Every Character's Hidden Ability Explained in Smash Bros Ultimate

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for many characters in the smash brothers series inherit hidden special abilities are a part of their kit in gameplay these hidden abilities can play a large role or be just a nice aspect to the character that makes them unique from the rest of the cast despite some being more important than others every single character in smash bros ultimate has a hidden mechanic or two that varies up their playstyle from other fighters not just from their moves or archetypes these aspects called special character abilities help differentiate the game and make each character a little more special to play in this video we will discuss each character's hidden mechanic in the game some may be helpful while some might be harmful some might have their whole character revolve around this mechanic while others might be extremely situational overall we will explain each character's mechanics so that you are able to understand every character's play style better and maybe learn something about a character that you never knew before as a note before we start not all characters have these special mechanics that are built into the game just for them so some mechanics might apply to more than one character or might not seem as special as others but this list denotes all unique special abilities for each character in this video [Music] mario is one of the only characters in the game that has an attack that does zero knockback no matter what if mario hits another character with a side b the cape they get turned around but he cannot actually do any knockback with this move but this does make it a great move for shield break punishes though donkey kong's forward throw is quite unique to his own character this throw sets up into dk's cargo throw mechanic in which he throws the opposing character on his back and can walk and jump around with them he can then throw them in four different directions up down forward and back with new throws to set up into new combos at zero percent when link performs a forward smash he shoots a small circular beam of light out of his sword this move only does a small amount of damage and is not very useful with his other projectiles but is a nice easter egg that the developers added into his moveset to reference his games samus's sidebee missile has two different variations depending on how the move is performed if the stick is moved with a tilt motion she will fire a pink homing missile that goes slower and moves in on the opponent if the stick is smashed she will send out a green super missile which is faster than the other variation while not unique to dark samus she is one of the characters who is able to angle one of her smash attacks with her forward smash it can be angled up down or in a normal neutral direction to cover more options this changes the attack's power but gives her some more versatility yoshi has a unique character ability with his double jump and that his larger hop has super armor through some of the jump this allows yoshi to move upward and recover a little better without getting edge guarded since he can tank through some of the opposing characters moves kirby's neutral b is the most unique varying attack in the game since he is able to eat other characters and take their neutral special this means that he has about 90 different neutral specials depending on the match up and is the most unique aspect about kirby fox's special ability does not have to do with a certain move or special mechanic but one that each character has falling in smash ultimate and other smash games fox is the fastest follower in the game and has the highest gravity making him drop like a rock in the air for better for worse since pikachu is a smooshy character after most of his aerials that he lands he squashes himself into the ground which has been dubbed pancaking by the community this makes him hard to hit when he lands with an aerial as he can duck under other characters moves and it makes landing moves with pikachu unpunishable against some characters while it is not the most competitively viable luigi has the only spiking taunt in the game which is extremely strong his down taunt is a move that has luigi swiping his foot along the ground and is able to two frame opponents and spike them at really low percents this move is a lot of startup so it is almost impossible to hit but it is a unique aspect to luigi with nessa's downsmash he performs the walk the dog trick with his yoyo on the ground this move can actually hover over the ledge and hit below it while the move is charging to edge guard people very easily this move is so unique since it hits below the ledge for a long time and allows him to edge guard while staying on stage captain falcon has many iconic moves with his falcon punch and the people's elbow but at a balance of hype and useful is his iconic knee of justice this move is actually the strongest ford error in the entire game and gives falcon the advantage over the rest of the cast in this regard jigglypuff's mechanic is one of the first ones that impacts the character negatively throughout all of smash when jigglypuff's shield breaks she is sent flying to the top of the screen and immediately killed no matter the percent she does not have a shield break but rather only death peach is one of the most useful mechanics to her character and that is her float ability by pressing down on the jump button peach is able to float in the air and get a lot better of a recovery but even better than that she can do aerials right off the ground by instantly floating and cancelling that float to make long and damaging combos daisy does have the float mechanic like peach but there's another mechanic that goes along with their down special and is the ability to pull items in a competitive game with an extremely small chance daisy can pull a bomb or a mr saturn and use it in a real match while it isn't likely it is possible for her to get these early kills off these random poles bowser's special mechanic is named tough guy this gives bowser heavy armor on most of his tilts in other moves he can power through all