Are liberals our enemies?

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"Raise your hand if you used to be a liberal."

Raises hand in shame

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/Imtheprofessordammit 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

liberals, such as...

  • social democrats

  • social liberals

  • people who support the protests in HK

  • people who don't support The Bern

  • people who diss CTH

  • people who reject alliances with racists and xenophobes

  • lgbt advocates who don't fall in line for the world revolution

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Sansa_Culotte_ 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have one small quibble with this video: TS conflates "enemy" with "bad person." Liberals are leftists' enemies. What they aren't (necessarily) is inherently bad people. Enemies can be converted, but until then, they are enemies nontheless. Liberals, even if they are 'only' brainwashed by the status quo, are going to stand in opposition to leftists in theory, dialogue, electoralism and potentially violently; yes, many are misguided, but to portray them as only misguided - as just some poor dummies or blissfully ignorant - I think misses out on their role as, essentially, ideological foot soldiers.

I presume this is more or less what TS was trying to get at by saying "liberals aren't our enemy, liberalism is," hence why I'm saying it's just a quibble; I just feel like excusing liberals for being propaganda victims, treating them with the sort of endless patience and tolerance this video appears to be advocating even while they support a destructive and oppressive status quo, may not be all that good of praxis? Sometimes it's just not worth explaining socialism for the ten thousandth time to some dipshit who actively refuses to get it.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Dhosmhea 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's the "liberals are bad" mentality that's pushing me away from the left. I've been around leftist circles a long time and honestly it's just so boring. People talk about converting liberals towards socialism and whatnot. And if that works, then that's great.

But overall I don't care if someone is a capitalist. I care about equality, progressive ideas and a lot of shit I'm struggling with myself. Like having the opportunity to spend time getting a job I like and not worrying about having to do certain things.

So many people on the left are 100% focused on ending capitalism. And I don't really disagree with ending capitalism, obviously, there's just things I care about more. I just don't think the socialist dream is realistic now. Then again I also don't think the fight against climate change is going too well.

But people like Bernie Sanders do seem to have a better plan against climate change than any socialist does. Or at least, a politically relevant one. Or in my country there's another social Democrat who's pretty popular.

But overall people just don't really care. They just don't want to agree. Especially conservatives and right wingers. I just don't see the point in attacking liberals too. Pretty much just pushed the far left into a niche that everyone ignores.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/KanYeJeBekHouden 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can say I've never been a liberal, but can't exactly be proud of that or judge those that were, in my younger years I was a chud heh

