Pointlessly Dunking on Libertarians to Cheer Up My Friends During These Hard Times

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Every take I've heard on BreadTube about the gun girl is fucking hilarious but also holy shit I wish I never had to hear about her.

👍︎︎ 289 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for the entertainment. I'm literally still in disbelief anyone takes Bennett seriously; I was honestly convinced she was a lefty plant to make fun of conservatives.

👍︎︎ 158 👤︎︎ u/MatthiasvTrigt 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

No lie... I laughed out loud when the girl with a red streak in her hair said, almost with pity, "I think you are just trying to cling to relevance."

👍︎︎ 125 👤︎︎ u/TheLonesomeTraveler 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Fan service for the win!

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/kildog 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Everyone talking bout the shit pants girl, but honestly the Canada dad who is a fully grown man with presumably fully developed political opinions being so fucking stupid on camera for the entire world to see is way more fascinating. TS really tries his best to point out how contradictory his every subsequent position or belief is to the one that preceded it but it was honestly the most embarrassing things I've ever seen in my whole life. That man is a stupid fucking idiot.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Xcelseesaw 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

stink word for ding-dongs

🖤 🤣

I'm reclaiming the word, though. Fuck letting them have it. Just throw a bunch of history at them and make them look like the morons ding-dongs they are.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/voice-of-hermes 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thank you thought slime

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

The Right: "The Left can't meme"

The Left:

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/AEAllwright 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

i heard that she ... get this “did not” shit herself at a party... so what happens now ?