rapid jabs and essentially makes them impossible to work on bowser this mechanic also gives bowser a great time on the ledge in his ledge trapping as it is easy to trap with his downtilt probably the most well-known character mechanic comes from the ice climbers in terms of nana this character actually consists of two characters controlled at once the purple main ice climber popo and the pink assistant ice climber nana nana follows popo's movements but can be used in decent combos to deal great damage with all their moves and strings together sheik's needles are one of the only projectiles in the game that have transcendental properties this means that nothing other than hitting an opposing character or hitting the ground can stop them they will not interact with other hitboxes or projectiles and once they start their journey they will finish it zelda's unique character ability involves three of her aerials and it is the insane sweet spot versus sour spot difference in her forward back and down airs unlike most other moves with different hitboxes zelda's three aerials have extremely big and weak hitboxes around most of the move but a tiny and very strong hitbox right at the center if these moves connect they hurt badly but they must be perfectly spaced to do so dr mario has one of the strangest basic mechanics in a move throughout all of smash it is not something game breaking just odd unlike most kick nares which get weaker over time dr mario's actually gets stronger the longer it is held out for this means that landing with a full hop nare is stronger and more powerful than a rising nere peach's self-damage is the worst mechanic in the entire game and therefore hurts himself a little every time he uses them this is only a negative thing for pichu since it forces each hit to count so much more since a missed move is actually bad for the peachy player and it makes camping with tea jolts almost unreasonable to do similar to fox falgo's mechanic is not a mechanic at all but rather a maximum of a character ability and that is jumping falco has the highest jump in the game of smash and this allows him to create his long vertical combos with his crazy jump height in addition it also helps him recover with ease mart's mechanic is one that has been a part of his character since his first game of melee being his tipper mechanic all of marth's moves do a ton more damage in knockback and give a really satisfying sound when hit with the tip of the sword and force him to work on perfect spacing to excel an aspect of smash that players have been discussing to be more useful in the competitive scene is the aspect of walking while it has not been truly implemented into the top players games yet lucina mains will be an advantage when it is as she has the fastest walking speed in the entire game young link is one of those characters who possesses a passive shield which is actually not only visual but can also block projectiles when he is walking crouching or just standing youngling's deku shield will block all projectiles and help him out against other zoners but this ability is lost when he is in the air or running ganondorf's uphill while not useful in the competitive scene is interesting in that it is a move with the longest win box duration and is one of the only moves with a win box that pushes the opponent into the character performing the move this gives ganondorf the ability to surprise other opponents and hit the uptilt when they think they're safe mewtwo's ability is not necessarily a mechanic but rather a special aspect of his similar to fox and falco he's one of the few characters who has a delayed and large double jump and in fact he is the largest double jump in the entire game this means that similar to falco it can be used as another recovery and to make his combos more interesting similar to marth roy has a specific sweet spot on his sword but it is at the hilt of the sword closer to his hand this area of the sword does a lot more damage and knockback in addition the outer part is a weaker hitbox which can be used for its own advantages as well in combos krom is the only character in the game excluding his echo fighter roy who was able to kill at zero percent off the side of the stage while it will rarely be hit his fully charged neutral bee is able to obliterate stocks and take them at zero percent which will always give him a kill when he breaks his shield [Music] despite there being many reflectors and absorbers in the game mr gaiman watches down b bucket actually does both in one move the bucket will reflect physical projectiles and absorb energy-based ones and fill up his bucket with them without even thinking the game chooses this for him and fills up his bucket to launch an incredibly powerful oil spill attack while not a mechanic meta knight does have an interesting fact about his special moves that makes him unique which is that all four of his special moves put him into freefall after use this means that it is quite a risky strategy to use his moves off the ground since he will not be able to recover on the stage or it will put a ton of landing lag when he comes back to the stage pit's unique character ability is one that involves one of his moves but it can make him special with his down b pitt essentially gains an extra shield and one that he can use in the air making him the only character that can effectively shield in the air this helps him with his landing options immensely and allows him not to get edge guarded as much as other characters dark pit is one of the characters with multiple jumps in the game for the most part every character has two jumps but some characters like dark pit have a special third jump this allows him to have another aspect of variability in the game and more mix-up and recovery options when landing zeros who samus has the ability to stun opponents and paralyze them with two of her moves her down smash and her neutral beat with these moves the opponent is stuck in place and zss is able to charge up a powerful attack or get a combo going while she is not the only character with this ability she does have it twice which makes her unique in this aspect with wario's downbee waft he actually