Let's Play CYBERPUNK RED | Overboard

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Best way to end a hard day rn

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Xenocontendi 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
- [Jenna] Welcome to "Overboard", "Polygon's" card and board game show. Today we're playing "Cyberpunk Red". This tabletop RPG is the latest edition of "Cyberpunk", the 1988 role-playing game, that "Cyberpunk 2077" is based on. Still following? Good. - That's what we're doing. That's why we're here. - That's role-playing. - Retro. Like almost all of tabletop RPGs, "Cyberpunk Red" is led by a game master, who sets the scenes and portrays all the characters our players will interact with. In this game, that's me, Jenna. You guys are really fucking bad at this. (Brian laughing) You jabronis are real fucking bad at this. Our three role-players have each crafted a character, complete with backstories, stats, and personalities that will quickly become apparent. As they explore the world I've created, they'll encounter challenges. A character who's lying to them, a locked room, or maybe even somebody who wants to fight. And that's where the dice comes in. Or if you want to face down-- - Ah, I also rolled a critical fail. - I'll ask players to make a certain type of roll, whatever seems most appropriate for what they're trying to do. It could be hacking a computer, a test of strength, or maybe just a really awkward social situation. We normally only let one person in the bathroom at a time. - Oh, sure, but we're just doin' normal bathroom stuff, but there's three of us. - Depending on how well they roll, and how good or bad their stats are in that area, I'll give them powerful bonuses or embarrassing impairments. There are a lot of other little rules, but we'll explain them as we go along. For now, it's time for your morning update. The year is 2045, and Night City is still recovering from several manmade disasters of the early 2020s. And kites are popular again. (group laughing) (murmurs) In world news, the Kenyan Orbital Base has announced a new director. And in Night City, two are dead from an attack on Hypo's Medical Center. The weather today is 75 degrees, with a chance of earthquakes along the coastal shore and a light chance of alkaline rain in the afternoon. Welcome to Night City. - Whoo! (group clapping) Oops, that's too much armpit. (group laughing) Well, one day, Dapper Dasha receives a phone call from a, kind-of a low-rank fixer that you know who goes by Lionel. Ring, ring. - Hello, Dapper Dasha. - Dapper Dasha is a fixer in Night City. If you need someone or something, she'll find a way to get it. Dasha grew up comfortably but has fallen on hard times and is on the hunt for a big payday. She's also a poser, which in the world of cyberpunk, means she uses plastic surgery to look just like a celebrity, in this case, Winona Ryder. - Hey Dapper, it's Lionel. You know me, right? It's Lionel. - Lionel? Yes, Lionel. Oh my God, it's so nice to hear from you. - Oh man, yeah. - How are you? - Oh, you know, I'm okay. So have you heard, two people were killed down at Hypo's, you know Hypo's medical joint. - Yeah, I know Hypo's medical joint. Do I know the people? - I don't know who you know. I mean, maybe. You're like a fixer, right? - Well, just tell me their names. Why don't you just tell me their names and we'll see if I know them. - So, one was named Johnny. He's like a Solo, he's just one of the volunteers, he seems to have been collateral. And the other one was Scrubs. You know Scrubs? - Oh, what a shame, Scrubs. - Yeah. - What do I need to know? - So I think if you just like go down to Hypo and talk to Hypo, again Hypo freaking out. He's real concerned. I don't know what the whole deal is. - Gotcha, thank you so much, Lionel. - Yeah, you remember your old friend Lionel. - Yes, I'll definitely, you will be remembered. - That sounded real ominous, but I'll see you later, okay? - Thanks. - Bye. - Bye. - So, you guys all know Hypo. Hypos very well known in this neighborhood. But he's best known, because he runs a medical center where people can go to get clean. And its no charge, you just wander in when you are ready to get clean and he's there to help you through it. So he's well known as just being, like, a good dude. Because Night Citys a rough place, and there's not a lot of people being this altruistic. So just everybody knows Hypo. People volunteer at the clinic all the time, so it's non-profit. He's just trying to make the world a little bit of better place. - Wow. - He looks like Danny Trejo. - Okay, good, that's great. - Oh. - Now, now I'm locked in. (group laughing) - I'm emotionally invested. - For sure. - Well, I'm gonna call up Burger Chainz, I think, to get a ride. - That's a good call. - Sure, and I'm hanging out with him so-- - I'm streaming Sixnite online, just playing games. - Sixnite? - That's what happens. There are two sequels after Fortnite. - Fivenite and now Sixnite. - Fivenite, Sixnite. - And I'm streaming, and Burger Chainz is there just kind of moral support, I guess. - To be your hype man. - Mm-hmm. - Is this what we do when we're doing the phone call? - Yeah, that should be, that should be better. - I moderate, you're not allowed to say that word on here, my dude, doop, banned. - Ring, ring. - Oh, hey, this is a Dasha. - Hello, Burger Chainz? - Dasha, how it's going. - It's Daw-sha. Hello, so nice to speak to you. - Yeah, I'm terribly sorry about that, Dasha. Just moderatin' a forum here. What can I do ya for? - Headshot, sorry. - Boom boom, my man. - Oh, yeah. - Are you busy? - Just gaming, but ya know, there's always time for that. What can I do ya? What's up? I can't do this voice the whole time. (group laughing) - Now you've locked it. - [Jenna] Burger Chainz grew up on a farming commune and likely wouldn't have left it, if it weren't for a local agri-corp shutting the place down. He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's loyal to a fault. Plus, he's got a cool van, which he first drove as part of a nomad gang and later doing odd jobs around Night City. - Okay, what's goin' on Dasha? Can I come down there and help you out maybe? - Yes, actually I need a ride to Hypo. There is, maybe a job down there for us, and I could use a lift. - Well, you know me, I'm always looking for work. I'll just swing around in the truck. You just wait right there. Don't worry nothin' bout it. Yee-haw. (group laughing) - And, scene. - Did I just hear that over what's going on? - Yes. - Okay, I just had to close up shop, and everyone's really upset, cause I'm such a good gamer. They're, they know-- - What was your view count? I was moderating the chat, and I can tell you that the view count was about three. (man groaning) - Oh. - Look, Jump Trash is just getting started on the streaming side of things. - Alright, so we hop in my van and we cruise down from Vang0's place over to Dasha's. - Excellent. - And we wait to be-- - Should we just set straight there? - Buzzered down. - Oh. - You know, I give her a call. Dasha, down stair, do we need to do all this stuff? - Nah, we can just skip to Hypo. - Do you want me to come up and meet you up there, or do you want to come down here? (woman laughing) - And, transition. - So you arrive at Hypo's Medical Center. So this is a two-story, it's just sort of like a rectangle. It almost looks exactly like what I've drawn here on the board. - Oh wow, perfect. - So it's just sort of this rectangle. It's under a freeway, so the freeway is like basically on top of the second story of this building. And it's pretty loud, but the real estate was cheap, and Hypo can't really afford better, cause this is a non-profit. So here we are, this is the first floor. Basically, the moment you guys walk into the door, you can see the blood splatter. So what we have is, yeah, off to the side, there's like a front entry area where there's a waiting room and a desk for reception. Then, the back part of it is just glass, and so you can see in there. There's a lot of beds and there's tables, and chairs for people to gather and do group sessions, and sit and do crafts and sorts of things. Each of the bed has like a little, has a curtain that they can pull around for privacy in the evening. - Wow. - But otherwise, it's just this big open living space where all these people are just trying to get clean. - I walk up to Hypo. Is Hypo there? - Yeah, Hypo's there. You can see him pacing behind the windows, yeah. - I look at the two mutilated bodies, and then look and Hypo and I say, "Doc, are these guys gonna be okay?" (group laughing) - Yeah, do any of you know Hypo personally? - I probably do. - Yeah, you probably do. - He sounds like the kind of guy Burger Chainz would do errands for. - Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah, you might volunteer at the clinic as a go-guy. - I think that Vang0 Bang0 thinks that there's a lot of content here, so he's probably, like, maybe if you've asked me to fix up a thing for Hypo. Like, if you need specific, tech stuff, but I don't think there's really much-- - Maybe he just needed you to set up his wifi too. - Yeah, it's, I never have time for good wifi. That's my big thing. - So there was only one Solo on duty, and it was mostly just for show. And then in the back left corner, you can see just a real, a real splay. It looks like somebody just popped this Solo like, one or two very good shots and got 'em when they weren't paying attention, basically. But it looks like the body of Scrubs, which is the name of the addict who was trying to get clean. It looks like he was sliced and diced and blown apart, and there is just a real, real mess. - Vang0 Bang0 goes the nearest window, where he can see his reflection and he starts streaming immediately. And he goes, "Hey guys, Vang0 Bang0. "Saw a really sad thing today. "Just wanted to check in with you all, "make sure that you are safe out there. "Again, Vang0 Bang0." - Vang0 Bang0 woke up one day in a warehouse, his memory gone. In front of him, a computer logged into the moderator account on jumptrash.net. With nothing else to go on, Vang0 poured his life into the website. Generating content whenever and wherever he can, even if he lacks any real talent for doing so. Who turns to you, to Burger, and goes, "Hey Burger, this is a real shit show, man." - It looks like, it looks like that guy clean turned inside out. - Yeah, yeah, you can see a lot of his innards. - Did you see what happened, Hypo? I'm so sorry. - Thank you, I appreciate that. You're Dapper, right? - Yes. - Yeah, it's so good to meet you. Thanks for coming out. - Lovely to see you. - Yeah, sorry it had to be under these circumstances, man. - I hate to say it, but these are often the circumstances that I find myself in. So I hope that I can help in some way. - That's a real bad lifestyle. You should volunteer here sometime, maybe clean your soul a little. We don't have to talk about that now, anyway. I did not see what happened, but Dr. Bussi pulled aside a couple people who said they saw some things if you want to talk to 'em. But I think we're all just real shooken up. You know, people need to know that they can come to Hypo's, and be safe, and get the help they need. - So Johnny worked here? He was watching the door? - Yeah. - And then Scrubs was? - He was just a patient, man. He was an inpatient. - I see, I would love to talk to Dr. Bussi, if I could. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go, I don't know what I'm gonna do. Yeah, I'll get Dr. Bussi for you. So you see him walk off, he's just sorta shakin' his head. He looks like he's pretty stressed out about what has happened. - Yeah, understandable. - He's a little shaken. - I turn to Burger Chainz and say, "I'm not sure how we're going to get "paid for this, actually." (group laughing) - I mean, sometimes you get paid in other things, like trust or friendship. - Those are useful, you're right. - "Exposure," I yell from the side. (group laughing) - Hypos out here, and he's doin' a good thing for the community, and that's a community that you're a part of. You, me, friends, community. - That's so true, that's so true. Let's find Dr. Bussi. - Yeah, let's mop up these two dip shits and figure out who did it, and then hit their head several times. I just realized I called these two dead people dip shits, and I'm sorry. (group laughing) - No, this is so good. - Yeah, so a slightly older woman walks up, she's wearing a, it looks like a medical jacket, but it is clear, because we're in the future. - Hell yeah. - Over it, over like just a very dark brown, very mundane dress. She has one implanted magnifier over one of her eyes, that looks like it has some sort of smart glass that can magnify in and out on things. And it looks like all of her fingers are cybernetic in some way or another. So you get the impression as a professional doctor that she might have surgical tools, or some sort of implements that will make her good at doctoring. - I'm sorry, you must be Dr. Bussi. - Yes, Boo-see. - Pleased to make your acquaintance, Dr. Bussi. - You're Burger, right? I think I've seen you around here. You're Burger, right? - Yeah, I drive the van. - Yeah, it's good to meet you. - Thank you. - Yeah, yeah. - So, go on. - Yeah yeah, and you're Dapper. Lionel told me about you. - Dapper Dasha. You are - And you know this guy, you must know-- - I mean, do I have to explain? - Yes. - I'm Vang0 Bang0. And I just hold up my hands for a very long time, hoping that Dr. Bussi recognizes who I am from online. - He's Vang0 Bang0, what more can I say? - He's here to help with the wifi, but let's keep going. - Yeah, she's not impressed. - Not at all interested. - She's extremely no nonsense. - At that point, can I leave this conversation, just far enough away, because I realize I'm not wanted? (group laughing) - Yeah, yes you can. So she says, "What I've gathered is that two people entered, "or a couple people entered." They shot Johnny, poor Johnny. I mean, he wasn't a great guy, but he volunteered, so who am I to say? Then, they walked into the inpatient area, and they looked around and then they spotted Scrubs, and they popped Scrubs. - So