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/HipStairs 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
well howdy folks how's everybody doing everything's falling apart huh everything's messed up and it feels like the whole world is ending and I sure can't handle it on top of the greatest public health crisis of my lifetime capitalism is imploding turns out that if you base your entire economy on people purchasing commodities and you make it so that people's ability to purchase those commodities depends on them being able to collect wages then if people can't collect wages for whatever reason that's the big uh-oh turns out that's the big boo-boo you did an economy bad right now we're at a critical moment in history maybe you've heard the expression socialism or barbarism and my sweet little babies we're about to find out which one people prefer this is stressful I want us to be up to the challenge of building a better world on the ashes of the old and if we're going to do that we need to shed some of the stress we're building up right now we need to blow off a little steam so I got the thoughts liming what could I do to help my audience blow off some steam what could I do that would make people who watch my videos the happiest [Music] oh that's right everybody know Big Ideas this week no complaining about TV shows I like no meandering rants about some bullshit I saw on Twitter we're getting down to business and dunking on right libertarians not because it's necessary or productive but because gosh darn it it's gonna make this whole situation a little bit more fun heads up whenever I say the word libertarian in this video understand that I mean that in the North American incorrect sense of the word people who believe that we should have laissez-faire capitalism without a state and don't understand the inherent contradiction in that statement I know that the word libertarian actually means a libertarian socialist like me in most parts of the world but frankly over here these two bronies have gotten their stink all over the word so bad that I don't want it back they can have it they made it a stink word for ding-dongs I got a special request for you the viewer please do not go and harass these people this isn't the coy way of me going like wink wink don't harass him I'm being serious okay when I first started out on YouTube I got harassed by some and caps real bad they followed me everywhere online they threatened me they slandered me they showed up in my discord with a bunch of fascists and I'm not being colorful when I say that these guys all had usernames like do s fault or blood and soil and shit I got death threats like a lot so I take this shit serious I think that the people who make the videos I'm about to make fun of suck some serious donkey balls but that does not give us the right to be toxic to them in kind you'll be making me look bad if you do that so just leave them alone and let them keep being weirdos that being said let's start off with a little group called Liberty hangout maybe you recognize of him as of the guys who claim to be libertarians but also openly support and return to feudalism you know like how every leftist has pointed out that's what would happen if you did libertarianism like that's that's how it would end up and every libertarians like not I wouldn't happen that's crazy and this guy just straight-up said yeah no that would happen and I like it that sounds good to me even among other right libertarians these guys are a fucking joke and they're a bad take Factory just look at this one whose lives whose lives get saved because it sounds like what you're saying dog is that in an emergency it's better for rich people to be able to get stuff all the time than for poor people to get it ever do you know how else you could stop hoarding without letting companies just jack up the prices as much as they see fit to keep poor people from buying the things that they need rationing and my local Walmart when toilet paper madness ran amok they just limited each person into one package of toilet paper each they didn't need to make the toilet paper cost a hundred dollars and if they did that some rich jackoff could still buy it and sell it for a hundred and one dollars you incredible cretin it should come as no surprise to anyone therefore that Liberty hangout is the official home of Caitlin Bennett the gun girl whose accomplishments include what one time she brought a gun to a place where it would normally be unusual to have a gun making people mad and shitting herself one time the site's founder Justin Moldau is also dating Caitlin that's sure to go well good business decision to quote his blurb on Liberty hangout org born and raised the Catholic Justin's politics are guided by his faith in Christ apropos of nothing here are some direct quotes from Jesus Christ blessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of God you lack one thing go sell what you own and give the money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come and follow me truly I tell you it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven again I tell you it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God seems like you did the opposite of the things he said there Justin seems like he kind of based your worldview on something that Jesus held in contempt Justin anywho Liberty hangout has a whole youtube channel and it's just video after video of Caitlyn Bennett going somewhere making a good plead ass of herself and getting criticized by like completely even-keeled reasonable people like for example this one where she dresses as an extremely offensive stereotype of an indigenous person it's offensive yeah it's not your culture so I don't think you should appropriate it what is this what's wrong sir are you okay they're not they're not correct they aren't socially acceptable come on says who says the majority of the public says Twitter that's some of the majority of the public what do they watch it there because you guys are doing performance art at this point I mean it's just a little bit off-putting cultural appropriation races and cultures shouldn't be costumes because that's stereotypes that stigmatizes what is dressing up as a Native American to you I'm Elizabeth Warren you're Elizabeth Warren the Democratic frontrunner for the case is your version of dressing up as a Native American is to put feathers in your hair braid your hair and wear that yes she she chose to post this she thought this video made her look good and everyone reacts the same way they just kind of go hey yeah you shouldn't do that what you're doing sucks and then she starts asking leading questions like oh why is it cultural appropriation for me to wear this costume but not for an indigenous person to eat spaghetti and then they all just kind of roll their eyes and say oh I see now you're being a shithead on purpose nevermind and