Respirators and Claustrophobia

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hello so one question I've seen people asking a lot in both YouTube comments and people sort of talking about on the discord Channel and as I said the discourse of patreon is only so don't keep asking for the links in the video comments is why do gas masks make you feel claustrophobic and some better than others for that I might say yes and no now personally I don't really get claustrophobia the only sort of thing I'd get like that is if I imagine trying to crawl through some really tight tunnel just because I think your brain with common sense is saying don't do that you'll get stuck and I like when people die in caving and under a cave-in type things so going back to the subject of gas masks and respirators what masks are the worst for sort of making you feel claustrophobic and paranoid due to their design and which the best and this might vary from person to person and the important no I want to say on this video is if you're wearing a full-body NBC suit that is going to make you feel a lot more claustrophobic because there's more layers of you know everything being stuck onto you so we'll get onto that in a moment but I say in terms of the most claustrophobic helmet masks like the gp5 a helmet mask refers to a mouse that uses a hood to keep the mask on your head the reason being is they go over more of your head than other masks if you see the insight now but the reason obviously this might make you feel more claustrophobic is that the mask itself is fairly small and tight you stretch it over your head and then it pulls itself tight your head using friction so to give you an idea it really does go over most of the head if you're not familiar of leave so yeah when you have a gp5 on or similar mask of him what using the filter for obvious reasons they do sort of encapsulate most of your head where if you're some do use very claustrophobic you might not like this I said GP 5s are actually really good for just cheap masks for the fact it would you know offer protection it's very basic but works obviously don't use the original filters of these worth saying every time you do a video on but yeah in terms of claustrophobia I think maybe to worse especially if you've got that rubber hood on your head and then you've put another hood over and tighten that hood or an NBC suit you're going to feel very stuck in the mask so I'd say GP fives another sort of helmet hood masks are the worse for claustrophobia especially the ones that wear once you've put the hood on there's like a strap to tighten as I've seen on a few of them because then you've kind of got an extra layer keeping the mask on your head so yeah I'd say GP five is probably the worst ones in terms of making you feel claustrophobic if you're in you know if that's a problem for you so avoid helmet masks like the GP five okay next we're going to look at massive two eyepieces but that use straps and there's a couple of factors when we go over masks like this one of the factors is how many straps does it have how easy are they to adjust and everything else in a good case scenario if somebody's a bit claustrophobic you'll have a mask that Scott each strap can be adjusted differently the m15 here loses some points as a top strap can't be easily adjusted only the side straps adjust easily but it does depend on the mask but the point is that with muss like this you can at least undo the individual straps if you need to so you can make the mouth tighter or looser in places which I imagine would help now the mask side rate lower than this I don't how many I can conveniently get out are the ones where they have like a six or five-point head harness but they tighten on the bottom two straps I think with Soviet mm one does that and the GP four does that but the point being that they're ones where because you're tightening the entire mask via two straps you know you're not gonna have as much control over how tight or loose the mask is on your head so there's that but obviously masks like this compared to the gp5 don't cover as much of your head your ears are free obviously if you're wearing an NBC hood over it your ears aren't free but the point is that you've obviously so there's the mask that I think I'm doing up individual straps there we go so this mask at least you can you know get it as tight or loose as you want and you know you've got more control over how tight is on your head as you see ears of freezer those things so lest of your head is covered them of a gp5 for example but imagine is still own might make some people feel quite claustrophobic so the best mask I've got probably in terms of not making you feel claustrophobic is a Polish mp5 the reason being panoramic lens at the front so better field of view because I think that helps a lot for people to feel claustrophobic and it's got that weird strap system which I personally don't like but I imagine if you're somebody who feels a bit claustrophobic this would really help you so how the strap system works basically you adjust the individual straps to how tight you want them and then you put your face into it and then you just hook this over at the back so the mask is the straps held on with little hooks which I said I'm not a massive fan of that design but I think if you were some of the who feels claustrophobic that would be good for you so let me just demonstrate so pop the mask on your face hold it on tight get these straps over the back which I probably managed to tangle up stupidly now where I was trying to demonstrate how they wrapped over there we go so now these straps are down you can see the mask is sort of holding my face so now all I'm doing is I'm just stretching us a bit and hooking it over besides you can see the mask is held to my face justify a to scrap slash so that's good I think I've managed to tangle that black strap putting it on this time but oh well just the demonstration purposes doesn't really matter well the point is that a mask like this is you know you've got your panoramic lens so you can see you out you've only got two points where the mask is actually on your head so if you want to get it off you can do that very easily just by doing that is it easier to get the straps off and on this mask as well and yet overall just a very competent design from us that's easy to take on and cut off because all you are doing literally is just stretching these over okay so yeah all in all this is a very good mask from not feeling claustrophobic the polish mp5 just because easy to take on and off and panoramic lens however as I was saying a lot of this is impacted by an NBC suit because if you've got an NBC suit on I think that's where it makes the biggest difference like so I don't normally feel claustrophobic but I can certainly feel women and me Sisu on that would be you know the one that would get to people more because once you've got your mask of choice on you are putting a hood over your head and tightening that hood to get the mask to stay you know in the hood to stay airtight or sort of watertight with the mask so in terms of NBC suits that are more friendly to people who feel are claustrophobic I would say the British style ones you know like the mark three mark for NBC suits the modern kind of charcoal NBC suits any of those you can get obviously like I said I don't particularly like those NBC suits because they expire because they've got chalk on it but then like the Polish who one suit if it was called that if I remember right those sort of suits the reason that they're you know as I said good is because it's basically more of a fabric type material doesn't feel thick and heavy and you're normally tightening that via drawstring or elastic it's like elasticated with a lot of the rubber suits often which you've got the hood on you'll then having to do up lots of straps you know like wrapping stuff around you tightening it oh actually I forgot I say the mass that's probably the most claustrophobic and I didn't include it is that polish sr one casualty mask if I'm getting the mask name right or the other kind of invalid type masks where it's designed so something else tightens it onto you so it's where the entire mask goes on a bit like a gp5 but then it goes down your neck quite away and then they strap you into the mask yeah I imagine that would make you feel a bit more um you know paranoid certainly would for me if I was in one of those claustrophobic and everything but yeah in terms of NBC suits the worst would be like really thick heavy rubber ones lots of straps and the best to be the sort of lightweight charcoal suits and of course if you've got as I said before a decent heavy-duty raincoat you might actually prefer just to use that because you'll be more familiar of how it works you know putting the hood on tightening it up then using an NBC suit and as I said most raincoats if they are thick and decent ones will offer very good protection because all an NBC suit is essentially as a waterproof piece of clothing the idea is that gas vapor can't get through the suit to touch your skin you know as opposed to just getting you wet and affecting the skin that way so anyway hopefully this video has been useful in explaining you know why some masks and some suits are better or worse and others hopefully it does help people who want to get masks but think oh I can cope having that on my head I sell I think a lot of it is down to personal preference and things like that but I definitely rank helmet masks is the worst in terms of claustrophobia and panoramic lens masks easy to take on and off is probably the most comfortable in that regard just simply because you can see more out of the mask and they're very quick to take off thanks for watching you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 9,203
Rating: 4.9168591 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Respirators and Claustrophobia, gas mask claustrophobia
Id: NlQEvezTdcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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