they were looking for Scrubs? - That's what the witnesses are saying, I don't know. You'll have to talk to them. - I was gonna say, can I roll for local expert because of my forum, to see if Scrubs has ever come on there? - Yeah. - That's a 10, so I get to, cause that's a critical success, right? So, I get to roll another. - Yes, so you get to re-roll and add whatever else you get. - Awesome, one. So, eleven, plus four, plus my intelligence, which is 10, so I got a 25. - Beautiful, what a roll. Yeah, you've heard of Scrubs. He's been on your forum once or twice. Not for Scrubs, though. He's a big fan of Alf. (group laughing) - That's a weird part of the forums. I hate moderating that section for sure. That's why I recognize him. - Yeah, but he's on there sometimes talking about his exploits, which are mostly ripping off medical groups, to try and get drugs, since he was a drug addict. So like, you know basically, his whole shtick was like, he would work as an EMT, or he would work in medical warehouses or things like that, and then skim stuff up until he was found out and fired, and then he'd go to another place. - But I know all of that, because he was saying this in "Alf" role-play, at this point on the forum. - Some really weird, 2045, year 2045, "Alf" role-play on the forums, yeah. - Okay, cool, got it. I guess when I, kind of like click that when I go over and look at Scrubs, and I see his like, the only part of his clothing that's not completely spattered is a picture of Alf on him, and I like make the connection. - He had Alf themed scrubs that he wore, that he had specially made as his uniform. - Yeah, okay, so at that point, I come back and I say, "Hey guys, Vang0 Bang0 again. "Just wanted to let you know that Scrubs "has been a part of my forums, really into Alf." That's less important than the fact that he has been kind of getting in with the wrong people and that he's been stealing a lot of medical supplies. So I mean, we know how med stuff works now in 2045. I'm saying this as some sort of explanation. I don't actually know. Are these people like the insurance companies, or are they like? - So, like, Trauma Team? - Yeah, Trauma Team. - So Trauma Team is an aspect of Cyberpunk. They are the modern ambulances. They're very fast, but they're faster, the wealthier you are. The better grade of health care you have, the better the Trauma Team you're gonna get. They're all extraordinarily expensive. - And they're armed, right? - Yeah, they're super armed. They're very aggressive. They will fight for the right to get your money, by treating you, to get your money. - I say that. (group laughing) - Dr. Bussi says, "Yeah, the three witnesses are over here, if you want to talk to 'em." - I think that's best, yes. - Yeah, so you see over, basically the opposite side of where the mess is, there is a couple of people sitting on chairs, just like huddled together. Two of 'em seem... One of them seems pretty jaded about the whole experience, their street life, man. I mean, if you're an addict, you're gonna get into some shit. One of 'em seems really scared, really scared, and one of 'em seems borderline comatose. - Ooh. - Okay. - Let's do the scared one first. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I'm just following, so I'm just gonna follow Dasha's lead here, for the most part, I think. - Alright, I'm gonna work up a gentle demeanor here, if I can. - Do you say that in character? (group laughing) - Nope. (man murmuring) I do not (murmurs), so... - Okay, gotcha. - Hello, what's your name? - She says, "I'm Freefall." She's got a long black braid, and she's wearing, just kind of a long jumpsuit, it's really baggy, it looks like it was scavenged maybe. And, she's just sort of like, "I'm Free fall. You guys, what are you, what are you guys looking for?" - We're looking into the terrible thing that happened here. It can't feel good to see something like that in a place where you wanted to feel safe, does it? - No, no, man, I came here to get clean. - Do you want to, could you tell me anything that you remember about what you saw? - I saw it, I saw it real clear. I was sitting over my bed. My bed's just to the other side of Johnny's, no just to the other side of Scrubs. - This one, this one? - She points to this one. - That one. - Giving the impression that Scrubs was here. (woman laughing) - We comically look at every bed, go up to every bed in the room and point, this one, was it this one? - I think it was this one, okay? - That one, okay. - Yeah, I mean-- - God, I mean, you were so close. - I saw 'em as soon as they came in. They looked real twitchy, and then they popped Johnny like, (mouth pops), right away. They were not messing around. - Did you see the hardware? What were they slingin'? - It looked like, I mean, just like one of the dudes was pretty handsome, pretty burly. He had tattoos on his face, where his sideburns would be. - Oh. - I didn't get to see what they said. I saw the left one said, "Stallion". I didn't see what the other one said clearly though. And, the other one had real, real long blonde hair. She was real thin. She had rippers. She tore Scrubs right apart. Then, I saw, as they were leaving, another person joined them. I don't know where they came from, but she had like, kind of a bob haircut, but layers of bob. It looked bad. - So not like my haircut, my bob looks better than the bob that you saw come in? - It sounds like a real terrible thing to have seen. - Do I know anything about this fashion that would lead me to indicate that they're part of a certain group or subculture? - Perhaps you should roll. - Do you have a roll to give me, to know things? - Listen, what if I-- - Sounds like local expert. - Yeah, that's a local expert. - Local expert. I rolled a 19 in total. - So there are definitely gangs that this could be. They don't strike you as anyone specifically, so they're probably not, like, a famous gang. They're probably not a high-end gang. She still seems real nervous. It looks like she's trying to tell you something else. She keeps starting sentences and not quite finishing them because she's so jittery. - Did the way that they looked match the way that Scrubs looked before he died? - He didn't seem, it was weird, it was weird. - I've got a lot of cool, so I'm gonna try to roll here. - Nice, what kind of roll? What kind of roll? - I'm gonna try, probably a persuasion roll. - Okay. - That's a one, which is bad. - That's a critical failure. - Is it? - Yeah. - What does Burger Chainz say, that does not work? - Okay, so a failed attempt at comforting this person to give them I promise you, you will not die. - Hey Burger, everyone dies, Burger, so you shouldn't promise that to someone. - But what I'm sayin' is it won't be my fault. - I am so sorry for this situation. - Listen, I'm was tryin' to help. - Did you feel sorry? Wow, just gonna pretend that that didn't happen. Did you feel like you were in danger at all when they came in? - Yeah. - Okay, well unexpected answer. But they didn't kill you, why? - I think, I think, chance. - Really? I think, I don't think they were looking for Scrubs. I think they were looking for somebody. - Do you think they'll come back? - I don't know. - Can I walk over to Scrub's body and do a cybertech check to see if they took anything out of him? - Yeah, do a pure perception, 'cause he's pretty splattered. - Okay, that's fine. So I could have a, nine, plus 10, plus four, so-- - Damn. - Good rolls today, 23, yo. - Good rolls, Vang0. - 23, okay. - That's the only thing I have is intelligence, never cool. - Yeah, you can sort of, there's like an internal sequence when you're breaking apart the chunks of it and reconstructing a human from it, and it doesn't look like there's anything missing. - So we're over here, talking to our frightened witness, and Vang0 Bang0, after saying "Everyone dies", goes over and starts rummaging around (group laughing) in his corpse. - That's about right. - Classic Vang0. - Yeah, you would probably get pretty bloody. - Why did you bring him? - Yeah, in fact, the person next to them that looks really jaded goes like, "You guys are really fucking bad at this." "You jabronis are real fuckin' bad at this." - I admit, I can be a little bit bad at comforting folks who need it, but I'll tell ya, I'm really good at pounding people's skulls into concrete over and over again, until they tell me exactly what I would like to know. - Let's do a face-down. - Yeah, are you threatening this guy? - [Brian] Oh, that's a facedown, that's a facedown. - Did he mean to threaten this guy? - Yes, he seems like a piece of shit. - Okay, okay. - Yeah, I don't like this guy. - Entirely fair. - In a face down, we both roll a dice, and we add our cool and reputation to it, and whoever is better, is better. - K, 17. - All right, my dude rolled very well, but is not very cool or well known and got a 10. - Nice. - So, you see him like ready to start to give you lip, but then as you keep talking, he's like, actually this dude might really pound me into the ground. I did just see somebody get murdered. He's like, "Okay, God, Jesus fuck, man, fuck." - Listen, I didn't mean to come on that strong. - I mean, you did though. - It's a bit of a problem that I occasionally have. All I want to know is what happened here, so we don't have another mess to mop up. - Yeah, yeah, all right. - And that mess I'm talking about is potentially you. - Wow, wow. - What did you see? - Be specific. - I knew Scrubs. - I pat Burger Chainz on the back, 'cause I'm so fucking proud of him right now. (group laughing) - I knew Scrubs, we used to rip off Trauma Team together and you know, you know. - I mean, steal from the rich? No harm done. - Right, and snort what you get, that's what they say. - Now, that's a bit of a problem. - That's what me and Scrubs used to say. We were always jacking their shit. We were sneaking into their ambulances. We were just getting whatever we needed. You know, we came here together to get clean. We were both doing real good. - I'm proud of you for that. Those goons who came in here, did you recognize 'em? - I didn't recognize 'em. Here's the thing, Scrubs loved ripping off Trauma Team. I didn't care, I didn't care one way or another, as long as I got the goods. Scrubs hated Trauma Team. I guess Trauma Team hated him back, 'cause like, look at him. - So you're saying, you're quite certain that Trauma team did this? - I mean-- - It is what you said, it's what you implied. - Yeah, I mean-- Are you going back on your word? - Well, listen, here's the thing-- - Oh, I'm listening. - You guys know Hypo, he's a good dude, right? I heard, when I was working for Trauma Team, Hypo was blackmailing them. Don't tell nobody this, okay. You don't tell Hypo. I heard he was blackmailing Trauma Team. - Just cover up Vang0's eye. (group laughing) - There's a lot of medical supplies around here, where they're all coming from? Hypos not buying 'em, nobody's buying 'em. I heard, he's got blackmail on Trauma Team. - But what would Trauma Team have that would be held against them? - Man, I don't know. If I knew, I'd have blackmail, and I wouldn't be here, I'd be getting high somewhere. - That's fair. - Well, you stay on the path. Reach out, listen, reach out if you ever need anything. And I was mostly kidding about the head bouncing stuff. But I will do it, but I was mostly kidding. - I'm getting real mixed signals. - Do you give him your agent number as a sponsor? - I do, I give you my agent number. - Aw. - That's wonderful. - I love Burger Chainz so much. - What was this guys name again? - His name is Ampudance. - Okay. - Ampudance. - We never asked for his name. - Hey, what's your name? - By the way. - Oh wow, so-- - I'm Ampudance. - Pleased to meet you. Dapper Dasha, call me if you need to know anyone. Let's find someplace private to talk. - Okay, well, we all squeeze into this bathroom. (group laughing) - I'm in there, and I'm streaming. Just for the first part, saying, "Hey guys, it's me, Vang0 Bang0 again. "Just streaming with my two best friends "in the, you know, bathroom. "Just making sure that on that content grind." Then I turn off my eye, and I say, "We're not best friends, but I just thought that it would "give that para-social relationship to people." - Thanks, I was gonna ask about that, because it didn't seem true. You are using a face filter for me, right? - Yeah, oh I forgot to mention. Vang0 Bang0, again, can sometimes get up to some seedy stuff, and as a result, he has a constant face filter over everyone who is on. And the current face filter is that it makes everyone's face look like the cats from "Cats" 2019. (group laughing) And so, and it's just immediate. It's like an Instagram filter, but constantly in my eye. - Freefall said that she felt that this was a random killing. Ampudance implied that perhaps Hypo has had some run-ins with Trauma Team in the past, and maybe being maybe their enemy. Perhaps, they're trying to intimidate him by killing his patients, in which case, maybe there is some money in this, after all. - I'm just gonna say that they didn't look like they were taking anything back. They weren't like repoing anything. I checked the body, so they obviously weren't doing it to steal back from Scrubs, so it might just be random. - I'm trying to decide what our next step should be. - You hear a knock on the door. (Jenna knocking on table) - Yeah, almost done. - (groans) Hello. - How many are you? - Guys, don't say other things. We should only have one person in the... You're making it sound like there are more than one person, there's only one person in the bathroom, Vang0 Bang0. - Did you lock the door, 'cause they're trying it? - Did you lock the door? - I locked, I always locked the door. - Good instinct. So the door handle, and you hear Dr. Bussi say, "Are you guys, what's happening?" - I just needed a little bit of help in here. It's nothing to worry about. - We normally only let one person in the bathroom at a time. - Oh sure, but we're just doing normal bathroom stuff, but there's three of us. So just give us another minute or three, and we'll be right out, and we will wash our hands. - Okay, did you guys learn