I Read The Most Hateful Book Ever Written

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Ugh, poor Thought Slime.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/GotchawrenchJr 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I feel bad for T.S. for having to read through that hateful pile of garbage.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/TheRougeSkeptic 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

The thing to remember is that, for example, the book makes no mention of how tyrannical the main character and the organization are because Nazis just straight-up believe the government should be doing that anyway. It's like how calling small-government conservatives who want the government to be deeply queerphobic hypocrites bounces right off of them--in their eyes, the government should be queerphobic anyway, and that it isn't is a fundamental flaw.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/Frostav 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thank you, T.S. This video and stuff like it are crucially important for the self-defense of leftist and minority communities. We need to be able to recognize when people are making reference to this shit. Not just because its a sign that they most likely hate us categorically and want us to not be alive. But more importantly that it indicates they've likely already put a good deal of thought into how go about realizing their goals.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/fascist_mods_fuckoff 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Honkey Cat sounds like a novelty song from the 70s.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Xalimata 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Nature took her course".

This is when you know you are reading a 42-year-old book from someone who has watched a ton of action flicks: rather than anything too hot to handle, the whole thing just does the book equivalent of fade-to-black.

You can have people dying in all sorts of creative ways, but the world poops out the moment the frame enters the bedroom. The heat can only come from the explosions. It's the law.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/FibreglassFlags 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

"... And the world he creates... sounds fucking miserable."

"We're told nothing about the world of the future, other than that all racial minorities are wiped out. And given the vague definitions of who is and who is not a racial minority, that leaves a lot to the imagination. Not only them, mind you, but everyone whose politics don't align with those of the organization. They're quick to point out that liberals and conservatives alike are their political enemies, and must be purged from their ranks, so too libertarians, communists and anyone who isn't 100% on board with complete global genocide.

Large swaths of the Earth are irradiated hellscapes, where no life can survive. Women are not considered people, they're the subordinate of their husband in all things, and at all times. Beyond that, we have no information about what the culture of the future looks like, how society is run, how anyone feels about the situation, whether there is art, or music in the future, what the population is, how has technology advanced? Nothing, not a word."

The world of this books future is a storytelling goldmine, the possibilities are endless when it comes to exploring this abject nightmare world. If a book exploring this world were to come out, I would snag that in a heartbeat. Provided it wasn't written by, well... fascists.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Royalredbird 📅︎︎ May 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I swear breadtube sometimes like to inflict pain to themselves

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Polandgod75 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mein Kampf is more the Nazi Bible, while this, I don't even know what to compare it to.

