Duck Dynasty: End of an Era - Full Episode (S11, E15) | Duck Dynasty

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[rock music] [gun shot] [explosion] Korie: All right, so what do you have December 9 through 13? Willie: I told you, in December I'm gonna be hunting. >> Willie, we have that buyer coming in. >> Maybe you can get one of those cardboard stand-ups of me. >> That's not gonna work. Jase: Hey. >> I'm in a meeting. >> This will only take a second. >> I'll see you- >> This is an emergency. >> Why is everybody coming in here? >> It's an emergency! Jep: Si! >> Why do you have to do everything together? >> Cause... we're friends. >> We got a situation. Si is acting really weird. >> That took all four of you to tell me that? >> It's concerning. >> All right, get back to work. [whimsical music] >> Look, telling me Si is acting strange is not something I consider an emergency. That's like telling me the sun is hot, water is wet, and Kenny G plays the saxophone. >> Si acting weird is not exactly news. >> This is really weird. >> Does he have all his clothes on? >> Most of the time. >> Yeah. >> But it's not just about that. >> These are just the facts of life. So when my employees take time from their work day to come into my office and voice their concerns, well, CEO Willie gets suspicious. >> Don't just ask me. >>What he say? >> I'll make a note of that, and y'all go back to work. So now CEO Willie has to become Detective Willie to see if these guys are telling me the truth. Or of they just want a coffee break. >> Okay, so what is he doing differently than he normally does? >> Korie, don't even engage them. >> Well, I mean- >> Look, he's just babbling- >> That's normal. >> That's normal for him. >> It's like a rapper went insane, and got really old, and then he just started talking. >> Is he like Flavor Flav weird, or like... >> He don't have a clock. >> It's a koo koo clock. >> Where's he at right now? >> The koo koo's gone. >> I don't know, it's hard describe. You need to com watch. >> Or the clocks gone. >> Where's he at right now? >> The koo koo stayed, but the clock left. >> Okay, enough with the koo koo. >> Okay. >> Where is he at? >> He's actually working. >> What? >> Is he messing up the inventory? >> I'm sure he is. [scoffs] >> All right. I need to stop that. >> Come on. >> Rapping might be a bit of a stretch, he just rhymes. Korie: He's rapping?! >> Why can't I just work with normal people? Martin: You hired us. >> Technically, most of you are related, you came with the job. [rock music] [ducks quacking] [twangy guitar] Si: Well the rain started, it made us run into the jungle of Cain. Jase: You hear 'em? >> We said well let's hop on the train. Korie: What? >> And then that's when we run into ol' Wayne. >> Is somebody out there? >> No, there's nobody out there. Si: Cork. >> Maybe he's sick, or lost his mind. Si: Stork! That's what I'm talking about. >> I don't know whether to laugh or cry. >> Laugh. >> Is he like rhyming things? >> Yeah. It's like he's discovered the English language for the first time. >> Pork! >> Oh. >> Why's he yelling? >> That's weird. Jase: We have an emergency situation here. >> Stop, drop, and roll. >> Like... Jase: No, that's a fire. >> How does that apply? Jase: He's not on fire. [rhythmically buzzing] Martin: Oh, he's on fire. [quirky music] >> When Jase told us that Si was acting weird, we were concerned. >> Correction. You were concerned. I'm used to that. Korie: I think he's just getting older, you know. When people get old, they just start- [Si makes loud buzzing noise] Saying weird things. I'm not sure he's all there. >> I've been convinced he's not all there. >> Well I mean, like, do you think- >> He's on drugs? >> No! We need to take him- I think we need to take him to the doctor. >> I think you need to look at everything. >> That's weird. [Si making loud siren noise] >> Maybe he's been exposed to some kind of weird mold. >> Wow. [continues to make noises] >> I mean, we're all gonna get old some day, and you know, we could lose our mind. Especially you, 'cause it runs in your family. >> No, I've- >> You better start doing crossword puzzles. >> Has he been sleeping as much as he- >> He's been sleeping an incredible amount. Si: All right. >> Act like you're doing something. >> So look guys, put those boxes there I think. >> Done. >> I'm gonna put this one right here. >> Okay. >> Looks good. Thanks, guys. I appreciate the help. >> Yup. >> What's up? >> Hey, Si. >> What are y'all doing? >> Organizing stuff. >> Y'all are weird. >> I'll take that as a compliment. Willie: We're weird? Si: Yeah, you're weird. Jase: Thank you. Si: What? >> Um, I was gonna go buy everybody lunch, you ready? >> Nah. >> It's free. >> Let me get this other order out. >> Whoa. [Si grunting in the distance] >> All right, he's never turned down any free food. >> Are you really buying lunch? >> Only if Si joined us, so. >> I think that was just a test. >> That's not cool. Willie: Everybody is on their own. Jep: You can't go back. Once you say free... Jase: Once you say it... >> Yes I can. Watch me. Jase: Wait a minute. You're breaking the lunch protocol. Martin: That's just hateful. Godwin: I'm gonna start talking to myself. I