Ben Shapiro's Weapon's Grade Bad Takes

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I'm just getting annoyed because my 7th grade English teacher told me I was wrong for using "they" in place of "he/she." I said "he/she" sounded really stinted but she said that I had to use it because "they" can only be plural. I was right, Ms Shepherd.

👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/Cranyx 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

No joke this is his best fucking video yet. Holy shit y'all

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/EzraCelestine 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ben Shapiro gets DESTROYED by a dictionary definition (not clickbait)

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/mousebraker 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

In a few months I want someone to make a master compilation of all the Eyeball Zone bits.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

This video inspired me to post this topic in the Ben Shapiro Reddit with hilarious results

Market place of Ideas

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Bearality 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Relevant every time Ben Shapiro is brought up:

Perhaps Ben Shapiro Shouldn't Be Taken Seriously By Anyone About Anything - SOME MORE NEWS

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/smeagolheart 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Excellent point. Bench Appearo uses fauxtellectual rationalizations to cover-up the fact that he is just a reactionary bigot. His "they is plural, dictionary wrong" bullshit is just concern trolling, he doesn't give a fuck about grammar and he should know that languages evolve (even though, as Thonk Goo pointed out, the singular they predates modern English).

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/GoulashArchipelago68 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Though slime is continuously getting better and I wish them the best

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/AlphonseElricsArmor 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

I don't know why, but I feel the need to defend my perspective here:

Well done is perfectly legitimate for steak. I prefer well done personally, and I refuse to disavow my preference just because our chud president eats it that way.