this is all she does I guess the idea is to expose liberal hypocrisy right like she she dresses as a Native American and it makes people mad but they're not mad about Elizabeth Warren pretending to be Native American to get into college and get scholarships which hey I think if you ask people if if that made the mad they'd say yeah definitely it does I had asked you a question is a wild for Elizabeth Warren to lie about being Native American to get into college yeah that's wrong - what's worse lying about being Native American to get into college or dressing up as one and a stereotypical outfit they're both bad and B it also didn't happen Warren did falsely claim to be Native American Cherokee specifically but she claims she believed it at the time she did this little publicity stunt you might remember where she had her DNA tested which I don't think she would have done if she didn't really believe it because it blew the fuck up in her face there's plenty to criticize about that Elizabeth Warren definitely fucked up in a big-time racist way several times she definitely claimed ownership over a culture that she had no part in and the whole idea of a blood test is rests and some pretty racist logic but there's no evidence to suggest that she used that to get into college she also didn't you know admit that she did that either like you claim here because you know if she had I wouldn't have said that there's no evidence that that she used her fake heritage to get into college because her saying that would have been evidence that she used her fake heritage to get into college but she didn't what happened there is you were lying is it offensive to lie about being a Native American to get into college get into college she got a scholarship she got all kinds of stuff well I didn't I mean is there what's the evidence that she lied because she said she did she is this dude with her who's dressed like a white person take that liberal hypocrites you're offended by blackface why not white face busted but I don't think it's just liberals that find a black face offensive in fact here in Canada the head of our Liberal Party dresses in blackface all the time and conservative politicians seem to find it quite offensive in that one particular instance but why why is blackface offensive when white face is not is there some sort of centuries-old cultural context have people been using blackface specifically to demean black people and justify the horrific institutionalized violence against them for literal centuries maybe it's also just kind of fucked up in general for people who have all of the power in society to mock people who don't in a way that it isn't fucked up for people with relatively less power to mock those who do boy I wish somebody would point that out to them oh wait someone did let's see how they react I'm it'd be way different if it was a white person doing blackface it would be different why would it be different because it's more offensive I had the white privilege to not go through what other racial groups cuz oh cool it's just the face you just made a face no rebuttal seems like that person made a pretty convincing argument are you sure you don't want to you don't want to say anything no just the face okay cool Caitlyn is performing the oldest shtick in the book this is something every conservative talking head ought to be good at it's real easy you go somewhere a bunch of lives are you piss him off then you selectively edit the footage to make yourself seem reasonable and composed and make them seem like raving loon screaming at you for no reason now she can do the first two parts she's really good at that but the problem comes when she leaves in the video people explaining with great patience why she's being a shithead and also all of the amazing sick burns they drop on her or the pranks they pull on her you what yeah action I just want to have an actual productive life trip by privileged high five right here [Music] orange running for president what do you think Wake is good we like can't touch it because it's not your property oh wow buoys hurting no no I think you're just trying to cling to relevance really she goes I'm a huge fan but she lied to me at this point Caitlin can't escape her reputation for having shit herself once so everywhere she goes someone points out that she should herself and she leaves it in the video I pooped my pants zero times since how old was I maybe - Caitlin why are you reminding people of that I know it's it thoughts the whole thing where you go huh you think I'm mad I'm actually laughing but you know you can just edit stuff out of videos right look watch I'm gonna say the password to my YouTube channel and I'm gonna edit it out see it's easy you cut you press the C button in Premiere Pro you press the C button you click on both sides of the thing you want to cut out and then you delete it that's all you got to do I cannot emphasize enough how she does not make a single argument for her position in this whole video she just asked leading question after leading question she never makes a declarative statement it's always just a question and usually a question she already knew the answer to she asked one person why is what I'm wearing offensive well obviously you fucking knew it was offensive Caitlyn because the person responds culture is not a costume and you say well I've been waiting all day for someone to say that so you think she's got some clever rhetorical trap set up right she's really gonna nail this lib to the wall she's been waiting all day for someone to say those magic words and now we're gonna hear her get him I'm sorry culture is not a costume there it is I was waiting for that phrase today there it as we got it you won you won the prize of being offended I guess there is no prize [Music] that Wow funny stuff think about Kaitlyn is that she knows how to make people mad a toddler knows how to make people mad now sure you can make comedy by making people mad but one of the things you've got to do is make a joke like the guy she's with isn't funny but to his credit he is making jokes and can usually at least offer a comeback when someone insults him even if the comebacks are pretty flaccid but Kaitlyn is not witty she's not charismatic aside from her ridiculous political views she has zero personality if the media hadn't paid attention to the one interesting thing she did in her life she'd be putting word up art at her walls in her suburban McMansion in the most boring part of the Ohio she is not good at what she does and what she does is the easiest thing in the fucking world to do steven crowder the world's least talented man can do what she does already I have paid too much attention to Kaitlyn Bennett and I can feel my life energy leaving my body and I require my life energy because it nourishes the eyeball legions and as I grow weaker they grow stronger until one day I am reduced to