Nazi fanfiction?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/KayjoMack 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
[slide whistle] This video is going to get into the darkest subject matter you can imagine. Assault, murder, genocide, tons of hate speech, and just... a frankly astonishing amount of sexual assault. I'm discussing a book written by an actual neo-Nazi that has inspired many real-life terrorist attacks. So if you choose to watch this video, please keep in mind that it may be very upsetting. [slime sound effect] The Turner Diaries is a 1978 science fiction novel written by William Luther Pierce under the assumed name Andrew Macdonald. The novel, told from the perspective of a future archivist in the year 2099, outlines the diaries of a revolutionary terrorist named Earl Turner in the distant future of the early 90s. It is, in many respects, the most hateful book ever written. It was famously referred to as "the Bible of the racist right" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an American civil rights advocacy group. If you're familiar with this book, and I'm going to assume that none of you have read it because... Why on Earth would you read it? It's likely because of its connection to the Oklahoma City bombings, which were partially inspired by events in the book. Timothy McVeigh was radicalized after reading The Turner Diaries, and was actually carrying pages from the book when he delivered bombs to the Murrah Federal Building in 1995. The bombing itself is strikingly similar to an attack carried out by the novel's protagonists against an FBI building. Pierce, the book's author, condemned this attack as a tactical error. Since the United States was not in the midst of a white nationalist revolution at the time, he argued that it was not yet appropriate to blow up federal buildings, just to give you a sense... of the type of guy we're dealing with here. It wasn't a moral objection. It was purely tactical. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. This book has been the direct inspiration for dozens of hate crimes that we know of, and is tied to at least 40 terrorist attacks, which have resulted in the deaths of at least 200 people. Knowing about this, I was pretty hesitant to actually read it. There was a part of me that looked over the history of this book, saw all of these people who read it and became horrible monsters, and I couldn't help but worry that if I read it, I might become some sort of... racist version of Gollum from Lord of the Rings? Like I could be as indoctrinated as these other guys. I looked at it as though it had this seductive dark influence that I- that that it was like a magical artifact with the power to change people's minds and heart. But that's magical thinking, and this isn't even that kind of book, as much as it tries to be. This is a book for people who are already pretty convinced of Nazi ideology. Oh, and I should mention that I use the word "Nazi" here very intentionally. The book makes references to "the Great One", a historical figure that we are given no information about, other than that he was one of history's greatest luminaries, and also, he was born in 1889. The book makes constant Holocaust apologetics and frames World War Two as a conflict between white nationalism and Jewish influence, the latter being the villain in Pierce's mind. This is a Nazi book written to get people to do Nazi stuff, but not necessarily for Nazis exclusively. Wave goodbye to my monetization, everybody! Goodbye! Bye! It never justifies its racism or anti-Semitism or the revolutionary fervor with which it pursues either. It assumes you're already on board with that. There are moments in the book where characters have that ideology explained to them, but it's never explained to the audience. It's always some brief aside where, "Oh, then they told me about how Jews were doing blah blah blah blah blah, and I was mad because I'm a big cool white guy." To quote from The Turner Legacy by J.M. Berger at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Truth is, there's nothing human in this book. There's nothing in it that can inspire any emotion in someone who is not already a devotee of its hateful message, aside from fear or disgust. There's no story here. There's no rising action. No characters we come to know or understand. This is supposed to be a man's diary, and it reads like a dreary catalog of events, inventories, and plans written without the slightest sense of passion or liveliness. Pierce was a physicist by trade, and it shows. He spends lengthy tirades explaining mechanical contraptions, sometimes improvised weaponry, which I'd understand why he'd want his fellow white nationalist radicals to understand, because... you know, McVeigh used his instructions to bomb a federal government building. But also just like... how they jerry-rigged a shower in a building without water pressure, how far they drove from one city to the next and how much gas it took, how messages were sent over the radio, and what kind of cryptograph they used, and how they built the radio. On and on and on and on. There's a really underdeveloped love story in the book, and this is how it starts: [sexy saxophone music] That's- that's a sex scene, in case you couldn't tell, and it came after two pages of discussing how the radio and showers worked in the building. He just sees a naked woman, and nature takes her course. That's all! That's all he can bother to write about the moment... he falls in love. So let me just outline the book's plot to you. You've got this narrator from the future who sets up that these are the diaries of a boots-on-the-ground revolutionary named Earl Turner. Occasionally, the narrator interjects comments in the book to the future audience whenever Turner makes reference to something they would not have the context to understand. Like, "Dollars were the currency of Old America," or... miles, because Future Whiteland is on the metric system. That's not a joke. So it's the distant future year of 1991, and the evil dystopian government known only as Is confiscating all guns from American citizens, or at least all the white