Storage Wars: TOP TOYS & Games | One-Hour Marathon | A&E

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oh boy this is a japanese board game  mario brothers 1986 nintendo that is cool   well wait a minute we got all kinds of little  collectible marios and stuff look at this dude   let me see it's just gobs and gobs of the little  mario dudes look at that yeah and you don't want   to open these these up because they're all taped  look at see they're taped on the ends it's good   mint in the box we need to get that  checked out up dude this is big time   so this is where i came in quite a while ago with  that nintendo game and the guy pretty much seems   to know his stuff my nintendo connection he's got  a geek out when he sees this mario brothers game   hey what's up buddy hey how you doing it's my son  brandon brandon hi jason nice speech man nice to   meet you sir i recognize this these are board  games based off of the super mario franchise   this particular board is super mario bros 2 it  was the second game in the series the players   would build like an environment that they would  play in the game this is fantastic i have seen one   and three but not two the one you have right here  is in my opinion one of the rarest wow so i have   a rare number two it's just absolutely amazing  what do you got in the case oh well first i want   to point out that is an old vinyl nintendo case  yeah look at that nintendo i like what's in here   these are fantastic guy you got a ton of them  well this one looks open let me see what's in   here right oh there you go these are little  dioramas it looks like you have luigi in there   a small luigi yeah and behind him looks to be  is that a mushroom manitoba looks like mario   no it's a toadstool yeah i don't have the foggiest  ass clue to what you guys are even talking about   you need to play video games with your kid yeah  that's not gonna happen you know the bottom line   for me is what's all this worth jason um i  know that you're looking at a sizable chunk   i think what you got here you're looking at  700 here easily today a thousand here nice   thank you mario and linguine 1700 bucks  is a good day thank you oh looky here   now this is hello kitty now this is a whole lot  of little hello kitty hey my neck hurt stop doing   that huh people love collecting hello kitty  i have no idea why but 20 everybody has a bed   everybody needs a bed 100 bucks tinker bell yeah  now i'm not celebrating because i like tinkerbell   i'm celebrating because people would like to buy  tinkerbell okay maybe i like her a little bit   25 worth of tinkerbell the pans i  love big pans 15 bucks right there   seems to be dishware that's what i'm after  oh now this right here is real money uh pretty gobblers capaya   40. bubble wrap i love bubble wrap bubble wrap  means they're protecting something what's in here a hello kitty adding machine kids  what's two plus two plus one five   that was gonna say four hun well i didn't now  this right here is money calling hello kitty old   plastic obviously as you can tell old wire hookups  and rotary man i wonder how much this is worth   matter of fact i'm gonna have to take all  my hello kitty to get checked out cause   i got to find out what this is worth and i  got to find out now hello kitty hello money hello kitty hi how are you i'm fine  how are you good chris sparkles   crystal sparkles is the it girl when  it comes to hello kitty so i'm visiting   japan la to have a look at my collection  oh i'm so excited for all the goodies   oh this is like bringing me back to my childhood  we have to talk about this plush this i would say   was made in the early 90s i feel like every  hello kitty fan would go crazy about this   plush because it's so nostalgic and every person  who sees this will always think back like wow   this is exactly what i had as a kid oh my gosh i  don't think i've ever seen a hello kitty abacus   before hello kitty's been around since about 1976  or so the beauty about hello kitty back then was   that she was such a universal character that it  was all about primary colors like her bow was   always red she always had blue overalls or a blue  dress this would be a prime example of this being   a legitimate vintage colors yeah looks like hello  kitty is about to add to ivy's kitty i think we   need to touch on this this bubble wrapped baby oh  yeah oh this is like the holy grail of hello kitty   this is a crazy good find this rotary phone is  such a big deal for every single hello kitty   collector out there and recently there was a red  version of this that sold for a thousand dollars   i mean the fact that i'm touching it is  like all right i'm bound down to this   ah so when you answer the phone do you gotta  say hello kitty yes in a more seductive tone   yeah hello kitty being that my phone is awesome  we'll drive you bonkers and you bow to it earlier   what do you think i get for my phone  and all my hello kitty stuff right here well ivy but the phone the plush the abacus  and all the other toys i would have to say nine hundred dollars oh raise hello kitty ew ooh pokemon cards now these can be  pricey some of these are plastic wraps   you know maybe they're valuable i have no idea  but the kids these days sure seem to love them oh this is a cool vintage radio  i mean it looks pretty intact   i'm gonna say at least 20 bucks on this thing there we're freaking talking pokemon so who knows  what i have in here because i know nothing about   pokemon cards so pokemon i'm depending on you  to at least make up for the 145 bucks i spent   on all this freaking trash these cards better  be worth samoula because no one wants to work   for free all right well looks like this is maybe  the worst