has a few ways of decreasing the timer by eating other characters or even projectiles such as his own by eating wario gets a few seconds off the wulf timer which is not the most helpful in the grand scheme of things but it's a nice aspect or mechanic that was thrown into the game snake's down throw is the only throw in the game that sets opponents into essentially a tech chase situation with his down throw he lays his opponent on the ground and tries to predict their get-up option to punish more effectively than normal throw with his down throw he lays his opponent on the ground and tries to predict their get-up option to create big punishes due to the zero knockback and allows him to punish even harder than a normal throw would let him do one of the funkiest interactions the entire game is the fact that ike can two frame with his up tilt it is not the most unique or special mechanic but it's something that is interesting that does not look right in the grand scheme of things but for sure it does happen during squirtle's side b withdrawal he has a special mechanic that is negative for him if someone jumps on the water pokemon shell as he is moving he is put into a long helpless date which allows the opponent to charge up a large attack or start a long combo this is an interesting mechanic that allows other characters to compete with squirrel's side b ivysaur is the strongest upsmash in the game which is his interesting and unique fact he charges up his bulb and hits it with a large explosion despite not being a heavy who usually have the strongest up smashes ivysaur is one of the largest ones as well not only just the strongest the camera in smash bros is great and is able to always capture the characters on screen however there are a few moves such as charizard's up throw that go past the camera and create an extremely cool visual effect where no players are on screen while it is not useful for gameplay it looks really cool and is a unique aspect to charizard's game diddy kong is the only character in the game who can actually pull an item that is classified as a casual item in the game by pulling a banana with his down b diddy is able to essentially play banana smash with items something not any other character in the game can do lucas is one of the characters who has a special property on one of his moves that does not have the specific attribute to it in better terms lucas's forward smash actually reflects projectiles and hits them back at the opponent this ability is not what the move is supposed to be used for but it's a nice added bonus sonic has two moves that are essentially the same his side b spin dash and his downbeat spin charge the main difference between these two is the single versus multi-hit types of moves but more interestingly sonic can jump during the charge of these moves at either a vertical or 45 degree angle to mix up the opponent and is a unique aspect to both of these moves that is slightly unknown king dedede with his side beat shoots out a gordo that can be shot out at different speeds but more interestingly unlike other characters who can hit the gordo back if the projectile is hit back to ddd while he is in the end lag of his side b he actually re-grabs the projectile the gordo and fires it again olimar has so many different mechanics that are difficult to understand but the most forgotten mechanic is the flowering ability of the pikmin all pikmin start out with a leaf on their head and over time it grows into a bulb and then a flower as the pikmin buds it becomes stronger and this encourages all of our players to try and protect their pikmin for a better reward even though it does not happen very often lucario's special mechanic might be the most well known in the game with his aura and it makes lucario as a character as he gains more damage or is down behind in stocks lucario gains aura which means that all of his moves get bigger and stronger it reaches a point where his back air is able to kill at some other percents in the low 50s rob is a move that is able to hit opponents back towards him so that he can create a wall between him in this move which is the infamous gyro by spitting out the gyro rob is able to down tilt and then move the other character into his gyro and back and forth until he gets the kill with a down smash or another breed toon link's bombs in order to be close to his game in wind waker have a unique visual effect similar to that game but it is more than just for show these bombs hide the characters behind the explosion and allow toon link to plan his next attack in the safety of the bomb's explosion and surprise the opposing character wolf's downsmash is such a polarizing move as it is able to completely obliterate some character's recovery with its ability to hit below the ledge extremely strongly too wolf can charge up this move and two frame or even just straight up hit below the ledge to get easy kills off light characters and those with bad recoveries with strong edge guarding and ledge trapping with his up and down airs villager uses a stack of turnips to either juggle or spike his opponent into the ground but the strength of these moves is not constant villager actually has a random chance of pulling one two or three turnips which increase the strengths of the move and the spiking ability mega man is one of the only characters in the game with a walking jab with his lemons mega man does not need to sit while she's shooting and can actually move and walk around to decrease the distance between himself and the opponent which gives the name walking jab many of wii fit trainer special moves heal her a small amount while it is not the most helpful or important aspect of her moveset it is a nice addition as her percent decreases and she becomes healthier as she does these moves just like in her game her neutral and downbeat are the moves with this added bonus rosalina and luma's special mechanic is not surprisingly luma luma is a puppet character who follows the moves of rosalina he has a low amount of health but he does respond in the middle of the stock after 13 seconds luma performs the same moves as rosalina and adds another layer of complexity to the duo's game