How To Store Pasta For Long Term

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hey everyone obsessive prep razy i'm going to do a video today because there's been some controversy about like storing your pastas things like that now I store pasta several different ways and if you haven't seen any of my videos go through my previous videos of showing you how I store things ID hydrate I store things in mason jars I store food in mylar bags and I also store food in number 10 cans now you can purchase them through the canneries or through August in Orhan evil there's a lot of products that I use a canner I have the ability to get a number 10 counter where it puts the lids on and I store a lot of different things in these number 10 cans and the big thing is is pasta how long can pasta laughs well definitely your flour products cannot that lasts that long but you know the going time rate on dried pastas is about 8 to 10 years you could probably push that and get a little longer but we're talking about your spaghetti is your rudd your spiral noodles things like that and the question is is egg noodles you cannot store egg noodles now there's a couple people that are out there that show you a different storage of egg noodles and the discoloration that they do and what I've got here is this is a can of egg noodles that I did in February of 2010 so I'm going to go ahead and open this up and show you this has been three years and give or take the three years three months old and I'm going to show you because I want to use my egg noodles tonight in the dinner and I'm going to show you how they've stored and what they look like three years later so let me just the camera will be for just on also food storage and things like that if you're going to store things in number tin cans or you're going to have a lot of canned products you need to have definitely not just one can opener have several can openers around several church keys I put this up like Anders can openers and Church keys and also handy-dandy p38 in my kitchen and out my storage I've got them kind of everywhere especially the p38 I will actually leave p38 Indian food underneath the plastic lids so if you ever lose your can opener at least you've got a good p38 the p38 is the military can opener and I'll show you how when I go to the close up of how to use this this is a neat little product you shouldn't find it more than a bike there are some generic companies out there that make it but you definitely want to find the us-made ones and Shelby is who makes this p38 so I just wanted to show this to you so I'm going to go ahead and zoom in and show you as I'm opening my egg doodles and I'll talk to you about that as we go so what be back with you interesting okay so I've got my camera adjusted here now now on your number 10 cans if you have the availability to get a number 10 counter to seal your own cans just kind of heads up I took me a lot of years when you're using that counter and it seals this lid a lot of times it is hard for your can opener to open up the sealed lid that you did so what you need to do is flip your candle over so like I said this is a let's see this is my egg noodles from 2 of 2010 and so just to give you an idea when we talk about the p38 I know if you can see this or not but what you're going to do is you're going to puncture the can with your p38 may you heard the air come out of it and that was me using oxygen absorbers now it'll take a little time to use a p38 to open this can up the p38 is the military can opener when they had the sea rations back in the day when they the military food in a cab so in those cases there were p38 I'm not going to sit here and do this I'm going to show you though how far I got now they make a larger version of this that is a little bit easier to use on your number 10 cans but if you have the time and you needed to sit around and do it it sure would do the job but I'm going to just use my cattle better and I don't buy inexpensive can openers I get so sick and tired of purchasing inexpensive can openers and then having them stripped and it doesn't go down properly it drives me absolutely nuts so get rid of this alright so I've got my oxygen absorber in my can you can see that there and three years later my noodles are perfectly fine I'm going to get something that you can actually see them a darker plate let me here's a second I wasn't thinking about this I'm going to go ahead and dump these out so literally no breakdown of my egg noodles and we're talking three years later now I only put one oxygen absorber into the can and you heard when I opened it up it was still completely you can see that there is nothing wrong with my egg noodles I have seen some videos where people have put them in mylar bags and years later they started getting a white substance on the outer side and a discoloration of your egg noodles but I have to say extremely happy I'm going to eat it dry here okay so we've got to jump out on the plate and under noodles they say not to store egg noodles for period of time because they will go bad now like I said this has been three years in three months that has been sealed in my number tin can with an oxygen absorber now if you don't have the the ability to be on your own things in number 10 cans I would say just safely say that in a mason jar where you've used your food saver and you've sucked the air out of it or in a mason jar with your oxygen absorbers in a mylar bag just cut your mylar bag open that be the