How James Corden Destroyed His Reputation

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James Corden has slowly developed one of the worst reputations in media history and the foundation for his decline began when people started to realize that James Corden was a completely different person when he wasn't on camera as an actor and the main host of The Late Late Show James presents as a happy polite easy-going comedian whose goal is to Simply make the audience laugh although there's a mountain of evidence showing that in his private life he's the exact opposite to this with his rude nature developing after he first became famous back in 2008. as a result of his excellent performance on a British TV show called Gavin and Stacy James would win the British equivalent of an Oscar although accompanying this award was an ego boost that began to get out of control you can start to think you're perhaps a bit more of a dude than you really are and that very much happened to me you know I had a Swagger in my walk as mentioned James caught in sudden explosion into Fame led him to believe that he was more of a dude than he really was which would eventually translate into him treating everyone around him like a garbage James explained that as 2008 war on it got so bad I was being rude to my agent and I even started being rude to Ruth if I was in company and the conversation wasn't revolving around me I would just switch off in addition to being rude to everyone around him Gordon began to live a typically irresponsible newly famous lifestyle it started going out quite a lot this door had opened to this world that I thought looked like fun where people go you're amazing you're great can I have a photo do you want a drink come out with us and so you just end up on this path of just 3am cab rides with people you don't know heading across London to someone's house who you don't know either with a group of people who think it's amazing that you're there this is an intoxicating thing to be part of all of which being noticed by another Gavin and Stacy actor Rob brydon who explained that when he first met James Corden six years prior he was very impressed by him yet after winning the Oscar award James Corden was on a roller coaster this boy from High Wycombe and he suddenly enjoying the fruits of his success and he just lost his way for a bit he was burning the candle at both ends and becoming ready and irritable James Corden claimed that his streak of irresponsibility came to an end after attending 18 months of therapy although even after this there were still countless examples of him treating people like garbage for example James Corden stated in a bbc4 interview that he needed to bully his way to the top of the media World which can be observed in certain events such as the time he get into a public argument with another incredibly respected actor Patrick Stewart whilst on stage when the presenters are up here and when the recipients are receiving their Awards don't stand at the back of the stage with your hands in your pockets looking around as though you wished you were Anywhere But Here oh you couldn't be more wrong sir and if it looked like that I'm so sorry but when you come up and present an award just get on with it after Patrick Stewart would confront James about looking disinterested during the presentation the argument would escalate in front of everyone sorry I'm waiting for the punchline gone no seriously go on okay no go on you can see my belly and we can all see you dying right now let's go for it which was concluded by James and Patrick bickering in the background while someone else was talking on the microphone now to cut James some slack Patrick Stewart was probably in the wrong here considering he was the person who began the argument interestingly after James Corden gave him a very favorable introduction what was really confusing about it was I gave him like a massive intro yeah I know I said ladies and Gentlemen please welcome an actor who's held in such high esteem please welcome the brilliant Sir Patrick Stewart and then he came up and did that although James still decided to engage and clap back with a few Jabs of his own so it's safe to say that he also had some degree of responsibility there are other examples of similar situations where James has acted rudely however only after being provoked by someone else first countless Paparazzi video showed James walking through Los Angeles looking quite angry and disinterested although having a camera involuntarily shoved into your face probably doesn't facilitate the best environment for a good mood there was also the time when aunt and deck played a prank on James Corden attempting to make him late for work work although considering they were literally going out of their way to make him angry James probably gets another pass here however when James Corden would post one of the most brutal Reddit ask me any things in Internet history three fan interactions were highlighted which James had absolutely no excuse for hey James you won't remember me but me and my friends sat at a table next to you and Harry Styles plus some others in Manchurian Legends in London's Chinatown about six years ago we didn't bother you but you were a massively entitled dick who yelled and treated the weight stuff like [ __ ] and when one of my party politely suggested you calm down you got really aggressive and threatening so my question is this why did Harry seem so cool while you were such a massive throbbing bell end this post was followed by another witch read I went to a James Corden live recording a while back he had nearly zero interaction with the audience before slash after the show and was on his phone entirely during commercial breaks I guess that's his prerogative he may have been having a bad day I also realize it must be difficult to be on all the time but I remember being extremely disappointed by comparison I've been to a Jimmy Fallon recording and a letterman recording and I can say with full conviction that those guys really seem like they cared about Their audience and worked their hardest to entertain them even while the cameras weren't recording which was followed by one final anecdote reading massive dick in person I saw A League of Their Own filming live through multiple Tantrums over minor things at the production staff with him being incredibly rude to them which made the other regular seem very awkward like it was usual between each take the other slabs would be chatting amongst themselves bantering about James was glued to his phone at the end of the