anything? - No, no, we're still thinking about it. - Can you wait until we're out of the bathroom to talk about this? - Yeah. - I guess. - I flushed the toilet. - Don't you open the door. - I turn on the sink. (Jenna laughing) - All right, so simultaneously you open the door, you turn on the sink, and you flush the toilet. (group laughing) - Why do we want Dr. Bussi to think that we actually used the bathroom? Why are we trying to pretend anything? - So Dr. Bussis standing there. You see her magnifying eye, like, magnify in and out on each of your faces, as though she's trying to deduce what is happening. - And Winona Ryder is quite pale, so my blush is very visible. (Jenna laughing) - She says, "Did you get any thing more "out of the witnesses?" - You know, I think that they are so traumatized, it's going to be very difficult to get anything out of them for some time. - That's fair, I saw that Laces was still pretty out of it. She just got checked in this morning. - Oh no. - Is she been like this the whole time? - Oh yeah, I mean, she was a little bit more lucid before the violence, but she's been a little, you know. - Yeah, we promise, no more weird bathroom stuff. You just run ahead. - It wasn't even weird. We were being-- - It was very weird. - All right, yes, that's fair. - And wash your hands. - Did that. - She leaves. - So while she's going to get Hypo, I walk over to what's her name, Sleep? - Laces. - Laces, and I just give her a little wave, and I say, "Hey there, Burger Chainz." - Oh, no thank you, thanks, I'm full. - Never happened to me before. - You're so kind, I can see it in your eyes. - I gotta handle this conversation. (group laughing) - And that's mighty kind of you to say. I was wondering if you could help me out a little bit. - Oh man, she doesn't say anything. (group laughing) - This one's zooted. - I give her another wave. - She like, kind of, she doesn't step back to focus., but she realigns herself with you. - I say, "I am a good person, "and I wanna do some good things. "I just need you to tell me anything you saw." - Oh man. - Leaving it a little open ended there, Burger Chainz. - I saw-- - Soft touch. - Some beautiful colors, but they were really upsetting, but also I saw two people that I never seen before, but I definitely knew them. You know how sometimes you see somebody and you're like, "We've never met, but I know your faces." - Yeah, where did you know 'em from? - And then she dazes off again. - Hey there. - Your eyes are so gentle. - Thank you, and I walk away. (group laughing) - That whole conversation was just to build up Burger Chainz a little bit, so he feels comfortable for the rest of the-- - Aww. - Yeah, I'm not getting anything out of this one. - Everybody roll perception. - Okay. - Oh. - With the 16, you get the impression she might be talking about a poser gang. - Oh. - 'Cause they are people whose faces look familiar, but she doesn't know them. - Poser gangs, for those watching at home, are gangs of people who get radical plastic surgery, like our own Dapper Dasha, to look like a specific person or a selection of people, or like an era of people, or that sort of thing, so-- - So we know we have tattoos. One that said stallions or stallion. - Stallion. - Stallion on a sideburn. - On their left side. - Left sideburn, yeah. - And we've got-- - Long straight blonde hair. - With rippers. And then the layered bob. The layered bob sounds familiar to me. - Would you describe this layered bob as a Rachel? - Who are you asking, and what would they-- (group laughing) - Just the aim of it. (group laughing) Starting to think that (murmurs) trip. - No, I don't say that to anybody. - Hypo walks up to you, "Everybody's saying there were two people shooting 'em, "and that they just walked out and didn't take anything." - Let me ask you honestly Hypo, do you think that Scrubs was the intended target of this attack? - He has no clue. - Really? - Vang0 Bang0 kind of breaks again. He doesn't necessarily pick up on the subtleties of this conversation. And he's like, "Are you blackmailing Trauma Team?" - Fuck. - He slack-jawed, his long mustache drooping, like eyes wide open. He says, "No". - K, I'm gonna-- - Okay, Vang0 Bang0 does not know what's going on. - I rolled an 18 on human perception to see if-- - I mean, he is gobsmacked. - Okay, okay. - Absolutely he was. Absolutely you caught him in it, and he is like, "How did you--" - Because we'll help ya. - It's a good argument. - Maybe we should talk somewhere private. - Yeah, let's go up. - Everybody do a perception roll. - Okay. - Okay. - And roll good. - Oh good, that's a 10, so I got another success. - Nice. - I'm rolling hot today. - 18. - 18. - 17. - 17. - 28. - 28. - I'm really distracted. While we're walking up the stairs, I'm focusing on not tripping over the stairs, because I wore really impractical shoes today, so I don't really notice. - Excellent. So you're walking up the stairs, you pass by a sort of a long-chained room. And you notice on the door, the sort of keyhole, it's an analog keyhole to the door entering this sort of storage area, definitely has signs of having been lock picked and opened. - Ooh. He walks you past that, and pulls out a key and opens his private door, and leads you back into his private office, slash, the place that he lives. And it's nice, it's modest, but it's very comfortable. He has a lot of vintage rock posters on his walls. He was probably at some point a rocker-boy, you can assume. But those days are far behind him. - That's great. - So, I obviously I can't tell them that I've perceived this thing with the lock pick, right? - You can. - Without, 'cause I don't think Vang0 Bang0 can say that in a way that is cool enough for those two to know. - But you can just say it the way Vang0 would say it. - Well, when I get into the private room, I say, "I have to go to the bathroom." And then I leave that so I can go to the bathroom. Does my perception tell me if Dr. Bussi is around to catch me, trying to go to the bathroom? - No, she's downstairs. She's actually probably behind the desk, talking to a nurse. - So I do just run real quick into the bathroom and wait until I hear them go into the private room, and then I'll go to the bathroom while you guys are discussing something with him. - What do you have on Trauma Team? - I mean, so there was this guy, right? His name was Matt Pack. And I just got, I got some papers. Don't worry how I got 'em. This is like, a decade ago. I got some papers on him that showed he was skimmin' off Trauma Team. Trauma Team does not like that. But I needed medical supplies for this, this empire I've built under this freeway. But it wasn't gonna be cheap to get 'em, so I blackmailed him, just not a lot, just a couple boxes of medical supplies here and there. We need 'em, the people need 'em. He didn't need 'em. Trauma team doesn't need 'em, I need them, I need them for my people. - Yeah, I mean, I don't see any problem here. - Oh, thank you. - I'm sorry that was really defensive, I came at you with a really defensive energy. That was not called for, I'm sorry. - I'm sure you got years of built up, ya know, repressing that feeling. Understandable. - We haven't had a problem, it's been a decade. - What can we do to get these guys off your back? - I mean, I don't know, man. He doesn't know. - What can you do for us, so that we will get these guys off your back? - You got a drug addiction? Any of you? - No, I'm sorry. - I could help. - I'm sorry I don't. (group laughing) - I can get one if you need. - Oh, Burger Chainz, don't go out of your way. - That's so, Burger Chainz is such a sweet guy. - I love Burger Chainz. - He walks over to, he's got some like file cabinets, and we walks over to 'em, and he opens it up, and he pulls out an envelope with some petty cash, and he swipes through it, and he's like, "I got, I got 20 cred." Which is not a lot, let's say dollars, roughly equivalent, so that this is easy for me. - You know what, I'm going to help you, and I don't need your money, but I'd like you to remember that I helped you, and someday maybe when-- - You get addicted to a drug, yeah. - That's not what I'm going to need you for, but thank you. - Yeah, and Hypo, you know, is good for his word. He also has, again, everybody in this neighborhood knows him, so doing him a solid, you know he's going to talk up what a solid you've done him. - Hell yeah. - Hypo, you'd be straight with me, right, if you knew anything about these people who came to shoot the place up? - Yeah, Burger, Burger, my good friend, I would absolutely tell you. I don't know 'em, never seen 'em before. Dr. Bussi hasn't seen 'em before. None of the staff has seen 'em before. They seem like real rough customers. - In the meantime-- - Vang0 Bango - While that's discussing, I use the bathroom real quick, and then I leave to check on that lock. So, I notice that it's been lock picked. I try it-- - Yeah, it opens. - Okay, great, awesome. I'm not very stealthy, so as soon as I open it up, I start streaming. (group laughing) You can see I go, Vang0. What's up everybody, Vang0 Bang0. Just walked into a locked room, so. (group laughing) I'm still just streaming as I look around in there, I'll roll another perception, just to see if there's anything obviously missing. That's a critical fail. So that's just a solid 10. - You don't see shit. - Okay. - So, the area you walk into is just like, general supplies, so there's a wheelchair, and there's bed linens, and things that are just very general. There's gauze and things like that, so nothing intensely needs to be protected. But you do notice at the end of this corridor, there is another locked door. And I'm going to let your roll, your lock picking check roll from earlier continue. You can tell this one has also been lock picked. - Okay, okay. Wow, special treat for you guys today. It's two locked doors. I walk over to the next one, and I try to open it. - Yeah, it also open. - Okay, great. Wow, what a (murmurs) surprise. And I look around again. Is this the same perception check, or-- - Yeah, I think your bad perception check-- Still pretty bad. I'm so focused on the content that I can't see what's right in front of me. - Yes, what you do see is that, so this area is not chain link. This area is like, actual walls and boxed in and it seems like it was a little more secured. And you can see that there are boxes just clearly labeled Trauma Team (murmurs). - Oh okay, even with that perception check, I can tell. - Even with a 10, 'cause 10 is basic what a child could do, a child sees. - A child, wow. Okay, boxes-- - Trauma Team. - Hello, Trauma Team. - Okay, all right, well, I guess with that check, I just look at it, and I'm still streaming, and I say, "Wow, Trama Team boxes, everyone. "I guess that's a bust for today." And then I stop streaming and I walk back out. - Great. - And I close the doors behind me. - How many people were watching that stream? - Probably not many, if three was my Sixnite stream. - Ooh. - I was actually watching it, and when you wrap up I just type in the chat, "Thanks for streaming." (group laughing) - Okay, so you know that somebody appears to have broken into their storage unit. - Can he do a perception check through my stream, through my IRL stream? - I don't see why not. - You know what, I was watching the IRL stream. Here we go baby. That's a critical roll. (group laughing) God dammit. - It's a one. - It's a one. - Yeah. - I just see shapes. - Because you're under a freeway, inside a building, in a metal cage in a building, the reception is actually very poor. So even though you were physically feet away from him, it's just a very bad stream. - Dangit. - Wow. Burger Chainz, who are you texting? - Vang0. - Isn't he just in the other the room? Isn't he in the bathroom? Are you texting Vang0 on the toilet right now? - I'm just checking up on his hydration levels. - Vang0 Bang0 opens the door and goes, "Vang0 Bang0." - Oh my God, you're codependent thing is very strange. Actually, as you're walking to the door for Hypo's personal room, you see that this door has also been lock picked. - Wow, I'm really good at noticing locks being picked and nothing else. That seems right for Vang0 Bang0, to just being focused on the tech. Okay, I come in, I say, "Vang0 Bang0, do you like to pick your lock, Hypo?" - I'm sorry, is this a riddle? I prefer to pick my nose. - That's funny, do you wanna, I just was wondering if, 'cause I sometimes like pick my own lock just to practice, so I was wondering, 'cause your locks been picked, is what I'm saying. - That's weird. - What? - What? - My lock? - You knew that. - No, I didn't. Oh yeah, I was watching the stream. I had the stream going (murmurs). Oh yeah, I heard that on the stream. - What stream? - He was just streaming from the room with the shapes in it. - You were streaming your poop? - The three, so there's, you got, I mean, you never answered if you like to pick your own locks. - But, my doors been picked? - Yeah. - You see him rush over, and he has a moment of panic, and you see him rush over to the cabinets and pull open one, like he has a lock. He opens the lock with a key, like a normal person, not picking it, and opens it, and he rummages around and he pulls out a safety deposit box, which he also has a key for, and he opens that and it's empty. - A key man, I see. - Yeah, I'm old school. - What was in the box? - He walks over to his bed, and he sits down, And his whole body goes limp, and he's like, "I had a little black pill with all of the black mail "against Matt Pack on it. "What am I gonna do? "What am I going to do without it?" - Well, obviously you're going to let the black mail go, because that's how the technology works. - No, no, not if we, we can stop it from happening. We're gonna get it back. - He says that, "You're right, why didn't they just destroy it? "If they just wanted to destroy it, "why didn't they just destroy it?" - You're blowing my mind here. - Let me try to suss this out with my Simone brain. (laughs) Why would they not destroy it? - Pat brain, Pat brain. I can't know this, 'cause I'm too fuckin' dumb. 