Storage Wars: Weirdest Things Found in Lockers | A&E

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[music playing] OK, Bozak, we'll see you back at the shop. What? Good luck, man. We got stuck with this unit after Darryl didn't bid on it. Way to go, Jarrod. Oh my god, there's so many golf clubs. Whoa! $50 in golf clubs. That looks like a bowling ball. that was crazy. Oh, this is Pete's. Do you want to bowl it? Oh, my god. Are you going to bowl right now? Yeah, right toward you, so watch your feet. Oh, my god. Wait. Oh, my god! Are you OK? Are you OK? Yes. OK, come on. Come on. You want to hug it out? What did you do? I got a strike? You got strike? Why'd you stand on a chair? You should have stood behind something, like a barrier. You stood in front on a chair. All right. I'll agree with there's no bowling for a while, but you've got to admit, if that was a pin, gone. So you were aiming? No, I was not aiming. I just got lucky. [bleep] I hate you. I bowl a strike and I'm still in the gutter. Brandi, look at this. What is this? A jewelry box? I don't know Oh, what is this? Oh, gross. Are they dental trays? No they're just individual teeth. This is so weird. It's creepy. Do you think those are worth any money? I don't have any idea, but we'll get these checked out, have somebody look at our teeth. The dentist, perhaps? Yeah. All right, Bozak, why don't you get the rest of this stuff, man, and get it back to the shop. Let's go get an x-ray. Brandi and I are at OC Dental Academy to get our teeth looked at-- the ones we found. Let me get that for you. Thank you. [interposing voices] After the bowling incident, I got a little kiss [bleep] to do. Dr. Fife, good to meet you. I'll shake your hand. Oh, what happened? Bowling accident. Bowling accident. Yeah. That's what we're calling it. She's better as a bowler than a pin. I am, too. Why don't you guys come on back. All right. This is Konni Forster. She's the founder of OC Dental Academy. So show me what you've got here. Yeah, so, we bought a storage unit and found this thing, like a Rolodex of teeth. A Rolodex of teeth? That's what we're calling it? A file cabinet of teeth? These are old vintage denture teeth is what these are. Basically what they would do with these is take these old teeth and they would just mount them with wax, and that's how they make dentures. Those are really yellow. They seem like it, but maybe if you held them up to your teeth, they wouldn't be that yellow. Brandi will do it. See how much darker it was. Perfect match. She got the Hollywood white when she got her fakes. You have good white, yeah. So when you think this is from? So I'm thinking since the material that it's made out was around the Depression time, so I'm thinking late '20s, early '30s. It's called Bakelite, and it was a popular material that they made things out of. It was like a new discovery. They're pretty old, so I would assume they're worth a lot, right? It's nice that there's a complete set, which I was actually kind of surprised about, but I would probably value it probably around $300. $300. How many teeth are in here? Probably 100 teeth or so? I might get more than that to put these under my pillow. My kids get like $5 a tooth right now. The tooth fairy is a lot more generous. Just start lining up all the boxes on both sides here, guys, like we normally do. That's already $50 right there on the bike. Everybody was a little bit scared about everything being in bags, but any professional would know that they just ran out of boxes and went and got bags. We have a little commercial freezer. It's probably worth $100. And then you have the chest, the dresser, the mirror, you know a headboard, two night stands, that's probably $400 for the bedroom set. So this is obviously the China cabinet, but I don't see a table and chairs to match, so this is probably about $150. And I got this panel right here. This is like a four panel screen. Probably worth $100, you know. So that's basically all the furniture. Now I get to go into the boxes and find all the profit. What the hell is that? Damn. Hey, Steve, you got any idea what these things are? What do you think? They're for breastfeeding. For breastfeeding. Or it could be a prosthetic for a mold. I think anything that might have to do with boobs, we have to investigate a little farther. Hey, Steve, up here. OK, look at that. We've got the whole boob shop. This is definitely the breast unit I've bought here. I guess this is it, right here by the elevator. I'm here to see double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Capegovich. I'm calling it The Breast Quest. Hello. Oh, hi, how are you? Good. Are you Doctor Kat? I am. You must be Dave. Wow, those are some interesting looking contraptions. Why don't we go into the exam room. We'll take a look together. OK. Follow me. Gladly. OK, wow. I haven't seen this for a very long time. Do you know what these are? I have no idea, but I think they're related to something to do with women's breasts. That's a very good guess. Maybe it's because they're kind of, like, cone-shaped. Well you definitely have the right qualifications to tell me about them. Thank you. She's in to me. OK, so let me tell you what these are. They marketed these as an alternative to breast augmentation. They're used to grow breasts. So you actually attach them to your breasts-- OK. --and then there's-- where's the vest? I didn't know it came with a vest? There's a vest that actually goes over them to hold them in place. Are you able to put a bra over the top of them? I mean, in theory, I guess you could. It's just that you have the battery. That's why the vest has a pocket for the battery. Oh, OK. I mean, did you test it? Does it work? I really don't have any idea how it works. OK, well I guess we can test it. There's suction, so they work. I'm not sure what you're going to do with these. Are you going to try to sell these or something? Are they expensive? I mean, people still sell them a lot online, and women-- you'll be surprised what women will do for a pair of nice breasts. You'd be surprised what a man would do. Retail something new like this, you could probably get $900, but as is, used, and, I mean, there's no vest, I would say, at the most, maybe $400. $400? Maybe I'll figure out a way to keep them and have some fun with them. OK. You can do whatever you want behind closed doors. Here you go. Thank you, doctor, for your time. You're welcome. I don't know, man, it looks like a pretty good room. I took a gamble and paid $1,150 for this locker. Now it's time to see if it pays off. This is what made me go on this locker right here. What's that? These two blue cases. When I saw those two blue boxes, I thought it could have some Princess House crystal or high end cookware. There's a whole lot of nada in this one. Not what I thought it was. Just basic crap. Can't be good. I'm not out of this yet. Son of a [bleep]. You know what that is? That's a clock. Looks like the eyes move on it. Looks like he's looking at you right now. Probably is. I don't know if I would have done that. What if it's got some strange voodoo on it? I fear nobody or nothing. That was cool. I'm interested to go see what that's gonna be. Brandon and I are taking this skull clock over to Tick Tock Tony's. He buys and sells antique clocks, so I'm going to find out exactly what this clock is worth. I've never seen that one. You see very few of them around. Oswald was a company that made these from about 1930 to about 1950, and they're called rotating eye clocks. The eyes actually move around clockwise. The left one moves round to tell the hour, when you see these 12 marks around here, and the right one moves around to tell the minute. And the skull clock was the rarest of all the Oswald clocks. Nice. And not only that, the early ones 1930, 1940, are wooden constructions. The wooden ones are a lot more valuable. I'm hearing rare, I'm hearing valuable, and now I'm starting to see dollar signs. If it was an original Oswald, these could sell for $2,000 plus. I love it. However-- However, what? The casing is not original. It's been made separately. You might be lucky to find $150 for it. At $150, I can afford to use that for target practice at the range. You know, you can't win them all. Thanks again, sir, I appreciate all your time. Thank you for coming.
Channel: A&E
Views: 209,310
Rating: 4.704257 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, weirdest, strange, finds, discoveries, fights, fight, biggest, top, mashup, worst, storage wars all episodes, storage wars ae, a&e storage wars, storage wars bonus, storage wars episodes, Storage Wars Watch, Storage Wars history, storage wars brandi, storage wars edwina, storage wars darrell, Weirdest Things Found in Lockers
Id: 58Wfbc_7mEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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