Storage Wars: Top 6 Most Expensive Locker Finds From Season 10 | A&E

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- One, two-- I'm at $10,000. --about $9,000. That's one of the best of lockers ever. It's not-- it's not a bad day. [buzzing] [vocalizing] I paid $1,500 for all that. It's like-- OK. Now, right away, I do see a very rare, uncommon NES game right here on side, and that is S.C.A.T. S.C.A.T. What is it worth? About $200. Yes! Nice score right there. [slapping hands] Oh my god, you gotta be kidding me. What? MUSHA. MUSHA who? MUSHA $200. Really? [laughing] Yes! Oh! This is the first box and it's packed with games! If they're all like this, ooh! [giggling] Think it's fair to say $3,000? Yeah. And we are just starting. You know what? We have two more times that much. It's a good thing it's not sitting up any higher than the belly. We've only gone through a third of this locker, and I'm already at $1,500. $10 a cartridge, that's $3,000. $40 box. $500 box. $50? Yeah, at least $50. $800 box? Easily. Easily. You got about $500 worth of games right here. We're over $20,000. [slapping hands] Nice! Nice! [giggling] $200 box. $300 box. $2,000? - $2,000? Yeah. Yeah. $1,500 box. Easy. Keep on playing like this, I'm gonna get the high score. [cackling, vocalizing] There's another 120 boxes in here. $150 a box, that's another $15,000. How-- that's one of my best lockers ever. That's not a bad day. I spent almost $3,000 on two sister units. It's time to see how good-looking they are. All right, guys. Let's just line these up in two rows, see what we got. Wow. Got some boxes. Look at that, all the little artsy-craftsy. People love buying this stuff. Easy $75.00. $300 just in those four craft boxes right there. If this whole unit is full of craft stuff, we're doing good. Decorator hanging items, $25. Nice material. We're gonna call it $25. $25. $25. Abalone china, $100. That's an expensive little sewing machine. That's a seamstress-type thing. $300, believe it or not. There's the other Abalone china. There's another $100. These are all actually little iron pieces. They're worth like, $20 each, so there's like, at least $300 here. More fabric, $25. $25. $25. $25. Woo! Vintage, $40, $40, $40. Now, all my boxes has been at least $25, so I'm getting tired of going box by box. I'm just gonna count the boxes. Two, three, four. 58, 60. We'll count 60 boxes. 25 times 60 is $1,500. And I haven't even gone inside yet. This is $100. This is $100. This is $100. This is $100. This is what's called a Heywood Wakefield bedroom set. Right here you can see the stamp. You're looking at about a $2,000 set. I'm not surprised. Are you surprised? Can't be. That's just what I do. Yup! Everybody made fun of me yesterday for buying junk, but I got six lockers for under $1,000. My only problem now is I gotta go through it all. Let's tally it all up. We got $200 worth of bikes. Tons of speakers. Look at that. Nothing but car stereos. There's $1,000 in electronics just right here, and I'm already over my money in the profit. Ooh, comics! I'm just gonna be conservative and say there's $250 in this box right here. With this comic and that pile and a few boxes here, puts me at right about $3,000. Jordans! Thank you! Huh, now that's a gold ring. I can tell because it is heavy. That's going in the drawer right there. DVDs upon DVDs. These are Transformers. Got a gold bracelet. Watch out, boy! Oh yeah! Well, with this pile here, I still got more to go, and I'm at $7,800. On to the bigs. Refrigerator, $250. [grunting] Old-school refrigerator, $125. $150 shelf. This stove right here, $500. This sucker here is heavier than me, and I'm one heavy dude. $50. That's old-school General Electric. $200 on this one. Display cases. All of them got the nice tops. $100, $200, $300. Beautiful china cabinet, $200. Back here you got $500. All this, all that, and everything that I've already went through, I'm at $10,000, easy. [door rumbling] Hello. Nice tile-top table, $50. Chairs, $30 a chair. Wrought-iron chairs, $50 apiece. Little motorcycle and little cast-iron school bus. Easily with the box and everything, $200. Oh, check it out, a school desk. Someone will pay $50 for that. People love these old fans. It's easily $60. Nice mission-style chair, that's a $300 chair. [grunting] Careful not to cut the wood. But you can tell it has a lot of age and natural worth to it. It's easily a $300 piece. Cowhide chair. Definitely