locker yet that i've gotten i'm here to   see angel and ty from core tcg to see if these  pokemon cards are gonna make me some poke money   all right professionals have you ever played  pokemon before or this first time are you not   seeing my pokemon it's a game yes pokemon started  back in japan and then they brought it to the   states and it became big here also like how old  these are probably about 10 15 years old really   yeah i remember when i first started playing  them like in the third grade and if you didn't   have a pikachu or charizard you weren't cool  those are like the funnest words to say ever   yes so what's you guys favorite pokemon card uv is  my all-time favorite to deal with well evie starts   off as original but she has like eight evolutions  that's why i just love evie what about you   um my personal favorite is dragonite yeah this is  the dragon flies around does absolutely nothing   okay so you do have a lot of common cards here and  i also see quite a few seven eight dollar cards   mainly the holographics and the first editions  this is a good one right here that's a from team   rocket set and these are one of the rare cards  to find is super rare that one's worth about 20   awesome 20 bucks for one car looks like  i might be playing with a stacked dick   okay so if you guys had to you know give me  a total value of all these cards together   how much you think i'm taking a look at  everything we see a lot of common cards   but a lot of them are first edition  which is a good sign i would say about um around like 600 awesome 600 bucks  for some freaking pokemon cards scott   i know the pokemon like the character but  i didn't know these cards were actually   a game that you play yeah it's very simple so you  start off the game with seven cards so you put   one of your basic pokemon out in front and you  flip over your pokemon then you begin to battle   how do i battle so each pokemon has an  attack and it requires an energy do you   have a blue energy in your hand no oh that  sucks for you again i hate this game already   also another thing too is that pokemon also have  weaknesses this one's weakness is actually steel   times two and resistance is fighting so if it's  40 it would do 80 damage to it i lost it whatever   okay so since you're not doing anything  i'm just gonna make a move yeah   whoa this is a real my little pony i don't think  that's my little pony pretty big yes it is look   isn't there like a whole movement about my little  pony people it was like a documentary about dudes   who collect my little ponies and they're really  serious about it i don't think that's real i think   it's real i can't remember what they're called are  they called little pony lovers bozak take the pony   from brandy so we can keep going touch me and  i'll break your hand do not mess with my pony sweaty hands off of my pony oh here we go shut  your face it's a mother lode of my little pony   we're rich with ponies my little pony bony pony  bony pony i don't know how the song goes this   one's morning dawn delight when's the last time  you get some more ding dong delight huh it's been   a while brandi man it's been a while this could be  worth a lot of money to some person that collects   these i can't remember what they're called  bozak get those on the track right now go vomit   careful carefully let's go bronies that's what  they're called we're gonna look into it with   some bronies you seem way too excited about  this shut up who are we meeting with uh johnny   blood bath jungle guts johnny jungle goods wow i'm  a little nervous we're taking the my little pony   collection to a brony called johnny jungle guts  this could be totally amazing or it could be the   last time you see me and jared hi there hi are you  johnny jungle gut i am johnny jungle gods did you   kill someone in the jungle no pepper i helped some  animals in the jungle and while i was there i got   parasites and they called me they said the jungle  guts so ever since then i've been johnny jungle   guts that's fantastic it's less threatening now  that you've explained it for the record yeah yeah   so you're a brony i'm a total bronie and what does  that mean exactly bronies are adult fans of my   little ponies if you're a guy you're a brony and  if you're a girl you're a pega sister pegasister   secure the stereotype yeah do you live in your  mom's basement no i live i live on my own what   good for johnny jungle goods that's huge  all right let's talk about pinkie pie okay   pinkie pie she's from the newest season of my  little pony you can only get it from europe now   wow are all my little ponies girls no absolutely  not duh where do you think baby ponies come from   silly all right let's look at these  guys so yeah let's look at these guys   i would say a box they're probably worth about 15  but it really depends from character to character   this one might be worth a little more because  it's rainbow dash she's a really popular pony   you could probably get at least 20 bucks  for this my little ponies all have cutie   marks that represent something they're good  at it's got tie-dye does she drive a ban again   pretty sure that she follows the grateful dead  around here well brandie's getting into it she's   doing it she's like let me get a good one hey  slow down easy i'm so excited i know you are   what the what did i just become a pega sister  so brony to pegasister how much are these worth   looking at this whole collection i  would have to say it's worth at least 875 that is awesome can you believe we  made almost a thousand bucks on a 50   unit for ponies don't forget pinkie pie  oh we won't thank you thanks johnny that   was a fantastic appraisal i have some songs  that i