Storage Wars: Top 7 Most Expensive Locker Finds From Season 3 | A&E

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We spent a lot of money. What can I actually get for this thing? I love my job. Some good news for me. It's time to look at my art locker. I'm hoping this one's the masterpiece. Look at this piece of art here. That thing's funny-looking. It's a lady's face in a window. Uh-huh. Jackpot, baby. Oh, yeah! Jackpot. Oh, my god. Look at that, dude. Frank Gutierrez. If this is a real Frank Gutierrez, this thing could be worth thousands. What are these? Oh! All signed by the artist, everything. This is absolutely frappin' beautiful. Holy [MUTED]. That's a real painting. We've got to get these looked up. Chalk one up for Team Tank Top. I was right. There's hundreds of Frank Gutierrez paintings, so I called an expert to come check them out. You have a tremendous amount of Frank Gutierrez's work. So Kathleen, is this stuff worth anything? Considering the amount of work that I see all around this room, I would say that you have maybe about $300,000. Congratulations. Hold on just a minute. $300,000? Bam! I had the guys pick up my $4,100 room. I can't wait to see what's in it. It's heavy. Lester [INAUDIBLE]. Depends on how old this one is. Is this going to have OK value or great value? Everything about this bronze is there. You know, the patina is there. The quality is there. The name is there. I mean, it's 40 inches, a great size. I've made some mistakes in the past on bronzes, sold them cheap. So you definitely want to take this to somebody that knows what they're doing. Candy dispenser and the camel back trunk, about a grand. People are going to love this stuff. That's about 1,500 bucks here on the ground. And I still have to get the bronze statue checked out. I'm taking this bronze sculpture to Pasadena Antiques and Design. Hopefully, Tom will have some good news for me. Yeah, the condition is remarkable. This has nice attention to detail, and that's one factor that leads me to believe that this is a true object of age. So what do you think the value of this is, Tom? You know, based on the quality of the piece, the tactile nature of it, the marble base, the patina, the detail, just the sheer beauty of it, I feel comfortable putting a price of $3,500. 3,500 bucks? TOM: $3,500. That's great. I already doubled my money before I walked into the door. An extra $3,500-- that's just icing on the cake. [WHISTLES] Wow. We might have overpaid. Yeah. Let me see that. Holy [MUTED]. Look at this thing. What'd you find? A wheelchair? No. It's a bike. Is it one of them fold-up bicycles so you can take it on the bus with you? That's what it looks like. Is it a YikeBike? Please ride that. [LAUGHTER] Woo! Whoa! Look at that. Brand new. There's a couple hundred bucks in pool cues. We have a pool table. Look at this. Where's the slate? That's the slate right there. This is the greatest unit ever. The pool table is 2,000 bucks. There's 3,500 bucks worth of stuff in here, easy. So not including the YikeBike, we're up-- 1,600 bucks bidding recklessly. We've pretty much doubled our money on this unit plus whatever that bike is worth. Pool tables and YikeBikes. How's it going? Are you Sam? SAM: Yeah. Voila. This is YikeBike that we talked to you about. SAM: Yeah. That's a YikeBike all right. This is the limited edition, first-generation carbon fiber model that you got here. So what do you think it's worth? I would put the price on this bike-- it's worth about $4,000. What? It's worth $4,000. I'm telling you. Yikes! That's a lot of money. I diversified myself over four lockers, and now it's time to see what's in this one. 40 bucks there. I'm already feeling pretty good about this locker. There's just good crap all through this locker. It's worth an easy 1,500 bucks right now. Look at this thing, Brandon. What's that? It's a Pez dispenser. There's a whole collection here. Dude, there's a whole bunch of Pezes. They look older, though. Look at them. Seriously. Then be careful with it. That might be, like, one of the first Pezes ever. Well, if you see, it's like a two-pieced head. Made in Austria. Yeah. The newer ones are made in China, bro. This is a first for me. I really hope these Pez are worth something. OK. Well, this was good enough to stop and get this checked out. I want to see what these are. Be careful with them. How's it going, buddy? Remember us? I've already cleared 24 grand on my Montebello lockers. Now it's time to find out just how sweet these Pez are going to be. This one is called Mr. Ugly. For real? That's his name, Mr. Ugly? Mr. Ugly. You know, could it be worth something, or-- It could be anywhere from $75 to $100. The octopus, he's got all the paint to the eyes and the eyebrows. He's probably worth about $95. OK, nice. What do you think this little pony is worth? Somewhere around $110. Nice. This is a cyclops. Oh, you have to cyclopses here. Those are probably worth 100 bucks apiece. Little plastic candy dispensers worth 100 bucks? I love my job. But the best one is right here. This is a Wolfman from the Universal Studios. He's in great shape. What is this one worth? I would say $200. 