'Cause they want me to do it for blackmail. - Yeah, that would be the reason. I have an intelligence of nine. (group laughing) - And yet, two brain cells between us. - I guess. Does anybody else hate Matt Pack too? Not hate, hate's a strong word-- - Well, I mean, you don't have to hate Matt Pack. You just need to love money. - Yes, and I understand that very well. Does anybody else not care about Matt Pack as a person? - Hypo doesn't know. He tells you basically after he made the blackmail deal, he has not heard hide nor hair from Matt Pack since then. He tells you Matt Pack was the owner of a Trauma Team warehouse, so not like a medical dude himself. - Nah, I'm just excited, because that sounds like a place I might get to shoot somebody. - He says, yeah, he just owned the warehouse. He wasn't like a higher-up in Trauma Team. He just owned a warehouse. It was easy for him to skim goods and give them to me, in addition to selling them on the side, which is what he got blackmailed for. - Sounds like it might be time for us to-- - Go to the warehouse. - Yeah. - This Matt Pack guy, you know where his, do you know where his warehouse? It's funny 'cause where and ware, it's the same word, but it can mean two different things. - So true. - Hypo nods his head. - Do you know where the warehouse is? - That's good wordplay. - Thank you. - You're so clever, man. - Thank you. - I haven't thanked you enough for comin' over here, and this has been a real stressful time. - Aye, it's nothin'. It's listen, I was already in the van. I wasn't in the van, but I got in the van 'cause I wanted to come see you. - That's so good. Burger, you're so smart and you're so worldly, and you're such a good guy. - I think you got, like maybe one of those three is right. - Let's say, three people wanted to go drop by a warehouse and see if they could figure anything out, where would they go? - Hypo doesn't know, but he says maybe if you look up Matt Pack on your agent or contact somebody from a fixer, or find that information. I know this sounds like the GM talking, but it's Hypo saying these things. - Do we, do we know any fixers? - I'm a fixer. How dare you ask that in front of me? That being said, do a local expert. A critical-- - A critical fail. - I have never heard the name Matt Pack in my life. I can't, this is actually traumatic for me. - He is of very little substance, yeah. - Can I call Lionel? - Yes. - Beep. - Dapper. - Hey, Lionel. - Love to talk to you. - Twice in one day too. - All the time. - Yeah, I know. - 'cause we're so close. - Yes, oh my God, it's so good to hear your voice. Have you, can I ask you a question? - Yeah. - I really-- - I am free tonight, thank you. - Yes, I will call you later for that as well. - Right on. - But I wanna, I just needed your expertise, ya know, on a certain issue. Have you ever heard of Matt Pack? - Matt Pat? Matt Pat? - Matt, Matt. Matt Pack? - Mat Pack? - Mat Pack. - I never heard of him, no. You want me to look him up for you? - Yeah. - All right, let me get my yellow pages. - Shit, I could've done this my fuckin' self. - No, no, this is good. I'll look it up for you, you owe me a favor. - Oh, I hang up. (group laughing) And I pull up Zoogle, the future Google. - Yeah, so you Zoogle Matt Pack, you get an obituary - Fuck. - From six years ago. - Hypo, this guy is dead. - He says, "What?" - Matt Pack is dead, he died six years ago. - Then, whose been sending me all this medicine? - Phone calls coming from inside the house. - Now hold on a second, if he's dead, who's been sending the medicine? (group laughing) - You're asking the important questions, Burger. - Because if he was alive, it wouldn't make sense. - His obituary, because it's the future, and privacy is not really a thing anymore. The concept of privacy is degenerated so badly that in addition to his obituary, you also get like a full list, of like here's every place he worked, heres every place he went to school, here's addresses, here's a whole bunch of information, including the address of a warehouse, a Trauma Team warehouse that's not too far away. Drivable, you might say. - How wonderful. - It's time. - Well at least, even though he is dead, and this raises a lot of questions for me, his address, the address of the warehouse is in here. So I honestly don't know what we're gonna find there, Hypo. - I'm a little apprehensive. - You can talk in front of me. - No he can't. I leave, I'm already outside of the building now. - I don't wanna meet a ghost. - I'm glad I wasn't around for that. - Hard cut to get in the van. (group laughing) - And I think the thing that frightens me most is that they could be inside of things, you know? So there could be a ghost inside of me, and there could be a ghost inside of a ghost. - Vang0 Bang0 chimes in. He's just like chilling out, on his agent on the forums, still moderating basically at this point in time. And he's like, "Don't you have a ghost in your van?" - Don't you have a ghost in your van? - Yeah, so I do. So inside, there's an air reconstruction of a celebrity in there, but when I was getting it installed, they were out of all the good celebrities. I wanted Keanu Reeves. They had Keanu Reeves, but only Keanu Reeves from Bram Stroker's "Dracula", so my car is that. - And not a very good version. - Yes, I mean-- - But that's not the technology. That's not me being bad at Keanu Reeves and "Dracula". - I haven't updated the firmware at all. - Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, you're car says, "Forsooth, we're here." (group laughing) - The van pulls outside. You're in the warehouse district, so it's a lot of big, rectangular buildings with no markings, un-note worthy, but you pull up against the one-- - Is it obviously, like, Trauma Team? Like, or, is it-- - There's no Trauma Team branding. There's no branding on any of the warehouses. - What's the security look like? Sorry. - Roll some stuff for me everybody. Everybody roll some things for me. - I look around. - 22. - 17. - 15. - Nice, okay. With a 22, you can peak around in it. It doesn't look like there's a lot of people bustling inside. Would any of you have experiences with warehouses? - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - Yes, yes. - Yeah, I drive in and out all the time. - Probably either, either of you, as a fixer you have probably been to some dodgy warehouses to pick up some dodgy goods. - Been to a few warehouses in my time. - Yeah, so both of you know that warehouses are largely automated at this point. So usually it's set up so that robots will pull things off shelves and load them. Then, there are usually a couple engineers onsite to make sure the robots work, and there's maybe a couple of solos or a solo with some guards, just to make sure everything's cool. And then you have, the overseer, or the manager of the warehouse, which is what Matt Pack was, may he rest in peace. You can see, looking around, that indeed there does not look to be like a lot of people here. You can hear the whir of robots, clinking and going down and pulling things off shelves, but you don't see anybody. - I say we walk in like we belong there. - Okay. - I don't see any problem with the plan. - That makes me second guess it. - But, I'm-- - Vang0 Bang0, I just makes sure he has his weapons on him now. - Yes, me too. - Presumably, you all have weapons at all times, because a Cyberpunk future is bad. So, basically when you walk in, you can see it's just very, very tall repeating shelves of goods. It's boxes, it's much like the boxes you saw in Hypo's warehouse, or in Hypo's storage section. About the second story level, there's a catwalk that goes just around it, so that people can walk around and observe what's happening. Right ahead, in front of you and to the left, there's a staircase, leading up to the second-story catwalk, as well as a boxed in office, with very large glass windows. Basically, it's floor to ceiling glass windows on the second-story office. - Gotcha. - And you see somebody leaning, or like standing next to those glass windows, and they spot you immediately as you walk in. - I wave at them. - Oh, they wave back. - Cool. - I pretend I don't see them, and I'm going to carry on walking like I belong there. - Excellent, so you see them call, pick up, or you seem them gesture to their agent and make a note, and then you see them walking down. They're wearing a pretty cheap looking suit that doesn't have sleeves on it. But on purpose, like it's a choice. But it's like, otherwise, it's a very classic looking suit, but cheap as hell. And they have a bunch of implants along their arms, that allow for like easy medicine and/or what have you. But they, they walk down those stairs, and they walk up to you and they say, "Can I help you?" - Yes, hi, Dasha. I'm here to pick up a shipment for Rod Talbit. - That's a roll. - Or, who? - Rod, Rod Talbit. - And you came here? - Yes, like I was told to. - Roll. - Yeah, yeah, 18. - Okay, they rolled lower to detect whether or not you were lying, so they don't know you're lying, they think you're just confused. They say, "Here, this is a warehouse? "We don't really give things to people and they wonder in? "Somebody told you to came here?" - Somebody gave me money to pick up their shipment, and I was told to come here and do it. - That's weird. - It is striking me as very strange now that I'm thinking a bout it. - Okay, so you're like with me, that this is like weird? - Yes. - Okay, we can just go to office and we'll figure this out. - Let's do that, come up with me. Do you mind if my driver waits down here? - She looks at both of these, and like didn't, "Yeah, that's fine, I guess." - I'm so sorry for the trouble, my God. - We both drive. - They both-- - I also drive. It's a two-person driving car. - It's a sorta situation where I gotta, I have trouble with the brake and the gas at the same time. So he just sits on my lap, and he does those for me, and I stear. - I am gonna need you guys to make a chance. - They also go to the toilet together. - That she believes in you. - Do I need to, is this a cool? Persuasion, okay. - God dammit. - Both of you roll persuasion. - I need to remember that my character has plus nine cool, and I should not be saying things like this. I rolled a 16 and I'm gonna cash-in three points of luck too. - Great, she's like, "That's super weird, but okay." - Well, you know I don't come to the box factory and tell you where to move the boxes. - That's totally fair. - And you shouldn't, and you don't. - We'll be down here. - What a weird day. Oh my God, do you have any-- - I can appreciate how you ended up here, with this being your help. - I know. - Let's just go to the office, and we'll figure this out. - Do you have a stiff drink up there, because I could use one. - Oh, I got all kinds of things up there. - This is gonna be great. - I'm Lucite by the way. - Lucite. - It's so pleased to meet you. - I'm Dasha, nice to meet you. - Oh, excellent, come on up. You guys stay here. Please don't touch anything, the robots are very sensitive. - Definitely don't touch anything. - Let's just nod. Can I roll a perception and see if there's any place I can hack in this area? - Yeah, absolutely. - 17 isn't quite good enough, 'cause I would put this at a difficulty 18 to be able to hack into their internal stuff, based on this situation. - Okay, cool, so I just don't see anything. - No, I mean, there's stuff around that's hackable, but it just doesn't look like you're gonna be able to hack it. - I just realized I have stupidly high perception, for some reason. I guess I'm just a sensitive person. I guess I'm just an empath. - Well, not really. - Nah, it's true, I have very low empathy. - You perceive things, but you don't know how to interpret this. (group laughing) - So I'm just gonna sort of take a couple passes up and down these aisles, and just do a perception check to see if I notice if there's anything amiss. - Okay. - That's like, 13. - Yeah, I mean you notice, as you're walking around, you see one guard walking around higher the catwalk on the second-story, and you see another, sort of walk over, so they're standing just outside the office, just sort of like being there as a presence, in case this is something weird. - Okay. - But otherwise, it looks pretty straightforward. - I do a thing that Burger learned from a little film called "Die Hard", and I take out a Sharpie, and I just take a note on my arm that there are two guys on the upper platform. - That's great. - And I, I don't know their names yet, I'll fill those in. (group laughing) - There's a blank, next to each note tag. - Excellent. Yeah, and Lucite walks you up to their office. - Gosh, I can't believe that we've had this misunderstanding. It's been such a weird day in this neighborhood. Did you hear what happened at Hypo's? - Oh my God, everybody heard what happened at Hypo's. - Truly horrible. - It was on the news. Did you hear the news? - No. - They said two people died. - Two people did die. - From not like, drugs. I didn't listen too closely though. - Yeah, I mean, one doesn't wanna hear those kinds of things? - Right, I mean, I know Hypo. Not like, close, but Hypo helped my sister get clean, and I owe Hypo so much. What a good guy. - Yeah, he's really great. What's your sister's name? - I have this written down, hold on. Crylux. - Crylux. - These are some bomb ass names. - That's a great name. - Beautiful name. - Just a quick moment. Props to Jenna. (Jenna laughing) - Good names. - Good ass name, that I'm gonna write down. - Yeah, my sister Crylux was bad. She was in a bad way, and Hypo just took her in and got her clean. She relapsed once or twice, 'cause it's hard, 'cause drugs are bad. She idly scratches on her injection sites. But, she got there, and I'm so proud of her. And I'm so like, Hypo, what a guy. - Did he ever come around here? Because I heard that he did know, oh God, what was his name, Matt Pat? Matt Pat? - You see her like. (laughs) She stutters a little bit. She's like, like Matt Pack? - I just heard that name a few years ago, it was years ago. - Yeah, everybody knows Matt Pack obviously, so obviously you know, I knew him. - Did, yeah, he passed away. - Yeah, oh my God, so tragic. And then I got his job, it was pretty okay for me actually. - Yeah, yeah, how did he die? - I think it's just like a car accident. - I guess it would have said that in the obituary that I read. - Yeah, it was a car accident. - It was a car accident, and I knew that, and I didn't, I just chuck, and yeah. - Yeah. - Very quick point of order about information flow. Do we just not know any of this stuff, or can we like say that we're all listening in on our scouts or whatever? - Yeah, if you want to, so yeah, your agents hypothetically can act as short wave transmitters. - Maybe I like flipped mine on before I went up there. - Just to make things easier. - Yes, I appreciate that. - I perk up as soon as she says she got his job, and-- - She's a clout chaser. - I guess he didn't have two great drivers, like I do. - Oh God, yeah, they went way back, didn't they? - What? - Matt Pack and Hypo. - What? I mean, not that I know. Like I didn't barely even know Matt Pack. - No, well-- - Okay, roll something. Roll human perception, for no reason. - For no reason. Yikes! 