do about can you sing a little bit   please just give us a taste oh really putting  me on the spot okay there are some days when   a pegasus doesn't have to fly when you've  got pals on the ground who needs the sky   you don't have to be like rainbow dash you can  chill on the ground just like fluttershy i will   tell you right now i know more about my little  pony than i thought i ever would in my lifetime   is it tanra or tonka no it says t-o-n  k-a right let's get this box out and see oh yeah it's a tonka truck this is actually pretty  cool well taco stuff can go for thousands if it's   the right one might be some more in here oh yeah  i think there is maybe it's a tonka collection   there you go car hauler now we're  gonna have the semi that hauls it   now when i was a kid you know i would steal  these out of people's yards because the kids   would leave their little tonka trucks you know  on the way to school i might just pick one up   that's the truck that goes to the car hauler  there that one's not stamped but oh yeah it   is right on the tires right on the white walls  tonka you know these are like baseball cards coins   trains you gotta take it to a tonka toy expert  i think tonka trucks will mean a tank of money   i love it oh damn i think these are gonna be  a little bit newer than that box because these   are all plastic ones oh there's another box that  says tonka oh he's got the old winnebago no way   i didn't see a lot of these growing up this box  is very cool what do you got oh jim i got some   good stuff for you when it comes to vintage toys  jim malley is my go-to guy let's separate out   the uh the cheap stuff the beet stuff the plastic  that's pretty cool that's the original logo stuff   uh tonka toys mound minnesota that's kind of neat  ah plastic plastic a lot of these toys seem to   be mixed errors but these seem to be your best  pieces so jim what do you think this okay pal's   worth well you know all these pieces you sell them  separately at five to fifty dollars i bet there's   500 bucks and that's just the low end stuff well  that's good now let's get to the high-end stuff   all right let's check it out the collectors really  like the pressed steel stuff and this is basically   what you have here they're all american they're  all heavy steel they're quality toys that were   made to last and you can see they lasted so  jim what are these good steel ones worth this   stuff here this is the collector's stuff you can  sell this to toy shows sell it online um you got 500 easy well a thousand bucks for the whole  collection sure that's pretty good well i should   just stick around we'll play with these for a  while all right mama time to go camping let's go here we go nice speaker box easy 50 bucks wow look  at his furry chest that's so funny almost   looks like yours my chest ain't furry  it's not that muscular either i'm sorry   we got a whole band i think talk about gut  feeling wow one two three four and kiss is   like a huge collectible worst case scenario  you're looking at a thousand bucks and up   this feels like action figures it's bag after bag  after that and then we got old ones new ones it's   a 500 box right here nice okay see what do you  have there i got the man of your dreams definitely   the man of my nightmares check this out oh my god  that's scary hold him hold me there another one   ah his bride this one looks a little bit new  about this guy right here he looks really old   we need to find somebody that really knows  and can tell us the difference between them   and maybe get him appraised who knows maybe we  get really lucky that's one of them they use   on the set that would be worth a lot of money  the only bad thing they were possessed shut up   casey i'll be right down here let me know when  you want to play with me scary i hope it's not   a possessed one oh wow more action figures hi  oh these are all movie memorabilia child's play   too i'm just going to be conservative but i bet  it's a 2 300 bucks more action figures not a 100   money money money did you just move the doll now more figures 100 bucks those are some  big tires straight up gangsta little   bling bling death set of rims 500 more action  figures that's like another at least 100 bucks   i'm loving this that thing is creeping me  out casey come play with me casey okay kc   come play with me i'll take chucky don't kill  me i'm evil too we are friends man i sure hope   this little troublemaker's worth it we're taking  our chucky dolls to dark delicacies how are you   dale knows all things horror when he  sees those movie props he's gonna freak   we practice some evil spirits oh the kids these  are like the holy grail of chucky dolls right yeah   i mean they're a good size i'm hoping that diesel  made some sort of movie problem okay this is from   the child's play series okay uh the first doll  looks different this is later on in the fourth   movie bride of chucky hence the bride of chucky  okay she stitches him all back together and   everything and tries to bring back her lover  uh spoiler alert tiffany is even in better   shape look at that leather coat you don't have  any scuff marks on it dress is in good shape   the combat boots beautiful that's good all of  that being said this is the franchise this is   the guy right here he made the money he paid  the bills that's right do you have any idea of   what you think these might be worth no but what  we're hoping for is like maybe some sort of studio   props because i've never seen one like that if  this was one of the props from bride of chucky   you'd probably be talking maybe thousands of  dollars would you the thing that would tell you   right off the bat would be if it was a studio  prop they would