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/javyn1 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sopa-de-Caracol 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
liberals liberals liberals liberals liberals men freak these guys always doing the most annoying and useless stuff what the frig is this why are you doing that the world is on fire you're making cakes to give to the oligarchs that are against the already useless thing that you want you're not gonna give the cakes to the oligarchs that you like you're giving them to the ones that you don't like the ones that are good mmm so easy to be mad at them they're so frustrating how is it possible to be so pleased with yourself when your protest is just to make cake for your millionaire enemies oh thanks sir I couldn't afford a $10 sheet cake that's gonna make me reconsider whether that one war criminal is allowed to testify against that other war criminal the goals and methods of liberals are clearly counter to those of us on the Left they don't want to destroy capitalism they want to reform it they don't believe in direct action they believe in appealing to the state and in some cases capital directly to fix problems on their behalf you don't go out and feed the homeless that's a band-aid solution that's not going to fix anything you urge City Council to set aside some funds to create an exploratory committee to make a scientific and evidence-based solution to homelessness without addressing its root cause of poverty so that policy makers can ignore your suggestions and nothing changes but you did waste a lot of time and money and energy that's how you get things done kids but are liberals the enemy of the left I do not think that they are now let me be very very transparent about one thing though liberalism is absolutely an enemy of the left liberalism is not a person it's a philosophy that's the thing that sucks I don't think that the people who believe it at least not all of them are our enemies the majority of them are part of the working class that we hope to liberate this might seem like a pointless distinction stick with me there's a confusing logic that a lot of leftists seem to hold sorry you know what that's a little too vague I should say a lot of leftists who exclusively exist on Twitter seem to hold you know exactly the type of asshole I'm talking about people with user names like Mok no tits whose avatar is some Nazi meme they have ms painted to have the YPG flag in the background weirdos who based the majority of their political outlook on a mod they installed in hearts of iron for that type of person according to these extremely online left Lords the bourgeois state and capital spend an enormous amount of resources to brainwash people into accepting capitalism imperialism and white settler colonialism silencing or criminalizing any voices that present an alternative but also anyone who doesn't innately recognize the evils of those systems is bad and a deficient person now I agree with the first part obviously I've discussed in the past how liberalism limits people's imagination to the narrow confines of what capital decides are the allowable political positions Sherlock Noam Chomsky did it way better than me and has been doing it for a long time take it away jump oh we can start with there two different groups we can get more into more detail but at the first level of approximation there's two targets for propaganda one is what's sometimes called the political class there's maybe 20% of the population which is relatively educated more or less articulate that plays some kind of role in decision-making they're supposed to sort of participate in social life either as managers or cultural managers like say teacher writers and so on they're supposed to vote they're supposed to play some role in the way economic and political and cultural life goes on now their consent is crucial one group that has to be deeply indoctrinated then there's maybe 80% of the population whose main function is to follow orders and not to think you know and not to pay attention anything and they're the ones who usually pay the cost but I don't think that falling into the liberal mind prison is a sign of moral deficiency or bad critical thinking skills so much as it's a sign of the effectiveness of the conditioning that the state and capital use it's very tempting to look at libs doing Lib shit and see how naive and embarrassing it is and conclude that they must not be as smart as I am I believe the good smart things I must be better than they are which you know starts to get into some dangerous territory I don't think you can dismantle Authority and hierarchy and also believe in your own superiority I don't think the leftists are smarter or better than non leftists as much as we like to feel like we are sometimes and as much as we like to act like we are sometimes imagine thinking one person is superior to another when all of us are just insects on this dung heap we call a universe a fungus rot to be cleansed by the gaze of distant eyeballs hello and welcome to the eyeball zone here in the eyeball zone we signal boost small leftist projects trapping them for all eternity in a prison of their own making if you're going to talk the Liberals about socialism you're gonna hear the same thing over and over communism killed a hundred million people communists killed 200 million people communists killed a million billion people communists killed everybody that has ever lived or will ever live Vickey 1999 has he covered her video the real death toll of communism and its companion piece the real death toll of capitalism goes into some of the creative math that was used to arrive at all sorts of bogus ass numbers especially the 100 million figure that the black book of communism pushed that book is bad a lot of the data and our in this video are indispensable when addressing these talking points and the video makes no apologetics for the actual crimes of so-called socialist governments do you have a project you'd like to see feature here in the eyeball zone send me no more than one email with the word eyeball somewhere in the subject line please include pertinent details like your pronoun and maybe you will find yourself consumed by eyeballs Hey raise your hand if you at some point we're a liberal what happened did you just get smarter did you become a more caring person and immediately reassess your entire worldview did you into it all of your current politics did you sit down one day and say to yourself you know now that I think about it labour is entitled to the full value of that which it creates I doubt it I think what's more likely is you read something or you watch something or you had a conversation with somebody and that changed your mind maybe some of you were already primed for that type of conversion from bad work experiences or having experienced poverty at some point in your life but at some point you needed somebody else to walk you through why exactly that was happening to you and what we ought to do about it socialists aren't born we're converted it is a testament to the power of our ideas that despite centuries of demonization despite a hostile and pervasive mass media working to undermine us despite an education system designed from the ground up to produce docile and obedient workers our ideas remain popular but liberal ideas which don't face those obstacles and are instead strengthened by those things are understandably far more popular it's a lot easier to get someone to agree with you if they've had a lifetime of conditioning to accept your position who are you gonna believe the lifetime of teachers professors and news broadcasters