want free lunch. [upbeat music] Jep: Look, I'll go ahead and read my letter to Si first, if that's all right with y'all? >> We're not reading letters, Jep. >> I wrote this- a long letter. >> We're just- We're just asking what's going on, it's not letter thing. >> I thought this was an intervention. >> Who said it was an intervention? >> This isn't an intervention. >> It's not an intervention. >> It's just a talk. [heavy sigh] >> Okay. [guitar twangs] >> There he is. >> Hey, put that away. >> Surprise! >> Surprise? >> Did I forget? Is it my birthday? >> Uh-oh. He doesn't know it's his birthday. This is a bad sign. >> It's not a surprise. >> Well, is this one of them invention things? >> No, it's not an intervention. >> Yes. >> It's just a talk. >> Look, I'll go ahead and read my letter. >> Don't read that stupide letter. Godwin: It's typed up and everything. >> I mean, I'd like to read- Willie: Just let me have it. We're just sitting here. We were just gonna ask you a question or two. >> What y'all- You idiots yelling surprise for? What's the surprise? >> We just wanna know if everything is going okay? You've been acting a little weird- [clicks teeth] -er than you normally do. >> Well, y'all, look, I caught a little bug this year. >> Oh no, he's sick. >> He's sick. >> And look, I didn't wanna tell y'all till I got better. Korie: Oh no. >> Are you better? Willie: Is it mental, or? >> Si. >> No, it ain't that. >> There were some signs. >> Look! I caught the music bug. >> The music bug? >> Yeah. [whimsical music] Hey, it may have took me sixty-eight years to get started on my music career... There it is, hey. But hey, look, better late than never. I've been out honky-tonkin' at night- >> Oh my goodness. >> With my band. >> Yes. >> Well, you were out there- >> That's why I'm out there taking so many naps lately. Hey, if you stay up till 2 am honky-tonkin', it's rough on a man. Specially at my age. >> What are you, time warped back from 1978? I didn't know there was a big honky-tonk scene here. >> Look, all these good guys start out on the honky-tonk circuit. Hey, people always telling young kids, "Follow your dreams." That's the stupidest thing I've never heard of. They're kids, okay. Look. You need to leave "following your dreams" to the old dogs. >> He's pursuing his dreams. >> Hey, I play bars. I play nursing homes, okay. Hey. I'll even come to a bat mitzvah, if you invite me. >> Bar who? >> The nursing home? >> Yeah. >> Oh. >> The nursing home is a tough gig. We're the ones that need to be chasing the rainbows, okay. So we can go out in a blaze a glory. >> Well, Si look, I'm not paying you all day just to hang around and buzz and hiss and write songs and sleep. >> Yeah, I know. So I'm going to have to officially retire from Duck Commander. [guitar twangs] >> Whoa. >> Are you really retiring, or is it like you always do? >> Si, you quit like thirty times. >> Okay. Man's got to chase his dreams. >> You better get to running big boy. >> What you mean get to running? >> Just saying, you're about fifty yards behind. >> Hold on, I'm in my prime, sonny boy. I'm in my prime. Jase: He's in his prime. Korie: In his prime. >> Can I go ahead and read my letter? I spend a lot of time thins. >> Don't read that letter. >> Oh you wrote a letter? >> It's an intervention letter. It's about how you need to- >> About me?! >> Yes. >> Read it to me, I may turn it into a song! Crank it up, Jethro! [tender music] >> You're life is gonna have to change in the following ways. Number one... >> Nope. [music halts] Nah. That's junk. Okay, I'm out of here. [laughing] I don't have to take that crap. >> He gone. >> I think this is for real this time. >> He's either really retiring, or he's really crazy. >> Both. [laughing] Willie: Or he'll be back in two weeks. [upbeat music] Willie: Well, Si's actually retired. I think his career in music will be short lived. Jase: Why you think? >> Si can't write sentence, much less a song. >> Creative fragments. Jep: Y'all gonna get Si a retirement gift? >> No. >> Depends. >> Funny you should mention that, 'cause I got him a little watch. [ethereal music] [scoffs] Gonna Vanna White this baby. >> He's not gonna like that. >> And it's expensive. >> You don't see the problem with that? >> What? >> They wanna forget about time when you get old. >> That's all old people do. [mocking tone] What time's lunch? What time's breakfast? What time's my nap? What time's Murder She Wrote? His whole life is like a cruise ship. >> Did you save the receipt on that? >> I actually got it engraved, so. >> Total waste of money. >> Old people like gold. >> They don't like watches. >> Gold! It's where it's at. >> He's gonna throw it away. >> He's gonna throw away gold? >> Yup. >> He's senile and stupid, but he ain't that stupid. There he is. >> What are you idiots up to? >> I thought you retired, Si? >> Hey look, consider this my three-day notice. [guitar twangs] Jase: Three days? >> Get down, idiot. Get out of my chair. >> Si, you don't even work here! >> Go back to your office were you belong fat boy, and let me sit down in my chair. [laughing] >> Si! Si has given a lot to me over the years. Mostly gray hairs and an ulcer. >> I need to get these guys ready to go after