have made it and it wouldn't   have a manufacturer's tag we'll see if we got any  tags this is not a prop doll um it is a doll made   after the movie or maybe licensed during the  movie and then made to come out at the same time   it is still a high-end toy okay you've  got the set i would value them at about 125 to 150 for the pair what i'm worth oh go through it brando make  sure there's nothing in there that's good   okay why don't you do this show me how not to be  a meathead that's impossible you raised me yeah   little monitor's 25 bucks a little mouse behind  this five wow that's cute that's actually a lamp   sticker whatever another ten bucks they'll  probably get ten bucks a piece on these right here   brandon don't forget the stereo cd player  right below our feeds of ten dollar bill   hold it look at all these old nintendo games and  all this stuff in here this thing is full of games   dude the games are the most collectible here  check them out there's more games in there the   whole bottom's full of games i think we should  set these aside and get these checked out the   only way we're gonna dig ourselves out of this  hole is if these games are rare and collectible   well this is it nothing funner than playing  with geeks or your games with the geeks   we're taking our nintendo collection  to larry and dave at video game geeks   something tells me i'm gonna be the coolest guy in  there all right let's check it out nes system it's   common there's like a bunch of games in here too  fellas this is all pretty common stuff right here   everything that is in this box i have on the shelf  here what are these worth on an average five bucks   a game five bucks a game yeah and this is probably  with all the stuff you're looking about 80 bucks   if it works this locker is officially a bust  what you got in the bags you guys probably   know better than i do i can tell right off the  bat there's some good stuff right there really   yeah just from what we pulled out right there  huh you ever heard of this game uh-uh it's one   of the most rarest nintendo games you can find  stadium events nintendo bought the rights to it   and thus there was only about three thousand  copies made and this is uh trolls in crazy   land you're looking about 200 that's crazy  this cartridge keep an eye on these guys   i'm already thinking of what i could offer you  zombie nation this is another collector's item   i've only seen that game one time in 14 years  really really look at this one oh power blade   teal snow brothers killer title you got some  really mint games this is amazing these video   game geeks are geeking out on my games what do you  guys think this thing is really worth considering   the condition the rarity and the amount of stuff  you guys have here i would price this lot at three thousand dollars awesome seriously yeah  yeah all right well thanks a lot you guys brando   let's pack our stuff we cannot let this go out  the door if you can't let it go out the door   then i'll sell it to you for 4 500. that's not  gonna happen then it's gonna walk out the door   i tell you what flip you for it i've been known  to flip 1200 or 3000. oh no this says gambler   not stupid i'll tell you what i will do i'll  flip you for it five thousand or five dollars i can't make money at 5000 though yeah i can't  make it you know what let's do this i go to   sell this stuff you guys got first dibs on it  sound good sounds great thanks again you guys   show me something weird yeah look at  these they're all wrapped really nicely oh it's wizard of oz so what is it awesome oh  it's a chess set that's cool well let's see   what the board looks like this is good that's no  place oh that's sweet i like that oh it's by stars   it's licensed by wizard of oz look it's  lamented edition number 251 out of 300.   these are really cool maybe i'll finally learn  how to play chess more clothes more clothes that's   good for the store it's a 100 box but it's boring  how about we throw this stuff back in we'll call   the guys have the guys come get it i want to go  check out the chess set this should be exciting   we have to see kurt the wonderful collector of us  yup that's the one i'm just checking for cracks i   don't see anything yeah it's got great color  doesn't it absolutely absolutely you know the   wizard of oz color is everything it just it looks  fantastic for being over 18 years old so how old   is it 18 years yeah brand new to me yeah roughly  1995-96 got a whole bunch of pieces in here   see these are all hand painted fantastic star jars  is the company put out a series of cookie jars   that were head and shoulders of wait wait wait  wait wait wait wait wait wait this is a cookie jar   it is i thought it was a chess set look my friend  careful with my fingers if you lift it up that's   where the cookies go wow so you can play a game of  chess and win against the cookies absolutely but   there's something else that you guys didn't know  what's that these are salt and pepper shakers   wow that's great it's a three-way cross  collectible yes it is so they were supposed to be   a series of about 300 and unfortunately because of  the size of the cookie jar and the fact that it's   actually flat um a lot of the firings did not work  out and a lot of these cracked so there was about   maybe 50 50 to 60 that were actually put on the  market in the whole world that sounds expensive   yeah i think like the sound of this when this  piece actually came out it was roughly between   800 and a thousand dollars wow what can i  sell it for what can you sell it for okay um   because there's so many things that you can  do with this in fact it's in perfect condition   the fact that there's hardly any left i've  