saying one thing the people I will collectively refer to as the TED talk class or the guy on YouTube who rambles about the evils of the bourgeoisie without being able to spell the word bourgeoisie who seems more credible are you gonna risk listening to the communist when everybody tells you hey if you let those guys take control they're gonna starve everybody and we're all gonna have to wear ugly grey jumpsuits they're so dangerous we can't let you go to the doctor anymore because that might be socialism we're simply not sure if you're starving now though that's your fault the government can help people get food that would be socialism which causes people to starve you have to starve to prevent starvation 100 million people and all of those socialist countries are so poor they're there no poor non socialist countries and it has nothing to do with any third party coming along blockading bombing or sanctioning those countries into oblivion it's because they don't have freedom which is a measure GDP per capita meaning that Qatar has the most freedom and Burundi has the least and is therefore the most socialist we're fighting an uphill battle we're fighting an uphill battle and we are vastly outnumbered I don't care what poll you're gonna pull out of your pants that shows the people are warming up to the idea of socialism or whatever who the fuck knows what people being polled thinks socialism even is anymore when everything from single-payer health care to food stamps to gender neutral washrooms to fire departments is being labeled as socialist it's going to appeal to a wider range of people than those who are on board with revolution show me a poll that asks people hey should the workers rise up and seize the means of production from the owning class and distribute what they produce freely to all who need it and I'm gonna guess you're gonna see a much lower number I don't say this to discourage you I think the socialism has definitely gotten more popular in the past 10 years I think that the stigma of calling oneself socialist has more or less evaporated thanks in no small part to Bernard Hussain Sanders who often claims to be a socialist despite you know pretty obviously being a social democrat which is still better than the other candidates don't get me wrong probably make that guy president if you can but really probably no presidents would be ideal that's let's get rid of presidents I say this because often lefties on the internet spend a lot of time in lofty spaces marinating their brain and all the memes and jokes and news stories that we like to pass around and you get a kind of inflated view of how knowledgeable the average person is about socialism you've probably heard the phrase seize the means of production so many times that it's become a cliche to you the average person has no idea what that means or why it's a good idea they're also not likely to be on board when you start explaining a lot of our ideas are so countered to the status quo that they seem absurd when condensed into sound bytes you say something reasonable that no person with common sense could disagree with like all cops are bastards and you get a bunch of people who are like yo without police how are we gonna stop people from robbing 7-eleven liberals do this a lot they take one socialist idea in the abstract and present it is the only change within a capitalist society point out that that wouldn't work and then they make fun of you ha ha you fool you didn't think about the 7-elevens did you it's frustrating because a lot of the things we believe and a lot of the changes we propose are more holistic than that a lot of the things which makes sense within socialism don't make sense within capitalism or when viewed from a liberal mindset there darling little argument of the tragedy of the Commons whereby shared resources are inevitably hoarded by the greedy few makes perfect sense when you live in an economy that incentivizes limitless greed it makes less sense when you have an economic system where limitless breed just gets you kicked out of the dining hall until you learn to stop stealing everyone's breadsticks Steve that's not what the conquest of bread means Steve it's frustrating but sometimes you got to stick with it until one of them just kind of clicks you know you're not likely to convince them to read theory until they're already interested in your ideas and even if you do manage to get them to read theory they're not gonna read it charitably you can give them an in-depth book and they'll complain it's too complicated and only works in theory you'll give them a simple book and they'll scoff and say this is so shallow how can you base your worldview on this your only option really is to try and remain calm and not shouty and continue explaining your ideas to them until maybe eventually they start to get it and this is kind of a do as I say not as I do type of scenario because I'm not good at this I get mad very easily I'm trying not to I'm working on it but that is a limitation of mine the strategies I see a lot of us use when talking to lives is to either a soften our message which is deceptive and will only convince them of the softer more liberal position you're pretending to hold rather than the actual position you're priming them for or be mock and ridicule them believe me I've tried this one it doesn't work none of this goes for liberal politicians or millionaires or whatever but more so for your aunts who where's Anne I'm with her shirt to Whole Foods your aunts is not your enemy we need ants on our side if we want to throw down in a revolution to destroy liberalism requires the conversion of liberals because where else the fuck we go and get converts everybody's liberal please note I'm using the word liberal here in the classical sense it's very broad conservatives by this definition are also liberals albeit more hostile ones historically that's what it's usually meant chill let's make 2020 the year of outreach and when I say outreach I do not mean compromise compromise in the face of climate Armageddon is oblivion we want outreach let's all myself included try to be a little more patient when explaining ourselves to little baby liberals and remember that at some point we might have been that little baby liberal ourselves or even worse and carry that humility forward liberals are not our enemies liberalism is our enemy to defeat it we need to change people's mind so I see what you're trying to do with your cakes it's good that you're that it's I like your commitment did you know that john bolton the guy you want to testify did you know that and I'm putting this in terms that I think you'll like he is the Dolores Umbridge of American foreign policy and get this capital is Voldemort Thanks thanks for watching another thought slime video press the like button and the subscribe button and ring that Bell and click all the things under the bell cuz there's a million steps you got to do just to get my videos to show up in your subscription feed like you would want if you subscribe to someone very cool system YouTube as the casual reminder if you don't do those things grumble tum will go hungry you can catch me streaming on slash thought slime every Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time if you'd like to see more videos from me you can check out slash scaredy-cats TV where I talk about spooky Milly's if you want to give me money which you are under no obligation to do you can go to you
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Views: 138,159
Rating: 4.9050884 out of 5
Id: VEMOpOdfAxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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