Storing Rice in Mason Jars with Vacuum Sealing

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all right pretty straightforward video this week I decided to add some more rice to my food stores and the way I like to do that is to buy a 50-pound bag of it from Costco it's 50 pounds of rice it's about 15 bucks and you can't beat that you can't get that price anywhere better that I've seen and at least in this quantity so you know some people might store a big quantity of something like this and a 5 gallon bucket with oxygen absorbers I have done that and a failure rate on those mylar bags and the oxygen absorbers is low but it's it's not zero for me so I just plain don't like don't like doing it that way plus if I break it up into something smaller like quart mason jars I can kind of unsealed a little bit at a time and you know I don't have to expose the whole batch to air if I only need a little bit so this whole bag is going to make its way into many quart mason jars I've done this in the past although it's been a it's been a couple of years I don't remember exactly how many jars it's gonna take but it's probably gonna be around probably around 20 or so but with any grain type foods that I store there's always a risk of insect eggs being in omim little weevils or beetles or whatever those things are called normally you'd find that and flowers and things like that but I don't take any chances so even with rice my first step is to transfer all of it into the food grade buckets seal them tight and then put them in the freezer for three days if there's any kind of larvae or eggs or anything it's going to kill them and I'm never gonna have to worry about it I know that they couldn't cause that much damage if something had inside of a mason jar but I'd still rather my entire batch of rice not be ruined so that's first step so I'm gonna pour all this into these buckets it'll probably take about one and a half buckets for this whole bag and then I'm gonna freeze it well I was right that it needed two buckets but it sure filled more than one and a half of them both of these buckets are now well over three-quarters of the way full so yeah it's gonna be about six days before I can jar all these up because I have to freeze them that's what we're gonna do that is like a glove right there they remove one of the shelves in my freezer and this thing slipped right in there unfortunately I don't have space in a deep freezer right now to put all these so I'd love to have been able to do them all at once but this is just gonna be the simplest for me so this is where it's gonna sit for about three days and then the other one I'll go in so we'll pick up this video in about a week when I start jarring them up alright so it's been six days I froze both buckets of rice for about three days of piece and now it's time to distribute it in two jars and seal them up this is more or less a tedious process of filling a whole lot of jars and then running the FoodSaver sealer on it so I'll probably skip around a little bit or do some fast-forwarding or something just to get through this [Music] [Music] all right that's the first bucket of rice looks like I'm gonna need another box of jars here to finish this up so I'm just gonna skip ahead in the video to when we're ready to seal all right here we are it's a little over 33 quart jars of rice ready to be sealed basically what I'm gonna do is use the food saver with the jar attachment attaches to the machine seal every single one of these with this thing this is a really tedious process because you have to wait about I don't know 10 seconds 15 seconds between each one while the machine does its thing so I'm definitely going to fast forward the video through this part [Music] between each cycle the machine needs a about 15 or 20 seconds of time before it'll start again and it gives me just about enough time to move the sealer over to the next jar and to put a ring on the previous jar [Music] after each seal I have to break the vacuum by pulling the hose out otherwise it would be pretty much impossible to remove the jar attachment from the jar so every single time I have to pull that out [Music] [Music] all right here we got all 32 jars filled sealed rings on them and the only step left is to label them and I always use my handy little Epson label maker and while I was sealing these I hit that button over and over again to print out a whole whole pile of these little labels and as always I put the contents of the jar and the date that I sealed it that's pretty much it one last tedious process of peeling the little backings off all these things and sticking on the jars and then they're going into the pantry so not not rocket science but but there you have it just a final thought one one of these quart jars holds about 4 cups of rice you know give or take because I leave a little bit of a headspace there but just about 4 cups so 33 of these jars holds about 120 8 cups of rice so what that means is with just what I'm looking at here I could eat a good serving of rice every single day for 4 months if I had to obviously I don't want to eat only rice but you can see how this is why this is such a staple it's compact and so easy to store and you can get a lot of a lot of meal out of one jar and because I don't intend to ever eat rice every single day this right here would feasibly last and off time and and I assure you this is not the only rice that I have stored so I probably won't stock up any more rice for a little while but I do go through it slowly but surely throughout normal rice usage I don't buy other rice just for day-to-day use i still use this rice so i go through it and i guess i got about halfway through my last stash when i decided to buy a whole new 50-pound bag and start over again but it's always better to end up with with more than you started with i say so that's it let me know if you have any thoughts and i'll see you next time
Channel: Great Lakes Prepping
Views: 180,215
Rating: 4.9054604 out of 5
Keywords: storing rice, long term food, vacuum sealer, foodsaver, prepping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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