I leave. >> They'll be fine, believe me. >> No. This gon' be a huge thing for y'all to overcome. >> Yup! Thing's just won't be the same around here without Si. Who knows? We may actually get some work done. >> So what do you want for your parting gift? >> Well, we'll have a slamboree. A wing-ding. >> You want a font? >> A shindig. >> Oh, a shindig. >> A shindig. [overlapping chatter] >> A party. Party. >> Not just a party... a blow out party. >> We'll get you a cake, and on your last day here, we'll have a little party for you in the conference room. >> No. You're going with the ol' formal retirement. Oh, hey, give him a watch with his initials on it- >> Nobody said anything about a watch. >> Say good-bye to him with a cake in the conference room. That ain't a party, that's boring. >> Hey look, guys, I put my whole life into Duck Commander, okay. And look, there's gonna be a giant void when I leave. So look, I need to be sent off... You know what I'm talking about? >> Watches are cool. >> Do what?! >> A thing like a gold watch, that thing goes up in value. >> Hey! I'm retiring. >> What am I gonna need a watch for?! >> Time still goes on, Si. >> Look, hey! Here's what I want you to do. I ain't talking about just a party, okay. I'm talking about, it's got to be a par-tay! I want a band and a stage, okay. I'll get up and sing a few songs, we'll have a blast. >> Si- >> I'll get a back-up band that'll blow your mind. >> Oh no. >> I don't have a band, Si. We can't- >> You don't have to- I'll take care of the music. All you gottta do is get the rides, the house of mirrors... >> Chilidogs. >> Hey, chilidogs. >> Photo booth. >> Corndogs, okay. >> And for baby sister over here, he wants to have a photo booth. Here's how bog I want this party. We got astronauts that are fixing some equipment in outer space, I want them to look down and say, "I'm bored to death up here fixing this stupid satellite. I wish I was down there at Uncle Si's party. That's where it's at!" >> Si, we'll try to plan you some sort of party. I don't know if we'll go that far, but we'll try to get something. >> Dancing, music, fun! >> Okay. All right, we'll see. >> A real party! Not just a piece of cake, and thanks a lot for the memories. >> I was gonna get you a nice gift and get you a cake. >> Speaking of retirement gifts, okay. Hey look, I'm gonna take this chair with me. >> No, you can't have the chair. That's company property. >> Company property. >> It's in quotes. It is- >> Yeah it is! >> You don't need air quotes for that. >> I've been working in this thing for forty years in this sweat shop. >> No. Technically you just sat in it, you haven't been working in it. >> This place really does stink. I'm glad I'm retiring. Jep: That chair stinks. >> We'll have it cleaned. >> Huh. >> Don't worry. I'll get you something, and it'll be way nicer than that chair, okay. >> I doubt that. I'm actually gonna get up on stage and sing, "Take this job and shove it! Cause I ain't working here no more." [laughter] Si: He gone! [upbeat music] [duck call] Willie: So Si wants us to plan him a retirement party. He's retiring. Korie: That be fun. Sadie: He asked for a party? [laughing] >> He asked for a big party. I said we would have a, you know, cookie cake in the conference room. >> No. We're gonna have a big party. >> He said he wanted a blow out, a shindig, or a bing-bong or something. Rowdy: What's a bing-bong? >> I could not- >> That be fun, I think. >> That would be fun, yeah. >> How long has he worked for the company, I mean... We should throw him a good party. >> Work? Probably a year. But he's been there twenty-five. >> I wanna give Si a really good retirement party. >> See, that's where I differ. >> Willie. >> I mean, the last five years have been a retirement party for him. >> Okay, but he is retiring, and that's a big deal. You got to admit it, it'll be a little bit less exciting without Si around, won't it? >> Mostly it'll just be quieter. He said he's got the music, so. >> Well he can't do the music for his own party. >> Wait, he's singing? >> That's interesting. >> When you retire, we'll get Si and his band to play at your party. >> The thing about when I'm retired, it'll be the memory of Si's band. I don't think any of them will be alive. He ain't Mick Jagger. Korie: Yeah. >> We need something to go with the music. Do y'all have any ideas? >> We can make some T-shirts. >> I kind of like the T-shirt idea. Kind of like, when you have like for a reunion or something. >> Yeah. And then we can always- >> And it's like commemorative. That's good. >> Wait. Is he moving to Nashville? >> He didn't say that. >> Maybe y'all could get a duplex together. >> Me and Si are not going to Nashville together. [laughing] >> I'm moving to Nashville as a single lady. I do not nee my crazy Uncle Si rooming with me. [upbeat music] >> Si retiring is not the only big thing happening in our family. Sadie is moving to Nashville. It's gonna be kind of quiet around the house without her there. >> It is. We'll only have three kids at home. >> I know. That's weird. >> That's a lot of kids. I got Sadie a little going away present. >> You got me a gift? >> Hmm. Willie: How about that, huh? >> Oh wow. Dad. [oohs and