Otherwise, fanfuckingtastic video.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Dhosmhea 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello I'm Thaddeus slime worth the 69 and I want to talk about Ben Shapiro I know I know you jackals frankly we here on hashtag bread tube waste a lot of oxygen on this dingus of the highest caliber we spent a lot of time chasing our tails because abalone man can just say the wackest most obviously inflammatory nonsense and we have to keep correcting it look I got some real radical shit coming up next month so stay with me but for now bingo Shapiro recently stumbled dick backwards into the discourse surrounding singular they/them pronouns having a definition added to them in the dictionary that covered their use as non or ambiguously gendered pronouns for non-binary people and this seems like a good moment to bring this up I myself am a non-binary person but I personally don't use they/them pronouns I prefer personally pretty much anything else people ask me a lot because they want to be considerate do you know who never wants to be considerate bong Shapiro he went off on some straight-up garbage on the subject let's observe him getting very very mad about it with wokes gold's doing their best to ruin every aspect of American life I'm very excited that merriam-webster dictionary has now added the non-binary pronoun vade to the dictionary because when I look at a book four definitions of words what I want is a made-up definition of a word that has never been used this way in all of human history a plural noun used as a singular noun to refer to a singular gender wouldn't use a plural noun and merriam-webster is gonna go along with this which just demonstrates once and for all that logic has gone out the window for many Americans the use of a as a singular pronoun can be ungrammatical and confusing that would not be for many Americans that would be for all Americans unless you're talking about the small group of sjw's who decide we have to redefine all of language in order to be politically correct demands it's it is insanity and then you wonder why people like the same people who demand truth truth absolute truth we're the media and we want the truth also they is a singular pronoun not what no okay look I hope I don't have to point this out to you but then is very clearly wrong when he says the word they has never been used to refer to a singular person in all of human history straight-up just 100% dead-ass wrong on this one it's really not worth examining why for reasons I'll get into later but I'm going to examine why anyway to get it out of the way so that nobody can accuse me of dodging the question I happen to study English literature and university and one thing my professor stressed to me was that if you wanted to truly understand English literature there were two things he needed to read the works of Shakespeare and the Bible now all Shakey's the couple singular days and or them's in Hamlet Act three Scene three Polonius says cheese meat that's some more audience than a mother since nature mix then partial should oh he'll the speech in this quotation the word to them is used to refer to the singular antecedent a mother Hamlet by the way is often considered one of the greatest works of literature ever produced even though Hamlet is a big nerd who can't even kill Claudius for like forever it takes like the whole fucking play for him to do it in act 4 scene 3 of a comedy of errors and Tiff's alas of Syracuse says there's not a man I meet but doth salute me as if I were their well-acquainted friend they both talk like that all of Shakespeare's characters talk like that Antipholus is using the word there to refer to the singular antecedent a man I meet so that's the bard covered the undisputed champ of English Lit using the word the way that been said it had never been used four hundred years ago but how about that Bible though in Deuteronomy Adhan I can't say this word in Deut or on me in Deuteronomy Tehran I know how this word is pronounced I just can't say it in juice or on the me Deuteronomy in Deuteronomy mmm seventeen five of the King James Bible then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman which have committed that wicked thing onto thy gates even that man or that woman and shalt stone them with stones until they die you know it's the Bible because they're talking about doing some old-timey torture stuff now you can't get much clearer than that my dude it's in the fucking Bible the word BAE is used specifically because in the passage it's unclear whether the subject is a man or a woman so the words they and them are used as a singular pronoun instead of he or she for the record you can also find it in the friggin Canterbury Tales written in Middle English which means the use of a them as a singular pronoun predates the modern English language we've been using it since before we were speaking English or what we now call English it's complicated and also it wasn't really is the same way almost all of the information I just gave you is available on the Wikipedia page for singular today and what if they can been literally ten seconds to Google his basic premises that he stated with absolute universal certainty and find out that he was 100% factually indisputably wrong but your first clue probably should have been this a plural noun used as a singular noun to refer to a singular gender what he's a plural noun so here we have a man attempting to assert his knowledge of words and grammar above the literal fucking dictionary and he thinks that the word they is a noun it's a pronoun dingus most of the kids I knew in grade school understood this distinction or else they wouldn't have been able to play mad libs friend of the channel and permanent prisoner of the eyeball zone curio recently made a video discussing the aesthetic of intellectualism arguing that ding dongs like Shapiro are just trying to give the impression of being smart and aren't really concerned with being right per se it's more important that they are seen as being right and it's tempting to say that this is just another example of that Ben tries to look confident and secure in his position despite the fact that he doesn't understand the elementary school aspects of what he's talking about and he's not done even one iota of research on the subject and that confidence allows his viewers to assume that he knows what he's talking about and his words can be taken as fact don't look into it don't even don't even do a quick Google search but in this case I think there's actually a little more to it in this case I think it's actually important the Ben that you know he is wrong I believe that he is sending a message by being purposefully and obviously wrong I believe it to be a flex now let's be crystal clear about one thing mr. Shapiro's does not give one single solitary shit about prescriptivists grammar that much should be obvious by the way he uses neologisms like wokes gold and sjw in his own argument shortly after complaining about made-up definitions all definitions are made up and you're using words that were made up like ten minutes ago the idea that this is simply a dispute about grammar allows him to conceal his bigotry and to make his arguments appealing to people who don't like to think of themselves as bigoted people who like to think of themselves as neutral objective people concerned with logic and reason not feelings like a girl there is no logical way that the English language should be organized it's ridiculous to suggest that his language changes it deviates from some sort of rational standard have you taken a look at the English language lately through and tough end with the same four letters but they don't sound alike we get a million homonyms for the word witch and we don't put apostrophes in the possessive it's seemingly