seen it actually go up for auction and uh sell for up to thirty seven hundred  dollars really really well you   did well my friend congratulations i'm  happy bring your checkbook let's make a   deal you better give me this chess set my  dear i'll get you in your little soul too jared spent three grand on this locker i  doubt we'll break even all right i'm going in   ready hot wheels but there's more look  what these boxes say hot wheels hot wheels   and that big one right there right behind  me forgot about those let's get to it   there's probably hundreds here they just keep  on coming take this box set it over there are   they new where are you they're brand new in the  package jared has his head up his butt if he   thinks that toy cars are gonna pay for this locker  every box i look at is money right now yeah yeah   pull yourself together can we be the luckiest  people around right now i just had to see if   there was hot wheels in here but we got  to get this stuff back to the shop to   process it you think we're going to make some  money i think that we have to i would hope so careful careful don't trip me even though we're  bringing all of this stuff into the store right   now brandi's still worried we're not gonna  make a profit there better be 3 000 bucks in   here jared randy don't worry we're gonna make  our money back on this is your princess house   yeah you want to help me or just consider just  standing i am helping you i'm helping you count   this money right now the four bucks that's  right there you better check your attitude   there's 200 bucks just on that show we're probably  looking at closer to 500 worth of glassware right   here you think so for sure these speakers right  here 100 bucks a piece 2 300 to go okay jared is   really trying to make this work it's kind of fun  to watch him squirm well what do we sell these   cds for three bucks a piece yeah three bucks a  piece we got an easy six hundred dollars in cds   a box full of records even if we sell them  all at two bucks a piece i mean there's   there's probably 200 records there so there's  another four or 500 bucks how much do you   think these are worth these are cute they're  probably 20 bucks a piece it's like 60 bucks   oh that's a good receiver  right there surround sound   good surround so it's a good brand it's  probably another 300 bucks just for this awesome 840 to go we got that in hot wheels for sure   whoo that looks good that's our money right  there because even the commonwealths are   still 10 years old you can't buy these anymore  people want these we'll still get two three   bucks a piece for them all right put them  on the shelf 40 850 860. 863 plus 35. 8.98   8.98 oh plus the tools got another 100 bucks  in miscellaneous tools over here 31.60 so 160   bucks whoa we made it work for 160 bucks we  paid for the gas and lunch but we didn't lose what the hell is this nerves of steels  that is a rock a cool character shaky   and jittery looks like you put a dime in it so  it's got to have a little bit of age to it through   taking dimes and not dollars this is pretty  cool vintage countertop machine i don't know   i'm not an expert i've never seen one of these  before but i'm gonna say it says gum so it's   a gum machine maybe you shoot something and a  piece of gum comes out to you i'm gonna have to   find an arcade expert to tell me what these  things are worth take that there take that i'm taking the games i found to  greg mclemore hey dave how are   you doing he's got to have the biggest  collection of arcade stuff in the world well what do i got here this is a 1949  uh national hunter game which a lot of   people refer to as a duck hunt a duck hunt  i take it when you shoot the uh the duck   the gumball falls out that's the theory try  your shot uh oh well yeah let's try it out amen oh you got him hey i grew up  in a gang infested neighborhood now what do you think this is ah let there  be light okay this one's just a skill game   the idea is just to run the loop through  the cord without touching the side let's   see what this does so we're just gonna  go it's probably a game that appealed   to people that may have been a little bit under  the influence oh oops you got shaky and jittery   who cares i'm not here to play games so great  what do you think these machines are worth   now the challenger to the right buyer  i think 325. what about this one the   duck hunt seen them around never ended up  with one kind of always liked them so uh i'll give you 425 for you  you got cash i do have cash   this is just icing on the cake for  pissing off daryl thank you thank you greg i paid 2 300 for lock a pack from top to bottom  with collectibles beanie babies there's probably   50 of them in there and we sell them for  two to three bucks a piece so that's a 100   bag this is why i bought the locker this whole  box is full of starting lineup figures these   were only geared towards collectors not for  kids 100 manly pack to crap out of this stuff   princess house crystal 10 bucks kareem  abdul-jabbar this one's actually signed   by jabar i'll probably get 30 bucks in store  for that household stuff yeah it's 50 box   bam electrical football game but i'm just gonna  say 20 bucks i don't think it's worth much more   than that vintage stall oh it's oj it's oj simpson  buffalo bill's running back run my staff allegedly let's try and avoid that raiders little kids  jersey raiders hats 10 bucks uh oh i like what   i see here hot wheels that's 24 bucks plus i get  five bucks for the case that's 30 bucks close russell 20 bucks rise 30 bucks sale  30 bucks bryant 30 bucks o'neil 20   bo jackson 30 bucks and terry porter  20 bucks all great condition bam you know what looks like i'm working  