5 DRIVER TIPS YOU NEED THIS SEASON! (seriously simple and helpful)

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we are back season six of how did I do Academy my name is Sophie Walker and let's [Music] go hitting driver can be quite intimidating it can be difficult to get off the tea and that can ruin your round of golf so here is five things to consider when hitting driver the first thing to consider is tea height now many of you might use Castle teas I think that's a good idea cuz you have that stable B steady same marking as tour players we use tees but hey we've teed up the golf ball a million times so we've got used to it but why do we need a consistent tea height and what is the difference with tea Heights watching Rory maroy quite recently he's hitting it with a lower te so he's teeing the ball down what that means is it encourages him to hit more down on the ball and it comes out from left to right now with many people that I teach amateurs we're always taught to hit up on it aren't we so why is Rory hitting down on it well he's unusual he's the Unicorn he hits too up on it and Too Much from the inside if you want to be more like Rory you better get that tea height higher so I'd encourage you to use the pink castle te or even the orange one number two Builds on number one so we've got a higher te height to make you hit up on it then we're going to adjust our setup in order to create that upward launch angle through the golf ball so you want the ball inside the left heel or your front heel many people think it's the club so I see lots of people doing this or actually that's the club inside your heel we want the ball inside your heel that encourages you to hit up on it to hit on the upwards part of your swing Arc then in relation to that we sit the back shoulder lower creating a diagonal moving up see how the launch is up and we can even have that feeling through the swing how as you come down to the ball the back knee is lower than the front knee here so your whole body is going to do this so you start in set up with that launch characteristic of the ball inside the front heel the back shoulder down to create this angle but when you start swinging especially in the down swing you need to recreate that don't go back to square the third thing to consider is your shot shape what is your natural shot shape or what shot have you got in the bag for that particular day yes I know everybody wants to hit a high draw but if you're hitting a ball that falls to the right hand side and we're on the 14th hole right now so I've already played 10 drivers and if I'm hitting it falling to the right hand side you have to play with what you've got so on this t- shot for instance with it being a left to right dog leg I'm going to move to the right hand side of the teax I'm going to aim away from the bunker on the right hand side in the distance I'm going to aim down the left hand side I'm going to wame most of my shots down the left edge of the Fairway because if I'm hitting it from left to right that will encourage me to have the whole Fairway for the ball to finish at if I start the ball the middle of the Fairway I've only got the right half of the Fairway to hit so the feeling is start it left and have 100% of the Fairway rather than start it in the middle and only have 50% of the Fairway on the right hand side don't try and hit shots that you haven't got in the bag at that particular moment play with what you've got and you will hit more Fairways my next swing thought is useful especially at point of contact do not let the head touch the ground if it's touching the ground before the ball then all the energy is going into the ground if it's touching it after the ball that means you're hitting down on the ball and that's not what you want is it everyone saids you got to hit your driver on the up so have that feeling of keeping this club head hovering not touching the ground not putting all your energy into beating down when we actually want it to come up like this so you don't want that feeling of there cuz that's too much the wrong way or there cuz that's too much the other way the feeling in the practice swings is this we have a huge surface area on the driver on the bottom of the driver we have a huge ski think of it skiing stroke barely brushing the surface of the water or in this case the grass rather than having it smacked down on it and finally with the driver you want to be hitting up on the golf ball you want to be launching it into the air with all the other clubs you want to be hitting down on it why do you want to hit up on it because there is only in my case 9° Loft on my driver so I have to encourage the launch this is why we've got a high TEEG this is the highest you'll ever tee your golf board so it's that feeling of it going up this way like a rocket like an airplane taking off so all the things we spoke about before and then that hit up on it feeling many people say to me well I'm scared of skying it s I'm scared of skying it if you're hitting up on it the chances are you're going to top it more than you're going to Sky it so if you look down at your golf club and you've got Sky marks at the top you're coming down down on the golf ball we need to change that characteristics to be more on the up so if anything you'd catch it at the bottom of your club that means your spin will be lowered so we want a high launch with a better spin rate as in a more neutral spin rate so that feeling through the ball is we've got our angles of our body and then we're going to encourage it by feeling like this back leg this knee is lower than the front knee like this imagine when you're throwing a ball you want to throw a ball really far here like that you'll never throw it down like this else it'll just hit here so look at the difference in what my body does and at the release the arm is still traveling upwards you want to hit diagonally through this golf ball rather than flat or down on it so let's run through those tips for hitting a more consistent driver te height I like to see at least half of the ball above my club face so I'm going with a higher te next up it's my angles of the way I set up to the shop the ball is inside my front heel my back shoulder is lowered next up it's the shot shape that I'm going to hit or are hitting so I moov the ball to the right hand side of the t- box to aim at the left edge of the Fairway because that leaves me 100% of the Fairway to the right hand side for me to hit another thought in my swing in all of my swing is don't let this club touch the ground I even hover to start with so I try and keep this always in the air and then through the shot try not let it hit the ground it can skim the ground but I don't want it to hit the ground and then the final Fe in is launch hit up on the ball I still like the term launch the ball so it's like hitting diagonally through it it's not about just hitting up it's about launching it high and [Music] far thank you for watching our Academy videos please make sure you like comment and subscribe to our Channel [Music]
Channel: HowDidiDo
Views: 12,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: howdidido, sophie walker, golf, golf tips, golf tuition, golf lesson, break 80, break 90, golfalot, driver, slice, fix slice, stop slicing, ball striking, golf grip, howdidido academy, Long drives, Hit straight drives, Hit driver straighter, long golf drives, hit fairways, hit better drives, hit more fairways, driver tutorial, golf driver tips, best driver tips, best driver fixes, hit driver straight, how to hit more fairways, improve driving golf, best golf driver tips
Id: mWC5s4XeV9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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