Storage Wars: Halloween Edition: Top 6 Scariest Lockers | A&E

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Casey? What do you have there? I've got the man of your dreams. Definitely the man of my nightmares. Check this out. Oh my god, that's scary. Hold him. Hold me! Is there another one? [gasps] His bride. This one looks a little bit newer, but this guy right here, he looks really old. We need to find somebody who really knows, and can tell us the difference between them, and maybe get them appraised. Who knows, maybe we'll get really lucky, and it's one of them they used on the set. That would be worth a lot of money. The only bad thing-- they were possessed. Casey, come play with me Casey. Casey-- (ANGRY) Come play with me! That's scary. MAN: I hope it's not a possessed one. We're taking our Chucky dolls to Dark Delicacies. How are you. Del knows all things horror. When he sees those movie props, he's going to freak. These are, like, the holy grail of Chucky dolls? Right? Yeah, I mean, they're a good size. MAN: I'm hoping that these are maybe some sort of movie prop. OK this is from the "Child's Play" series. The first doll looks different. This is later on, in the fourth movie, "Bride of Chucky"-- hence the Bride of Chucky. OK, spoiler alert. Tiffany is even in better shape. Look at that leather coat. You don't have any scuff marks on it. Dress is in good shape. The combat boots-- beautiful. MAN: That's good. All of that being said-- this is the franchise. This is the guy right here. He made the money. He paid the bills. That's right. Do you have any idea of what you think these might be worth? No, but what we are hoping for is, like, maybe some sort studio props. Because I've never seen one like that. If this was one of the props from Bride of Chucky, you'd probably be talking, maybe, thousands of dollars. The thing that would tell you, right off the bat, would be, if it was a studio prop, they would have made it, and it wouldn't have a manufacturer's tag. We'll see if we get any tags-- this is not a prop doll. It is a doll made after the movie, or maybe licensed during the movie, and then made to come out at the same time. It is still a high end toy. OK. You've got this set. I would value them at about $125 to $150 for the pair. Huh? [laughs] What? I'm worth more than that, you [bleep].. "Everything Ghost Hunters" book. Tips and tools and techniques for exploring the supernatural. Oh, maybe they were videotaping themselves. Woo, baby. Yeah, right there. Hold that pose. Record yourself. You don't find this kind of equipment every day. I'm going to have to hunt down and see who can tell me what this is, and what they do with it. Managed to track down a pair of ghost hunters. So we're meeting at the Graber olive house-- which is over 100 years old and, supposedly, haunted. You know, like [ghost sound]. Basically, what you have here is your amateur ghost hunting kit. Ghosts don't need money. I do. How much is this stuff worth? Probably between $500 and $600. $500 and $600? That's fantastic. Well, if you really want a full experience, we'll take you through those gates. Let's see what we can find with this stuff. Well, I guess seeing is believing. OK, if anybody gets close to you, you'll feel it. Did you hear that? Did you hear that knocking noise? Who is in here with us? [knock] Whoa, that was loud. Oh, there he is. He's right here. Hello? Who's with us? Ooh, it's getting cold, too. Oh, I think it might be time to go. GHOST HUNTER: You getting scared? No, it's just time to eat dinner. Time to eat dinner? All right. I've got to side-by-side lockers for $2,750. If I can get Chad to keep his pie hole shut, he'll be a big help cleaning them out. Look at these. Edgar Allan Poe, Raven edition. is that Poe or Pooey? Poe. I think I heard of him. These are nice. First edition. These are worth some money. 1880 copyright date. These are definitely worth getting checked out. Chad, this place is spooky. CHAD: It's really weird. Hey. Welcome, welcome to the Perry House. Come in. You first, dude. A book guy I know set me up with the owner of David Brass Rare Books, here at the Perry House Heritage Square Museum. I don't know about this guy. If anything happens, I'm out of here-- with or without Chad. What is the deal with this Poe guy? Edgar Allen Poe? He was the father of the American short story. Tales of mystery, and imagination, and macabre, but always on the very dark side. Unfortunately, by 1849 it was-- gone. These used to be very, very popular. Is this a whole set? Is it one