well into the night again duesenberg   studebaker mg highway king 100 was among cars for the box i get 20 bucks that's probably  not a 30 bucks worth of stuff in there so   50 backpacking tent ten bucks   i like to watch there's a little bit of silver  rings in here you know easily 50 bucks in jewelry   in here and i see easily another 80 boxes if you  just average 20 bucks a box it's another 1600 these things are usually 5 10  bucks people collect them crown more bubble wrap of course oh wow look at this and this looks super old okay  this looks like a stand right here you got french   writing leave pricing on scope and then right here  it says er paris so i put my money it's made in   france i'm definitely gonna get this piece checked  out because it's the only piece in this locker   that i can't put a price on and that's saying  something cause i just went through a ton of stuff   sure hope my guys get here soon cause if they  don't i'm gonna be spending a night in this unit   i'm sorry but where are you taking me secret  knock i did some research and the french thing   that i found is an antique toy so we're seeing an  expert to find out what it's worth oh good luck thanks for having us brian oh sure thing  what's that the richard balzer collection   yes that's the gentleman i work for i've been  his right-hand man archiving and digitizing   his very extensive collection of devices like  the one i believe you have yeah wow this is a   praxinoscope what's it called a praxinoscope  this was huge for a couple decades in between   1877 and 1899 for kids this would be like getting  a super nintendo under the tree at christmas   normally they come with these strips so you  have one strip here it's about 10 or 12 frames   it looks like and when you put the strip into  the drum there's an equal amount of mirrors on   the inside so when you spin it you can see the  animation happen oh that's really cool it seems   like it's new is this an actual time period piece  or this is a reproduction oh no this is definitely   genuine there were all sorts of devices like  this before the invention of the movie camera   but once people could go to the movies in the  theaters everybody pretty much forgot about these   so what is it worth well that's what we're here to  talk about isn't it the condition leaves a lot to   be desired you can see here the erosion on the  bottom piece the most i would see it going for five hundred dollars oh i didn't expect you to  say that much i didn't expect to eat it but i like   1500 better i guess casey's right 500 bucks it's a  great profit thank you for the education thank you   for coming hey how come i got an assistant and i'm  doing a packing i thought you were the assistant   no i'm the main so i always send you out there to  the auction i like the look of this box already   i think i know what this is with these little  doors that open here but let's see if i'm right   oh yeah now this is what i'm talking about i mean  this cabinet alone is awesome and dart boards can   be pretty pricey especially if they're like  electronic and talk and hackle try again loser   i found one of these in texas before so i'm  hoping to sell this one for some cool cash   i'm taking my dartboard to sam adams at darts  and things to see if they'll take this off my   hands and add to my profit oh so this is  what i found in a storage locker very nice   what you have is a viper solar blast electronic  dart board and a viper metropolitan cabinet this   board allows you to play over 16 players  and it has over 100 variations of games   100 over 100 thank god this is the higher end  all right so you'd find these where in like   bars or so or like home it's mainly for  home use oh okay so have you tried it out no   you want to plug it in let's see yeah  let's see moment of truth here we go and it works oh and that's a great introduction   i know this dartboard is worth at least 200  bucks but if i play cool maybe i'll be able   to get a little more so i have a proposition  since we're here let's play game of darts and   if i win you guys pay me 300 bucks for this thing  but if i lose then you guys can have it for 150.   how about that all right okay but you got to  play my mom oh she's a pro geez i didn't know   i was going up against a freaking bringer  okay i'm ready well how about high score okay go ahead again yeah good job grandma hanging out in bars finally  pays off excuses this is the most exciting unit   i've ever bought i think really it's full of  video games where's my chair what there's no   chair you can unload boxes buddy pricing this  locker is definitely a two-player game so i   brought along my friend fluffy who's a nintendo  collector he's gonna be the luigi to my mario   no okay 1500 bucks for all that can we touch  him no you can't touch nothing that's my stuff   i need your credit card before you touch it's  like okay now right away i do see a very rare   and common nes game right here on the side and  that is scat scat what is it worth about 200   yes nice score right there keep on hitting me  with numbers sunset rider 50 bill i'll take it   the jaguar game checkered flag maybe 20 bucks what  is the last time you've seen so many games in the   wild it's been a long time it's actually getting  really hard to find games out in the wild these   days oh my god you got to be kidding me what musha  musha who musha 200 really yes this is a good box this is the first box and it's packed with games i think it's fair to say three thousand  dollars yeah and we are just starting   you know we got to start going fast and  we'll be here all day let's just start   lining up some of these boxes and go  through cause that's just too much okay are we done yet no are