filming people got up to go get pictures with James and he massively kicked off shouting at people to go away and go back to their seats and the few he did let her pitches with he was Moody as seeing him like that made me realize everything you see of his on TV is a complete Persona when continuing on through the AMA it becomes pretty obvious as to why James Corden only answered three different questions before Calling it Quits why are you James such a deeply unpleasant person did your parents raise you that way have you ever considered being funny or likable James are you aware that everyone thinks you're a hack and a talentless ass hat with his third comment here relating to the next reason behind James corden's decline many of his own on-screen performances have simply been terrible a petition requesting that James Corden not be cast in Wicked the movie gained close to a hundred and ten thousand signatures and after friends announced that James corner will be hosting the TV show's 15-year reunion he'd received Twitter responses such as don't get me wrong I've been wanting a friend's reunion since 2004 but if someone told me James Corden would be in it I'd have told them not to bother James Corden adding the friend's reunion to the list of things he's ruined with his mere presence additionally after starring as the main character in The 2019 film cats the movie received a 2.8 out of 10 star rating on IMDb as well as reviews so awful that James Corden didn't even end up watching the movie himself however James stating that he didn't watch the movie wasn't the only thing that was interesting about this interview as he'd also discussed another topic which had turned much of his audience against him his beef with another talk show host Bill Maher in September of 2019 bilma published an editorial about obesity with the contents of such being discussed on The Joe Rogan podcast look you can't keep eating as much as you want and as shitty a food as you want you just can't that is not something that anybody wants to hear though people loved it until James Corden said something as mentioned James Corden wasn't too happy with these comments I would call Bill Maher out by making both some reasonable arguments if making fun of fat people made them lose weight there'd be no fat kids in schools and I'd have a six-pack by now as well as some awful ones such as a zero personal responsibility statement that Bill Maher was simply lucky to have a body that burned more calories than him we're not all as lucky as Bill Maher you know we don't all have a sense of superiority that burns 35 000 calories a day which Bill interpreted as the easy low risk way out of the argument team missed a great opportunity to literally save lives he took the easy way out of course you can always get Applause for saying oh let's let's boo the mean man who's told the truth that's not brave as is usually the case with these kinds of topics there were supporters for both sides of the argument however James unnecessarily forcing himself into such a device conversation where people already disagree with him was probably a net negative toward his reputation just like the time his carpool karaoke was outed for being fake the segment during which James Corden drives around singing songs with various famous musicians was called out by user on Twitter in early 2020 after they noticed Justin Bieber and James Corden in a car which wasn't being driven but rather being pulled on a trailer the video would rack up over 14 million views which prompted an incredibly hilarious response from James Corden himself in which he would go ahead and debunk the claim that the series had been faked 95 of the time I really am endangering the lives of the world's biggest pop stars here is a list of every carpool karaoke where I've used a toe and this is a list of everyone where I was driving the car okay however while Gordon did a pretty good job of debunking these claims there are still countless comments on every couple karaoke from people who never saw the debunk calling the videos fake this all feels so fake when you know he's not actually driving fake News James isn't actually driving James Corden stopped cheating people with your carpool karaoke can't believe all these celebrities put up with this fake show next time Elise Drive the damn car it seems like even when James Corden is in the right his audience selectively decides that he's still in the wrong which has also been speculated as part of the reason behind his recent announcement that he's leaving the public Spotlight on the 29th of April 2022 James Corden would upload a video to his YouTube channel titled James Corden discusses his late night future in which it announced that he'd only be hosting the show for one more year I've decided to sign for one more year on the show and that this will be this will be my last year hosting the late nation in a different interview James Corden specified that his motive for leaving the entertainment industry was to spend more time with his family I don't want to do it forever we're a really long way away from home and we're a really long way away from people who are getting older and we're a really long way from them if something should ever happen and that plays on my mind a lot however many have speculated that being such a disliked celebrity has put an unbearable amount of pressure on him which becomes especially obvious when looking at the comments regarding his retirement James Corden is a talentless bag of garbage goodbye good riddance finally we don't want him anymore ruins everything he's involved in probably one of the most annoying people in the business it seems please don't come back to the UK please don't come back to the UK please don't come back to the UK with each of these comments being accompanied by flattering articles such as farewell James Corden you were an [ __ ]
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 12,462,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, james corden, james corden cancelled, james corden canceled, james corden exposed, james corden bts, bts james corden, top10, top 10 list, top 10 videos, worst moments, james corden spill your guts, james corden mouse, celebrities, celebrity news, late night show, entertainment news, bts, celebrity, james corden show, rude celebrities, karaoke, celeb news, celebrity gossip, late late show, mean celebrities, celebrity rumors, james corden cats, bts army, informoverload
Id: mxCZUz2F24E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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