egg noodle bag open and then suck it out with the food saver and store it in a mylar bag you know three years I have got two more cans with this date on it so next year I will do another video and I'll keep revising this video to let you know each year but like I said typically they say regular noodles and eight to ten years because there is no egg in them it's just a flour mixture these egg noodles have eggs in them and they've been just fine three years later so what just kind of I hope that helped you out at all because there's been a lot of controversy I have seen a gentleman that had had them and they hid stored for quite some time and you could definitely see the discoloration of the egg noodles and on these can openers things like that I'm not going to show you but I'm going to do a shout out on low buck prepper he does a video that's kind of neat where he takes a spoon let me get a spoon here I cannot do it I'm not going to sit here and show you how to do it I have the knowledge now but he basically cuts the can just keeps going over the can and he cuts open a can that you can actually get the food out without having a can opener so in a survival kind of situation that's a neat thing too to do so I'm going to go ahead and down in the description box put his link to that can with it opening a can with a spoon I think that's rather cool video so a little shout-out to a low back so anyways egg noodles you can definitely store and I hope you enjoyed this video if you have any questions or anything please leave me a comment if you like my video give me a thumbs up have a blessed day hey real quickly I just wanted to show you like my number 10 cans of my pasta noodles that I do here like I said not everybody has the ability to use the can I do this at the LDS cannery I get the canner and I add if your LDS you can definitely bring their portable one home use their counter and put stuff into number 10 cans so I just wanted to show you real quickly like this is my macaroni I've got egg noodles I'm like I said I've got a couple different cans I don't know if you can see in there of the the can that I just opened up this is a 2011 and then also what I do is I also put them into the mylar bags and what I've got here is I've got spaghetti noodles let me try to get this up here sorry about the jiggling and stuff this is spaghetti noodles and what I've done with my spaghetti noodles is I put him in a FoodSaver bag first and I I cut the that I sealed the bag in half so the FoodSaver bags I use like the gallon size and then I cut it in half and I still the one side and then that way you can put your long your long spaghetti noodles you know the long packages of spaghetti noodles in those then I air seal them and then I put them in my mylar bags so I've got that for storage and then real quick let me turn this off and I'll show you what else I sorry about that okay so I just to show you I put them in these Rubbermaid containers this is at the top of my shelf and then you can see like my different noodles that I've got the poundage that I have in it so that's what I do with the mylar bags I put him in these see if I back up here that you can see it I put them in these Rubbermaid containers so I'm going to go ahead and take you inside and show you what else okay so these are half gallon sized jars of pasta noodles that I've got and then I've also got different assortments of quart size pastas and then all I do is use my food saver attached a tap attachment sorry about that and I suck the air out of them so they're not popping to all your airs out of them now what I do here is in my mason jars this is what I use all the time so what I do is when I finish with my jars and I have to open up a container the thing like the egg noodles that I just opened I will put them in mason jars so then my newest product either goes in a number-10 can or the mylar bags and then I will rotate them into my mason jars when I need to use them and I will still use my food saver to suck out the oxygen unless I've happened to be lazy and I had somebody make a comment because my rice that I had in a mason jar the lid was bulging and thought it was going bad but I was just being lazy and I hadn't sealed it so what but what I will do is I'll put them in the mason jars and I will seal the mason jars with my food saver and then when it's time for me to cook dinner then I will come in like that's my macaroni I'm going to have to open up a macaroni package and fill my jars up but that's what I will do is I'll buy the new product I'll put it in number tin cans or I will put them in my food saver bags and then in mylar and then I will when I need to use them I will rotate them out and I always get the grab the oldest can or the coldest bag to use so you're always rotating your food product so I hope you have a blessed day
Channel: Obsessive Prepper AZ
Views: 182,865
Rating: 4.901082 out of 5
Keywords: prepper, preppers, long term food storage, food storage, storing pasta, shtf, preparedness, canning, storing food, preserving food, food, storing, egg noodles, noodles, homesteading, storing pasta long term, storing pasta in mylar bags, storing pasta in jars, storing pasta noodles, food storage long term, dry canning in mason jars, preppers food storage, preppers shtf this week, dehydrating food, how to dry pasta, meals in a jar, dry canning, prepper pantry
Id: ogzOYgmMsrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2013
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