ahs] >> How about a solid gold watch. >> Let me see, let me see. >> Did you really get me this? >> You can tool that around Nashville. >> I think it might be a man's watch, Willie. >> It is. >> It's a little bit sad seeing our kids leave home, but they all come back eventually. It's like an eagle returning to its nest. [music halts] Is that a thing? >> It's nothing like an eagle returning to its nest. >> What about ducks? Do they come back to their nests eventually? >> They get shot. [guitar twangs] >> Why does it say, "S.R. Hey I'm retired?" >> It's like, "Sadie Robertson. Hey, you're retired. You're going to Nashville." >> So did Si not want a gold watch? >> Oh. >> He didn't like the idea. >> Well, thanks dad. >> All right, you're welcome. I should not have gotten it engraved. [rock music] [shotgun blast] [ducks quaking] Willie: So I think we should have a roast at Si's party. Jase: Like, everybody's cooking a roast or? >> No, like we're making fun of him. He said he was doing the music, so... I figure we better have some sort of entertainment. After giving it some thought, a comedy roast is a perfect way to celebrate Si at his retirement party. >> Will, they've been roasting ol' Si for about fifty years. >> Yep. >> It's not real hard to figure out some way to make fun of Si. He pretty much does that on his own. >> Ridiculing one another is a Robertson Family tradition. So I think my family members are really gonna have some fun with this. Maybe too much fun. And I got him watch, and I've already re-gifted that. I tried to pawn it off to Sadie. >> I told you that was bad idea. >> Well what in the world would he want? >> You know what we ought to give him? >> What? >> I'd get him a pair of beaver underwear. >> Like a diaper, or would you buckle it or something. >> He's to the age where he might need a diaper. >> Think jockey-strap for the water. >> It may Christine all fired up. >> Here we go. >> I don't know, it think that ship has sailed. >> You think it's going to take more than beaver underwear. Jase: Couldn't hurt. >> Oh boy. Phil: Well he's been griping for the last twenty-five years about that ol' duck call, that ol' cut out magnum. >> I know. I know. He won't shut-up about it. >> Si's favorite call that we ever made, was called the cut-down. Unfortunately, the call is no longer in production. >> That's a good idea, if that's what he wants. >> Actually, we killed more ducks when he didn't have a duck call. >> Well that's true. >> But, you know. >> Save it for the roast. >> Problem is, the mold broke, and to fix it, we're gonna have to go to Mississippi. That's where all our molds are for our plastic duck calls. Phil: We'd have to go by the mold place, resurrect a whole mold. That's gonna cost more than a gold watch there ol' Will. >> Well, it ain't cheap, but you- >> Well, but if we could sell 'em. >> Oh yeah you sell 'em. Willie: We need a new call. Phil: Put down there, "Si Slayer. Get 'em while they last," whatever. >> Yeah, and then we can give Si the first one. >> Oh yeah. Jase: Off the new model. Willie: Can y'all go tomorrow? >> You're paying me, I'll go wherever you want to. Phil: Well. Yeah, let me think. Jase: Maybe even get a little over time. Willie: Oh boy. Jase: Mileage. [rock music] Jep: Quit doing that. I ran into a wall. Martin: Literally. [laughing] Si: I guess y'all wondering why I brought you out here. >> Try to figure where we're going to lunch. >> No, we ain't going to lunch. >> You brought us here 'cause you're old and you have bad judgment. >> Lunch? >> No, not lunch. >> Cause you needed something to do. >> No. >> Lunch? >> Look, you guys need to focus, all right. I got two days left. And then, hey, all this knowledge I've got is gone forever. >> So we're not going to lunch? >> No we ain't going to lunch. >> All right, fine. Show us your knowledge. >> I can show it to you better. Martin: Oh, well, he just asked you to show it, not tell it. Jep: I mean, I hate to break it to you, but when I think of knowledge I don't think of you. Godwin: Knowledge. [whimsical music] >> Look, as you get older, okay. [clears throat] You need to share the wisdom you've gained with the younger generation, okay. It's called... Check this out. Martin: What in the world? >> Hey. Jep: How many plies is this? >> Four ply. >> It's like a cloud, man. >> Some of you may think it's weird that I've got, a secret vault of you know, toilet paper at work. You ever wipe your behind with a steak knife? If it's one area that I'm concerned about or I'm gonna take care of, it's gonna be my behind. >> It smells good. >> It does. >> What are y'all doing? >> Oh we're just checking out some toilet paper here. >> Yeah, I don't think I even wanna know. [chuckling] Martin: You wanna borrow some? Korie: No thanks. >> What's next, Si. >> I've saved the best for last. >> I knew it. That sucker bought us lunch. Si: Okay. Martin: The grand finale, huh. The grand finale, this is the last one, boys. >> This better be good. >> Well, what do you see behind me? >> Boxes. >> That's what I thought. [guitar twangs] >> What? >> What in the world is that? Are you kidding me? >> Look at that. >> He gone. Si: Okay, boys. And let the nap begin. [laughter erupts] >> This hidden nap