Still don't have a main in Smash Ultimate? WATCH THIS!

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[Music] how long have you been playing smash ultimate which characters do you enjoy using most maybe after playing for a couple of months and getting good at the game you figured out a single character that you enjoy using more than anyone else in fact you love this character so much that you can't see yourself using anyone else on the roster this is what we call a main and if you're trying to get to a more competitive level having a main is almost essential to being a better smash player by limiting yourself to one character you learn more than just matchups and combos you get fluent enough with your character to where you can focus primarily on adapting to your opponent's play style rather than trying to remember all the cool tech you can do with whoever you're using maybe you haven't found that character though maybe you've been playing for hundreds or even thousands of hours but you still haven't found a character that clicks with you yet that's nothing to feel bad about after all with 89 characters on the roster limiting yourself to one single character might seem like a daunting task and as you get better at the game your playstyle can evolve meaning that even if you're just using one character you might find that another character could handle situations more easily than the one you're using for example maybe you chose dr mario but once you started competing at a higher level you start to notice all of the weaknesses that wouldn't exist had you chosen mario instead or maybe you saw a tier list and thought that maybe you can do better with pikachu joker or mithra than you can do with corin there are lots of reasons why you might not have a main and whether you're a beginner an expert or anyone in between my hope is that i'll be able to help you narrow down your choices so that you can find a single character who will take you to that next level now let's get started so some of you may have already seen some of my other videos on picking out a main but if you haven't there's a phrase that i really like that i believe has a lot of weight to it you don't choose your main your main chooses you okay what does that even mean how does a character choose you well the main takeaway is that if you continue playing around with all the different smash characters eventually one will stick out from the others when i first started playing smash ultimate i really wanted a character with a chargeable neutral special like samus or donkey kong a good recovery and a kit where i could see myself using all of their moves rather than just spamming the good moves i'm looking at you nest mains so eventually after playing with all of the characters i found that robin fit everything that i wanted perfectly i started winning more games and enjoying the process of getting better at smash ultimate then as time went on i found myself using more characters and changing my mains as new dlc came out i found myself switching to bileth pyra and eventually sora some of you may be relieved to know that even if you pick a main you won't necessarily be held down to that one option you can always change your mind later if you find someone else that you like more that being said though that might make other people even more stressed out how can you get better at the game if you're constantly switching your main let's break it down to a level that anyone can understand the character you use the most is the one that you will get better at the quickest and the one that you'll be the most comfortable using even though i've changed my main from bileth she's still the character that i've used more than anyone else on the roster and she's also the character that i feel the most comfortable using after spending hundreds of hours with that one character alone i feel like i can focus primarily on my opponent without even thinking about what my moves are it just feels more natural to me than when i use anyone else so if i feel most comfortable with bileth why isn't she my main anymore well it just so happens that other characters were introduced where i just felt an immediate attachment first came pyra and mithra and i switched to them not only because i was having loads of fun but also because i felt like my ceiling was much higher with them than with bilath then sora came out and i started to maintain him because i like his big goofy shoes you probably think i'm joking don't you so wait what are you supposed to do do you just main palutena because she has a side taunt that you really like should you mean joker because he's one of the best characters in the game well i hate asking the same question in basically all of my videos but here's the biggest factor when making your decision what are your goals what's your reason for having a man in the first place are you trying to be the best player in the world maybe the best player in your area with a specific character or are you just playing to have fun and get better at the game each one of those questions has different answers so if you're stressed about finding one character try thinking about it from your own circumstance let's just say that you're playing to have fun if that's the case i would highly recommend that you not worry about it just use everybody until you find a character that you like or a playstyle that works for you the main thing you need to be worrying about is enjoying the process not necessarily winning if you lose do you still feel yourself growing are there things about your character that you're still having fun with if you feel like you're getting angry with every single loss try doing free for alls with people who aren't playing too competitively eventually you'll figure out what does and doesn't work for you specifically while you may grow the quickest if you stick to one character you'll still grow even if there are three or four or five characters that you cycle between okay so now let's think about it from a competitive standpoint let's say you want to be competitive at a local level well what do you want to be known for do you want to be known as the best player in your city or state or would you rather be known as the best daisy player in your area either direction is totally fine and each one has its own bragging rights i just don't want you to focus on being at the top of your local power rankings if you're in the same region as a top 50 player or really anyone who's been playing competitively for a long time start with the small goals and let yourself grow little by little don't try to force pikachu if you don't even like using him instead use whoever you feel the most comfortable playing and if you really want to make another character work maybe try using them once per set i can't stress enough how important it is to not let tier lists influence your decision while yes some characters do have more potential than others it's not always possible to say which characters are the best or even which characters are viable tier lists are based on opinions they're not a scientific measuring stick for a character's meta just use who you like and only experience will tell you what your potential is with that character now that that's out of the way let's say that you're looking to compete at the highest level let's say that you want to be one of the best players in the world first of all do not make this your goal until after you've had success at your local level trying to shoot for the moon when you're still learning a character's kit will stress you out to the point where it just won't be fun anymore of course you should always push yourself to be a better smash player but just focus on the baby steps trust me it's amazing how much you can grow if you just let yourself play at your current level but just for fun let's just say that hypothetically you are the best player in your area should you stick with your main even if your best character is the ice climbers i'm going to say this one more time and i promise i'll be done are you trying to be the best ice climbers player in the world or are you trying to be the best player in the world if you're winning local tournaments and your goal is to win major tournaments you may have to drop your main for someone more viable that's not set in stone though there are top players out there who main luigi falco rosalina and even duck hunt then again there are also players out there who use mithra rob and roy it's up to you to determine how much potential you believe you have with your character do you think you can win major tournaments with toon link go ahead and try i would still recommend having another character in your back pocket though just in case now let's wrap up if you're like the vast majority of smash players you mainly play smash online and if that's the case don't worry about having one character and never using anyone else it's a game and one you should be playing to enjoy if you find yourself switching between 17 different characters then darn it that's exactly what you should do you think that just because i'm a sore main i've stopped using pyra and bileth heck no even if sora is the character that i use the most right now it doesn't mean that i don't still play other characters that i love there are 89 characters on this roster and i want you to enjoy that you don't need to limit yourself to one character but if you do i'd prefer that character come to you use whoever makes you happy whether that's just one or half the roster so what do you think do you have a main character is there anyone else you'd like to try out leave a comment to let me know and i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Red Gerran
Views: 433,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, smash bros ultimate, super smash bros, nintendo, switch, main, choose a main, find a main, main character, character, red gaming, red gerran, mario, captain falcon, ganondorf, kirby, pyra, mythra, sora, byleth, donkey kong, dk, palutena, pikachu, joker, marth, lucina, duck hunt, luigi, rosalina, falco, rob, roy, pit, samus, ness, lucas, ike
Id: 6wjIC6Q0Hkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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