real cowhide. $75. That's an interesting piece. Somebody will pay $100 for that, no problem. Oh, this is nice. Look at this. Carved legs, carved up here. Would guarantee $100. This is an interesting piece. Neon sign, oh, that's cool. That's an old neon sign. This looks like one of my favorite signs, the dollar sign. Oh, wow, check out this piece out. Every drawer has a different story and it's all hand-carved. I want to put $1,000 on it and see what happens. Oh, this looks like china. China of Japan. Beautiful piece Lid right on top. It's full of bubble-wrapped stuff. With the gold leaf and dish in the middle, there's probably, like, 70 pieces in there. Let's just say $15 apiece for a bubble wrap. That's a $1,000 box. I made $4,000 already. My work here is done. [sighing] This locker cost a pretty penny, but the look on Renee's face when I bought it? Priceless. Oh, this one's nice. All Matco, Matco, $200 in that box right there. At least $250 in that drawer alone. We'll call that one $20. There's $100 in screwdrivers right there. Some Allen wrenches-- $175 in that drawer. $125 pair of Channellocks, that's it right there. Brand-new shrink-wrapped Matco sets. You got $500 in the resale price in that drawer right there. With all the tools in here and the tool box, I'm looking at about $3,000 on the secondary market. Couple hundred bucks on all the mattresses and stuff. An antique chair, $25 on this. These are these Dream Houses. To quick-sell them, they're about $50 bucks apiece. You have nine Dream Houses so that's $450 right there in the Dream Houses. We got four Genesises. These are brand-new, wrapped up, just straight from the factory. $200 apiece, that's $800 right there. And now it's time to find some more profit. Let's see what's in here. Oh, wait a minute! DJ Duck. I've seen a lot of stuff in my day, but I don't think I've ever seen a DJ duck. Looks kinda cool. Probably stick a battery in his ass right here. Runs around, goes to town. There's a dozen in each box. I'm going to blow them out at $50. You're looking at about $3,750. This is just a great locker here, and I'm not done yet. Looks like we have the antique couch and another chair. That's $500. Then miscellaneous fishing poles and BB guns. And we've got about $9,000. I'd say that's not a bad day's work. [door rumbling] There you go. Oh, wait, hold up, now. You said 30 minutes. [laughing] Ain't no 30 minutes around here, boy. Let's check and see what's in this box, all right? What do we got? Look at that. Got some laptops. I mean, man, we're looking good. How much you think this is worth? - $200. - That's what I'm talking about. That's the old Kenny I know. [laughing] That's the old-- man, this guy wasn't messing around. Another hard drive. DVD-ROM, CD-ROM. I'd say $60 on them. Now, how about these speakers? Clean them off, wipe them down? $45. Hm. Look at this one. Oh, what's that now? 1936 MG aftershave. Oh, it's aftershave? They probably collect this stuff. Sprinkle me, baby. Smell it. Oh, that's nice. You smell like 1936. [laughing] That's a collector's item. About $250. We have some old stuff. What do we got? Hard drives. - Computer tower. - Yeah. - What you thinking? - $200. All right. Oh, got some "Medal of Honor"-- CDs, games, motherboard. I say $50. $50 easy. What's in this box right here, all taped up? A computer wire-- Hard drive wires. I'd say about $150. Hey, we got a safe, bro! A safe? Yeah, it's already open. That's a gun safe. We got a lot of keys and nothing else. Oh. What kinda fool put this kinda [bleep].. Hold on. Holy [bleep], Batman. - That's what I'm talking about. - Boom! Oh! Oh my god! I know that they're real. One, two, three, four, five, six-- Keep it going. --seven, eight, nine, $1,000. Hold that. You up 97. Oh my [bleep] god! That's what I'm talking about. This is my biggest score ever. How much German chocolate cake a brother could get with $4,000?
Channel: A&E
Views: 406,522
Rating: 4.7022257 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, comp, storage wars compilation, expensive, rich, highest, biggest, win, winner, profit, profits, Top 6 Most Expensive Locker, Top 6, Expensive Locker Finds, storage wars season 10, season 10 storage wars, storage wars se10 clips, Muppet Babies, vintage cigar humidor, Expensive lockers storage wars, Most Expensive Locker
Id: pl4zRYIm1qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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