14. - Ooh, okay, so you tied, but you are the defender, and the defender always wins in a tie, because this is an aggressive action she's taking against you, to lie to you. - Uh-oh. - Yes. - Interesting. - I come through the door at this point. - I say, "It's really hot out in the van. "Can I get a Capri-Sun?" And, I wink at you (murmurs). - Does he, does he-- - Oh my God, we've got some juice packs, yhey're not Capri-Sun branded, but they're still okay. - I'll accept it. - Yeah, I'd love some juice. - We've got some tea, we've got some Opium Light. We've got Red Eye. You want some Red Eye? - What does Red Eye do? - It's an injectable that ups your perception, but which is highly addicted. - Tea, please. - With opium or no opium? - No, that's all right, I had some earlier. - Okay, does your other driver want anything? - I already peed. I got in a real bad situation with bathrooms, and I'm not trying to have anymore liquids today. - Yeah, he's got a really small bladder. - Okay, okay. - I'm trying to get him to number four, if you remember, so-- - That's bad, you should probably see a Trauma Team about that. Anyway, she busies herself bringing you drinks. And then, she's like, "So you were looking for, Rodney? "What was it, what was the name on that envelope?" - Rod Talbit. - Rod Talbit. - I'm gonna look around the office while we're in here. - While she's prepping tea. - Casual roll, Simone. (group laughing) I dropped something. - And I rolled a 16. - Am I allowed to roll the same thing that she's rollin'? - Yeah. - Okay. - And it's very much just like strolling around, looking, kinda deal, like "Oh, what a lovely office." - I rolled 13, don't worry about it. Oh, no, 15, 15. - Okay. - Nice. Does Vang0 wanna-- - Yeah, sure. Oh look, two. That's a critical failure. Oh, that was, yeah, that was a four, so-- - Okay, so it's like an office, and that's what you guys see. - Wow. - There's a nice desk, and then there's another desk that they both have computers on 'em and there's some filing cabinets, and it's just looks like a very mundane area. There's a little coffee pot that's clearly years old and has not been cleaned in a while. - Boy. - There's a scattering of coffee grounds around it. It's not a great office. - Nasty. Just to get this straight in my player head, we are at the warehouse, where Matt Pack used to work, where he would skim of the deliverables that Hypo would take? - Yeah. - We're looking for a little black pill that someone may have taken, and also for murderers. - Yes. Here's what you know about Lucite. They took over after Matt Pack died, presumably worked here and then rose through the ranks. Their sister got clean from Hypo, and they feel like they owe them a debt. And, that they are lying about something having to do with Matt Pack and Hypo and that whole deal. - So, Pat brain, not Burger brain. - Burger brain. - Like, currently. - Put your smart thoughts in my dumb head. - My current theory that I'm working on is either the automated shipments have continued after his death, or Lucite has been continuing those shipments out of some perceived debt. And, I don't know, maybe Trauma Team caught on and eventually they're gonna show up here and fuck Lucite up, that's what I'm worried about. - I'm gonna actually casually, super cas, as I'm observing the coffee grounds here, So what does your sister do now? - Oh she works for another Trauma Team. She's training to be an EMT. She has dreams now, and it's such a relief. - That's amazing. - What does she look like? - Yeah, she looks like, she's got like really short buzzed hair, light brown. She's sort of shorter. They're both relatively short. They're probably shorter than all of you. We haven't talked about your heights. - That's okay. - But safe to assume-- - But, will. - And pretty stockily built. Yeah, so she like-- - But, there's no obvious sign that this sister-- - No, not one of these individuals that I have jotted down here. - Cool, yeah. - Wow, she must have lots of friends now that she's training to be an EMT now. That's great. - Do EMTs have lots of friends? - Well, I mean, they work in teams, right? - I guess. - Team, Trauma Team. It's right there in the name, Trauma Team. - That's true, there's no I in Trauma Team, except for the two in your head. - Whoa. - That's their slogan. It's a very scary slogan. - Oh my gosh, it's very funny. I'm so glad that we're sitting down for this drink. - So, I think Burger Chainz is getting very antsy, because he is upset about what happened at Hypo's clinic, and he wants to make somebody hurt for it. - And in Burger Chainz's point of view, we're just sitting here shooting the shit. - I have finished three juice packs. My sugar levels are up. So I guess I'm just gonna do some Burger Chainz shit. - Okay. - Go off Burger Chainz. - Yeah, so Lucite opens like a filing cabinet and starts looking for this Rod you've given. - Rod Talbit. - Rod Talbit. - Definitely a real person. - Ah, jeez, I saw, tell you what, I saw some stuff this mornin', and it didn't sit right with me, ya know? Some of the stuff at Hypo's clinic. If you knew anything about Hypo and you, and the boxes that come and go from this buildin', would you tell me? - Let's do a face down. Yeah. - Hell yeah. - That's 15 for me again. - Nice, she rolled poorly, and is not very well known 'cause she works in a warehouse, and this is her whole life. - Owned. - So yeah, she freezes up and stops flipping through, and she like closes the drawer, and she turns around and she looks at you, and she says, "You guys clearly already know, "and you're not being very cool about this." - If honesty is cool, let's be honest, we are-- - It's not, but let's do. - Well, I'm not sure what you want from me then, in that situation. I stand beside Burger Chainz, and I am a bit taller than Burger Chainz. You're 5'10, right? - Yes, 5'10, extremely 5'10. - And you are? - [Brian] 5'6. - And I am six feet tall. - Great, great. - I will stand beside Burger Chainz and say, "We are here because of what happened at Hypo's, "and we would like to know everything that you know "about the arrangement that he had "with Matt Pack, right now." - All right, like, here's the deal. Matt Pack was skimming a lot of stuff. I don't, obviously, I'm a very good person. - We'll accept that for right now. - Thank you. He was skimming some at the top and selling it on the side, and Hypo found out, I don't know how. This was like a decade ago, which is like a hundred years ago. He was skimming stuff at the top, and Hypo found out. And so, Hypo started blackmailing him to get stuff for his clinic. And then Matt Pack died, and I took over. I definitely didn't take over the rest of his business, but I did take over giving boxes to Hypo. - That's great, you're helping the community. - I mean, like, that's what I feel, right? Trauma Team doesn't even notice, 'cause they don't even care, so it's like, if a couple boxes go by-- - Aw jeez, now hold on a second. I think they might have noticed. - Trauma Team? Like, why? Why do you think that. - I mean, somebody came in and wasted those two dudes. - Yeah, Trauma Team doesn't kill. You guys are not cops, right? I should have checked this earlier. You guys are like, not cops, right? - We're not cops. - I'm a driver, just reminding you that that's what my role is. - He sits on my lap, I stear, he use the front pedals. - That's right, and you're like, delivery, or whatever? - Yes. - That doesn't seem like Trauma Team. They're more likely, like, if Trauma Team knew that I was skimming, they would kill me and probably Hypo, and probably like all the nurses and doctors, and probably just like blight the entire land so that nobody skims with them again. - You have a point, a very compelling point. But then, in that case, who do you think would maybe want to intimidate or scare, or ruin Hypo's reputation? - She kinda shrugs, like, "I don't know, "drug addicts, idiots?" I'm not a detective, I run a warehouse. - Honestly, neither are we. My jobs are so much more straightforward than this usually. But I really want that favor. Do you have any shipments for Hypo right now? - Yeah. - Can you show me them? - Yeah, I guess. She walks over to the computer and she types in a command, and one of the robots that sat on the floor kinda buzzes around and picks up the stuff and drops it down in a chamber, and she walks you down and pulls it out and is like, "Do you guys want to take it to him, "since you guys are drivers? "That would save me a little bit of time, "and that would be cool of you to do." - Yeah. - Love to. - I drive, a car. - That's the my driver. - He just sits on my lap. - But it's in character, yeah. I mean, it seems to be working out for you guys, I guess. - It's, they call it a symbionic relationship. - Oh, wow you're like, so smart. - Thank you. - Two drivers for the price of one, it's incredible. - Is that a deal? - We split a paycheck. - Yes. - Oh, that is a good deal. - Well, it was-- - Vang0 Bang0 is struggling right now not to just be like, "I'm way smarter than this", so he just leaves the room, and he has to go away. - Okay. - Great. - Hey, pleased to meet ya. - Yeah, this was-- - So nice to meet you, Lucite. - So chill. - Lovely. - It was great to meet you guys. - Thanks for all your... If anything happens here, you'll give us a call? - Yeah, I guess. - Beep, beep, beep, beep. That's me writing my number down. - You send her your number. - We're getting so many phone numbers today. - I know, (murmurs) my friends. - That's great. - If only we could figure out maybe what else had been stolen from the three lock picked rooms. - That woulda been nice. - If only someone had perceived anything! - Now my instinct, my instinct is to take this stuff somewhere, and see who comes lookin' for it. The old waitin' game. You ever see the film "Home Alone"? - No, so that's a great idea, except the people who are gonna come looking for it are the addicts who don't have the stuff that's helping them at Hypo's medical place. Vang0 Bang0. - At Hypo's clinic, was any of the medical stuff taken? Did you happen to see when you were looking around, whether any-- - He didn't. - There were any-- - He didn't. - Boxes? - He just looked at the boxes and walked out of the room. - I feel like we should probably go back to Hypo's, because if there's, we can give this, and we can also kind of clear what's going on with Lucite, because that's a strange situation, that it seems even Hypo doesn't know about. - Away! - So we're in the Keanumobile. - We're driving. - And we arrive. - Excellent. Forsooth, we've arrived. - All right, so we're back at the clinic. I hustle right back in, and in the main level, in the main floor, do we see anybody in there? - Yeah, so you see that they've sort of cleaned up mostly, there are still stains, but it looks like in the, probably like couple of hours since you guys have been there, they've started to clean up and making everything better. You see a couple of people. Ampudance and Freefall, who you saw and talked to earlier, they're hanging out and chatting. Freefall seems a little bit more steady, which is really for her. And you see Dr. Bussi sitting next to Laces. Laces is like vomiting and shakily drinking water, and just seems more lucid but more miserable. And you don't see Hypo. He's around, he's always here. - In the meantime, can I still just be out in the van, and I want to do another local expert check, just to see if maybe, maybe the two followers that streamed my thing, to see if they noticed anything in my stream of the locked doors? - I mean, you could also go back in there. - I like that. - Well, yeah I can. You know what, I could just go. You're right, I'm just gonna go in. - Yeah, I think all of us should this time. - So I don't think you can re-roll this, it's been too short, but you guys can roll. - While those two do their own thing, I'm gonna roll local expert just to see if there's any information, whether it's about people who are hiding or whatever. God dammit, critical failures. - Nobody watched your stream. - There's one comment on the stream, and it says, "LOL, is that Hypo's place? "Why does he have Trauma Team boxes?" - Oh, no. - Oh, no. - Oh, shit, fuck, God. - Okay, well I think I just march up to that room, 'cause I know about it, and I know that things are missing, I would like to do a perception check on the room. - Give it to me. - A 16. - A 16 - Yeah, so you can, yeah, what does Dasha get? Better? - 14. - No? - Nope. - Worse? - So much worse. - Okay, what exactly are you doing? - I'm pickin' up boxes, I'm looking in them, and I'm seeing if anything was taken. - Yeah, it looks like, there's, it looks like all of the boxes have been rummaged too. And you don't see it from the outside, but when you open, it looks like they're all kind of in disarray, like somebody was rummaging through 'em. And it's hard to tell if things are missing, but it looks like someone has been clawing through all of these. In fact, you see claw marks inside of one of the boxes. - Oh, I know what we do, we are bringing the boxes - Ah, shit. upstairs to this room. That's what we're doing. That's why we're here. - That's role-play. - Retro. - That's