Can I Beat The World's BEST Ness?

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so today i'm gonna be versing the best nest player in the entire world oh thank you very much it's nice to be recognized finally as the best nest yo little z you ready to play no no no no so i'm here with the best nest in the world and today we're just going to be playing a first to 10. how you doing i am doing fantastic i'm glad you're in a good mood because with this australian lag that's that's probably going to be going downhill with a good move yeah you might be able to steal a couple games with the lag but still it's gonna be you stealing the games that's implying that you're the favorite here you're right i think i'm the favorite to win yeah everyone knows australia is better than the us couple millimeters to the right and that pk player is that all you do have you hit a move that is a pka fire it's the go-to ledge trap i mean with this lag there's no reaction to it i mean even the best nest in the world has to use nessa's best move right he got him man you just gotta get away with it you know what we made it back i may have only dealt the percent from my very first flame breath only dealt the percent from my very first flame breath but we could bring this back oh on the next stop we can bring it back on the next stock was how i was going to finish my sentence honey you've got a big john coming going for all the reads early on help me help me okay you're getting hit with like the day one nest combos no no no okay don't shield her can you stop with this you're using more proper rockets than puppet no it okay okay that's getting a little bit too big for your little nest panties right there that's panties just went for everything yo yo you actually need to use that one at the ledge i like how that was probably lag making you misspace it no oh i'm dead i'm dead yeah oh god so i didn't know you played bowser is that is that the go-to uh i don't really he is one of my best characters but you know we'll be going up in the character skill throughout the course of this first attempt i see you're going to download my nest with your bad character or if you're not great exactly oh okay pokemon trainer love this character you know ness kind of looks like he would be a pokemon trainer as well he's like 10 years old you know has the cap on that's all you really need to be able to be the pokemon champion according to the pokemon games i've seen that meme where a terry is adult ness pokemon trainer is teenage nest and well ness is kind of a slightly younger teenager i guess yeah it's like the evolution chain but in real life yeah looks like gotta beat us with fire oh oh oh no no no it's not very effective on lightning though i'm very dead what do we got oh no oh i did the back throw too early i like input it and then i got a pivot grab no i'm not dead surely whoa what i was at a hundred somehow never nerfed it yo yo at ledge no no no thanks for your tips last game oh no thank god okay you're not dead what do we got another back throw oh my god okay if you're throwing out pico flash that's the situation where i'm gonna get this secret sauce for you to do the most awful nest moves okay i'm fine kind of spicy right now oh really yep that's me you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation not quite [Music] no you're kidding i thought you couldn't charge that move for as long what an awful showbreak version so it's so soft i only just noticed i was on my last stop oh yep that's a bingo are you big into smash 4 uh i played a lot of smash 4 but i managed donkey kong so it's like did i really play the game or was i just fishing for grabs he was good in smash 4 though was he not but it's like you don't really play the game it's the mini game of like can i ding them i had a little book with all the ding dong percents and everything you were that guy i was that guy and you know who i lost to every grand finals for about two years a goddamn nest main oh no papa won but now you guys are good friends and the rivalry's dead right yeah let's go with that i mean it is his birthday today actually whatever day this video comes out [Music] play two characters they both have firebra ness doesn't really breathe it though does it except for maybe you you live and breathe pk fire it's you got it oh no you just straight up suicider for that one okay that's understandable okay here we go oh yep that's the uh that's the lag coming in i promise the go-to excuse for any wi-fi tournament ever excuse you where's my excuse for when my uh nail literally doesn't connect classic life styling oh my god i'm very hated i'm very dead you made it go for that long okay we still get the kill the flare blitz it's coming it's coming you'll never expect to win though i'm gonna guess right here yeah he expected it oh escape i've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment oh no no no not the yo-yo i kind of wish that dana would have killed me yeah what was that i was like okay for sure spiked him you might be the world's best nest but did you know i am the best in the world at another character can you guess who i'm gonna guess someone cheesy i'm gonna guess incineroar and or little mac no it's falco alcohol me and larry had our match together i beat him claim to the world's best falcon is you really i may have secretly turned on spirits oh no i'm not dead am i i think i actually was i don't even need to back throw me to kill me i'm certain i would have died there this whole video can't just be me back throwing little z i mean isn't that what you are as a nest main well let's save that for tournaments you can't try and deny your route [Music] no oh my god like that oh it's like i'm behind him teleports behind you and then just dies okay um remember how i said i was the best falco in the world this is not an accurate representation of my falco skill level or maybe it's the most accurate representation do you bring this back that might be that might give you the title if you bring this back that might give you the title all right i'm gonna bring out some some real characters again how about that getting a little bit too cocky okay this is yeah i've heard this heard legends of the australian king k rool but it's bengal it's not you so oh yeah see you ask anyone who they think the best king k rule in the world is or even in australia they'll say little z because i'm the one with 4 000 you know thumbnails with my pink k rule on it if the best k rule falls in the woods but no one knows they exist are they really the world's best k rule poor van gaal excuse you i know that trick i've gone for i've played against ness for years going for all the shenanigans oh why'd i angle it up i actually just angled my forward smash up and missed you you're a little boy you're not tall enough i don't think i'm dead little z's next video how to diy excuse you i died perfectly then that was not perfect the eye