fort takes things to a whole new level. It's like Si's Bat Cave. But instead of using to fight crime, he uses it to fight drowsiness. >> Hey, look here. Nigh light, cooler, bed. >> He's got a picture of a cat in there! >> No. That ain't just a cat. That's Sweet Pea. That's my compadre. >> I can't wait to use this thing for myself. Although I'm not going to drink out of the iced tea jug in there because who knows how clean that is. >> You're missing a urinal. >> Actually, is that even iced tea. >> Hey, there's my nap fort, boys. >> So you came in on your off days to build something to avoid working? >> Yeah. >> That seems kind of ridiculous. >> That's from the man that don't have himself a nap fort. >> I will fumigate it. >> Yeah, I bet. You better get a different mattress. >> Oh no. Ain't nothing wrong with that mattress. >> Probably got a few stains on it. >> The mattress is fine, boys. [rock music] Willie: I ain't built for no backseat. [groaning] >> Based on the initial idea of that cut out magnum- >> It is hot back here. >> Was to get air- >> Would it kill you to turn the air on? >> Inside the plastic, so the resinants would be greater. If you put ice cream in a cup, and swirls up three inches above the lip of the cup. >> Hey let's get some ice cream. >> When that ice cream melts, you don't have but a half a cup of fluid. The reason it stood up, is it had air in it. >> Seriously, if you see ice cream, let's stop. >> Well he wasn't talking about ice cream. >> Well he said ice cream. >> But he's talking about- We're talking liquid, and we're creating a solid. >> Like a smoothie. >> When it comes to the technical aspects of making duck calls, Willie is clueless. [groans] >> But he is paying for this thing. And he usually buys lunch, so, he's along for the ride. Willie: Would it kill you to stop and get some ice cream? >> No. We're not getting ice cream. >> Is there ice cream there? >> Riding along with my dad and Willie, kind of brings back memories of when we were kids. And I feel the same way now I did then. Maybe if we can get Willie in a car seat, it would help him calm down and be quiet. Do they have car seats in husky sizes? Surely they do. Jase: Here it is. How long you been here, Phil? Phil: Forty years. Jase: All right Willie, you might let us do the talking here. Just have your check book ready. Willie: Think they got ice cream in here? Jase: No. [upbeat music] Korie: Here's the plan. The loading dock is the stage, and so everything works off of that. Which means, Jep. >> Yeah. >> That cannot stay there. >> What is that? >> It's the photo booth. Well, it's part of it. >> Well, it's not really a booth, but. >> Well I'm not finished. >> Okay. It needs to just like move a little bit, because that's the stage and you're pretty much like blocking the stage at this point. >> Right. >> It's gotta go that way. >> But most parties now a days, like the photo booth, is like the best thing. >> But you don't want it to block anybody. >> Yeah but I have props, it's gonna be awesome. >> Hmm. You know, that main part's gonna be the band, and the, you know, entertainment. >> I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that. >> Maybe like, over there. Kind of close to where the dumpsters are. >> You guys have like a thing against photo booths? >> No, I love photo booths! >> Okay. Just making sure. >> Yeah, it's just-yeah. [under breathe] >> It's my photo booth. I'm gonna put it where I wanna put it. >> All right, so Sadie, let's just set up all the tables, and then- [Jep grunting] >> Set up the chairs. And then I think we'll wait till tomorrow to put like table clothes on- >> Jep, are you- >> I just broke it. >> Uh oh. >> I think it's fine. >> You need some help? >> No, I got it. >> Okay. Jep: Haters gonna hate. >> Keep. Keep going. A little more. Jep: Time to get you some Haterade. These guys just don't understand what makes a party a party now a days. Your photo, you'd want it front and center. My photo booth, put it over in the corner. Nobody puts Jep in the corner. The Electric Slide, out. The Macarena, out. Photo booths, in. [grunting] Korie: Uh oh. [grunting] [groans] [Jep grunting] >> Okay, he's got it. >> Not only does it provide tons of awesome fun, but in a few years, Si's gonna need these pictures to remember this party even happened. >> Let's just start putting chairs out- >> Mom. We'll get the guys to do table clothes. [guitar twangs] >> Si. >> Si? >> Si Robertson, you are not suppose to be here. >> What are you doing here? >> What? What do you mean I ain't suppose to be here? Technically, I still- >> It's your party. >> Look, I know. I got worried though. >> Got worried about what? >> Where's my back-up band and me gonna sing from? >> The loading dock. >> No, no, no. You gotta understand something. The guys that are coming to back me up- Let's see how to put this. "Well known" would be an understatement. >> You got- >> And this would be rude to them, okay. To ask them to play from a loading dock. We ain't cargo. They gottta have a stage. >> Well look, that's- that's a big stage. >> No. Hey, I'll tell you what, I know Willie just bought that field. We can put a big stage out there, look put flame throwers on each side of the stage. They