good role-playing. (group laughing) - Oh no. - And yes, after we do that, I look through the box and I say, "Dasha, do these look like claw marks?" - Yes. - K. - Looks like somebody really just dug through here with complete disregard for the things inside this box. - We know one of the ladies out front had claws. - Let's put our dumb heads together. - Let's put our two brain cells. - Okay. - We know that one of the people had-- - Have rippers, but the people that came in, nobody said that they went upstairs. - You'll recall that Freefall said that, once you pressed her, initially she said that there were two, and then she said that there was another person who joined them as they were leaving, that they didn't see where they came from. - The bob-haired, the bad bob-haired person, the bad layers. - It's also noteworthy that nobody else saw that, because it's like, everybody was so startled by the violence and paying so much attention to the violence that it seems like just nobody else managed to see that person sneak down. - Okay, so if you were a fixer, or a smart person-- - Which I am both, because I have an intelligence of nine. - How the hell would we get a lead on this crew? Maybe they were hired for this, maybe we could ask your contacts if anybody's hired a three-person team for a job recently, for dirty, for some wet-work. - I'll call Rod, the real Rod Talbit. Either that, or can I roll local expert to see if I know who to call to ask about a three-person team being put together? - Sure. - Okay. So, I'm thinking really hard about everyone I know. I roll a 21. - Okay, that's a very good roll. So you call up, who do you call up? Gimme a name. - Excelsior. - Great, you call up Excelsior, a fixer for the view that you know, who specializes in putting together teams. And he says, "Well, I don't, I mean, yeah maybe. "What do they look like?" - Oh, I do know the answer to that, my good friend. - I love talking to you. - I love talking to you too. - You're so eloquent. Lionel had a phone 'cause he's old school. Excelsior has a wrist talk. - There was a woman with long blonde hair and rippers. There was a person with a bob that was layered, and it was hideous as far as I've heard. And there was another person, who was very handsome, but the odd thing about them was that they had stallion tattooed on the left side of their face where their sideburn would be. - Oh, the Italian Stallion, I know that guy. - Are you kidding? The Italian Stallion? - Yeah, the Italian Stallion, Old Jojo. Yeah, the Italian Stallion, I know him. Yeah, he's real rugged. - Is he expensive? - I mean, you know, don't ever use him for teams 'cause his team is pretty adult. They're a poser gang, they're pretty weird. I don't really ever deal with them, 'cause I don't like 'em. So I don't ever really deal with them, but I do know that they hang out at that old, that old nostalgic cafe, the-- - Fuck yeah, come on. Shoot it into my fucking face, babe. - They hang out at that old '90s internet cafe, Netscape Cyber Cafe. - Fantastic. - I'm well acquainted with that. - Yeah, they hang out there a lot. I don't ever work with them, 'cause again, they're weird. - Yeah, weird how, besides the fashion, right? - Excelsior pauses, like they don't want to say, "It's 'cause they're posers." - Thanks a lot buddy, thanks a fucking lot. - Well, they're really weird, click. (group laughing) - Cool. - Let's roll out. - Let's do it. - The entire time that you guys have been in there, I was saying, "Oh, I'm gonna check on the forums "to see if anyone has said anything", but you find me there, and I'm just looking through cat photos. And that's why I screwed up. - So we roll up. (Patrick imitating car sounds) That's that parking brake. - Welcome to this most righteous cafe. - Most righteous. Do either of you know anything about this place? - I know a few forum posters who do this, but they like to hang out here just kinda for the, like, aesthetic of it. They like to post on the forums, and it's all the retro stuff, so. But, I don't know much about it, beyond that. - I'm already out of the car, and I walk in the door-- - We run to catch up with Burger Chainz. - I go immediately up to the counter, and I slam my hand on the counter and I say, "Garcon". - Do you have a drink already? - Yeah, I brought a juice box from the car. - Garcon, first, I would like you to tell me what an egg cream is, and then I would like an egg cream. - Okay, you want eggs and cream in like a cup? - If that's what it is. - I don't know what it is. - You guys walk in, and immediately in front there's a sign that says-- (Simone murmuring) There's a bunch of four-top tables, each which had like, a little console, like a pull-up console with a computer on it. - Cool. - In the corner, there's a vending machine with some retro drugs. - There's Opium Light. There's MaryJanes, if you want to try that out. But they're very much like the decaffeinated version of those drugs. So it's more of like, a fun novelty. Everywhere, it is very much like a modern, retro nostalgia cafe. That's a weird thing I just said, but that's what it is. So it's like, it's got a countertop with seats, and it's got a bunch of booze and a bunch of table tops, and it's covered in, like, '80s and '90s sitcom memorabilia, but it's all black and white or sepia tone for apparently no reason. - This just fuckin' rules. - Yeah, so there is "Alf" stand-ups. Yeah, there's one booth that's just entirely "Frasier" themed. And, you see in the second to last booth, it's pretty empty, just 'cause it's a little bit before the dinner rush. In the corner booth, you see five people sitting. One person is unconscious, they are clearly strung out. Like, they are clearly doped out of their mind and no longer conscious. And you see the other three. The person who's unconscious matches the description of the person with the horrible bob that you saw, and it is a horrible bob. The other person you can see with your back to him, you can see as he's turning and talking definitely has Italian and Stallion-- - Fuck yeah, is he super hot? - He's pretty attractive. - Goddamn. - And to his left, there's a woman with short, black hair, who looks like she has a bunch of cybernetics in her arms, based on what (murmurs) can see. Then, sitting in a chair at the end of the booth, there's a guy gesticulating wildly, and he's talking very loudly, and you hear him say, "We did it, we heisted. "We killed some people. "Could we be any cooler?" - I knew it! I was gonna say, "I hope it's the fucking cast of Friends." (group laughing) - Immediately, I have enough, I feel like, cultural understanding of that to be like, "Okay, I'm putting some pieces together with 'Alf' "and with the cast of 'Friends'. "And I ignore both of my friends, and I go sit down "at one of the tables, "so I can hop on one of the computers." - Great, excellent, go for it. Put yourself, put your character token. - I'm gonna insist on coming all the way to the back, and I don't say anything to those people as I pass by. But I wanna be back to the wall, looking out over everything, but with console in front of me. I assume it's just connected to the internet, which is a net basically. - Yeah, to the internet, yeah. There's no global internet in "Cyberpunk". It's red, it's been, you'll see. It's been fucked up real bad, so you can't really access it. But there is an internet for local areas, and probably this net cafe can access the "Night City" internet. - Awesome, I want to get into the system really quickly, and actually check to see if I can figure out if these people have logged in anytime recently. Would that be an interface, or would that be... 'Cause normally if you want to interface with things, you have to be a "Netrunner" skill, but netrunning is basically it's own separate thing. And we didn't want to get these two to not have to play a game with me, so I'm gonna either be using basic tech or interface, just so I can kind of hop into this. - Yeah, we're house-ruling that, because netrunning is very cool, but not for a video, and not for the other people on the team who are not netrunners. - Yeah, yeah, cool, so do yo want me to do interface, or do you want me to do, interface? - Interface. - Okay, cool. So 15, just a solid 15. - Okay, yeah, you hop on the forum. There is a "Friends" role-playing forum in this tech forum 'cause why not, and you bounce around, and there are definitely, it does seem like there's a group that is like the main "Friends" role-players. And does your characters know about "Friends"? - I think only in the same way my human person, me, knows about "Friends", which is to say understands some references to it, but is not into it that much. - Okay. But, yeah, you remember skimming their posts in the past, just to make sure they were being cool. They make references to how they had a sixth member, known as Rossel, who was tragically slaughtered. And so, it's just the five of them, the core group. You get the, they're very dedicated to their role-playing. And yeah, if you don't know more about "Friends"-- - It was Phoebe with the long hair. - Yeah. - Okay, anyways, can we, sorry, let's resolve this. - My basic thing is to see if they have role-played recently, talking about how they need to get rid of someone. - There's some out of character or weird talk, where they're talking about how Rossel racked up a lot of medical bills before he died, and how Rach seems to have some sort of addiction that she is not in control of. They all seem to have actually pretty large, outstanding medical bills from Trauma Team, and so it seems like they're trying to find some way to get back at Trauma Team, or get leverage over Trauma Team to be able to pay off their bills. - Gotcha, cool. So, I immediately, just on my agent, am sending a message to both of these two folks, and I say, "'Friends', in parenthesis, not you two. (group laughing) And I say, "They have the black pill", or right, or? - Yeah. - We don't know that yet, do we? - You don't specifically know that. - But I'm going to make that assumption hard, 'cause that feels like a thing that Vang0 Bang0 would do, and then I do insist on writing Vang0 Bang0 at the end of it, and then I do two slashes and then the B emoji. - Cool, I am gonna put Simone in a difficult position here. - Do it. - Can she roll against me for something I'm about to do, if she chooses to? - Yeah. - Because the second I recognize the Italian Stallion thing on the side of the guy's head, I pick up my tin cup of egg cream, and I cock it back to fuckin' throw it at his head. Because I'm just gonna go over there and fuck 'em up until there's one of 'em left. Then, I can ask that one anything I need to ask them. - I love it, I'm not gonna stop you from doing that. - Really? - Okay, wow. - All right, is that a dexterity save? - So this is going to be, if is this a thrown weapon? - Actually, I do kinda wanna try to have a reactive. Like, I see the arm go back, and then I wanna start to be like, "Oh no!" But I also really wanna fail that. - Okay. - Can I have a disadvantage maybe? - Just fail it. - Or I'll just fail it. - If you want to not succeed, you don't have to succeed. - That's good. - Cool. - So this is going to count as a ranged combat attack, so go ahead and roll that for me, which is your reflex, plus your marksmanship, plus a D-10. - Okay, that was a 17. - And which one were you aiming for? - Italian Stallion, Joey. - Italian Stallion, Jojo. - This is really - Oh no. - It doesn't necessarily have to turn into combat. - I think that's on them whether or not it's gonna turn into combat. - Now what did you say you got? - 17. - Okay, a 17 hits, because you guys are very close-combat. - Can you describe the action? - Why don't you describe it? - Yeah, so the Garcon has given me a tin cup. You know, the sidecar, like you get with a milk shake, and he's just filled it with eggs and cream. - He cracked an egg, he dumped some cream, he kinda jostled a little, and he handed it over. - Yeah, I took one sip, spit it back in, saw Italian Stallion, got really fucking mad, and I just pitch it at him full speed, and it just donks off the back of his head, and it gets egg and cream on everybody. - That was really good, it's great. - So it splashes everybody. Rach does not react, because she's basically comatose. - I move one stool away. (group laughing) - The four other friends turn to look dead at you, they're like wiping egg and cream off their face. - Does that do damage? - I don't see why not. Give me, I mean, a D-6. Yeah, give me one D-6 for damage against Jojo. - Real quick when they look at me, I go (claps). ♪ Your job's a joke, you're broke ♪ ♪ Your love life's D.O.A ♪ - It would make sense that you're into "Friends", if you're also really big into the Kate Bush forums. - (murmurs) A good grounding in retro media in general. Great, so Jojo turns, and is like, "What the fuck, look at this fucking jabroni." You get the impression that these guys, you especially who has done their forum posts, get the impression that they actually have not watched a lot of "Friends". - 'Cause yeah, Joey never said "Jabroni". - No, absolutely not. You get the impression that-- - They love the aesthetic. - Yeah, that they love the aesthetic of this like 55-year, I guess, yeah, yeah, about 55-year-old show, but not have watched a ton if it, because it's not about that. The "Friends" is within you. It's not a show, it's like a lifestyle. So Jojo stands up, and he's like, "Who the fuck is this jabroni?" - Well, name's Burger Chainz. Just passing through, looking for a bit of information about a couple of fellers who got iced over at Hypo's clinic. And I don't wanna be too forward here, but unless you're willing to talk with me on this particular topic, you're love life aint gonna be the only thing that's D.O.A. - Oh, shit, that's really good shit talk. Jojo goes, "Oh, look at this. "You're gonna come in here into my cafe "and ya gonna badmouth me and my besties?" Which is what they call their gang. (Patrick laughing) "You gonna come in here and sass us?" "You gonna say, you're gonna say this "to my good friend Monica, "who's gonna nick your face all up? "You're gonna sit