Stereotypical Media depiction of CBRN Gear

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Oh so I thought I'd do a video dressed up like a stereotypical soldier from a videogame or something or a film in basically what equates in film or game technology to NBC gear now you'll know if you've watched my videos before I've done other videos on like things games and films get wrong about gas masks which always seems to upset people because they think they know best so I fought in this video I actually kind of dress up like how they do so I've not got any body armor on or anything at the moment but obviously you could have that one as well so what the main offenders well I've got my gas mask on with no filter that sort of see the big one that's what most movies and films and you know games everything like to do now I've heard some people say in movies that make sense because they don't want to risk exposing the actors to stuff in the filter then can't their props Department make the fake filter to stick on or just by a modern safe filter but you know it's always stupid when you see guys going around contaminated areas of their gas masks on but there's no filter to actually go in the mask it's just you know aren't no filter so that obviously offers no protection bonus points if the mask actually provides them with oxygen as well so there's no visible air tanks no air lines going into the mask that somehow the mask actually works in a zero such an environment or underwater or ever else that's another one so it has no way of filtering the air whatsoever while providing it but it does as I've mentioned before masks over a balaclava roll hood this stops the mask getting an airtight seal if I can block heat intake hole you see it's not pressurizing reason being that the air is just coming in through the breathable material of the balaclava and also masks won't pull itself tight to my face because there's obviously a hood under it now some people are saying what if you actually have some sort of really thin rubber hood on well that might work but regardless with proper and see hoods you'd wear them over the mask so the seal of the hood is round mask like that and the mask is to your face now this is another thing films get wrong quite often because it looks cooler they'll have the mast on top of the NBC hood where it wouldn't make a seal but you know imagine NBC's super just like this also generate they always have gloves on that's under salt whether they actually be proper chemical gloves or not or just like tactical gloves in lots of films and games their arms are always exposed even if there's meant to be nerve agent or mustard gas or something in the air that would really hurt their arms you know will kill them through skin contact it's just left like that so you know they're always going to be contaminated no matter what now we could change things up a bit another thing that could be done is rather than there being no filter on the mast what you could have is a mask with a filter on it but the filters still sealed now obviously that wouldn't happen in the film because the actor would suffocate to death but in a game this was a big thing in Call of Duty 4 and I think maybe some of the modern warfare sequels if you looked at the guys who GP fives on or other similar masks they actually had a sealed filter in there obviously because they saw a photo I guess when they modelled the mask with the plug in the bottom and then they said oh that must be how it works you know because they're modeling it for a game they're like she getting an actor to wear it now I've actually had people in the comments try and defend that by saying no you do realise that you can use a filter of a plug in the bottom now you can use it briefly for less than a minute until you suffocate to death like yes but you know whatever if you're a big fan boy and you think the filters can work while they're still sealed go ahead and try I guess obviously I'm not going to be responsible when you suffocate and there's a big reason manufacturers but warnings on you know saying open the filter properly before putting it on the mask so there's all the stuff like that obviously you've got things like metro as well where the filters always expire every five minutes I've been over this before that's purely down for gameplay reasons lots of people have come up with in universe explanations why it is most of them being pretty BS a couple of people have come up with good theories but again it's there's nothing the backs up it's just a fairy and supposedly in the novel which I'm not read Metro 2033 there is never any explanation given saying filters expire in exactly five minutes no matter what they're exposed to again that's a gameplay element you know to keep you having to sort of use a filter inventory management kind of thing which is kind of fine if it's you know just being done in the game but then people are also saying there's an exploit where you can keep taking a mask on and off every kind of second and that stops you suffocating because for whatever reason your character only suffocates if their mask is off for a certain amount of time so you take the mask off starts suffocating for a few seconds put the mask back on and just keep repeating that because I'll see ya that's the breaking gameplay element so you know lots of things like this I said I've covered lots of these before in these videos but people find these sort of ones funny but yeah always the hood is on the head first and then the gas mask is over it there's never a filter on the gas mask and if it is it's a sealed filter so it wouldn't you know personally suffocate anyway maybe they're using it in an environment with no oxygen or whatever else and they've not got an air tank and an airline going into the mask either it's just simply you know it provides in the vert for no reason there's just loads and loads of things like that and again in heavily contaminated areas no NBC suits on gloves like this I'm gonna protect you very much if the entire area around you is you know going to actually just kill you coming into skin contact will give you horribly sort of you know blistered skin so there you go that's the sort of more of a stereotypical crap in games and films so what I want you to do if you're for some reason a directory you're actually watching this go and actually look at photos or videos of real soldiers operating on NBC environments and see how they've got their suits and equipment on and then when you make your game you can actually make it realistic as well what you could also do if you wanted to do it wrong is do like the thing when rainbow succeed you have sledges masks where he has a mask but then the actual intake is blocked to the blanking plug so he'd suffocate to death and he doesn't have a filter on IVA which is like the worst possible depiction I've ever seen of a mask in the game but they you go so that's the points to cover just more of the silly things that are wrong and that's your explanation why are wrong films and games with gas mops oh and another quick point before I forget you can tell I'm not shaved in a couple of days that's another thing soldiers with big massages and beards wearing gas masks and they work absolutely fine as I've probably covered before lots of videos ideally you want your hair shaved of a gas mask and completely clean shaven you know like shaving daily we've not even like a stubble trimmer but an actual proper um shaver or obviously like razor doing it yourself the reason being obviously hair can get in the way of a seal on a mask if that gets in the way generally most offers aren't as bad especially if there's smaller ones but you know if you had a massive one going all the way around into a beard obviously wouldn't work because obviously if you've got loads of stubble here or actually longer beard how the mask isn't going to make the proper seal with the face which should be quite obvious now I have heard people say that you know they've got beards and there are particular masks that still seem to make a face see oh yeah that is entirely possible but the point is that you know in lots of militaries they have a very far as standard on if you have facial hair it can only be in a certain way and it has to be you know shaved off regularly if not else but in lots of films and games that just doesn't apply the because I guess the actors can't be bothered to shave off their facial hair for the role they just have whatever facial hair possible even though they might be wearing masks so you know there's a big beard coming out from underneath a mask great big bushy beard and obviously that wouldn't work in reality now would it that reminds me honey to actually have a shave um there you go that's just another thing I thought of just about to pack the camera way actually yeah facial hair as well so there you go more things that are wrong in films and games without gas masks you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 17,112
Rating: 4.9493032 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Stereotypical Media depiction of CBRN Gear, things games and movies get wrong about gas masks
Id: cHFcGfp57Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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