ones. Turner gets caught up in a raid with a hidden gun and joins a revolutionary group called dedicated to overthrowing the System and fighting tyranny in all of its forms. Fighting tyranny. Keep that in mind. Tuck that away in your brain. That's going to come up in a bit. The world under the control of the System is a bleak place. They've made it illegal for white people to defend themselves against attacks from people of color because that would be a hate crime! If you don't know what a hate crime is. The police are too afraid of being considered racist to ever police black communities, so black people can commit crimes with impunity, which, of course, they love to do because the book is written by a white supremacist. The System has put in place all sorts of wacky laws and done all sorts of bizarrely repressive things. They made sexual assault legally indistinct from regular assault, for example, because... and just... Just get ready for a real unpleasant couple of sentences coming up. Since only women can be sexually assaulted, laws against sexual assault are unconstitutional because they don't respect equality between sexes. Also, liberal women let it happen because they think it would be racist to stop it, because of course, it's only black men who can be rapists, naturally. As a result, there's so much rape in this book that at some point, it just ceases to be shocking. It's just description after description of violent horrible rapes that this dude is imagining are happening, as though that should get us mad at people in real life for allowing his delusional world to be created. So Turner and his cell of terrorists - and keep in mind, they self-identify as terrorists- that's not my judgment on them- go about little bits of petty crime and knock over a liquor store and violently murder its Jewish owner, which... makes Turner really sad. Ah-boo-boo-boo-boo. Then they're tapped by revolutionary command to blow up an FBI building with a truck full of bombs. So they do, without question, and they kill 700 people, but it's okay... Because sacrifices must be made and only liberal weaklings are afraid of making the hard choices and doing what must be done. So the Organization's attacks get more bold, killing higher profile people, and this makes the System crack down on them harder, which is what they want because that will make the people wake up to how dangerous the System is. The System tries to fight back against the Org by creating a fake protest where a bunch of people chant slogans against racism and beat white people to death. Like, that's the System's plan to make white people... look bad. The System has full control over the mass media and lulled everyone into a sense of complacency, but it's so bad at using the media that it thinks this will be the way to get people on their side. During this protest, the crowd spots a white cat, and then somebody yells, and... This is going to seem like I'm making a joke, like this is a joke I made. It's not. And then they kill the cat. And then, at least 40 people read this book, which contains that scene, the scene with the honky cat, and thought, "Yeah, you know what?" "This book makes a lot of good points." "I should do a terrorism." So Turner is brought in by the higher-ups in the Organization to undergo a loyalty test. You see, the Organization has developed a foolproof way to determine people's allegiances and root out infiltrators. It cannot be beaten, and we never get an explanation for how it works. It's very convenient for everyone. Turner is drugged and interrogated. We don't know what happens during this time, but he does so well that he's recruited into a special super secret part of the Organization called They're the guys who are really in charge of things around here, and they've been going since the 1930s. Gee, kind of like those Nazi guys, huh? The Order gives Turner a special book called- you guessed it- the Book. After reading it, he understands the true significance of the Organization's racial agenda, and it provides him with spiritual insights that demonstrate beyond the shadow of a doubt that white people are the master race, and Jews are evil. But these insights are not shared with the audience. Just take his word for it, folks. It's really profound and convincing stuff. Wish I could have wrote it here, but I can't. Quote: Yes, they might seem like odd words coming from him, if he hadn't said almost 50 pages earlier, Anyway, the order gives him a necklace with a cyanide capsule to take if he ever gets captured. Turner is looking for people to convert to the cause, and he goes to this district in Washington where a bunch of gangs straight out of The Warriors are vying for control. Groups with names like the Lone Wolves. That type of shit. He meets a 16 year old girl, who he befriends, and then is briefly sexually attracted to, and then finds out she sold another 16 year old girl into sex slavery- to a Jewish guy, naturally- over a romantic rivalry. He chastises her, but ultimately, what are you gonna do? The whole world is corrupt! So who can blame her for being corrupt? It's a real oopsy daisies. He tries very hard to recruit in a house full of poor white people, but they shrug him off because they think he's a cop, and then they report him to the Political Police, even though they thought he was the cop. The Political Police, by the way, are the System's secret police unit. His hideout is raided, his comrades get away, and he's arrested, and he's too much of a fuck-up to take his cyanide pill. He's tortured by a joint System/Israeli coalition of torture guys, and one of the torture guys takes great glee in explaining how he loved torturing Nazis even though he knew they were innocent. Turner complains about the sham trial given to Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the Holocaust. Yes, really. Anyway, he's in a super max prison for members of the Organization surrounded by troops with machine guns and tanks and stuff. But then, later, easily breaks out. A few days later, he's given a trial by the Order who are like, "Yo, you should have killed yourself," "but here's the deal:" "if you do a mission that means