little mac's special ability is really well known and improves his lackluster game immensely with his unique move ko punch as little mac takes or receives damage he builds his meter until it is full and he gets his ko punch which is one of the most powerful attacks in the game this attack is quick goes through shields and counters has super armor and kills at around 20 percent greninja and a few more other characters have a special wall cling mechanic that allows them to stick to the walls of stages and sit there for a while unlike a wall jump which pushes off the wall greninja can cling to the wall and hold his position for a little bit of time causing a major mix-up knee brawler like the other me's has the unique mechanic of having multiple move sets for his special moves the brawler has three different options for all four of his specials that can be set before the game and vary his playstyle up a lot and keeps the opponents on their toes one of these swordfighter's most unique mechanics is that he has a move with set knockback one of his neutral bees gale strike launches a tornado towards the opponent and hits them with a set amount of knockback no matter the weight or damage of the other character and allows him to follow up at any percent on all characters one of me gutter's up specials named canon jumpkick is one of the only upbease in the game which spikes this move is so interesting since it allows me gunner to recover and save herself while spiking the opponent and killing them at the same time on palutena's dash attack and back air she uses her shield and this gives her the unique mechanic of having invincibility on these two moves with her shield this allows palutana to approach with these two moves with a completely invincible shield on her arm to defend herself pac-man is the only move in the game which can be dropped this is a term that defines a move in which the character can drop through a platform perform an aerial and then re-land on the same platform without jumping with pac-man's up there he's able to perform this tech and is the only character in the game with the only move that can do so robin has a unique ability which is not so great for losing his resources on his smash attacks aerials and special moves his eleven sword creates some of the most powerful aerials in the game but he only has a certain amount of health attached to it until it switches to the weaker bronze sword he has a similar mechanic with his tomes for his specials which run out after a certain amount of use shulk's special ability is that his backslash actually does more damage and gives a special visual effect if he hits the back of the opponent while this may seem obvious because it is the move's name it is the fact that the smash team went into great depths to put this on his side b to give the game even more depth and diversity every time bowser jr gets hit if it hits the cart that he rides in it will do less damage than it would to any other character but if it hits his head it will do a little more this is a cool mechanic as it forces the opponents to aim for bowser junior's head with their moves and space better duck hunt has one of the most unknown hidden mechanics which is actually semi-useful in competitive play as duck hunt charges the smash attacks they will actually increase in size and distance between the gunshots and will be larger and have more range rio will always face his opponents just like he does in his own games allowing him to mash tilts and catch roles but it also has some limits in some regards overall auto turnaround is a unique mechanic that has its own advantages and disadvantages attached to it ken's tilts are some of the most interesting in the entire game in which they have both a heavy and a light version all of ken's tilts can either be pressed lightly to create a lighter weaker and quicker version or strongly pressed to get stronger killing tilts cloud's limit break mechanic was the most brutal in smash 4 and made him such a great character and even though it was heavily nerfed in this game it is still a unique mechanic and a strong one at that if cloud takes enough damage gives enough damage or charges his limit meter enough all of his special moves will get upgrades and become stronger a better recovery or a crazy early kill move corn is actually a pretty standard character but he has a special mechanic on his ford smash that actually has a hitbox on it while it charges during this corin's chainsaw sword keeps moving and it catches people inside and sets up for an f-smash and allows him to get a little more damage off of this move when bayonetta air dodges are witch times and gets hit in the first few frames of the move she turns into a flock of bats and takes half the damage and does not take any knockback this is called her bat's within mechanic in fact she ends up closer to the stage or at least a little more downward in order to get away safely from her opponent and end up in a better position and get out of disadvantage for free inkling's ink mechanic is another character's unique special mechanic that powers her up for a specific move set most of her moves cannot be used without ink or get majorly powered up with it in addition when she sprays her opponent with the ink they take more damage and it forces inkling players to keep track of the ink remaining in their tank to use their moves and power themselves up as well as deal more damage ridley has the most damaging single move in the game with his down special sweet spot while it is extremely hard to hit when ridley does get the small sweet spot it does 66 in a single hit and is the most damaging single move in the entire game with simon's vampire killer whip with the mace at the end of it he is able to attach himself to the edge using his aerials with the end mace part sticking into the ledge simon can snap from his up forward and back air this improves his poor recovery and lets him have a little more versatility of a recovery game if richter holds the a button which is his jab he ends up holding his whip and being able to spin it around based on where the stick is being moved this very minorly blocks small projectiles therefore it is not