nothingness a memory of a human being that lingers in the minds of those who do not yet know that their fates are sealed to be likewise consumed by Lorde Aki longs dark hos hello and welcome to the eyeball zone here in the eyeball zone we offer small leftist projects as tribute to the eyeballs here's a little treat for your ear balls much punk music has been written to discuss how all cops are bastards but you know what is less common I assume as someone who knows nothing about punk music people calling out the RCMP specifically the guilded cats though their song RCMP ACAB sums up my feelings pretty succinctly every fucking Peterson boys to be told to clean their fucking rooms you can listen to that and more of their music on their YouTube channel and you can buy it over at gilded can't stop bang Capcom I can't think of a better explanation for why we need to support leftist punk musicians than the existence of the bootlicking clowns were too discussing here today so give them a listen do you have a small leftist project you'd like to abandon to the inscrutable whims of the eyeball zone send no more than one email to thoughts Lima editor at gmail.com with the word eyeball somewhere in the subject line and pertinent details like your pronouns and maybe you will find yourself trapped here in the eyeball zone if you are particularly sensitive to boomer ISM look away now you don't want to see the man I'm about to discuss the herb boomer I present to you the Canadian libertarian [Music] hey everyone I believe I'm going to call this video the problem with collective ownership look at this look at this madness I know exactly what happened here he bought some sort of expensive flashy bit of stock footage with the CGI light and then threw in the logo he designed himself an MS paint over the top and just Wow okay so first of all look at all the text look at all the different fonts how the fuck are you gonna read that in the few seconds it's on screen especially when it's so small and in some cases has no contrast with the background and like why is the Canadian flag the symbol of the Canadian state what the fuck dude that's the one thing you don't like that's the that's the one thing you had to avoid putting in there use some sort of capitalist symbol of Canada dude like a kraft dinner or a Tim Horton's or something now normally this would be a little beneath me this is just somebody's dad running a youtube series as a hobby it would be pretty rude of me to pick on someone with so much of a smaller platform this guy though this guy friggin deserves it because he's a real piece of work he has a real bug up his butt about the blockades that indigenous people have put up across Canada in protest of the seizure of what sweat and land there's a video in the corner popping up now that explains that click on that if you don't know what I'm talking about it's much more important than this listen to this knucklehead can we now please end this great Canadian delusion entertained over the past few weeks that the blockades leading to Monday's police takedowns and tech resources oil sands decision are part of a momentous clash over indigenous rights and climate change they are not the blockades themselves are an ideological construct designed to help the radical left socialists and agglomerations of anti-capitalist to impose a new economic model on Canada and the rest of the world and that's that green New Deal that you keep hearing about yeah that's what it is dog that's probably it probably the real reason isn't the thing that they're saying it's what they want actually is is their is they want to do a worldwide globalist authoritarian government which you can tell obviously because of the evidence of that this chaps my buns real bad because you'd think if anyone on the right could get behind a group of protesters defending their land from state seizure it should be right libertarians and while I understand that his principles would make him opposed to the blockades for the same dogshit reasons that feckless libs are the actual people on their land fighting to keep the government off their backs that ought to be the type of thing that someone who claims to believe what he does should be all about I mean I know better than to expect better but it's still infuriating which is why property rights private property rights is so important if this property if this land was actually held by property owners well those property owners wouldn't be at the mercy of the protesters or those who disagree with their decision not to mention the fact that property owners would also be held responsible and liable for anything that happened as a direct result he thinks that what we should do you see isn't let the people decide no that's collectivism that's mob rule that's democracy which is bad and no just like I would say to those who are promoters of monarchies or democracies I don't recognize the legitimacy of the Queen or the Prime Minister laying claim to the entire country of Canada what we should do is let each individual wet sweating person decide what they're allowed to do with their own property which is only theirs of course if they're productive on it if you're productive on it or you have actual land deed or title and you can prove one or the other and it's within reason how is that decided unclear how precisely are once property rights to be defended in the absence of the state unclear one thing that is very clear though that would solve the fucking problem if you're against democracy and the basis that mob rule removes your individual rights and forces you to acquiesce to the will of the majority I would say that one way to not fix that problem would be to give each individual person the ability to override everyone else's choice by allowing the pipeline through their specific portion of the land that you see l have decided that they own even if you could just parcel out each individual bit of land to individual people it sure isn't that way now is it it currently belongs to everybody as a whole so the people as a whole should get to say what to do with it unless of course you'd like to take away their property rights because their version of ownership doesn't suit you sounds pretty authoritarian to me but what do I know my beliefs are internally consistent but even if you did that you'd still have to hold some sort of arbitration period before each person could decide what little bit they own and like dog if I owned one square kilometer of land and my neighbor owns the next square kilometer of land if he builds a pipeline through his land that's gonna affect me sure you say he's liable if something goes wrong liable to whom in the absence of the state and any sort of collectivist body I have no idea but what if it explodes killing us both what if I know it's going to explode but he wants to build it anyway why not it's his property right the idea that each