you'll die later," "it's all good." So okay, shit goes off the rail at this point. For like 150 pages, we've been told again and again how outnumbered the Organization is, and how hopeless their cause is, how they don't have the public sympathy, and the System has way more firepower. So, weirdly, the Organization is planning this big offensive where they need a ton of guns and literally billions of dollars in counterfeit money, which Earl and a couple of his friends produce. So the day comes, and they launch an offense against the System and kick their asses because OH HEY GUESS WHAT in the background of the story, the Organization got a bunch of people in the military on their side, and nobody knew. This could have been a moment of tension in the book, like this... doomed campaign suddenly getting saved at the last minute by a clever secret plan, but nope! Just the thing that happens in between chapters. Stirring stuff. The military disarms all Black Service members in California without raising suspicion, in a world where, may I remind you, It's considered racist to complain if a black person rapes your wife in front of you, and then kicks all the racial minorities out of California and creates a white stronghold, where it's not clear what it's like, except that everyone picks fruit all day for some reason. Within a few pages, the Organization nukes New York, Tel Aviv, and most of the Soviet Union. The System, in revenge, nukes... Baltimore... where the Organization wasn't even operating. Then comes The Day of the Rope, where they round up all... "race traitors" and hang them. Race traitors are everyone who is married outside of their race, been too supportive of people outside of the race, or, you know, just sold a home to someone outside of their race, or just random people they find on the street because as the book notes, it's kind of impossible to avoid hanging some innocent people, but that's just something you gotta do. Turner opines that for political terror to be effective, it has to be arbitrary to keep people afraid that they could be the next victim. Everyone has to be afraid, you see. You have to rule over them with terror because that's the only way... you can defeat... tyranny. So they kill sixty thousand people and hang them from every lamppost in California. So they have this white utopia in California, but the rest of the country is still under control of the last few remaining System generals, who were holed up in the Pentagon. Earl Turner fulfills his debt to the Order by flying a plane loaded with explosives into the Pentagon and declares himself one of the most important people to ever live, before getting a-sploded. Then there's an epilogue where they explain what happened afterwards, and essentially, it's just a long list of the various places the Organization went to kill people, eventually taking over the whole world and eliminating everyone who isn't white. The End. And reading it, one thing that struck me was how completely contradictory the Organization's outlook was. Turner complains that the System are tyrants, but then when the Organization takes over, they rule through fear and brutality. Turner watched a young girl get hanged on The Night of the Rope, and remarks that although it's unfair, the rules must always be obeyed so that nobody gets the idea they can break them with a good excuse. But the Order lets Turner off the hook when he breaks his oath to kill himself before being captured. We're meant to be mad that the System "treats people like cattle", in his words, but later, he says that only two percent of people are truly good or evil, And the rest are just cattle to be led, and that's just the way things are. Again and again, the System does something violent to them and it's described as this horrible tragedy, but then, they take some revenge that's far more violent, and we're meant to celebrate it. At one point, a sheriff who's been giving them trouble has his wife and kids killed in front of him, and the book's like, "Well, hey, it sucks to kill a woman of your own race," "but she shouldn't have married a guy who would later go on to piss off us." At one point, Turner is beating in the heads of these two 13 year old girls with a crowbar, because they were... for being in the company of a black guy, and he's the hero of the novel. But we're still supposed to imagine that this imaginary system is so brutal to white people, and that's different from him... caving in the skulls of 13 year old girls with a crowbar. There's this point that the book keeps bringing up about how there's no such thing as a good excuse, how you either succeed or fail, and it doesn't matter how difficult the task is, or... what extenuating circumstances prevent you from achieving your goal. There is never any excuse for failure, and to think that anything, anything up to including your goal being impossible, makes that failure not a failure is liberal decadence. Quote: But if you believed that, you'd have to ask yourself why you haven't already taken over the world, wouldn't you? It seems to me like every time these wieners try, they get their asses beat. But we're not meant to condemn Hitler and the Nazis for their failure. We're not meant to condemn William Pierce and the National Alliance for failing to make their white nation come to fruition. Turner is constantly complaining that Americans don't stand tall in their beliefs, and they just let themselves be led around by the nose by the System. Why can't they just be men and- follow their own hearts? But he unquestionably obeys orders from High Command even when he believes them to be tactical or moral errors, and that's presented as a virtue. Again and again, the rules just don't apply to them. They do everything they complain about the System doing. At one point, the book even brings up that the way they round up people for the Day of the Rope is just like the raids that the book opened with. A dramatic irony that in any story written by someone with a normal, functioning moral compass, would show that the main characters have become that which they sought to destroy. In this book, it's just a, "Hey, look at that. We did