a great mechanic but an interesting one nonetheless king k rule is a special property of his belly armor on most of his moves in the game he extends his gold armor which absorbs some of the damage and takes away all the knockback in exchange for the armor taking damage if k-rool's armor takes enough damage it will break and essentially causes shield break isabel is the most unique grab in the game but it is not her normal grab but her side beat the fishing rod it is a shieldable grab which is not great for isabel but gives her a unique aspect to her game once she hits this grab it will set up for combos and even kills with its four unique throws incinerator has an extremely unique counter in his revenge in which his moves actually get powered up in strength and give him extremely early kills however there is actually a way to get rid of revenge which is to grab him this mechanic is slightly unknown to players but if he is grabbed all of his revenge disappears while not very useful and maybe the most situational move in the game piranha play attacks someone when they footstool him on the ground while he is crouching it is not strong or any good but it is quite unique and gives a small special attack that gives a reference to a classic mario game in which he does a similar attack the most well-known special mechanic in the game is joker's arsene specifically in a competitive scene similar to limit if joker takes a certain amount of damage deals a certain amount of damage or charges up his rebels guard through countering attacks our sen comes out and powers up all of joker's normals and upgrades all of his specials arsene is most likely the strongest special ability and has caused players such as mk leo to win major events in order to be similar to his game hiro was given critical hits on all of his match attacks with a 1-8 chance hero's smash tax will be powered up into an insane amount of damaging knockback but is totally random just like in dragon quest banjo and kazooie have a mechanic on their side b wonder wing which only has five uses per stock since it is a strong and totally invincible move the devs decided to add a limit to the amount of times that it can be used to balance it this is a reference to his games and gives great balance to an insanely strong move while terry has a unique mechanic in his go meter he actually has a more special mechanic in his back b terry is the only character in the game who has five main special moves done by different inputs if terry does a back b he does crack shoot a move that no other character has the ability to do bile's upbeat is very unique in that it is the only move in the game which a footstool move is used to attack the opponent if biles hits with his upbeat he grabs the opponent and brings himself towards their direction and footstools them causing them to be spiked downward and giving him the ability to get really early kills as well as recovering at the same time while smash attacks in the air have been discussed with some characters such as robin minman is the only character who actually has been given the ability to perform these smash attacks in the air if she holds down the inputs for her forward and back air in the air and smashes the stick she'll perform a stronger and slower version of the move her smash attack but in the air steve's unique mechanic plays an important role in competitive games that no other character revolves around with his mining ability steve gets different materials from each stage material therefore it forces players in the competitive scene who are playing against steve to not only pick stages based on play style but also on the materials it will give steve sephiroth's one wing angel is a special mechanic that makes him a true dlc character if sephiroth is considered in danger as sakurai said which means he takes a certain amount of damage or is behind in stocks he gains a wing and an extra jump super armor on his smash attacks and an overall damage increase similar to her counterpart mithra pyra has the ability to swap characters in the middle of the game if pyra uses her down b she swaps to mithra which allows her to change her special moves and swap to a faster but weaker character this allows pyromithr players to swap between a fast and stronger character when the time is right in pyrrha and a slower and weaker character when the time is right in mithra while mithra does ever down be swap to pyra she also has another unique special mechanic in her foresight similar to bannon's bats within if she does rolls spot dodges or air dodges and gets hit in the first few frames she will slow down time for a second and get better position and be able to punish the opposing character kazuya has the most unique movement option in the game which is his crouch dash by inputting a sure you can input kazuya can dash forward and be invincible to all projectiles this allows him to move around faster than his run and invincible approach something that he struggles with in general the final smash character in the game introduces a mechanic into smash that has surprisingly not been added before the idea of a scrolling move with his neutral be magic soros shuffles between three different spells to use faraga thundaga and blizzaga so it is not of the ability to choose which move comes out as it will cycle in a set rotation and give soar this unique mechanic now you've seen all the characters special abilities in smash this not only shows how unique each character is but how much work the developers put into each and every character to make sure they're all fun to play and unique while some mechanics are better than others these give each and every character their own moves abilities and archetypes and create them as a character in the game thank you so much for sticking through to the end of the video and i hope that you learned something make sure to subscribe like and comment and ring the bell for new videos coming soon you
Channel: Islanders61
Views: 484,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Smash bros, Islanders61, Islanders
Id: CwJusNmT64Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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