Stonetoss & How Hate Speech Spreads

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This video seriously made me consider making simple lefty political cartoons.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 136 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey I don't want to be that person, but we had this thread three days ago

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chemicalpepper πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is there a transcript? I'm a cranky old codger of 48 and prefer to read political discussions so I can go back and forth at my own pace...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thausgt01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My god no! It was so hard to watch as a black person. It was a white on white convo which I usually am down for but tonight was not the the night for me to hear this. I don’t even know why rn but pls be kind. I’ll be back Tomorrow maybe with a better mode of expression.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/2030CE πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh boy big-time content warning on this one it's all gonna be about fash propaganda that's what the whole thing's gonna be about if that's the type of thing you're sensitive to then you might want to avoid this one cuz it gets grim stone toss is a semi popular Nazi webcomic why am I talking about this why am I wasting some of the Earth's precious oxygen on this dipshit well he started it he made this comic about me now look at this okay look at it the the resemblance is uncanny and you're telling me this guy says racism is bad I think racism is bad that can't be a coincidence you think you can put me on blast and I'm not gonna clap back at you I don't think so buddy it's on it's on you're going down you're never gonna work in this town again and by this town I mean the internet and by never work again I mean I have no actual ability to stop you some people might argue that I'm giving stone toss a platform by talking about it for a whole video but that really isn't how platforming something works we need to be able to talk about how our enemies operate we can't just plug our ears and assume that they'll just go away I would be platforming this chuckle dick if I gave him the opportunity to speak his mind unchallenged I think it's dangerous to debate Faso's I've been pretty clear about that but it's still important to observe how they operate and get familiar with their methods and that's why I chose to focus on stone toss specifically I'm the type of person who gets exposed to a lot of racist agitprop mostly in the context of anti-racist activists criticizing it but also sometimes from racists who are mad at me because I'm not racist enough for them I can tell you this stone toss is uniquely dangerous uniquely effective at spreading a hateful message into spaces where it would otherwise be looked down upon the person who makes don't toss who I will be referring to as stone toss for the rest of this video is a very talented propagandist I say this as a propagandist he's good at what he does and I think we can learn a lot from how his comics spread and why they're made the way they are studying the tactics that makes don't ah so successful I hope will make us better at combating them in the future but at the very least I think it's you know maybe something we should be keeping an eye on as difficult and unpleasant as it may be to actually look at and I mean I get it believe me I've been reading this guy's comics for the better part of a week and let me tell you it's not fun I've had to take a lot of breaks from from this project because it takes a toll on you to be exposed to that much invective I do not under any circumstances suggest you expose yourself to this dipsh it's work if you can avoid it enough preamble who is this dickhead stone toss is a webcomic that focuses primarily on bigoted meathead humor it has clean crisp colors and bolds thick lines usually having three or four panels and less than a paragraph or two of dialogue it's simple visual style and the way that most of the information is conveyed without the target audience having to waste valuable brain calories reading makes tone tossed easily digestible and shareable now I'm going to make an assertion here that I can't prove but I think is almost unassailably true as much as I imagine he might deny it the creator of stone toss started off his career of racist web comics with the explicitly neo-nazi comic read panels read panels is essentially a proto stone toss a less polished and more openly hateful version of what was to come the art style is a little cruder especially towards the beginning where it looks like it was drawn in mspaint the characters look like bone by way of something awful artist murky a comparison that was not lost on stone toss his early comics are wordy and contain more verbal irony than the slightly more sophisticated visual irony he'd come to be known for here's the thing about red panels though it's not exactly subtle with its out-and-out allegiance to neo Nazism it almost completely forgoes plausible deniability and that limited its appeal to the people already drinking the Nazi kool-aid most people get angry and repulsed by outright