200 bucks? My job's getting even better. That's a high five right here. I'm back at the locker I bought for 775 bucks. These boxes clearly say data storage solutions, and I think this is what these boxes are going to be full of. Let's take a look. Well, these appear to be brand new. And it doesn't appear to be a hard drive. This is just a hard drive case. Now I'm going to have to take a look at these on my phone to see what the value of these are. These are listing for $149.99 each. At this point, I'm going to check the boxes to make sure that that's what's in there. But it was just a little-- oh, yeah, here we go. Here we go. Now we're talking. All brand new, wrapped, ready to go. Even if I sell them at $100 apiece-- people are saving 50 bucks a pop-- that's $16,200 just in this one stack right here. This is part of the business. Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money motivates. I hope this turns out good. You spent a lot of money. How much you think this dresser is? It's probably 500 bucks. These golf clubs are nice. [SCREAMS] Oh, my god! What happened? There's a-- there's a body in there. It's a dummy. [SIGH] No more messing around. It's time for us to figure out how much money we made. You think that's hand-painted? It's made in London. If it's made in London, it's probably worth 400 bucks. That's a nice piece. Yeah, it is. Ooh. Silver silverware set. A set like this size would be, worth, like 2,500 bucks. Look at this. It's a vest, but it has a picture of the "Planet of the Apes" on the bottom of it? Do you think this is worth money? Because I think this might be worth money. This is awesome, I believe there's some value there. We've still got a washer and dryer. There's an easy another 1,000 bucks here. Can I browse? Go ahead. Help yourself. If I do see something I want, maybe we can make a deal. Well, I like the box. I really do. What are you going to ask for it? I'll give it to you for 1,200 bucks. All I can give you is $600. You said 6. I said 12. Let's call it 8. Let's make a deal. We'll shake hands, and we'll be done. What do you think? Is that a deal? - Deal. - That's a deal. With Barry over-paying on this box, we just broke the 10 grand mark, and we still got the vest. We're taking our vest to Brian. BRIAN: Nice to meet you. Who has everything from every "Planet of the Apes" ever. The color tells me that it's the first movie vest because the color got darker when they did the ones for the second film. I can tell right now this is 100% authentic. What do you think this is worth? This vest, in the condition it is, and the fact it's a first movie jacket, I'd say retail value on this is probably $1,000. 1,000 bucks. 1,000 bucks is good. I spent 3 grand on this room, and I'm worried there's not going to be any return on investment. I saw the barbecue. Unfortunately, the barbecue is $100 if that. Sofa, love seat, maybe another couple hundred. They're actually not in bad shape. But I'm still real far away. Maybe? Maybe? Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. [SIGH] Well, now, this actually is old, like real old. Unbelievable how much weight it is. But it's in-- it's in excellent condition. I'll tell you what. This is my only savior as far as making a buck on this locker. What a day. What's up, man? What's new, my friend? I'm going to see an old friend of mine, Fabio Viviani. He's a celebrity chef. This is a vintage collector meat slicer. This is one of the first ones made in Indiana. To me, if you want to restore this one, you're going to drop at least another 3 grand on top of what you paid for it. Well, that sounds-- I mean, to do a proper restoration of a machine like this, I can kind of see that. This is a real collector's item. What can I actually get for this thing restored? I think that once you restore this one, easily $12,000. Wow.
Channel: A&E
Views: 236,888
Rating: 4.6532702 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, storage wars season 12, 3 Most Expensive Locker, Storage Wars Season 3, Storage Wars Season 03, Storage Wars S03, Storage Wars S3, Storage Wars lockers, top 3 most expensive locker, Frank Gutierrez, antique marble statue, Most Expensive Locker, watch storage wars season 3, expensive locker finds, a&e storage wars, expensive locker
Id: _1whx65rvuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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