it, everybody." "Now we're the ones doing the tyranny." Turner gives up everything: his old life, his humanity. He becomes cold and hard, and then he dies for the cause, and the world he creates sounds fucking miserable. We're told nothing about the world of the future, other than that all racial minorities are wiped out. And given the book's vague definitions of who is and who is not a racial minority, that leaves a lot to the imagination. Not only them, mind you, but everyone whose politics don't align with those of the Organization. They're quick to point out that liberals and conservatives alike are their political enemies, and must be purged from their ranks. So too libertarians, communists, and anyone who isn't one hundred percent on board with complete global genocide. Large swaths of the Earth are irradiated hellscapes where no life can survive. Women are not considered people. They're the subordinate of their husband in all things and at all times. Beyond that, we have no information about what the culture of the future looks like, how society is run, how anyone feels about the situation, whether there is art or music in the future, what the population is, how has technology advanced - Nothing. Not a word. And for that, the would-be militant reading this book is expected to give up everything, be willing to lie, cheat, steal, and kill anyone that they are told to, to give their lives in pursuit of a world that they are given no reason to believe would be of any benefit to them or anyone else. May I remind you that this is their fantasy. This is the best-case scenario they write to make themselves look like heroes, and even in their wildest dreams, they can't imagine a world where they don't have to kill millions of innocent people. where they don't eradicate the majority of the world's population, where people can live together in peace without being scared for their lives of the strong men breathing down their necks, ready to execute them on the spot if they step out of line even for a second. When I took on this project, I did it for weird reasons. I thought maybe, someday, someone's going to read this book and not know how they feel about it, and then they'll find my video, and maybe I can deflate the power of the book and make them not go down the dark path of white nationalist radicalization. The more I read, the more I realized that by the time they've read The Turner Diaries, it's... likely too late for that. So why talk about it at all? Why focus on the most extreme manifestations of white supremacy when that's not the version that's hurting the most people? More people are hurt day-to-day by the banal minutiae of white supremacy, the way it's coded into the criminal justice system or the job market or the medical system or the housing market. Most people would know to be repulsed by The Turner Diaries, less so by your great aunt saying that Obama is surprisingly articulate. But one thing I don't think we should lose sight of is that this is how the project of white supremacy ends. This is the goal of all the racist alt-right creeps, Kekistani trolls, and twerps on /pol/, who it's easy to write off as losers and jokes. The book goes into elaborate detail about the ways that the Organization hides its power level, how it keeps responsible conservatives and like-minded minorities around while they're useful, but fully intends to throw them on the ash heap when the time comes. This book is an insight to how they talk when they think we're not listening, a guide to their strategies both rhetorical and tactical. And if you think this isn't what they want, if you think they're not familiar with this book, like they don't pore over it in excruciating detail, why don't you do a quick Twitter search for "Day of the Rope" and see what turns up. See how many people read the most hateful parts of this book and whispered under their breath, "Fuck yes." But just in case, if you did just read it, maybe even if you agreed with it, I want you to hear what I have to say, and I want you to consider it. Really think about it. No matter how you feel about me or my beliefs, just hear me out. Someone loves you. Someone out there is afraid to lose you. This book might make you feel like you're part of something bigger, but... actually, it diminishes you. You're not just a white person. You're a whole person. There's so much more to you than can be summed up by an estimate of what phenotypes you possess. You're more than that, you know you're more than that. You have hopes, dreams, you have a favorite song, you laugh when your friends make a joke... and so does everyone else. Every color and creed, inside, they feel just like you do. They're just as confused, angry, and scared as you are. They love their families, just like you do. They're happy when they pet a dog or eat pizza. They're sad when people die. You're alive, and you're a human being. Don't let them take either away from you. Race is not an adequate replacement for humanity. It's not a good bargain for you. And if you want to be part of something bigger, join the rest of us here in the real world. It's the biggest thing there is. Hey everybody, thanks for watching. I'm not going to do an Eyeball Zone this week. I have a feeling this video could be the subject of some intense hate, and I really don't want to subject someone else to that if they didn't sign up for it, so... Not doing that this week, I'll give you two next week. If you or someone you love are in danger of being radicalized by white nationalists, there are resources in the description that you can use to... find a way out. There is a way out, I promise you that. And if this video upset you, or... you know, ruined your day in any way, I'm sorry. I think it is... hard to look at these things sometimes, but it's... necessary. I hope everyone has a good weekend. I hope after watching this, you're gentle with yourself.
Channel: Thought Slime
Views: 498,132
Rating: 4.8189445 out of 5
Keywords: turner diaries, white nationalism, turner diaries debunk, thought slime
Id: 67Rg8V4g3ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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