visible racism you're not likely to get a lot of converts if your comics are so openly hateful that the people who read them get pissed off at you that's why fascist propaganda tends to employ dog whistles things which seem to be innocuous on the surface but underneath convey a secret message to those in the know like a whistle that a dog would use to let other people know that it's part of the cool whistling dog Club red panels doesn't use dog whistles so much as dog foghorns the Nazism isn't subtext it's text with just the slightest hint of just the joke bro irony to provide ideological cover it's difficult to pin down this specific ideology of red panels or stone toss for that matter the author seems to constantly contradict himself we should have a small limited government with less of his security state and less defense spending but also airtight border control and a big fuck-off wall to keep everybody out we should accept more traditional family values but also marriage is just long-form prostitution because women are parasites the only thing which remains constant is a deep and abiding disgust for anyone that society considers underprivileged and also a smug insistence that anyone who disagrees with his worldview is a hypocrite or a liar sometimes the contradiction is simple look women on hookup apps act like they don't want to hook up sometimes it's so absurd he has to jump through ridiculous hoops just to arrive at it look if feminists applied their logic about consent to its extreme they'd be rapists for masturbating while drunk which proves they'd be complete lunatics if they did that entirely fictional thing conspicuously though there sure are a lot of jokes that hinge on deep familiarity and agreement with a Nazi worldview he's also very concerned with the idea that Nazi speech might be suppressed not that suppressing Nazi speech could lead to worse suppression just that Nazi speech itself must be protected they are conspicuously a lot of comics where Hitler or Nazis are presented as the reasonable alternative to the screeching furious left there are a lot of jokes about how Jews are controlling the government or tainting the public discourse to suit a nefarious hidden agenda eventually red panels came to an end in February of 2017 then stone toss began on July of 2017 now once again I can't prove stone toss and red panels are the same artists I'm pretty sure he's denied it in the past though I could be wrong I couldn't find a statement by him saying that but there very clearly the same person they have very similar art styles writing styles political views and also sometimes just make the exact same comic in either case Stone tosses the red panels model refined to a mirror shine more cutesy inane bullshit to draw in new readers a more polished expressive art style a greater focus on visual irony that makes the jokes land harder Stone tosses comics are genuinely a better example of cartooning than a lot of professional political cartoonists despite their atrocious messaging so when I say that stony bones is better at making political cartoons than many of his contemporaries I hope you understand that its damnation with faint praise it also makes his work far more insidious at first blush a lot of stone toss comics look like just every other cutesy slice-of-life bullshit comic you find on the Internet the drawings even the drawings of people the comics intent is to vilify don't appear hateful they look cute sometimes even tells a joke that doesn't rely on bigotry punching down or some weird political Bugaboo of his if you weren't familiar with stone toss and his reputation you might see something like this or this you might think it was just a cute little joke you might share with your friends hashtag relatable they might notice the URL and hey they like this cute little joke maybe they go stop by and check out some of this guy's other comics and oh god oh god no but even his very racist comics sometimes don't make any sense unless you have the very specific 4chan branded racism decoder ring that helps you decipher the puzzles and riddles that stone toss hides his beliefs behind take this one for example this comic talks about racial demographics in such an obtuse way that if you just stumbled across it you'd have no idea what he was trying to say you know what the fuck is this in the first panel white people make up 85% of Americans and black people a scant 13% now if you're a math whiz you might notice that adds up to 98% remember that it's going to be important later then the black piece of the pie is bigger and the white piece is scared and confused how could this be happening all the while that sneaky 2% blue piece looks on knowingly what this comic is saying without saying is that Jewish people are masterminding a demographic shift away from whiteness in America the 2% is its Jews the point being that this comic is about the neo-nazi conspiracy theory the great replacement a theory that states Jews are trying to breed white people out of existence for some sort of reason or how about this one what what a black footsteps on the ground and then it turns white and then another black footsteps on the ground in what appears to be the hyperbolic time chamber and that foot is dirty and leaves