person gets total control over their little bit of land and nobody else gets to say shit no matter how much it affects them renders everyone's property rights basically moot a pipeline is going to cause runoff it's going to leak and it's going to create problems for places outside of the immediate land it happens to be built on so even in the fantasy world you've concocted where each person gets their own little fiefdom provided they're being productive with their land of course it would still create problems for other people's personal little fiefdom and furthermore the idea that land de-facto belongs to whosoever uses it productively in your judgment was the exact historical justification for the seizure of indigenous land and incumbant genocide by the state in the first place you're allegedly anti status perspective just so happens to provide intellectual cover for the greatest crime our state has ever committed way to go you complete nincompoop who he's us a pretty pro-life which seems to me like it would conflict with his libertarian principles which is what is abortion it's it's the killing of the unborn and I know a lots of people argue on many different areas and there's lots of there is new ones to this conversation no doubt about it matter of fact I'd love for us to get that point someday hopefully we will but right now yeah it's just divided between pro-life or pro-choice and the way this is being represented as far as the article is those who are pro-life you're bad you're evil how dare you stand defense of the unborn whereas those who are pro-abortion or killers of the unborn or promoters of killing of the unborn we're supposed to praise the applauded those folks you're telling me that a woman who's pregnant has to give up her property right to own her own body just because some fetus says so not my problem pal why don't you get a job when I was in the womb I got my own nourishment nobody gave me nothing seems to me like you're kind of applying your principles arbitrarily and twisting them to defend your socially conservative values to wit he's also against what he calls mass immigration not because he's a xenophobe but because of some other reason his push for mass immigration in addition to being detrimental for the housing market jobs and wages in this country in particular for the Canadians who already live here that's right candidate wages in this country have been stagnant for four plus decades now thanks in part to this massive push for globalization and it's only going to get much much worse now that mass immigration has been brought into the equation and ramped up under the federal Liberals so just so we're all keeping score what we shouldn't have is a state but also we should have strong borders borders around for our not state the border will keep people from other knot states from entering our knot state and will guard it with our not military but he's not saying that for any sort of racist reason he's not saying something in direct contradiction to everything he claims to believe for any sort of racism injunction with mass immigration ak8 the great replacement along with big government crony corporations and the ability to completely manipulate and devalue our currency I guess I guess all those in combined will work out at least they hope to keep the gravy train rollin or hum along for the foreseeable future or as long as the baby boomers are around it's only partially because the globalists wants to destroy the West by getting rid of white people the real reason is because government officials get a lot of money by getting new immigrants to fill out forms so there you have it straight there in black and white the main driver for economic growth in this country is coming as a consequence of rampant growth in big government bureaucracy public sector institutions and pencil pushers who all make big bucks under this mass immigration program and we sure as heck can't forget about all those corporations and also because condo owners can charge them a lot of money which naturally a capitalists should oppose it if you're a boomer that's sitting on one of these proverbial gold mines aka house or condo this is great bading wars smaller supply increased a minute that's all beneficial it's all gravy and classic Canadian style the Canadian libertarian follows the Don Cherry style of rhetoric where it doesn't matter if what you say is untrue or doesn't make sense or what matters is how loud you can speak mind you he certainly dresses better than Don Cherry look at his well ironed shirts I couldn't iron my shirts that well it's nice he puts on his nicest shirts and his ties and he sits down to yell at the internet about globalism but he doesn't really believe the things he says not really deep down it doesn't matter to him whether or not he's speaking truth to power it doesn't matter whether his actions line up with his values it doesn't matter whether his ideology is internally consistent like all right libertarians everything he purports to believe is all just an excuse to justify his extant prejudices people are poor because they don't work hard enough women don't get the control their bodies but businesses are allowed to poison bodies if they want you have the right to protest but if you don't protest for reasons that I like that must mean that you're being funded by George Soros and therefore your defiance of the state is actually globalist intrusion and therefore statist somehow oh that felt amazing didn't it just blowing off a little steam at the cheerleaders of the systems currently fucking us all over slightly harder than they were a week ago I hope you enjoyed funding around with me this week and remember no matter how bad things get at least you're not putting videos on the Internet where people are mocking you to your face about the time you shit yourself at a party everybody thanks for watching my video if you liked it please wash your hands consistently for twenty seconds at a time it's a good idea to also isolate yourself from the elderly and immunocompromised then just try and you know keep yourself self quarantine a little bit stop the spread of the strut stop the spread of the virus that would be a good idea I also have a patreon at patreon.com slash thought slime that if you need to cancel your subscription to or walk back a little I get it and you don't owe me anything least of all an explanation because I know that times are hard if you're bored you can check out youtube.com slash scaredy-cats TV where I talk about horror movies and also you can watch me stream at twitch.tv slash thought slime every a p.m. Eastern Standard Time I hope you're all taking care of yourselves in one another in this difficult time you
Channel: Thought Slime
Views: 371,661
Rating: 4.8268456 out of 5
Id: xWILls8fCes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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