will shoot flames like a hundred feet in the air while we're singing. Then the pyrotechnical guys can set up the fireworks behind it and they'll blow up everything around here. It'll be great. >> Wow. We weren't really planning on flame throwers. But we have a photo booth that's gonna be... Cool. >> No. Look, these idiots don't understand what's going on here. I've got some top notch musicians coming in here. Okay? >> You need to go, we got it. >> All right. >> All right, we got it! Bye! >> Think big! >> Thinkin' big! >> Think big. >> Look, this stage is an insultment, okay? That's an insult and an embarrassment. >> So I guess we're- >> Don't think big, think colossal! >> Colossal? >> Colossal! >> Okay, this place has got to look promazing. Okay? That's professional and amazing... Together! Okay? >> Okay, so I guess- >> Shoot for the stars! >> Shoot for the stars. Okay. >> Okay! >> Forget everything we just talked about. We're gonna put the stage right there. >> So we have to move all this? >> Yeah. And the photo booth. [guitar twangs] Who's gonna tell Jep? [sigh] [rock music] >> Well, it's been awhile since you've been in here, huh? >> Been a long while. >> There he is! >> What's going on? >> Cam, how you doin'? >> Ain't seen y'all in awhile. >> I know. >> Good to see you. >> Last time I saw you, you were a young buck. >> Yeah that was awhile back. >> Hey, how's it going? >> Old Bill was a lot younger than he is now too. >> Yeah tell us about that, old man. You haven't been here in forever. >> Well the first time I rode in here, y'all's receptionist, she said "The soup kitchen serves right on down the road." I'm like- [laughter] >> That's how it started! >> We're trying to get this cut out magnum. If we get it back working, we'll put it back into production. And then we're gonna give Si the first one. We brought our money man, there. >> Hey what's up, guys? How you doin'? >> Who is that? >> Hey, I'm Willie. Nice to meet you. >> So you actually brought him over here for a change. >> That's why he's hiding in the back. He's waiting on what's it cost here. >> So did we talk about how much it would cost? Or... >> We'll send you a bill later. >> Let me go make some shots. >> Let's make some shots. We'll be here. >> When I went over there to talk to him about this latest mold, I had not been there in probably twenty-five years, maybe thirty. So it's kind of like a walk down memory lane. >> Are those the duck calls? >> Yeah, these are bringing back memories. >> Oh look there! >> For forty years, we've made a lot of different calls. Haven't we though. >> I saw some of our old, original duck calls on the wall, you know. First thing that crosses my mind looking around is, "Boy, we've come a long way." A long way! I remember putting that one together. >> You remember this, Phil? >> I remember it. >> The most copied duck call in the world. >> Some super glue and a band saw and I put that configuration together. I came up with the first Mallard Drake call ever. First Pintail Wigeon call. First Gadwall call. First Wood Duck Call. >> I could remember when Phil called me and told me about he's got us a call that we're gonna have to make. And I made it out of a little child's whistle. And I said "Are you joking, Phil?" >> On Christmas day I remember that. >> Yep. >> I remember. >> When everyone else was doing whatever they're doing, I was out there in that old shed of mine. Trying to get that sound just right. It was a chore, but I stayed the course. >> Remember we did this for Breast Cancer Awareness? >> Yep. >> There's your wood duck. >> Still have a few of those. >> Si's retiring to it's the end of a long era. But it's in good hands with old Willie Boy and Jase. They know what they're doing. [whistling] >> There he goes. >> You need to leave that to the experts. >> All right, Jase. I got a couple shots to try out. >> All right. What's up with this color? >> That's the sample color. >> Is that cheaper? >> No. >> Crank down on it, Jase. [duck call] That is as sweet and tender as a mother's love. [duck call] Willie, pay the man. >> The Cut Down Magnum has been resurrected. >> We probably won't sell a whole lot. That's why we need to negotiate on the price but- >> Good work boys! >> You did good. >> I'll call you later. >> These Mississippi boys don't sell themselves! >> We'll haggle around our price. >> Good job, man. >> All right! >> Fifteen hundred, is that what we said? >> Yeah, fifteen hundred. >> Twelve hundred. I'll call you later. >> No, fifteen, see you later. >> We'll split the difference somewhere. >> All right, y'all be good. >> It's a marathon, not a sprint. >> Y'all be good! >> All right, let's get some ice cream. [rock music] >> Si's never gonna know what hit him. >> I don't. >> I don't think we're gonna know what hit us once he starts singing. >> They don't even need the amplifiers. I mean, you can hear- >> No you are so right! There's no volume control with Si. >> He loves to sing. >> The one skill he possesses is volume. >> All right, Si. >> Si, we got you a little shin dig. >> Surprise! >> Look here! >> Man of the hour. >> Here's your slamboree. >> Well look, if I'm the guest of honor of this thing, let's get the party going! >> We're not