here and look at Phoebes in the face "and say, you're gonna attack us, "you're gonna sass us with this? Well, you can bully Chandler, 'cause he'll just fuckin' take it. - If you say, if you say, now hang on for just a second, okay? If you say one more word, I'm gonna take you over to the "Frasier" booth, and I will toss your salad and scramble your eggs. - I don't know what that means. - Vang0 Bang0 is at the thing, just furiously Control + F-ing these quotes that he's saying, just trying to understand what's going on. (group laughing) - That's good, yeah. Jojo looks around at his friends like, "What is this guy talking about?" - All right, I grab him by the lapels that I assume he has, and then I do a face-off with him. - Maybe, do you need halfway? - Yes. And I say, "You're gonna talk right now, "or you're canceled." - Oh shit, that's good. Let's see that roll. - Oh. - Nine. - Oh, they rolled a one on their face down. - They shit their pants. - I'm not even gonna calculate it, it's embarrassing. So Jojo looks like he's, on instinct, gonna talk back to you, but Chandlers like, "Listen, we'll talk, we'll talk. "You wanna talk? "We'll talk, we'll talk. "You wanna have a seat? "We'll talk. We don't wanna bust up this place. "Jojo, we don't wanna bust this place up, this is our place. "This is where we come. "This is our town." - I'm back in the conversation. - All right, cool. - I've decided it's safe-- - So, I pull up a chair-- - So things are terse. You see, Monica has the cyber-blades in her arms that have partially popped out, as if she's ready to pop 'em, if she needs to. Pheobos, whose a rocker-boy and has her guitar nearby, is just sort of like, her hand is sort of on her guitar. You think maybe there's not a guitar inside that case. So everybody is at like a 10, just ready for things to pop off. But they all sit back down and they say, Jojo says, "Yo wassup, how you doin?" - Oh I'm takin'-- - Fuck you, thank you. (group laughing) - Vang0 Bang0 is still Control + F-ing every word that is being said, just trying to find anything that's going on. - Holy shit, wow. I'm going to be straight with you. Did you kill two people at Hypo's clinic earlier today? - Yeah, we done 'em. - Did you take money for that? - Nah. - You just did it yourselves? - The besties roll for themselves. He gets very heated. - Why? - 'Cause we're the besties. - No, not that. Why did you shoot people? - Oh, yeah. I mean, listen, we heard that Hypo was getting some Trauma Team stuff and we wanted that Trauma Team stuff, so like, we figured we'd just go in and boost it, you know. - What the fuck is wrong with you? - What the fuck's wrong with you? - Sorry, didn't mean to escalate. (group laughing) - Listen, you live out here on the streets. You know what it is. - I don't live on the streets. I have a perfectly adequate apartment. - Right, you're just a look-like. I'm sorry, that's on me. Listen, listen. - Excuse me. - Y'all live in Night City, right? Y'all know that it's bad out there. - Well, I mean, I live in a van in Night City. - Okay, you're living with us. - Pheobos lived on the streets for a really long time. She doesn't have anything as nice as a van now, but you know, it's all right. - Of all the people that you could steal from though, the person who is helping people for free? - We don't care, we don't care about fucking Hypo. - So, Vang0 Bang0 is still at the table. He has not joined necessarily, but he stands up again after looking at the screen, and he's like, "You guys know that the person "that you're trying to blackmail is dead? "I guess it isn't your day, your month, "or your year, or your week?" - Actually they're very delighted by that. - Hey, okay, I mean, where the fuck did you come from? But yeah, this guy gets us, you guys comin' in here. - Sorry, I think the pun made it, I think you forgot I did just say that your blackmail's useless. - Oh, I mean, that can't be true. Hypos still gettin' boxes sent to him. We seen it. He got some Trauma Team shit. - Well, the person that he was originally blackmailing has been dead for six years, so-- - And that's where you should stop that sentence. Yep, yep, he's dead. - He sits back down, and he goes onto the computer again. - They all look really sad. They all look really disappointed. Actually, can I get a check from you? 'Cause they're not necessarily going to believe this. Gimme a persuasion. - Me? - Even though you're telling the truth, gimme a persuasion. That's a bad look for me, sorry. Yeah, persuasion is cool. That's an eight. - Okay, well-- - Can I get a plus two for the quote that I said? - You can. - Okay, that's a 10 then. - Really? - That's still not great. - Oh, God. - My cool is three. - Oh, God. - I chose to talk at the wrong time, which is all the time. - Yeah, so Chandler is like, "Okay, but they were still getting boxes?" It's like what? - Shit. - Well, in the shippin' business, that's what we call, I don't know what they call it. It's a goof-em-up. They didn't mean to do it. - Great, give me a roll and get plus three, because you're clearly a nomad who knows shipping. - [All] Ah! - It's like five, so it's like what I end up saying is like, "Truck, the problem with trucks is, "have you ever seen a bird that just really scared ya?" - They all live in Night City, which does not have a lot of wildlife, so they absolutely don't. I seen a video of a bird. - I got nothin'. - Dasha - I'm gonna quickly sit down, and put my face in my hands for a second. I really don't know what to tell you. The person that you are trying to blackmail with this little black pill is dead. That is a fact. And you need to stay the fuck away from Hypo and his clinic. If you have to steal, look, I don't give a shit, steal from somewhere else. - I mean, give me also a persuasion roll to see if you persuade him, or if you wanna face down-- - Ah, I also rolled a critical fail. - You need to improv out what you end up saying to him. - How do you fuck it up - Hey, Hypo, he, if you, you should rob a grave if you want stuff from Matt Pack, the guy who works in the warehouse where Lucite now works as the boss now, so fuck you I guess, fuck you. I'm so sweaty. It's so hot in this retro diner. - It is hot in here, yeah. Jojo's like, "I think we're gonna do "whatever the fuck we want." - I'll delete your accounts. I stand up, and I'm like, I know that normally I say this first and foremost in literally everything I do, Vang0 Bang0. I'm the moderator of your accounts. - Oh, yeah, you're the moderator of Jumptrash. - You know that I will delete every single one of your accounts, and I will delete every single one of your role-plays as well, if you do not give us the black pill immediately. - Gimme a face down. Okay. - So 10, okay, I'm just gonna go ahead and I'm gonna just waste all my luck right now. I think I'm just gonna do all seven. - Okay - So that's 17? - Yes. - And I'm gonna justify that luck in the fact that it is, the luckiness is that I know who these people are on a forum that they care about. - They tied. - Ooh shit. - And tie goes to the defender, which they are. - Shit. - So Jojo stands up and he says, "You think you're a big man. "You think you can come out here in our meet-space, "in our netscape?" - And this is specifically with Jojo, right? - Yeah. - Okay, so I can back down now, or I can have a negative three ongoing with every roll that I do today. - Against Jojo specifically, yeah. - I delete his account. I immediately press the button. Is that a basic tech or could I just do that? - I think you can just do that. Is it just his, or is it all of their- - I just delete Jojo's. - Okay, he gets a little, his agent pings, he looks at his watch and goes, "You motherfucker! "I can't believe you'd do this, to me the Italian Stallion. "You'd do this to Jojo? "Oh, that's my life. "Oh my God." - You just killed a man in cold blood. - And he like sits down-- - I high-five you. - Honestly, I low-five him. - You guys are gonna have to fight. - All right, that sounds good to me. - Unless you have any other last minute things that you can possibly do and roll good at, I think you just have to fight. - Okay. - I got nothing, baby. - So everybody roll. Chandler ducks out immediately, 'cause he is a non-combatant. - That's fuckin' great. - So he just like runs out the back? - Yeah, I mean, he like goes, this'll happen in the background of combat, but you see him pick up Rach, who's still just out of it, and he sort of drag her back. - Okay, so just the three of them. And it's Pheobos-- - Jojo. - And-- - And Monica. - Monica. (laughs) All right, so roll for an (murmurs). - So the order for combat will be Burger, Vang0, Dasha, the besties. - All right, great - And to lead it off, it's pretty clear that it's the time. This is now, it is happening right now. So you go first. - Okay, I grab him, and I say, "Well, I wish somebody had told ya, "it was gonna be this way." And I grab 'em, and I'm going to attempt to grab him and drag him into the kitchen, and do some things to him in he kitchen. - Holy shit. - Weird and great. - So I grab him, and I try to fuckin' chuck him over the bar. - Okay, that's great. So that's an 18. - Yes. - That's a great roll. They are gonna roll let's see - And that's a 14. - No, it's not. - Oh yeah, it's a 17, you're right. Yeah, yeah, great, great, great, great, good. I'm good at this stuff. - So they are gonna try to avoid being grabbed. He rolled an eight, and he's got good in all of those. So you grab ahold of him, but you cannot get quite the trajectory to pin him over your hip and over it. But you can, if you want to, just grab him and move him, if that would help. - Yeah, I start shoving him toward the bar. - Okay, so he's on a stool now. - Yeah, you set him down on a stool. That was an action. Do you want to take a move? - No, I'm just gonna try stay with him there. - Keeping close contact? That's a good call. You get the impression he is the most dangerous of them. He's the one that reads most outwardly as a solo. And making it, Vang0. - Okay. Do I just want to kill these people? Are we gonna have to kill these people? - They're probably gonna kill us. - The thing is you failed at a lot of social checks. - Oh God. - People are soft of assholes. - Pretty much all the social the social checks. - Okay, well, Vang0 Bang0 stands up, and he says, "I hate to see people leave the forum." And then he pulls out his shot gun, and he just blasts into the booth. - Great, and which one of them would you be aiming for? - I'm aiming for the one that's closer to me. - Okay, so that is Monica. - Okay, Monica. - Cool, that's six, plus marksmanship 9, plus reflexes. 10, sorry, sorry, no, 19. - Yeah, that hits. - Okay, and then it's five D-6 of damage. - Oh, Jesus. - Oh, shit. - So 15 hits of damage. - Okay, great. With a shotgun, so I'm gonna spread that, the rules are not very clear about armor and shooting and placement and where it hits, so I'm gonna split that evenly between head and chest. They all have some armor, so it's gonna take some of it, and some of it's not gonna take. - It's the first person you've shot. - I know. - Yeah, how's it feel? - For Vang0 Bang0, he is more jsut mourning the loss of audience on his, but, you know what, hey, I'm the moderator, I gotta weed out the bad people. You know? So just physical moderation. - Do you move, or is that your turn? - I'm going to, I'm gonna stay where I am, I think. I think I'd prefer to be a little further away. - Making it Dasha's turn. - Was it Joey who said I looked like shit? - Yeah, he sassed you. - He said I looked like shit. I'm going to, I'm not gonna get up. I'm going to lean back on this table and pull out my heavy pistol, and I'm going to take a shot at his head. - Great, are you aiming for the head? - Yes, I am? - Specific mechanic. - Yes, I am using the specific mechanic. - Great, do it. - So I rolled 3-D, six, five, six, seven, eight. Not as good as it could be. - Not as good as it could be, but not bad. - Okay, and he'd already taken two from the egg cream. (group laughing) - How could we forget? The true first blood. - So it is the besties turn. The first thing you see is that the man behind the countertop who was there initially, you see him, like very calmly walk back to the kitchen. Exit stage left. And then Pheobos cracks open her guitar case and pulls out a very nice long heavy pistol, and is going to point it at Vang0, because you shot her-- - That makes sense, I did do that. - Really notably. - I can use reflexes instead. I got a 10, that's a critical success. - Beautiful, are you gonna dodge it's fuckin' bullet? Then, plus a three, so that's 13. Plus five, which is 18. Plus 10, which is 28. - All right, that's really good. They rolled a nine, which is also very good, but I don't think it's going to hit ya. All right, so she draws from her guitar, a comically overly long gun and shoots it, almost point black. What do you do to dodge it? - I just duck straight down behind the computer, basically, because I'm not cool when I'm doing this. - That's fair. It's just out of, like, necessity. - You fall over. - Yeah, exactly. - You get lucky, and you trip. - Excellent. All right, so she unloads a beautiful shot, and it just, you're just not there, so that's great. Monica stands up and pops out her cyber-arms, so she's got two blades coming out from her wrist, and she is pointing them out, I think at, I think at you. - What? - Yes. - [Simone] So she comes up to me-- - Yeah, so it will be reflex, plus evasion, plus the D-10. - 19. - Okay, you do a beautiful job. So she comes at you with her blades like out, kinda like a praying mantis, and she slashes at you, and slashes at you, but you are not there to be slashed. - I slip down and then aside, as if I were in the Matrix. - Delightful, some very cool, smooth moves from the gang. - Oh yeah. - Jojo-- - And now we're fighting back to back. - That's beautiful. - Just like "Friends" would. - Aw, we're the real besties. - So Jojo, who is currently within your arms draws out, actually because you're in close-combat, he pops out his rippers and is ready to slash at ya. - Okay, 21. - Okay, and his is, he got a 19. (Brian whistling) So you also just deathly avoid. He