we done yet you know what i  would like to say that was like   most of the unit but we have  two two more times that much we're too fat to be fitting we should have made a  big highway it's a good thing it's not sitting up   any higher than the belly we've only gone through  a third of this locker and i'm already at 15 grand   you ready so we got a lot more levels to clear  that's a little gaming humor for you yes 300   cartridges in here ten bucks a cartridge  that's three thousand dollars 40 bucks   500 box 50 bucks yeah at least 50 bucks 800  bucks easily easy get about 500 worth of turbo   graphic games right here we're over 20 thousand  dollars nice nice 200 bucks 300 bucks 2 000 2000   yeah fifteen hundred dollar box easy keep on  playing like this i'm gonna get the high score here we go i know that one you have it wow  okay how expensive is it bubble bobble two   that's worth at least 500 bucks wow a 30 unit  one cartridge and we still got boxes to look at   find a cool one i know you don't  have it turbo graphics handheld oh   god how much is this system 250. really yeah nice  pac-man donkey kong frogger this box at least 500.   1500 bucks 2 000 box is that a  nintendo listen look at this sega i think somebody fell that's a sign that we  should clean this mess up so we don't get too   tired but i'm looking right here there's  another 120 boxes in here 150 bucks a box   that's another fifteen thousand dollars how cool  that's one of my best lockers it's not a bad day oh yeah oh look at that dude godzilla that's in  good shape all the appendages and everything are   still intact the feet the arms the head how do  you know his appendix are intact you can't even   see inside of him is that another one yeah  it's salt like japanese or are they buddies   they might be i like the little one the  little one's cool it's just lobster man   these things are collectible you look at the  foot 1970 in japan that's awesome right there   sand toy company it's a good day tater man when  i'm good i'm more than good seriously i say we   just at least go to a toy store and get this thing  checked out i called around and found the perfect   guys to appraise my little monsters you happen to  be tetsu yes daryl nice to meet you tommy tommy   hey how's it going so i wanted to bring these into  you and see what they're worth like what what what   what why are you smelling it every old school  vinyl has a unique smell to it plastic piece   okay so that kind of proves the age maybe huh this  one yeah name is gironjin you get a long jeans the pink is still good but the feet is a  little bit dirty so this one is pretty common   okay but then this big guy yes are you gonna  smell this one too yeah yeah you smell them all   yes oh this is yeah pretty old yeah you can  see 1970 yeah japan this is not a godzilla so he's like the original gangster of all the  other dinosaurs uh also morocco always prints   on one foot if it's double print then you lose  a little bit of value in that that's a reprint   that is really good to know so if you see  printing on both feet it's a re-strike yes   but the big thing for me is okay what  are they worth i think a small one   42 100 yen why are we talking yen let's  talk dollars what's it worth right here   american maybe thirty to forty dollars let's  move to the big one then okay yeah this one   you guys are looking about a thousand dollars to  a thousand two hundred dollars actually this big   series just for this one yes i am master and  commander of my domain you gotta be twinkies   right no we're serious yes thanks guys i really  appreciate your time okay thank you thank you guys   we just doubled our profit shut up yep   we're in the yoyo business for sure oh my  god we hit the motherload of yo-yos boxes   of yo-yos that's the last thing mr no attention  span needs this one is the best one so far yeah   is there a word go ahead check him out i'll tell  you right now i can sell yoyos to the yoyo master   these yoyos better be worth something because  we are hanging by a string here and yes i know   that's a pun all right put this stuff back  go on we're taking our yo-yos to a toy store   which i now realize is a big mistake because jared  is a giant child bernie how are you jared bernie   how you doing how are you good to see you i've  got the yo-yo champion and expert for you paul   yacht how you doing hi yo-yo champion huh there's  such a thing as a yo-yo champion that's awesome   i think they're mostly duncan yo-yos duncan  bought a company from a filipino guy named uh   pedro flores wasn't it your floor is brought  up from the philippines they say um yellows   was invented as a weapon in the philippines  yeah yeah it's like a rock on a string and   throw it from trees after you know  their praise and don't tell my kid that   yeah some of these yo-yos um that duncan  makes like can go up to like 500 really   some of these yo-yos that duncan makes i'm gonna  have to look through these and uh there's a couple   hundred in there so we're gonna be looking for  right up here well let's look you know let me   just show you what we got here so that you can  tell me which one of these is worth five hundred   dollars you'll have to spread them all out these  ones are they're kind of outdated in terms of uh   technology it's around three dollars for this  model for their imperial shape i say five dollars   butterfly shape so this one i say around six  dollars one yoyo that sticks out to me is this   one when i saw this one in the box it caught my  attention man this one i would say is a collector   yoyo i've been yoyoing for almost 15 years  and i haven't seen this one and this is one   of the first times i've seen it yeah we've got a  whole box of those