doing the music. We're gonna have a little roast first. >> What are we doing, roasting a pig? >> No, well kind of. But like a super skinny pig. >> Oh, y'all are roasting- Hey, yeah, okay. This is going to be good! >> You'll have a chance to take the light. >> This ought to be good! >> Of course it's going to be good. >> It's just a tradition. It's all in good fun, Si. >> Hey, talking about fun. Who made your t-shirts? >> Becca. >> Rebecca actually. >> Hey, normally when I say the word "Hey" I spell it H-E-Y, unless I'm driving down the road and I look out there in the field and I say "Hay!" Then I'm talking about a bale of hay. >> English is not Rebecca's first language. >> Well hey it ain't mine either. >> Hey. >> Hey. >> All right guys, if everybody can take their seats. [overlapping responses] >> The gloves are off, buddy! Y'all the gloves are off. >> I want to welcome everybody to the Uncle Si Retirement Roast. [applause] You know you have called us some idiots, morons, dingle berries, maggots, even whiskey barrel. >> Oh, wonder who that was. >> So now is our time to tell you what we think of you as well. >> Let the roast begin! >> I'm not sure what I'm more relieved about, the fact that Si's finally retiring from Duck Commander. Or the fact that this party may actually measure up to his insanely high standards. Lucky for us, we have the perfect thing to kick this party off and keep his ego in check. >> Willie Robertson. >> Unlucky for Si, it's the roast and he's the target. Now this is gonna be fun. So Si's retiring. I'm not gonna be able to get away from Si, though. 'Cause every time I go to the dentist, there's a photo of his teeth up on the wall that says "This is what happens when everything goes wrong." [laughter] >> Roast! >> Si was a good student in school. He told me that the eighth grade was some of the finest three years of his life. [laughter] >> He is at an age where he can no longer trust his farts. [laughter] But the good news is, he went and had a colonoscopy, and they found his head. [laughter] >> Si is so old that I told him to act his age, and he died. >> Christine told him the other day, "You want to run upstairs and make love?" And he said "Hey, pick one 'cause I can't do both." [laughter] >> You know, most of the time if a guys being roasted, he gets to rebuttal against the guys that's been roasting him. >> Most people know that Si is an avid hunter. Most ducks do not. >> These knuckle heads over here, wouldn't even be able to take the heat that I bring out here. >> When God made Si, he broke the mold. >> Amen. >> That right! >> And God said, "I'm never gonna make another one like that." [laughter] >> It'd be like Al, okay? You know, I congratulated on all the weight he's lost. Hey look, and then congratulate Willie for finding it! He would be in tears! >> Tea manufacturers have offered Si endorsement deals to stop saying there's tea in his cups. Consumers are concerned it leads to hunch back, bad teeth, and chronic mispronunciation of words. [laughter] >> Burn! >> Like Willie for example. He wants to be known as Boss Hog, that means Korie would be Miss Piggy. You know, she would be very upset to be called Miss Piggy. I'm gon' be the bigger man here. I'm not gon' say anything about them, all right. >> She needs a chair. >> If I have to stand on my tip toes the whole time, this is not right. >> Have you thought about lowering the mic? >> No I didn't know how to do that. I'm not technical-logical. >> Technical-logical. >> Yes you are! >> Okay. Some people Si's hairstyle is unique. Because more of it comes out of his nostrils than his head! [laughter] >> Drop the mic. >> Drop it. And now, to the good stuff about Si. He's the closest thing to a brother I'll ever have. And he has been one of the best men that I have ever known. >> I've never met a more decent man than Silas Robertson. Not one. >> Love this family, love everybody in it. I'm glad that we can laugh at ourselves and I think Si helped teach us that. >> Si has served our country and he makes life fun. So I love you, Si. >> He has been a rock that's been in our lives. I love him, and I always will, and his family. [applause] >> All right, Si. >> Appreciate it! >> Woo! [rock music] >> All right, look folks. Now that we got the stupid roast business out of the way, we'll get to the entertainment part of this thing. >> Si, how long is it gonna take? >> Look, they'll be here any second. All right, just settle down. >> We just got a lot of people out here. We're all sitting in the sun, we're ready to be entertained. >> They probably had to wait for the train. >> Are they taking a train or are they taking a bus? >> They're coming in busses. >> There is is. [honking] >> Yeah! Okay! >> Big bus. [rock music] [honking] >> Well it's a bus. >> Wow! [honking] >> Wow. Wow. [honking] >> Any time now. >> Look who we got here! Yeah! Y'all welcome ZZ Top! >> Are you kidding me? Si got ZZ Top to be his back up band. And here I thought he was gonna show up with some random honky-tonkers. Not one of the greatest bands of all time. >> What's happening my brother? >> How's it going? >> Going good, man. >> Yeah! >> Even with Si singing, this is gonna be awesome. The only downside now is that