pops his rippers, and he just sort of like scratches at you. - Yeah, I'm just holding him at arm's length. I have my hand around his face, and I'm just holding him back, and he's kinda scratching at me, but he's not really getting anything. - Excellent. - Okay, cool. - So, he is not successful. - You guys made it through this whole round without getting damaged. I'm very proud of all of you. I'm certain that will last this whole time. So, bringing it up to Burger. - So what I would like to do, is I would like to grab him by the head, push his head onto the counter, pick up a stool, and just bang it onto the top of his head. - Great, love stool combat. - I do, it's my thing. So, it's 16. - Okay, he rolled a one. Yeah, so-- - Jojo. - So, because you're already in such close-combat, he's not able to, he's so concentrating at trying to swipe at you, then when you pull him up and push him back down, he's just can't fight back. So you get two hits with the stool, because you get for melee attacks, you get two attacks. So hit him twice with the stool. - Is that a melee weapon? - Yes, I think we decided stools were one D-10. So roll that twice. - 10. - 10. - Beautiful That doesn't get re-rolled, but-- - Okay, so boom. - A beautiful crack of a hit. - One really, really good crack of a stool. - And then four, which is, I don't get him as cleanly on that one, but I definitely just hit his head against the bar twice with the stool. - Great, yeah, you hit him one good crack, and on the second crack, the stool breaks a little. So it doesn't do as much damage, because the stool just disintegrates in this combat. - Oh Lord, this man is only being injured by diner equipment right now. Vang0 Bang0 is now kind of struggling with the fact that he's done two very cool things, and he was not streaming it. (group laughing) And so, the only people who could know about it are the people from the forum that I'm trying to kill, and it's making me very, very upset. Is it Phoebes in the bench? - Yes. - Okay, okay. Pheobos, and she's the one whose got the gun still. - She's got a big ol' gun aimed at where you were. - Still in the same place? Okay, I guess at that point, I'm gonna try to, I don't love where I am, because my back is against the wall, and these two are kind of like, in a bad situation. So I'm gonna try to run. I've got six moves, so one, two, three. And then I'm going to take a shot as I'm running. And this is going to be, since the shotguns out, I'm gonna do the same thing so. That one was a six, plus 19. - Hits. - Okay, and then, that's, again, five D-6. I feel like I shouldn't have a shotgun, it's too much. - Some of the, we'll talk about armor and shots later. - Yeah, so four, sorry, seven, 10. As I'm running past, I'm just like going through the different quotes that I found on the thing, and I just, instead I just start singing the Seinfeld bass riff, because I'm just a little bit off, it's like, a buh buh buh bum, buh duh buh boosh. (group laughing) - Good. - Oh, great. - Yeah, great. I'm making it Dasha's character. - I can't fuckin' follow that up. Honestly, I think I've got to take care of-- - Monica. - Monica, who is menacing me with these rippers. And I am not Burger Chainz here. I'm not used to picking up things in my environment ever really. So, I am just going to take a shot at her, from what is apparently very close range. - Yeah, yeah, it's as close as possible. - As close as physically possible. Yeah, so I guess what happened, okay yeah, 'cause she menaced me, and I backed up against Burger Chainz. I kind of swing around my pistol in a panicked way, right in front of me. And so I rolled a seven, and that is 15. - Excellent, and that matches. Ties go to the defender though, so you do not hit. - Okay, so I wield the pistol around, I fire off a shot, and it, boop, went by her, right by the ear. - Do you move or do anything else? - I'm going to try to back past Burger Chainz and just get further away from here, and I'll right back up against the counter then. - The door to the kitchen opens, and two men step out, one of them wearing a full apron and a little burger cap, and the other one, the Garcon that helped you earlier. They both have some machine guns. - Oh shit. - And they lay down a layer of blanket fire over your heads. So for suppressive fire, everybody in line of site, that is not behind cover, you, no none of you are behind, nobody is behind cover sufficient enough for this. You roll your will, plus your concentration, and the D-10. - Jesus. - And we're gonna see how ya do. - 17, though. - I rolled a 20. - Yeah, 23. - Nice, okay. - Whoo! - I don't fucking care. - Yeah, apparently not. - You just ducked down while still holding his head to the-- - So the roll is, if you succeed, you don't have to go undercover, because they're not actually trying to shoot anybody, they're just trying to stop whats happening. And you all succeeded, so you do not have to take cover. Let's see how the besties did. They all rolled an eleven, so they all have to duck as much as they can. He can't duck, 'cause they think you're holding him down. Jojo cannot duck. But Pheobos and Monica both like, fall to their bellies as the guns are going overhead. You guys are just, I guess, jaded. - I mean, we just opened fire on three people sitting in a booth at a restaurant without really much warning. - Frankly, I don't see them come out until they start firing, and at that point, I'm just like, "What now, what now?" - So those two dudes just give one big ol' burst of fire over your heads, and then the Garcon who helped you says, "You guys need to leave!" - Oh my God, these maniacs that have dressed like "Friends"! - We don't fucking care, get out of our restaurant! - Is it my turn, or is it the "Friends" turn? - I think this is going to be a face down, so it's going to be them versus ya'll. - That's a critical success for me. - Beautiful, I mean, that figures. - 12. - 12. - That's a seven. - Seven? - 28, yeah, 31. - Absolutely-- - Unreal - What a thing, to get that rule on. - May I ask permission to do something? - Yes. - Okay, so can you give me the last thing he told us to do. - Get out of my fucking restaurant! - Way ahead of you Mack! And I grab, I run for this booth, is this a window right here? - Yeah. - I run for this booth, I pick up Pheobos, and I just tackle her through the window. - You rolled so well I'm gonna, yeah, this is just what happens. - It's great. - Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, she's starting to like stand up, 'cause it is also their turn, so after they hit the ground, you see her starting to stand up, and you just like, bulldoze her through. Give me some sort of check, to see how well you do this. - All right. - I think again athletics or brawling. - So 13, 17, plus my roll, which was four, I think, so I have a 21. - Okay, so that's a great roll, so you do a great job of just destroying this woman. (group laughing) - I'm sorry. - So you pick her up, and you just power drive her through the window, and she's just flat out on her back. She is clearly like very seriously wounded. And she doesn't get back up on this round, so you don't really know what happens. - Monica-- - We're gonna get Trauma Team here. - One way or another, you might. Monica backs up, and also, because she was sufficiently held by the cool-down, she stands up, she uses her turn to stand up and move, and because there's now a window opening, she also just runs out through the window. And Jojo failed as well, so he is also going to, after you bail, he is also going to bail. - Everyone's just running past me. - Well, you guys both also failed your cool-downs. - Oh yes, that's right. - So, either you can cowl, which in this case, I think means also leaving, or you can try and stick around, but take minus three against this owner. - I hope these people never see me again. I don't want to come back here. I'm going to very stiffly, in a way that is as dignified as possible, walk across the room and clamber out the window. - Great, yeah. - Yeah, I also, I go out the window too. I have to, at this point in time, right? I do one last look at the two people, and I say, "Make sure to like and subscribe." And then I hop out the window, and I guess I'm just out there with you all, as Pheobos is like completely broken. - Yeah, I mean she's pretty seriously fucked up. She's still on her back. - We haven't killed anybody, have we? - Not yet. - Not yet. - I look around to see what the state of the Italian Stallion, Joey is. - So he has definitely taken some damage, not as much as Pheobos. You get the impression he'll fight until he is stopped, one way or another. So, he's like.. - Actually, let me just roll athletics for him, and see if he successfully jumped through the window in a cool way. He didn't, actually. - He didn't, so he's dead, okay. - He did not do well on his roll. - Yeah, so he caught his foot on a bunch of glass as he went through. - Aw, skinned his knee. - So I walk up to him, I put my boot on his back, pull out Hatchet, my shotgun, put it at the base off his skull, and I say, "Let's wrap this up right now, "or I gotta feelin' they're won't be reunion show." - That's very good. - Thank you. - A bit too New York. - No, I liked it. Gimme a roll. - 24. - Beautiful, a very good roll. - Thank you. - He's like, "Okay, okay, you guys are not cool." - That's true. - And you see Pheobos and Monica sort of like weepy and chill about this. He shakily reaches into his jacket, and he pulls out the little black pill, and he offers it to you, and he is like-- - Thank you. "You guys are real assholes." - I mean, I don't know what we're gonna do with this thing, it's useless. - You keep sayin' that, and I keep not believin' ya. - Just give us the pill and stay away from Hypo's clinic, okay? Find somebody else to rob. Rob somebody with money. - We will. - Okay. - Good. - I can re-institute your account, if you promise to be cool about it. - No promises. He picks up and starts running. They all start, they just run, they bail. - Nice. - Can we just go back to Hypo really quickly, cause I think that would be a good way to wrap up? - Three friends get back in their van and drive back to Hypo's clinic with the little black pill. - So did any of ya see the thing that I did where I put the guy's head on the counter and then I hit him with a stool two or three times? - Mm-hm. - Burger Chainz, if you can promise to fight that well, I can get a lot more jobs for you. - I mean, I wouldn't call it fightin' well, but I appreciate what you're saying, and I would love to do more jobs with you, and I would also love to just hang out, if that's a thing you'd be interested in. - If only we had a lot of subscribers. (group laughing) - Vang0 Bang0 is now just regaling his audience from the back of the van, staring into, again, a mirror, and just IRL streaming. You guys just had to be there. I did a lot of cool things. I ducked out of the way of a bullet. Also, Burger Chainz jumped through a window. It was really good content. I should have been streaming while it was happening, but you guys can trust me on this. Make sure if you subscribe now, there's gonna be a lot more of this, I will stream next time, I promise. And then I close out my stream, a little bit upset that things didn't go just as planned for ol' Vang0 Bang0. And then he starts the stream back up, and he goes, "Vang0 Bang0", and then he turns the stream off again. - All right, you pull up into Hypo's medical joint, and yeah, what do you guys do? - I mean, does the van say anything when we get there? - It says, "Avast, above, I see Hypo." - Cool, so we pile out of the van and we walk up to Hypo, and I just drop the pill in his hand. - Oh great, Hypo says, "I can't believe you guys got this. "Can't believe you found it." - Well, I mean, let's just say, we had to wine and dine 'em. - He says, "I don't know what that means." - I hit a guy in the head with a stool. - Okay, that sounds about right, yeah. That sounds more accurate. Thank you, you've done me a great service this day. - Well, hopefully they don't correct that error. - Yeah, what? - Vang0 Bang0 immediately from the side is like, "That is a completely useless chip. "The only reason you've been surviving this long "is because of the philanthropy of others." - Yeah, I know, man. Like everyone here volunteers. Yeah, you're so right. - Vang0 Bang0 is too smart for this, and then he leaves. - Community is the most important thing. That guy gets it. What a nice guy, that Vang0. - So we, I think we took care of 'em. If I were them, I wouldn't come back around here, but they are still alive so-- - That's good, that's good. That's good you didn't kill 'em. - But if you decide that you do want them to be dead, you know who to call. - I do, thank you, Burger. - The besties. - The, oh no. - No, I don't say that. (group laughing) - So I head towards the door, and I say, "Thanks again for everything you do. "By the way, Matt Pack died." (group laughing) (Jenna murmuring) - So end of the adventure, and the end of the video, what do you guys do now? - Vang0 Bang0's gonna give a little call to action, if you don't mind. - Give me your roll. That's a critical failure. - Hey what's up guys? It's your boy, Vang0 Bang0. Make sure to like and subscribe to "Polygon", and share it with all of your friends if you want more "Cyberpunk" content. You know me, Vang0 Bang0, out here on that content grind. - We'll, have a, Vang0 Bang0.
Channel: Polygon
Views: 1,391,133
Rating: 4.9094505 out of 5
Keywords: video games, videogames, games, polygon, cyberpunk, brian david gilbert, cyberpunk red, cyberpunk 2077, trauma team, cyberpunk ttrpg, cyberpunk game, cyberpunk role playing game, cyberpunk table top, cyberpunk board game, bdg, brian gilbert, jenna stoeber, patrick gill, pat gill, simone de rochefort, clayton ashley, overboard, ttrpg lets play, actual play, cyberpunk red actual play, cyberpunk red jumpstart kit, vango bango, burger chainz, dapper dasha, overboard cyberpunk
Id: oCp_2hqguUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 43sec (7723 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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