France it's just to not right yo permit no permit no that's such a smooth huh they did such a good job with that oh my lord okay [Music] yeah I knew it I don't know why I get excited I really don't know why I get excited over this that is me [Music] that's me well there's chat yeah it's he did say my name that's yeah he said tanner Ellen's a washroom WC oh god guys I didn't I didn't I didn't mean to I did that Oh God Oh No what did it say I didn't read what it said all right now we now that we know it's in Latvia near the coast Olympic Center so I'm just gonna guess here yeah Oh Oh baby one kilometer a single kilometer away ah yep I think I've spent enough time on this 37 kilometres away let's go cool 22nd try 22 K 23 K almost pretty solid alright well doing this one more time then we'll try some another cuss like a custom one I don't know where it is but like I feel like that's probably like a city Ghana there we go it's in Ghana where's Ghana mm-hmm I don't know where Ghana is and I'm imagining that's the city so you need to find that if you're like me you find it very hard to keep your dick dry I lift my dick unprotected and it was walked out of shape in no time what I could barely recognize my own dick imagine that then I discovered Schafer's New Zealand style Dixieland Oh deck 3 easy steps he's saying deck this feels like something your parents would just be absolutely it would you find it hilarious you know this is the funniest advertisement I've ever seen where's manse man holy crap we found mam but it's a man at KU Upham what is that cool pen mean I mean this seems right alright screw it let's do it [Music] 359 meters oh my lord the same Road just had to drive down a little bit look at that look oh my lord is the u.s. a dirt bike come on middle of nowhere in the USA that is not English nevermind this is not the US Mexico maybe it's a goal it's me Mario [Music] that's is that Mexico is that the flag for Mexico I don't actually know ballon Nerio kappa chose yes of course how could I forget of course there's got to be signs here this looks like a border or something or scales is that what this is [Music] oh good stuff keeps how often do you bang your dentist your head would hurt so bad he get something like like punching it's not just like a it's like a punch down I'm just a desk trans as a zoo yeah I'm done Izu it small ant is that you and chat is that actually you and chef it's me watching your content right now Alfred it's me right now you try and get a discord call no I can do that to me through this looks pretty it's me oh my god a sign for once oh my lord a city name finally okay we just got to find that in all of Bolivia savages holy crap I'm just gonna guess I think I found it hundred eighty nine kilometers that's not bad at all guys point crow here delegate collectors anxiety and huge open world RPGs well there's so much to do so much to grab you're just wondering you ever get my jollies like you see the video look like do things IV this scares me a lot I don't recognize these letters yo dip down down down down down yo we can triangulate our location all right 606 kilometres away that means it's a big city we just got to find it now why are they so jumpy I guess is that how they move it's adorable - can merge oh my god - can merge wait wait that's it all right that's 600 kilometers away okay well Kim okay so we know we're 73 kilometers away from this so we're seventy something kilometers away from that 30 away from that so what we're probably like here less than a kilometer away NPC energy is he saying forever [Music] there it is there it is [Music] [Applause] this is very mountainous and they're driving on the left side of the road oh there it is i you you up this has no power over me I understand it you know it has no power i I do not fear that one anymore I fully understand it I cannot explain it but I understand it mm-hmm whoa I've just look at that it's New Zealand it's just look at it it has just look there's no way it's not New Zealand right when you close the door with the window open that's so true it just smashes shut let's just say New Zealand didn't hope it looks like it's in some mountains so let's just throw it right oh let's say here for kilometres Hido myths haha I I don't recognize this language because I don't know anything because I don't know anything about like Middle Eastern languages at all India is in Middle East is India not considered the Middle East or is that Middle East or is that Middle East because what is considered the Middle East because is this not the middle and that the East it's Iran that's the west side the middle of the East is literally India this is the Middle East I had no idea I always thought Middle East was like this area take another geography class I've never taken a geography class well now I know that's the Middle East oh yeah stick until just believing me it'll stick it like this book let's go okay why did I have to find it here we found it slim upper it's right here the power plant that's why all those cables are around yes one kilometer it's all coming together view summary all new batch look at it it's a map look at this map he's too good he's too good browse the maps is there a Scotland map we're gonna we're gonna be terrible at this let's try some Scotland like our bad it can mean salmon did say yesterday he has enormous respect to - [Music] [Applause] Oh jab - you have my oh my lord he's gotta know what he's saying right fancy two layers Hill out Tesla let's be honest everybody does that when they're alone at home right everybody does that yeah your mouth is too small to do that I get it I get it you all have tiny mouths you had a big mouth like that man just get a bigger mouth huge Wonderwall never mind [Music] wish I could dance like that maybe one day he's just walking in he looks cool it's not fair it's just I just he just has so much swagger I don't his swagger a word that people still use I don't know it's just not it's not fair that's not a word that people use okay finding this shape hi huh that's not girl in red it was bound to happen while we were in Scotland huh yeah that's thank you for that one I really do appreciate you submitting that yes don't even acknowledge it Mountain [Music] [Music] who made that uh just really quick we're gonna be watching this paint dry for ten hours straight ah so that's why the queue is ten hours long I see that explains the 11 hours the whole thing surprisingly that was the first time I'd be the last one spits last last laughs laughs cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha I think that's it guess we reach the end well thank you for watching have a great weekend good stream
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,732,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stream decides the music, meme, meme stream, best of, compilation, funny, funniest, memes, miniladd, media share, twitch media share, media monday, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, twitch media, stream highlight, twitch fails, sellout sunday, SDTM, stream decides music, geoguessr, google maps
Id: BhPNoovBeuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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