so we can catch people doing it and laugh at them our language is a mess the entire thing is an arbitrary mishmash of various Romance languages smooshed up together mutating into this Franken language whose speakers just so happened to colonize most of the world so we're all stuck with it but what actually bothers Ben about this is that it means an institution of record is acknowledging and validating the existence of people like me it's the thought that people like me are being recognized and allowed to exist openly and proudly that makes him angry that's why he complains about language being changed because of s JW's or whoever is interfering with the logical rational way to write words down he frames this as an issue of singular versus plural words so that his position seems a political and objective that position makes no sense and actually makes his point a lot weaker because the singular day has been used for like six hundred years as I discussed earlier what's being added what the new definition is is the use of a them as personal pronouns something that someone chooses to identify with and be referred to as that's the new thing and that's what he actually objects to and you want to know how I know that because the singular they was already in the fucking dictionary the singular they was not what was added that said been off that was already there what was specifically added was the use of the singular they as a personal pronoun for non-binary people that's when the singular they became a problem for Ben now binga-boinga suspect the better part of his life carefully cultivating an audience of uncritical rubes who are willing to be bigoted if someone tells them to be he could have chosen to make the bigoted argument that he actually wanted to make which is that non-binary gender identities don't exist and shouldn't be recognized by institutions like the dictionary that'd still be a shitty and controversial opinion and it would have given him just as much attention and all of the clicks that he requires to live instead he decided to make this about something completely different something objective that he was both wrong and uninformed about something that he chose to speak with complete conviction about and why do you think that is at last nothing stands between me and my thesis the reason that Ben did sorry thought I heard something the reason that Ben did this and speaking wait no no not now not now hello and welcome to the eyeball zone using the power of eyeballs eye mutual aid other left owes today I bring a treat for your ear balls the intellectual darkwave is a musician that makes look I'm not going to be able to describe it better than they do in their channel description so they make antifascist synth-pop for members of the DSA golf caucus their music is available on their YouTube channel where they also have little videos that show you the lyrics now my musical tastes should not carry much weight with anyone but for what it's worth in addition to being hilarious all these tracks are bops as a is that the still a good way to refer to music I'm old I don't know [Applause] [Music] criminally this channel only has 17 subscribers what the actual fuck do you have a project that you need eyeballs stuffed into send me exactly one email at thought slime editor at with the word eyeballs somewhere in the subject please include your pronouns and maybe you will find yourself trapped here in the eyeball zone it's time once more for us to retreat into the eyeball dimension only when the planets align again will the eyeball zone be accessible to you president dump its trumpets eats his steaks well done like a toddler does that became a minor talking point a couple of years ago and a bunch of the people whose brain have been infested with his larvae started eating their steaks like that too in solidarity their glorious leaders not wrong it's actually the better way to eat steaks you just have to trust this now I'm a vegan because of course I am I'm a living parody of a leftist but I remember what steak tasted like and it tastes good if it's medium-rare and bad if it's well-done Trump doesn't even think it's the better kind of steak he had to put ketchup on it it's just he's a big germaphobe and he wanted to burn off all the germs that's also why eat so much fast food it's because he thinks fast food restaurants are cleaner than regular restaurants but you couldn't tell that to the burnt steak crew suddenly the effete libs were bossing everybody around and making them eat steaks with flavor well let me tell you about a guy that I know that likes well-done steaks and he's not an idiot he's a really smart guy me okay I like my steaks well-done so screw you mister food critic guy by the way food critics in general frauds this is a con job this is not a real job they're arrogant morons who think well if you don't like what I like then you have no taste okay these are con men and nobody should pay them for liking particular foods as moronic these loony lefties are making a big deal about this whole snake thing it's certainly not just the silly jokes to them we need to fight back and show everybody that we like to eat steak like morons - we're with you mr. president we like to chew each bite for over 10 minutes it's the ideal steak experience and I think sometimes with strange moment we're living through where the battle lines in the culture war seem to shift and change moment to moment these chud's are all about performative masculinity they like to eat red meat drink whiskey smoke cigars if you'd have asked any of them before Trump ate his steaks Ron they'd have sworn up and down that they eat their steaks medium-rare and we'll kick the ass of anyone who tried to put ketchup on one but even if we grant that they do prefer their steaks well-done and the media is being unfair to Trump by criticizing the way he ruins his food who fucking cares what is wrong with your mind that you need to leap to his defense over this the most trivial of criticisms the thing is it really didn't matter to any of the burnt steak weirdos that their steaks were worse it didn't matter that this whole narrative about a sensationalist media trying to take down Trump because they laughed it the way he eat steaks was overblown what mattered was the show of unity the ability to rally around their cause no matter how silly their cause was and act as one that sends a message that they will defend what this president does no matter what he does because that's how much they hate you we're willing to make our lives a little worse and pretend to enjoy it just to wipe that stupid grin off your face and put it onto our face innuendo Studios did a fantastic video about this tendency called the card says moose it's part of their alt-right playbook series honestly if you're watching this I find it difficult to believe that you haven't already seen that they talk about how people divide politics into an us-versus-them game and decide their views based on whatever they feel is their team's interest it's our right wingers with fundamentally different worldviews seem to have an easier time working with one another than lefties with the exact same world's view is this a big change in color grading I hope not but I had to reshoot this part gives my microphone fucked up and didn't notice until I was editing if there is no color grade change I'm an editing genius in this case though I think there's a little more to what Ben is saying I genuinely don't think he's trying to convince the audience that the singular day is a new thing I think he's leveraging this tendency among right-wingers to flock to whatever cause to send a message Ben sees this new definition added to the dictionary for the word day specifically referencing non-binary people and that makes him mad look at this supposedly objective institution