dirt on the ground what what is this what does that mean apparently magic dirt theory is the idea that by setting foot on a country soil you become a citizen of that country a thing which white nationalists seem convinced some other bogeyman believes the soil or dirt of the country is magic and by touching it you magically become another ethnicity in reality according to stone toss black people are just regular dirty not magic dirty so a couple of things first and foremost fuck you but I don't think anyone actually believes that race changes when someone is granted citizenship in another country I've never heard anyone express an idea like that before and when I googled magic dirt I only get weird racists complaining about the idea but nobody actually expressing it or defending it an idea that I have seen defended is that there should be no borders Nations or racist deportations but the only reason anyone believes that is because it's obvious and true furthermore outside if stone tosses particular political bubble most people don't conflate race and citizenship in any meaningful capacity he just kind of sneaks that one path via hey you're not Swedish just because you're in Sweden you didn't become white like a Swedish person and then our little GU brains hear that and the unspoken assumption that stone Ross doesn't actually need to articulate is that you shouldn't be considered a citizen of a country if you know if you're not the right race for it and then you just you just switch that position with the idea that magic dirt changes what country you live in and suddenly he doesn't sound so unreasonable does he but even when a comic is transparently bigoted stone toss will make sure it can be read in multiple ways take this one for example this dude asks what's wrong with wanting a homeland for my people and then the the anti-fog guy punches him and says it's fascist pretty typical situation pretty normal stuff think we've all been there wait what's this the guy turns around and declares the anti-fog guy an anti-semite he's a Jewish you can tell because he has an enormous nose and curly hair funny stuff if you're like a regular boomer as conservative you might read this comic as saying the politically motivated violence of Activa is equivalent to fascist violence against Jewish people thereby proving they're the real fascists of course there's a huge difference between politically motivated violence against fascists who to be clear intent to murder and assault people and political violence against Jewish people who to be clear as a rule do not there is no moral equivalence between punching Richard Spencer and punching some random Jewish guy on the street if you're an all right hipster racist you might read the comic as saying the desire for a white ethno state is no different than the desire for a Jewish ethnos state and therefore it's hypocritical for anti-fog to denounce the outright without denouncing Israel of course the left actually does denounce Israel specifically for its ethno-nationalism Swift's criticism of Israel and stone Lords criticism of Israel is that the left by and large myself included our anti Zionist but very very much Pro Jews remaining alive and unharmed and then there's what I believe is the intended reading of the comic which is haha imagine if an tyfa hit a Jew they wouldn't do that because Jews control the left but hehe haha imagine if a Jew got punched doesn't that tickle you I believe this to be the joke based on the fact that stone toss really really really hates Jews he's a Holocaust denier or at least is incredibly concerned with the idea that people don't like hearing about Holocaust denial for some reason he thinks that Jews controlled the American military he's pretty comfortable with blood libel and like Jordan Peterson he's very concerned with Jewish over representation in positions of authority pretty much most people he hates women pretty strongly hey this guy this this banker is like a mr. Jones I get a hot investment for you the downside is a bit steep it has greater than a 50% failure rate and could lose you half of your assets in your house but the upside is you never have to do laundry again that's what marriage is it's an asset women are property remember that women are property that's going to be a theme going forward women are just property and they're out to get you they have no agency but they will use their agency to hurt you but they are just objects with their objects that want to kill you so just remember that going forward the crazy feminist says we need strong women of color in games but look at this Dumbo we get the black Queen in chess who is a woman and not a small piece of wood or plastic and is black you know the that when people say women of color what they mean by color of course is is literal color not ethnicity or race just you know literally it should there should they should be of a color like green or blue anything is fine this is this is the worst argument I've ever seen I've seen a lot of very bad arguments this is perhaps the worst one I have ever seen he hates trans people oh boy does he hate trans people the crazy feminist says the gender is a social construct there shouldn't be gender specific bathrooms but the reasonable man says maybe