you're not the only one with a back throw mister thank god what's the edge guard i am not you're like oh this pj flash won't hit planning your next move but no i just head on right into it i gotta stick with the camera i can't go out like that i can't go out like that oh my god that was perfect from so long ago i know i can still live this oh my god okay this is definitely making my camera look a lot worse oh no oh that's the nest without a jump and how do you still recover every time he's got the angles what do you call it it's not like a mangle it's like a banger wear it around your wrist yeah we gotta call it something else that's how good it is okay that's something okay how about that angle though bounce him off the stage oh i'm dead maybe not yep okay oh my god i can respect that though oh is that really gonna kill me okay this k rool needs to be retired oh no that was the closest one it's seven nil at the moment 70 oh no okay the wario though scared of the wario but the wario and lag is like is not good this is not my best character against nest still can you guess who my best one would yeah gay game watch because i told you that's the worst match no no no no i don't care about match-ups in this house i see you no no bike oh the warrior was a mistake here oh i'm a mistake that was a mistake did you just say i'm a mistake yeah don't tell my parents that's rough buddy right oh that was meant to be a bike okay but if you want to beat ness as warrior you have to go ham on the edge guards that's the only way you do it it genuinely is maybe you can get a walk here save the game speak it into existence for you no but nothing combos into it anymore oh that was unfortunate all right we got two matches left i need to at least get one win in the first ten but donkey kong is also the character i sd with the most in lag that's right you thought you saw it all with sds yeah i mean yeah he's got the worst recovery out of anyone you played the pressure you think the donkey kong is going to stop mashing buttons never what oh the period hit you in between the forward that's what i'm talking about this monkey knows some tricks no he interrupted my puppy okay oh and i missed the tech anyway he's going for it okay okay you know that trick okay and i know some tricks on edge guarding this too 100 intentional no this is it no no that was such a scary position to be in i couldn't even check it i swear i've been in that situation a thousand times against this and i panicked that's too much on the line [Applause] i'm going high it didn't matter oh come on you could have backed through me there right ah what i didn't kill you last time so i was worried oh no no jump oh thank god i didn't actually know you didn't have a jump you just gave that one away now do you have a job uh no i also don't have a single win against this goddamn nest dude man is that the 10 oh no emergency best of five with donkey kong only two matches with dk okay best of five with the dk you know you won the first of ten whatever that didn't matter what really matters is if i can win a single game it matters to me that i don't lose a single game so oh yeah too bad for you uh we're gonna keep playing until i win so i hope you guys will like hour-long content little to these longest youtube videos it's looking like it at the moment [Music] oh if i timed that right though how the hell do you do that angle every time in the lag i can't even recover as wario in the land oh no am i my last stock how did i not know that the way his eyes pop out of his skull never will fail to make me laugh best of seven you you end games quickly donkey kong is pretty good for that as well though that's that's true fair past the ledge oh you're not every nest player ever not this time oh please yeah it didn't mash out i knew it would break your shield there's a certain time where you just keep pressing side b and you know it's going to work whoa what's that what oh i air dodged okay don't jump here i did you even talk you told me not to but too late it didn't come through discord it was yeah bye bye oh again a third time okay okay looks like we found the only way i'm gonna get kills against your nest i punched i'm dead emergency best of nine i've got the download the 12 match download slow download but i'll take it i'm still on dial up internet oh that was nice big tomah big back throw that's they should nerf that can i be honest only nest made to ever say that you probably used them more than any other nest main though to be honest that's a good point come on you didn't die to that i need to land very badly all right yeah great place to land surprise i don't know how that was like the best get off the ledge option i've done all videos yeah donkey puncher dove okay okay you know what at least i'm still bad time to start that sentence oh yeah thank god that's gonna be the only way i get kills this match you messing up your landings with the uppie oh [Music] okay this is the real last match the real i think this is the seventh last match not complaining i don't think it's been that many it's been a lot but i had to channel the powers from australian pop-up one himself why and i need to beat you in the nested yes so we agree that the winner of this is the world's best nest agreed yeah what do you think of my angles there that was an insane upbeat the way you drew a circle to recover was really impressive oh the fire too oh yeah how do you like it i hate it do you like it do you get like unnecessarily annoyed by your own characters 100 so i find that whenever i play someone i play and then do the exact same stuff that i always do i'm like 10 times more enough yeah i'm the same way and i'm like how do you deal with this move [Music] if you didn't expect that oh you did expect the double air dodge does he have these angles the only angle i'm going is straight down what do i do here oh you ain't you ain't heard about my angles oh oh he didn't expect it he didn't expect me to not hit myself at all i didn't even expect it that's how good it was it's over the three is stuck against my neck you're an ass serious potential serious but you've got the angles down so i mean you're halfway there now you just gotta pray you know what your best ness i may not have taken your title best of the world but i think my new tag can be worse next thank you very much for coming and winning what was it 15 consecutive matches against me amazing practice thanks for having me on really appreciate you reaching out um i stream on slash send that's s-c-e-n-d and youtube as well let me send all your viewers over there to go and follow on twitch big brain little z i would have never have thought of that thank you so much [Applause] you
Channel: Little Z
Views: 522,386
Rating: 4.9678059 out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash
Id: KHiD4ecP3dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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