validating these mentally ill degenerates boy I wish I could show all of them the real America the America that I believe in will never accept them will never accommodate them wait a minute I've got a big platform full of ding dongs who for some reason think I have something worthwhile to say I believe that bengis fungus is counting on you to recognize that he's wrong two o'clock immediately that he's talking out of his ass it's to show you that look all of these people they're willing to accept and internalize this extremely obvious lie just because they hate you the dictionary might acknowledge you but none of us will don't feel safe and it's kind of a brilliant and sophisticated strategy which is why I'm surprised that it comes from such a dullard like Bongo cloaking his rhetoric in this obvious falsehood means people won't respond to the actual message being sent suddenly this is a fight about what a wangus he is and how wrong he is look the dictionary owned you Ben get rekt the dip the dictionary said you're wrong hmm hmm everybody corrects them about the singular they because you can prove he's wrong about that but they might not even notice the implicit bigotry against 10 bees and even if they do they might not bother to correct it because he's not talking about that part out loud right now that's why come I said earlier it wasn't really worth examining why Shapiro is wrong in this case that's dodging the central issue which is that he wanted to find a reason to condemn institutional support for non binary people so he manufactured a very pathetic one knowing that his legions of Abercrombie's & Fitch's would exhaust everyone arguing it to the death the point is that they will resist any attempt to recognize or accommodate us even when it doesn't make sense for them to do it he wants to remind us hey us hateful assholes are still around you're getting comfortable maybe you think people are warming up to you well we're still willing to lie and cheat and rally around whatever dipshit gives us an excuse to undermine you anything put in place to make you feel more comfortable to make you feel like you belong we will intentionally ruin it just to mock you granted which i think is great is grant apply to the University of Michigan to be called His Majesty so so and that's why I felt they had to waste another week of my life on bencher poodle this type of rhetoric is dangerous precisely because it's so easy to write off as a gaffe we get the message when he says things like this consciously or otherwise it makes us remember that some people mean us harm and cannot be convinced through any rational argument to see things any other way that's the lie at the heart of Ben Shapiro's whole worldview he'll tell you that facts don't care about your feelings but the facts bend and contort to suit his and he's right the facts don't care about your feelings the facts you don't care about anything they don't have brains they don't have thoughts facts can't care about things valuing facts doesn't mean discounting feelings nor does being pointlessly cruel and disregarding people's feelings make you rational or logical people should care about one another's feelings that's called empathy it's the whole basis if you in society and I'll give you a moment to make your hilarious Joker memes because I said the word society out of your system good people's feelings also can be facts it's a fact it's a matter of record that I hate bench sparrows fucking guts most people I think would generally agree that it's better to ease people suffering when you can and extremely negative emotions are a form of suffering how do we understand that suffering without data we have to rely on people telling us what their feelings are there is no other way to collect that data and how people are feeling without relying on self-reporting Shapiro and other ding-a-lings need to ignore that kind of data to pretend the facts are on their side they have to reduce masculinity or feminine family I can't pronounce this word famine womanhood there's something you can measure but there's no reason any of it has to be that way beyond the fact that the alternative makes them uncomfortable ignoring the feelings of people involved is just as much an emotional choice as acknowledging them they aren't discounting feelings they're just prioritizing their feelings over the reality that masculinity and the other one are made up things which apply to whoever we say they apply to things that shift across cultures and across time things that are by no means scientific or natural things that are wholly arbitrary distinctions and even on a strictly biological level do not map one-to-one to what people like Shapiro which they did the words he or she do not appear in nature because no word does we decided that they meant something and now we've decided that they mean something else and honestly been fuck your feelings the distress caused to you by having to remember one extra detail about someone you meet is nothing compared to the distress people feel about not having their gender identity recognized perhaps been when sis people start killing themselves on mass because of the distress caused by remembering someone else's pronouns we can revisit that discussion until then you can just live with the fact that we're not going to prioritize your feelings over everyone else's the facts don't care about either but your feelings are dangerous and ours are emancipatory we won't be silenced we won't be forced back into the closet and we won't go away it's too late we're not scared of you anymore and as long as we make ourselves known as long as we just exist publicly they'll lose that fight granted that's not always an easy thing to do but slowly and surely trying to stop us from doing it is getting harder too that's why they had to sneak their message past everybody that's why they have to pretend like they're just discussing grammar because if they said it out loud if they said why are you doing your jobs objectively when you know perfectly well it will bring comfort to these degenerates everybody would be uncomfortable with that we don't have that problem I can stand right here in the courage of my convictions and tell you that non-binary people are here we've always been here and we ain't gonna leave I don't need dog whistles or distractions to do it either and you can rage and whine about it you can make some of our lives miserable but the dictionary knows which way the wind is blowing die mad losers it's me thought slime whoo yep that was another video of a ben shapiro i sorry about that listen do me a favor and press the like and subscribe buttons here on that would help me because it's good for the video also look at all these names and cartoons those are all from slash thought slime where you could go if you wanted to give me money it's a thing you can do but if you're under no obligation to do it it's strictly if you want to hey also did you know that i stream on slash thought slime every thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we're entering spook vember or it's spook tober or whatever i called it some of them like that anyway it's all spooky games that i'm gonna be terrified of because i'm really not great with spooky games but you know what i am good with is horror movies and if you like horror movies you can follow my brand new YouTube channel scaredy cats and we're going to be releasing the first scaredy cats video on Tuesday October 1st the link is in the description it's slash scaredy cats TV scaredy cats was taken that's my a million calls to action for this video so you know that's all you got to do if you want to do everything you can for me you hm
Channel: Thought Slime
Views: 399,224
Rating: 4.8642383 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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