there's biological reasons and she says that's irrelevant then she goes into the bathroom to try and pee in a urinal and she can't obviously and she just pees on her pants like what a Dumbo you know red red panels I've been to a lot of men's room in my time let me tell you one thing they all have in common is that they all have toilets because that is where men go to shit shitting is one of the things that people do in bathrooms so men's rooms will always have toilets so this woman could have just sat on the toilet and pissed normally have you never been in a public washroom also why is that urinal so close to the ground is this it is that a children's urinal it's below her knees is this a urinal for children why didn't you draw a trough or something uh-oh the crazy feminists are at it again they're saying we won't be silenced by your violence as they're burning various objects and books and off to the side here's Roosh V noted rapist and he's saying they're being silenced real smug like and he's smiling you know like Russia is known for doing cuz he's a big he loves smiling he's always got a big grin on his face that charming scamp and you'll notice that he's holding his copy of his book in his hand so that you know who it is and they're not burning his book they're not silencing him in any way but they are burning this woman's restroom sign and a trump bumper sticker and a picture of a supermodel and this roosh v effigy these are all great works of literature that would be would be destroyed by feminists and our culture would be made vastly poorer to lose these valuable artifacts what I love the most is this person with the tattoo deesis which is German for the SIS and I'm assuming that's German it doesn't mean dices because you know red panels is a Nazi so I assume he speak German is throwing biology 101 into into the fire one of the big book burnings that the Nazis did was the Institute of sex researchers work which was a nonprofit institution that was campaigning for gay rights and for trans rights he hates socialists now the vegetarian says we have a moral duty not to kill animals so she doesn't eat animals and this Mormon he he says they have a moral duty to give money to the church so he gives money to the church and the Socialists says we have a moral duty to redistribute our wealth and then he doesn't do anything which is a good point I as a socialist have never given away my means of production I have never allowed my workers to own and control my oil company all before capitalism she didn't have any food but after capitalism she has a job that she has to do and then the feminist says how did in those bourgeois exploit you so and that's inconsistent because she didn't have food at first and that had nothing to do with any sort of global economic system whatsoever it's just the weird thing that happened that no one can explain and then capitalists benevolently gave her low wage near slave labor under penalty of starvation and death I don't see what's exploitive about that Oh guys we're caught these guys thing smash capitalism on Twitter on his iPhone and he's wearing an Apple watch and those are all things manufactured under capitalism how can you complain about capitalism when you own stuff why didn't he buy the socialist phone or the socialist watch if he believed so strongly and if you truly against capitalism you shouldn't own anything you should live in a little Hut and starve to death for your principles and that way we can defeat capitalism instead of talking about it on things made within capitalism by exploited workers there you go pack it in socialists you lose again he hates black people the burger companies they don't want to sell hamburgers they want to sell miscegenation obviously because that they profit when they sell people on the idea of race mixing instead of hamburgers here comes the black guy he says it's time for slavery reparations and he holds out a big bag with a dollar sign on it so that the white guy can put money in it and he says don't I get any deductions for abolishing it and he he says what you don't get credit for what your ancestors did but wait a minute he's saying that they should have to pay reparations for what their ancestors did what a hypocrite yeah we should we should get some sort of deduction for abolishing it you know the same way that if like like like if I'm beating somebody up and I stop I should get credit for stopping doing that you know if you commit a crime and then stop committing the crime nobody ever gives you credit for no longer doing the crime he hates gay people this guy is eating a hot dog and then he's surprised because he sees this other guy putting a hot dog up his butt and the guy says what it's normal let's follow this logic to its terminus so obviously anal sex is wrong because you wouldn't put a hot dog up your butt therefore heterosexual penetrative sex is wrong because you wouldn't put a hot dog in a vagina and you'll notice if you pay close attention there's a little poop splashing out of his butt that's being displaced from the mass of the hotdog oh boy okay so this one's great because it proves that stone toss seems to think that when you're just walking around in your day-to-day life your butt is full of poop hey stone toss do you