actually in different colors   from a collector's standpoint original  packaging means a lot we've got a ton of   original yoyos in their original packaging this  could be good i mean you might be talking you   know at the top twenty dollars each okay yeah  so with all the yoyos what do we got so i say we have over two thousand dollars worth of yoyos  here that's awesome that's good thank god these   yoyos are worth something it's kind of nice when  i don't have to yell at jared we're gonna pack   these up but maybe show us a couple of tricks  i'll show you what i got well let's see what   you can do first okay okay go ahead all right  i'm warmed up everyone knows rock the baby wow see what you got man brandy  let's get the boxes we gotta go   let's get out of here boom  it's like jerry just got served this this i have no idea what it's  for but there's a ton of it back there   there's more here there's a bunch of it  under there i think you connect these   things well maybe this thing's starting  to make sense with these stripes on it there's quite a bit of it here here's more of it even ah there it is it's a shuffleboard court they  appear to be in pretty good shape   i think they're bent for a reason and uh  these appear to be the uh the whatevers   we're gonna have fun with this one you gotta be  john i found an expert to give me the skinny on   my shuffleboard board yeah that's what  i called you about i hope it's all here   i hope so too but we have to put it together  to find out oh i got some help coming for that here they come the dream team i  knew they wouldn't let me down   there he is my man jerry giving up for the kung  pao cowboy in the house crafty adam and the other   adam in my life my account she knew she'd be  here the psychic look out it's charles phoenix   can't go anywhere without kingsley it's kenny the  pope of prairie and bringing up the rear auction god you guys ma thanks everybody for coming  and helping me out we're gonna put the   shuffleboard cord together all right let's  go charles is good with this take his lead   we're actually got something going here okay  you guys we're getting some momentum over here   now come on come on adam you're an accountant  you should have had this thing together already   look at you yeah glad i brought a lot of trained  professionals uh this is probably close over there there it is your crew did a good job here well  looks like it's complete what do you think it's   worth well let's see with the disc and everything  and it's in good condition so probably around   six fifteen hundred dollars hundred dollars  sixteen hundred oh barry just slid into the black   come on give us a quick crash course all you do  is just push it until is that all you do that's it   ready everybody gets a  hundred if i get it in the 10. yeah only i would bet against myself   and win everybody here gets a hundred i  swear to god pay the lady hey the lady have you done any of these vertical water sports  no i have not oh yeah genevator is really fun   bozak is all about this genevator so we had him  bring it down to antonio from thrust vector sports   find out what it's worth what's up guys you  made it what are you wearing bozak ready to   rock and roll that's not ours no no no no i was  showing them one of yours we actually have yours   right down over there yeah we put it together  already does this thing make my butt look big it makes your gut look big okay wow this  is what it looks like this is what it   looks like all assembled it's really easy  to fly fly yeah it flies out of the water   yep vertical water sports is something that's  an up-and-coming industry all you're doing is   you're accessorizing your jet ski so this  is actually more geared towards people that   actually have jet skis already and they want to  buy an accessory for the jet ski that's awesome   what is this stuff this is the thrust adapter  this actually mounts onto the ski itself   takes the water in and it goes into one location  this is your primary right here they're actually   going to give you all your lift it comes with the  40 foot hose can you get 40 feet out of the water   35 feet out of the water depending on on your the  jet ski so we have a complete unit here we have   everything you need to generate every single  piece you needed and every single piece was   in mint condition what's it worth how much can i  sell it for since it's brand new and it's complete   and and ready to go over your full retail price  for this is about seven thousand dollars holy   yeah so and actually this is an outstanding fine  because everything was in mid condition only one   way to celebrate a score like that let's fly bozak  you're not riding this thing man what yeah i got   the wetsuit on everything i know you're doing  you can swim behind you it's so mean really yeah if bozak thinks i'm gonna let him ride  this before i do he's lost his mind oh here he goes oh my god little wobbly oh wow he's  actually doing pretty good on it all right i just want to see  him at least do one back foot i may not have a lot of friends but i  got a lot of money king of the world
Channel: A&E
Views: 607,272
Rating: 4.7825832 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, comp, storage wars compilation, expensive, rich, highest, best, most, biggest, bid, bidding, win, winner, profit, profits, value, valuable, TOP TOYS, storage wars Board Games, jetovator, water bike, Storage Wars TOP TOYS & Games, Storage Wars marathon, Storage Wars Pokemon Cards, storage wars ae, tonka Trucks, old Mario & Luigi Board
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 24sec (3084 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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