we don't really need the hundred pairs of ear plugs I bought. >> I'm not a professional, I got to get the lyrics. >> That ain't gonna do you any good. >> Could I borrow them? >> I don't think you need them. >> Oh and that I'll probably be getting a very expensive bill. I'm gonna have to postpone my retirement ten years just to pay for all this. >> Play Free Bird! >> Godwin wants to hear Taylor Swift. [laughter] [drums] >> That's what we wait for to go out on stage. Play some Skynyr! [laughter] Okay. >> Okay. >> All right, here we go! One, two! Come on Si! >> Two, three! [rock music] ♪ Clean shirt! ♪ ♪ New shoes ♪ ♪ And I don't know what I'm goin' to ♪ ♪ Silk suit, black tie ♪ ♪ I don't need a reason why ♪ ♪ They come runnin' just as fast as they can ♪ ♪'Cause every girl is crazy 'bout ♪ ♪ A sharp dressed man ♪ ♪ Gold watch, diamond ring ♪ ♪ I ain't missin' not a single thing ♪ ♪ Cufflinks, stick pin ♪ ♪ When I step out I'm gonna do you in ♪ ♪ They come runnin' just as fast as they can ♪ ♪ 'Cause every girls crazy about ♪ ♪ A sharp dressed man! ♪ [applause] >> Oh yeah! >> Come on Si, don't hurt yourself! [rock music] [applause] >> Bam! [applause] >> Give it up for ZZ Top! [applause] >> Si you were actually on key. >> Look, even a blind hog finds an acorn once or twice. [country tune] >> To be on stage with y'all and actually get to sing with you has been a blast! >> It was actually pretty good! And y'all were great. >> Guys, appreciate it. Thank you again. Wow! >> Yes sir. >> I didn't even know y'all were comin'! >> Excellent. >> The guitar pickin' was good and the singing was not too bad. >> Yeah well, yeah you got- At least you're on key there. >> There you go! >> Your beard actually matches. >> Well, they probably wash theirs. I don't do nothing to mine. >> You don't even wash it? >> No. >> This is au naturel, son. >> Frank would probably have one but his last name's Beard, so. >> Yeah your last name is Beard and you don't even have a beard. >> That's correct. >> Okay, well he don't need one then. He 's got the last name. >> What's you excuse? >> Frank and I think that some faces look too good to cover up. >> That's why I grew my beard in the first place. I couldn't get the women off so. [overlapping responses] >> You got the same-! Hey, you got the same problem I got. >> Yeah, well that's comforting. >> Well, Si, look. >> Don't bring out no stupid watch. >> Look at what we got you. >> It's not a watch. >> You remember your favorite call? >> Yeah. >> The old Cut down Magnum? >> That's the old Cut Down Magnum? >> Yeah, it's back. >> Look, we give each other a hard time a lot of the times. You know, well all the time. But look, it really means a lot to Phil, Jase, and Willie going through this trouble to bring this duck call back. And then that's what you gave me, is the first one that y'all made. So it's really special. >> The resurrected Cut Down Magnum. >> Okay. >> I thought it'd give you incentive to stay alive. >> I really feel lucky that I was actually a part of this company for all these years. And for the record, hey, it's way better than any stupid gold watch you could've come up with. >> Y'all ready to eat?! Let's go eat. >> Yeah I am, but I know you are. >> Si, the roast is over. >> No the roast just beginning son, we fixin' to eat! All right, let's bow. Father we thank you for this good food. We're not taking it for granted how much you have blessed us. You offered it to us free of charge. And all you ask of us is to love you and to love our neighbor. In the name of Jesus I pray, who made all these things possible, amen. >> Amen! >> Well let's get on that yard bird. >> They say all good things must come to an end. But the truth is, they never really come to an end because you always have the memories of what made them good in the first place. Sometimes those good things can even reinvent themselves and turn into other good things. Like a classic duck call brought back into production. Or Uncle Si launching a music career in his late sixties. Okay, maybe that's not a good thing for anyone's ears. But you get my point. This may be the end of an era, but it's also the beginning of a new chapter. One that will bless us with more good things, good people, and good memories. And for that, we are thankful. Actually, does this really have to come to an end? I mean if I keep talking they won't cut me off right? And I can talk for a long time. So I guess we'll find out if they- >> All right boys, he's gone for good this time. That's a wrap, Jack. [guitar strums]
Channel: Duck Dynasty
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, duck dynasty, duck dynasty clips, duck dynasty full episodes, duck nation, robertson family, robertsons, hunting, duck hunting, lousiana, duck dynasty season, full episode, duck dynasty full episode, a&e shows, duck dynasy season, willie robertson, uncle si, Alan In Charge, duck dynasty season 11 episode 15, duck dynasty se11 e15, duck dynasty s11 e15, duck dynasty 11X15, watch duck dynasty, watch duck dynasty full episodes, End of an Era
Id: wwArI2N9Fww
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Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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