wipe your ass bud hey are you walking around with shit in your butt at all times yet more evidence that stone toss is weirdly obsessed with poop it is a gay couple I wonder what their family is like and the gay couples like same as yours bigoted but their baby is poop gross do you think that when people have anal sex there's a lot of poop involved people clean their butts before anal sex I would think that is obvious hey you know if you're gonna have a Gay Pride Parade you might as well spray poop everywhere it's the same thing it's the same thing to have poop sprayed directly onto your body and neighborhood then to see some people dance around look I've been reading the works of this wiener all week and I got to get some stuff off my chest now this really pertains to the point of this video it's just I've had to deal with this guy for a while and I just want to make fun of him let me have this I need this oh here comes that old sneaky snake George Soros paying an Tifa and Satanists to prove the broken window fallacy correct so that he can benefit in some fashion this guy says we should raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour but the reasonable guy says well why don't we set the minimum wage $50 an hour then and the other guy says oh no that'd hurt the economy wait a minute oh no my ideas are inconsistent and that is just the solid argument because if you're going to do something you have to do the most extreme version of it imaginable in order for that to make any sense so if you're going to eat a hamburger then that means you have to be willing to eat an entire cow and if you're not willing to eat the entire cow in one sitting then you don't want a hamburger do you checkmate liberals oh yes I remember this day well when Donald Trump was elected me and my anarchist friends went to all of the Wall Street bankers and shed a tear together as they were very upset at his election they hated that he would give them huge tax breaks and incentives to continue to make enormous amounts of money and they were so upset that they momentarily lowered their heads and let the Illuminati symbols on their top hats show oh here's another one of these Jewish people pretending to be white and talking about white privilege as they do yep that's definitely just a thing that only Jewish interlopers believe can you can you imagine why some people might think that this red panels guy is a bigot like where are they getting this idea that he's a he's a Nazi just because says things like V idea of white privilege was invented by Jews and circulated by Jews to weaken white identity does that's a normal thing to say that it definitely isn't a Nazi thing to say oh and look at this here's a here's a jaunty little not seen he he says we weren't even interested in concentration camps but people would not stop punching us you know because like Nazis they're they're nonviolent by Nature it's only when people punch them do they resort to such low things as violence and here's this dude he's got a little French haircut and he says hey you've got white privilege blah blah blah and the other guy says whoa you mean that makes me cooler and better than everybody and the other guys like yes which is definitely what that means and then he looks in a mirror and he sees this very handsome version of his self with the words do as vault and also the comic is titled uber mensch so I don't really see any other interpretation of this one other than saying that white people are the master race kind of a it's kind of a Nazi thing to say not all undocumented immigrants are criminals you racist you know maybe they're called illegal aliens for a reason and this one's great I love this comic because if you just reversed the order of the panel's it would make just as strong an argument against what he's saying this completely unreasonable person with crazy hair says ha bigoted don't you know it's dumb to take pride in things you can't choose and the guy in the white pride shirt looks on working one eyebrow and disbelief as the other person smugly glances at him their argument having been crushing but you'll notice that it's during a Gay Pride Parade where people are waving flags with their butts and there's dildos on the ground and that this proves the common logic that people are always saying that you can't take pride in things you can't choose a thing that a gay person would absolutely say and would therefore be a big hypocrite and look out reason this guy in the white pride t-shirt is he's just like come on come on really can't we just be reasonable people here the argument isn't that you can't take pride in things you can't choose your ding-dong it's that you can't take pride in being white because it's nothing you didn't earn anything or overcome anything by being white you were just born into the super lucky group of people that gets a bunch of shit for free and that's a weird thing to be proud of at the insufferable personality competition you got this champ nobody can stand us vegans what's this a new challenger approaches its bike riders they're even more insufferable than vegans yep if anyone is qualified to judge who is the most insufferable people it is definitely a libertarian Bitcoin enthusiast boy does he love bitcoins there it's