through five-- It's the whole set. No actually, it is five volumes. You see? So I want to know what these books are worth? I think you've got $80. $80 for the set? For the five. We drove all the way for that? If you didn't have the complete set, they'd be work bupkiss. What? Because it doesn't-- Be worth what? Bupkiss. What's a butt kiss? So this should be some kind of-- oh [bleep].. That is some kind of bones and a skull. This is-- this is definitely, looks like a real skull. Has little hinges on it. And this is like-- I don't even know what part that is, a hip bone or something? This is definitely a human [bleep] skeleton here. Hopefully it's not an unsolved mystery or anything like that. I think the best course of action is going to be to put everything back in the case and take this to somebody who can tell me exactly what's going on with this. This is the strangest thing I've ever found in a storage yard. Wow, this is beautiful. And it's just in perfect shape. How would I know that this wasn't just some person that didn't like his wife, or-- A body that's been dug up, being so porous, it's going to collect dirt. This is, to me, obviously professionally cleaned. Now that I've found out that this is not a murder victim, I want to know what this pile of bones is worth? So Dave, retail, this would be like about $1,670. You know, one man's bones pays another man's bills. I am going to pull out these here Rosary beads. I ain't got time for no shenanigans. What's this? I don't know, but it's some kind of contraption here. Look at this? What is it? Oh man. That's just like in the vampire movie. Oh, that's what this probably is-- a casket lowerer. Unfortunately, this spooky stuff might be worth something. Oh no! What the [bleep]! I'm going to see Brad Hartmann at this freaky-ass store to see if he could take this spooky stuff off my hands? All right, now I've got something. I hope it's worth some money. Oh, look at that. You crank this up and all the evil spirits and stuff come out with it. [laughs]. Look at this. Wow, this is a Clark. They made grave vaults. And this particular model here was waterproof. Back in the day, the salesman, to prove the waterproof nature of the vault here, would take a lit cigarette, put it on this platform, fill the water about halfway up, lower it down, bring it back up, take another puff of his cigarette. All right, my man. Can you give me a price on all this. Sure. I would price that around $700. For real? Yeah. Probably going to have to spend that money on an exorcism. Lord have mercy. So the psychic said there was this dark, mysterious feeling around the locker. So I went ahead and bought it. Wait a minute. Oh, it looks like hair. Is it a wig? I don't know. I don't know. It's kind of creeped out. I don't want to, like, I don't want to touch it. WOMAN: Is there any tools you can pinch it with? (DISGUSTED) Oh, oh. You've got to be kidding. WOMAN: Nice. Shrunken heads? Now, this is wild. I don't know. I'll tell you what. I'm just getting a weird voodoo feeling, you know? Good for you because you hit it on the head here. It's illegal to sell body parts in the United States-- believe me, I've tried. So I've got to find out if these shrunken heads are the McCoy or not. I know the Bowers Museum has a couple of shrunken heads on display. So I'm meeting with the director of collections to find out if the shrunken heads in the locker that I got for $550 are real. Shrunken heads came to their height in then mid to late 1800s. And they were really worn for their power. Whoever made them made a good effort to put in some qualities that would make them look authentic. It's probably animal skin. Like the rubber ones, these are just tchotchkes. But they probably do have some worth. What, do they sell them to tourists, you know, in Ecuador, when they visit the rainforest? Exactly. Yes. They do have some value. MAN: So I'm probably looking at about $50 apiece. They're compelling, and they're intriguing. But bottom line, they're creepy.
Channel: A&E
Views: 137,683
Rating: 4.7122879 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, comp, storage wars compilation, halloween, bride of chuckie, happy halloween, brandi & jarrod, Storage wars full episodes, Storage wars all episodes, storage wars Scariest Lockers, storage wars compilations, storage wars ae, Top 6 storage wars Scariest Lockers, Top 6 Scariest Lockers, storage wars Top 6 Scariest Lockers
Id: pvrGjtK7hJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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