How to Vacuum Seal Dry Goods in Canning Jars

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blow friends hiding here from rain country god is good all the time well I'm wanting to shoot another video on how to vacuum seal into jars and mostly because I've never actually done a video of just that and so I get people asking me all the time how do you vacuum seal into jars and I can't remember since it's usually something I doing this and that videos or when I'm dehydrating up stuff and then showing how I put it in the jars so I thought I'd do a separate video just like I do with the vinegar and the many uses on how I vacuum sealed in jars in two different methods that you can use I might as well show them both while I'm at it now the first one involves using some sort of electricity so let's get to it and I'll show you how you use your food saver for that what you want to make sure you have are these accessories this is for the wide mouth this is for the regular mouth jar and then you will if you order the set and I will link to the full set below you'll also get a hose the attachment now if you buy a food saver it's not common that your food saver will come with all this it may come with a hose but it's not going to come with these so typically you're gonna have to order these separately now your food saver should have an accessory accessory port and you take the end that goes to this that's a report and you snap it in place being careful not to break it because this is one of the reasons I don't like this method so much as these they don't make these things like they used to and I've broken a couple of them and then the other end is going to go into whatever jar top you want to use and then I've got a jar here of stinging nettle it's not quite full I still want to top it off before I seal it and put it away but I'll still show you how it works on this you snap that into place and then you hit the vac seal button on this [Music] now one of the reasons another reason I don't care to use this is because it ends up going through the whole cycle now I could probably stop it after that but there's no need to actually run the seal on this and so this thing here gets heated up for no reason causing more wear and tear on the FoodSaver and there we go we have the jar sealed now another reason I don't use this method anymore there's three reasons one because the hose the hoses seem to keep breaking - because I don't like running the sealing part of it if I don't need to and three because I I don't have as much I tend to have more failures using this method then the method I'm going to show you next which is my favorite method so let's get to that so I'm gonna seal up the nettle jar again using the white mouth because that's what I've got it in and then here I've got just a brake bleeder that's all this is now the difference in how you use this is this tip that comes with with the brake bleeder it will fit in here but it won't snap in place like the FoodSaver top tip does so that means you have to just press and hold it into place you don't have to press really hard just make sure you keep pressure on it now downward pressure onto the top and then you're gonna pump this up to it to where it says at least 15 psi or you can go a little higher I usually go a little above that and so you're just gonna pump it by hand what I like to do is just set it right against the counter and then just pump it this way it causes a little bit less strain on the hand and wrist when you do it this way but you can also pump it like this just keep working it until you get at least to 15 and then quickly pull that out don't let it linger and then you have your jar sealed and then I always like to put the down there just as a little security measure now though I have had my jars to lose their seal occasionally using a brake bleeder Buffett it's rare compared to the times I've had it happen with my food saver I always seem to get a better seal with this and here's the other thing I found is that the regular mouth and I know I'm not the only one because several people said the same thing fact I thought I had a faulty one I too may have more problems with the regular mouth not sealing using the food saver then I did with the wide mouth and so I got to where I hardly ever use a regular mouth for vacuum sealing because of that but with a brake bleeder method again it's very rare I have any problems so I'm gonna go ahead and seal up this jar of lavender leaves you see my brake bleeder so you can see how well this works and because this is a smaller job the process is a lot faster and that's the other thing is little rubber thing lice comes up see no problem whereas if I had done that with the food saver it was likely I would have had to keep trying and trying and trying again some people have said that they doubled up on the lids just to give it more pressure and they always had a good I've never tried that but they said that works really good for them so that would mean you just you know you'd have one lid that was sealed then you just take the loose lid off and that's just it add a little bit more weight or density to it so that it'll work better and that's one way you can do it and these should keep you know this is for only for using with dehydrated type things dry things like the dry beans that you know I've all these dehydrated herbs and greens might ease my dehydrated apples i dehydrated up a whole bunch of apples in the fall and i use this method and have had no issues now i first actually heard learned of this method i didn't come up with this on my own so i'm not any genius i actually found out about it from brad over a big family homestead and i don't know where he learned it but either way really method it's tried and true it's totally off-grid you don't need electricity to do it and it's just a little easier you can just pull this out I mean it's harder in the fact that you got to put you know put the work into it but I don't have to haul my food saver around just a vacuum seal jars and I can keep my food saver just for sealing bags of the things I'm gonna freeze and that's all I use it for and I'm not not running a heating element on it for absolutely no reason though yes I believe you could stop the process when it gets to the seal method and then save that little step there so anyway I'm a link to these below like I said and also to the brake bleeder that I have this act you can probably find maybe even a smaller set but this one had a whole bunch of attachments and and separate hoses and stuff which actually worked out really good for us because you know we always joke around that we also found out that the brake bleeder not only is it good for vacuum sealing Jenners it makes a great brake bleeder and it came in use for that when Patrick needed to do some work on our Toyota Pickup so okay well I hope that helps for those who have been wanting to know how to vacuum seal in jars and as far as how long it lasts I would say as long as your jars space sealed and you've got your greedy it's good and dry in there it should last for many many years I've had stuff for sit-sit for quite a few years in my document ours with no problem hope you enjoyed this video and that you learned something new thanks for watching take care and God bless you [Music]
Channel: Rain Country
Views: 107,545
Rating: 4.9275031 out of 5
Keywords: traditional, old-ways, Health, Garden, Frugal, Homesteading, Self-Sustainability, Cooking, DIY, Homemade, natural-living, herbs, dry goods, food storage, dried foods, herb preservation, food preservations, prepping, preparedness, vacuum sealing, mason jars, foodsaver
Id: biMgUOdJXV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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