a bubble this guy this unreasonable rube is saying and look it just keeps going up and up Bitcoin just bigger and bigger bubbles and it just keeps making life better for all of the Bitcoin owners and it's gonna keep doing that forever now this one makes a pretty good point this optometrist is giving an eye test and he asks this guy what he sees when he looks at the Gadson flag but the guy sees a swastika that's crazy who would mistake the Gatson flag and libertarianism in general as being in any way connected with Nazism or fascism anyway here's this comic where a guy wearing a Gatson flag is in a tug of war and he's on the same side as fascists against communists and rich people and he's confused by it he's like wait what it's crazy that our enemies in the war against elites and communists are fascists we're people getting the idea that these two groups are aligned where where could they get such a delusion this sex worker says sex work is real work here comes the IRS bitch better have my money and there you go sex workers if it's real work how come the IRS wants your money you don't pay taxes on real work I mean get rekt libs here the Atheist puts the Bible in the fiction section and he's laughing about it ha ha take that Bible cocks and then this mega hat guy puts the Quran in there and he's like ha ha I get take that everybody and the atheist guy doesn't like that for some reason even though it seems like he would kind of be down with that and then here comes the last guy putting the Holocaust in the fiction section so I don't understand how anyone could think this guy's a Nazi here comes the crazy teacher with the purple hair probably a feminist and that concludes why race is a social construct next week we'll discuss why we need racial diversity that's not a contradiction stone toss that that's those two statements make perfect sense together money is a social construct but if I said hey I need some money no one would be like that's impossible money doesn't exist it's a social construct the crazy trans person in a dress but even though they have stubble and a beard is like thought crime doesn't exist but the reasonable person's like okay whatever dude dude is in big letters so you know they're really emphasizing it specifically to hurt the other person's feelings which it does and then they start crying and they're not in a dress anymore and the police come and arrest the guy for saying it and that proves thought crime is real because that happened in this comic you know like it like if I made a comic where I said stone toss eats shit and then I and then someone else said no he doesn't and then in the third panel I drew stone toss eating a big bowl of shit that will prove you eat shit you the only real tactic that stone toss has to spread his hateful message is to disguise it he can't just say what he believes he has to imply it and allow the audience to infer it for themselves all of the tactics he uses the confusing contradictory rhetoric the innocuous bullshit the crypto-fascist dog whistles the layered meanings which read differently to different groups of people all of these things are designed to obscure what is being said and sneak it into spaces where it would normally be rejected fascist propaganda doesn't always look like fascist propaganda effective fascist propaganda never looks like fascist propaganda it's very much in the interest of fascists to pretend like they're just joking it's all just jokes but I mean it's not I mean they're jokes to be sure through they're not just jokes they're also an attempt to convey a dangerous and hateful worldview to laugh in the face of suffering people and diminish the humanity of the vulnerable the way to combat jokes like that is to make absolutely certain that people know what they're laughing at to never allow these jokes to pass by without comment without making people confront the ugliness underneath them make them walk you through why they find the idea of trans so aside funny why they think it's funny to compare gay people to pedophiles what the joke is about black crime statistics and what they think it says about black people make them reveal themselves as the hateful dimwits that they are don't let them hide make them explain themselves then they won't be able to draw in people who would be repulsed by their secret hidden messaging yank their masks off and drag them into the public eye where a grateful public will serve them free milkshakes and that's just the joke a joke I think we can all laugh at together hey thanks for watching this video this was a tough one to get through so if you made it all the way to the end I'm very grateful I have a patreon at slash thought slime thank you for everybody that tosses me some money on patreon because this one's gonna be demonetised I'd sure appreciate it if you liked and subscribed and also jingle-jangle a little bell of mine to get updated when I put out videos and go live on stream probably gonna get a lot of harassment from Nazis about this one looking forward to that that's gonna be a good time good time one and all
Channel: Thought Slime
Views: 652,029
Rating: 3.9209981 out of 5
Id: XdbwZbK7kGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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